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7586 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF NATIONAL INTEGRATED PROTECTED AREAS SYSTEM, DEFINING ITS SCOPE AND COVERAGE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECTION 1. Title - This Act shall be no!n and referred to as the "#ational $ntegrated Protected Areas System Act of %&&'"( SECTION 2. )eclaration of Policy - Cogni*ant of the profound impact of man+s activities on all components of the natural environment particularly the effect of increasing population, resource e-ploitation and industrial advancement and recogni*ing the critical importance of protecting and maintaining the natural biological and physical diversities of the environment notably on areas !ith biologically uni.ue features to sustain human life and development, as !ell as plant and animal life, it is hereby declared the policy of the State to secure for the /ilipino people of present and future generations the perpetual e-istence of all native plants and animals through the establishment of a comprehensive system of integrated protected areas !ithin the classification of national par as provided for in the Constitution( $t is hereby recogni*ed that these areas, although distinct in features, posses common ecological values that may be incorporated into a holistic plan representative of our natural heritage0 that effective administration of this area is possible only through cooperation among national government, local government and concerned private organi*ations0 that the use and en1oyment of these protected areas must be consistent !ith the principles of biological diversity and sustainable development( To this end, there is hereby established a #ational $ntegrated Protected Areas System 2#$PAS3, !hich shall encompass outstandingly remar able areas and biologically important public lands that are habitats of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, biogeographic *ones and related ecosystems, !hether terrestrial, !etland or marine, all of !hich shall be designated as "protected areas"( SECTION 3. Categories - The follo!ing categories of protected areas are hereby established: a( b( c( d( e( f( g( h( Strict nature reserve0 #atural par 0 #atural monument0 4ildlife sanctuary0 Protected landscapes and seascapes0 Resource reserve0 #atural biotic areas0 and 5ther categories established by la!, conventions or international agreements !hich the Philippine 6overnment is a signatory(

SECTION 4. )efinition of Terms - /or purposes of this Act, the follo!ing terms shall be defined as follo!s: a( "#ational $ntegrated Protected Areas System 2#$PAS3" is the classification and administration of all designated protected areas to maintain essential ecological processes and life-support systems, to preserve genetic diversity, to ensure sustainable use of resources found therein, and to maintain their natural conditions to the greatest e-tent possible0 "Protected Area" refers to identified portions of land and !ater set aside by reason of their uni.ue physical and biological significance, managed to enhance biological diversity and protected against destructive human e-ploitation0 "Buffer *ones" are identified areas outside the boundaries of and immediately ad1acent to designated protected areas pursuant to Section 7 that need special development control in order to avoid or minimi*e harm to the protected area0 "$ndigenous cultural community" refers to a group of people sharing common bonds of language, customs, traditions and other distinctive cultural traits and !ho have since time immemorial, occupied, possessed and utili*ed a territory0 "#ational par " refers to a forest reservation essentially of natural !ilderness character !hich has been !ithdra!n from settlement, occupancy or any form of e-ploitation e-cept in conformity !ith approved management plan and set aside as such e-clusively to conserve the area or preserve the scenery, the natural and historic ob1ects, !ild animals and plants therein and to provide en1oyment of these features in such areas0 "#atural monuments" is a relatively small area focused on protection of small features to protect or preserve nationally significant natural features on account of their special interest or uni.ue characteristics0 "#atural biotic area" is an area set aside to allo! the !ay of life of societies living in harmony !ith the environment to adapt to modern technology at their pace0 "#atural par " is a relatively large area not materially altered by human activity !here e-tractive resource uses are not allo!ed and maintained to protect outstanding natural and scenic areas of national or international significance for scientific, educational and recreational use0 "Protected landscapes8seascapes" are areas of national significance !hich are characteri*ed by the harmonious interaction of man and land !hile providing opportunities for public en1oyment through the recreation and tourism !ithin the normal lifestyle and economic activity of these areas0 "Resource reserve" is an e-tensive and relatively isolated and uninhabited area normally !ith difficult access designated as such to protect natural resources of the area










for future use and prevent or contain development activities that could affect the resource pending the establishment of ob1ectives !hich are based upon appropriate no!ledge and planning0 ( "Strict nature reserve" is an area possessing some outstanding ecosystem, features and8or species of flora and fauna of national scientific importance maintained to protect nature and maintain processes in an undisturbed state in order to have ecologically representative e-amples of the natural environment available for scientific study, environmental monitoring, education, and for the maintenance of genetic resources in a dynamic and evolutionary state0 "Tenured migrant communities" are communities !ithin protected areas !hich have actually and continuously occupied such areas for five 293 years before the designation of the same as protected areas in accordance !ith this Act and are solely dependent therein for subsistence0 and d(

5ffices, Provincial :nvironment and #atural Resources 5ffices 2P:#R5s3 and Community :nvironment and #atural Resources 5ffices 2C:#R5s3 !here #$PAS areas are located0 4ithin three 2;3 years from the effectivity of this Act, the ):#R shall study and revie! each area tentatively composing the System as to its suitability or non-suitability for preservation as protected area and inclusion in the System according to the categories established in Section ; hereof and report its findings to the President as soon as each study is completed( The study must include in each area: %( '( ;( <( 9( The ):#R shall: a( #otify the public of proposed action through publication in a ne!spaper of general circulation, and such other means as the System deems necessary in the area or areas in the vicinity of the affected land thirty 2;>3 days prior to the public hearing0 Conduct public hearings at the locations nearest to the area affected0 ii( At least thirty 2;>3 days prior to the date of hearing, advise all =ocal 6overnment ?nits 2=6?s3 in the affected areas, national agencies concerned, people+s organi*ations and non-government organi*ations and invite such officials to submit their vie!s on the proposed action at the hearing not later than thirty 2;>3 days follo!ing the date of hearing0 and iii( 6ive due consideration to the recommendations at the public hearing0 and provide sufficient e-planation for his recommendations contrary to the general sentiments e-pressed in the public hearing0 ?pon receipt of the recommendations of the ):#R, the President shall issue a presidential proclamation designating the recommended areas as protected areas and providing for measures for their protection until such time !hen Congress shall have enacted a la! finally declaring such recommended areas as part of the integrated protected area systems0 and Thereafter, the President shall send to the Senate and the House of Representatives his recommendations !ith respect to the designations as protected areas or reclassification of each area on !hich revie! has been completed, together !ith maps and legal description of boundaries( The President, in his recommendation, may propose the alteration of e-isting boundaries of any or all proclaimed protected areas, addition of any contiguous i( A forest occupants survey0 An ethnographic study0 A protected area resource profile0 =and use plans done in coordination !ith the respective Regional )evelopment Councils0 and Such other bac ground studies as !ill be sufficient bases for selection(


m( "4ildlife sanctuary" comprises an area !hich assures the natural conditions necessary to protect nationally significant species, groups of species, biotic communities or physical features of the environment !here these may re.uire specific human manipulations for their perpetuation( SECTION 5. :stablishment and :-tent of the System - The establishment and operationali*ation of the System shall involve the follo!ing: a( All areas or islands in the Philippines proclaimed, designated or set aside, pursuant to a la!, presidential decree, presidential proclamation or e-ecutive order as national par , game refuge, bird and !ildlife sanctuary, !ilderness area, strict nature reserve, !atershed, mangrove reserve, fish sanctuary, natural and historical landmar , protected and managed landscape8seascape as !ell as identified virgin forests before the effectivity of this Act are hereby designated as initial components of the System( The initial components of the System shall be governed by e-isting la!s, rules and regulations, not inconsistent !ith this Act0 4ithin one 2%3 year from the effectivity of this Act, the ):#R shall submit to the Senate and the House of Representatives a map and legal descriptions or natural boundaries of each protected area initially comprising the System( Such maps and legal description shall, by virtue of this Act, constitute the official documentary representation of the entire System, sub1ect to such changes as Congress deems necessary0 All ):#R records pertaining to said protected areas, including maps and legal descriptions or natural boundaries, copies of rules and regulations governing them, copies of public notices of, and reports submitted to Congress regarding pending additions, eliminations, or modifications shall be made available to the public( These legal documents pertaining to protected areas shall also be available to the public in the respective ):#R Regional





area of public land of predominant physical and biological value( #othing contained herein shall limit the President to propose, as part of his recommendation to Congress, additional areas !hich have not been designated, proclaimed or set aside by la!, presidential decree, proclamation or e-ecutive orders as protected area8s( SECTION 6. Additional Areas to be $ntegrated to the System( #ot!ithstanding the establishment of the initial component of the additional areas !ith outstanding physical features, anthropological significance and biological diversity in accordance !ith the provisions of Section 9d( SECTION 7. )isestablishment as Protected Area( - 4hen in the opinion of the ):#R a certain protected area should be !ithdra!n or disestablished, or its boundaries modified as !arranted by a study and sanctioned by the ma1ority of the members of the respective boards for the protected area as herein established in Section %%, it shall, in turn, advice Congress( )isestablishment of a protected area under the System or modification of its boundary shall ta e effect pursuant to an act of Congress( Thereafter, said area shall revert to the category of public forests unless other!ise classified by Congress: Provided ho!ever, that after disestablishment by Congress, the Secretary may recommend the transfer of such disestablished area to other government agencies to serve other priority programs of national interest( SECTION 8. Buffer @ones( - /or each protected area, there shall be established peripheral buffer *ones !hen necessary, in the same manner as Congress establishes the protected area, to protect the same from activities that !ill directly and indirectly harm it( Such buffer *ones shall be included in the individual protected area management plan that shall prepared for each protected area( The ):#R shall e-ercise its authority over protected areas as provided in this Act on such area and designated as buffer *ones( SECTION . Aanagement Plans( - There shall be a general management planning strategy to serve as guide in formulating individual plans for each protected area( The management planning strategy shall, at the minimum, promote the adoption and implementation of innovative management techni.ues including if necessary, the concept of *oning, buffer *one management for multiple use and protection, habitat conservation and rehabilitation, diversity management, community organi*ing, socioeconomic and scientific researches, site-specific policy development, pest management, and fire control( The management planning strategy shall also provide guidelines for the protection of indigenous cultural communities, other tenured migrant communities and sites for close coordination bet!een and among local agencies of the 6overnment as !ell as the private sector( :ach component area of the System shall be planned and administered to further protect and enhance the permanent preservation of its natural conditions( A management manual shall be formulated and developed !hich must contain the follo!ing: an individual management plan prepared by three 2;3 e-perts, basic bac ground information, field inventory of the resources !ithin the area, an assessment of assets and limitations, regional interrelationships, particular ob1ectives for managing the area, appropriate division of the area into management *ones, a revie! of

the boundaries of the area, and a design of the management programs( SECTION 1!. Administration and Aanagement of the System( The #ational $ntegrated Protected Areas System is hereby placed under the control and administration of the )epartment of :nvironment and #atural Resources( /or this purpose, there is hereby created a division in the regional offices of the )epartment to be called the Protected Areas and 4ildlife )ivision in regions !here protected areas have been established, !hich shall be under the supervision of a Regional Technical )irector, and shall include subordinate officers, cler s, and employees as may be proposed by the Secretary, duly approved by the )epartment of Budget and Aanagement, and appropriated by the Congress( The Service thus established shall manage protected areas and promote the permanent preservation, to the greatest e-tent possible of their natural conditions( To carry out the mandate of this Act, the Secretary of the ):#R is empo!ered to perform any and all of the follo!ing acts: a( To conduct studies on various characteristic features and conditions of the different protected areas, using commonalities in their characteristics, classify and define them into categories and prescribe permissible or prohibited human activities in each category in the System0 b( To adopt and enforce a land use scheme and *oning plan in ad1oining areas for the preservation and control of activities that may threaten the ecological balance in the protected areas0 c( To cause the preparation of and e-ercise the po!er to revie! all plans and proposals for the management of protected areas0 d( To promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act0 e( To deputi*e field officers and delegate any of his po!ers under this Act and other la!s to e-pedite its implementation and enforcement0 f( To fi- and prescribe reasonable #$PAS fees to be collected from government agencies or any person, firm or corporation deriving benefits from the protected areas0 g( To e-act administrative fees and fines as authori*ed in Section '% for violation of guidelines, rules and regulations of this Act as !ould endanger the viability of protected areas0 h( To enter into contracts and8or agreements !ith private entities or public agencies as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act0 i( To accept in the name of the Philippine 6overnment and in behalf of #$PAS funds, gifts or be.uests of money for immediate disbursements or other property in the interest of the #$PAS, its activities or its services0 1( To call on any agency or instrumentality of the 6overnment as !ell as academic institutions, nongovernment organi*ations and the private sector as may be necessary to accomplish the ob1ectives and activities of the System0

( l(





To submit an annual report to the President of the Philippines and to Congress on the status of protected areas in the country0 To establish a uniform mar er of the System, including an appropriate and distinctive symbol for each category in the System, in consultation !ith appropriate government agencies and public and private organi*ations0 To determine the specification of the class, type and style of buildings and other structures to be constructed in protected areas and the materials to be used0 Control the construction, operation and maintenance of roads, trails, !ater!or s, se!erage, fire protection, and sanitation systems and other public utilities !ithin the protected area0 Control occupancy of suitable portions of the protected area and resettle outside of said area forest occupants therein, !ith the e-ception of the members of indigenous communities area0 and To perform such other functions as may be directed by the President of the Philippines, and to do such acts as may be necessary or incidental to the accomplishment of the purpose and ob1ectives of the System(



established and recogni*ed interest in protected areas0 The R:)8s in the region8s !here such protected area lies shall sit as e- officio member of the Board and shall serve as adviser8s in matters related to the technical aspect of management of the area0 and The R:) shall act as chairman of the Board( 4hen there are t!o 2'3 or more R:)s in the Board, the Secretary shall designate one 2%3 of them to be the Chairman( Bacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment(

SECTION 12. :nvironmental $mpact Assessment( - Proposals for activities !hich are outside the scope of the management plan for protected areas shall be sub1ect to an environmental impact assessment as re.uired by la! before they are adopted, and the results thereof shall be ta en into consideration in the decisionma ing process( #o actual implementation of such activities shall be allo!ed !ithout the re.uired :nvironmental Compliance Certificate 2:CC3 under the Philippine :nvironmental $mpact Assessment 2:$A3 system( $n instances !here such activities are allo!ed to be underta en, the proponent shall plan and carry them out in such manner as !ill minimi*e any adverse effects and ta e preventive and remedial action !hen appropriate( The proponent shall be liable for any damage due to lac of caution or indiscretion( SECTION 13. Ancestral =ands and Rights 5ver Them( Ancestral lands and customary rights and interest arising shall be accorded due recognition( The ):#R shall prescribe rules and regulations to govern ancestral lands !ithin protected areas: Provided, that the ):#R shall have so po!er to evict indigenous communities from their present occupancy nor resettle them to another area !ithout their consent: Provided, ho!ever, That all rules and regulations, !hether adversely affecting said communities or not, shall be sub1ected to notice and hearing to be participated in by members of concerned indigenous community( SECTION 14. Survey for :nergy Resources( - Consistent !ith the policies declared in Section ' hereof, protected areas, e-cept strict nature reserves and natural par s, may be sub1ected to e-ploration only for the purpose of gathering information on energy resources and only if such activity is carried out !ith the least damage to surrounding areas( Surveys shall be conducted only in accordance !ith a program approved by the ):#R, and the result of such surveys shall be made available to the public and submitted to the President for recommendation to Congress( Any e-ploitation and utili*ation of energy resources found !ithin #$PAS areas shall be allo!ed only through a la! passed by Congress( SECTION 15. Areas ?nder the Aanagement of 5ther )epartments and 6overnment $nstrumentalities( - Should there be protected areas, or portions thereof, under the 1urisdiction of government instrumentalities other than the ):#R, such 1urisdiction shall, prior to the passage of this Act, remain in the said department or government instrumentality0 Provided, That the department or government instrumentality e-ercising administrative 1urisdiction over said protected area or a portion thereof shall coordinate !ith the

