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Learn Spanish with Mr.

Cloud Beginners Spanish

Copyright 2012 by A. Rosso Unique Edu Pte Ltd A!! rights reser"ed.

Pub!ished in United #t$tes o% A eric$

What are you going to learn?

Nouns Definite and indefinite articles Pronouns Direct and indirect object pronouns Preposition pronouns Possessive pronouns Present tenses Present progressive tenses Imperatives Comparatives and superlatives Adjectives Possessive adjectives Verbs Irregular verbs Prepositions Questions Punctuations Time Days, mont s, dates !eat er, seasons "reetings People, animals #ood $ apes, numbers Places, countries, nationalities %ody parts, clot ing This book is equivalent to a beginner level Spanish book.

One Fine DAY.

"hile Sra. Nube an #ola are out shopping, Sr. Nube an Petro are at home "at!hing television.

Petro: Papa, lets go out too. Sr. Nube: I am meeting some frien s later. I !an spare some time no". #ets go. Sr. Nube an Petro "ere floating aroun in the sk$ "hen the$ spotte something. Sr. Nube: %an $ou see that& #os ni'os ibu(an una !u!ara!ha en el tren. )The bo$s are ra"ing a !o!kroa!h on the train.* Petro: +a $, those are naught$ bo$s.

Sr. Nube: ,es the$ are. #ook over there- .r Suns bo$s are ra"ing on the bus. .r Suns son /or on: +u!k& 0h$ are $ou ra"ing a u!k& .r Suns son Patri!k: 0h$ not& I love u!ks.

In Spanish, nouns are !lassifie into mas!uline ).* an feminine )2* tren train 333 . !u!ara!ha !o!kroa!h 333 2 ni'os bo$s 333 . ni'as girls 333 2

4o" o $ou kno" if it is mas!uline or feminine& 4ere are some "a$s to help $ou. 5n s in o, s, ma, pa, ta 6 mas!uline 7apato )shoe*, pa8s )!ountr$*, problema )problem*, mapa )map*, planeta )planet*, programa )program*, poema )poem*, rama ) rama* 5n s in a, ion, a 3 feminine naran(a )orange*, a misi9n )a mission*, universi a )universit$* 5n s in ista, e !an be mas!uline or feminine turista )tourist*, estu iante )stu ent*

Petro: 0ait:tren is not mentione in these rules Sr. Nube: Thats right. Some nouns o not follo" these rules, for e;ample 8a ) a$* is mas!uline. <lso, moto )moto!$!le*, foto )photo*, mano )han * an ra io )ra io* are all feminine. So, $ou shoul al"a$s use a i!tionar$ to help $ou. Petro: 0h$ shoul I !are if it is . or 2& Sr. Nube: =e!ause an a (e!tive or an arti!le asso!iate "ith a noun !hanges "ith the quantit$ an the gen er of the noun. #ets look at ><? an >The?.

Indefinite & Definite Articles

un ni'o )m* una ni'a )f* a !hil Aa male !hil a !hil Aa female !hil el ni'o la ni'a the bo$Athe male !hil the girlA the female !hil

un libro )m*, el libro )m* una bi!i!leta )f*, la bi!i!leta )f* un !o!he )f*, el !o!he )f*

a book, the book a bi!$!le, the bi!$!le a !ar, the !ar

%an $ou see that ><? an >The? !hanges a!!or ing to the gen er of a noun& ><? an >The? !an help $ou to etermine the gen er of a noun. Boven C $oung person, !an be . or 2 un (oven, el (oven una (oven, la (oven a $oung man, the $oung man a $oung la $, the $oung la $

5stu iante C stu ent, !an be . or 2 un estu iante, el estu iante una estu iante, la estu iante a male stu ent, the male stu ent a female stu ent, the female stu ent

%ertain "or s !hange their meanings "hen the$ are !hange in gen er. el poli!8a el !ura el !orte the p9li!e the priest the !ut la poli!8a la !ura la !orte the poli!e epartment the !ure the !ourt

Singular & Plural

5n s in o, a a el gusano )m* la ara'a )f* 5n s in s or n, a el (oven la televisi9n s the "orm the spi er es an a los gusanos )m* las ara'as )f* or elete the a!!ent mark los (9venes las televisiones es los lEpi!es the pen!ils the $oung people the televisions the "orms the spi ers

the $oung person the television ! an a

5n s in 7, remove 7 a el lEpi7

the pen!il

las ni'as means the girls or the female !hil ren los ni'os means the bo$s or the male !hil ren los ni'os !an also mean a mi;e group of bo$s an girls F bo$ an 2 girls C los ni'os Some nouns are al"a$s in plural las gafas C e$eglasses las matemEti!as C mathemati!s las va!a!iones C va!ation 23GH bo$s an 2 million girls C los ni'os

In efinite <rti!le < In Ina 3 +efinite <rti!le The )singular* The )plural* 5l #os #a #as 3 #os

.ale 2emale .ale an 2emale )e.g. F bo$ an F girl*

2rom no" on, the term >mi;e gen er? "ill refer to a group of males an females. +efinite arti!les are omitte "hen referring to >some?, >man$?, >an$?. Ise efinite arti!les onl$ "hen $ou are referring to something spe!ifi!. Kuiero !omi a Kuiero la !omi a I "ant foo )some foo , an$ kin of foo * I "ant the foo )spe!ifi! t$pe of foo , !oul be the foo on the table, the foo in the kit!hen.* I nee mone$ )some mone$* I nee the mone$ )spe!ifi! t$pe of mone$, !oul be mone$ given b$ someone, mone$ from some"here*

Ne!esito inero Ne!esito el inero

Preposition En
To e;press >onAat a pla!e? es!ribir en la !amiseta ormir en el suelo to "rite on the shirt to sleep on the floor

To e;press >inA uring a perio of time? 5n el verano 5n 2LFL In the summer In 2LFL

To e;press >b$ a form of transportation? Mo$ en autobNs Mo$ en bar!o I go b$ bus I go b$ boat

Explaining di!u"an#
=efore e;plaining > ibu(an?, $ou must un erstan the follo"ing Subject Pronouns I $o $ou tN he Ol she ella $ou )formal* uste , I . or M . "e )mi;e gen erAall males* nosotros "e )all female* nosotras

$ou all )mi;e gen erAall males* vosotros

$ou all )all females* vosotras

$ou all )mi;e gen erAall males, formal* uste es, I s. or M s.

the$ )mi;e gen erAall males* ellos

the$ )all females* ellas

Ise formal "hen a ressing a person of a higher status su!h supervisor, tea!her, ol er person, presi ent, et!. Note that I ., I s., M ., M s. are al"a$s in !aps. Note that "e onl$ fo!us on present tenses in this book. +ibu(ar C to ra" Present tense
I $o ibu(o $ou tN ibu(as heAsheA$ou )formal* OlAellaAuste ibu(a "e nosotrosA3as ibu(amos $ou all vosotrosA3as ibu(Eis the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* ellosAellasAuste es ibu(an

,o ibu(o !an mean >I am ra"ing? or >I ra"? 5lla ibu(a !an mean >She is ra"ing? or >She ra"s? ,ou !an also leave out the sub(e!t pronouns I ra"Aam ra"ing a bir She ra"sAis ra"ing bir +ibu(o un pE(aro +ibu(a un pE(aro

Note: It is better to in!lu e >ella? so that "e "ill kno" that it is >she? an not >$ou? or >he?

