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Roof Areas: Upper Roof and Office Area

Date of Issue: May 27, 2009

Bid Due Date: June 2, 2009, 2:00 PM

PAGE 00100-2



RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, bidding documents and drawings.


SEALED BIDS A. B. C. Sealed bids will be received until: 2:00 P.M., June 2, 2009 Address envelopes to: Mr. Write in the lower left corner: Roof Bid


DEFINITION OF TERMS A. B. Whenever the term "Owner" occurs in the Specifications or other documents, it shall mean XX Schools. Whenever the term "Contractor" occurs in the Specifications or other documents, it shall mean a person, firm or corporation contracting with the Owner to supply labor, equipment, and materials specified herein for the successful completion of this contract.


PRE-QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS A. Contractors may be required to file, prior to the time of award of contract, a confidential financial statement and experience questionnaire, which may be a complete report of the financial resources and liabilities, equipment, past record, and personnel.


SUBSTITUTIONS OF MATERIALS OR METHODS A. Substitutions must be approved by written addenda prior to the submission of bids. 1 B. Submissions for substitutions must be made in accordance with the provisions in Section 01300 - SUBMITTALS

A bidder offering "equal" materials will be responsible to the building owner as to chemical content and the performance under laboratory tests of the materials he intends to use. These materials must comply with the standards set forth in PART 2 of each section of this specification. The reports must be submitted to the Specifier for approval not less than five days prior to Bid Date and show direct comparisons between the two materials. If testing was done, the date, or dates, of the testing also must be shown, and the tests must have been performed by an independent laboratory for qualitative and quantitative analysis, at no expense to the Owner. If approved by the Specifier, all Bidders will be notified by Addendum that these materials have been accepted as equal for purposes of bidding. If substitute materials are offered, the Owner reserves the right to be the final authority on their acceptance. During the application of materials, the contractor must have the supplier's representative present on the job site periodically. The supplier's representative must be a full-time employee of the supplier. Upon job completion, a final inspection will be made by the material suppliers representative , the Specifier, and Contractor. No further payments will be authorized for the work done until such inspection has been made, and all work that is visible is found to have been performed in accordance with the specifications and to the satisfaction of the building owner.

C. D. E. F.



PAGE 00100-3

G. 1.6.

All bids shall be based upon the use of the type of materials specified herein. Any changes or substitutions require prior approval, in writing, from the owner's representative.

ADDENDUM TO PROPOSAL A. The Owner reserves the right to modify the proposal to within three (3) days of the scheduled date for the opening of proposals. All addenda shall be in writing and sent to all bidders having received a proposal.


AWARDING OF CONTRACT A. The Owner reserves the right to award the contract to the lowest and best, and not necessarily to the lowest bidder, or to reject any or all bids without informalities.


EXAMINATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, AND SITE OF WORK A. The bidder is expected to examine carefully the site of the proposed work, the proposal, plans, specifications, supplemental specifications, special provisions and contract forms, before submitting a bid. The submission of a bid shall be considered evidence that the bidder has made such examination and is satisfied as to the conditions to be encountered in performing the work, and as to the requirements of the site conditions, plans, specifications, supplemental conditions, special provisions and contracts, and no allowance will be made for lack of knowledge concerning such conditions after the contract is signed.


PREPARATION OF BID PROPOSAL A. B. The bidder shall submit his bid upon the forms furnished by the Owner. All words and figures shall be in ink or typewritten. The bidder's bid must be signed with ink by the individual, by one or more members of the partnership, or by one or more officers of a corporation, or by an agent of the Contractor legally qualified and acceptable to the Owner. If the proposal is made by an individual, his name and business address must be shown; by a partnership, the name and business address of each partnership member must be shown; by a corporation, the name of the state under the laws of which the corporation is chartered and the name and title of the officer or officers having authority under the bylaws to sign contracts, the name of the corporation and the business address of its corporate official must be shown.

1.10. PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BONDS A. Before work may commence, the successful bidder shall provide a Payment Bond and a Performance Bond, both equal to the amount of the bid, in favor of XX City Schools. .Payment and Performance Bonds shall be in conformity with any pertinent local, state, or federal rule, regulation or law. The cost of a Payment and Performance Bond in total bid amount shall be included in the bid.

1.11. DELIVERY OF BIDS A. The bids shall be placed, together with the proposal guaranty, in a sealed envelope so marked as to indicate the identity of the project and the name and address of the bidder. Proposals will be received until the hour and date set for the opening thereof, and must be in the hands of the official indicated by such time. Bids received after the time for opening will be returned to the bidder unopened.

1.12. WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS A. A bidder may withdraw his bid, provided the request in writing is in the hands of the official indicated in the proposal by the time set for opening bid. When such bid is reached, it will be returned to the bidder unopened.

1.13. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS A. Any of the following reasons may be considered as being sufficient for the disqualification of a bidder and the rejection of his proposal or proposals: 1 If the bid is on a form other than that furnished by the Owner or if the form is altered or any part thereof is detached.



PAGE 00100-4

2 3

If there are unauthorized additions, conditional or substitute bids, or irregularities of any kind which may tend to make the bid incomplete, indefinite or ambiguous as to its meaning. If the bidder adds any provisions reserving the right to accept or reject an award, or to enter into a contract pursuant to an award. This does not exclude a bid limiting the maximum gross amount of awards acceptable to any one bidder at any one bid letting, provided that any selection of awards will be made by the Owner. More than one proposal for the same work from an individual firm or corporation under the same or different name. Evidence of collusion among bidders. Participants in such collusion will receive no recognition as bidders for any future work of the Owner until any such participant shall have been reinstated as a qualified bidder. Bid prices which obviously are unbalanced.

