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Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

Published: December 2008

Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change ithout notice! Unless other ise noted, the com"anies, organi#ations, "roducts, domain names, e$mail addresses, logos, "eo"le, "laces, and e%ents de"icted in e&am"les herein are fictitious! 'o association ith an( real com"an(, organi#ation, "roduct, domain name, e$mail address, logo, "erson, "lace, or e%ent is intended or should be inferred! )om"l(ing ith all a""licable co"(right la s is the res"onsibilit( of the user! Without limiting the rights under co"(right, no "art of this document ma( be re"roduced, stored in or introduced into a retrie%al s(stem, or transmitted in an( form or b( an( means *electronic, mechanical, "hotoco"(ing, recording, or other ise+, or for an( "ur"ose, ithout the e&"ress ritten "ermission of ,icrosoft )or"oration!

,icrosoft ma( ha%e "atents, "atent a""lications, trademar-s, co"(rights, or other intellectual "ro"ert( rights co%ering subject matter in this document! .&ce"t as e&"ressl( "ro%ided in an( ritten license agreement from ,icrosoft, the furnishing of this document does not gi%e (ou an( license to these "atents, trademar-s, co"(rights, or other intellectual "ro"ert(!

/2008 ,icrosoft )or"oration! 0ll rights reser%ed!

,icrosoft, 0cti%e Director(, Direct1, Internet .&"lorer, ,2$D32, 3utloo-, Po erPoint, Round4able, 2harePoint, Windo s, Windo s ,edia, Windo s 2er%er, Windo s '4, and Windo s 5ista are trademar-s of the ,icrosoft grou" of com"anies!

0ll other trademar-s are "ro"ert( of their res"ecti%e o ners!


Testing procedures for Dial-in Conferencing, Response roups, and !ffice Communications "er#er 2007 R2 $ttendant are not co#ered in t%is guide& Please refer to T'D&

4his guide e&"lains ho to install, configure, and test ,icrosoft 6 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 in a laborator( en%ironment and is designed for s(stem administrators! 4o hel" ith the testing "rocess, e ha%e "ro%ided a testing "rocedures chec-list that (ou can use to %erif( that 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 can successfull( connect to ,icrosoft6 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er 2007 R2 and that )ommunicator features, including features that are ne in )ommunicator 2007 R2, are or-ing as e&"ected! 4he "rocedures in this document assume that (ou ha%e installed and configured the ,icrosoft 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er testing to"olog( in (our com"uter laborator(! If (ou need to install and configure the testing to"olog(, instructions for do nloading the necessar( documentation are in the follo ing section, .ssential Documentation! Use the )ommunicator 2007 R2 4est )hec-list as a general testing and e%aluation guideline! 4hen, identif( the features and scenarios that are most im"ortant to (our organi#ation and design (our test "rocedures to thoroughl( test those features and scenarios!

New Procedures for Communicator 2007 R2

4his guide is u"dated ith "rocedures for testing the follo ing ne 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 features: )ontact List dis"la( changes ,eet 'o Des-to" sharing )hanging %oice mail greetings )alling a contact8s %oice mail directl( 4eam )all 0dding a dial$in number to a conference!

Essential Documentation
4o "re"are the laborator( en%ironment for e%aluating )ommunicator 2007 R2, use the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Documentation Roadmap! 4he roadma" describes all a%ailable 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er 2007 R2 documentation, and "oints (ou to s"ecific to"ics based on (our "references!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

9efore beginning ith the test cases in this document, e recommend that (ou read the Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Getting Started Guide, hich co%ers in detail most of the im"ortant ne )ommunicator 2007 R2 features and user interface elements! :ou might also find the follo ing documents hel"ful: Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Quick Reference Card: Contact Management, resence, and !nstant Messaging Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Quick Reference Card: "one and #ideo Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Quick Reference Card: Conferencing

Communicator 2007 R2 Test C%ec(list

Use this chec-list as a guide for installing, configuring, and testing the functionalit( of )ommunicator 2007 R2! .ach section in the chec-list is lin-ed, so that (ou can go directl( to the section that (ou ant to test! 4he test "rocedures assume that (ou ha%e de"lo(ed an 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er lab en%ironment according to the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Enterprise Edition documentation and the Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Deployment Guide. 4he test "rocedures in this document assume that three )ommunicator test clients are installed! 4hroughout this document, the three test clients are referred to as LabUser;, LabUser2, and LabUser<! 4o com"lete some of the tests, (ou need the follo ing additional items for the test clients: 0 "hone connected to a standard P91 to test remote call control *R))+ and ,icrosoft6 3ffice 3utloo-6 2007 messaging and collaboration client 0n e$mail account 0 U29 handset, micro"hone headset, or e=ui%alent de%ice 0 %ideo camera

4he )ommunicator 2007 R2 4est )hec-list is sho n in 4able ;! Ta)le *& Communicator 2007 R2 Test C%ec(list

Test Cases
Installing Communicator 2007 R2
Install Communicator 2007 R2

Pass or +ail

'ug ,

Configuring Communicator 2007 R2

"tart Communicator 2007 R2 and c%ange t%e sign-in account Configure ad#anced connection settings "ign in to Communicator 2007 R2 Configure remote call control telep%one integration automaticallConfigure remote call control telep%one integration manuall"et -our remote call control default de#ice for outgoing calls

Test Cases
Testing t%e lo)al $ddress .ist Download
/erif- installation of t%e glo)al address list 0 $.1 contacts data file +ind a user or a distri)ution group +orce a refres% of alcontacts&d)

Pass or +ail

'ug ,

2anuall- initiate t%e account replication process

"tarting and E3iting Communicator 2007 R2

Configure startup options E3it Communicator 2007 R2 /erif- t%at Communicator 2007 R2 starts w%en -ou log on to -our computer

"igning out and "igning in

"ign out "ign in "ign in wit% a specified presence status C%ange t%e sign-in account

$dding and Remo#ing 4sers and

roups in t%e Contact .ist

$dd a contact from t%e "earc% Results )o3 $dd a contact )- using t%e $dd a Contact wi5ard Remo#e a contact from a group Remo#e contacts or groups from t%e Contact .ist Create -our own contact group $dd a distri)ution group from t%e !utloo( 2007 address )oo( to t%e Contact .ist 2o#e, rename, or delete a group in t%e Contact .ist E3pand a distri)ution group in t%e Contact .ist

C%anging t%e Contact .ist /iew

"ort contacts )- a#aila)ilit"ort contacts )- a#aila)ilit- and )- displa- name "ort contacts )- displa- name

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

Test Cases
$dding +ederated Contacts
$dd a federated user to -our Contact .ist

Pass or +ail

'ug ,

+ind a contact using first or last name Close t%e "earc% Results )o3

/iewing Contact Cards

/iew a contact card from t%e Contact .ist

Tagging Contacts
Tag a contact Test tagging "tart an instant messaging session wit% a tagged contact from an alert

Instant 2essaging
"tart an instant messaging session "tart an instant messaging session wit% a single user In#ite someone to 6oin a con#ersation in progress "end an instant message to selected mem)ers of a distri)ution group "end an instant message to multiple contacts in t%e Contact .ist Paste content from an 2icrosoft7 !ffice program into an instant messaging session $dd audio to an instant messaging session $dd #ideo to an instant messaging session

2eet Now
"tart a meeting using 2eet Now

Des(top "%aring*
"tart des(top s%aring i#e control to anot%er participant Ta(e )ac( control from t%e ot%er participant i#e control to all participants

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

Test Cases
Presence and user state

Pass or +ail

'ug ,

2anuall- set presence status

Presence and computer states

Test presence status w%en t%e computer is loc(ed Test presence status w%en t%e computer is unloc(ed $dd a status note Remo#e a status note
Presence and !utloo( Calendar state

"et !utloo( integration options "c%edule an appointment wit% !utloo( Turn on t%e !utloo( !ut of !ffice $ssistant
Presence and $ccess .e#els

"et t%e accesses le#el for a contact /erif- t%at )loc(ed users can no longer participate in an instant messaging session wit% t%e )loc(er Test t%e effect of )loc(ing a contact during an instant messaging session 4n)loc( a contact "et t%e access le#el w%en a user adds -ou to %is or %er Contact .ist

+ile Transfer
"tart a file transfer $ccept a file transfer Cancel a file transfer C%ange t%e file transfer location

$udio and /ideo De#ice "etup

Test or configure audio and #ideo de#ices

2a(ing /oice Calls

2a(e an out)ound call from t%e Contact .ist 2a(e an out)ound call from t%e Con#ersation window 2a(e a call )- t-ping an e3tension in t%e "earc% )o3

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

Test Cases
$nswer a call End a call Transfer a call to anot%er user Transfer a call to anot%er de#ice 2a(e a #oice call from an instant messaging session Put a call on %old and recei#e anot%er call 2ute incoming and outgoing audio

Pass or +ail

'ug ,

Call +orwarding and /oice 2ail

Displa- call forwarding options
Remote Call Control

+orward to a person or num)er 0RCC1 Cancel call %andling rules (RCC "et default de#ice for outgoing calls (RCC
Enterprise /oice

+orward to a person or num)er +orward a call w%en -ou recei#e it Ring anot%er person or de#ice at t%e same time -our p%one rings +orward unanswered calls "et ring duration for unanswered calls $ppl- forwarding rules during )usiness %ours onlCancel call forwarding rules C%ec( #oice mail, or c%ange -our #oice mail greeting C%ange -our #oice mail greeting* Call a contact8s #oice mail directl-* Team call*

$udio Conferencing
"tart a conference call )- using indi#idual contacts "tart a conference call from an instant messaging session $dd a call on %old to t%e currentl- acti#e call

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

Test Cases
2a(ing /ideo Calls
"tart a #ideo call from t%e Contact .ist In#ite anot%er user to a #ideo conference from t%e Con#ersation window

Pass or +ail

'ug ,

Testing !utloo( Integration !ptions

Recei#e an e-mail message w%en -ou miss a call on -our computer "end an e-mail from an instant messaging session "end an instant message from an e-mail To #iew t%e Con"ersation #istor$ folder using t%e %ind &re"ious Con"ersations command Include a dial-in num)er*

T%ese features are new in !ffice Communicator 2007 R2&

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


Installing Communicator 2007 R2

If (ou ha%e not alread( installed )ommunicator 2007 R2, (ou can use the follo ing "rocedure to install the "rogram on a client com"uter! :ou should install )ommunicator 2007 R2 on at least three com"uters so that (ou can test conferencing features! 4able 2 lists the en%ironments in hich )ommunicator 2007 R2 is com"atible! Ta)le 2& Communicator 2007 R2 Compati)ilit- .ist
!perating "-stem 9indows /ista7 :2-)it operating s-stem 9indows7 ;P Professional wit% "er#ice Pac( 2 or later 9indows7 "er#er 200: wit% "er#ice Pac( * or later !utloo( /ersion 2icrosoft !ffice !utloo( 2007 !utloo( 200: "P2 !utloo( 2007 !utloo( 200: "P2 !utloo( 2007 !utloo( 200: "P2 E3c%ange "er#er /ersion 2icrosoft E3c%ange "er#er 2007 E3c%ange "er#er 200: E3c%ange "er#er 2007 E3c%ange "er#er 200: E3c%ange "er#er 2007 E3c%ange "er#er 200:

9efore (ou install )ommunicator 2007 R2, ensure that for each test user that (ou "lan to create in the lab test en%ironment, there is a corres"onding account set u" in the 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er 2007 R2 lab domain!

To install Communicator 2007 R2

*& .&it an( ,icrosoft 3ffice "rograms that are currentl( running! 2& )lic- Start, and then clic- Run! :& In the Run dialog bo&, clic- Browse! Locate the )ommunicator!msi file on the ,icrosoft 3ffice )ommunication 2er%er distribution dis-, and then double$clic- it! <& In the Run dialog bo&, clic- OK! =& In the )ommunicator 2007 R2 Setup indo , clic- Next! >& Re%ie the license agreement! If (ou agree ith the terms, select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement chec- bo&, and then clic- Next! 7& 3n the Configure Microsoft Office Communicator "age, either acce"t the default location *recommended+ or select an alternati%e location for the "roduct files to be installed! ?& )lic- Next to begin the installation "rocess! @& When the installation is com"lete, clic- Finish! xpected Resu!t" )ommunicator 2007 R2 is installed on (our com"uter! )lic- Start, "oint to A!! #rograms, and then clic- Microsoft Office Communicator $%%& R$ to start )ommunicator 2007 R2!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

Configuring !ffice Communicator 2007 R2

9efore (ou begin to use )ommunicator 2007 R2 on a com"uter, (ou must set the sign$in information to the test account that is to be used on the com"uter! If D'2 records ha%e not been created for Web Pro&( 0utoDisco%er( *WP0D+, 0d%anced )onnection 2ettings must be configured! 4o test the features and scenarios co%ered in the testing "rocedures, (ou should set u" 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 on at least three com"uters! .ach installation should ha%e a corres"onding account set u" on 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er 2007 R2 in the test lab! 0lso, to test tele"hone integration ith )ommunicator 2007 R2, (ou need a "hone for each account! 9efore (ou sign in to )ommunicator 2007 R2, (ou can change the sign$in account or configure ad%anced connection settings!

To start Communicator and c%ange t%e sign-in account

*& )lic- Start, "oint to A!! #rograms, and then clic- Microsoft Office Communicator $%%& R$!
2enu )utton

2& 3n the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button, "oint to 'oo!s, and then clic- Options! :& In the Options dialog bo&, clic- the #ersona! tab! <& Under M+ account, enter the address of the ne sign$in account in the Sign,in address bo&, for e&am"le,! =& )lic- OK! xpected Resu!t: 4he sign$in account is changed! If (ou are alread( signed in to )ommunicator, (ou must sign out for the change to ta-e effect! :ou might also need to configure ad%anced connection settings, as described in the ne&t "rocedure!