SECTION 11. Protected Area Aanagement Board( - A Protected Area Aanagement Board for each of the established protected area shall be created and shall be composed of the follo!ing: The Regional :-ecutive )irector under !hose 1urisdiction the protected area is located0 one 2%3 representative from the autonomous regional government, if applicable0 the Provincial )evelopment 5fficer0 one 2%3 representative from the municipal government0 one 2%3 representative from each barangay covering the protected area0 one 2%3 representative from each tribal community, if applicable0 and, at least three 2;3 representatives from non-government organi*ations8local community organi*ations, and if necessary, one 2%3 representative from other departments or national government agencies involved in protected area management( The Board shall, by a ma1ority vote, decide the allocations for budget, approve proposals for funding, decide matters relating to planning, peripheral protection and general administration of the area in accordance !ith the general management strategy( The members of the Board shall serve for a term of five 293 years !ithout compensation, e-cept for actual and necessary traveling and subsistence e-penses incurred in the performance of their duties( They shall be appointed by the Secretary of the ):#R as follo!s: a( A member !ho shall be appointed to represent each local government do!n to barangay level !hose territory or portion is included in the protected area( :ach appointee shall be the person designated by the head of such =6?, e-cept for the Provincial )evelopment 5fficer !ho shall serve e- officio0 A member from non-government organi*ations !ho shall be endorsed by heads of organi*ations !hich are preferably based in the area or !hich have


):#R in the preparation of its management plans, upon the effectivity of this Act( SECTION 16. $ntegrated Protected Areas /und( - There is hereby established a trust fund to be no!n as $ntegrated Protected Areas 2$PAS3 /und for purposes of financing pro1ects of the System( The $PAS may solicit and receive donations, endo!ments, and grants in the form of contributions, and such endo!ment shall be e-empted from income or gift ta-es and all other ta-es, charges or fees imposed by the 6overnment or any political subdivision or instrumentality thereof( All incomes generated from the operation of the System or management of !ild flora and fauna shall accrue to the /und and may be utili*ed directly by the ):#R for the above purpose( These incomes shall be derived from: a( b( c( d( Ta-es from the permitted sale and e-port of flora and fauna and other resources from protected areas0 Proceeds from lease of multiple use areas0 Contributions from industries and facilities directly benefiting from the protected area0 and Such other fees and incomes derived from the operation of the protected area( )isbursements from the /unds shall be made solely for the protection, maintenance, administration, and management of the System, and duly approved pro1ects endorsed by the PAABs, in the amounts authori*ed by the ):#R(

SECTION 2!. Prohibited Acts( - :-cept as may be allo!ed by the nature of their categories and pursuant to rules and regulations governing the same, the follo!ing acts are prohibited !ithin protected areas: a( Hunting, destroying, disturbing, or mere possession of any plants or animals or products derived therefrom !ithout a permit from the Aanagement Board0 )umping of any !aste products detrimental to the protected area, or to the plants and animals or inhabitants therein0 ?se of any motori*ed e.uipment !ithout a permit from the Aanagement Board0 Autilating, defacing or destroying ob1ects of natural beauty, or ob1ects of interest to cultural communities 2of scenic value30 )amaging and leaving roads and trails in a damaged condition0 S.uatting, mineral locating, or other!ise occupying any land0 Constructing or maintaining any ind of structure, fence or enclosures, conducting any business enterprise !ithout a permit0 =eaving in e-posed or unsanitary conditions refuse or debris, or depositing in ground or in bodies of !ater0 and Altering, removing destroying or defacing boundary mar s or signs(

b( c( d( e( f( g( h( i(

SECTION 17. Annual Report to Congress( - At the opening of each session of Congress, the ):#R shall report to the President, for transmission to Congress, on the status of the System, regulation in force and other pertinent information, together !ith recommendations( SECTION 18. /ield 5fficers( - All officials, technical personnel and forest guards employed in the integrated protected area service or all persons deputi*ed by the ):#R, upon recommendation of the Aanagement Board shall be considered as field officers and shall have the authority to investigate and search premises and buildings and ma e arrests in accordance !ith the rules on criminal procedure for the violation of la!s and regulations relating to the protected areas( Persons arrested shall be brought to the nearest police precinct for investigation( #othing herein mentioned shall be construed as preventing regular la! enforcers and police officers from arresting any person in the act of violating said la!s and regulations( SECTION 1 . Special Prosecutors( - The )epartment of Custice shall designate special prosecutors to prosecute violations of la!s, rules and regulations in protected areas(

SECTION 21. Penalties( - 4hoever violates this Act or any rules and regulations issued by the )epartment pursuant to this Act or !hoever is found guilty by a competent court of 1ustice of any of the offenses in the preceding section shall be fined in the amount of not less than /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>3 nor more than /ive hundred thousand pesos 2P9>>,>>>3, e-clusive of the value of the thing damaged or imprisonment for not less than one 2%3 year but not more than si- 2D3 years, or both, as determined by the court: Provided, that, if the area re.uires rehabilitation or restoration as determined by the court, the offender shall be re.uired to restore or compensate for the restoration to the damages: Provided, further, that court shall order the eviction of the offender from the land and the forfeiture in favor of the 6overnment of all minerals, timber or any species collected or removed including all e.uipment, devices and firearms used in connection there!ith, and any construction or improvement made thereon by the offender( $f the offender is an association or corporation, the president or manager shall be directly responsible for the act of his employees and laborers: Provided, finally, that the ):#R may impose administrative fines and penalties consistent !ith this Act( SECTION 22. Separability Clause( - $f any part or section of this Act is declared unconstitutional, such declaration shall not affect the other parts or sections of this Act( SECTION 23. Repealing Clause( - All la!s, presidential decrees, e-ecutive orders, rules and regulations inconsistent !ith any provisions of this Act shall be deemed repealed or modified accordingly(

SECTION 24. :ffectivity Clause( - This Act shall ta e effect fifteen 2%93 days after its complete publication in t!o 2'3 ne!spapers of general circulation( Approved0 #:PTA=$ A( 65#@A=:S President of the Senate RAA5# B( A$TRA Spea er of the House of Representative This Act !hich is a consolidation of House Bill #o( ;<D&D and Senate Bill #o( %&%< !as finally passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on /ebruary D, %&&'( A#AC=:T5 )( BA)5E, CR( Secretary of the Senate CAA$=5 =( SAB$5 Secretary 6eneral House of Representatives Approved: Cune >% %&&' 2S6)(3 C5RA@5# C( AF?$#5 President of the Philippines

S*+%,-. 1. Title. - This Act shall be no!n as the At( Ganla-on #atural Par 2AG#P3 Act of '>>%( S*+%,-. 2. State"ent of olicy. - Considering the diversity of At( Ganla-on+s biological resources and its aesthetic, socio-cultural, economic and ecological importance to the $sland of #egros, it is hereby declared the policy of the State to ensure its protection and conservation including its communities of people and their culture and !ay of life insofar as they are in harmony !ith nature( The protection and conservation of AG#P shall be pursued through sustainable and participatory development, advancing and protecting the interests of its legitimate inhabitants, and honoring customary la!s in accordance !ith Republic Act #o( H97D or the #ational $ntegrated Protected Areas System 2#$PAS3 Act of %&&', Republic Act #o( 7;H% or the $ndigenous Peoples Rights Act 2$PRA3 of %&&H, and international conventions to !hich the Philippines is a signatory( S*+%,-. 3. $efinition of Ter"s. - The follo!ing terms are hereby defined for purposes of this Act: 2a3 "Bioprospecting" shall refer to the research, collection, and utili*ation of biological and genetic resources for purposes of applying the no!ledge derived therefrom for scientific and8or commercial purposes( 2b3 "Commercial" shall mean involving mar et sale in volume or value in e-cess of that re.uired to maintain basic subsistence for !or ers and their dependents( 2c3 "):#R" shall refer to the )epartment of :nvironment and #atural Resources(


2d3 ":-otic Species" shall refer to species or subspecies that do not naturally occur !ithin the biogeographic region of the AG#P at present or in historical time( 2e3 "$ndigenous Cultural Communities8$ndigenous Peoples 2$CCs8$Ps3" shall refer to the indigenous peoples as defined in the $PRA, specifically, the Atis and Bu idnons of the AG#P( 2f3 "#atural Par " is a relatively large area not materially altered by human activity, !here e-tractive resource uses are not allo!ed, and maintained to protect outstanding natural and scenic areas of national or international significance for scientific, educational, and recreational use( 2g3 "#ongovernment 5rgani*ation 2#653" shall refer to any civic, developmental, environmental or philantrophic nonstoc , non-profit organi*ation, duly registered, having byla!s, democratically-elected representation, and multisectoral in character( 2h3 "#on-Rene!able Resources" shall refer to those resources found !ithin the AG#P, the natural replenishment rate of !hich is not no!n( 2i3 "PAAB" shall refer to the Protected Area Aanagement Board, as provided herein(

213 "PASu" shall refer to the Protected Area Superintendent, as provided herein( 2 3 "People+s 5rgani*ation 2P53" shall refer to any group of people formed to advance the interests of the sector they represent( 2l3 "Protected Species" shall refer to any plant or animal declared protected under Philippine la!s( These shall include all species listed under the Convention of $nternational Trade of :ndangered Species 2C$T:S3 and all its Anne-es, the Bonn Convention on Aigratory Animals, those specified under the redlist categories of the $nternational Conservation of #ature 2?C#3, or any plant or animal !hich the PAAB may deem necessary for conservation and preservation in the AG#P( 2m3 "Tenured Aigrant" shall refer to any person !ho has actually and continuously occupied an area of five 293 years prior to its designation as part of a protected area and is usually dependent on that area for subsistence( S*+%,-. 4. $eclaration and Scope. - Pursuant to and in accordance !ith the #$PAS Act, At( Ganla-on in the $sland of #egros is hereby declared and established as a protected area under the category of a natural par ( The boundaries of the At( Ganla-on #atural Par are hereby described as follo!s: Beginning at a point mar ed "%" on the map !hich is mar ed on plan #(P( or P(B(A( #o( < bet!een #egros 5ccidental and #egros 5riental under Pontevedra Cadastre #o( D>, B(=( Case #o( ' of #egros 5riental0 Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, S D%I <>J 4 S D%I <>J 4 # %&I ;HJ : # >&I >'J : # '>I %9J : # %HI >>J : # '<I %DJ : # >%I <9J 4 # ;;I ;'J : # H<I %9J : # >DI %DJ : # H<I %DJ : # %HI ><J : S D7I ;HJ : # ;%I 9%J : 'HH('' m to point '0 ',%&&(7& m to point ;0 <&(<' m to point <0 7<(HD m to point 90 %&<(D7 m to point D0 %DH(%> m to point H0 %<%(<; m to point 70 %<<(%; m to point &0 D;('9 m to point %>0 an old corner0 %>'('9 m to point %%0 %<H(%> m to point %'0 %9H(77 m to point %;0 %%'(;& m to point %<0 <9(<> m to point %90 '7;(>H m to point %D0

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# <DI ;&J 4 # '>I >7J 4 S 97I '%J 4 # <&I <<J 4 # <%I ;<J : # %7I 97J : # >&I ><J 4 # 9<I %9J : # D%I 9DJ 4 # ;9I %DJ : S 7<I ;;J 4 S 97I 'DJ 4 # DHI <DJ 4 # >&I ;9J : # >>I ;>J 4 # ;9I >HJ : # ''I %%J : # >'I >&J : # ;%I 9%J : # >>I 97J 4 # 9&I %HJ 4 # 7'I <DJ 4 # %7I <&J : # 7DI ;>J 4 S 9&I >%J 4 S <>I >>J 4 S 9>I >>J 4 S D;I %7J 4 S H&I %>J 4 S 9<I >'J 4 S >&I 'HJ 4 S %<I '7J 4 S >;I ;<J : S 9'I >%J 4 S 'DI 'DJ 4 S %<I >&J 4 # %;I 9'J 4

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Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence,

# %HI ;HJ : # >9I '7J : # %7I 9DJ 4 # >;I <%J : # <HI >7J : # ;%I >;J 4 S H7I ;&J 4 S '<I 9<J 4 S <%I ';J 4 S <'I 99J 4 # DHI <>J 4 # 7'I ><J 4 # ;>I %'J 4 # <HI ';J : # 7%I >;J 4 # %7I >%J : # D>I ;&J : # D&I <>J 4 # <7I 9'J : # DHI 9'J 4 # 97I >DJ : S H'I '9J 4 # '&I ;&J 4 # D<I 9HJ 4 # %<I 9;J 4 S <;I ;;J 4 # 79I 9HJ 4 # H&I %>J 4 # <9I <<J 4 # >DI ''J 4 S 7;I 9;J 4 S 7'I 9'J 4 S H%I <9J 4 # H'I ;;J 4 # 9>I ;%J :

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S 7HI 9&J : # '7I >9J : # 9;I <DJ : # D%I ''J : S H<I %<J : # 9<I '%J : # 7DI <>J 4 S D>I >>J 4 # %DI '>J 4 # %DI '>J 4 # 97I %HJ : # <%I ;;J : # %9I >;J : # 7&I 'DJ 4 # HDI %HJ 4 # 77I ><J 4 S <HI %7J 4 S %9I ;9J 4 # '&I ;;J 4 # %HI <7J 4 # >>I <;J 4 # D%I %HJ : S H%I >9J 4 # 7%I 97J : # 9<I %<J : # 9'I ;<J : # D9I 'DJ : S H9I 99J : S '&I >DJ : # 77I 'DJ : # %'I 9&J : # %%I <>J 4 # <<I <%J : S 7;I %'J : # D'I ;>J :

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Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence,

# D'I >HJ : # 7>I ;9J : # 77I '>J : # H&I ;9J : # >;I <9J : # >DI '<J : # '%I '<J 4 # <'I >'J 4 # D9I '>J : # ;&I ;;J : # 7HI 9>J : # ;>I '<J : S D;I %HJ 4 # <%I %%J 4 # %%I <>J 4 S 79I <>J 4 # 'HI <DJ : # DHI 'DJ 4 # <>I '>J : # <9I ';J 4 S <&I '9J : # D'I >7J : S H>I ;'J : S 9>I ;%J : S 7'I ;'J : S D>I <7J : # <9I <;J : # 7%I ;DJ : # H'I 9>J : S >;I <;J : S <;I ;DJ : S HDI >>J : S 79I %&J : S 79I %&J : S 7%I '<J : # >DI %7J : # ;7I %&J 4

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Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence,

