After The Flood

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After the Flood

Introduction Though the Flood brought complete destruction to all life on earth, it was a new beginning for both humanity and animal life. Noah and his family had the great opportunity to re-establish righteousness on earth by living according to Gods word and standards. As we study Genesis chapters to !! we notice how "uic#ly sin too# a foothold in their lives, and that the new civilisation swiftly degenerated into wic#edness. The Covenant $And % will establish my covenant with you& neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood& neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. And God said, This is the to#en of the covenant which % ma#e between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations' % do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a to#en of a covenant between me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when % bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud' And % will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh& and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. And the bow shall be in the cloud& and % will loo# upon it, that % may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, This is the to#en of the covenant, which % have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth( )Genesis '!!-!*+. This was Gods promise for all generations until the end of time. Those who believe in the literal Flood record have a true understanding of why the bow is in the clouds after the rain. This covenant was with both man and beast. Notice that God appears to be repeating it over and over in these verses. ,i- times .e mentions .is covenant to press home the significance of it, yet isnt it ama/ing that few people associate the rainbow with the covenant promise the 0ord introduced after the Flood1 The rainbow spea#s of Gods grace and holiness )see 2/e#iel !'34+. The last boo# of the 5ible describes Gods throne being surrounded by a rainbow too )6evelation 7'8+. Repopulation of the Earth $And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ar#, were ,hem, and .am, and 9apheth' and .am is the father of :anaan. These are the three sons of Noah' and of them was the whole earth overspread( )Genesis '!4-! +. These verses describe the true origin of the various races and nations. 6egardless of our ethnic bac#ground we all belong to the human race ; $And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth( )Acts !*'3<+. 2very human who has ever e-isted have their lineage in Noah and his sons. %t is important to note why Genesis highlights .am as the father of the :anaanites in '!4. These people would become the enemies of Gods people. They were the inhabitants of the land that was promised to Abraham. %t was their paganism that influenced both %srael and all false religions up until this day. Genesis !='!-83 > !!'!=-83 offer us greater detail regarding the repopulation of the earth )we will not be studying the names and nations mentioned in these passages+. Wine is a Mocker $And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard' and he dran# of the wine, and was drun#en& and he was uncovered within his tent( )Genesis '3=-3!+.

This is the first time that wine is mentioned in the 5ible, yet notice the result of its use. %t brought about the drun#enness and shame of Noah the righteous man who had found grace in the eyes of the 0ord. .e had stood against the moc#ery of wic#ed men before the flood, but now allows a glass of wine to bring him down. No wonder ,olomon says, $?ine is a moc#er, strong drin# is raging' and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise( )@roverbs 3='!+. ,atan used this situation to brea# down this new creation. .e used the fruit of the tree with Adam and 2ve, but uses the fruit of the vine with Noah and his sons. Hams Sin $And .am, the father of :anaan, saw the na#edness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And ,hem and 9apheth too# a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went bac#ward, and covered the na#edness of their father& and their faces were bac#ward, and they saw not their fatherAs na#edness( )Genesis '33-38+. Noah got so drun# that he fell asleep totally na#ed. Brun#enness causes people to lose sense of morality and decency. Those Cbelievers who condone the use of wine and strong drin# put themselves directly in the devils path ; $5e sober, be vigilant& because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, wal#eth about, see#ing whom he may devour( )! @eter D'4+. .am happened to come into Noahs tent. Bid ,atan put the thought into his mindE Notice how he is mentioned as the father of the :anaanites again1 There is a reason for this. The seed of ,atan was reintroduced into the earth. The are two possibilities regarding what actually too# place in Noahs tent, and commentators are divided at this point. a+ .omose-uality. ,ome believe that ,atan planted homose-uality in .ams mind as he saw his fathers na#edness. Ferse 37 appears to suggest that he did something to Noah. b+ 6eGection of Noahs Authority. Hthers suggest that .am saw the wea#ness of Noah and thus dismissed his fathers authority. .e obviously went out to tell his brothers about the disgusting condition he had found his father in. ,ince this was considered a sin, it must mean that he was laughing about it as he told ,hem and 9apheth. The word $told( literally means $told with delight.( .is brothers were more righteous than .am. They refused to see their father in this fallen condition, so they wal#ed bac#wards as they covered Noah up. Their action must have been li#e strong rebu#e to .am. ?hatever the nature of .ams sin his wic#edness was passed down to his children and their descendants. Noahs Prophec $And Noah awo#e from his wine, and #new what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, :ursed be :anaan& a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, 5lessed be the 0H6B God of ,hem& and :anaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge 9apheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of ,hem& and :anaan shall be his servant( )Genesis '37-3*+. ?hen Noah awo#e from his drun#en stupor he realised what .am had done. .is anger obviously results from his shame and moral lapse. Iany who are caught Credhanded often lash out at others. Nevertheless, God used this situation to reveal what was going to ta#e place in the generations to come with the descendants of 9apheth, ,hem and .am. Noahs first words were directed at .am. Notice Noah calls his son :anaan. %t is certain that .am, because of his rebellion, adopted this name. .ams descendants

were the ,umerians, 2gyptians, 2thiopians, .ittites, and some of the Asiatic nations. They would never become dominant races amongst the nations of the world. ,ome have used this fact to promote 5ritish %sraelism and racism )which are really fascism+, but the te-t is simply revealing that the nations descending from the other brothers would be dominant. %t is of interest that they went on to build the Tower of 5abel. ,hem was the father of the ,emitic nations )9ews, Arabs, ,yrians, Assyrians, 5abylonians and @ersians+, which means those within the Iiddle 2ast. Noah added Gods name to the prophecy regarding ,hem. This is an indication that the promised ,eed would come through his line. 9apheth was the father of the 2uropean nations. The te-t states that 9apheth would be enlarged. This spea#s of the fact that the 2uropean nations would be dominant and the biggest. .is descendents would have a direct connection with ,hem or the ,emitic nations. 2uropes greatest involvement, outside its borders, has been with the Iiddle 2astern nations. Hf course, the mightiest of all blessings for 2uropeans has been the ?ord of God given to .is people %srael. Noahs !eath $And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years. And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years' and he died( )Genesis '34-3 +. Noah died at D= years of age. This means he lived 87 years after the Flood. ?ithin this time he must have seen great changes and mans increasing depravity. %t is very possible that Noah saw the beginning of the Tower of 5abel. %t is certain that he did not go along with the single government J single state notion. Ne-t 0esson' The Tower of 5abel.

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