To configure ad#anced connection settings

*& 3n the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button, "oint to 'oo!s, and then clic- Options! 2& In the Options dialog bo&, clic- the #ersona! tab, and then clic- Ad-anced under M+ Account! :& In the Ad-anced Connection Settings dialog bo&, select Manua! configuration! <& In the Interna! Ser-er name or I# address bo&, t("e the full( =ualified domain name *>?D'+ or the IP address of the 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


=& In the xterna! Ser-er name or I# address bo&, t("e the full( =ualified domain name *>?D'+ or the IP address of the 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er .dge 2er%er! >& Under Connect using, select the o"tion for the net or- "rotocol that (ou ill use for client$to$ser%er 2ession Initiation Protocol *2IP+ communication during ,icrosoft 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er installation, either 'C# *4ransmission )ontrol Protocol+ or 'LS *4rans"ort La(er 2ecurit(+! 7& )lic- OK! xpected Resu!t: :ou can sign in to )ommunicator 2007 R2 to test (our connection to the 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er!

Configuring /oice +eatures

4o test all the tele"hon( and conferencing features of )ommunicator 2007 R2, (ou ma( be re=uired to enable some features using @rou" Policies or in$band "ro%isioning! 4he settings that (ou need de"end on the t("e of client access license *)0L+ (ou ha%e! 4able < summari#es the settings re=uired! >or more information about 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 @rou" Policies, see ,icrosoft 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 @rou" Policies! >or more information about setting meeting "olicies on the ser%er, see A)onfiguring ,eeting Polic(A in the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 $dministration Guide! Ta)le :&
"tandard /oice 0also called "tandard wit% /oice1

roup Policies for telep%on"er#er "etting None 0Telep%on-2ode 01 Telep%on-2ode *, 2, or : *& Enterpris e #oice 2& RCC and computer-tocomputer calling :& Ena)les )ot% RCC and Enterprise /oice In t%e Meeting section of Global &oliciesAB Ena)leIP$udio C True Ena)leIP/ideo C True Ena)leDataColla)oratio n C True roup Polic- "etting Not present, or Telep%on-2ode 0 Telep%on-2ode *, 2, :, or < *& Enterprise #oice 2& RCC and computer-tocomputer calling :& Ena)les )ot% RCC and Enterprise /oice <& RCC, no computer-tocomputer calling Disa)le$/Conferencing C 0 Disa)leDataConferencing C 0

.icense T-pe



Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

.icense T-pe Enterprise wit% /oice

"er#er "etting "ettings in )ot% t%e /oice and Enterprise rows a)o#e&

roup Polic- "etting "ettings in )ot% t%e /oice and Enterprise rows a)o#e&

B 4sing t%e !ffice Communications "er#er 2007 $dministrati#e Tools snap-in

Configuring Remote Call Control

3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 "ro%ides features for integrating )ommunicator 2007 R2 and (our organi#ationBs tele"hone "ri%ate branch e&change *P91+ s(stem! If R)) is included in (our license, and has been configured on 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er 2007 R2, )ommunicator 2007 R2 can use either (our com"uter * ith attached micro"hone and s"ea-ers, or headset+ or (our tele"hone for %oice con%ersations! 2ee ,a-ing 5oice )alls, later in this document! If remote call control is enabled, then tele"hone integration can be configured automaticall(! Co e%er, in some circumstances (ou ma( ha%e to manuall( configure tele"hone integration!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


To configure Remote Call Control telep%one integration automaticall*& 3n the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button, "oint to 'oo!s, and then clic- Options!
2enu )utton

2& In the Options dialog bo&, clic- the #hones tab! :& Under .enera! phone settings, select na)!e integration with +our phone s+stem, and then clic- Ad-anced! <& )lic- Automatic Configuration, and then clic- OK!

To configure Remote Call Control telep%one integration manuall*& 3n the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button, "oint to 'oo!s, and then clic- Options! 2& In the Options dialog bo&, clic- the #hones tab! :& Under .enera! phone settings, select na)!e integration with +our phone s+stem, and then clic- Ad-anced! <& )lic- Configure settings! =& In the Remote ca!! contro! /RI bo&, t("e the uniform resource identifier *URI+ of the com"uter tele"hon( integration *)4I+ ser%er that ill manage tele"hon( ser%ices for (ou! 4he URI is in the form of a 2ession Initiation Protocol *2IP+ address! >or more information about 2IP URIs, see DR>) EEF8 $ 2ession Initiation Protocol *2IP+ URIs for 0""lications such as 5oice$mail and Interacti%e 5oice Res"onse *I5R+,G hich is a%ailable at htt":HH !rfc$editor!orgHrfcHrfcEEF8!t&t! 4his remote call control URI ill loo- similar to:

>& In the #hone /RI bo&, t("e the URI of the tele"hone to be managed! 4here are se%eral standard formats for tele"hone URIs! >or more information, see DR>): <IJJ $ 4he tel URI for 4ele"hone 'umbers,G hich is a%ailable at htt":HH !rfc$ editor!orgHrfcHrfc<IJJ!t&t! 4he tele"hone URI ill resemble the follo ing:

To set -our Remote Call Control default de#ice for outgoing calls
*& 3n the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button, "oint to 'oo!s, and then clic- Ca!!,Forwarding Settings!
2enu )utton

2& In the Ca!!,Forwarding Settings dialog bo&, select #hone or Computer under Outgoing ca!!s! :& )lic- OK! )hanges ta-e effect the ne&t time )ommunicator 2007 R2 is started! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist0


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

Testing t%e

lo)al $ddress .ist

4o ensure that 0ddress 9oo- features function correctl(, (ou must first %erif( that the global address list *@0L+ contacts data file do nloads and is installed correctl( to the client! 4hen, %erif( that a search o"eration successfull( locates and dis"la(s a user ho is -no n to be listed in the test domain of 0cti%e Director(6 Domain 2er%ices!

To #erif- installation of t%e

$. contacts data file

2tart Windo s .&"lorer! In the Address bo&, t("e the follo ing, and then "ress .'4.R:
%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Communicator

xpected Resu!ts: 4he file, @alcontacts!db* is "resent! Users can also create their o n contact grou"s ithin )ommunicator to hel" organi#e and manage the )ontact List!

To find a user or a distri)ution group

In the '+pe a name or phone num)er bo&, enter the dis"la( name or e$mail address of a user or distribution grou" that (ou -no is listed in the global address list!

xpected Resu!ts: 4he Search Resu!ts bo& o"ens, listing all matching users and grou"s from 0cti%e Director( and the )ontact List of the 3utloo- messaging and collaboration client! If 3ffice )ommunicator cannot locate a user or grou" that (ou -no is "resent in the global address boo-, (ou must diagnose the 0ddress 9oo- loo-u" failure!

Diagnosing $ddress 'oo( +ailures

9ecause searching for users and grou"s is crucial to e%aluating )ommunicator, it is im"ortant to resol%e an( 0ddress 9oo- "roblems! 9efore (ou begin this diagnosis, chec- again to ensure that the user being searched for is listed in 0cti%e Director( of the test domain! 4he first diagnostic ste" is to chec- hether the @0L contacts data file, @alcontacts!db, do nloads correctl( from 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er to the client com"uter! 4he file should be in the follo ing folder:
%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Communicator

If @alcontacts!db is not "resent, e&it and restart )ommunicator! If @alcontacts!db is "resent on the client com"uter but 3ffice )ommunicator cannot locate the user, the client ma( ha%e failed to do nload the ne est %ersion of @alcontacts!db! If the @alcontacts!db file on the client com"uter has the current date, the client ill not re=uest a ne er data file! 4o resol%e this "roblem, e recommend that (ou force a @alcontacts!db refresh!

To force a refres% of
*& .&it )ommunicator!


2& Delete @alcontacts!db from the client com"uter! :& Restart )ommunicator!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


xpected Resu!ts: @alcontacts!db is re"laced! If a ne co"( of @alcontacts!db ith the current date is not "resent, )ommunicator might not be re=uesting a do nload from the correct location, or 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er is not "ro%iding an u"dated file! If @alcontacts!db as re"laced on the client, test again to see hether (ou can locate the user! If the search is successful, s-i" the follo ing section, D,anuall( Initiating 0ddress 9oo- 2hare Re"lication!G

2anuall- Initiating $ddress 'oo( "%are Replication

If forcing a refresh of @alcontacts!db as successful, the connection to the 0ddress 9oo- 2er%ice on 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er is o"erating correctl(! If 3ffice )ommunicator still cannot locate the user, the userBs account information has not been co"ied from 0cti%e Director( to the 0ddress 9oo- 2er%ice on the 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er! 4his re"lication "rocess runs e%er( J0 seconds! We recommend that (ou manuall( initiate the re"lication "rocess!

To manuall- initiate t%e account replication process

*& Wait at least one minute after (our unsuccessful attem"t at locating a user ith the Find bo&! 2& In 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er, o"en the Command #rompt indo : )licStart, and then clic- Run! In the Open bo&, t("e cmd, and then clic- OK! :& )hange the director( to the folder here 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er is installed! 9( default, this is %Program Files%\Microsoft LS 2006\Server\Core! <& 0t a command "rom"t, t("e a)ser-er 1s+ncnow, and then "ress .'4.R! =& Wait until abser%er has finished running, and then close the Command #rompt indo ! >& 3n the client com"uter, e&it )ommunicator! 7& Delete the @alcontacts!db file from the follo ing folder! %userprofile %\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Communicator! ?& Restart )ommunicator! xpected Resu!t: Find can locate the user! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

"tarting and E3iting Communicator 2007 R2

)ommunicator 2007 R2 can be configured to start automaticall( and dis"la( the )ontact List hen (ou log on to (our com"uter!

To configure startup options

2enu )utton

*& 3n the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button, "oint to 'oo!s, and then clic- Options! 2& In the Options dialog bo&, clic- the #ersona! tab!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

4o configure 3ffice )ommunicator to automaticall( start hen (ou log on to (our com"uter, select Automatica!!+ start Communicator when I !og on to 2indows! 4o configure the )ontact List to o"en hen the "rogram starts, select Automatica!!+ open the Contact List when Communicator starts!

xpected Resu!t: When (ou log on and then start )ommunicator 2007 R2, the beha%ior is as (ou s"ecified!
Communicator Icon

To e3it !ffice Communicator 2007 R2

In the notification area of the Windo s 4as-bar, right$clic- the Communicator icon, and then clic- xit!

xpected Resu!t: :ou are signed out of )ommunicator! If an( )ommunicator indo s ere o"en, the( are closed and the )ommunicator icon disa""ears from the notification area!

To #erif- t%at Communicator starts w%en -ou log on to -our computer

*& .nsure that (ou ha%e configured the startu" o"tions so that )ommunicator starts automaticall( hen (ou log on and that the )ontact List o"ens automaticall( hen (ou start )ommunicator, as described earlier in this section! 5erif( that (ou ha%e e&ited )ommunicator! 2& Log off, and then log on again! xpected Resu!t: When (ou log on to (our com"uter, (ou are signed in to )ommunicator, and the )ontact List o"ens automaticall(! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

"igning !ut and "igning In

0fter a sign$in account has been s"ecified, as described earlier in this guide, )ommunicator 2007 R2 ill automaticall( sign in using that account e%er( time that it starts! 2ee 4o start )ommunicator and change the sign$in account!

To sign out
*& >rom the com"uter of LabUser;, ensure that )ommunicator 2007 R2 is running and that (ou are signed in!
2enu )utton

2& 3n the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button* point to Connect, and then clic- Sign Out! xpected Resu!t: :ou are returned to the 3ffice )ommunicator sign$in screen, and (our "resence status is dis"la(ed as Off!ine on the com"uter of LabUser2!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


To sign in
In the Office Communicator indo , clic- Sign In! xpected Resu!t: :ou are signed in to )ommunicator 2007 R2, and (our )ontact List is dis"la(ed! :ou can "reset (our "resence status before (ou sign in!

To sign in wit% a specified presence status

*& .nsure that (ou are signed out of )ommunicator 2007 R2, as described earlier in this section! 2& In the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button* point to Connect, "oint to Sign In As, and then from the A-ai!a)!e dro"$do n list, clic- Bus+! xpected Resu!t: :ou are signed in to )ommunicator 2007 R2, and (our "resence status is dis"la(ed as Bus+! :ou can change the user account that is used hen (ou sign in to )ommunicator 2007 R2!

To c%ange t%e sign-in account

*& 2ign out of )ommunicator 2007 R2, as described earlier in this section!
2enu )utton

2& 3n the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* clic- the Menu button, "oint to Connect, and then clic- Change Sign,In Address! :& In the Sign,in address bo&, t("e the name of an e&isting account that (ou ha%e set u" in the test lab, and then clic- OK! <& In the Office Communicator indo , t("e the user name and "ass ord associated ith the account, and then clic- Sign In! xpected Resu!t: :ou are no automaticall( signed in to )ommunicator 2007 R2 ith the account that (ou s"ecified! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

$dding and Remo#ing 4sers and Contact .ist

roups in t%e

)ommunicator 2007 R2 su""orts 0cti%e Director( distribution grou"s, as ell as indi%iduals! Users can send instant messages to entire grou"s or to selected grou" members! Users can manage distribution grou"s in the same a( that the( manage indi%idual contacts! 3ne of the most im"ortant features of )ommunicator 2007 R2 is the abilit( to search 0cti%e Director( and the local )ontact List from 3utloo-! >or a search to or-, a @0L database file


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

must be installed on the client com"uter! 4("icall(, this occurs automaticall( hen (ou install )ommunicator! 4he users and distribution grou"s that the user communicates ith regularl( should be added to the )ontact List! 4he user can organi#e these contacts into grou"s!