S '%I <'J : # 7'I 9<J 4 # 'HI %&J : # 'HI %&J : D;I %DJ 4 <%I '&J 4 9;I %<J : # D'I >;J # >9I %'J : # %>I %HJ : # ''I '9J : # H9I <HJ : # %7I ;;J : # 9DI <7J 4 # <<I 99J 4 # %;I %'J 4 # <;I ;>J : # HDI 9;J : # DDI '&J : S H%I 'DJ 9&JJ # %7I ;>J >>(%%>JJ 4 # 7HI '7J 97JJ : # 'HI ;HJ 9&JJ : S D>I %DJ >%JJ : # '&I >7J 9&JJ : # D>I %DJ >%JJ 4 S 9HI %7J >DJJ 4 # '%I ';J >JJ : # 'DI <&J 4 # 7%I 9DJ 4 S 7'I '>J 4 # 7>I <7J 4 # D7I >%J 4

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Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence,

# <7I ;&J 4 # <>I 9;J 4 # H;I 9<J 4 # %DI 9<J 4 # >DI >&J 4 # '9I '%J 4 '&I 9%J 4 D>I %&J 4 # <DI 'DJ 4 # 9DI <HJ 4 # D;I 9DJ 4 # ;9I <DJ 4 # D'I 9'J 4 # 9HI %;J 4 S %'I %'J 4 S ;HI <9J 4 S %;I 9HJ 4 S ><I %%J : # ''I <7J 4 # %DI 9;J 4 # >HI 'HJ 4 S 9'I '9J 4 # <>I 'DJ 4 # ;DI %HJ : S H'I >>J 4 # <<I >&J 4 S H%I >%J 4 # ''I >&J 4 # ;HI %HJ 4 S 7'I 9;J 4 # ;DI ;DJ 4 # H<I %'J 4 # ';I '%J 4 # D<I 9&J 4 # ;%I ''J 4 # >9I ><J 4 # ;%I <>J 4

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Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence,

# 9%I <'J 4 # <>I 99J 4 # '9I '<J : # 7>I %9J 4 S 7%I %<J 4 # <>I <>J 4 # 9&I <>J 4 S DHI <HJ 4 # 7'I <<J 4 # 'DI ;>J 4 # D7I %;J 4 S <DI ;DJ 4 S 99I <>J 4 S 77I ''J 4 # <DI <9J 4 S <&I %<J 4 # 9HI >HJ 4 S 9'I %7J 4 S ;<I >'J 4 S H&I >7J 4 # 79I ;>J 4 # 9<I ;;J 4 S <9I ;;J 4 S H%I '>J 4 # 7>I <<J 4 # %7I %>J : # <&I >>J : # ';I >>J : # >%I <HJ 4 # 'HI 'DJ 4 # <&I ;%J 4 # >9I >&J 4 # <;I >HJ 4 # ;;I %9J 4 # '9I 99J 4 S <7I ';J 4 S 7&I ;7J 4

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Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence,

# ''I %<J 4 # D>I ;HJ : S 7DI <>J : # HDI <HJ : S D;I '9J : # %%I <%J : S ;<I '<J : S 99I ;'J : S %DI ><J : S <DI '&J : S D>I ><J : S >DI >HJ : S >HI %<J : S <&I 99J 4 S %HI <'J : S ;<I '&J : S D<I >9J : # H9I <&J : S H9I 77J : S H9I 9DJ : S H;I 9'J : S %<I '<J : S '9I ''J : S ';I >7J 4 S 9;I >9J : S D&I 99J : S 7<I <%J : S <>I ;&J 4 # 9&I 'DJ : # 9<I '<J 4 # '&I 9&J 4 # 9HI 9%J : # %;I <%J : # >%I >>J 4 # %9I >;J 4 # '<I 97J 4 # '<I 97J 4

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Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence,

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Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence,

S 99I %%J : S D<I '%J 4 S ;>I ;HJ 4 S ;DI 9&J : S D%I ;9J 4

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S D>I 9%L >>(979M : S '&I >7L 97(9&>M 4 # D>I %DL >>(&HDM 4 S 'HI ;HL 9&(>%;M 4 S 7HI '7L 9H(9;DM 4 S %7I ;>L >>(%%>M : # H%I 'DL 9&(;<HM 4

of beginning at plan #P or P(B(A( #o( < bet!een #egros 5ccidental and #egros 5rriental recorded in Pontevedra Cadastre #o( D>, B(=( Case #o( ', #egros 5rriental, containing an appro-imate total land area of '<,;77 hectares( S*+%,-. 5. &stablish"ent of a Buffer 'one. - An area for the e-ploration development and utili*ation of geothermal energy resources as !ell as other e-ploration activities is hereby established as the buffer *one !ith the follo!ing technical description: Beginning at a point mar ed "%" on plan, being S DDI'<+<;(D%D":, '9&%(>& meters from PBA no '&, Bago City0lawphil Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, Thence, # >>I %>L >>(>D%M : S 7HI 'DL >>(%D'M : # %HI >&L 9&(&9;M 4 # '%I >9L >>('D9M : # D9I '>L 9&(7<&M 4 # <7I '>L 9&(7<'M : # ;;I >HL >>(<>&M : S '%I ;'L 9&(&>&M : # 9DI ;7L 9&(&'DM : # ;'I 9%L 9&(HH;M 4 # H%I 9&L 9&(D;'M : # H%I '>L >>(%%DM : # %;I ;DL 9&(7'DM 4 # 97I ;'L 9'(H9HM : S 77I 99L 97(>H7M : S H9I >;L >;(<>>M : S D;I >7L >%(D77M : # 7>I 9'L >>(7%>M : # H;I 9&L >>(<HHM : # ;DI <&L 97(&7%M : # '%I ''L 9&(>7;M : # 9HI %7L >9(HDDM :


Containing an area of one hundred si-ty-nine 2%D&3 hectares, more or less( Any geothermal e-ploration for or development of energy or mineral resources !ithin the AG#P shall not be allo!ed e-cept by an Act of Congress( Aoreover, permits for geothermal activities shall be pursuant to relevant forestry and environmental regulations: Provided, That areas !ithin the buffer *one !hich shall not be used directly for the development and utili*ation of geothermal energy shall remain under the control and 1urisdiction of the PAAB( The proponent of the geothermal pro1ect shall contribute to the $ntegrated Protected Are /und 2$PA/3 to be established by the ):#R pursuant to the #$PAS Act and pertinent ):#R rules and regulations( Aoreover, the PAAB of the AG#P shall be represented in the multi-partite environmental monitoring committee for the geothermal operation underta en !ithin the buffer *one sub1ect to Presidential )ecree #o( %97D or the :nvironmental $mpact Statement System, ):#R Administrative 5rder &D-;H, Series of %&&D 2Strengthening the $mplementation of the :nvironmental $mpact Statement System3, and pertinent ):#R rules and regulations( ARTICLE II MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT PLAN, AND (ONING S*+%,-. 6. Manage"ent of the M() . - The management and administration of the AG#P shall be vested !ith the PAAB: Provided, That the management of *ones to be established !ithin the AG#P shall be consultative and participatory( S*+%,-. 7. *ocal +overn"ent ,nits. - =ocal government units shall participate in the management of the AG#P through representation in the PAAB( To allo! the integration of the ob1ectives of the AG#P !ith the development plans for the $sland of #egros, the local government units shall ensure that local ordinances relating to the environment including the allocation of funds for environmental programs are consistent !ith this Act and the Aanagement Plan as herein provided( S*+%,-. 8. Manage"ent lan. - $n order to achieve the ob1ectives of this Act, there shall be a Aanagement Plan !hich shall provide a long-term basic frame!or on the management of the AG#P, govern all activities !ithin the AG#P, and serve as guide in the preparation of its annual operations and budget( The Aanagement Plan shall identify the allo!ed uses for each *one( /or speciali*ed uses such as academic and scientific purposes, consultations shall be conducted by a committee of four 2<3 PAAB representatives and four 2<3 representatives from concerned =6?s: Provided, That the PAAB

representatives shall not come from any of the involved =6?s( The Aanagement Plan shall be consistent !ith the nature of the AG#P as a protected area under the category of a natural par ( 4ithin one 2%3 year from the effectivity of this Act, the PASu shall prepare the Aanagement Plan in accordance !ith the 6eneral Aanagement Planning Strategy as provided for in the #$PAS Act in coordination !ith the appropriate officers of the ):#R, local communities, and e-perts !ho may offer their services( $t shall contain, among others, the follo!ing: 2a3 A period of applicability for thirty 2;>3 years sub1ect to periodic revie! every five 293 years0 2b3 Gey management issues0 2c3 6oals and ob1ectives of management in support of Section ' hereof0 2d3 Site management strategies0 2e3 @oning in accordance !ith Section & hereof0 2f3 Aanagement programs to include enforcement of la!s, habitat and !ildlife management, ecotourism, sustainable use management, infrastructure development and maintenance, fire prevention and pest control0 2g3 Aechanisms for protection of $CCs8$Ps and tenured migrants in the e-ercise of their rights0 2h3 Sustainable and non-destructive livelihood activities0 2i3 Regulations in furtherance of the preservation and conservation ob1ectives of the AG#P as a protected area such as the issuance of permits, resource-use restrictions, among others0 The Aanagement Plan shall be revie!ed and adopted by the PAAB and certified to by the ):#R Secretary that it conforms to all la!s, rules and regulations issued by the ):#R( The Aanagement Plan shall not be revised nor modified !ithout prior consultation !ith the PAAB and must be in accordance !ith the procedure herein set forth( The Aanagement Plan shall be periodically revie!ed and shall be updated every five 293 years pursuant to the #$PAS Act( A year before the e-piration of the current Aanagement Plan, the PASu shall cause the publication of notices for comments and suggestions on the successor plan in a ne!spaper of local circulation and the posting of such notices in the provincial, municipal and barangay halls of the local government units comprising the AG#P, and in three 2;3 other conspicuous areas fre.uented by the public !ithin the AG#P( T!o public hearings on the same calendar year shall be conducted on the successor plan( The proposed Aanagement Plan shall be made available for public perusal at the 5ffice of the PASu(

The Aanagement Plan shall be prepared in :nglish, Tagalog, $longgo, and Cebuano, plainly !ritten, and available for public persual at the office of the PASu( S*+%,-. . 'oning. - @ones shall be established !ithin the AG#P giving primary consideration to its protection and conservation( @oning shall also ta e into account the tenurial and livelihood concerns of communities to ensure the efficient protection of habitats, fragile ecosystems, and uni.ue areas( The establishment and management of *ones must involve the community concerned by underta ing such steps as dialogue consultations, and land and resource-use mapping !ith thee aid of 6eographic $nformation System 26$S3 and the latest technologies( @ones shall be demarcated on the ground and indicated on maps !ith the participation of communities, local government units, and other stoc holders( ARTICLE III INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS, ROLES, AND FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT S*+%,-. 1!. -nstitutional Mechanis"s. - 2A3 The PAAB shall be the policyma ing body of the AG#P( $t shall be composed of: 2%3 The Regional :-ecutive )irectors 2R:)3 of ):#R Regions B$ and B$$, !ith the R:) of Region B$ as PAAB chair0 2'3 The 6overnors of #egros 5ccidental and #egros 5riental, or their respective duly authori*ed regular representatives0 2;3 The mayors of municipalities and cities !ith territory !ithin the AG#P, or their respective duly authori*ed regular representatives0 2<3 All barangay captains of barangays !ith territory !ithin AG#P, or their respective duly authori*ed regular representatives0 293 Three 2;3 representatives from #65s based in #egros 5ccidental !hich are accredited !ith the ):#R and the =6? and !ith tangible pro1ects at the time of their membership in the PAAB0 2D3 A P5 representative chosen from among themselves for each municipality and city !ith territory !ithin the AG#P: Provided, That the P5s are accredited !ith the ):#R and the =6? and !ith tangible pro1ects at the time of their membership in the PAAB0 2H3 The Provincial Planning and )evelopment 5fficers 2PP)53 of #egros 5ccidental and #egros 5riental0 273 An $CC8$P representative for each tribal community !ithin the AG#P0 and

2&3 A duly authori*ed representative !ith environmental e-pertise of the Philippine #ational 5il Company :nergy )evelopment Corporation 2P#5C :)C3( 2B3 There shall be an :-ecutive Committee 2:-ecom3 !ithin the PAAB to !hom the PAAB may delegate some of its po!ers and functions( $t shall be composed of: 2%3 The R:) or ):#R Region B$ as chairman0 2'3 The 6overnors of #egros 5ccidental and #egros 5riental, or their respective duly authori*ed, regular representatives0 2;3 T!o 2'3 mayor representatives, to be chosen from among themselves, or their respective duly authori*ed, regular representatives0 2<3 T!o 2'3 barangay captain representatives, one each from #egros 5ccidental and #egros 5riental, to be chosen from among themselves0 or their respective authori*ed, regular representatives0 293 5ne 2%3 from the #65 representatives0 2D3 5ne 2%3 from the P5 representatives0 2H3 5ne 2%3 from the $CC8$P representatives0 and 273 5ne 2%3 from the P#5C :)C( 2C3 :-cept for government officials !ho shall serve eofficio, every PAAB member shall serve for a term of five 293 years: Provided, That he8she remains connected !ith the sector he8she is supposed to represent: Provided, further, That the term of office of an #658P5 representative in the PAAB shall be conterminous !ith the duration or e-istence of the organi*ation+s pro1ects !ithin the AG#P( 4henever a vacancy occurs during the term of a nongovernment PAAB member, a ne! member shall be chosen in the same manner as the original selection process: Provided, That he8she shall only serve for the remaining term( 2)3 The PAAB en banc shall hold regular meetings at least once a year( The PAAB :-ecom shall hold regular meetings at least once every trimester( Special meetings may be called upon proper notice as the need arises( 2:3 PAAB members shall be entitled to reimbursement of actual travelling e-penses incurred in attending the meetings of the PAAB or its committees sub1ect to e-isting accounting and budgeting rules and regulations( These e-penses shall be included in the AG#P budget( S*+%,-. 11. .unctions of the /MB. - The PAAB shall decide by a ma1ority vote and shall have the follo!ing po!ers and functions:

2a3 $ssue all rules and regulations to prohibit and regulate acts that may be pre1udicial to the AG#P pursuant to the policy declarations herein set forth0 2b3 $ssue all necessary permits !ithin the AG#P in accordance !ith the Aanagement Plan and pertinent la!s and ):#R forestry and environmental rules and regulations0 2c3 Recommend to the ):#R Secretary the criteria on fees for the issuance of permits for activities regulated by this Act or the Aanagement Plan0 2d3 :valuate and approve pro1ect or program proposals to be implemented !ithin the AG#P0 2e3 Adopt rules of procedures for the conduct of business, including the creation of committees to !hom its po!ers may be delegated0 2f3 Approve the Aanagement Plan and oversee the 5ffice of the PASu0 2g3 )eputi*e though the PASu, interested individuals for the enforcement of the la!s, rules and regulations governing conduct !ithin the AG#P and prescribe the necessary .ualifications therefor0 2h3 Accept donations, approve proposals for funding, budget allocations and e-ercise accountability over all funds that may accrue to the AG#P0 2i3 Coordinate !ith appropriate agencies of the government, such as the regulation of flight patterns of aircraft going over the area in terms of altitudinal limits and emissions0 and 213 Retain legal counsel, either on a permanent or temporary basis, to defend cases against the PAAB, the PASu staff and deputi*ed individuals !henever they are used in connection !ith the performance of their duties under this Act, and to assist in other PAAB legal matters( The ):#R, through the R:) of Region B$, shall ensure that the PAAB acts !ithin the scope of its po!ers and functions( $n case of conflict bet!een administrative orders issued by the ):#R pursuant to the #$PAS Act and the rules and regulations or resolutions issued by the PAAB, the ):#R Secretary shall decide !hether to apply the rule or !ithdra! its application from the AG#P( S*+%,-. 12. The 0ffice of the /Su. - There shall be an 5ffice of the Protected Areas Superintendent !ithin the ):#R to be headed by the PASu !ho shall serve as the Chief 5perating 5fficer of the AG#P( The PASu shall possess the .ualifications re.uired for appointment to the position of Provincial :nvironment and #atural Resources 5fficer 2P:#R53 in the ):#R( The PASu shall be directly accountable to the PAAB and the R:) of Region B$( The PASu shall have the follo!ing po!ers and functions: 2a3 Prepare the Aanagement Plan as herein provided0