4 5

1.14. MATERIAL GUARANTY A. Before any contract is awarded, the bidder may be required to furnish a complete statement of the origin, composition and material supplier of any or all materials to be used in the construction of the work, together with samples, which samples may be subjected to the tests provided for in these specifications to determine their quality and fitness for the work.

1.15. BID PROPOSAL FORM A. Each bidder shall submit an individual Bid Proposal Form. The Bid Proposal Form in these documents must be utilized; no alteration of the form shall be made.

1.16. INSURANCE A. Before work may commence, the successful bidder shall provide a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, both equal to the amount of the bid, in favor of XX City Schools. The successful bidder shall provide XX City Schools with appropriate insurance coverage, including automobile liability, general liability, property insurance, etc. and name XX City Schools, an additional insured. Original sets of certificates shall be on file with XX City Schools before work commences. Each such certificate of insurance shall provide for payment of not less than the amount of $500,000.00 for injury or death of one person and $1,000,000.00 for any one accident, and $500,000.00 for property damage for any one accident, and a total aggregate property damage limit of $1,000,000.00. The successful bidder shall also agree to protect XX City Schools against all claims, demands, expenses, suits, or judgments arising because of, or resulting from the operations of the contractors, his agents, or his employees during the execution of this contract. The successful bidder shall present evidence of insurance coverage by presenting the following prior to signing of a contract: 1 2 3 Authenticated copies of all insurance coverage. Authorization by the State of Georgia to do business in the State of Georgia, if the insurance company is not a corporation of the State of Georgia. Workmen's Compensation Certificate of the State of Georgia.



Insurance certificate shall be submitted with coverage as follows: 1 2 Claim under Workers' or Workmen's Compensation, disability benefit of other similar employee benefit acts; Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of his employees;



PAGE 00100-5

3 4

Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness of disease, or death of any person other than his employees; Claims for damages insured by usual personal injury liability coverage which are sustained by any person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to the employment of such person by the Contractor, or any other person; Claims for damages, other than to the work itself, because of injury to or destruction of the tangible property, including loss of use resulting therefrom; and claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person, or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle.

1.17. EXPERIENCE OF CONTRACTOR A. In addition to requirements listed elsewhere, any contractor submitting a bid must have been in the business of installing modified bitumen roofing systems a minimum of five (5) years.

1.18. TAXES A. The successful bidder shall be required to comply with all federal, state and local requirements with regard to any and all taxes owed and/or required.

1.19. SCHEDULING OF WORK A. This project is scheduled to commence during summer break and be completed prior to the commencement of school in the fall. Contractors scheduling will have an influence on choosing lowest and best bid.

1.20. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Material payment will be processed upon delivery of materials to job site, issuance of invoice by the Contractor and approval by Owners Representative. All suppliers and subcontractors must be paid in full and Waiver of Lien by major suppliers and subcontractors issued prior to any subsequent payments being made to the contractor. Once all work has been completed, and final inspection has been made, Contractor may invoice the Owner for 90% of the remaining labor and the materials which were provided by Contractor. Once all deficiencies have been corrected, the Owner will make payment of 90% of the contract price, with adds and deducts, and will make payment of the remaining 10% once the warranty has been issued.





PAGE 00313-6


Date: To: For: From: Mr. Roof Replacement of the Upper Roof at

The undersigned hereby proposes to furnish labor and materials necessary for re-roofing in full compliance with these contract documents. The undersigned, as bidder, declares; that the parties in this contract proposal as principals are named herein; that no officer or agent of the Owner is directly or indirectly interested in this proposal; that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, the specifications and other Contract Documents therein referred to; and he proposes and agrees that if the proposal is accepted, he will contract with the Owner to construct completely, in the manner and time prescribed, the items bid upon, including all work incidental to such items as well as those in all addenda issued prior to the date of opening of proposals, according to the specifications, and that he will accept in full payment therefore the following sum:

Words Figures


Words Figures

ADDITIVE ALTERNATES Replace defective decking, cost per square foot: ................................................................. $___________________ Contractor Owner / Officer Title Address City, State Zip

* * * END OF SECTION 00313 - BID FORM * * *



PAGE 01010-7



RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, bidding documents and drawings.


SUMMARY OF WORK: A. Work includes: 1 Removal of the existing roof system on the Upper Roof area and disposal of all roofing, flashings, insulation, metal edge, and related materials off site. Retain the gutters and downspouts. Remove and dispose of all asbestos containing roofing materials in accordance with Georgia and Federal regulations. Slit the existing single ply membrane on the Lower Office Roof on four foot centers. Remove and dispose of the existing metal edge detail off site. Installation of tapered isocyanurate insulation on the Upper Roof with a minimum thickness of 2 inches. Insulation system shall be tapered and sloped to the sides in a hip configuration. Installation of roof system manufacturer approved cover board on both roof areas. Installation of a four ply built up roof membrane assembly with white mineral surfacing. Installation of new edge metal, wall counterflashings, unit counterflashings, stack flashings, plumbing vent flashings, curb flashings, sleeper support pads, sleepers, penetration pockets/pitch pans, and all other roof system accessories as approved by and required by the roof system manufacturer. Installation of new gutters and downspouts on the Lower Office Roof.

2 3 4

3 4 5

6 1.3.

INTENT OF THE SPECIFICATIONS: A. The intent of these specifications is to describe the materials and methods of construction required for the performance of the work. In general, it is intended that the drawings shall delineate the detailed extent of the work. When there is a discrepancy between drawings, referenced specifications, and standards and this specification, this specification shall govern.