To add a contact from t%e "earc% Results )o3

*& In the Office Communicator indo , enter the dis"la( name or e$mail address of a user or grou" that (ou -no is listed in the global address list in the Search bo&! )ommunicator lists all matching users and grou"s from 0cti%e Director( and the 3utloo- )ontact List! 2& Drag the contact that (ou ant into the )ontact List sho n belo !
2enu )utton

xpected Resu!t: 4he contact is added to the )ontact List!

To add a contact )- using t%e $dd a Contact 9i5ard

*& 3n the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button, "oint to 'oo!s, and then clic- Add a Contact! 2& 2elect B+ e,mai! address or sign,in address, and then clic- Next! :& In the te&t bo& "ro%ided, t("e the contactBs e$mail address or sign$in address *2IP address+, and then clic- Next! <& )lic- Finish! xpected Resu!t" 4he contactBs name is added to the )ontact List!

To remo#e a contact from a group

In the )ontact List, in the a""ro"riate grou" section, right$clic- the contact that (ou ant to remo%e, clic- Remo-e from .roup, and then clic- 3es! 4o select additional contacts, hold do n 2CI>4 or )4RL, and then clic- the contacts or grou"s that (ou ant to delete!

xpected Resu!t: 4he selected contacts are remo%ed from the current grou", but not from an( other grou"s here the( are listed! If the contacts are not listed in other grou"s, the( are mo%ed to the default )ommunicator grou", Other Contacts!

9%en -ou remo#e someone w%o is onl- listed in Other Contacts, it %as t%e same effect as remo#ing t%em from completel- from -our Contact .ist&

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


Dou can also use t%e $dd a Contact wi5ard to add a distri)ution group to -our Contact .ist pro#ided t%at -ou (now t%e group8s e-mail alias& Clic( t%e 2enu )utton, clic( Tools, and t%en clic( +dd a Contact&

To remo#e contacts or groups from t%e Contact .ist

In the )ontact List, e&"and the grou" that has the contact that (ou ant to remo%e, clic- Remo-e from Contact List, and then clic- 3es! 4o select additional contacts, hold do n 2CI>4 or )4RL, and then clic- the contacts or grou"s that (ou ant to delete! xpected Resu!t: 4he contact or grou" is remo%ed from the )ontact List!

To create -our own contact group

:ou can organi#e contacts in (our )ontact List ith (our o n contact grou"s! >or e&am"le, (ou could ha%e one grou" for sales contacts and another for mar-eting contacts! *& 3n the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button, "oint to 'oo!s, and then clic- Create New .roup! 0 te&t bo& ith the ords New .roup selected a""ears in the )ontact List! 2& In the New .roup bo&, t("e a name for the grou", and then "ress .'4.R! xpected Resu!t: 4he ne grou" is created! :ou can no add contacts to this grou" as described abo%e, and then start a multi$"art( con%ersation ith all members of the grou" b( right$clic-ing the grou" name, and then clic-ing the t("e of con%ersation that (ou ant! :ou can also add an 0cti%e Director( distribution grou" to (our )ontact List!

To add a distri)ution group from t%e !utloo( 2007 address )oo( to t%e Contact .ist
*& Use the Search bo& to locate the distribution grou"! 2& Right$clic- the grou" in the Search Resu!ts bo&, and then clic- Add to Contact List! xpected Resu!t: 4he distribution grou" is added to (our )ontact List! :ou can no right$clicthe grou" and start a multi$"art( con%ersation ith all members of the grou"!

To mo#e, rename, or delete a group from t%e Contact .ist

In the )ontact List, right$clic- the name of the grou", and then clic- the command (ou ant: Mo-e .roup /p, Mo-e .roup 4own, Rename .roup, or 4e!ete .roup!

xpected Resu!t: When a distribution grou" is selected for deletion, it is immediatel( remo%ed from the )ontact List! 'o confirmation screen a""ears, and the distribution grou" is not mo%ed to Other Contacts!

To e3pand a distri)ution group in t%e Contact .ist

Double$clic- the distribution grou"!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

xpected Resu!t: 4he distribution grou" e&"ands to sho all members of the grou"! )lic- the arro again to colla"se the grou"! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

C%anging t%e Contact .ist /iew

Users can change the a( contacts are dis"la(ed in the )ontact List! )ontacts can be sorted b( a%ailabilit(, b( dis"la( name, or both!

To sort contacts )- a#aila)ilit*& )lic- the Change the wa+ +ou -iew +our contacts button and ma-e sure Contact List is selected! 2& )lic- to select Sort Contacts )+ A-ai!a)i!it+! ,a-e sure that Sort Contacts )+ 4isp!a+ Name is deselected! xpected Resu!t: )ontacts are sorted first b( "resence state, and then b( grou"! 0%ailable contacts are listed first!

To sort contacts )- a#aila)ilit- and displa- name

*& 4o sort contacts b( a%ailabilit( and b( dis"la( name, clic- the Change the wa+ +ou -iew +our contacts button! 2& )lic- to select Sort Contacts )+ 4isp!a+ Name! 9oth Sort Contacts )+ A-ai!a)i!it+ and Sort Contacts )+ 4isp!a+ Name should be selected! xpected Resu!t: )ontacts are sorted first b( a%ailabilit(! Within grou"s, contacts are sorted al"habeticall( b( dis"la( name!

To sort contacts )- displa- name

*& )lic- the Change the wa+ +ou -iew +our contacts button! 2& )lic- to deselect Sort Contacts )+ A-ai!a)i!it+! 3nl( Sort Contacts )+ 4isp!a+ Name should be selected! xpected Resu!t: )ontacts are sorted first b( grou"! Within grou"s, contacts are sorted al"habeticall( b( dis"la( name!
Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

$dding +ederated Contacts

3ffice )ommunications 2er%er 2007 R2 "ro%ides su""ort for or-ing ith contacts that are located outside (our enter"rise! 4his connection bet een organi#ations, hich is "ro%ided b( the bridging gate a( bet een each organi#ationBs communications ser%ers, is called federation! .&ternal contacts, or federated users, can be: Users ithin a se"arate enter"rise that is federated ith (our o n enter"rise! Indi%iduals ho ha%e e$mail accounts ith the ,2'6 net or- of Internet ser%ices!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


Users of a "ublic instant messaging connecti%it( ser%ice!

>ederated users are treated as authenticated b( %irtue of belonging to a federated "artner! 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er %alidates incoming traffic from federated "artners, but it does not "erform user authentication! 0n instant messaging connecti%it( ser%ice is a licensed ser%ice that offers users in an organi#ation *or a single$client e&"erience+ the abilit( to connect ith users of the ,2' ,essenger, 03L6 Instant ,essengerK *0I,6+, or :ahooL 6 ,essenger instant messaging clients! Users of a "ublic instant messaging connecti%it( ser%ice are federated users or are members of federated domains! 4hese domains are re"resented b( their res"ecti%e "ublic instant messaging "ro%iders *such as ,2', 03L, or :ahooL+! ,2' users can be added to (our )ontact List using their unmodified e$mail address, for e&am"le, MohnNmsn!com! 3ther contacts, such as MohnNcontoso!com or .llenN(ahoo!com, must obtain a Windo s Li%e ID using their e&isting e$mail name so the( can be authenticated through ,2'! 4he( must then sign in using the ,2' ,essenger client in order to connect to (our 3ffice )ommunicator account! 4o add a non$,2' federated user to (our )ontact List, use a decorated, or full( =ualified, %ersion of their e$mail address: user(! >or e&am"le: 4o add someone ith the 03L screen name of MohnNaol!com, t("e John( 4o add a user ho has a )ontoso )or"oration e$mail address of MohnNcontoso!com and is using the ,2' ,essenger client, t("e John(!

In addition, if MohnNcontso!com added (ou to his ,2' ,essenger )ontact List, he ould a""ear in (our )ontact List in the same format as abo%e: John(!

+ederation Dependencies
Public instant messaging connecti%it( re=uires that additional soft are licenses be installed on 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er! >ederation re=uires that an .dge 0ccess ser%er be de"lo(ed in (our organi#ationBs "erimeter net or-! >or federated users to "artici"ate in conferencing, (ou must also de"lo( a Web )onferencing .dge ser%er, and, for audioH%ideo *0H5+ conferencing, an 0H5 )onferencing .dge ser%er! 4he .dge 0ccess ser%er must ha%e a Domain 'ame 2er%ice *D'2+ 0lias *0+ record that is "ublished on an authoritati%e, e&ternal name ser%er! 4he internal 2IP domain must ha%e a D'2 ser%ice resource *2R5+ record that "oints to the 0 record of the .dge 0ccess ser%er!

>or a more com"lete discussion of federation, including "ublic instant messaging connecti%it(, see the Office Communications Server 2007R2 Edge Server Deployment Guide. Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

)ommunicator 2007 R2 "ro%ides a 2earch bo& that (ou can use to locate contacts b( first name or last name! )ommunicator searches 0cti%e Director(, and also 3utloo- contacts or the Windo s 0ddress 9oo-, de"ending on hich (ou ha%e configured as the "ersonal information manager for )ommunicator!

To find a contact using first name or last name

In the Search bo&, t("e a contact first name or last name! xpected Resu!ts: :ou see a list of contacts hose names include the letters (ou t("ed!

To close t%e "earc% Results )o3

"earc% )o3 Close )utton

In the Search bo&, t("e the first name of a contact! 0fter the results are returned, clic- C!ose!

xpected Resu!ts: 4he search results a""ear in the Search Resu!ts bo&! When (ou clic- the C!ose button, the Search Resu!ts bo& closes and the Search bo& is cleared! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


/iewing Contact Cards

In )ommunicator 2007 R2, the )ontact )ard re"laces the )ommunicator 200F details "ane! 4he )ontact )ard "ro%ides im"ortant information about a contact and acts as a launch "oint for -e( tas-s, such as sending an e$mail message to the contact!

To #iew a Contact Card from t%e Contact .ist

In the )ontact List or the Search Resu!ts bo&, clic- the "resence status icon of the "erson hose )ontact )ard (ou ant to see! xpected Resu!ts: 4he )ontact )ard a""ears and sho s details about the contact! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

Tagging Contacts
)ommunicator 2007 R2 can notif( (ou of changes in a contactBs a%ailabilit( b( dis"la(ing an alert hene%er the "resence status of the contact changes to A-ai!a)!e or Off!ine! 4he alert sho s the contactBs name, title, instant messaging address, and ne "resence status! :ou can clic- the alert to start an instant messaging session ith that "erson! When (ou clic- the arro in the alert, the A!erts tab of the Options dialog bo& a""ears, and (ou can configure ho and hen alerts a""ear! )onfiguring )ommunicator to dis"la( this alert for a gi%en contact is called tagging!

To tag a contact
3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- a contact *for e&am"le, LabUser2+ in the )ontact List, and then clic- 'ag for Status Change A!erts!
Tagged contact indicator

xpected Resu!ts: When (ou tag a contact, the tagged indicator a""ears to the right of the contact in the )ontact List! 'o (ou can %erif( that tagging or-s!

To test tagging
3n the com"uter of LabUser2, sign out, and then sign in again! xpected Resu!ts: 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, an alert a""ears indicating that LabUser2 is no online! 5erif( that the name and other information that a""ears in the alert are correct!

To start an instant messaging session wit% a tagged contact from an alert

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, sign out, and then sign in again! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- LabUser28s name in the alert hen it a""ears!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

xpected Resu!ts: 4he Con-ersation indo o"ens hen (ou clic- the alert! LabUser28s name a""ears in the Partici"ant List in the )on%ersation indo , and (ou can start an instant messaging con%ersation ith the contact! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

Instant 2essaging
:ou can use 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 for instant messaging sessions ith indi%idual members of (our )ontact List, entire distribution grou"s, selected members of distribution grou"s, contacts (ou ha%e located using the 2earch bo&, or an( combination of these! :ou can also add ne "artici"ants after an instant messaging con%ersation has begun! In )ommunicator 2007 R2, (ou can also in%ite an e&ternal "artici"ant *someone ho is not "art of (our organi#ation or a federated organi#ation+ to an instant messaging session! 4o test this feature, use an outside e$mail account not associated ith the organi#ation, for e&am"le, (our o n Cotmail account+! )ommunicator "rocesses instant messaging sessions in se%eral a(s, de"ending on ho (ou are communicating ith and the number of "eo"le in%ol%ed in the instant messaging session! >or e&am"le: >or con%ersations ith another indi%idual in (our organi#ation, )ommunicator 2007 R2 establishes a net or- lin- directl( bet een the t o client com"uters! 2uch a session is called a conversation! >or con%ersations ith t o or more "artici"ants, each )ommunicator 2007 R2 client establishes a lin- through an 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er! 2uch a session is called a conference!

)ommunication among multi"le client com"uters is managed b( 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er, along ith its Web )onferencing ser%er! With )ommunicator 2007 R2 instant messaging, (ou can s"ecif( font t("e and font characteristics, such as bold, underline, italics, and color! :ou can also insert emoticons, and "aste te&t or tables co"ied from other ,icrosoft 3ffice a""lications, such as Word and .&cel!