2b3 Serve as head of the Secretariat for the PAAB !ith the duty to provide the PAAB !ith all the information necessary for it to ma e appropriate decisions0 2c3 Hire and supervise the necessary personnel to support operations !hich shall be included in the annual budget of the ):#R0 2d3 :stablish a productive partnership !ith the local community, including groups interested in the achievement of the goals and ob1ectives of the AG#P, and in the planning, protection and management thereof0 2e3 )evelop and implement a par information, education and visitor programs0 2f3 :nforce la!s, rules and regulations relevant to the AG#P and assist in the prosecution of offenses0 2g3 Aonitor all activities !ithin the AG#P for conformity !ith the Aanagement Plan0 and 2h3 Perform such other functions as the PAAB may assign( ARTICLE IV ANCESTRAL LANDS/DOMAINS AND TENURED MIGRANTS S*+%,-. 13. /ncestral *ands and $o"ains. - The rights of $CCs8$Ps in the AG#P to their ancestral lands and domains shall be recogni*ed sub1ect to e-isting and prior property rights( Traditional property regimes e-ercised by $CCs8$Ps in accordance !ith their customary la!s shall govern the relationship of all individuals !ithin their communities !ith respect to all land and other resources found !ithin their ancestral lands and domains( The provisions of this Act shall be construed liberally in favor of the $CCs8$Ps in accordance !ith the preservation and conservation ob1ectives of the AG#P( #othing herein shall be construed to impair, diminish or derogate any prior or e-isting right currently en1oyed by $CCs8$Ps under e-isting la!s( S*+%,-. 14. Tenured Migrants and Transient .ar"ers. - Tenured migrants are those members of households that have actually and continuously occupied by AG#P since Cune %, %&7H and are solely dependent on the AG#P for their livelihood( /or purposes of official documentation of rights and e-tent of occupation !ithin the AG#P, the tenured migrant household shall be issued a tenurial instrument over such areas as have been occupied or cultivated but not to e-ceed a ma-imum of three 2;3 hectares( $f despite consideration paid to current practices, areas occupied by tenured migrants are designated as *ones in !hich no occupation or other activities are allo!ed, provisions for their transfer to multiple-use *ones shall be accomplished using humanitarian considerations( To effectivity provide a social fence to prevent encroachment into the AG#P, the tenurial instruments to be issued pursuant to this Act must be community-based, limited solely to multiple-use *ones, promote clustering, and comply !ith the *oning and Aanagement Plans, as provided herein(

$n no case shall the tenurial instruments or the rights and interests therein be transferred, sold, leased, encumbered, or made as a collateral, security or 1oint venture capital, other!ise it shall be void: Provided, That said rights can only be transferred to direct descendants( Any violation of the terms and conditions of the tenurial instruments or any provision of this Act or abandonment by a tenured migrant shall constitute sufficient ground for he revocation of his8her tenurial right( ?pon cancellation of a tenured migrant instrument for cause or by voluntary surrender of rights, the PASu shall ta e immediate steps to rehabilitate the area in order to return it to its natural state prior to the cultivation or other act by the tenured migrant( 5ccupants !ho do not .ualify as tenured migrants but have been occupying areas of the par prior to the enactment of this Act shall be relocated to the multiple-use areas or available alienable and disposable 2A and )3 lands of the public domain that are pro-imal to their original abode( 5ccupants !ho shall be relocated !ithin the multiple-use *ones shall .uality for usufruct use !hile those relocated to A and ) areas may apply for o!nership titles( Par occupants shall be given priority in the government+s relocation programs( ARTICLE V PROHIBITED ACTS S*+%,-. 15. rohibited /cts. - The follo!ing shall be the prohibitions and penalties applicable !ithin the AG#P: 2A3 A fine of not less than /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>(>>3 but not more than /ive hundred thousand pesos 2P9>>,>>>(>>3 and imprisonment of not less than si- 2D3 years and one 2%3 day but not more than t!elve 2%'3 years shall be imposed upon any person !ho: 2%3 Hunts, collects, destroys, traps, disturbs or possesses any!here !ithin the AG#P any !ild plant or animal or product derived therefrom !ithout prior PAAB permit( 2'3 Possesses !ithout a permit from PAAB any !ild plant or animal or product derived therefrom outside the AG#P or any *one of AG#P !here the specie is not endemic( 2;3 Cuts, gathers, collects or removes timber or other forest products as !ell as underta es any activity not compatible !ith the use of the respective *ones !ithin the AG#P !ithout prior PAAB permit: Provided, That any permit issued shall be valid for only 2%3 month from the date of issue either to tenured migrants !ithin sustainable monitored and controlled .uotas or for scientific purposes necessary for protected area management in accordance !ith e-isting guidelines, and outside the strict protection *ones(

2<3 :stablishes or introduces e-otic species !ithin the AG#P !ith allelopathic effect or those detrimental to endemic species, or !ithout prior PAAB permit( 293 :ngages in aingin or in any activity that causes forest fire inside the AG#P( 2B3 A fine of not less than /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>(>>3 but not more than T!o hundred fifty thousand pesos 2P'9>,>>>(>>3 and8or imprisonment of not less than si- 2D3 months but no more than si- 2D3 years and the restoration and rehabilitation of the damage shall be imposed upon any person !ho: 2%3 Biolates the Aanagement Plan, or any resolution issued by the PAAB( 2'3 Bandali*es, mutilates, transports, destroys, e-cavates, or in any manner intentionally damages any natural formation or ob1ect of natural beauty inside the AG#P, or the burial or religious sites including artifacts and other ob1ects belonging to $CCs8$Ps( 2;3 )umps, burns or other!ise disposes of any substance deleterious to the ecosystem, plants and animals, or human inhabitants in the protected area or committing the same in buffer and multiple use areas !ithout appropriate authority or permit( 2<3 ?ses or possesses a motori*ed e.uipment any!here !ithin the Strict Protection @one of the AG#P !ithout a prior permit from the PAAB( 293 ?ses or possesses chainsa!s and band sa!s !ithout prior PAAB permit0 Provided, That permits may only be issued for multiple-use *ones( 2D3 6ra*ing or raising of poultry and other livestoc for commercial purpose !ithin the AG#P: Provided, that e-isting gra*ing or poultry and other livestoc farms !ithin the AG#P shall be phased out !ithin five 293 years( 2H3 )amaging or leaving roads and trails in damaged condition( 273 5ccupies any portion of land inside the AG#P !ithout a prior PAAB permit( Clearing, construction of residence or any introduction of improvements shall constitute prima facie evidence of occupation or settlement( 2&3 Altering, removing, destroying or defacing boundaries, mar s or signs(

2%>3 Constructs and maintains a building, edifice or any ind of structure or conducts any business enterprise !ithin the AG#P !ithout prior PAAB permit( 2%%3 :nters he AG#P !ithout prior PAAB permit for purposes of tre ing, mountain climbing, camping, spelun ing, and the li e( 2%'3 Conducts bioprospecting !ithin the AG#P !ithout prior PAAB permit in violation of e-isting guidelines( 2%;3 :ngages in treasure hunting !ithin the AG#P( 2C3 A fine of not less than 5ne hundred thousand pesos 2P%>>,>>>(>>3 but not more than /ive hundred thousand pesos 2P9>>,>>>(>>3 and8or imprisonment of not less than si- 2D3 months but not more than si- 2D3 years shall be imposed upon any public officer, or officer of la!, !ho, in dereliction of the duties of his office shall maliciously refrain from instituting prosecution for the punishment of violators of the la!, or shall tolerate the commission of offenses( Conviction of this offense shall also carry the penalty of perpetual dis.ualification from public office( 2)3 Any provision to the contrary not!ithstanding, the commission of any unla!ful act enumerated under Section %92A3 herein shall carry the penalty of imprisonment of not less than t!elve 2%'3 years and one 2%3 day but not more than t!enty 2'>3 years and a fine or not less than /ive hundred thousand pesos 2P9>>,>>>(>>3 to 5ne million pesos 2P%,>>>,>>>(>>3 in addition to the accessory penalties provided in the immediately succeeding paragraph, in case the species involved is a protected species as defined herein( /urthermore any citi*en may institute the necessary charge against the offender for commission of the acts enumerated under Section %92A3 involving protected species( 2:3 A conviction under this Section shall li e!ise carry the penalty of eviction from the AG#P, payment of damages for rehabilitation and restoration, and the forfeiture of all e.uipment, device !eapon8s used in the commission of the offense as !ell as the protected area resources caught in the possession of the accused( $n case the offender is not a citi*en of the Philippines, he8she shall be immediately deported to his8her country of origin after service of his8her sentence( $f the offender is an association or corporation, the president or manager shall be directly responsible for the act of his8her employees and laborers( 2/3 The PASu or his8her duly deputi*ed personnel may arrest even !ithout a !arrant any person !ho has committed or is committing in his8her presence any of the offenses defined in this Section( He8she may also sei*e and confiscate in favor of the 6overnment, the tools and e.uipment used in committing the offense and the resources caught in the possession of the offender and file the necessary charges therefor: Provided, That the ):#R

may impose administrative fines and penalties in accordance !ith la!( 263 $n case of conviction, the penalty consisting of fines and damages shall directly accrue to the $PA/ as provided therein( S*+%,-. 16. Special rosecutors. - 4ithin thirty 2;>3 days from the effectivity of this Act, the )epartment of Custice shall designate a special prosecutor to !hom all cases of violation of la!s, rules and regulations in the AG#P shall be assigned( Such special prosecutor shall coordinate !ith the PAAB and the PASu in the performance of his8her duties and assist in the training of !ardens and rangers in arrest and criminal procedure( ARTICLE VI PROCEEDS AND FEES S*+%,-. 17. -ntegrated rotected /reas .und. - There is hereby established a trust fund to be no!n as the $ntegrated Protected Areas /und 2$PA/3 for purposes of financing pro1ects of the system( All incomes generated from the operation of the system or management of !ild flora and fauna in the AG#P shall accrue to the /und( These income shall be derived from proceeds from fees from permitted sale and e-port of flora and fauna and other resources from the protected area and its buffer *ones other than protected species as may be set by the ):#R and the PAAB, proceeds from lease of multiple-use areas, contributions from industries and facilities directly benefiting from the protected area and such other fees and incomes derived from the operation of the protected area( The /und may be augmented by grants, donations, endo!ments from various sources, domestic or foreign for purposes related to their functions: Provided, That the /und shall be deposited as a special account in the national treasury and disbursements therefrom shall be made solely for the protection, maintenance administration, and management of the system, and duly approved pro1ects endorsed by the PAAB in accordance !ith e-isting accounting and budgeting rules and regulations0 Provided, further, That no amount shall be disbursed for the operating e-penses of the )epartment and other concerned agencies( Current sources of revenue of the local government units shall e-cluded from the $PA/( The PAAB shall have the po!er to disburse the $PA/( T!enty-five per cent 2'9N3 of the $PA/ shall be for the use of the national government for the support of the #ational $ntegrated Protected Areas System: Provided, That t!enty-five per cent 2'9N3 thereof shall be allocated to the local government units comprising the AG#P( ARTICLE VII E0ISTING FACILITIES S*+%,-. 18. &1isting .acilities within the M() . - 4ithin ninety 2&>3 days from the effectivity of this Act, all commercial facilities e-isting !ithin the boundaries of the AG#P !ith a total capitali*ation of not less than 5ne hundred thousand pesos 2P%>>,>>>(>>3 shall submit

to the PAAB through the PASu a s!orn statement containing the follo!ing information: 2a3 Potential for disbursement of protected species and other habitats, reproductive cycles, nesting and feeding grounds and migratory paths0 2b3 #oise levels at all stages of operation0 2c3 :missions and effluent at all stages of operation0 2d3 :nergy re.uirements and sources of energy0 2e3 4ater supply re.uirements and sources of !ater0 2f3 Bolume of resources e-tracted from the AG#P0 2g3 /uture plans for the ne-t five 293 years( Based on these submissions, the PAAB, !ith the assistance of the ):#R, shall determine !hether the e-istence of such facility and its future plan and operation !ill be detrimental to the AG#P( /ailure to submit the re.uired information shall constitute a violation of this Act and sub1ect to the penalties imposed under Section %92B3 hereof( The PAAB may prescribe further conditions for the operation of the facility to ensure that it does not contradict the management ob1ectives of the AG#P( 4ithout pre1udice to the filing of the necessary case under Section %92B3 hereof, if any of such conditions is violated, an administrative fine of /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>(>>3 for every day of violation shall be imposed upon the o!ners of said facility but not to e-ceed a total of /ive hundred thousand pesos 2P9>>,>>>(>>3( At anytime !henever necessary, the PAAB, through the PASu or other government entities, shall cause the cessation and demolition of the facility at the cost of its o!ners( :-isting facilities that rely heavily on resources !ithin the AG#P !hich are allo!ed to remain !ithin the AG#P may be charged reasonable fees or sub1ect to reasonable conditions by the PAAB( All incomes derived from such fees shall accrue to the $PA/( ARTICLE VIII UTILI(ATION OF RESOURCES S*+%,-. 1 . ,tili2ation of Resources. - :-cept for protected species or !henever detrimental to the ecosystem, use of resources derived from the AG#P by tenured migrants and $CCs8$Ps for their domestic needs or for their subsistence shall not be restricted( =ivelihood activities re.uiring the use of resources derived from the AG#P shall be allo!ed only !hen sustainable consistent !ith the Aanagement Plan and only upon prior PAAB approval( 5nly nontimber products can be used for livelihood purposes( #o e-ploration, e-ploitation or utili*ation of non-rene!able resources !ithin the AG#P for commercial purposes or by non-tenured migrants or non-$CCs8$Ps shall be allo!ed( Commercial utili*ation of resources by tenured migrants and $CCs8$Ps shall be allo!ed only

upon prior PAAB approval and in accordance !ith the Aanagement Plan( Commercial e-ploitation of !ater resources !ithin the AG#P shall re.uire prior PAAB approval, must be in accordance !ith the Aanagement Plan and should undergo the :nvironmental $mpact Statement 2:$S3 System( ARTICLE 0 TRANSITORY AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS S*+%,-. 2!. /ppropriations. - The Secretary of the ):#R shall include in its program the implementation to this Act, the funding of !hich shall be charged against the $ntegrated Protected Areas /und authori*ed under Section %H hereof and from the appropriations authori*ed under the annual 6eneral Appropriations Act( S*+%,-. 21. !onstruction. - The provisions of this Act shall be construed liberally in favor of tenured migrants and $CCs8$Ps and !ith due consideration to the protection of biodiversity( The #$PAS Act shall be suppletory in the implementation of this Act( S*+%,-. 22. Separability !lause. - $f any part or section of this Act is declared unconstitutional, such declaration shall not affect the other parts or sections hereof( S*+%,-. 23. Transitory rovisions. - Pending the organi*ation of a ne! PAAB in accordance !ith this Act, the incumbent PAAB members shall continue to hold office until the ne! PAAB has been convened !ithin three 2;3 months from the effectivity of this Act( The current staff comprising the PASu 5ffice shall be retained in the 5ffice of the PASu created herein( 4ithin three 2;3 months from the effectivity of this Act, the ):#R in coordination !ith the PAAB, the Committee on #atural Resources of the House of Representatives, the Senate Committee on :nvironment and #atural Resources, and the concerned district representatives or their representatives shall underta e the preparation of the $mplementing Rules and Regulations of this Act( S*+%,-. 24. Repealing !lause. - All la!s, proclamations, rules and regulations inconsistent !ith this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly( S*+%,-. 25. &ffectivity !lause. - This Act shall be translated in :nglish, /ilipino, Cebuano, and $longgo and shall be published once every !ee for three 2;3 e-ecutive !ee s in a ne!spaper of general circulation !hich is readily available in the areas in and around the AG#P( This Act shall li e!ise be simultaneously posted in the appropriate language in a conspicuous place in the provincial, municipal and barangay halls !ithin the area as !ell as in three 2;3 other places fre.uented by the public( /ifteen 2%93 days after the last publication and posting, this Act shall have full force and effect(