5lla ibu(a un ino oro to os los 8as She ra"s a toilet ever$ a$. Nosotros ibu(amos setenta $ o!ho patos. 0e ra" sevent$3eight u!ks.

>Nosotros ibu(amos setenta $ o!ho patos? !an also mean >"e are ra"ing JH u!ks?. To fo!us on the pro!ess of ra"ing, $ou shoul use the present progressive tense 6 ibu(an o ) ra"ing*. 0hen using progressive tenses, $ou have to use the appropriate >to be? verb. Ise present tense ) ra"* for an a!tion $ou are oing in the moment of speaking or an a!tion $ou o regularl$. Ise present progressive tense ) ra"ing* for an a!tion that $ou are oing in that moment. 5star C to be I am esto$ $ou are estEs he isAshe is A$ou are )formal* estE "e are $ou all are estamos estEis the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* are estEn

Present progressive tense I am $ou are he isAshe is A$ou are )formal* estE ibu(amos "e are $ou all are the$Athe$A $ou all )formal* are estEn ibu(amos

esto$ ibu(amos

estEs ibu(amos

estamos ibu(amos

estEis ibu(amos

5stamos ibu(amos en los libros.

0e are ra"ing on the books.

.i hermano ibu(a una va!a $ un toro. .$ brother ra"s a !o" an a bull. )not .i hermano Ol ibu(a una va!a $ un toro* .i hermano ibu(amos una va!a $ un toro. .$ brother is ra"ing a !o" an a bull. )not .i hermano estE ibu(amos una va!a $ un toro*
P5se gallo ibu(a un gallo en mi !asaThat rooster is ra"ing a rooster on m$ house-

Note that the table sho"ing >5star? is ifferent from this table )Ser* I am $o so$ $ou are tN eres he isAshe is A$ou are )formal* OlAellaAuste es "e are nosotrosA3 as somos $ou all are the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* are

vosotrosA3as ellosAellasA uste es sois son


This table "ill be use for the follo"ing So$ <melia Iste es maestro 5lla es e =oston I am <melia ,ou are a tea!her She am from =oston

5star is use for progressive tenses to es!ribe an a!tion that $ou are oing in that moment. It is not use to es!ribe "ho $ou are, "hat $ou o, "here $ou are from, et!. Note: pollo C !hi!ken )foo * pollo C !hi!ken )animal* gallo C rooster gallina C hen pollito C !hi!k Petro: .akes me hungr$ ho" I "ish I !an have arro7 !on pollo )ri!e "ith !hi!ken*. Sr. Nube: 4o" about pollo quesa illa )!hi!ken quesa illa* or pi!ante e pollo )spi!$ !hi!ken*? Petro: +a , $ou are the best- Pollo quesa illa soun s great. Sr. Nube: No", let me !at!h that rooster.


$his and $hat

< (e!tives asso!iate "ith a noun !hanges "ith the quantit$ an the gen er the noun. Demonstrative Adjectives mas!ulineA mi;e gen er feminine este esta estos estas ese esa esos esas aquel aquella aquellos aquellas

this these that those that )over there, far from speaker * those )over there, far from speaker*

<quellos hombres <quellas se'oras 5stos hombres A esos hombres 5stos hombres $ mu(eres

Those men over there Those la ies over there These menAthose men These men an "omen an a!!ent to !reate:

If no nouns are pla!e after these a (e!tives, $ou "ill a

Demonstrative pronouns Oste, Osta, Ostos, Ostas, Ose, Osa, Osos, Osas, aquOl, aquOlla, aquOllos, aquOllas This book is goo These fruits are the best Those sho"s are interesting This is goo These are the best Those are interesting Ise Oste Ise Ostos Ise Osos

If $ou are referring to abstra!t i eas an not nouns, use neuter pronouns: esto, eso, an aquello. 5sto es tonto. This is sill$ 5sto me preo!upa. That "orries me.


Ise >que? instea >ese? an >esa? for !ertain senten!es su!h as: 3 5l gato que se sienta en la mu(er es gor o. The !at that is sitting on the la $ is fat. 3 #os libros que son e;tensos son aburri os. The books that are long are boring.

Possessi%e Ad"ecti%es
m$ !hil mi ni'oAni'a mi telOfono m$ !hil ren mis ni'osAni'as m$ phone mis llaves m$ ke$s

hisAherAits !hil su ni'oAni'a su peri9 i!o $our !hil tu ni'oAni'a

hisA herAits !hil ren sus ni'osAni'as sus !epillos e ientes $our !hil )formal* su ni'oAni'a her toothbrushes

$our ne"spaper $our !hil ren tus ni'osAni'as

$our !hil ren )formal* sus ni'osA ni'as

tu relo( $our !lo!k su le!he $our milk their !hil su ni'oAni'a su !astillo their !astle

tus apartamentos $our apartments sus pala!ios $our pala!es their !hil ren sus ni'osAni'as sus bol8grafos their pens


our !hil )mas!uline noun* nuestro ni'o nuestro lEpi7 nuestros relo(es

our !hil )feminine noun* nuestra ni'a

our !hil ren )all mas!uline nouns Ami;e gen er* nuestros ni'os

our !hil ren )all feminine nouns* nuestras ni'as

our pen!il our !lo!ks

nuestra puerta our oor nuestras televisiones our televisions

>,our? as in $ou all $our !hil )mas!uline noun* vuestro ni'o $our !hil $our !hil ren )all )feminine noun* mas!uline nouns Ami;e gen er* vuestra ni'a vuestros ni'os vuestros hoteles vuestras tar(etas $our !hil ren )all feminine nouns* vuestras ni'as $our hotels $our !ar s

vuestro espe(o $our mirror vuestra vi a $our life

%ertain possessive a (e!tives !hange a!!or ing to gen er an quantities of the nouns. <ll possessive a (e!tives mentione above are !onsi ere as short form possessive a (e!tives. The$ must be pla!e before the noun. #ong form possessive a (e!tives "ill be mentione later. The$ are pla!e after the noun. Possessive a (e!tives are not use "ith arti!les of !lothing or bo $ parts. Instea of using possessive a (e!tives, use >the? )el, los, la, las*. 0rong sus pantalones tu bra7o mi !ara %orre!t los pantalones el bra7o la !ara

his pants $our arm m$ fa!e


Petro: 0hat if I "ant to sa$ >The girls pen?& Sr. Nube: Ise > e?. 5l bol8grafo e la !hi!a? "hi!h means >the pen of the girl? Note: !hi!a is the same as ni'a )referring to a $oung girl*, !hi!o is the same as ni'o )referring to $oung a bo$*. la mesa e Susan C Susans table los !o!hes e los ni'os C the bo$s !ars

los libros e las profesoras C the tea!hers books el !o!he el ni'o C the bo$s !ar Note: > e an el? is al"a$s !ombine together to form > el?.