To start an instant messaging session

In the )ontact List, right$clic- a contact name or distribution grou", and then clicSend an Instant Message!

xpected Resu!ts: 4he contactBs name, or a list of contact names, a""ears in the Partici"ant List in the Con-ersation indo ! 4he other contacts recei%e an alert, hich the( can clic- to join the con%ersation!

To start an instant messaging session wit% a single user

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, double$clic- LabUser2 in the )ontact List! 2& In the Con-ersation indo , t("e a message, and then "ress .'4.R! xpected Resu!t: LabUser2 recei%es an alert! )lic- an( here in the left "ane of the alert to begin the instant messaging session!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


To in#ite someone to 6oin a con#ersation in progress

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, in the )ontact List, double$clic- LabUser2! 2& In the Con-ersation indo , t("e a message, and then "ress .'4.R! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, re"l( to the instant message! <& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- In-ite on the Con-ersation indo title bar, and then clic- La)/ser5! xpected Resu!ts: LabUser;, LabUser2, and LabUser< are all "artici"ating in the same instant messaging conference! 9ecause LabUser; in%ited the ne user, LabUser; is designated as the conference leader!

To in#ite an e3ternal participant to 6oin a con#ersation in progress

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, in the Con-ersation indo title bar, clic- In-ite, and then clic- In-ite )+ mai!! 2& In the 3utloo- message, t("e (our e&ternal e$mail address! :& Log onto (our e&ternal e$mail account and o"en the e$mail in%itation sent from LabUser;! )lic- 6oin using a we) )rowser! xpected Resu!ts: 4he e&ternal "artici"ant connects to the I, session through )ommunicator Web 0ccess!

To send an instant message to selected mem)ers of a distri)ution group

*& If the distribution grou" that (ou ant is not a member of (our )ontact List, use the 2earch bo& to locate it! Double$clic- the grou" name to dis"la( the names of all the "eo"le in the grou"! 2& 4o select multi"le members, hold do n )4RL or 2CI>4 as (ou clic- the names of the indi%idual grou" members that (ou ant! :& Press .'4.R! <& In the Con-ersation indo , t("e a message, and then "ress .'4.R! xpected Resu!ts: 2elected members of the distribution grou" recei%e an alert in%iting them to an instant messaging conference! Users can acce"t or reject the in%itation!

To send an instant message to multiple contacts in t%e Contact .ist

*& Cold do n )4RL or 2CI>4, as a""ro"riate, as (ou clic- indi%idual contacts that (ou ant to include in an instant messaging conference! 2& Press .'4.R! :& In the Con-ersation indo , t("e a message, and then "ress .'4.R! xpected Resu!ts: 2elected members of the distribution grou" recei%e an alert in%iting them to an instant messaging conference! Users can acce"t or reject the in%itation!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

To paste content from an !ffice program into an instant messaging session

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, double$clic- LabUser2 to start an instant messaging session! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, o"en a ,icrosoft .&cel or-sheet! )o"( se%eral cells from the or-sheet, and then "aste them into the message bo& of the )ommunicator Con-ersation indo ! :& Press .'4.R! xpected Resu!ts: 4he cells from the .&cel or-sheet are dis"la(ed, in rich$te&t format, in the Con-ersation indo s of both LabUser; and LabUser2!

To add audio to an instant messaging session

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, double$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List! 2& In the Con-ersation indo , t("e a message, and then "ress .'4.R!
Call !ptions )utton

:& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, re"l( to the instant message! <& In the Con-ersation indo title bar of LabUser;, clic- the Ca!! Options button *to the right of the )all button+, and then clic- the name of the contact! =& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- Answer in the Incoming ca!! bo&! xpected Resu!ts: .ach com"uter dis"la(s a message to sho that the call as successfull( connected! With a headset, or s"ea-ers and micro"hone, (ou should be able to conduct an audio con%ersation!

To add #ideo to an instant messaging session

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, double$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List! 2& In the Con-ersation indo , t("e a message, and then "ress .'4.R! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, re"l( to the instant messaging! <& In the Con-ersation indo of LabUser;, clic- the Start -ideo ca!! button! =& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- Answer the incoming -ideo ca!! in the Con-ersation indo status area! xpected Resu!ts: .ach com"uter dis"la(s a message to sho that the connection as successful! If a camera is attached to the com"uter of LabUser;, %ideo from the camera is sho n in the %ideo "ane on the com"uter of LabUser2! If a camera is not attached, a "icture sho ing an una%ailable %ideo camera is sho n in the %ideo "ane!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

2eet Now
In 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2, (ou can =uic-l( create a meeting ith internal or e&ternal *anon(mous+ "artici"ants b( using the Meet Now feature! .&ternal "artici"ants are in%ited to the meeting through e$mail! Partici"ants ith an account in the organi#ation can use either )ommunicator or )ommunicator Web 0ccess to join the meeting! .&ternal "artici"ants can use )ommunicator Web 0ccess to join the meeting! 4o test this feature, use an outside e$mail account not associated ith the organi#ation, for e&am"le, (our o n Cotmail account+!

To start a meeting )- using 2eet Now

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the menu button, clic- Meet Now, and then clicCreate Meeting! 2& In the Con-ersation indo , clic- In-ite, and then clic- In-ite Someone! :& In the In-ite Someone indo , clic- La)/ser$, and then clic- OK! <& In the con%ersation indo , clic- In-ite, and then clic- In-ite )+ mai!! =& In the 3utloo- message, t("e the e$mail address for the e&ternal test account! >& Log onto the e&ternal test account and o"en the e$mail in%itation sent from LabUser;! )lic- 6oin using a we) )rowser! xpected Resu!ts: LabUser2 recei%es a des-to" alert to join the meeting through )ommunicator! 4he e&ternal "artici"ant connects to the I, session through )ommunicator Web 0ccess! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

Des(top "%aring
With des-to" sharing in 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2, a "artici"ant in a )ommunicator con%ersation can share his or her entire com"uter des-to" ith the other "artici"ants and share control so that other "artici"ants can "ro%ide mouse and -e(board in"ut to the shared des-to"!

To s%are -our des(top

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, double$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List! 2& In the Con-ersation indo , t("e a message, and then "ress .'4.R! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, re"l( to the instant message! <& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- In-ite on the Con-ersation indo title bar, clic- In-ite Someone and then from the dro"$do n list, clic- La)/ser5! =& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, in the Con-ersation indo , clic- the Sharing button, and then clic- Share 4es(top! 0 highlighted frame


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

a""ears around (our entire des-to" to indicate that (our des-to" is currentl( %isible to other "artici"ants! >& 3"en a document! xpected Resu!ts: LabUser;Bs des-to" is %isible to LabUser2 and LabUser<!

To gi#e control to anot%er participant

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the arro ne&t to the In Contro!" La)/ser7, and then under Share Contro!, clic- La)/ser$! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, "age through the dis"la(ed document, close the document, and o"en another document! xpected Resu!ts: LabUser2 can control the content on LabUser;Bs des-to"! 3n LabUser;Bs des-to", the In Contro! sharing bar sho s that LabUser2 is in control!

To ta(e )ac( control from t%e ot%er participant

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the arro ne&t to the In Contro! sharing bar, and then clic- 'a(e Bac( Contro!! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, attem"t to "age through the dis"la(ed document! xpected Resu!ts: LabUser2 can no longer control the content on LabUser;Bs des-to"! 3n LabUser;Bs des-to", the In Contro! sharing bar sho s that LabUser; is in control!

To s%are control wit% all participants

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the arro ne&t to In Contro!" La)/ser7, and then clic- Share Contro! with A!! #articipants, 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser<, clic- Re8uest Contro!! Page through the dis"la(ed document, close the document, and o"en another document! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the arro ne&t to the In Contro!" La)/ser7, and then clic- 'a(e Bac( Contro!! xpected Resu!ts: LabUser< can re=uest control and control the content on LabUser;Bs des-to"! 3n LabUser;Bs des-to", the In Contro! sharing bar sho s that LabUser2 is in control! When LabUser; ta-es bac- control, LabUser< is no longer in control! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


)ommunicator 2007 R2 gi%es users sim"le and fle&ible o"tions for dis"la(ing a%ailabilit(, acti%it(, and contact information! )ommunicator is integrated into the or- en%ironment so that users can dis"la( their o n "resence information, as ell as %ie the "resence information of others! )ommunicator can be integrated ith a userBs 3utloo- )alendar and 3ut of 3ffice 0ssistant to automaticall( u"date "resence information! Presence can also be integrated ith "hone status, sho ing the contact as a%ailable but on the "hone! >eatures in )ommunicator 2007 R2 enable the administrator to create custom "resence o"tions, such as D,eeting ith )ustomerG or D0t Lunch!G >or more information about configuring custom "resence states, see D)onfiguring )ustom Presence 2tatesG in the Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Dep&o'ment Guide! 4he details and t("e of "resence information that users ant contacts to see are controlled b( the access le%el setting assigned to each contact! When (ou add a ne contact to the )ontact List, an alert a""ears on the ne contactBs des-to"! 4he "erson (ou are adding can then set the le%el of status information (ou ill be able to %ie ! 4he( can also add (ou to their o n )ontact List! 4he "resence information that is dis"la(ed for each contact in (our )ontact List sho s their a%ailabilit(! Presence status is dis"la(ed gra"hicall( b( an indicator to the left of the contactBs name, and b( a te&t string to the right of the contactBs name! 2ome "resence states can be set either b( the user or b( )ommunicatorO other "resence states can onl( be set b( )ommunicator! 4able E describes each "resence indicator and the accom"an(ing status te&t! Ta)le <& Presence states set )- t%e user or )- Communicator Icon "tatus Te3t A-ai!a)!e Bus+ In a Ca!! In a Conference In a Meeting Description 4he contact is online and can "artici"ate in con%ersations! )an be set manuall( b( the user! 4he contact is a%ailable but engaged in another acti%it(! 0cti%ities include:

In a Ca!! 4he contact is in a "hone, %oice, or %ideo con%ersation! In a Conference 4he contact is in a multi"art( con%ersation using "hone, %oice, %ideo, or a""lication sharing! In a Meeting 4he 3ffice 3utloo- calendar sho s that the contact has a scheduled meeting! 4his "resence le%el can also be set manuall( b( the user!

4o Not 4istur)

4he contact is a%ailable but does not ant to be interru"ted! 4his status is dis"la(ed if the contact has manuall( set his or her "resence status to 4o Not 4istur)!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


"tatus Te3t Awa+

Description 4he contact is "robabl( not a%ailable! 4his status is dis"la(ed for the follo ing reasons: 4he contactBs com"uter has been idle for more than the idle time "eriod settingP;F minutes b( default! 4he contactBs 3utloo- calendar or 3ut of 3ffice 0ssistant indicates that he or she is out of the office! 4he contact is tem"oraril( una%ailable! 0s soon as acti%it( is detected on the contactBs com"uter, )ommunicator automaticall( resets the "resence status to the a""ro"riate state! 4he contact has manuall( set his or her "resence status to Awa+! 4he contact has manuall( set his or her "resence status to Be Right Bac(! 4his contact ma( be a%ailable, but their com"uter has been idle for more than the idle time "eriod settingPfi%e minutes b( default! 2tatus set b( )ommunicator! 4his contact is engaged in another acti%it(, but their com"uter has been inacti%e for the idle time "eriod settingP;F minutes b( default! 2tatus set b( )ommunicator! 4he contact is not a%ailable! 4his status is dis"la(ed for the follo ing reasons: 4he contact has manuall( set his or her "resence status to Appear Off!ine! *0""ear 3ffline is not a%ailable b( default! 4he s(stem administrator must enable it for an organi#ation using the grou" "olic(: .nable0""ear3ffline!+ )ommunicator is not running on the contactBs com"uter, or the contact has not signed$in! 4he contact has bloc-ed (ou from seeing his or her "resence status! )ommunicator cannot determine the status of the contact! 4his status is usuall( dis"la(ed because the contactBs "resence status is stored in another com"uter s(stem, such as that of an organi#ation that is not a federated "artner! 4his indicator is dis"la(ed in (our )ontact List ne&t to the name (ou ha%e bloc-ed! 4o the "erson (ou ha%e bloc-ed, (ou a""ear to be offline!

Be Right Bac( Inacti-e

Bus+ 9Inacti-e:


#resence un(nown


Presence and 4ser "tates

2ome "resence states can be set manuall(!

To manuall- set presence status

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the Status button in the Office Communicator indo , and then clic- the "resence status that (ou ant to dis"la(!

"tatus )utton

xpected Resu!ts: 4he ne "resence status is dis"la(ed both in the Office Communicator indo of LabUser; and in the )ontact List of LabUser2!

Presence and Computer "tate

When a user loc-s his or her com"uter, the "resence status changes to Awa+!

To test presence status w%en t%e computer is loc(ed

With the "resence status on LabUser; set to 3nline, on the com"uter of LabUser;, "ress )4RLQ0L4QD.L.4., and then clic- Loc( Computer!

xpected Resu!ts: 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, the "resence status of LabUser; a""ears as Awa+!

To test presence status w%en t%e computer is unloc(ed

3n the com"uter of LabUser;, "ress )4RLQ0L4QD.L.4., and then unloc- the com"uter!

xpected Resu!ts: 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, the "resence status of LabUser; changes to On!ine!

To add a status note

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- '+pe a note in the Office Communicator status indo ! 2& In the bo& that a""ears, t("e a brief note, and then "ress .'4.R! xpected resu!ts" 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, a note a""ears belo the user name! 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, a note icon a""ears ne&t to the userBs name in the )ontact List! When LabUser2 rests the "ointer o%er the note icon, the te&t of the note a""ears in a toolti"!