2Sgd3 2Sgd3 FELICIANO BELMONTE )R. A1UILINO 1. PIMENTEL )R. Spea3er of the House of resident of the Senate Representatives This Act !hich is a consolidation of House Bill #o( %'77> and Senate Bill #o( ''<7 !as finally passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on Cune D, '>>%( 2Sgd3 LUTGARDO B. BARBO Secretary of the Senate Approved: 2Sgd3 GLORIA MACAPAGAL' ARROYO resident of the hilippines 2Sgd3 ROBERTO P. NA(ARENO Secretary +eneral House of Representatives

Begun and held in Aetro Aanila, on Aonday, the t!enty-fourth day of Culy, t!o thousand( REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1!6 A23,4 14, 2!!1

AN ACT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF SAGAY MARINE RESERVE, DEFINING ITS SCOPE COVERAGE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the hilippines in !ongress asse"bled# S*+%,-. 1. Title( - This Act shall be no!n and cited as the "Sagay Aarine Reserve =a!(" S*+%,-. 2. :stablishment( - There is hereby established as part of the #ational $ntegrated Protected Areas System 2#$PAS3 under Republic Act #o( H97D protected landscapes and seascapes in the City of Sagay, Province of #egros 5ccidental to be no!n as the Sagay Aarine Reserve, hereinafter referred to as Reserve( S*+%,-. 3. Scope( - The Reserve shall be located at %%OP>+9&"# and %';OP'&+: comprising the islands of Aolocaboc, Aolocaboc )iut, Aatabas and Suyac, and their surrounding reefs as !ell as the reefs of Carbin, Aacahulom and Panal, and the coastal !aters of barangays Himoga-an Baybay, 5ld Sagay, Taba-ao, Bulanon, Aolocaboc and Bito, all in the City of Sagay, Province of #egros 5ccidental( Aore particularly, the Reserve shall have the follo!ing technical description:

#5RTH$#6 Approved, %>OP9H+'7"



%%OPH+;9" %%OPD+99" %>OP9D+;&" %>OP9<+';" %>OP9D+%D" %>OP9D+'D" %>OP9D+H" %>OP99+%&" %>OP9D+%%" %>OP9H+'7" %>OP9D+;H" %>OP9H+;>" %>OP9H+<%" an area of ;',>>> hectares, more or less(

%';OP'D+;H" %';OP'7+%;" %';OP;D+9>" %';OP;>+<9" %';OP;>+;H" %';OP;>+<" %';OP'7+9&" %';OP'7+%%" %';OP'D+9'" %';OP'<+%&" %';OP';+;9" %';OP';+%D" %';OP''+%<"containing

2e3"Aanagement manual" is the manual relating to the management of the Reserve described in Section 72'3 thereof( 2f3"Aa-imum sustainable yield" is the greatest amount of fish and fish products ta en or harvested from !ithin the Reserve !ithout affecting sustainability( 2g3"Aultiple-use *ones" shall refer to areas !here settlement, traditional or sustainable activities and other income-generating or livelihood activities may be allo!ed to the e-tent prescribed in the management plan( 2h3"Secretary" shall refer to the Secretary of the )epartment of :nvironment and #atural Resources( 2i3"Small fisherfol inhabitant" shall refer to any person !ho has actually and continuously lived !ithin the Reserve for a period of five 293 years before the passage of this Act and is solely dependent on fishing for sustenance and livelihood S*+%,-. 5. The Protected Area Aanagement Board for Sagay Aarine Reserve( - There is hereby created a Protected Area Aanagement Board for Sagay Aarine Reserve 2PAAB-SAR3 !hich shall be the sole policy-ma ing and permit-granting body of the Reserve and its buffer *ones( $n addition to the po!ers enumerated in Republic Act #o( H97D, the PAAB-SAR shall decide by a ma1ority vote and shall have the follo!ing po!ers and functions: 2a3/ormulate the management plan and management manual of the Reserve0 2b3)ecide matters relating to planning, peripheral protection and general administration of the Reserve in accordance !ith the management plan0 2c3Plan the proper utili*ation of the annual budget allocations and the proper disposition of fees and other funds generated or held by the Reserve0 2d3Control and supervise the office of the Sagay Aarine Reserve Superintendent 2SARSu30 2e3)elineate and demarcate management *ones such as strict protection *ones, multiple-use and buffer *ones0 2f3Promulgate rules and regulations to promote development programs and pro1ects on biodiversity conservation and sustainable development consistent !ith the management manual0 2g3Control and regulate the construction, operation and maintenance of buildings, roads, trails, !ater!or s, se!erage, fire protection and sanitation systems, and other public utilities !ithin the Reserve0

4ithin si- 2D3 months from the effectivity of this Act, the )epartment of :nvironment and #atural Resources 2):#R3 shall mar the boundaries of the Reserve on the ground and at sea !ith visible and permanent mar ers and shall thereafter see to it that the same are maintained( S*+%,-. 4. )efinition of Terms(- /or purposes of this Act, the follo!ing terms are defined as follo!s: 2a3"Buffer *ones" are identified areas outside the boundaries of and immediately ad1acent to the Reserve that need special development and control in order to avoid or minimi*e harm to the Reserve( 2b3":cotourism" is a ind of tourism !herein no damage to the ecology is sustained by the influ- of visitors to the Reserve( 2c3"/ish production" refers to the capacity of the species found !ithin the Reserve to multiply to achieve a certain density offish population( 2d3"Aanagement plan" is the plan described in Section 72%3 thereof(

2h3/i- prescribed fees to be collected from the government agencies or any person, firm or corporation deriving benefits from the Reserve and e-act administrative fees or fines for violation of the provisions of this Act0 2i36rant entry permits to ecotourists, campers, research groups or individuals and visitors0 2136rant permits for sustainable utili*ation of marine resources in accordance !ith e-isting rules and regulations governing the same0 2 3:nter into contracts and agreements !ith private entities or public agencies as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act0 2l3Accept funds, gifts or donations for the Reserve0 2m3Call on any agency or instrumentality of the government as !ell as academic institutions, nongovernment organi*ations and other sectors as may be necessary to accomplish the ob1ectives of this Act0 2n3Conduct studies on various characteristics, features and conditions of the Reserve0 2o3Adopt and enforce plans or schemes for the control of activities that may threaten the ecological balance of the Reserve in consultation !ith the local government units in the area and other government agencies and instrumentality0 2p3Retain legal counsel to defend cases against the PAABSAR and the office of the Aarine Reserve Superintendent !henever they are sued in connection !ith the performance of their duties under this Act( The ):#R, through the Regional :-ecutive )irector, shall ensure that the PAAB-SAR acts !ithin the scope of its po!ers and functions( $n case of conflict bet!een administrative orders issued by the ):#R pursuant to Republic Act #o( H97D and the resolutions issued by the PAAB-SAR, the secretary shall decide !hether to apply the rule or !ithdra! its application from the Reserve( S*+%,-. 6. Composition( - The PAAB-SAR shall be composed of the follo!ing: 2a3The regional e-ecutive director of the ):#R Region B$, as e- officio chairperson0 2b3The mayor of the City of Sagay, as e- officio cochairperson0 2c3The chairman of the Committee on #atural Resources of the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Sagay, as e- officio member0 2d3The chief of police of Sagay City, as e- officio member0

2e3The punong barangays of Himoga-an Baybay, 5ld Sagay, Taba-ao, Bulanon, Bito and Aolocaboc, all of Sagay City, #egros 5ccidental, as e- officio members0 2f3The city planning and development officer of Sagay City, as e- officio member0 2g3/ive 293 representatives from nongovernment organi*ations, as members, !ho shall be endorsed by heads of organi*ations !hich are based in the City of Sagay, #egros 5ccidental, and have established and recogni*ed interest in protected areas( These representatives shall include: t!o 2'3 representatives from fisherfol organi*ations, one 2%3 representative from duly registered commercial fishing associations, one 2%3 representative from the youth sector and one 2%3 representative from the civic-oriented organi*ations0 2h3A representative of Sagay :cumenical Council, as member0 2i3A representative of the )epartment of Agriculture 2)A3 appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture, as member0 and 213The Reserve Superintendent 2hereinafter provided3, as member( The members shall choose from among themselves the vice chairperson of the PAAB-SAR( The non e- officio members of the PAAB-SAR shall serve for a term of five 293 years( The t!o 2'3 co-chairpersons, the vice chairperson and the members shall not receive compensation but shall be entitled to reasonable per diem incurred in the performance of their duties in accordance !ith e-isting budgeting and auditing rules and regulations( S*+%,-. 7. Removal from 5ffice( - A PAAB member may be removed for cause and upon ma1ority vote on the follo!ing grounds: 2a3Aore than three 2;3 consecutive une-cused absences in regular PAAB en banc meetings0 2b3Commission of any of the prohibited acts as provided in this Act, the Republic Act #o( H97D or other rules and regulations governing protected areas and protected species0 2c36raft and corruption0 and 2d3Conviction of any criminal offense( The non-e- officio members of the PAAB-SAR shall serve for a term of five 293 years( The t!o 2'3 co-chairpersons, the vice chairperson, and the members shall not receive compensation but shall be entitled to reasonable per diem incurred in the performance of their duties in accordance !ith e-isting budgeting and auditing rules and regulations:

S*+%,-. 8. Aanagement Plan and Aanual(- 4ithin one 2%3 year from the effectivity of this Act, a management manual !hich contains the Aarine Reserve Aanagement Plan and supporting data shall be prepared in accordance !ith the 6eneral Aanagement Planning Strategy as provided in Republic Act #o( H97D( The management plan shall serve as the basic long-term frame!or plan in the management of the marine reserve and guide in the preparation of the annual operations plan and budget( The management manual shall be drafted !ith the assistance of e-perts in such fields as socioeconomic planning, ecology and marine reserve management, revie!ed and endorsed by the PAAB-SAR, and approved by the Secretary( 2%3The management plan shall promote the adoption and implementation of innovative management techni.ues, including: 2a3buffer *one management0 2b3habitat conservation and rehabilitation0 2c3diversity management0 2d3community organi*ing0 2e3socioeconomic and scientific researches0 2f3site-specific policy development0 2g3pest management0 and 2h3others !hich the PAAB-SAR may deem appropriate( 2'3The management manual shall include: 2a3basic bac ground information0 2b3field inventory of the resources !ithin the Reserve0 2c3assessment of the assets and limitations0 2d3regional interrelationships0 2e3particular ob1ectives for managing the Reserve0 2f3divisions of the Reserve into management *ones0 2g3revie! of the boundaries of the Reserve0 and 2h3design and management programs( S*+%,-. . Sagay Aarine Reserve 5ffice( - There is hereby created the Sagay Aarine Reserve 5ffice headed by the Sagay Aarine Reserve Superintendent, hereinafter referred to as the Reserve

Superintendent, !ho shall be the chief operations officer of the Reserve( S*+%,-. 1!. Po!ers and /unctions of the Reserve Superintendent( The Reserve Superintendent shall have full responsibility for the protection of the resources !ithin the Reserve( As such, he8she shall have the follo!ing duties and responsibilities in addition to those provided under e-isting rules and regulations: 2a3Serve as secretariat to the PAAB-SAR !ith the duty to provide the PAAB-SAR !ith all the information necessary to ma e appropriate decisions for the implementation of this Act0 2b3Hire and supervise the necessary personnel to support operations as the budget may allo!0 2c3:stablish a productive partnership !ith local communities, including groups supporting the achievement of the goals and ob1ectives of this Act0 2d3)evelop and implement marine reserve information, education and visitor programs0 :nforce the la!s, rules and regulations and PAAB-SAR resolutions relevant to the Reserve and its buffer *ones, and assist in the prosecution of offenses0 2e3Aonitor all activities !ithin the Reserve and its buffer *ones in conformity !ith the management plan0 and 2f3Perform such other function as the PAAB-SAR may assign( S*+%,-. 11. Small /isherfol $nhabitants( - Small fisherfol inhabitants shall be allo!ed to fish !ithin the Reserve sub1ect to the rules and regulations promulgated by the PAAB-SAR( S*+%,-. 12. 5ther Activities !ithin the Reserve( - Proposals for activities !hich are outside the scope of the management plan shall be sub1ect to an :nvironmental $mpact Assessment 2:$A3 as re.uired by e-isting la!s, rules and regulations( Results thereof shall be ta en into consideration in the decision-ma ing process of the PAAB-SAR( #o actual implementation of such activities shall be allo!ed !ithout the re.uired :nvironmental Compliance Certificate 2:CC3 under the Philippine :nvironmental $mpact Assessment System and PAABSAR approval( /or purposes of this Act, the follo!ing are provided: 2a3:-isting $nfrastructure(- :-isting infrastructure established !ithin the Reserve by government and nongovernment institutions shall be sub1ect to inventory and evaluation as to !hether it conforms to the management plan and assessed in terms of their significance to the public interest and impact to the Reserve( $n case they are found significant to public interest, but !ith no adverse impact to the Reserve, a contract or agreement may be entered into by PAAB-SAR including negotiations of payment fees based on profitsharing agreement in accordance !ith la!: Provided, That infrastructure !hich do not conform to the management