Preposition & De
To e;press >of? In pe a7o e man7ana In po!o e pimienta < pie!e of apple < little bit of pepper

To e;press: 0hat is it about& 0hat is it ma e of& <gua e !o!o Ina !amisa e se a Ina !ompa'8a e !omputa oras To e;press >from? So$ e 5sta os Ini os. 5lla toma una man7ana e la bolsa. I am from Inite States. She takes an apple from her bag. %o!onut "ater < silk shirt < !omputer !ompan$


+e vs +es e >+es e? also means >from?. It is usuall$ "ith the follo"ing prepositions: es e arriba )from above*, , es e aba(o )from un erneath*, es e entro )from insi e* +es e is use to in i!ate a movement from a pla!e an no estination is in i!ate . Kuiere !orrer es e la pla$a. 4e "ants to run from the bea!h )it oes not sa$ "here he is hea ing to* Kuiere !orrer e la pla$a al parque. 4e "ants to run from the bea!h to the park. Note: It is not >a el parque? be!ause "hen >a? is before >el?, it is !ombine to form >al?


So Petro
e!i es to tell .r an .rs Sun that their sons are ra"ing on the bus. =$ the "a$ the$ are enemies "ith the Nube famil$. Petro talks to .r an .rs Sun: Se'or $ se'ora Sun, sus ni'os ibu(an en el autobNs ).r an .rs Sun, $our sons are ra"ing on the bus.*

.r an .rs Sun: No, nuestros ni'os ibu(an en papel. Tu familia $ tus amigos ibu(an en el autobNs. )No, our sons ra" on paper. ,our famil$ an $our frien s ra" on the bus* Petro: Q%9mo& .i amigos !onstru$en autobuses gran es, nosotros no ibu(an en los autobuses. )0hat& .$ frien s buil big buses, "e o not ra" on the buses.* .rs Sun: Ba, (a. Ni'o tonto. No te !reo. +ebe ser una mentira. )4a, ha. Sill$ bo$. I o not believe $ou. It must be a lie.*

Sr. Nube: Nee less to sa$ the Suns are mean, the$ are liars an RRRR. Sh "ell, "e have far more important things to talk about. #ets go through them one b$ one.


'r( 'rs( 'iss

Ise this table "hen talking to someone ire!tl$ #ong form )never !apitali7e the >s?* .r. Smith .rs. Smith .iss Smith .r. an .rs. Smith se'or Smith se'ora Smith se'orita Smith se'or $ se'ora Smith <bbreviations )in !apitals* Sr. Smith Sra. Smith Srta. Smith Sres. Smith

=uenos 8as, Sra. Smith. Q%9mo has esta o, se'or #ope7&

/oo morning, .rs Smith. 4o" have $ou been, .r #ope7&

Ise this table "hen talking about someone #ong form )never !apitali7e the >s?* <bbreviations )in !apitals* .r. Smith el se'or Smith el Sr. Smith .rs. Smith la se'ora Smith la Sra. Smith .iss Smith la se'orita Smith la Srta. Smith .r. an .rs. Smith el se'or $ la se'ora Smith los Sres. Smith #a Sra. Bones estE en !asa +avi habla a la se'orita Bones. Sarah habla al Sr. Bones. .rs Bones is at home. +avi is talking to .iss Bones. Sarah is talking to .r. Bones.

Petro: =ut "h$ is it >al Sr. Bones? an not >el Sr. Bones?& Sr. Nube: /oo question, al is a!tuall$ >a el? )to the*. Temember >a U el? C >al?.


Preposition A
To e;press >to? Mamos al )a U el* parque Mamos a la pla$a. #et me intro u!e $ou to m$ frien Paul. To e;press >at a spe!ifi! time? 5lla estE en la es!uela a las tres. She is at the s!hool at three o!lo!k )remember en is use to e;press at a pla!e* To use "ith >gustarV "hen stressing on the person $ou are talking about. < mi gusta !antar < ella le gusta el part$ I love to sing )stress is on >I?* She loves the part$ )stress is on >she?* 0e are going to the park. 0e are going to the bea!h. Te presento a mi amigo Paul.

In the !onversation, !9mo is use to e;press in!re ulit$. 0hen e;pressing in!re ulit$, it means >"hat? P%9mo- P5lla no estE aqu8P%9mo- No lo !reo. 0hat- She is not here0hat- I onWt believe it.

0hen not e;pressing in!re ulit$, it means >ho"? Q%9mo estEs ho$& Q%9mo va& Q%9mo te llamas& Q%9mo se i!e sopa en inglOs& 4o" are $ou to a$& 4o" is it going& 4o" o $ou !all $ourself&A0hats $our name& 4o" o $ou sa$ soup in 5nglish&


+ont !onfuse the question, >Q%9mo es&? "ith >%9mo estE&? Q%9mo es .aria& means "hat is .aria like& Q%9mo estE .aria& means ho" is .aria right no"& =$ no" $ou shoul reali7e that inverte question )Q* an e;!lamation marks )P* !ome before a senten!e an & an - !ome after a senten!e. =$ a ing question marks a senten!e !an easil$ be forme into a question. ,ou speak 5nglish. +o $ou speak 5nglish&

4ablas inglOs. Q4ablas inglOs&

Names of languages arenWt !apitali7e . +efinite arti!les )la, el* shoul be pla!e before a language unless the language is pla!e ire!tl$ after >en?, > e?, >hablar?, >saber?, >leer?, >es!ribir?, >ense'ar?, >estu iar? an >apren er?. The in efinite arti!le is not in!lu e after the "or s >tal? an >que? "hen use in e;!lamation. PKuO hombrePKuO tal broma0hat a manSu!h a (oke-

>%omo? is not the same as >!9mo?. >%omo? means >like?. 2or e;ample, >Bohn !orre !omo un !aballo? )Bohn runs like a horse*. Thats "h$ a!!ents are ver$ important. #ets !onsi er >esta?, >Osta?, an >estE?. >esta? means >this? >Osta? is a pronoun meaning >this one.? >estE? is a verb meaning >is? )remember estar&*