PROTECTION: A. B. The Contractor shall use every available precaution to provide for the safety of property owner, visitors to the site, and all connected with the work under the specification. All existing facilities both above and below ground shall be protected and maintained free of damage. Existing facilities shall remain operating during the period of construction unless otherwise permitted. All access roadways must remain open to traffic unless otherwise permitted. Barricades shall be erected to fence off all construction areas from operations personnel.




PAGE 01010-8


Safety Requirements 1 2 All application, material handling, and associated equipment shall conform to and be operated in conformance with OSHA safety requirements. Comply with federal, state, local and owner fire and safety requirements. Provide a full time employee to perform fire watch activities for a minimum of one hour after cessation of the use of torches and/or other open flame tools. Advise owner whenever work is expected to be hazardous to owner employees and/or operations. Maintain a crewman as a floor area guard whenever roof decking is being repaired or replaced. Maintain proper fire extinguisher within easy access whenever power tools and torches are being used. ALL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE BUILDING OWNER MUST BE FOLLOWED. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE PERMITTED. SAFETY ORIENTATION MEETING REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY WORK.

3 4 5 6


HOUSEKEEPING: A. B. C. Keep materials neat and orderly. Remove scrap, waste and debris from project area. Maintenance of clean conditions while work is in progress and cleanup when work is completed shall be in strict accordance with the "General Requirements" of this contract.

* * * END OF SECTION 01010 * * *



PAGE 01015-9




1.1. RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, bidding documents and drawings.

1.2. DESCRIPTION A. Work included: 1 This Section applies to situations in which the Contractor or his representatives including, but not necessarily limited to, suppliers, subcontractors, employees, and field engineers, enter upon Owner's property.

1.3. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. B. Promptly upon award of the Contract, notify all pertinent personnel regarding requirements of this Section. Owner may require all personnel who will enter upon the Owner's property certify their awareness of and familiarity with requirements of this Section.

1.4. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES A. B. Provide adequate protection for curbs and sidewalks over which trucks and equipment pass to reach job site. If any damage occurs the contractor is responsible for repairs. Contractor's vehicles: 1 Require Contractor's vehicles, vehicles belonging to employees of Contractor, and all other vehicles entering upon Owner's property in performance of Work of Contract, to use only the Access Route approved in advance by Owner. Do not permit such vehicles to park on any street or other area of Owner's property except in the area approved by Owner as "Contractor's Parking Area."

1.5. LANDSCAPING A. Provide adequate protection for trees, grass, shrubs and all other landscaping during set-up or construction. If any damage occurs the contractor is responsible for repairs as designated by the Owner.

1.6. FACILITY USAGE A. Provide adequate protection for all interior and exterior portions of the building during set-up and construction. If any damage occurs the contractor is responsible for repairs as designated by the Owner.

B. Provide a portable toilet placed in a location approved by the specifier and the owners representative. 1.7. SECURITY A. Restrict access of all persons entering upon the Owner's property to the Access Route and to the actual site of the work.

* * * END OF SECTION 01015 * * *



PAGE 01151-10



RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to bidding documents and drawings.


DESCRIPTION A. Work included: 1 Comply with procedures described in this Section when applying for progress payment and final payment under Contract.


QUALITY ASSURANCE A. B. Prior to start of construction, secure Designated Owners representatives approval of schedule of values required to be submitted. During progress of the Work, modify schedule of values as approved by Designated Owners representative to reflect changes in the Contract Sum due to Change Orders or other modifications of Contract. Base requests for payment on approved schedule of values. Formal submittal: Unless other wise directed by Designated Owners representative: 1 Make an informal submittal of request for payment by filling in, with erasable pencil, pertinent portions of AIA Document G702, "Application and Certificate for Payment," plus continuation sheet or sheets. Sign and notarize Application and Certificate for Payment. Submit original and three (3) copies of Application and Certificate for payment, plus four identical copies of continuation sheet or sheets, to Designated Owners representative. Designated Owners representative will compare formal submittal with approved informal submittal and, when approved, will sign Application and Certificate for Payment, will make required copies, and will distribute: a One copy to Contractor; b Two copies to Owner; c One copy to Designated Owners representative's file.

C. 1.4.


2 3 4


MATERIAL PAYMENT PROCEDURE A. Material payment will be processed upon delivery of materials to job site, issuance of invoice by the Contractor and approval by Owners Representative. All suppliers and subcontractors must be paid in full and Waiver of Lien by major suppliers and subcontractors issued prior to any subsequent payments being made to the contractor. Once all work has been completed, and final inspection has been made, Contractor may invoice the Owner for 90% of the remaining labor and the materials which were provided by Contractor. The owner will make payment of the remaining 10% once the warranty has been issued.


* * * END OF SECTION 01151 * * *



PAGE 01200-11




RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Documents affecting work of this Section include bidding documents and drawings.


PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. B. C. The Preconstruction Conference will be scheduled within 15 working days after the Owner has issued the Notice to Proceed, but prior to actual start of the Work. Attendance: Representative of owner, roofing manufacturer/supplier, and contractor. Minimum agenda: Data will be distributed and discussed on: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Organizational arrangement of Contractor's forces and personnel, and those of subcontractors, materials suppliers, and the Project Manager. Channels and procedures for communication. Review set-up area. Review all required permits. Review insurance requirements. Construction schedule, including sequence of critical work. Contract Documents, including distribution of required copies of Drawings and revisions. Processing of Shop Drawings and other data submitted to the Project Manager for review. Processing of field decisions and Change Orders. Rules and regulations governing performance of the work. Procedures for safety and first aid, security, quality control, housekeeping, and related matters.