plan shall not be allo!ed to be repaired, renovated or improved until they are naturally destroyed and vacated( Repairs, renovation and improvement of the e-isting infrastructure allo!ed by the PAAB-SAR !ithin the Reserve shall be in conformity !ith the management plan and duly approved by the PAAB-SAR( 2b3Special-?se $nfrastructure( - Special-use infrastructure such as po!er lines, telecommunications e.uipment and military installations may be allo!ed in the Reserve if they conform to the management plan: Provided, That construction of these special use infrastructures shall be sub1ect to :$A and the issuance of :CC by the ):#R and approval of the PAAB-SAR: Provided, further, That po!er lines and telecommunications e.uipment must not traverse through strict-protection *ones and preferably be constructed !ithin the multiple-use *ones only( Ailitary installations shall not be constructed of permanent materials and must be covered by a memorandum of agreement !ith the PAAB-SAR providing for regulation of facilities( 2c3=ivelihood and 5ther :conomic Activities(- :-cept as other!ise provided herein, only small fisherfol inhabitants shall be allo!ed !ithin the multiple-use or buffer *ones of the Reserve to engage in livelihood and economic activities, in conformity !ith the management plan and sub1ect to the terms and conditions imposed by the PAABSAR( The PAAB-SAR, upon recommendation of the Reserve Superintendent, !hen findings sho! that fish production e-ceeds the ma-imum sustainable yield, may open certain portions of the multiple-use *ones and buffer *ones to economic activities !hich shall be in accordance !ith the management plan and in all cases use ecologically sustainable methods( 2d3:nergy and Aineral ?se( - Survey for energy and mineral resources !ithin the Reserve shall be allo!ed for the purpose of gathering information on energy and mineral resources: Provided,That such activity is carried out !ithout damage to the area and conducted in accordance !ith a program approved by the PAAB-SAR( The result of such surveys shall be made available to the public( The PAAB-SAR shall submit such energy and mineral survey findings to the President for recommendation to Congress( Any e-ploitation and utili*ation of energy and mineral resources !ithin the Reserve shall be allo!ed only follo!ing approval of the PAAB-SAR, compliance !ith the :$A System and other applicable la!s, rules and regulations and through a la! passed by Congress( 2e3Special Activities(- All other activities such as ecotourism and related activities, scientific research, marine life rescue by other agencies, government programs affecting the Reserve, and military activities shall be properly coordinated !ith and approved by the PAAB-SAR( S*+%,-. 13. Reserve Trust /und(- A trust fund shall be created for the Reserve for purposes of financing pro1ects and activities provided

in the Aanagement Plan( /or this purpose, the PAAB-SAR may Solicit and receive donations, endo!ments and grants in the form of contributions: Provided, That donations generated by the PAABSAR shall accrue to the Reserve for its use( A minimum of five percent 29N3 of the total amount shall be remitted to the $ntegrated Protected Areas /und of the ):#R( )isbursement from the Reserve trust fund shall be made solely for the protection, maintenance, administration and management of the Reserve, and duly approved pro1ects by the PAAB-SAR in accordance !ith the guidelines developed by the PAAB-SAR for the purpose( All incomes generated !ithin the Reserve shall accrue to the trust fund and may be utili*ed directly by the PAAB-SAR for the above purpose( These incomes shall be derived from ta-es from the permitted sale and e-port of flora and fauna and other resources of the Reserve0 proceeds from the lease of multiple-use or buffer *one areas0 contribution from industries and facilities directly benefitting from the Reserve0 and such other fees and incomes derived from the operation of the Reserve( S*+%,-. 14. Prohibited Acts(- The follo!ing acts are prohibited !ithin the Reserve: 2a3Hunting, destroying, disturbing or mere possession of any marine resources or products derived therefrom !ithout a permit from the PAAB-SAR0 2b3)umping or other!ise disposing of any !aste products detrimental to the Reserve or to plants, animals or inhabitants therein0 2c3?se of any motori*ed e.uipment !ithout a permit0 2d3Autilating, defacing or destroying ob1ects of natural beauty or ecological importance found !ithin the Reserve0 2e3Aineral or energy e-ploration or any entry into the Reserve !hich has a tendency to damage its ecological balance0 2f3Constructing or maintaining any ind of structure, fence or enclosures and conducting any business enterprise !ithout a permit0 2g3Altering, removing, destroying or defacing boundary mar s or buoys0 and 2h3Performing any other act analogous to the foregoing: Provided,That the establishment of submarine electric po!er transmission cables, submarine !ater pipelines, submarine telecommunication !ires, and ports and !harves shall not be prohibited not!ithstanding the provisions of this Act( S*+%,-. 15. Penalties(- Any person found guilty of any of the offenses enumerated above shall be punished !ith fine in an amount not less than /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>3 but not more than /ive

hundred thousand pesos 2P9>>,>>>3, e-clusive of the value of the things damaged, or imprisonment of not less than one 2%3 year and not more than si- 2D3 years, or both, as determined by the court( Prohibited acts mentioned in paragraph 2a3 of Section %< of this Act shall be punished !ith penalties imposed under Articles ;>& and ;%> of the Revised Penal Code( $f the Reserve re.uires rehabilitation and restoration as determined by the court, the offender shall be re.uired to restore or compensate for the restoration of the damage( The court shall order the forfeiture of all mineral, flora or fauna collected or removed, including all e.uipment, devices and firearms used in connection there!ith, and any construction or improvements made thereon by the offender( $f the offender is an association or corporation, the president or manager shall be responsible for the act of his8her employees and laborers( S*+%,-. 16. Appropriations(- The amount necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act shall be included in the 6eneral Appropriations Act of the year follo!ing its enactment into la! and thereafter( S*+%,-. 17. Transitory Provision(- Pending the organi*ation of a ne! PAAB in accordance !ith this Act, the incumbent PAAB members shall continue to hold office until a ne! PAAB has been convened( S*+%,-. 18. Separability Clause(- $f any part of this Act shall be declared unconstitutional, such declaration shall not affect the other parts or sections hereof( S*+%,-. 1 . Repealing Clause(- All la!s, presidential decrees, e-ecutive orders, and rules and regulations inconsistent !ith the provisions of this Act shall be deemed repealed or modified accordingly( S*+%,-. 2!. :ffectivity(- This Act shall ta e effect fifteen 2%93 days after its complete publication in t!o 2'3 ne!spapers of general circulation( Approved,

2Sgd(3 GLORIA MACAPAGAL'ARROYO resident of the hilippines )"45 3!, 2!!1 REPUBLIC ACT NO. 147

AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION OF 6ILDLIFE RESOURCES AND THEIR HABITATS, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS S*+%,-. 1. T,%4*. This act shall be no!n as the Q4ildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act(R S*+%,-. 2. D*+4737%,-. -8 P-4,+5. $t shall be the policy of the State to conserve the country+s !ildlife resources and their habitats for sustainability( $n the pursuit of this policy, this Act shall have the follo!ing ob1ectives: a( to conserve and protect !ildlife species and their habitats to promote ecological balance and enhance biological diversity0 b( to regulate the collection and trade of !ildlife0 c( to pursue, !ith due regard to the national interest, the Philippine commitment to international conventions, protection of !ildlife and their habitats0 and d( to initiate or support scientific studies on the conservation of biological diversity( S*+%,-. 3. S+-2* -8 A224,+7%,-.. The provisions of this Act shall be enforceable for all !ildlife species found in all areas of the country, including protected areas under Republic Act #o( H97D, other!ise no!n as the #ational $ntegrated Protected Areas System 2#$PAS3 Act, and critical habitats( This Act shall also apply to e-otic species !hich are sub1ect to trade, are cultured, maintained and8or bred in captivity or propagated in the country( S*+%,-. 4. )"3,$9,+%,-. -8 %:* D*273%;*.% -8 E.<,3-.;*.% 7.9 N7%"374 R*$-"3+*$ 7.9 %:* D*273%;*.% -8 A#3,+"4%"3*. The )epartment of :nvironment and #atural Resources 2):#R3 shall have 1urisdiction over all terrestrial plant and animal species, all turtles and tortoises and !etland species, including but not limited to crocodiles, !aterbirds and all amphibians and dugong( The )epartment of Agriculture 2)A3 shall have 1urisdiction over all declared a.uatic critical habitats, all a.uatic resources including but not limited to all fishes, a.uatic plants, invertebrates and all marine mammals, e-cept dugong( The secretaries of the ):#R and the )A shall revie!, and by 1oint administrative order, revise and regularly update the list of species under their respective 1urisdiction( $n the Province of Pala!an, 1urisdiction herein conferred is vested to the

2Sgd(3 A1UILINO 1. PIMENTEL )R. President of the Senate

2Sgd(3 FELICIANO BELMONTE )R. Spea er of the House of Representatives

This Act !hich is a consolidation of House Bill #o( 7&%< and Senate Bill #o( ''9' !as finally passed by the House of Representatives and Senate on /ebruary 7, '>>%(

2Sgd(3 LUTGARDO B. BARBO Secretary of Senate

2Sgd(3 ROBERTO NA(ARENO Secretary 6eneral House of Representatives

Approved: APR %< '>>%

Pala!an Council for Sustainable )evelopment pursuant to Republic Act #o( HD%%( CHAPTER II DEFINITION OF TERMS S*+%,-. 5. D*8,.,%,-. -8 T*3;$. As used in the Act, the term:

r. QS*+3*%735R means either or both the Secretary of the s.

)epartment of :nvironment and #atural Resources and the Secretary of the )epartment of Agriculture0 QT:3*7%*.*9 $2*+,*$R a general term to denote species or subspecies considered as critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable or other accepted categories of !ildlife !hose population is at ris of e-tinction0 QT379*R means the act of engaging in the e-change, e-portation or importation, purchase or sale of !ildlife, their derivatives or by-products, locally or internationally0 QT379,%,-.74 "$*R means utili*ation of !ildlife by indigenous people in accordance !ith !ritten or un!ritten rules, usage, customs and practices traditionally observed, accepted and recogni*ed by them0 QT37.$2-3% 2*3;,%R means a permit issued authori*ing an individual to bring !ildlife from one place to another !ithin the territorial 1urisdiction of the Philippines0 QV"4.*37=4* $2*+,*$R refers to species or subspecies that is not critically endangered nor endangered but is under threat from adverse factors throughout their range and is li ely to move to the endangered category in the near future0 Q6,494,8*R means !ild forms and varieties of flora and fauna, in all developmental stages, including those !hich are in captivity or are being bred or propagated0 Q6,494,8* +-44*+%-3@$ 2*3;,%R means a permit to ta e or collect from the !ild certain species and .uantities of !ildlife for commercial purposes0 and Q6,494,8* 873;/+"4%"3* 2*3;,%R means a permit to develop, operate and maintain a !ildlife breeding farm for conservation, trade and8or scientific purposes( CHAPTER III CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION OF 6ILDLIFE RESOURCES ARTICLE ONE G*.*374 P3-<,$,-. S*+%,-. 6. 6,494,8* I.8-3;7%,-.. All activities, as subse.uently manifested under this Chapter, shall be authori*ed by the Secretary upon proper evaluation of best available information or scientific data sho!ing that the activity is, or for a purpose, not detrimental to the survival of the species or subspecies involved and8or their habitat( /or this purpose, the Secretary shall regularly update !ildlife information through research( S*+%,-. 7. C-44*+%,-. -8 6,494,8*. Collection of !ildlife may be allo!ed in accordance !ith Section D of this Act: Provided, That in the collection of !ildlife, appropriate and acceptable !ildlife collection techni.ues !ith least or no detrimental effects to the e-isting !ildlife populations and their habitats shall, li e!ise, be re.uired: Provided, further, That collection of !ildlife by indigenous people may be allo!ed for traditional use and not primarily for trade: Provided, furthermore, That collection and utili*ation for said purpose shall not cover threatened species: Provided, finally, That Section '; of this Act shall govern the collection of threatened species(

t. u.


QB,-23-$2*+%,.#R means the research, collection and utili*ation of biological and genetic resources for purposes of applying the no!ledge derived there from solely for commercial purposes0 b. QB5'23-9"+% -3 9*3,<7%,<*$R means any part ta en or substance e-tracted from !ildlife, in ra! or in processed form( This includes stuffed animals and herbarium specimens0 c. QC72%,<*'=3**9,.#/+"4%"3* -3 23-27#7%,-.R means the process of producing individuals under controlled conditions or !ith human interventions0 d. QC-44*+%,-. -3 +-44*+%,.#R means the act of gathering or harvesting !ildlife, its by-products or derivatives0 e. QC-.$*3<7%,-.R means preservation and sustainable utili*ation of !ildlife, and8or maintenance, restoration and enhancement of the habitat0 f. QC3,%,+7445 *.97.#*3*9 $2*+,*$R refers to a species or subspecies that is facing e-tremely high ris of e-tinction in the !ild in the immediate future0 g. Q E+-.-;,+7445 ,;2-3%7.% $2*+,*$R.uot0 means species or subspecies !hich have actual or potential value in trade or utili*ation for commercial purpose0 h. QE.97.#*3*9 $2*+,*$R refers to species or subspecies that is not critically endangered but !hose survival in the !ild is unli ely if the causal factors continue operating0 i. QE.9*;,+ $2*+,*$R Aeans species or subspecies !hich is naturally occurring and found only !ithin specific areas in the country0 j. QE>-%,+ $2*+,*$R means species or subspecies !hich do not naturally occur in the country0 k. QE>2-3% 2*3;,%R refers to a permit authori*ing an individual to bring out !ildlife from the Philippines to any other country0 l. QG37%",%-"$ 2*3;,%R means permit issued to any individual or entity engaged in noncommercial scientific, or educational underta ing to collect !ildlife0 m. QH7=,%7%R means place or environment !here species or subspecies naturally occur or has naturally established its population0 n. QI;2-3% 2*3;,%R refers to a permit authori*ing an individual to bring in !ildlife from another country0 o. QI.9,#*.-"$ ?,494,8*R means species or subspecies of !ildlife naturally occurring or has naturally established population in the country0 p. QI.%3-9"+%,-.R means bringing species into the !ild that is outside its natural habitat0 q. Q R**>2-3% 2*3;,%R refers to a permit authori*ing an individual to bring out of the country a previous imported !ildlife0

v. w.

x. y.