Some +riends
#ets look at the "or >amigo? mi amigo C m$ frien )m* mis amigos C m$ frien s )mA mi;e gen er* unos amigos C some frien s )mA mi;e gen er* <nother "or for >some? is >alguno? Singular male alguno Singular female alguna Plural males A mi;e gen er algunos Plural females algunas mi amiga C m$ frien )f* mis amigas C m$ frien s )f* unas amigas C some frien s )f*

>alguno? also mean >an$?. Note that if >alguno? is pla!e before a singular an mas!uline noun >algNn? shoul be use instea . QKuieres alguno mEs& Q4a$ algNn libro sobre el Sr. =ob& +o $ou "ant some more& Is there an$ book about .r. =ob&

Instea of using unos or alguno, use >po!o e? "hen $ou es!ribe the follo"ing un po!o un po!o un po!o un po!o e a7N!ar e le!he e sal e pimienta some sugar some milk some salt some pepper

,sing I$
0hen >It? is a sub(e!t pronoun, it is usuall$ not e;presse . 5s un problema )It is a problem* +ebe ser una mentira )It must be a lie* )5s C is, un C a, problema C problem* )+ebe C must, ser C be, una C a, mentira C lie*


>It? !an be e;presse "hen it is an ob(e!t pronoun. To un erstan this further, "e have to talk about nouns an pronouns, sub(e!t an ob(e!t. Pronouns C I, he, she, it, "e, the$ Nouns C Sarah, +avi , #ola, !at, m$ frien s an Sarah, +avi an #ola Petro ki!ks Sr. Sun It ki!ks him. )Petro C sub(e!t noun, Sr. Sun C ire!t ob(e!t noun* )It C sub(e!t pronoun, him C ire!t ob(e!t pronoun*

>It? in this e;ample "ill not be e;presse be!ause it is the sub(e!t. Sarah has the book. She has it. )Sarah C sub(e!t noun, book C ire!t ob(e!t noun* )She C sub(e!t pronoun, it C ire!t ob(e!t pronoun*

In this e;ample, >it? !an be e;presse be!ause it is an ob(e!t pronoun. Subject pronouns
I $o $ou tN $ou )formal* uste , I . or M . he Ol she ella "e )mi;e gen erAall males* nosotros "e )all female* nosotras

$ou all )mi;e gen erAall males* vosotros

$ou all )all females* vosotras

$ou all )mi;e gen erAall males, formal* uste es, I s. or M s.

the$ )mi;e gen erAall males* ellos

the$ )all females* ellas


Object pronouns (direct)

me me $ou te $ou )formal, male* lo $ou )formal, female* la himAit )male* lo herAit )female* la

us )malesAfemalesA mi;e gen er* nos

$ou all )malesA femalesA mi;e gen er* os

$ou all )formal, malesAmi;e gen er* los

$ou all )formal, females* las

them )malesA mi;e gen er* los

them )females*


If $ou are talking about sub(e!t an ob(e!t nouns, $ou "ill follo" Sub(e!t noun U verb U ob(e!t noun Sarah tiene el libro Sarah has the book Sam visita las personas Sam visits the people If $ou are talking about sub(e!t pronoun an ob(e!t noun, $ou "ill follo" Sub(e!t pronoun U verb U ob(e!t noun 5lla tiene el libro She has the book Xl visita las personas 4e visits the people If $ou are talking about sub(e!t noun an ob(e!t pronoun, $ou "ill follo" Sub(e!t noun U ob(e!t pronoun U verb Sarah lo tiene Sam nos visita Sarah has it Sam visits us

If $ou are talking about sub(e!t pronoun an ob(e!t pronoun, $ou "ill follo" Sub(e!t pronoun U ob(e!t pronoun U verb 5lla lo tiene Xl nos visita She has it 4e visits us

$al-ing a!out lo#

>#o? !an mean >him? or >it?. It !an also be a neuter efinite arti!le "hi!h is pla!e before an a (e!tive to make an abstra!t noun. lo U a (e!tive C the U a (e!tive U thing lo bueno )goo * C the goo thing lo fE!il )eas$*C the eas$ thing lo mismo )same* C the same thing lo U a (e!tiveAa verb U que C ho" U a (e!tiveAa verb No !reo lo feo que es C I o not believe ho" ugl$ he is a U lo C like Bohn !amina a lo tortuga. lo U que or lo U !ual C "hat or that No pue o e!i ir lo que es me(or. #o que me molesta es una i ea estNpi a. I !annot e!i e "hat is better. 0hat anno$s me is the stupi i ea. Bohn "alks like a turtle.

#o !an be a neuter pronoun that refers to a !on!ept or a thought. Q%ath$ es lin a& Q+9n e estE Paul& Is %ath$ prett$& 0here is Paul& S8, lo es. No lo sO. ,es, she is. I o not kno" it.


S8 C ,es No C No

.es# and


To !onvert a negative senten!e, a Sentence She oes not nee to stu $ I ont un erstan the o!ument . I ont speak the language. Sarah oes not have it

>no? imme iatel$ before the verb or pronoun. Wrong No ella ne!esita estu iar

Correct 5lla no ne!esita estu iar

,o no entien o el o!umento. ,o no hablo la lengua.

No $o entien o el o!umento. No $o hablo la lengua.

Sarah no lo tiene

No Sarah lo tiene

Kuestion: Q%9mo se ha!e& )4o" o $ou o it&* <ns"er: No sO )I ont kno"* No sO !9mo )I ont kno" ho"* No lo sO )I ont kno" it* ,ou !annot sa$ >No lo sO !9mo? be!ause Vno lo sOV is a stan 3alone phrase


'ore /er!s
%orrer C to run Present tense I $o $ou tN heAsheA$ou )formal* OlAellaAuste !orre "e nosotrosA3 as !orremos the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* vosotrosA3as ellosAellasAuste es !orrOis !orren $ou all

!orro !orres

,o !orro en el parque. Nosotros !orremos !on el perro.

I am running in the park. 0e run "ith the og.

Kuerer C to "ant Present tense I $o quiero $ou tN quieres heAsheA$ou )formal* OlAellaAuste quiere "e nosotrosA3 as queremos the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* vosotrosA3as ellosAellasAuste es querOis quieren $ou all

QKuO quieres& Kuiero estos. Kuieren na ar en una pis!ina.

0hat o $ou "ant& I "ant these. The$ "ant to s"im in the pool.


4ablar C to talk, speak Present tense $o tN hablo hablas OlAellaAuste habla nosotrosA3 as hablamos vosotrosA3 as hablEis ellosAellasA uste es hablan

Sam no habla espa'ol. The trees are talking to the people.