To remo#e a status note

3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the te&t of the message in the Office Communicator status area, "ress D.L.4., and then "ress .'4.R!

xpected resu!ts" 4he note no longer a""ears on the com"uter of LabUser;! 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, the note icon is no longer %isible ne&t to the LabUser; name in the )ontact List!

Presence and !utloo( Calendar "tates

When integration bet een )ommunicator 2007 R2 and the 3utloo- messaging and collaboration client is correctl( configured, (ou can do the follo ing: 0utomaticall( dis"la( (our Out of Office message from 3utloo- hen (our 3utloo)alendar sho s that (ou are out of the office!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

Dou ma- %a#e to wait as long as <= minutes for c%anges in !utloo( settings to s-nc%roni5e wit% E3c%ange "er#er& 'default, E3c%ange s-nc%roni5es wit% !utloo( clients e#er- <= minutes&

2enu )utton

U"date status and )ontact Lists according to 3utloo- )alendar data!

To set !utloo( integration options

*& 3n the Office Communicator title bar, clic- the Menu button, "oint to 'oo!s, and then clic- Options! 2& In the Options dialog bo&, clic- the #ersona! tab! :& Under #ersona! information manager, select and clear the chec- bo&es, as a""ro"riate! )lic- the dialog bo& ;e!p button for more information on each o"tion!

To sc%edule an appointment wit% !utloo( on .a)4ser*

3n the com"uter of LabUser;, start 3utloo-, clic- Ca!endar, clic- Actions, clicNew Appointment, and then schedule an a""ointment in the near future!

xpected resu!ts" 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, the "resence status of LabUser; changes to In a Meeting hen the scheduled meeting has begun!

To turn on t%e !ut of !ffice $ssistant

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, start 3utloo-! 2& 3n the 'oo!s menu, clic- Out of Office Assistant! :& In the Out of Office Assistant dialog bo&, clic- Send Out of Office auto,rep!ies! In the Auto,rep!+ on!+ once to each sender with the fo!!owing text bo&, t("e a message, and then clic- OK! <& 2ign out of 3ffice )ommunicator, and then sign in again! xpected resu!ts" 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, the "resence status of LabUser; changes to Out of Office! 0dditionall(, the note icon for LabUser2 in the )ontact List is "ur"le! When LabUser2 rests the "ointer o%er the icon, the 3ut of 3ffice message from 3utloo- a""ears! 4he Out of Office message also a""ears on the contact card for LabUser;!

Presence and $ccess .e#el

:ou s"ecif( ho much information a "erson can %ie about (ou b( changing their access le%el! 9( default, there are fi%e access le%els, as sho n in 4able F! Ta)le =& Presence information and access le#els

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


Presence Information !ffline Presence Presence Displa- Name E-2ail $ddress Title B 9or( P%one B 2o)ile P%one B Fome P%one B !t%er P%one B Compan- B !ffice B 9or( $ddress B "%arePoint "ite B 2eeting .ocation 2eeting "u)6ect +ree 'us9or(ing Fours Endpoint .ocation Notes 0!ut of !ffice Note1 Notes 0Personal1 .ast $cti#e

'loc( E


Compa n-















B T%ese attri)utes can )e supplied to !ffice Communicator )- $cti#e Director-& If supplied )- $cti#e Director-, t%e- are #isi)le to all contacts inside -our compan-, regardless of access le#els t%at -ou %a#e assigned to contacts& T%ese attri)utes are not #isi)le, )- default, to federated contacts& T%e- are also not #isi)le to pu)lic I2 contacts or non-federated contacts outside -our compan-&

To set t%e access le#el for a contact

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- LabUser2 in the )ontact List, and then clic- Change Le-e! of Access! 2& )lic- the "resence le%el that corres"onds to the information that (ou ant this contact to be able to %ie !


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

xpected resu!ts" 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, the "resence information sho n for LabUser; corres"onds ith the "resence access le%el set for LabUser2!

To #erif- t%at a )loc(ed user can no longer participate in an instant messaging session wit% t%e )loc(er
*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- LabUser2 in the )ontact List! 2& )lic- Set Le-e! of Access, and then clic- B!oc(! :& In the confirmation message that a""ears, clic- OK! <& 5erif( that the access le%el of LabUser2 is changed to B!oc(ed! =& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, double$clic- La)/ser7 in the )ontact List! >& In the Con-ersation indo , t("e a message, and then "ress .'4.R! xpected Resu!ts: 4he message is not sent, and no alert a""ears on the des-to" of LabUser;! Instead, LabUser2 recei%es the message D4his message as not deli%ered to LabUser; because more reci"ients are offline or do not ant to be disturbed!G

To test t%e effect of )loc(ing a contact during an instant messaging session

*& 3n LabUser;, start an instant messaging session ith LabUser2! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- the contact in the Con-ersation indo , "oint to Change Le-e! of Access, and then clic- B!oc(! xpected resu!ts" 4he te&t in"ut area is una%ailable in LabUser2Bs Con-ersation indo !

To un)loc( a contact
*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List, "oint to Change Le-e! of Access, and then clic- #ersona!! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, double$clic- La)/ser7 in the )ontact List! :& In the Con-ersation indo , t("e a message, and then "ress .'4.R! xpected Resu!ts: 0n alert is dis"la(ed on the com"uter of LabUser;, indicating that )ommunicator recei%ed an instant message from LabUser2! LabUser; can clic- the alert and res"ond to the instant message, and the instant messaging con%ersation is dis"la(ed in the )on%ersation indo on both com"uters!

"etting $ccess .e#el w%en Dou $re $dded to a 4ser8s Contact .ist
When a user attem"ts to add (ou to his or her )ontact List, )ommunicator 2007 R2 dis"la(s the dialog bo& sho n in >igure ; on (our com"uter! :ou can use this dialog bo& to s"ecif( the le%el of information (ou ant that user to see, and (ou can also add the user to (our o n )ontact List!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


+igure *& New contact notification

To set t%e access le#el w%en -ou are added to a user8s Contact .ist
*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, add LabUser< to (our )ontact List! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser<, clic- #ersona! in the 'his person<s !e-e! of access bo&, and then clic- OK! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- LabUser< in the )ontact List, and then clic- =iew Contact Card! xpected resu!ts" 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, the )ontact )ard for LabUser< sho s all a%ailable details, including )alendar information!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

T%e dialog )o3 a)o#e is onl- displa-ed t%e first time a user adds a new contact to %is or %er Contact .ist&

Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

+ile Transfer
Cere are some common a(s to transfer a file using )ommunicator: When (ou are in a call, (ou can drag the file onto a name in the Partici"ant List! :ou can transfer a file to a contact b( dragging the file onto a name in the )ontact List! In the u""er$right corner of the Con-ersation indo , (ou can use the Send a Fi!e button, or from the Actions menu, (ou can clic- Send a Fi!e! In the Partici"ant List or the )ontact List, (ou can right$clic- a name and then clicSend a Fi!e!

To start a file transfer

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List, and then clic- Send a Fi!e! 2& 9ro se for a file *"ic- a file in a folder on (our com"uter+, and then double$clic- the file (ou ant to send! *0 small file ta-es less time to transfer!+ xpected Resu!ts: 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, the Con-ersation indo dis"la(s the message 2aiting for La)/ser$ to accept! 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, a file transfer alert a""ears! 4he Con-ersation indo is o"ened and dis"la(s the file icon, name, and si#e, along ith the message 4ou)!e,c!ic( here to start the 'ransfer!

To accept a file transfer

3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- Accept in the Con-ersation indo ! xpected Resu!ts" 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, (ou see a lin- to o"en the file in the )on%ersation indo and the follo ing message a""ears: 3ou ha-e successfu!!+ recei-ed fi&e name from La)/ser7! 'he fi!e is !ocated in pat ! 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, the follo ing message a""ears: 'ransfer of fi&e name is comp!ete!

To cancel a file transfer

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List, and then clic- Send a Fi!e! 2& Double$clic- a file in the list! *4he cancel "erforms =uic-er if (ou choose a small file!+ <& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- Cance! to cancel the file transfer in the )on%ersation indo !

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


xpected Resu!ts: 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, the follo ing message a""ears: 3ou ha-e cance!ed the fi!e transfer! 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, the follo ing message a""ears: La)/ser7 has cance!ed the fi!e transfer!

To c%ange t%e file transfer location

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, on the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button, "oint to 'oo!s, and then clicOptions!
2enu )utton

2& In the Options dialog bo&, clic- the .enera! tab! :& Under Fi!e 'ransfer, clic- Browse, and then select a ne location for storing recei%ed files! <& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, send a file to LabUser;! =& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, acce"t the file transfer! xpected resu!ts: 4he recei%ed file is stored in the ne location on LabUser;! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

$udio and /ideo De#ice "etup

If (our com"uter has a headset or other U29 audio de%ice, or s"ea-ers and a micro"hone, (ou can send and recei%e com"uter$to$com"uter calls! If the configuration (ou are testing has .nter"rise 5oice enabled, (ou can also ma-e or recei%e com"uter$to$"hone and "hone$to$ com"uter calls! 9efore (ou go through the audio and %ideo conferencing "rocedures, ma-e sure (ou ha%e a headset ith a micro"hone, or the e=ui%alent! If (ou ha%e a Web camera connected to (our com"uter, (ou can add %ideo to (our con%ersations! If (ou are not alread( in an audio con%ersation hen (ou start a %ideo con%ersation, audio is enabled for the session! Partici"ants in an instant messaging session can e&"and the session to an audio$onl( or a full audioH%ideo *0H5+ conference! 'o "rior arrangements ith a long distance conferencing "ro%ider are re=uired! 4o test audio and %ideo hard are, clic- the Menu button, "oint to 'oo!s, and then clic- Set /p Audio and =ideo!

To test or configure audio and #ideo de#ices

*& 3n the Office Communicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu button0
2enu )utton

2& Point to 'oo!s, and then clic- Set up Audio and =ideo!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

xpected Resu!ts: 4he 2et U" 0udio and 5ideo feature hel"s (ou to %erif( that audio and %ideo e=ui"ment are or-ing as e&"ected! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

2a(ing /oice Calls

:ou can use )ommunicator 2007 R2 to control (our des- "hone, or (ou can ha%e a %oice con%ersation b( using a U29 handset, micro"hone headset, or e=ui%alent de%ice, connected to (our com"uter! :ou can also ma-e calls b( using U)$enabled de%ices such as a 2mart"hone or )ommunicator$enabled des- "hone! 5oice and "hone su""ort in )ommunicator falls into t o categories, de"ending on (our configuration: Remote call control, for integration ith a traditional P91! .nter"rise 5oice, the ,icrosoft soft are$"o ered 5oIP solution, for use in an IP tele"hon( en%ironment!

4able J summari#es the features of each technolog(! Ta)le >& Remote Call Control and Enterprise /oice features
Configuration Remote Call Control +eatures Place and answer calls $nswer a p%one call or place a call on %old Transfer a p%one call to anot%er num)er "pecif- a call-forwarding num)er "et t%e default de#ice for ma(ing calls to p%one or computer $ll of t%e features a)o#e, plusA +orward to contacts or to a p%one num)er -ou specif"et incoming calls to ring on more t%an one de#ice +orward unanswered calls to #oice mail, a contact, or anot%er num)er $ppl- call forwarding rules onl- during wor( %ours

Enterprise /oice

>or more information, see: >or arding )alls When )onfigured for .nter"rise 5oice Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 (nified Communications )nterprise #oice &anning and Dep&o'ment Guide

When (ou "lace a "hone call using )ommunicator, (ou initiate and end the call using the )ontact List and the Con-ersation indo ! If the number (ou ant to call is not in the address boo-, (ou can enter it hen (ou ma-e the call! :ou can also ma-e a Communicator ca&& to an acti%e

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


)ommunicator$enabled de%ice, such as a com"uter, 2mart"hone, or )ommunicator$enabled des"hone! 2ee ,a-ing )ommunicator )alls later in this document! :ou manage the audio con%ersation through se%eral controls! 4able 7 sho s the call controls and gi%es a brief descri"tion of each! Ta)le 7& Call controls
Control End call& Put call on %old& Transfer call to anot%er person, or transfer call to anot%er one of -our de#ices t%at is running Communicator& 9%en -ou transfer a call, t%e Transfer window is displa-ed& Displa- t%e dial pad& T%e dial pad is used to enter input to access #oice mail and to enter pass code for conferences& Toggle audio from a call )etween t%e 4"' telep%on- de#ice and ot%er spea(ers& T%is control onl- appears if -ou %a#e a 4"' telep%on- de#ice attac%ed to -our computer and -ou %a#e configured -our audio de#ice to pla- call audio on a separate de#ice from -our 4"' telep%on- de#ice& 2ute spea(ers& Clic( t%e 2enu )utton to ad6ust t%e audio #olume& 2ute microp%one& $udio le#el indicator& Time elapsed& +unction

2a(ing Communicator Calls

0 Communicator ca&& is a 5oIP call that (ou "lace from (our com"uter to someone in (our cor"orate net or- or in a federated net or-! 0ll the reci"ientBs )ommunicator$enabled de%ices ill ring, and the reci"ient can choose hich de%ice to use to acce"t the call!
Communicator Call )utton

When (ou "lace a )ommunicator call, a 2IP I'5I4. is sent to the reci"ientBs URI *for e&am"le, 2IP:someoneNe&am"le!com+!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

>or more information about ho )ommunicator uses 2ession Initiation Protocol *2IP+ and 5oIP calls, see the follo ing sections of Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 )nterprise #oice &anning and Dep&o'ment Guide: )ha"ter ; 4echnical 3%er%ie , rotoco&s )ha"ter 2 Planning for .nter"rise 5oice, *+ !ntegration

.ocation-)ased Normali5ation Rules

)ommunicator 2007 R2 uses location$based normali#ation rules in to"ologies here .nter"rise 5oice and P91, and 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er co$e&ist! 0ddress 9oo- 2er%ice *092+ normali#ation rules still a""l( to remote call control *R))+ users! Location$based normali#ation hel"s to mitigate "roblems such as the follo ing: 0 com"an( in the United 2tates has a rule that adds Q; to an( ten$digit "hone number! 0 user in 0ustralia ho is in the same "ool and dials a ten$digit 0ustralian number could be routed to the U!2! number instead! 0n organi#ation in the United 2tates has a rule that adds Q;E2F to an( se%en$digit "hone number to ensure that all calls are made to the 2eattle E2F area code! Co e%er, the rule "re%ents users from calling numbers in the 2eattle 20J area code!