S*+%,-. 8. P-$$*$$,-. -8 6,494,8*. #o person or entity shall be allo!ed possession of !ildlife unless such person or entity can prove financial and technical capability and facility to maintain said !ildlife: Provided, That the source !as not obtained in violation of this Act( S*+%,-. . C-44*+%,-. 7.9/-3 P-$$*$$,-. -8 B5'P3-9"+%$ 7.9 D*3,<7%,<*$. By-products and derivatives may be collected and8or possessed: Provided, That the source !as not obtained in violation of this Act( S*+%,-. 1!. L-+74 T37.$2-3% -8 6,494,8*, B5'P3-9"+%$ 7.9 D*3,<7%,<*$. =ocal transport of !ildlife, by-products and derivatives collected or possessed through any other means shall be authori*ed unless the same is pre1udicial to the !ildlife and public health( S*+%,-. 11. E>2-3%7%,-. 7.9/-3 I;2-3%7%,-. -8 6,494,8*. 4ildlife species may be e-ported to or imported from another country as may be authori*ed by the Secretary or the designated representative, sub1ect to strict compliance !ith the provisions of this Act and rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto: Provided, That the recipient of the !ildlife is technically and financially capable to maintain it( S*+%,-. 12. I.%3-9"+%,-., R*,.%3-9"+%,-. -3 R*$%-+A,.# -8 E.9*;,+ -3 I.9,#*.-"$ 6,494,8*. The introduction, reintroduction or restoc ing of endemic and indigenous !ildlife shall be allo!ed only for population enhancement of recovery purposes sub1ect to prior clearance from the Secretary of the authori*ed representative pursuant to Section D of this Act( Any proposed introduction shall be sub1ect to a scientific study !hich shall focus on the bioecology( The proponent shall also conduct public consultations !ith concerned individuals or entities( S*+%,-. 13. I.%3-9"+%,-. -8 E>-%,+ 6,494,8*. - #o e-otic species shall be introduced into the country, unless a clearance from the Secretary or the authori*ed representative is first obtained( $n no case shall e-otic species be introduced into protected areas covered by Republic Act #o( H97D and to critical habitats under Section '9 hereof( $n cases !here introduction is allo!ed, it shall be sub1ect to environmental impact study !hich shall focus on the bioecology, socioeconomic and related aspects of the area !here the species !ill be introduced( The proponent shall also be re.uired to secure the prior informed consent from the local sta eholders( S*+%,-. 14. B,-23-$2*+%,.#. - Bioprospecting shall be allo!ed upon e-ecution of an underta ing by any proponent, stipulating therein its compliance !ith and commitment2s3 to reasonable terms and conditions that may be imposed by the Secretary !hich are necessary to protect biological diversity( The Secretary or the authori*ed representative, in consultation !ith the concerned agencies, before granting the necessary permit, shall re.uire that prior informed consent be obtained by the applicant from the concerned indigenous cultural communities, local communities, management board under Republic Act #o( H97D or private individual or entity( The applicant shall disclose fully the intent and scope of the

bioprospecting activity in a language and process understandable to the community( The prior informed consent from the indigenous peoples shall be obtained in accordance !ith e-isting la!s( The action on the bioprospecting proposal by concerned bodies shall be made !ithin a reasonable period( ?pon submission of the complete re.uirements, the Secretary shall act on the research proposal !ithin a reasonable period( $f the applicant is a foreign entity or individual, a local institution should be actively involved in the research, collection and, !henever applicable and appropriate in the technological development of the products derived from the biological and genetic resources( S*+%,-. 15. S+,*.%,8,+ R*$*73+:*$ -. 6,494,8*. Collection and utili*ation of biological resources for scientific research and not for commercial purposes shall be allo!ed upon e-ecution of an underta ing8agreement !ith and issuance of a gratuitous permit by the Secretary or the authori*ed representative: Provided, That prior clearance from concerned bodies shall be secured before the issuance of the gratuitous permit: Provided, further, That the last paragraph of Section %< shall li e!ise apply( S*+%,-. 16. B,-$78*%5 All activities dealing on genetic engineering and pathogenic organisms in the Philippines, as !ell as activities re.uiring the importation, introduction, field release and breeding of organisms that are potentially harmful to man and the environment shall be revie!ed in accordance !ith the biosafety guidelines ensuring public !elfare and the protection and conservation of !ildlife and their habitats( S*+%,-. 17. C-;;*3+,74 B3**9,.# -3 P3-27#7%,-. -8 6,494,8* R*$-"3+*$. Breeding or propagation of !ildlife for commercial purposes shall be allo!ed by the Secretary or the authori*ed representative pursuant to Section D through the issuance of !ildlife farm culture permit: Provided, That only progenies of !ildlife raised, as !ell as unproductive parent stoc shall be utili*ed for trade: Provided, further: That commercial breeding operations for !ildlife, !henever appropriate, shall be sub1ect to an environmental impact study( S*+%,-. 18. E+-.-;,+7445 I;2-3%7.% S2*+,*$. The Secretary, !ithin one 2%3 year after the effectivity of this Act, shall establish a list of economically-important species( A population assessment of such species shall be conducted !ithin a reasonable period and shall be regularly revie!ed and updated by the Secretary( The Collection of certain species shall only be allo!ed !hen the results of the assessment sho! that, despite certain e-tent of collection, the population of such species can still remain viable and capable of recovering its numbers( /or this purpose, the Secretary shall establish a schedule and volume of allo!able harvests( 4henever an economically important species become threatened, any form of collection shall be prohibited e-cept for scientific, educational or breeding8propagation purposes, pursuant to the provisions of this Act( S*+%,-. 1 . D*$,#.7%,-. -8 M7.7#*;*.% 7.9 S+,*.%,8,+ A"%:-3,%,*$ 8-3 I.%*3.7%,-.74 T379* ,. E.97.#*3*9 S2*+,*$ -8

6,49 F7".7 7.9 F4-37. /or the implementation of $nternational agreement on international trade in endangered species of !ild fauna and fora, the management authorities for terrestrial and a.uatic resources shall be the Protected Areas and 4ildlife Bureau 2PA4B3 of the ):#R and the Bureau of /isheries and A.uatic Resources 2B/AR3 of the )A, respectively and that in the Province of Pala!an the implementation hereof is vested to the Pala!an Council for Sustainable )evelopment pursuant to Republic Act #o( HD%%( To provide advice to the management authorities, there shall be designated scientific authorities for terrestrial and a.uatic8marine species( /or the terrestrial species, the scientific authorities shall be the :cosystems Research and )evelopment Bureau 2:R)B3 of the ):#R, the ?(P( $nstitute of Biological Sciences and the #ational Auseum and other agencies as may be designated by the Secretary( /or the marine and a.uatic species, the scientific authorities shall be the B/AR, the ?(P( Aarine Science $nstitute, ?(P( Bisayas, Siliman ?niversity and the #ational Auseum and other agencies as may be designated by the Secretary: Provided, That in the case of terrestrial species, the :R)B shall chair the scientific authorities, and in the case of marine and a.uatic species, the ?(P( Aarine Science $nstitute shall chair the scientific authorities( S*+%,-. 2!. A"%:-3,%5 -8 %:* S*+3*%735 %- I$$"* P*3;,%$. - The Secretary or the duly authori*ed representative, in order to effectively implement this Act, shall issue permits8certifications8clearances !ith corresponding period of validity, !henever appropriate, !hich shall include but not limited to the follo!ing: %( '( ;( <( 9( 4ildlife farm or culture permit ; to 9 years0 4ildlife collector+s permit % to ; years0 6ratuitous permit % year0 =ocal transport permit % to ; months0 and :-port8$mport8Ree-port permit % to D months(

threatened, and classify the same as critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable or other accepted categories based on the best scientific data and !ith due regard to internationally accepted criteria, including but not limited to the follo!ing: a( present or threatened destruction, modification or curtailment of its habitat or range0 b( over-utili*ation for commercial, recreational, scientific or educational purposes0 c( inade.uacy of e-isting regulatory mechanisms0 and d( other natural or man-made factors affecting the e-istence of !ildlife( The Secretary shall revie!, revise and publish the list of categori*ed threatened !ildlife !ithin one 2%3 year after effectivity of this Act( Thereafter, the list shall be updated regularly or as the need arises: Provided, That a species listed as threatened shall not be removed there from !ithin three 2;3 years follo!ing its initial listing( ?pon filing of a petition based on substantial scientific information of any person see ing for the addition or deletion of a species from the list, the Secretary shall evaluate in accordance !ith the relevant factors stated in the first paragraph of this section, the status of the species concerned and act on said petition !ithin a reasonable period( The Secretary shall also prepare and publish a list of !ildlife !hich resembles so closely in appearance !ith listed threatened !ildlife, !hich species shall li e!ise be categori*ed as threatened( S*+%,-. 23. C-44*+%,-. -8 T:3*7%*.*9 6,494,8*, B5'23-9"+%$ 7.9 D*3,<7%,<*$ The collection of threatened !ildlife, as determined and listed pursuant to this Act, including its by-products and derivatives, shall be allo!ed only for scientific, or breeding or propagation purposes in accordance !ith Section D of this Act: Provided, That only the accredited individuals, business, research, educational or scientific entities shall be allo!ed to collect for conservation breeding or propagation purposes( S*+%,-. 24. C-.$*3<7%,-. B3**9,.# -3 P3-27#7%,-. -8 T:3*7%*.*9 S2*+,*$ Conservation breeding or propagation of threatened species shall be encouraged in order to enhance its population in its natural habitat( $t shall be done simultaneously !ith the rehabilitation and8or protection of the habitat !here the captivebred or propagated species shall be released, reintroduced or restoc ed( Commercial breeding or propagation of threatened species may be allo!ed provided that the follo!ing minimum re.uirements are met by the applicant, to !it: a( Proven effective breeding and captive management techni.ues of the species0 and b( Commitment to underta e commercial breeding in accordance !ith Section %H of this Act, simultaneous !ith conservation breeding( The Secretary shall prepare a list of threatened species for commercial breeding and shall regularly revise or update such list or as the need arises(

These permits may be rene!ed sub1ect to the guidelines issued by the appropriate agency and upon consultation !ith concerned groups( S*+%,-. 21. F**$ 7.9 C:73#*$. - Reasonable fees and charges as may be determined upon consultation !ith the concerned groups, and in the amount fi-ed by the Secretary shall be imposed for the issuances of permits enumerated in the preceding section( /or the e-port of !ildlife species, an e-port permit fee of not greater than three percentum 2;N3 of the e-port value, e-cluding transport costs, shall be charged: Provided, ho!ever, That in the determination of aforesaid fee, the production costs shall be given due consideration( Cutflo!ers, leaves and the li e, produced from farms shall be e-empted from the said e-port fee: Provided, further, That fees and charges shall be revie!ed by the Secretary every t!o 2'3 years or as the need arises and revise the same accordingly, sub1ect to consultation !ith concerned sectors( ARTICLE T6O P3-%*+%,-. -8 T:3*7%*.*9 S2*+,*$ S*+%,-. 22. D*%*3;,.7%,-. -8 T:3*7%*.*9 S2*+,*$. - The Secretary shall determine !hether any !ildlife species or subspecies is

S*+%,-. 25. E$%7=4,$:;*.% -8 C3,%,+74 H7=,%7%$. - 4ithin t!o 2'3 years follo!ing the effectivity of this Act, The Secretary shall designate critical habitats outside protected areas under Republic Act #o( H97D, !here threatened species are found( Such designation shall be made on the basis of the best scientific data ta ing into consideration species endemicity and8or richness, presence of manmade pressures8threats to the survival of !ildlife living in the area, among others( All designated, critical habitats shall be protected, in coordination !ith the local government units and other concerned groups, from any form of e-ploitation or destruction !hich may be detrimental to the survival of the threatened species dependent therein( /or such purpose, the Secretary may ac.uire, by purchase, donation or e-propriation, lands, or interests therein, including the ac.uisition of usufruct, establishment of easements or other underta ings appropriate in protecting the critical habitat( ARTICLE THREE R*#,$%37%,-. -8 T:3*7%*.*9 7.9 E>-%,+ S2*+,*$ S*+%,-. 26. R*#,$%37%,-. -8 T:3*7%*.*9 7.9 E>-%,+ 6,494,8* ,. %:* P-$$*$$,-. -8 P3,<7%* P*3$-.$. - #o person or entity shall be allo!ed possession of !ildlife unless such person or entity can prove financial and technical capability and facility to maintain said !ildlife( T!elve 2%'3 months after the effectivity of this Act, the Secretary shall set a period, !ithin !hich persons8entities shall register all threatened species collected and e-otic species imported prior to the effectivity of this Act( Ho!ever, !hen the threatened species is needed for breeding8propagation or research purposes, the State may ac.uire the !ildlife through a mutually acceptable arrangement( After the period set has elapsed, threatened !ildlife possessed !ithout certificate of registration shall be confiscated in favor of the government, sub1ect to the penalties herein provided( All Philippine !ildlife !hich are not listed as threatened prior to the effectivity of this Act but !hich may later become so, shall li e!ise be registered during the period set after the publication of the updated list of threatened species( CHAPTER IV ILLEGAL ACTS S*+%,-. 27. I44*#74 A+%$. - ?nless other!ise allo!ed in accordance !ith this Act, it shall be unla!ful for any person to !illfully and no!ingly e-ploit !ildlife resources and their habitats, or underta e the follo!ing acts0 2a3 illing and destroying !ildlife species, e-cept in the follo!ing instances0 i( !hen it is done as part of the religious rituals of established tribal groups or indigenous cultural communities0 ii( !hen the !ildlife is afflicted !ith an incurable communicable disease0 iii( !hen it is deemed necessary to put an end to the misery suffered by the !ildlife0 iv( !hen it is done to prevent an imminent danger to the life or limb of a human being0 and


!hen the !ildlife is illed or destroyed after it has been used in authori*ed research or e-periments (

2b3 inflicting in1ury !hich cripples and8or impairs the reproductive system of !ildlife species0 2c3 effecting any of the follo!ing acts in critical habitat2s3 i( ii( iii( iv( v( vi( dumping of !aste products detrimental to !ildlife0 s.uatting or other!ise occupying any portion of the critical habitat0 mineral e-ploration and8or e-traction0 burning0 logging0 and .uarrying

2d3 introduction, reintroduction or restoc ing of !ildlife resources0 2e3 trading of !ildlife0 2f3 collecting, hunting or possessing !ildlife, their by-products and derivatives0 2g3 gathering or destroying of active nests, nest trees, host plants and the li e0 2h3 maltreating and8or inflicting other in1uries not covered by the preceding paragraph0 and 2i3 transporting of !ildlife( CHAPTER V FINES AND PENALTIES S*+%,-. 28. P*.74%,*$ 8-3 V,-47%,-.$ -8 %:,$ A+%. /or any person !ho underta es illegal acts under paragraph 2a3 of the immediately preceding section to any species as may be categori*ed pursuant to this Act, the follo!ing penalties and8or fines shall be imposed0 a( imprisonment of a minimum of si- 2D3 years and one 2%3 day to t!elve 2%'3 years and8or a fine of 5ne hundred thousand pesos 2P%>>,>>>(>>3 to 5ne million pesos 2P%,>>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against species listed as critical0 b( imprisonment of four 2<3 and one 2%3 day to si- 2D3 years and8or a fine of /ifty thousand pesos 2P9>,>>>(>>3 to /ive hundred thousand pesos 2P9>>,>>>(>>3 if inflicted or underta en against endangered species0 c( imprisonment of t!o 2'3 years and one 2%3 day to four 2<3 years and8or a fine of Thirty thousand pesos 2P;>,>>>(>>3 to Three hundred thousand pesos 2P;>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against vulnerable species0 d( imprisonment of one 2%3 year and one 2%3 day to t!o 2'3 years and8or a fine of T!enty thousand pesos 2P'>,>>>(>>3 to T!o hundred thousand pesos 2P'>>,>>>(>>3 if inflicted or underta en against other threatened species0 and


imprisonment of si- 2D3 months and one 2%3 day to one 2%3 year and8or a fine of Ten thousand pesos 2P%>,>>>(>>3 to 5ne hundred thousand pesos 2P%>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against other !ildlife species(