Sam oesnWt speak Spanish. #os Erboles hablan a la gente.

+e!ir C To sa$, To tell Present tense $o igo tN i!es OlAellaAuste i!e nosotrosA3as e!imos vosotrosA3as e!8s ellosAellasA uste es i!en

QKuO estE i!e& =ob i!e que Paul estE enfermo.

0hat are $ouAis heAis she sa$ing& =ob sa$s that Paul is si!k.

%onstruir C To buil , to !onstru!t ,o !onstru$o TN !onstru$es OlAellaA uste !onstru$e nosotrosA3as !onstruimos vosotrosA3as ellosAellasA uste es !onstru8s !onstru$en

5llos !onstru$en un ni o. Boe !onstu$e un ino oro.

The$ buil a nest. Boe is buil ing a toilet.


Sentarse C To sit oneself o"n $o me siento tN te sientas OlAellaAuste se sienta nosotrosA3 as nos sentamos vosotrosA3 as os sentEis ellosAellasA uste es se sientan

Se sientan en la mesa. .e siento porque esto$ enfermo.

The$ sit at the table. I sit o"n be!ause I am si!k.

%reer C to believe, to think $o !reo tN !rees OlAellaAuste !ree nosotrosA3 as !reemos vosotrosA3 as !reOis ellosAellasAuste es !reen

%reen que ella estE aqu8. 5lla !ree que Ol estE enfermo.

The$ believe that she is here. She thinks that he is si!k.

>Pensar? means >to think? as in thinking about something. >%reer? means >to believe? Pensar C to think $o tN OlAellaAuste piensa nosotrosA3 as pensamos vosotrosA3 as pensEis ellosAellasA uste es piensan

pienso piensas

Present progressive tense esto$ pensan o estEs pensan o estE pensan o estamos pensan o estEis pensan o estEn pensan o

5lla piensa que es mu$ importante. 5l piensa en ella. 5sto$ pensan o en ti.

She thinks that is ver$ important. 4e thinks about her. I am thinking about $ou.

Note that >ella? an >ti? are preposition pronouns "hi!h "e "ill talk about later.

Instea of using >sobre? )"hi!h means about*, >en? shoul be use instea . Sobre means >about? 5l libro es sobre el amor e !omi a. Bames es!ribe sobre pol8ti!as. The book is about the love of foo . Bames is "riting about politi!s.

>Pensar e? means Vto have an opinion aboutV 5sto es lo que pienso el libro. )This is "hat I think about the book.* >Pensar sobre? is usuall$ use in questions, asking about the opinions of others. QKuO piensas sobre el libro& )0hat o $ou think about the book&*


Sr. Nube: < (e!tives es!ribe the !hara!teristi!s of nouns. The$ !hange a!!or ing to the gen er an the quantit$ of the noun. < (e!tives en ing in o are in mas!uline form. To !hange to the feminine form, !hange the >o? to >a?. 0hen es!ribing plural nouns, a >s? to >o? or >a?. < (e!tive ne" ol Singular male nuevo vie(o Singular female nueva vie(a Plural male nuevos vie(os Plural female nuevas vie(as

< (e!tives en ing in 3e, 3ista, or !onsonant have the same form for both mas!uline an feminine forms. 0hen es!ribing plural nouns, a >es? if it en s in >8? or >u? or a !onsonant. < >s? for the rest. < (e!tive iffi!ult sa Singular male if8!il triste Singular female if8!il triste Plural male if8!iles tristes Plural female if8!iles tristes

< (e!tive pla!e before a noun is to highlight some features of the noun an ol frien )a longtime frien * the smart !hil ren re!eive !an ies. )all the !hil ren are smart*

un vie(o amigo los inteligentes ni'os re!iben golosinas

< (e!tive shoul be pla!e before a noun if there is no !omparison =lan!a nieve

0hite sno"

Sno" is al"a$s "hite so a (e!tive shoul be pla!e before the noun. If $ou !ome a!ross blue sno", $ou "ill sa$ >nieve a7ul?. =e!ause as !ompare to "hite sno", it is blue.

< (e!tive pla!e after a noun is to point out that it is ifferent from others

un amigo vie(o

an ol frien )as !ompare to other frien s, he is ol in age* los ni'os inteligentes re!iben golosinas the smart !hil ren re!eive !an ies )onl$ the smart !hil ren re!eive presents* < tri!k is to put >that isAare? bet"een the noun an a (e!tive un amigo vie(o un amigo >that is? vie(o los ni'os inteligentes re!iben golosinas a frien ol a frien that is ol the !hil ren smart re!eive !an ies

los ni'os >that are? inteligentes re!iben golosinas the !hil ren that are smart re!eive !an ies %olors an nationalities shoul be pla!e after the noun the re flo"er a Spanish book a book about the Spanish language

la flor ro(a un libro espa'ol un libro e espa'ol

.ultiple a (e!tives of similar importan!e are pla!e after the noun an are (oine b$ >$? )>an ?*. the big an e;pensive bus

el autobNs gran e $ !ara

=e"are of bueno )goo * an malo )ba *

0hen pla!e before a noun, >bueno? an VmaloV are shorten to >buen? an VmaloV. amigo bueno a frien of goo !hara!ter buen amigo a goo frien un hombre malo un mal hombre an evil man a ba man )not reall$ an evil person*

>/ran e? has 2 meanings. 0hen pla!e after a noun, it means big, huge un a!tor gran e una fiesta gran e buques gran es fiestas gran es a big a!tor )ph$si!all$ big* a big part$ big ships big parties

0hen pla!e before a noun, >gran e? means >great?. Note that >gran e? is shortene to >gran? "hen pla!e before a singular noun. un gran a!tor una gran fiesta gran es buques gran es fiestas a great a!tor a great part$ great ships great parties

The opposite of >gran e? is >peque'o? Peque'o )m, singular* Peque'a )f, singular* Peque'os )m, plural* Peque'as )f, plural*

Bust like gran e, peque'a "oul have ifferent meanings "hen pla!e before an after a noun. peque'o !one(o )a rabbit that is small* !one(o peque'o )!ompare to other rabbits, this is a small rabbit* peque'o !arro )a small !ar that is small in shape * !arro peque'o )!ompare to other !ars, this is a small !ar*


Petro: I get it. So am I right to sa$ >peque'o pingYino? as in the small penguin& Sr. Nube: S8, !orre!to, el aboga o tiene mie o el peque'o pingYino. ),es, !orre!t, the la"$er is s!are of the small penguin*

Petro: Ba(a, el aboga o estE lloran o. So Papa, oes >tiene? means afrai of& )4aha, the la"$er is !r$ing.* Sr. Nube: No, in!orre!to, >tiene? means >have?, >mie o? means >fear?. Petro, "e !annot use >ser? or >estar? "ith !ertain "or s. Instea , "e have to use >tener?. #et me go through this. Petro: 4uh:not again: Sr. Nube: =ut first let me talk about the verb !r$ Petro: 4uh:I am so going to !r$:


#lorar C to !r$ Present tense I $o lloro $ou tN lloras heAsheA$ou )formal* OlAellaAuste llora "e nosotrosA3 as lloramos the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* vosotrosA3as ellosAellasAuste es llorEis lloran $ou all

Present progressive tense I am esto$ lloran o $ou are estEs lloran o he isAshe is A$ou are )formal* estE lloran o "e are estamos lloran o $ou all are estEis lloran o the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* are estEn lloran o

QPor quO lloras&

0h$ are $ou !r$ing&

=ob estE lloran o porque na ie lo quiere a$u ar. =ob is !r$ing be!ause nobo $ "ants to help him.