PROGRESS MEETINGS A. B. C. Will be scheduled by owner's representative weekly or as described at the pre-bid meeting. Attendance: Owner, Contractor, Job Superintendent, Roofing Material Manufacturer/Supplier, and Sub-Contractors, as appropriate. Minimum Agenda: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Review of work progress. Field observations, problems, and decisions. Identification of problems which impede planned progress. Maintenance of progress schedule. Corrective measures to regain projected schedules. Planned progress during succeeding work period. Coordination of projected progress. Maintenance of quality and work standards.



PAGE 01200-12
9 10 1.4. Effect of proposed changes on progress, schedule, and coordination. Other business relating to work.

PRE-FINAL INSPECTION A. B. C. D. Contractor must inform material supplier and building owner's representative prior to substantial completion. Pre-final inspection will then be scheduled. Installations or details noted as deficient during inspection must be repaired and corrected by applicator. Once corrections have been made, contractor must inform material supplier and building owner's representative so a second inspection can be scheduled. Material supplier must approve roofing system prior to application of flood coat, surfacing application and/or gravel surfacing.


FINAL INSPECTION A. B. C. Scheduled by roofing material manufacturer upon job completion. Attendance: Owner or designated representative, contractor, roofing material manufacturer/supplier. Minimum Agenda: 1 2 Walkover inspection. Identification of needed corrections to be completed by contractor with final approval from warrantor.

* * * END OF SECTION 01200 * * *



PAGE 01300-13




1.1. RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, bidding documents and drawings.

1.2. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Coordination of submittals: 1 2 3 B. Prior to each submittal, carefully review and coordinate all aspects of each item being submitted. Verify that each item and the submittal for it conform in all respects with the specified requirements. By affixing the Contractor's signature or approval stamp to each submittal, he/she certifies that this coordination has been performed.

Substitutions: 1 The Contract is based on the standards of quality established in the Contract Documents. To give all bidders equal opportunity, use of any materials or methods other than those specified will require the proper submittal information and must be pre-approved in written addenda 5 days prior to bid due date. The following products do not require further approval except for interface within the Work: a 3 4 Products specified by reference to standard specification such as ASTM and similar standards.

Building owner reserves right to final authority on acceptance or rejection of any substitute. Request for substitutions will be accepted from prime bidders only. Requests for substitutions from parties not bidding on the project as a primary contractor will not be considered.


"Or equal": 1 The specified materials are named to denote the kind and quality required, whether or not the words "or approved equal" are used. These materials shall serve as standards and all proposals shall be based upon the same. Where the phrase "or equal," or "or equal as approved by the Owner," occurs in the Contract Documents, The material or method must be so approved for this Work by the Owner prior to receipt of bids. The decision of the Owner shall be final.

1.3. SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS A. The successful bidding contractor must submit the following documentation. 1 2 A list of three (3) jobs of similar size. Accredited testing laboratory certificate verifying physical performance attributes of materials meet specifications.



PAGE 01300-14

Shop Drawings: a b Make Shop Drawings accurately to a scale sufficiently large to show all pertinent aspects of the item and its method of connection to the Work. Owner will review and comment on required changes. The Contractor may make and distribute corrected copies as are required for his purposes.

4 5 6

Copy of the roofing suppliers warrant y which meets all requirements of the specified warranty. Individual product identification, including material suppliers literature and MSDS sheets. Letter from material supplier signed by a full time employee, on company stationary, confirming that all bidding documents have been approved, that the site has been inspected and meets the requirements for suitability, and that the specified warranty shall be provided upon satisfactory completion of the project. Material supplier providing the roofing warranty shall be ISO 9001: 2000 Certified. a b c Submit a copy of the material suppliers ISO 9001: 2000 Certificate of Registration Certificate of Registration shall have listed: Design, Manufacturer and Distribution in the Scope of Approval and/or Activity Verify material supplier is a financially stable organization with the ability to protect the building Owner from both product liability and warranty claims relating to roofing that might arise during the course of the warranty period. It is the intent of the building Owner to establish requirements that will protect him, be fair to all suppliers and ensure that requirements are in line with the exposure of the supplier.

Any proposed substitute materials or methods must also be accompanied by the following documentation: a b A detailed analysis of the roofs being bid on. A complete specification of the proposed substitute. If, after review, the substitute is found to be acceptable, copies will be provided to each bidder who has picked up the original specification. Written explanation of why substitutions should be considered is required.

c 9

Product samples of the smallest standard package size of any adhesive, coating, mastic, sealant, or ply sheet.

1.4. BID DOCUMENTS A. B. Bid and Proposal Form shall contain quotes to be identified BASE BID for the specified materials and methods. Certificate of insurance with limits specified in Section 00100.

* * * END OF SECTION 01300 * * *



PAGE 01400-15




1.1. RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, bidding documents and drawings.

1.2. QUALITY CONTROL A. Contractor shall: 1 2 B. Be experienced in modified bitumen roofing. Be acceptable by owner and roofing material manufacturer/supplier.

Roofing manufacturer shall: 1 2 3 4 Be an Associate Member in good standing with National Roofing Contractor's Association (NRCA). Be recognized in roofing, waterproofing and moisture survey industry. Be approved by owner. Material manufacturer/supplier must supply representative to perform periodic inspections throughout the course of the project. Written reports must be submitted to the owner's representative and copies to the contractor. Material supplier providing the roofing warranty shall be ISO 9001: 2000 Certified. a Certificate of Registration shall have listed: Design, Manufacturer and Distribution in the Scope of Approval and/or Activity.