/or illegal acts under paragraphs 2f3 and 2g3 of the immediately preceding section, the follo!ing penalties and8or fines shall be imposed: a( imprisonment of t!o 2'3 years and one 2%3 day to four 2<3 years and a fine of Thirty thousand pesos 2P;>,>>>(>>3 to Three hundred thousand pesos 2P;>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against species listed as critical0 b( imprisonment of one 2%3 year and one 2%3 day to t!o 2'3 years and a fine of T!enty thousand pesos 2P'>,>>>(>>3 to T!o hundred thousand pesos 2P'>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against endangered species0 c( imprisonment of si- 2D3 months and one 2%3 day to one 2%3 year and a fine of Ten thousand pesos 2P%>,>>>(>>3 to 5ne hundred thousand pesos 2P%>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against vulnerable species0 d( imprisonment of one 2%3 month and one 2%3 day to si- 2D3 months and a fine of /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>(>>3 to /ifty thousand pesos 2P9>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against species as other threatened species0 and e( imprisonment of ten 2%>3 days to one 2%3 month and a fine of 5ne thousand pesos 2P%,>>>(>>3 to /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against other !ildlife species: Provided, That in case of paragraph 2f3, !here the acts !ere perpetuated through the means of inappropriate techni.ues and devices, the ma-imum penalty herein provided shall be imposed( /or illegal acts under paragraph 2h3 and 2i3 of the immediately preceding section, the follo!ing penalties and8or fines shall be imposed: a( imprisonment of si- 2D3 months and one 2%3 day to one 2%3 year and a fine of /ifty thousand pesos 2P9>,>>>(>>3 to 5ne hundred thousand pesos 2P%>>,>>>(>>3 if inflicted or underta en against species listed as critical species0 b( imprisonment of three 2;3 months and one 2%3 day to si- 2D3 months and a fine of T!enty thousand pesos 2P'>,>>>(>>3 to /ifty thousand pesos 2P9>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against endangered species0 c( imprisonment of one 2%3 month and one 2%3 day to three 2;3 months and a fine of /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>(>>3 to T!enty thousand pesos 2P'>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against vulnerable species0 d( imprisonment of ten 2%>3 days to one 2%3 month and a fine of 5ne thousand pesos 2P%,>>>(>>3 to /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against species listed as other threatened species 0 e( 2e3 imprisonment of five 293 days to ten 2%>3 days and a fine of T!o hundred pesos 2P'>>(>>3 to 5ne thousand pesos 2P%,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against other !ildlife species( All !ildlife, its derivatives or by-products, and all paraphernalia, tools and conveyances used in connection !ith violations of this Act, shall be ipso facto forfeited in favor of the government0 Provided, That !here the o!nership of the aforesaid conveyances belong to third persons !ho has no participation in or no!ledge of the illegal acts,

/or illegal acts under paragraph 2b3 of the immediately preceding section, the follo!ing penalties and8or fines shall be imposed0 a( imprisonment of minimum of four 2<3 years and one 2%3 day to si- 2D3 years and8or a fine of /ifty thousand pesos 2P9>,>>>(>>3 to /ive hundred thousand pesos 2P9>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against species listed as critical0 b( imprisonment of t!o 2'3 years and one 2%3 day to four 2<3 years and8or a fine of Thirty thousand pesos 2P;>,>>>(>>3 to T!o hundred thousand pesos 2P'>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against endangered species0 c( imprisonment of one 2%3 year and one 2%3 day to t!o 2'3 years and8or a fine of T!enty thousand pesos 2P'>,>>>(>>3 to T!o hundred thousand pesos 2P'>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against vulnerable species0 d( imprisonment of si- 2D3 months and one 2%3 day to one 2%3 year and8or fine of Ten thousand pesos 2P%>,>>>(>>3 to /ifty thousand pesos 2P9>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against other threatened species0 and e( imprisonment of one 2%3 month to si- 2D3 months and8or a fine of /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>(>>3 to T!enty thousand pesos 2P'>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against other !ildlife species( /or illegal acts under paragraphs 2c3 and 2d3 of the immediately preceding section, an imprisonment of one 2%3 month to eight 273 years and8or a fine of /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>(>>3 to /ive million pesos 2P9,>>>,>>>(>>3 shall be imposed( /or illegal acts under paragraph 2e3, the follo!ing penalties and8or fines shall be imposed: a( imprisonment of t!o 2'3 years and one 2%3 day to four 2<3 years and8or a fine of /ive thousand pesos 2P9,>>>(>>3 to Three hundred thousand pesos 2P;>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against species listed as critical0 b( imprisonment of one 2%3 year and one 2%3 day to t!o 2'3 years and8or a fine of T!o thousand pesos 2P',>>>(>>3 to T!o hundred thousand pesos 2P'>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against endangered species0 c( imprisonment of si- 2D3 months and one 2%3 day to one 2%3 year and8or a fine of 5ne thousand pesos 2P%,>>>(>>3 to 5ne hundred thousand pesos 2P%>>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against vulnerable species0 d( imprisonment of one 2%3 month and one 2%3 day to si- 2D3 months and8or a fine of /ive hundred pesos 2P9>>(>>3 to /ifty thousand pesos 2P9>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against species listed as threatened species0 and e( imprisonment of ten 2%>3 days to one 2%3 month and8or a fine of T!o hundred pesos 2P'>>(>>3 to T!enty thousand pesos 2P'>,>>>(>>3, if inflicted or underta en against other !ildlife species(

the same may be released to said o!ner( The apprehending agency shall immediately cause the transfer of all !ildlife that have been sei*ed or recovered to the nearest 4ildlife Rescue Center of the )epartment in the area( $f the offender is an alien, he shall be deported after service and payment of fines, !ithout any further proceedings( The fines herein prescribed shall be increased by at least ten percent 2%>N3 every three 2;3 years to compensate for inflation and to maintain the deterrent function of such fines ( CHAPTER VI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS S*+%,-. 2 . 6,494,8* M7.7#*;*.% F".9. There is hereby established a 4ildlife Aanagement /und to be administered by the )epartment as a special account in the #ational Treasury !hich shall finance rehabilitation or restoration of habitats affected by acts committed in violation of this Act and support scientific research, enforcement and monitoring activities, as !ell as enhancement of capabilities of relevant agencies( The /und shall derive from fines imposed and damages a!arded, fees, charges, donations, endo!ments, administrative fees or grants in the form of contributions( Contributions to the /und shall be e-empted from donor ta-es and all other ta- charges or fees imposed by the government( S*+%,-. 3!. D*2"%7%,-. -8 6,494,8* E.8-3+*;*.% O88,+*3$. The Secretary shall deputi*e !ildlife enforcement officers from nongovernment organi*ations, citi*ens groups, community organi*ations and other volunteers !ho have undergone necessary training for this purpose( The Philippine #ational Police 2P#P3, the Armed /orces of the Philippines 2A/P3, the #ational Bureau of $nvestigation 2#B$3 and other la! enforcement agencies shall designate !ildlife enforcement officers( As such, the !ild enforcement officers shall have the full authority to sei*e illegally traded !ildlife and to arrest violators of this Act sub1ect to e-isting la!s, rules and regulations on arrest and detention( S*+%,-. 31. E$%7=4,$:;*.% -8 N7%,-.74 6,494,8* R*$*73+: C*.%*3$. The Secretary shall establish national !ildlife research centers for terrestrial and a.uatic species to lead in the conduct of scientific researches on the proper strategies for the conservation and protection of !ildlife, including captive breeding or propagation( $n this regard, the Secretary shall encourage the participation of e-perts from academic8research institutions and !ildlife industry( S*+%,-. 32. 6,494,8* R*$+"* C*.%*3. The Secretary shall establish or designate !ildlife rescue centers to ta e temporary custody and care of all confiscated, abandoned and8or donated !ildlife to ensure their !elfare and !ell-being( The Secretary shall formulate guidelines for the disposition of !ildlife from the rescue centers( S*+%,-. 33. C3*7%,-. -8 6,494,8* T3788,+ M-.,%-3,.# U.,%$. - The Secretary shall create !ildlife traffic monitoring units in strategic air

and seaports all over the country to ensure the strict compliance and effective implementation of all e-isting !ildlife la!s, rules and regulations, including pertinent international agreements( Customs officers and8or other authori*ed government representatives assigned at air or seaports !ho may have intercepted !ildlife commodities in the discharge of their official functions shall, prior to further disposition thereof, secure a clearance from the !ildlife traffic monitoring unit assigned in the area( S*+%,-. 34. E>*;2%,-. 83-; %7>*$ - Any donation, contribution, be.uest, subsidy or financial aid !hich may be made to the )epartment of :nvironment and #atural Resources or to the )epartment of Agriculture and to #65s engaged in !ildlife conservation duly registered !ith the Securities and :-change Commission as certified by the local government unit, the )epartment of :nvironment and #atural Resources or the )epartment of Agriculture, for the conservation and protection of !ildlife resources and their habitats shall constitute as an allo!able deduction from the ta-able income of the donor and shall be e-empt from donor+s ta-( S*+%,-. 35. F47#$:,2 S2*+,*$. =ocal government units shall initiate conservation measures for endemic species in their areas( /or this purpose, they may adopt flagship species such as the Cebu blac shama 2copsychus cebuensis3, tamara! 2bubalus mindorensis3, Philippine tarsier 2tarsius syrichta3, Philippine tea 2tectona philippinensis3, !hich shall serve as emblems of conservation for the local government concerned( S*+%,-. 36. B-%7.,+74 G739*.$, (--4-#,+74 P73A$ 7.9 O%:*3 S,;,473 E$%7=4,$:;*.%$. The Secretary shall regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of botanical gardens, *oological par s and other similar establishments for recreation, education and conservation( S*+%,-. 37. I;24*;*.%,.# R"4*$ 7.9 R*#"47%,-.$. 4ithin t!elve 2%'3 months follo!ing the effectivity of this Act, secretaries of the )epartment of :nvironment and #atural Resources and the )epartment of Agriculture, in coordination !ith the Committees on :nvironment and :cology of the Senate and the House of Representatives, respectively, shall promulgate respective rules and regulations for the effective implementation of this Act( 4henever appropriate, coordination in the preparation and implementation of rules and regulations on 1oint and inseparable issues shall be done by both )epartments( The commitments of the State to international agreements and protocols shall li e!ise be a consideration in the implementation of this Act( S*+%,-. 38. A223-23,7%,-.$. The amount necessary to implement the provisions of this Act shall be charged against the appropriations of the )epartment of :nvironment and #atural Resources in the current 6eneral Appropriations Act( Therefore, such sums as may be necessary to fully implement the provisions of this Act shall be included in the annual 6eneral Appropriations Act( S*+%,-. 3 . S*2737=,4,%5 C47"$*. - Should any provision of this Act be subse.uently declared as unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity or the legality of the other provisions(

S*+%,-. 4!. R*2*74,.# C47"$*. - Act #os( '9&> and ;&7;, Common!ealth Act #o( D;, as amended, Presidential )ecree #o( %'%&, as amended, Republic Act #o( D%<H, and other la!s, orders and regulations inconsistent here!ith are hereby repealed or amended accordingly( S*+%,-. 41. E88*+%,<,%5. - This Act shall ta e effect fifteen 2%93 days after publication in the 5fficial 6a*ette or t!o 2'3 ne!spapers of general circulation(



A1UILINO 1. PIMENTEL )R. P3*$,9*.% -8 %:* S*.7%*

FELICIANO BELMONTE )R. S2*7A*3 -8 %:* H-"$* -8 R*23*$*.%7%,<*$

customary la! before any utili*ation of natural resources !ithin an ancestral domain is allo!ed( $n relation to intellectual property rights as it relates to species of plants and animals, the Act provides that in relation to the right to indigenous no!ledge systems and practices and to develop their o!n sciences and technologies, the indigenous peoples are entitled to the recognition of the full o!nership and control and protection of their cultural and intellectual rights( I.$%,%"%,-.74 #ational Commission on $ndigenous Cultural : A337.#*;*.%$ Communities 8$ndigenous Peoples 2#CCP3 I$$"*$ B%- =* $ncrease public participation and a!areness through : 7993*$$*9C information and education S7.+%,-.$ $mprisonment of not less than & months but not more than %' years or a fine not less than one hundred thousand pesos nor more than five : hundred thousand pesos or both upon discretion of the Court( 2fines shall be increased by at least %>N every ; years3

This Act !hich is a consolidation of House Bill #o( %>D'' and Senate Bill #o( '%'7 !as finally passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on /ebruary 7, '>>% and Aarch '>, '>>%, respectively(

BS#9C LUTGARDO B. BARBO S*+3*%735 -8 %:* S*.7%* Approved: Culy ;>, '>>%

BS#9C ROBERTO P. NA(ARENO S*+3*%735 G*.*374 H-"$* -8 R*23*$*.%7%,<*$

$n 5ctober %&&H, then President /idel B( Ramos signed into la! RA 7;H%, the $PRA( This legislation lays do!n the legal frame!or for addressing indigenous peoplesJ poverty( $t see s to alleviate the plight of the countryJs Qpoorest of the poorR by correcting, by legislative fiat, the historical errors that led to systematic dispossession of and discrimination against indigenous peoples( The $mplementing Rules and Regulations 2$RR3 of $PRA !ere approved on & Cune %&&7( The $PRA la! enforces the %&7H ConstitutionJs mandate that the State should craft a policy Qto recogni*e and promote the rights of indigenous peoples8$CCs !ithin the frame!or of national unity and development,R;% and Qto protect the rights of indigenous cultural communities to their ancestral lands to ensure T:* I.9,#*.-"$ P*-24*$D R,#:%$ A+% or $PRA 2RA 7;H%3


GLORIA MACAPAGAL'ARROYO P3*$,9*.% -8 %:* P:,4,22,.*$

I.9,#*.-"$ P*-24*$ R,#:%$ A+% BRA 8371C D7%* $,#.*9 : %&&H ,.%- 47? S";;735 : The Act ensures free and prior informed consent of the indigenous communities in accordance !ith

The $PRA also no!n as the Ancestral )omains =a! recogni*es, protects and promotes the rights of indigenous cultural communities and indigenous peoples( $t is the first la! on ancestral domains in the !orld( Among the rights recogni*ed under the $PRA, in addition to communally o!ning the lands they occupy, are the follo!ing: to remain in their ancestral domains0 to be compensated 1ustly and resettled in case of displacement0 to en1oy safe and clean air and !ater0 to uphold tribal la!s and traditions, including implementation of their o!n 1udicial system0 to transfer land8property to other members of their community in accordance !ith their tribal la!s0 to en1oy the fruits of their communal lands0 to e-ercise selfgovernance0 to be protected in their community and intellectual property0 to practice their o!n religion and ceremonies0 to ac.uire, practice, and preserve indigenous no!ledge systems0 to en1oy e.ual rights for indigenous !omen and children as similarly en1oyed by other /ilipinos0 and, to have access to basic services and opportunities to improve their lives(

These rights, ho!ever, have corresponding responsibilities for the indigenous peoples, including the maintenance of the ecological balance and restoration of denuded areas !ithin the ancestral domain( The $PRA also created the #ational Commission on $ndigenous Cultural Communities8$ndigenous Peoples, mandated to protect and promote the interests and !ellbeing of the $CCs8$Ps, and it is composed of seven commissioners belonging to $CCs8$Ps appointed by the President of the Philippines( $PRA !as principally authored by Sen( Cuan /lavier, Rep( 6regorio Andolana and Rep( Ceremias @apata, and enacted into la! on 5ctober '&, %&&H(

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