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Lecture one: Essay writing

Third & fourth years

Time. 2 hours

Objectives By the end of the session, the learners will be able to: Know what is meant by the writing process Understand and apply the five stages of writing process: Prewriting, Drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. Choose the best prewriting techniques Evaluate the written essays Summarize the whole session in a well-formed mind map. Prerequisites The students should know what is a paragraph, They should know the correct structure of a paragraph and how to write one Anticipated problems: They do not recall what a paragraph is They don't understand its structure well They don't know the definition of a topic sentence Procedures: Warm up I will introduce myself and give the learners five minutes to introduce themselves. I will explain the significance of writing a good paper I will ask them to write down a paragraph about themselves. New items: Essay and its definition Thesis structure Topic sentence

Supporting sentences New structure: Essay title Thesis sentence Paragraph one: topic sentence+ main idea+ sub point +supporting ideas+ examples The five stages of writing process: Prewriting, Drafting, revising, editing, proofreading. Presentation: At the beginning, I will introduce myself and give them five minutes to introduce themselves. Then I will talk about the contents of our subject and its significance in their study and career. I will talk about the writing process and its different stages. Then, I will write down an example para. and evaluate it with them. Next, I will give them ten minutes to solve the first activity " write a five-sentence para. and evaluate it according the five stages. Then, I will introduce some of the prewringt techniques such as freewriting, brainstorming, asking questions, drawing a cluster diagram. Then I will give them an example about" the benefits of reading". Then I will give them five minute to write down an outline for as essay about " their favorite teacher or writer". Finally, I will introduce an outline for the essay and how to write a thesis sentence. And the general structure of essay. I will present a visual outline for this structure. Finally, I will give them five minutes to write an three-paras. about their favourite subjects. I will ask them to do the following assignments: Write a paragraph about the advantages of the internet. Write a small essay about a day in your life you will never forget. Make a mind map for the whole session Evaluation: First activity 1- Write a good paragraph and evaluate it (10 min) Second activity

2- Write down an outline for the following essay (10 min) Third activity 3- Ask them to write down a three- paragraph essay about a person they consider a model example for them (10 min) Assignments: Write a paragraph about the advantages of the internet. Write a small essay about a day in your life you will never forget. Make a mind map for the whole session

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