)ommunicator 2007 R2 a""lies location$s"ecific dialing rules! During the user sign$in "rocess, )ommunicator retrie%es the userBs location from the @rou" Polic( 3bjects or in$band "ro%isioning data! Using the s"ecified location, )ommunicator ma-es a re=uest to the ser%er to retrie%e the normali#ation rules that are s"ecific to the location! When )ommunicator is configured for R)), it uses the normali#ation rules that are "ro%ided in the 092, hich are u"dated ith 092 refreshes! >or more information about ho 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er uses normali#ation, see DPhone 'umber 'ormali#ationG in Office Communications Server #o! Guide!

4sing t%e Call !ptions 'utton

:ou can use )ommunicator to call someone from the )ontact List, Search Resu!ts "ane, or Con-ersation indo !
Call )utton and Call !ptions )utton

)lic- the Ca!! button to ma-e a call to the last$used number or de%ice for this contact! )lic- the Ca!! Options button *to the right of the Ca!! button+ for a list of calling o"tions, and then "oint to the number or location that (ou ant!

4able 8 lists the calling o"tions that (ou might see hen (ou call someone using )ommunicator! 4he choices for a gi%en contact de"end on:

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


:our access le%el as defined b( the contact! 4he contact8s Options dialog bo& #hone settings! 4he "hone numbers that are listed for the contact in (our organi#ation8s 0cti%e Director( global address boo-!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

Ta)le ?& Communicator 2007 R2 Call !ptions

Icon Calling 2et%od Communicator Call& Rings all acti#e 4C-ena)led de#ices for t%at contactGfor e3ample, a computer, "martp%one, or 4Cena)led des( p%one& 9or(& Calls t%e wor( num)er entered in t%e O,tions dialog )o3 &hone ta), or t%e wor( num)er as listed in t%e $cti#e Director- address )oo(& Fome& Calls t%e %ome num)er entered in t%e O,tions dialog )o3 &hone ta)& /isi)le onl- to contacts w%o %a#e a &ersonal access le#el, unless t%e num)er is alreadpresent in t%e $cti#e Director- address )oo( 2o)ile& Calls t%e mo)ile num)er entered in t%e !ptions dialog )o3 P%one ta)& /isi)le onl- to contacts w%o %a#e Personal or Team access le#els, unless t%e num)er is alread- present in t%e $cti#e Director- address )oo( !t%er& Calls t%e num)er t%at is listed under Other in t%e contactHs O,tions dialog )o3 &hone ta)& /isi)le onl- to contacts w%o %a#e a Personal access le#el& Can also )e used to dial t%e last num)er -ou %a#e entered for t%is contact using t%e -ew -umber command& /oice 2ail& Calls t%e contact8s #oice mail)o3 directl-&

4he follo ing tests assume that (ou ha%e configured tele"hone integration, if using R)), or set u" U)$enabled test accounts, if using .nter"rise 5oice! >or more information, see )onfiguring 5oice >eatures, later in this document! 2ome tests also re=uire that (our test com"uters ha%e 3utloo- 2007 installed and configured ith an .&change 2er%er account!

To ma(e an out)ound call from t%e Contact .ist

In the )ontact List, right$clic- the contact name, "oint to Ca!!, and then do one of the follo ing: )lic- Communicator Ca!! to ring all acti%e U)$enabled de%ices for that contact Pfor e&am"le, a com"uter, 2mart"hone, or U)$enabled des- "hone! )lic- one of the listed "hone numbers!

xpected resu!ts" 4he Con-ersation indo is o"ened, and the call is started!

To ma(e an out)ound call from t%e Con#ersation window

*& In the )ontact List, double$clic- a contact!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


2& In the Con-ersation indo , clic- the Ca!! button! 0fter the contact has ans ered the call, (ou can begin (our con%ersation and adjust the call controls as needed!

Call )utton

xpected resu!ts" :our name and the name of the contact (ou are calling a""ear in the Partici"ant List in the Con-ersation indo ! 4he call is made to the contact hen (ou clicCa!! in the Con-ersation indo !

To ma(e a call )- t-ping an e3tension num)er in t%e "earc% )o3

*& In the '+pe a name or phone num)er bo&, t("e an e&tension number! 2& In the Search Resu!ts bo&, clic- #hone! xpected Resu!ts: 4he Con-ersation indo is o"ened and the call is "laced!

To answer a call
When (ou recei%e an incoming call, )ommunicator 2007 R2 dis"la(s a des-to" alert! If the contact is calling (our com"uter, the alert reads Accept Computer ca!!! )lic- Accept to ta-e the call! If the contact is calling (our "hone, the alert reads Accept ca!! from num,er! )lic- Accept to ta-e the call!

xpected Resu!t: When (ou ans er the call as s"ecified in the alert, (ou can s"ea- ith the caller! When (ou recei%e a call, (ou can transfer it to another user or to another one of (our de%ices! >ollo these instructions to transfer a call to another user!

To end a call
In the Con-ersation indo , clic- nd Ca!!! xpected Resu!ts: 4he call ends hen (ou clic- the nd Ca!! button! If the call as acce"ted *if (ou are not ending the call because nobod( ans ered+, (ou see an .nd )all message, and the Con-ersation indo is closed!

To transfer a call to anot%er user

4o transfer a call to another user, in the Con-ersation indo , clic- the 'ransfer button, and then clic- the contact to hom (ou are transferring the call! >or transfer o"tions, mo%e (our mouse to the right of the contact name! )lic- a contact name or "hone number in the list, and then clicOK!
Transfer )utton

xpected Resu!t: 4he call is transferred to another user, and (ou are disconnected from the call!

To transfer a call to anot%er de#ice

)lic- the 'ransfer button, clic- #ersona! 'ransfer, and then clic- the de%ice here (ou ant the call transferred!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

xpected Resu!t: 4he call is transferred to the selected de%ice! If (ou selected a "hone as the de%ice, the call is transferred to that "hone!

To ma(e a #oice call from an instant messaging session

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, double$clic- a contact in the )ontact List to start a
Call )utton

ne instant messaging session! 2& In the Con-ersation indo , do one of the follo ing:

In the Con-ersation indo , clic- the Ca!! button to call the contact8s default number or de%ice! )lic- the Ca!! Options button to the right of the Ca!! button to dial an alternate number or enter a ne number!

xpected Resu!t: 4he call is "laced, and the call controls "ane o"ens in the Con-ersation indo !

To put a call on %old and recei#e anot%er call

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List, "oint to Ca!!, and then clic- the contact name or a "hone number! 2& 3n the com"uter or des- "hone of LabUser2, clic- Accept to ta-e the call in the des-to" alert! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser<, right$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List, "oint to Ca!!, and then clic- the contact name or a "hone number! <& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- the ;o!d button in the Con-ersation indo to "ut LabUser; on hold, and then in the des-to" alert clic- Accept to ta-e the call from LabUser<! xpected Resu!ts: 4he first caller, LabUser;, is "ut on hold, so that LabUser2 can "ic- u" the call from LabUser<! 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, a ne Con-ersation indo o"ens for the con%ersation ith LabUser<! Must as LabUser2 "ut LabUser; on hold, LabUser2 can also "ut LabUser< on hold and return to the call ith LabUser;!

To mute incoming and outgoing audio

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List, "oint to Ca!!, and then clic- La)/ser$! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- Accept in the des-to" alert to ta-e the call!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


:& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- Mute Spea(ers in the Con-ersation indo ! <& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- Mute Microphone! xpected Resu!ts: 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, there is no sound a%ailable on the s"ea-ers! 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, there is no sound hen LabUser; s"ea-s into the micro"hone! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

Call +orwarding and /oice 2ail

4he s"ecific features that are a%ailable de"end on the configuration (ou are testing: Remote )all )ontrol, .nter"rise 5oice, or a combination of the t o! 4he o"tions in this section are set b( using the )all )ontrol menu or the Ca!!,Forwarding Settings dialog bo&!

To displa- call forwarding options in Communicator 2007 R2

In the Office Communicator indo , clic- Ca!!,Forwarding, and then clic- Ca!!,Forwarding Settings! 4he Ca!!,Forwarding Settings dialog bo& a""ears!
Call-+orwarding )utton

+orwarding Calls w%en Configured for Remote Call Control

To forward to a person or p%one num)er (RCC
*& In the Ca!!,Forwarding Settings dialog bo&, select Forward to under Incoming Ca!!s! 2& In the Forward to bo&, select one of the "hone numbers that (ou entered "re%iousl( for this account, or clic- Configure to enter a ne "hone number! 4o successfull( com"lete the test, enter a "hone number to hich (ou ha%e accessPfor e&am"le, one of the other lab account "hones, or (our "ersonal cell "hone! When (ou are done, clic- OK! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, o"en the )ommunicator 2007 R2 )ontact List, if it is not alread( o"en! <& 4o the right of LabUser;Bs name, "oint to the "hone button, clic- the do n arro that a""ears, and then clic- the number (ou ant! xpected Resu!t: 4he call is transferred to the number that (ou s"ecified in ste" 2!

To cancel call forwarding rules (RCC

In the Ca!!,Forwarding Settings dialog bo&, clic- 4o Not Forward Ca!!s! In the Ca!!,Forwarding Settings dialog bo&, select (our "referred calling method from the list of a%ailable de%ices under Outgoing Ca!!s!

To set t%e default de#ice for outgoing calls (RCC

+orwarding Calls 9%en Configured for Enterprise /oice

.nter"rise 5oice is the Unified )ommunications soft are$"o ered 5oIP solution! 4a-ing ad%antage of the )ommunications 2er%er 2007 2IP infrastructure, .nter"rise 5oice enables users to do the follo ing: Place calls from com"uter to com"uter, com"uter to "hone, or "hone to com"uter! Partici"ate in IP %oice sessions that tra%erse 'et or- 0ddress 4ranslations *'04s+ and fire alls!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


Place calls to other .nter"rise 5oice users, co or-ers ho are still hosted on a P91, or P24' numbers! )all the enter"rise from an( here an Internet connection is a%ailable, ithout incurring long$distance charges or resorting to a 5P' *%irtual "ri%ate net or-+! Ree" their legac( tele"hone numbers! .njo( the benefits of %oice mail and call for arding!

>igure 2 sho s the Ca!!,Forwarding Settings dialog bo& ith Unified )ommunications .nter"rise 5oice enabled!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

+igure 2& Call-+orwarding rules wit% Enterprise /oice ena)led

Call forwarding )utton

To forward to a person or p%one num)er

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the Ca!! forwarding button in the Office Communicator indo , and then "oint to Forward ca!!s to! 2& Do one of the follo ing: )lic- one of the "hone numbers (ou "re%iousl( entered for this account! )lic- New num)er, enter the number (ou ant, and then clic- OK!

:& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- the #hone button of LabUser; to initiate a call in the )ontact List! xpected Resu!t: LabUser2Bs call is for arded to the number s"ecified in ste" 2 abo%e!

To forward a call w%en -ou recei#e it

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, ma-e sure that call for arding is turned off! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- the #hone button of LabUser; to initiate a call in the )ontact List! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, a des-to" alert signals the incoming call! <& In the des-to" alert indo , clic- Redirect, and then clic- the number (ou ant to recei%e the call! xpected Resu!t: LabUser2Bs call is for arded to the number (ou s"ecif(!

To ring anot%er person or de#ice at t%e same time -our p%one rings
*& Do one of the follo ing: 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the Ca!! forwarding button in the Office Communicator indo , "oint to Simu!taneous!+ ring, and then clic- the number (ou ant to ring at the same time as (our default de%ice!
Call forwarding )utton

)lic- New num)er, enter the "hone number (ou ant, and then clic- OK!

2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- the Ca!! button of LabUser; to initiate a call in the 3ffice )ommunicator )ontact List! xpected Resu!t: LabUser;Bs default de%ice and the number s"ecified in ste" 2 abo%e both ring at the same time! 4he call can be ans ered on either de%ice!

To set t%e ring duration for unanswered calls

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the Ca!! forwarding button in the Office Communicator indo , and then clic- Ca!!,Forwarding Settings! 2& In the Ca!!,Forwarding Settings dialog bo&, enter a ne %alue in the Ring for this man+ seconds )efore redirecting bo& under Redirect unanswered ca!!s to! 9( default, unans ered calls ring for 20 seconds! :& .nable call for arding for LabUser; as described abo%e! <& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- the Ca!! forwarding button of LabUser; to initiate a call in the Office Communicator )ontact List! xpected Resu!t: LabUser;Bs "hone rings for the time duration (ou s"ecified in ste" ; before being for arded!