Infra-red scan must be made to the completed roof prior to application of final surfacing. Infra-red scanner must be approved by the manufacturer/supplier issuing the warranty. Cost of this survey must be included in the Contractors Base Bid. Any deficiencies noted during inspections must be corrected by the contractor and approved in writing by the material manufacturer/supplier's representative.


1.3. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. B. The contractor shall field measure all roof areas to determine the dimensions to order adequate material quantities to complete the work specified in these documents. Any discrepancies found by the contractor during the bid process must be submitted in writing to the owners representative. Start of the project is notice to the owner that the contractor as verified all field dimensions and material quantities to complete the project.

1.4. RANDOM SAMPLING A. B. During course of work, owner/owner's representative may secure samples of materials being used from containers at job site and submit them to an independent laboratory for comparison to specified material. If test results prove that a material is not functionally equal to specified material: 1 2 Contractor shall pay for all testing. Owner will charge Contractor a penalty up to 20 percent of contract price when all work has been completed before test results become known.



PAGE 01400-16
3 Owner will charge Contractor a penalty in proportion to amount of work completed before test results become known. Remaining work shall be completed with specified materials.



2.1. GENERAL A. B. Comply with Quality Control, References, Specification, and Manufacturer's data. Where conflict may exist, more stringent requirements govern. Provide primary products, including each type of roofing sheet, base flashings, and miscellaneous flashing materials from a single manufacturer, which has produced that type of product successfully for not less than three (3) years. Provide secondary products (insulation, mechanical fasteners, lumber, etc.) only as recommended by manufacturer of primary products for use with roofing system specified.



3.1. SUBMITTALS A. Provide building owner's representative a letter from the roof material manufacturer indicating that applicator is approved to install their products and will provide warranty for this installation.

* * * END OF SECTION 01400 * * *



PAGE 01741-17

SECTION 01741 ROOF SYSTEM WARRANTY Upper Roof and Lower Office Roof Base Bid

3.1. RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, bidding documents and drawings.

3.2. WARRANTY A. B. Quotations will include a price for a 20 year no dollar limit, non prorated warranty to be provided by the material supplier. The material supplier will issue the warranty to the owner upon material supplier acceptance of the project completion and full payment of all bills related to the project.

* * * END OF SECTION 01741 * * *



PAGE 07221-18




1.1. RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to bidding documents and drawings.

1.2. SUMMARY: A. B. This portion of the specification describes materials and workmanship required for the installation of insulation over concrete and high density gypsum decks. All materials described herein shall be furnished and installed by the roofing contractor unless specifically noted otherwise.

1.3. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. B. C. D. Insulation shall be delivered to the site in an undamaged and dry condition. Material received that is not dry or is otherwise damaged shall be rejected. Storage under polyethylene or similar non-breathing film stock shall not be permitted. Proper storage on or off the site shall be the responsibility of the roofing contractor. Any unused insulation remaining on the roof at the end of the workday shall be returned to storage.

1.4. INSULATION - GENERAL A. All insulation materials must be approved by the warrantor of primary roof membrane materials. Samples should be provided to the manufacturer and written approval from the warrantor of primary roof membrane materials is required before ordering these materials for the project. Insulation boards shall be full size except when cutting is required at roof edges and openings. Boards that are broken, cracked, have been exposed to moisture, or are otherwise damaged shall not be used. The proper installation and fit of wood nailers, blocking, and other rough carpentry in appropriate locations shall be verified prior to installation of roof insulation. Caution shall be exercised with construction traffic to avoid damage to new insulation. Breaking or crushing of insulation is unacceptable and any damaged insulation shall be replaced at the roofing contractor's expense. Insulation shall be laid with end joints staggered and all joints tight; however, boards shall not be forced into place. No more insulation shall be installed during any work period than can be covered by all plies of roofing during the same work period. At the end of the work period, temporary edge seals shall be installed to protect the roof insulation. Upon resumption of work, they must be removed. Such seals shall consist of strips of roofing felt applied and top coated with approved adhesive. Insulation surfaces shall be cleared of all debris before roofing is placed.

B. C. D.

E. F.




PAGE 07221-19 2. PART 2 - PRODUCTS

2.1. INSULATION A. Insulation Types: 1 2 3 First Layer: Tapered Polyisocyanurate 1/8 slope Second Layer: inch thick perlite board, or equal, as approved by the roof system manufacturer. Cants: ASTM C728-82, perlite.



3.1. CONDITION OF DECK A. B. C. Prior to installing insulation, deck must be inspected and accepted by the roofing contractor and roofing system warrantor. All deficiencies must be corrected prior to start of work. The roofing contractor shall perform all other work of preparing the deck. When insulation is applied, the deck shall be dry and free of dew, frost, ice, and snow. The roofing contractor shall notify the building owner's representative of any improper installations.

3.2. BASE SHEET A. Prime the clean, dry, repaired deck with water based asphalt compatible primer applied at the approximate rate of 200 square feet per gallon. Allow to dry. Install one ply of fiberglass venting base sheet in full width moppings of hot applied asphalt.


3.3. THERMAL INSULATION A. Wood Blocking 1 Install new pressure treated wood blocking to the perimeters of the roof in widths to match the final insulation thickness. Install new pressure treated wood blocking in accordance with FM standards.