,sing $ener
Tener means >to have? $o tengo tN tienes OlAellaAuste tiene nosotrosA3 as tenemos vosotrosA3 as tenOis ellosAellasA uste es tienen

Nosotros tenemos inero. ,o lo tengo. 0e have e;ams ever$ 2ri a$.

0e have mone$. I have it. Tenemos e;Emenes to os los viernes.

Petro: I al"a$s hear m$ mum !omplaining. Tengo que barrer el piso Tengo que lavar los platos. Tengo que limpiar la !asa. I have to s"eep the floor. I have to "ash the ishes. I have to !lean the house.

>Tener? is also use to es!ribe the follo"ing: hungr$, thirst$, fear, !ol , hot 5llos tienen fr8o. Tengo !alor. QTienes hambre& 5lla tiene se . The$ are !ol . )#iterall$ means >The$ have !ol ness?* I am hot. )#iterall$ means >I have heat?* <re $ou hungr$& )#iterall$ means >+o $ou have hunger&?* She is thirst$. )#iterall$ means >She has thirst?* 4e is s!are to eat banana. )means >he has fear?*

Xl tiene mei o !omer banana.


,sing Estar
I am $o esto$ $ou are tN estEs he isAshe isAit is $ou are )formal* OlAellaAuste estE "e are $ou all are the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* are ellosAellasA uste es estEn

nosotrosA3 vosotrosA3 as as estamos estEis

5star is use to refer to an a!tion that $ou are oing in that moment. )Temember $ou shoul use present progressive tenses.* ,o esto$ traba(an o. I am "orking no". 5sto$ urmien o. I am sleeping no".

5star is also use to es!ribe health, lo!ation an emotions Health 5sto$ enfermo. Location 5sto$ en #on res. I am in #on on. I am si!k. 5stEn enfermos. The$ are si!k.

motions )0hat are $ou feeling right no"&*: 5sto$ un po!o aburri o. 5sto$ trist. I am a little bore . I am sa . 5stE !ansa o. 5stEn feli!es. 4e is tire . The$ are happ$.

If $ou are not referring to a personsApeoples emotions, $ou shoul not use estar, use ser. #a pel8!ula es aburri a. #as !lases son aburri as. The movie is boring. The !lasses are boring.


,sing Ser
I am $o so$ $ou are tN eres he isAshe is Ait isA$ou are )formal* OlAellaAuste es "e are $ou all are the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* are

nosotros vosotrosA3as ellosAellasA A3as uste es somos sois son

Ser is use for possession 5s !ar e Bohn . %arro e Bohn es ra(o. Ser means >to be? Kuiero ser mO i!o. I "ant to be a o!tor. It is Bohns !ar. Bohns !ar is re .

=ut use >5star? for senten!es su!h as I "ant to be happ$ I al"a$s "ant to be happ$ Kuiero estar !ontento. Siempre quiero estar !ontento.

Ser is use to es!ribe "ho am I& 0here am I from& 4o" o I look& ,o so$ Irena. )I am Irena*. So$ e 5spa'a. )I am from Spain*. So$ espa'ol. )I am Spanish*. Tengo quin!e a'os )I am F@ $ears ol *. So$ una estu iante )I am a stu ent*. So$ lin a. )I am prett$*. Note: 0hen es!ribing age, it is >Tengo quin!e a'os? not >,o so$ quin!e a'o?. %onsi er it is as >I have fifteen $ears?


#lamarse C to !all oneself I $ou heAsheA$ou )formal* OlAellaAuste se llama "e $ou all the$Athe$A$ou all )formal*

$o me llamo

tN te llamas

nosotrosA3as nos llamamos

vosotrosA3as ellosAellasAuste es os llamEis se llaman

.e llamo =ob. ,o so$ Paul.

.$ name is =ob. )I !all m$self =ob* I am Paul.

#lamar C to !all someone, to phone someone I $ou heAsheA$ou )formal* OlAellaAuste "e $ou all the$Athe$A$ou all )formal*



nosotrosA3 as llamamos

vosotrosA3as ellosAellasA uste es llamEis llaman




#lamo este nNmero. 5llos nos llaman.

I am !alling this number. The$ !all us )Temember sub(e!t an ire!t ob(e!t pronoun. Sb(e!t has to !ome before the verb*


Countr! Spain Bapan The Inite States of <meri!a /erman$ %hina .e;i!o 2ran!e

Pa"s 5spa'a 5l Bap9n #os 5sta os Ini os e <mOri!a <lemania #a %hina .O;i!o 2ran!ia

#ationalit! Spanish Bapanese <meri!an

#acionalidad (m$%& singular) espa'olAespa'ola (aponOsA(aponesa ameri!anoA ameri!ana alemEnAalemana !hinoA!hina me;i!anoA me;i!ana fran!OsAfran!esa

#acionalidad (m$%& plural) espa'olesAespa'olas (aponesesA(aponesas ameri!anosAameri!anas

/erman %hinese .e;i!an 2ren!h

alemanesAalemanas !hinosA!hinas me;i!anosAme;i!anas fran!esesAfran!esas

%ertain !ountries require an arti!le )el, la, las, los* in front of it. The arti!le is remove if a preposition is pla!e before the !ountr$.