To appl- forwarding rules during )usiness %ours onl*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the Ca!! forwarding button in the Office Communicator indo , and then clic- Ca!!,Forwarding Settings! 2& In the Ca!!,Forwarding Settings dialog bo&, select the On!+ app!+ these settings during m+ wor(ing hours specified in Out!oo( chec- bo&! :& .nable call for arding for LabUser;! 2ee 4o for ard to a "erson or "hone number earlier in this section! <& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, o"en 3utloo- 2007, and then change the default oree- settings: a! b! c! 3n the Office Out!oo( $%%& ,enu )ar* clic- 'oo!s, and then clic- Options! In the Options dialog bo&, clic- the #references tab, and then clic- Ca!endar Options under Ca!endar! In the Ca!endar Options dialog bo&, clear the chec- bo& that corres"onds to the current da( under Ca!endar wor( wee(! >or e&am"le, if (ou are running this test on a >rida(, clear the Fri chec- bo&! )lic- OK, and then clic- OK again!


=& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- the Ca!! button of LabUser; to initiate a call in the 3ffice )ommunicator )ontact List! xpected Resu!t: LabUser;Bs "hone rings, but calls are not for arded!

To cancel call forwarding rules

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the Ca!! forwarding button in the Office Communicator indo , and then select 4o Forward Ca!!s!
Call forwarding )utton

2& .nable call for arding for LabUser;! 2ee 4o for ard to a "erson or "hone number! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- the Ca!! button of LabUser; to initiate a call in the )ontact List!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

xpected Resu!t: LabUser;Bs "hone rings, but calls are not for arded!

To c%ec( #oice mail, or record -our #oice mail greeting

3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the Ca!! forwarding button in the Office Communicator indo , and then clic- Ca!! =oice mai!! xpected Resu!ts: 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 connects to .&change Unified ,essaging 2ubscriber 2er%ice!

To c%ange -our #oice mail greeting

In the Office Communicator indo , clic- the Ca!! Forwarding button, and then clic- Change .reetings! xpected Resu!ts: 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 connects to the greetings menu in the .&change Unified ,essaging 2ubscriber 2er%ice!

Team call
In the 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 Ca!!,Forwarding Settings dialog bo&, (ou can set u" a grou" of u" to 2F contacts ho can ans er (our incoming calls if (ou are una%ailable! Incoming calls can ring (ou and (our contacts at the same time! 3r, (ou can set a dela( so that incoming calls ill ring (ou first, and then ring (our contacts after a s"ecified number of seconds! When (our status is set to 3ffline or Do 'ot Disturb, (our calls are automaticall( redirected to (our call for arding contacts!

To set up team call

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, in the Office Communicator indo , clic- the Ca!! forwarding button, and then clic- Ca!!,Forwarding Settings! 2& In the 4o the fo!!owing when I get ca!!s dro"$do n list, select Ring me and m+ team,ca!! group! :& )lic- Add, and then clic- Contact! <& 2elect LabUser2 from the list, and then clic- OK! =& )lic- Add, and then clic- Contact! >& 2elect LabUser< from the list, and then clic- OK! 7& Use a se"arate tele"hone to call LabUser;! xpected Resu!ts: 0ll three users recei%e an incoming call alert stating that the call is intended for LabUser;!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


P%one-to-p%one sessions )etween Communicator 200= and !ffice Communicator 2007 R2 are supported& Fowe#er, Communicator 200= users cannot 6oin a conference wit% #ideo&

Directl- $ccess a Contact8s /oice 2ail)o3

In 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2, (ou can lea%e a message directl( in a contact8s %oice mailbo& instead of ringing the contact first!

To access a contact8s #oice mail)o3

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, in the )ontact List, clic- the =iew more options for ca!!ing this contact arro ne&t to LabUser2! 2& )lic- =oice Mai!! xpected Resu!ts: 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 connects to LabUser2Bs .&change Unified ,essaging %oice mailbo&! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

$udio Conferencing
With 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2, (ou can ha%e %oice conferences ith se%eral "eo"le at one time! :ou can %ie the roster to see ho is online during the conference and then use other features, such as instant messaging or audioH%ideo con%ersation! 4here are se%eral a(s to set u" a conference call! :ou can in%ite contacts b( using an( or all of the follo ing: 3ne or more indi%idual contacts )ontact grou"s Distribution grou"s

If (ou ha%e a %ideo camera connected to (our com"uter, (ou can add %ideo to (our con%ersations! Partici"ants in an instant messaging session can e&"and it to an audio or audioH%ideo *0H5+ conference! 0s ith instant messaging, audio and audioH%ideo calls occur o%er a "eer$to$"eer lin- bet een t o )ommunicator 2007 R2 clients! )onferences ith three or more "artici"ants, including conferencing$mode %ideo sessions, re=uire an 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er 2007 R2 0H5 )onferencing ser%er!

To start a conference call )- selecting indi#idual contacts

*& In the )ontact List, hold do n )4RL or 2CI>4 as (ou clic- the contacts that (ou ant to in%ite to the conference! 2& Right$clic- the highlighted region, and then clic- Start a Conference Ca!!!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

:& In the Con-ersation indo , right$clic- a contact in the Partici"ant List to "erform an( of the follo ing actions: Ma(e Leader designates the contact as conference co$leader! Mute silences audio in"ut from the contact! Remo-e from Con-ersation remo%es the contact from the conference! Show #articipant List controls the dis"la( of the Partici"ant List! Loc( 'his Con-ersation "re%ents an(one else from joining the conference!

4he follo ing commands are a%ailable b( clic-ing the In-ite button:

If (our "ortion of the call ends hile (ou are in a conference, (ou can connect to the conference again b( clic-ing Re>oin! xpected Resu!ts: 4he Partici"ant List in the Con-ersation indo sho s the contacts that are in the conference call! 4he "erson ho initiated the call is sho n as the Leader! When a contact "ic-s u" the call, that contact enters the conference!

To start a conference call from an instant messaging session

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, start an instant messaging session ith LabUser2 and LabUser<! 2ee 4o start an instant messaging session! 2& In the Con-ersation indo , t("e a message, and then "ress .'4.R! :& 3n the com"uters of LabUser2 and LabUser<, acce"t the in%itation to join the con%ersation! <& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the Ca!! button! =& 3n the com"uters of LabUser2 and LabUser<, clic- 6oin conference ca!! in the status area near the to" of the Con-ersation indo ! xpected Resu!ts: In the Con-ersation indo of LabUser;, an instant messaging icon and an audioH%ideo conference icon a""ear to the right of the contactBs name! 4he Partici"ant List dis"la(s the contacts that ha%e joined the conference! 4he "erson ho initiated the conference is sho n as the leader in the Con-ersation indo of all "artici"ants! 0ll "artici"ants can be heard and understood clearl( during the conference! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

2a(ing /ideo Calls

4o com"lete the "rocedures in this section, each of the three lab com"uters must ha%e a %ideo camera connected! >igure < sho s the Con-ersation indo "rogress! ith a %ideo, audio, and instant messaging session in

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


+igure :& /ideo con#ersation window 4he follo ing "rocedure e&"lains ho to start, control, and end a %ideo call! 2ee 4able I for a summar( of the user interface elements referred to in this "rocedure!

To start a #ideo call from t%e Contact .ist

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List, and then clic- Start a =ideo Ca!!! 0fter the %ideo call has been acce"ted, the Con-ersation indo e&"ands to dis"la( the %ideo! 2& 4o %ie the outgoing %ideo stream, clic- the Show picture,in,picture button! :& 4o "ause the outgoing %ideo stream, clic- the #ause picture,in,picture button! )licthe Resume picture,in,picture button to resume (our outgoing %ideo! <& 4o "ause the incoming %ideo, clic- the #ause main -ideo button! )lic- the Resume main -ideo button to continue ith the %ideo call! =& 4o s itch (our %ideo to the main %ideo indo , clic- the Switch -ideo button! 4he incoming %ideo then s itches to the "icture$in$"icture area! >& 4o start an instant messaging session hile in a %ideo call, clic- the Show instant message area button! 7& 4o change or add a subject for this con%ersation, clic- the Menu )utton in the Con-ersation indo tit!e )ar* "oint to Actions, and then clic- Change Con-ersation Su)>ect! 4("e a ne subject for this call, and then clic- OK! 4he subject (ou t("ed a""ears on the Con-ersation indo title bar! ?& 4o end the %ideo call but still maintain the instant messaging and audio sessions, clic- the Stop button! @& 4o end the audio call but still maintain the instant messaging session, clic- the nd Ca!! button!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

xpected Resu!ts: 5ideo is sho n in the =ideo "ane of the Con-ersation indo for each "artici"ant ho has a %ideo camera! 4he main area of the =ideo "ane sho s the contact ho is currentl( s"ea-ing! 0ll the )onference controls or- as described in ,a-ing 5oice )alls! Ta)le @& /ideo con#ersation controls
"tart -our #ideo "%ow picture-in-picture Pause main #ideo Resume main #ideo "witc% participants8 #ideo to t%e picture-inpicture "%ow instant message area 2enu arrow End #ideo call End audio call


To in#ite anot%er user to 6oin a #ideo call from t%e Con#ersation window
*& 9egin a t o$"erson %ideo call! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List, and then clic- Start a =ideo Ca!!! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, clic- Accept =ideo Ca!!! <& In%ite another "erson! =& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- In-ite in the Con-ersation indo , and then clic- La)/ser5! >& 3n the com"uter of LabUser<, clic- =ideo Ca!! in the des-to" alert that a""ears! 7& 0s- each "artici"ant in the %ideo conference to s"ea- in turn! xpected Resu!ts: When a "erson s"ea-s, that "ersonBs %ideo is sho in the main %ideo indo on all com"uters! 0udio conference and %ideo conference icons are sho n to the right of each "ersonBs name in the Partici"ant List! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


Testing !utloo( 2007 Integration !ptions

If (our lab configuration includes an .&change ser%er, (ou can test the interaction bet een )ommunicator 2007 R2 and 3utloo- 2007! Integrating )ommunicator 2007 R2 and 3utloo- 2007 adds the follo ing features to )ommunicator: 5ie the a%ailabilit( of contacts and access )ommunicatorBs calling and instant messaging features in 3utloo- 2007! 0utomaticall( retrie%e Out of Office settings from 3utloo- and dis"la( (our 3ut of 3ffice message in the )ommunicator 2007 R2 status note area! 2et )ommunicator to u"date free or bus( status according to (our 3utloo- )alendar, and u"date (our contact list according to 3utloo- )ontacts data! Ree" a record of incoming, outgoing, and missed calls in 3utloo-! 2tart or restart an instant messaging, audio, or %ideo con%ersation from an e$mail message in 3utloo-! Retrie%e ,icrosoft6 3ffice 3ne'ote6 2007 notes that ere ta-en during a "re%ious call from the 3utloo- Con-ersation ;istor+ folder!

In addition, (ou can find information about the a%ailabilit( of (our contacts in 3utloo- 2007, and access )ommunicatorBs calling and instant messaging features!

To recei#e an e-mail message w%en -ou miss a call on -our computer

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- the #resence button in the Office Communicator status area, and then clic- Options! 2& 3n the #ersona! tab, under #ersona! information manager, select Microsoft Office Out!oo( in the dro"$do n list, and then select the Sa-e m+ ca!! !ogs in the Out!oo( Con-ersation ;istor+ fo!der chec- bo&! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, right$clic- La)/ser7, "oint to Ca!!, and then clicLabUser;Bs "hone number! <& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, do not ta-e the call! Wait for one or t o minutes, and then chec- LabUser;Bs Inbo&! xpected Resu!ts: 0n e$mail message a""ears in LabUser;Bs Inbo& ith the subject Missed ca!! from La)/ser70 4he e$mail message includes LabUser2Bs "hone number, the contactBs 2IP address, and a lin- that enables (ou to start an instant messaging session ith the "erson ho called!

To send an e-mail message from an instant messaging session

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, double$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List, and then send an instant message! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, send a re"l( to LabUser;!


Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

:& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- LabUser2Bs name in the Partici"ant List, and then clic- Send an ,mai! Message! xpected Resu!t" 4he 3utloo- ,essage indo a""ears, and the e$mail address of LabUser2 is in the 'o bo&!

To send an instant message from an e-mail

*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, clic- New on the 3utloo- 2007 toolbar to o"en a ne e$mail message, and then t("e the e$mail address of LabUser2! 2& 4("e a subject and message, and then clic- Send! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, o"en the ne e$mail message from LabUser;! <& In the 3utloo- 2007 ,essage indo , clic- the status indicator ne&t to LabUser2Bs name, and then clic- Rep!+ with Instant Message! xpected Resu!ts: 0n 3ffice )ommunicator Con-ersation indo o"ens, ith LabUser2 in the Partici"ant List!

4sing t%e Con#ersation Fistor- +older in !utloo(

)ommunicator 2007 R2 creates a s"ecial folder in 3utloo- called Con-ersation ;istor+ to tracand log information about (our con%ersations! 4he folder a""ears in the 3utloo- 2007 folder list, together ith other folders such as In)ox, Out)ox, and Sent Items, and contains a record of instant messaging sessions, "hone calls, and for arded calls! 3utloo- 2007 also -ee"s trac- of other information, such as missed "hone calls, %oice mail, and missed con%ersations! 0 record of these e%ents is sa%ed in (our In)ox! .ach item in the Con-ersation ;istor+ folder contains: 4ime and date of message )on%ersation subject )on%ersation bod( Partici"ant names Direction of con%ersation *incoming or outgoing+

In addition, the )on%ersation Cistor( folder contains information about an( con%ersations that included audio, and a com"lete record of all instant messaging con%ersations!