Tapered Insulation: 1 Adhere insulation according to manufacturers recommended procedures and specifications. Adhere insulation according manufacturers recommended procedures and specifications.


Cover Board: 1


Insulation installation requirements: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Stagger joints at least six inches. Install insulation boards in courses parallel to roof edges. Firmly butt each insulation board to surrounding boards. Do not jam or deform boards. Maximum elevation variation between boards at joints: 1/8 inch. Cut and fit insulation boards where roof deck intersects vertical surfaces. Cut board 1/4 inch from vertical surface. All boards installed shall be 18 inches in length or width, minimum. Promptly spread any adhesive that may accumulate on insulation surface to achieve smooth surface for roofing installation.



PAGE 07221-20
3.4. CANTS A. Cant strips shall be installed at all 90-degree angles where the horizontal installation of insulation meets the vertical sides of roof penetrations and walls. Cants must be installed prior to application of membrane and flashings.

* * * END OF SECTION 07221 * * *



PAGE 07511-21




1.1. RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, bidding documents and drawings.

1.2. GENERAL A. B. C. This portion of the specification sets forth the general requirements and describes materials and workmanship for installing the built-up roofing system. Follow membrane suppliers guidelines Roofing contractor shall furnish and install all materials described herein unless specifically noted otherwise.

1.3. INSPECTION A. B. C. D. E. Roofing contractor shall verify installation conditions as satisfactory to receive work. The roofing contractor shall notify building owner, in writing of any defects in the substrate, and work shall not proceed until defects have been corrected. Do not install new roofing until all unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Beginning work constitutes acceptance of conditions. Check projections, curbs, and deck for inadequate anchorage, foreign material, moisture, or unevenness that would prevent quality and execution of new roofing system. Start of work by the roofing contractor shall imply approval of deck surfaces and site conditions; and no claim in this respect will be considered valid in case of failure of the roofing components within the guarantee period. Roofing contractor shall verify that work of other trades penetrating roof deck or requiring workers and equipment to transverse roof deck has been approved by owner, roofing system warrantor, and roofing contractor.


1.4. SCHEDULE A. Installation of the new roofing system should be scheduled after all other major rooftop construction is complete to minimize potential for damage to the new roofing system by others.

1.5. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The roofing and associated work shall be contracted to a single firm, called the roofing contractor hereafter, specializing in the type of roofing required, so that there will be undivided responsibility for the performance of the work.




PAGE 07511-22
B. A pre-roofing conference shall be held at the project site in advance of the time scheduled for roofing work. The purpose of this conference is to review requirements for the work and conditions that could possibly interfere with successful performance of the work. This conference shall review existing conditions and deck surfaces, roof insulation, roofing, flashing, and any other items related to the roof system. Every party who is concerned with the work, or required to coordinate with it or to protect it thereafter, should attend this conference, including the authorized representative of building owner, the roofing system warrantor, and the roofing contractor.

1.7. SUBMITTALS A. B. Related section: SECTION 01300 Prior to starting work, the roofing contractor shall submit 3 copies of the technical data on roofing materials, including material specifications, Material Safety Data Sheets, and installation procedures.

1.8. JOB CONDITIONS A. Roofing work shall proceed only when weather conditions will permit the work to proceed in accordance with the roofing system warrantors recommendations.

1.9. FIRE AND SMOKE PROTECTION A. B. C. Fire extinguishers shall be provided near all work for immediate use. Comply with federal, state, local and owner fire and safety requirements. Provide a full time employee to provide a fire safety watch for a minimum of one hour after cessation of the use of torches and all other open flame tools. All owners and OSHA safety rules shall be adhered to in the execution of this work.


1.11. ROOF TRAFFIC A. After work on roof is started, no traffic will be permitted on the roof other than that necessary for the roofing application and inspection. Materials shall not be piled on the roof to the extent that design live loads are exceeded. Roofing materials shall not be transported over unfinished or finished roofing or existing roofs unless adequate protection is provided. Any damage to existing roofs shall be repaired as directed by building owner at no expense to building owner.


1.12. PROTECTION AGAINST SOILAGE A. Surface of walls, walks, pavements, adjacent property, etc., shall be protected as necessary to prevent soiling or other damage resulting from the application of roofing or transporting of materials. If surfaces are stained or damaged in any way, they shall be restored by this contractor, at no cost to building owner, in a manner acceptable to building owner.

1.13. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. B. C. Related section: SECTION 01600 - MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT Materials shall be delivered to the site in an undamaged and dry condition. Material received which is not dry or is otherwise damaged shall be rejected. Storage should be either in a heated building or in a warehouse or similar type structure at ambient temperature and humidity. Conditions should be such that the moisture content of felts at time of use does not exceed the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) at 75% RH. Rolls of membrane and flashing shall be stacked on their ends and never in contact with the ground. All rolls of roofing material shall be covered by the contractor with tarps, weighted and tied down to prevent wind uplift and blow off. Proper storage on or off the site shall be the responsibility of the roofing contractor.





PAGE 07511-23
F. Any unused roofing felt remaining on the roof at the end of the workday shall be returned to storage.

1.14. WORK SEQUENCE A. Once work is started on a roof or section, it shall continue without undue delay until that section is completed before starting another. The installation of flashings shall follow application of the roofing.

1.15. FINAL INSPECTION A. B. Related section: SECTION 01200 - PROJECT MEETINGS Upon completion of the installation, an inspection shall be made by a representative of building owner to ascertain that the roofing system has been installed according to the roofing system published specifications and details. The warranty will be issued upon warrantors approval of the installation and payment for all materials and fees.