I am going to Inite States. Mo$ a 5sta os Ini os. Nationalities are not !apitali7e . Nationalities !hanges a!!or ing to the gen er an quantit$ of the noun it is asso!iate "ith.

un libro espa'ol 3 a Spanish book )m, singular* libros espa'oles 3 Spanish books )m, plural* una obra e arte espa'ola 3 a Spanish "ork of art )f, singular* obras e arte espa'olas 3 Spanish "orks of art )f, plural*


star 0hat I am oing right no", "hat I am feeling right no", health, emotion, lo!ation 'engo .eans >have or having?, use for hungr$, thirst, !ol , hot, sleep$ Ser .eans >to be?, "ho am I& 0here am I from& 0hat o I o& 4o" I look like&

If $ou are !onfuse as to "hen to use 5star an Tengo $ou !an use sentir )to feel* to help $ou. Sentirse C to feel Present tense I $o me siento $ou tN te sientes heAsheA$ou )formal* OlAellaAuste se siente "e nosotrosA3 as nos sentimos $ou all vosotrosA3 as os sent8s the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* ellosAellasAuste es se sienten

.e siento fr8o 5lla se siento sue'o .e siento !ansa o

I am feeling !ol . she is feeling sleep$. I am feeling tire .

4o"ever, if it is to es!ribe "hat $ou feel like oing use >tener ganas e? Tengo ganas e !omer. I feel like eating.

.ake sure $ou are not using the verb >sentir?, "hi!h also means >to feel?. Ise >sentir? to es!ribe the feeling of something, it is usuall$ pla!e before a noun.


Sentir C to feel Present tense I $o siento $ou tN sientes heAsheA$ou )formal* OlAellaAuste siente "e nosotrosA3 as sentimos $ou all vosotrosA3 as sent8s the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* ellosAellasA uste es sienten

.e siento fr8o Siento fr8o

I am feeling !ol . )I am !ol * I feel !ol ness )It oes not mean that I am !ol , it means I feel the !ol ness*

Note that some a (e!tives !hange in meaning "hen use "ith ser an estar #a !hi!a es lista. #a !hi!a es mala. The girl is smart. The girl is ba . #a !hi!a estE lista. #a !hi!a estE mala. The girl is rea $. The girl is si!k.

#as peras son ver es. The pears are green. #as peras estE ver es. The pears are ripe. Temember: >Ser? is use es!ribe ho" a personAa thing is, >estar? is to es!ribe an a!tion or a situation that is happening right no". Sr. Nube: <n$"a$s, I have to meet m$ frien s no". 0e "ill learn more an more Spanish later. P4asta luego- )See $ou later-* Petro: P< i9s- )/oo b$e-*


Sra. Nube an #ola "ere shopping "hen Sra. Nube sa" something strange.

#ola: .ama, "h$ o $ou look so sho!ke & Sra. Nube: The 3 little pigs are real- I sa" them- %ome "ith meSra. Nube an #ola floate a!ross the sk$ an to their ama7ement the$ sa" 3 little pigs, (ust like the pigs from the stor$ book.

#ola: Sh m$ go - #os !er os toman !afO en la !afeter8a !er!ana. )The pigs are rinking !offee at the nearb$ !afO.* Sra. Nube: I tol $ou so-


#ola: #ook over there. .u!hos animales ha!ien o !ompras en el o!upa o supermer!a o. ).an$ animals are shopping at the bus$ supermarket.*

Sra. Nube: 0hat in the "orl , this is total ma ness. The animals are alive#ola then sa" someone familiar. #ola: 4e$ isnt that a & Sra. Nube: 0hat is that ol man oing here& #ets go !he!k it out.


'any & 'uch

.u!h: mu!ho )mAmi;e gen er*, mu!ha )f* .an$: mu!hos )mAmi;e gen er*, mu!has )f* 4a$ mu!has mesas en el parque. No tengo mu!ho por ha!er. ,o estu io mu!ho. 4a$ mu!ha pi77a. There are man$ tables in the park. I ont have mu!h to o I stu $ a lot. There is a lot of pi77a.

0pen & )lose

Q< quO hora abreA!ierra la tien a& <t "hat time oes the store openA!lose& Q< quO hora abreA!ierra ZZZZZZZ& <t "hat time oes ZZZZZZZZZ openA!lose& 5l ban!o !ierra a las !uatro e la tar e. The banks !loses at 1pm. #as tien as abren to os los 8as a la una e la ma'ana. The stores open ever$ a$ at Fam. Q< quO hora . . . &? is use to ask for the timing of a spe!ifi! event or a!tivit$. The response shoul be a U time )a C at*. #in a: Q< quO hora abreA!ierra el supermer!a o& <t "hat time oes the supermarket openA!lose& <t Gpm

Tom: < las nueve e la no!he


el aeropuerto la !afeter8a el esta io el hospital el mer!a o el restaurante airport !afO sta ium hospital market restaurant la bibliote!a la es!uela la farma!ia la librer8a el museo la poli!8a librar$ s!hool pharma!$ bookshop museum poli!e station

Preposition & )ercano

%er!ano )m*A %er!ana )f* means >nearb$?. It is an a (e!tive. #a !omisaria estE !er!ana. 4a$ una tien a !er!ana. The poli!e station is nearb$. There is a store nearb$.

%er!ano )m*A %er!ana )f* !an also mean >!lose to something? %er!ano a un mill9n e 9lares %er!ano vs %er!a >%er!a e? means >near something, !lose to somebo $?. The same form is use for . an 2. +o not !hange it to %er!o. 5l !entro !omer!ial estE !er!a el hospital. The mall is near the hospital. Q4a$ ban!os !er!a e tu !asa& <re there banks near $our house& 5sto$ !er!a e ti. I am !lose to $ou. )as in I feel !lose to $ou.* 0h$ is it that it is >ti? an not >te?& It is >ti? be!ause it is ne;t to a preposition. This is !all preposition pronoun. < pronoun !hanges "hen there is a preposition before the pronoun. %lose to a million ollars


Sb(e!t nouns ) ire!t* me me $ou te $ou )formal, male* lo $ou )formal, himAit )male* female* la $ou all $ou all )malesAfemalesA )formal, mi;e gen er* malesAmi;e gen er* os los lo $ou all )formal, females* las herAit )female* la them )malesA mi;e gen er* los them )females*

us )malesA femalesA mi;e gen er* nos


Preposition Pronouns me $ou m8 ti $ou )formal, male, female* uste , I ., M . us )females* himAit )male* Ol $ou all )malesA mi;e gen er* vosotros them )females* ellas I am looking un er it. )assume it is a table C mesa* 4e leaves before $ou. The gift is for her. She is going "ith $ou. 4e is going "ith me. $ou all )females* vosotras herAit )female* ella $ou all )formal, malesAfemalesA mi;e gen er* uste es, I s., M s.

us )malesA mi;e gen er* nosotros


them )malesAmi;e gen er* ellos .iro ba(o ella. Xl sale antes e ti. 5l regalo es para ella. 5lla va !ontigo. Xl va !onmigo.

2or >!on?, instea of >!on m8? an >!on ti?, use >!onmigo? an >!ontigo?.