To #iew t%e Con#ersation Fistor- folder )- using t%e +ind Pre#ious Con#ersations command
*& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, double$clic- La)/ser$ in the )ontact List, and then start an instant messaging con%ersation! 2& 3n the com"uter of LabUser2, t("e a res"onse, and then end the instant messaging session on both com"uters! 0 message that contains the te&t of the instant messaging session is added to the 3utloo- 2007 )on%ersation Cistor( folder on both com"uters! :& 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, right$clic- La)/ser$, and then clic- Find #re-ious Con-ersations!

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


xpected Resu!t" 3n the com"uter of LabUser;, 3utloo- 2007 o"ens in Search Resu!ts %ie , and the most current con%ersation ith LabUser2 is highlighted! Return to Communicator $%%& R$ 'est Chec(!ist

To ena)le tracing in 9indows /ista, t%e user must )e added to t%e &erformance .og /sers group& $s soon as t%e- are added, users must log off and t%en log )ac( on for t%e setting to ta(e effect&

If (ou encounter difficulties hen (ou de"lo( 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2, (ou can use the )onfiguration Information %ie er in )ommunicator 2007 R2 to obtain a summar( of configuration settings, including hether the account is enabled for 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er :ou can also use log or tracing files to troubleshoot the installation, setu", or connection errors! 4he four main t("es of log files are as follo s: )lient logs document the beha%ior of the 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 client, and add diagnostic messages to the Windo s .%ent Log! Unified )ommunications )lient Platform *U))P+ logs trac- ser%er connection issues! ,edia logs record the status of audio and %ideo connections! 2etu" logs record Windo s Installer errors during setu"!

)lient logs can be enabled b( the user in the 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 Options dialog bo&, or b( the administrator b( using registr( entries! 4he other t("es of logging discussed in this section are controlled b( using registr( entries! :ou can also use the error messages that a""ear in the )ommunicator 2007 R2 user interface! )ommunicator 2007 R2 errors are much more s"ecific and detailed than in "re%ious releases, and contain lin-s to 3ffice 3nline Cel", hich "ro%ides more information for both users and administrators! 4he rest of this section discusses the four t("es of error logging in more detail!

To displa- Configuration Information

*& In the 2(stem 4ra(, "ress )4RL, and then clic- the )ommunicator 2007 R2 icon! 2& )lic- Configuration Information!

!ffice Communicator 2007 R2 .ogs

:ou can collect detailed troubleshooting information about )ommunicator 2007 R2 b( using the na)!e'racing and na)!e -entLogging @rou" Policies! 4hese "olicies corres"ond to the )ommunicator 2007 R2 dialog bo& o"tions 'urn Logging on in Communicator and 'urn on 2indows -ent Logging for Communicator!

To turn Communicator 2007 R2 logging on or off )- using a Polic 0dd one or both of the follo ing "olicies:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Communicator] "EnableTracing"=dword:00000001 "EnableEventLogging"=dword:00000001

4he na)!e -entLogging o"tion rites the follo ing t("es of errors to the s(stem e%ent log, together ith detailed troubleshooting information! .rrors that "re%ent a user from logging in to the ser%er, such as host or domain name errors, or an in%alid certificate! Diagnostic messages returned b( the ser%er, such as %ersion chec- failures, "roblems ith log$in credentials, or errors generated in res"onse to a 2IP I'5I4. message from the client!

When (ou set the .nable4racing "olic(, or a user selects the 'urn Logging on in Communicator o"tion, )ommunicator 2007 R2 creates the registr( entries for the Unified )ommunications )lient Platform *U))P+ logs discussed belo ! 9( default, these "olicies are not "resent, and (our users can gather diagnostic information b( selecting one or both t("es of logging in the )ommunicator 2007 R2 Options dialog bo&!

To turn Communicator 2007 R2 logging on or off using t%e !ptions dialog )o3
*& 3n the Office )ommunicator tit!e )ar* c!ic( the Menu )utton* and then c!ic( Options0
2enu )utton

2& In the Options dialog bo&, clic- the .enera! tab! :& 3n the .enera! tab, under Logging, select the o"tion or o"tions that (ou ant!

4nified Communications Client Platform 04CCP1 .ogs

U))P logs contain information about the interaction of 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2 ith 3ffice )ommunications 2er%er 2007! When (ou set the na)!e'racing "olic(, or a user selects the 'urn Logging on in Communicator o"tion, )ommunicator 2007 R2 creates the follo ing registr( -e(s in the CR.:S)URR.'4SU2.R registr( hi%e:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\UcClient\Communicator] "EnableTracing"=dword:00000001 "FileDirectory"="%USERPROFILE%\tracing" "FileSize"=dword:10000000

0fter (ou restart )ommunicator 2007 R2, the file )ommunicator$ucc"!log is created in the director( Tuserprofi&eTU4racing! :ou can modif( the location or ma&imum file si#e for this log b( using the Fi!e4irector+ and Fi!eSi?e registr( -e(s!

$udioI/ideo .ogs
4o troubleshoot errors ith audio or %ideo connections in 3ffice )ommunicator 2007 R2, create the registr( entries described in 0""endi& 0: @enerating an 0udio and 5ideo Log in WPP >ormat! 0fter (ou restart )ommunicator 2007 R2, a detailed log is created in Windo s soft are

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide


trace "re"rocessor *WPP+ format! 4he file, 2tartu"SWPPS4race!etl, documents all as"ects of )ommunicator8s interaction ith the audioH%ideo ser%er! :ou can also %ie the WPP$format log information in real time b( using the 4race5ie tool that is a%ailable as "art of the Windo s Dri%er Rit! >or more information about soft are tracing, see htt":HHmsdn2!microsoft!comHen$usHlibrar(Hms7I7IJ0!as"&! 4o do nload the Windo s Dri%er -it, hich includes 4race5ie , see htt":HH !microsoft!comH hdcHde%toolsH d-HWDR"-g!ms"&

"etup .ogs
:ou can also create a %erbose log of e%ents generated during )ommunicator 2007 R2 setu"!

To ena)le logging during Communicator 2007 R2 setup

Use the follo ing Windo s Installer @rou" Polic(:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer] "Logging"="voicewarmup" "Debug"=dword:00000007

4hese "olicies create a file in the Ttem"T director( of the current user named ,2I-num,er.!L3@, here -num,er. identifies the most recent installation! >or more information about ho to create log files during )ommunicator 2007 R2 setu", see AWindo s Installer )ommand Line 3"tionsA in Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Dep&o'ment Guide!

$ppendi3 $A enerating an $udio and /ideo .og in 9PP +ormat

4his a""endi& contains a full listing of the registr( entries that are re=uired to generate a )ommunicator 2007 R2 audio and %ideo log in Windo s soft are trace "re"rocessor *WPP+ format! 4he log contains >040L, .RR3R, or W0R'I'@ e%ents! >or more detailed out"ut, change the 'raceLe-e!'hresho!d %alue in each section from < to E! 4his adds I'>3R,04I3' e%ents to the log, and creates a large file!
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\AudioEngine] ; For verbose output, change TraceLevelThreshold to 4 in each section. ; Creates a very large file. "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "WPP_FLAG_S_AERECV_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_AERECV_PULL"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_AERECV_PUSH"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_AERECV_START"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_AERECV_TRANSFORM"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_AESEND_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_AESEND_START"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_AESEND_SEND"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_AESEND_TRANSFORM"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\COMAPI] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "WPP_FLAG_S_CHANNEL_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_COMAPI_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CONFERENCE_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_ENDPOINT_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_EVENTS_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_PLATFORM_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_STREAM_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\COMMON] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "COMMON_CRITSECT_INIT"=dword:00000001 "COMMON_CRITSECT_ENTER"=dword:00000001 "COMMON_CRITSECT_LEAVE"=dword:00000001 "COMMON_TIME"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_EVENTQ_CREATE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_EVENTQ_GETNEXT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_EVENTQ_PUTFREE"=dword:00000001

"WPP_FLAG_S_EVENTQ_SEND"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_HEAP_CREATE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_HEAP_FREE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_HEAP_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_MEMORYPOOL_ALLOC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_MEMORYPOOL_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_UTILITY_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\Crossbar] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "WPP_FLAG_S_CROSSBAR_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CROSSBAR_REF_COUNTING"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CROSSBAR_TIMELINE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CROSSBAR_VIDEOSWITCHER"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CROSSBAR_VIDEOMIXER"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CROSSBAR_CONFIG"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CROSSBAR_BRCONTROLLER"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CROSSBAR_DOMINANTSPEAKER"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\Crypto] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "WPP_FLAG_S_CRYPTO_AUTH"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CRYPTO_DECRYPT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CRYPTO_DEINIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CRYPTO_ENCRYPT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CRYPTO_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CRYPTO_KEYMGR"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CRYPTO_TEST"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_CRYPTO_UPDATE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_ENCRYPT_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\DEVICE] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "DEVICE_AUDIOSOURCE"=dword:00000001 "DEVICE_AUDIOSINK"=dword:00000001 "DEVICE_VIDEOSOURCE"=dword:00000001 "DEVICE_VIDEOSINK"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_DEVICE_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_DEVICE_PER_FRAME"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\MassConvertedTraces1] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "WPP_FLAG_dwSelect"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_selection"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_AUDIO_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_AUDIOHEALER_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_BUFFER_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_BUFFER_NEW"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_BUFFER_REMOVE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_DTMFCONTROL_GENERIC"=dword:00000001

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide "WPP_FLAG_S_IO_IOCOMPLETION"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_IO_POSTIO"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_IO_RECV"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_IO_SEND"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_MEDIAFILE_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_MEDIAFILE_STATS"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_PSM_CALL"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_PSM_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RMA_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_WORKITEM_MONITORING"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\NavigationalTracing] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "NAV_TRACE_LISTENING_ENABLED"=dword:00000001 "NAV_LISTEN_THREAD"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\PerFrame] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000000 ;Generates large logs; use only if troubleshooting specific issues [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\PerPacket] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000000 ;Generates large logs; use only if troubleshooting specific issues [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\QualityController] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "WPP_FLAG_S_QC_CREATE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_QC_SETPAR"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_QCCHANNEL_CODEC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_QCCHANNEL_CREATE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_QCCHANNEL_PRIORITY"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_QCCHANNEL_SETTINGS"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_QCCHANNEL_START"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_QCCHANNEL_VALIDATE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_QCPARTICIPANT_ADD"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_QCPARTICIPANT_CREATE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_QCPARTICIPANT_VALIDATE"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\RTCP] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "RTCP_SDES"=dword:00000001 "RTCP_FUNCTIONAL"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_AVFLAG"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_BANDESTIMATION"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_BYE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_LOSSES"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_NTP"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_RECV"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_RRSR"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_RTT"=dword:00000001



Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_SDES"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_SEND"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_TIMEOUT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTCP_TIMING"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\RTP] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "WPP_FLAG_S_DTMF_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_DTMF_RECV"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_DTMF_SEND"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_PART_ADD"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_PART_RECVCREATE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_PART_REMOVE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_PART_SENDCREATE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_PSI_GETINFO"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_PSI_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_PSI_STREAM"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTP_CREATE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTP_CSRC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTP_EVENT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTP_RECV"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTP_SEND"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTP_START"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTP_TRACE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTPMAPPING_RECV"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTPMAPPING_SEND"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTPRED_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_RTPRED_SEND"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\StreamingEngine] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "ENGINE_TICK"=dword:00000001 "ENGINE_TIMESTAMPS"=dword:00000001 "ENGINE_THREADS"=dword:00000001 "ENGINE_MISC"=dword:00000001 "ENGINE_EVENTS"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_ENGINE_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_NETWORKDEVICE_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\TLS] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "WPP_FLAG_S_TLS_INIT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_TLS_NEGOTIATION"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_TLS_OTHERS"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\Transport] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "TRANSPORT_TIMER"=dword:00000001 "TRANSPORT_ICE"=dword:00000001 "TRANSPORT_BUFFERS"=dword:00000000

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide "TRANSPORT_PIPES"=dword:00000001 "TRANSPORT_SOCKETS"=dword:00000001 "TRANSPORT_LATENCY"=dword:00000000 "TRANSPORT_DUMP"=dword:00000000 "TRANSPORT_CRYPTO"=dword:00000001 "TRANSPORT_API"=dword:00000001 "TRANSPORT_MISC"=dword:00000001 "TRANSPORT_PACKET_RECEIVE_PATH"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_INIT_ADDR"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_INIT_BIND"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_INIT_CONNECT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_INIT_CREATE"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_INIT_DESTROY"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_INIT_DETECTNAT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_INIT_PORT"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_INIT_QUERY"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_INIT_SETQOS"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_MSTP_BUFFER"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_MSTP_INVALIDARG"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_MSTP_MSG_DEC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_MSTP_MSG_ENC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_MSTP_OTHERS"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_MSTP_RECV"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_MSTP_SELFADDR"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\WPPMedia\VIDEO] "TraceLevelThreshold"=dword:00000003 "VIDEO_WMVRENC"=dword:00000001 "VIDEO_WMVRDEC"=dword:00000001 "VIDEO_DUMP"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_VIDEO_CODECS_ARTIFACTDURATION"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_VIDEO_CODECS_BRCONTROLLER"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_VIDEO_CODECS_CODECFLAG"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_VIDEO_CODECS_DMOACCESS"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_VIDEO_CODECS_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_VIDEO_CODECS_PACKETLOSSRECOVERY"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_VIDEO_CODECS_PACKETPATTERN"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_VIDEO_CODECS_REASSEMBLY"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_VIDEO_GENERIC"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_VIDEOFRAME_INFO"=dword:00000001 "WPP_FLAG_S_VIDEOLATENCY_GENERIC"=dword:00000001


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