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Forecast Report for Transits ___________________________

Compliments of :Astrology House 147A Centreway Road Orewa 0931 !ew "ealand #el $ %4 9 4&10033 'anus(astrology-)ouse*+om

,el+ome to your -ore+ast Report #)is report s)ows t)e astrologi+al trends influen+ing your life a period ranging from days to mont)s or years depending on t)e time frame used* #)e duration of ea+) trend is indi+ated /y a starting date an ending date and strongest influen+e date* -urt)er an influen+e may /egin /efore t)e time frame of t)e report or end /eyond it* #)e a++ura+y of t)e timing of t)e fore+asts is dependent on t)e a++ura+y of t)e /irt) time* 0e prepared to slide t)e se1uen+e of trends eit)er forwards or /a+2wards in time if ne+essary* 3n some instan+es t)ere may /e interpretations t)at repeat t)* #)is is due to t)e +y+li+al and forward and /a+2ward motion of t)e planets a+ti.ating points on your +)art more t)an on+e in t)e period under re.iew* As you will find t)e fore+ast interpretations +an /e positi.e and4or +)allenging* #)eir effe+ts +an /e e5perien+ed eit)er dire+tly personally or t)roug) e.ents in t)e of ot)ers in t)e en.ironment* 6ome trends will /e more apparent t)an ot)ers w)ile ot)ers may /e more su/tle* ,)at is most important is )ow you respond to t)em*


Dynamic Activity 7eo+entri+ #ropi+al 8oon9s #rue !ode 7regorian Calendar #ime -rame: -rom 1 !o. &011 A: 7C 0:00:00 C;: -0&:00:00 #ime -rame: #o 30 !o. &011 A: 7C 0:00:00 C;: -0&:00:00 6e+ondary <rogression #rue 6A =ong <rogressed 8C Natal Chart #ransits >6tart ?p@ ;.ent C)art &4 !o. &013 1%:11:41 C;# -01:00:00 0ialysto2 <oland &3e09900 A3n09900 7eo+entri+ #ropi+al <la+idus Houses 8oon9s #rue !ode

Before 1 Nov !11 " Beyond #! Nov !11$ Transitin% &upiter is passin% throu%h your 1 th 'ouse #)is is a period in w)i+) your attention will tend to /e turned inward and you will /e 1uite +ontent wit) t)e simple pleasures of life* Bou will /e in+lined to spend e5tended periods of time alone or in se+lusion or if t)ere is someone important in your life you will appre+iate 1uiet times toget)er* Bou are more empat)eti+ to t)e needs of t)ose w)ose are more of a struggle t)an your own* Before 1 Nov !11 " Beyond #! Nov !11$ Transitin% &upiter passes throu%h Taurus Bou )a.e an a++entuated desire to a+1uire possessions and to gain material se+urity* ,it) regard to 'udi+ial or religious matters you tend to )old ort)odo5 .iews and +onser.ati.e attitudes* Bou 2now )ow to en'oy t)e good t)ings in lifeC ) you +an /e in+lined to* Before 1 Nov !11 " Beyond #! Nov !11$ Pro%ressed &upiter is (e)tile Directed *ars Bour sense of timing is .ery good now and as lu+2 will seem to )a.e it you will pro/a/ly +on.eniently find yourself in t)e rig)t pla+e at t)e rig)t time* Relations wit) ot)ers +an impro.e now and any disputes +an /e sorted out to t)e /est of t)eir a/ility* 1! Novem+er !11 " , Novem+er !11$ stron%est around 1- Novem+er !11$ Transitin% &upiter is (e)tile your Natal Neptune Bour inner and spiritual life is en)an+ed nowC more so t)an at 'ust a/out any ot)er time* Bou )a.e a great wealt) of feeling and +ompassion +oupled wit) a deep and sin+ere desire to loo2 after or )elp t)ose in need* Bour interest in metap)ysi+al su/'e+ts is li2ely

to grow now and you may e5perien+e unusual insig)ts* 3f you are in any way musi+al artisti+ or +reati.e you +an e5pe+t your powers of inspiration and imagination to get a /oost now* #ra.el under t)is influen+e is usually /enefi+ial* , Novem+er !11 " Beyond #! Nov !11$ Pro%ressed &upiter is Con.unct your Natal &upiter ;5pe+t your understanding of t)e world to /roaden - t)is may /e e5perien+ed t)roug) su+) t)ings as long-distan+e tra.el )ig)er edu+ation or simply /y /eing more outrea+)ing and em/ra+ing of life and ot)ers* 0usiness and finan+ial in.estments usually +an do well under t)is influen+e* , Novem+er !11 " Beyond #! Nov !11$ Pro%ressed &upiter passes throu%h Cancer Bou )a.e a strong atta+)ment to your )ome and family* #)e +reation of a se+ure and +omforta/le )ome for yourself and your lo.ed ones is important to you* Bour edu+ational moral and religious outloo2s are esta/lis)ed in early life* -inan+ial assistan+e is often a.aila/le t)roug) t)e family* Bou )a.e a +aring and prote+ti.e nature +oupled wit) a genuine +on+ern for t)e emotional needs of ot)ers* , Novem+er !11 " Beyond #! Nov !11$ Pro%ressed &upiter is passin% throu%h your nd 'ouse :uring t)is period your fo+us s)ifts to personal wealt) and material e5pansion* Bour finan+ial outloo2 is optimisti+ and positi.e on t)e w)ole* ;nd of Report

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