1.16. ADJUSTMENT AND REPAIR A. Any roofing damaged or misapplication shall be repaired or replaced as designated by the building owner and roofing system warrantor. Repairs or replacement will be made by the contractor at no expense to building owner.

1.17. ROOFING WARRANTY A. B. Related section: SECTION 01740 - WARRANTIES Upon project completion, acceptance by building owner and warrantor, and payment of all materials and fees, the specified system warranty will be issued.



2.1. GENERAL A. B. Comply with Quality Control, References, Specification, and Manufacturer's data. Where conflict may exist, requirements that are more stringent govern. Provide primary products, including each type of roofing sheet (felt), bitumen, base flashings, miscellaneous flashing materials, and sheet metal components from a supplier/manufacturer. Provide secondary products (insulation, mechanical fasteners, lumber, and etc.) only as recommended by the warrantor of primary products for use with roofing system specified.

2.2. MULTI-PLY ROOFING MATERIALS A. Sheet Materials 1 2 B. Ply Sheets: Premium Type VI Fiberglass Cap Sheet: Mineral surface modified bitumen cap sheet, hot applied or torch applied with UL Class A rating

Related Roofing System Materials 1 2 Asphalt Primer: Water based, asphalt compatible by the roof system supplier Asphalt Mastic: Asbestos free, asphalt based elastomeric, by the roof system supplier



PAGE 07511-24 3. PART 3 - EXECUTION

3.1. MEMBRANE A. Membrane Installation: 1 2 3 4 Install a three ply fiberglass built up roof assembly per the roof suppliers requirements. Provide bleed out of hot applied adhesive at side and end laps. Install 12 inch and 24 inch starter strips. Install Premium Type VI ply sheet in full width moppings of hot applied adhesive applied at the minimum rate of 25 lbs. per square. Firmly broom all ply sheets into the hot bitumen. Avoid standing or walking on the hot applied assembly until cool.


Cap Sheet Installation: 1 Align specified sheet aligned with edge of roof in lowest area. Install cap sheet in hot applied adhesive or melt bottom side of roll with propane torch evenly and sufficient for full adhesion, but not to the point that membrane is deformed or core is exposed. Align one ply line of previously applied roll(s) and repeat above procedure. Stagger end laps.

2 C.

Membrane installation further requirements: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Place ply sheets to ensure water will flow over or parallel to, but never against, exposed edges. Ply should never touch ply even at roof edges, laps, tapered edge strips, and cants. Light brooming or squeegeeing may be required to aid adhesion of ply sheets, base sheets, and/or cap sheets. Avoid traffic on all newly installed membrane. Overlap previous day's work 24 inches. Lap ply sheet ends six inches. Stagger end laps twelve inches minimum. Fit plies into roof drain rims, install metal flashing and finishing plies, secure clamping collars, and install domes. Cut out fishmouths/side laps that are not completely sealed. Replace all sheets that are not fully and continuously bonded. Roof is to be inspected and approved by representative from roof system warrantor before application of surfacing. Comply with federal, state, local and owner fire and safety requirements. Provide a full time employee to perform fire watch activities for a minimum of one hour after cessation of the use of torches and/or other open flame tools.

3.2. DAILY WATERSTOP/TIE-INS A. B. Install "deadman" insulation filler at insulation staggers. Extend roofing plies at least twelve inches onto prepared area of adjacent roofing. Embed plies into specified interply adhesive. Strip edges with twelve-inch wide ply sheet embedded completely in alternate uniform courses of adhesive. At beginning of next day's work, remove temporary connection by cutting felts evenly along edge of existing roof system. Remove "deadman" insulation fillers.




PAGE 07511-25
3.3. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. B. Repair of deficiencies: Installations or details noted as deficient during inspections must be repaired and corrected by applicator, and made ready for reinspection within five working days. Clean up: Immediately upon job completion, roof membrane and flashing surfaces shall be cleaned of debris.

* * * END OF SECTION 07511 * * *







1.1. RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Requirements, bidding documents and drawings.

1.2. GENERAL A. B. C. This portion of the specification sets forth the general requirements and describes materials and workmanship for installing the flashings and sheet metal on the roofing systems specified. All materials described herein shall be furnished and installed by the roofing contractor unless specifically noted otherwise. Work shall be in accordance with Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, latest edition, as issued by Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association, Inc., (SMACNA).



2.1. MECHANICAL FASTENERS A. Sheet Metal to Masonry 1 2 B. Tapcon 1/4 inch diameter, Phillips flat head anchor with EPDM washer by Buildex Div. of ITW, Itasca, IL. Length: Sufficient to provide 1-1/4 inch embedment.

Sheet Metal to Curbs 1 Fab-lok Fac 10-8 stainless steel screw, aluminum sleeve by Fabco Fastening Systems, West Newton, PA.


Stainless sheet steel to wood blocking: 1 2 Roofing nails: galvanized steel wire, flat head, diamond point, round, barbed shank. Length: Sufficient to penetrate wood blocking 1-1/4 inches minimum.


Galvanized sheet steel to wood blocking: 1 2 Roofing nails; galvanized steel wire, flat head, diamond point, round, barbed shank. Length: Sufficient to penetrate wood blocking 1-1/4 inches minimum.


Base Flashing to Masonry 1 2 Masonry nail by Simplex Nail, Inc., Americus, GA. Round Cap Masonry Nail by Hillwood Mfg. co., Cleveland, OH.

2.2. METAL FLASHING A. Plumbing vents: 1 Prefabricated plumbing vent flashings, 4 lb lead



B. Pitch pans and bonnets: 1 C. Kynar coated galvanized steel: 24 gauge

Reglet sealant: 1 One part urethane sealant


Wall Counterflashing, Edge Metal, and Miscellaneous Metal Details: 1 24 Gauge Kynar 500 Coated Galvanized Steel

2.3. FLASHINGS: A. Flashing ply sheet: 1 2 B. Flashing Base Ply Felt: Type VI Premium fiberglass, two plies Flashing Top Ply: Mineral Surfaced Modified Bitumen

Accessories: 1 2 3 4 Reinforcing fabric: By roof system supplier Asphalt mastic: By roof system supplier Pitch pocket sealant: By roof system supplier Asphalt primer: Water based, asphalt compatible, by roof system supplier



3.1. BASE FLASHINGS A. Preparation: 1 2 3 B. Remove existing flashing materials to substrate. Replace damaged material in like kind. Prime vertical substrates with asphalt primer at approximate rate of one gallon per 150 sq. ft. Install new roofing two inches beyond top edge of cant.

Base plies: 1 Fully adhere two (2) plies of specified base flashing completely to flashing substrate, cant, and roofing in hot applied adhesive. Flashing should extend a minimum of 8" and maximum of 14 above finished roof membrane.


Cap ply: 1 Fully adhere a flashing top ply over base plies in specified flashing adhesive. a b 2 3 4 5 6 Flashings may be adhered in specified flashing adhesive or torch applied up to 12" high. Flashings must be adhered in specified asphalt mastic or fully adhered with torch applied above 12" in height.

Mechanically fasten top of flashing to substrate, fasten minimum of 8 inches on center through aluminum termination bars. Seal top edge with a 4 inch wide stripping membrane embedded in alternating courses of specified Asphalt Mastic. Strip in laps of flashing with 6 inch wide stripping membrane and specified flashing adhesive. Install specified counterflashing system as per roof system manufacturers requirements. Allow mastic to cure, then coat with non-fibrated aluminum.



D. Additional instructions for mineral surface flashing cap. 1 2 3 Snap a chalk line 6 from the toe of cant out onto roof membrane. Measure the distance from the chalk line up the wall to where flashing will be terminated. On sloped roofs, take two measurements 1 meter (39 ) apart. Measure down length of a roll of specified membrane, and cut, in cross machine direction, a section same length. If roof is sloped, start at the bottom, and transfer height measurement to cutting of the flashing cap. Each section is 1 meter (39) in width. Apply section in specified adhesive using a strapping method, overlapping the exposed smooth selvage with each new section. Bottom of flashing cap must be lined up 6 from toe of cant, on chalk line. The selvage of the last section should be cut flush to the mineral surface prior to the application, ensuring that total flashing surface is mineral surfaced. All areas where excessive adhesive is exposed on side laps may be coated with non-fibrated aluminum heat reflective coating or granules sprinkled in as flashing sections are installed.

5 6

3.2. AT SINGLE AND MULTIPLE PENETRATIONS-SMALL PIPES & CONDUITS A. Power and gas disconnection and reconnection required to complete the work shall be performed by a sub-contractor licensed to perform such work, and provided by the roofing contractor. The cost of power and gas disconnection and reconnection shall be included in the roofing contractors base bid. Remove existing pitch pans. Install roofing system. Apply 1/16 inch uniformly thick layer of asphalt mastic to surface receiving metal flange. Install specified pitch pan(s) around penetration(s) and fasten flange to blocking 3 o.c. Prime metal flange, projection, and pitch pan interior with asphalt primer. Do not prime pan interior or projection. Seal flange with two strips of smooth roofing ply and one ply of cap sheet. Extend first ply two inches beyond flange, second ply two inches beyond first ply. Fill to pitch pan 3/4 from top with non shrink grout, allow to set up. Seal top with specified pitch pan sealant. All penetrations will receive a bonnet or watershed as shown in detail drawings.

B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.

3.3. AT PLUMBING VENTS A. B. C. Remove existing stack flashing. Wedge plumbing vent tight against deck. Fabricate and install plumbing vent flashing from specified lead. 1 2 3 4 5 Flange, four inches wide minimum, extend completely around periphery of vent flashing. Set flange into asphalt mastic. Neatly dress flange with wood block. Pipe outside diameters greater than two inches: Bend lead inside pipe one inch minimum with pliers or rubber/plastic mallet. Replace cracked lead. Pipe outside diameters two inches or less: Cut lead at vent top. Fabricate and install integral lead cap. Prime metal flange with asphalt primer and allow to dry. Flash with two targets of flashing base ply, eight and twelve inches larger than lead flange.



3.4. AT PIPE SUPPORTS AND GAS PIPES A. Provide install pipe supports on strips of walk tread. Install supports a maximum of 4 on center, and add additional pipe supports as necessary to support the gas pipes without any deflection in the pipe.

B. Clean, wire brush, and paint the gas pipes with two coats of non-fibrated aluminum. 3.5. AT EDGE DETAILS A. B. C. D. Remove existing edge metal. Retain gutters and downspouts on the Upper Roof and remove and discard gutters and downspouts on the Lower Office Roof. Install specified metal. Butter laps in metal with elastomeric mastic. Stagger nail metal flanges 3 inches on center. Double nail laps. Prime metal surfaces to receive membrane plies and allow to dry. Solidly adhere two roof membrane plies completely to stripping plies, flanges, cant, progressing plies 6 further than previous applied ply.

D. Install one ply of cap sheet per manufacturers requirements. E. Install gutters and downspouts.

* * * END OF SECTION 07651 * * *



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