#ook at this senten!e >I "ant to see it.? >To? is in!lu e in the senten!e be!ause of >"ant?, it oes not in i!ate a ire!tion or a pla!e. So $ou have to !onsi er using ire!t ob(e!t pronouns. I C ,o )sub(e!t* ,o lo quiero ver. "ant to see C quiero ver I "ant to see it. it C lo )ob(e!t*

4o" about this senten!e >I give it to her?& >To? is a!ting as a preposition. =ut there are 3 pronouns, $ou !annot sa$ > o$ lo a ella?. ,ou have to !onsi er sub(e!t, ire!t ob(e!t pronoun an in ire!t ob(e!t pronoun. 0e "ill talk more about this later. Similarl$, $ou "ill !onsi er in ire!t ob(e!t pronouns for these senten!es >I "rite to her?, >I speak to her? an >I e;plain to her?.

Ise !uEnto )m, singular*, !uEnta )f, singular*, !uEntos )m, plural*, !uEntas )f, plural* Q%uEnto& Q%uEntos& Q%uEnto inero ne!esitas& Q%uEntos quieres& Q%uEntos a'os tienes& 4o" mu!h& 4o" man$& 4o" mu!h mone$ o $ou nee & 4o" man$ o $ou "ant& 4o" ol are $ou&


( to )(( 7ero * !ero F. uno D. seis FF. on!e 2or FD to FG, a FD. ie!isOis 2or 2F to 2G, a 23, 2D 2L. veinte 2. os J. siete F2. o!e 3. tres H. o!ho F3. tre!e 1. !uatro G. nueve F1. !ator!e @. !in!o FL. ie7 F@. quin!e

> ie!i? to the numbers, be a"are of the a!!ent mark on FD. FJ. ie!isiete FH. ie!io!ho FG. ie!inueve

>veinti? to the numbers, again be a"are of the a!!ent marks on 22,

2F. veintiuno

22. veinti 9s

23. veintitrOs

21. veinti!uatro 2G. veintinueve

2@. veinti!in!o

2D. veintisOis

2J. veintisiete

2H. veintio!ho

2or 3L to GG, >$? is use "ith numbers bet"een 3F to GG )e;!ept 1L, @L, DL, JL ,HL an GL*. Note that no a!!ent marks are require . 3L. treinta 3F. treinta $ uno 31. treinta $ !uatro 3@. treinta $ !in!o 3H. treinta $ o!ho 3G. treinta $ nueve 32. treinta $ os 3D. treinta $ seis 33. treinta $ tres 3J. treinta $ siete

So all $ou nee to remember are numbers 3L. treinta JL. setenta 1L. !uarenta HL. o!henta @L. !in!uenta GL. noventa

DL. sesenta

+rom )(( to )((( =reak it o"n: Separate the hun re s from the rest: F1@ FGL GJD !iento !uarenta $ !in!o )FLL U 1@* !iento noventa )FLL U GL* nove!ientos setenta $ seis )GLL U JD*

,ou "ill have to remember these numbers

FLL. !ien DLL. seis!ientos 2LL. os!ientos 3LL. tres!ientos JLL. sete!ientos HLL. o!ho!ientos 1LL. !uatro!ientos GLL. nove!ientos @LL. quinientos FLLL. mil

<n$ number bet"een FLF an FGG starts "ith !iento. ,e!ond )((( =reak it o"n: separate the FLLLs an the FLLs an the rest F.LLL )not "ritten as FLLL* 2.LLL )not "ritten as 2LLL* 3.LLL )not "ritten as 3LLL* F.FLL )not "ritten as FFLL* F.HG3 J.2@G FL.LLL 3J.LLL FLL.LLL H23.G1L F.LLL.LLL 2.LLL.LLL G.23@.D1F mil os mil tres mil mil !ien )F.LLL U FLL* mil o!ho!ientos noventa $ tres )F.LLL U HLL U GL U 3* siete mil os!ientos !in!uenta $ nueve )J.LLL U 2LL U @G* ie7 mil treinta $ siete mil !ien mil o!ho!ientos veintitrOs mil nove!ientos !uarenta ))HLL U 23* mil U GLL U 1L* un mill9n os millones )note that million has plural form* nueve millones os!ientos treinta $ !in!o mil seis!ientos !uarenta $ uno )G milliones U )2LL U 3L U @* mil U DLL U 1LUF*

+ots are use to separate the thousan s an !ommas are use to separate the !ents. 0e !an also use a blank spa!e to separate the thousan s. [12,GHL.32 shoul be [12.GHL,32 or [12 GHL,32 0hen es!ribing nouns: The number F !hanges a!!or ing to gen er. Ina !hi!a F girl

In !hi!o F bo$

If a number en s in F, it !hanges a!!or ing to gen er J1F J1F books J1F tables

sete!ientos !uarenta $ uno sete!ientos !uarenta $ un libros sete!ientos !uarenta $ una mesas

)note that uno is shorten to un be!ause of plural nouns* Numbers 2 to FGG o not !hange in gen er, unless it is en in >one? H1 books F2F books FFF books o!henta $ !uatro mesas !iento veintiuna mesas !iento on!e mesas H1 tables F2F tables FFF tables

o!henta $ !uatro libros !iento veintiNn libros !iento on!e libros

Note that FFF is !onsi ere as FLL U FF not FLL U FL U F Note that "hen es!ribing mas!uline nouns, a!!ent is a 2F $ears veintiuna mesas e for number 2F. 2F tables

veintiNn a'os


Numbers 2LL to GGG.GGG !hanges in gen er. It onl$ !hanges the gen er of the hun re s an the >one? os!ientos !uarenta $ tres libros os!ientas !uarenta $ tres mesas 213 books 213 tables @2F books @2F tables @LF books @LF tables

quinientos veintiNn libro quinientas veintiuna mesas quinientos un libros quinientas una mesas

!uatro mil nove!ientos un libros !uatro mil nove!ientas una mesas mil nove!ientos o!henta $ !uatro libros mil nove!ientas o!henta $ !uatro mesas

1.GLF books 1.GLF tables F.GH1 books F.GH1 tables

sesenta $ tres mil os!ientos treinta $ un libros sesenta $ tres mil os!ientas treinta $ una mesas

D3.23F books D3.23F tables

nove!ientos o!henta $ un mil tres!ientos on!e libros books nove!ientas o!henta $ una mil tres!ientas on!e mesas tables



nove!ientos o!henta $ un mil tres!ientos !uarenta $ un libros books nove!ientas o!henta $ una mil tres!ientas !uarenta $ una mesas tables


2or millions

It must be follo"e b$ the preposition > e? os millones e 9lares un mill9n e aviones !iento os millones e aviones t"o million ollars F million planes FL2 million planes

!in!o millones nove!ientos o!henta $ un mil tres!ientos !uarenta $ un libros @.GHF.31F books !in!o millones nove!ientas o!henta $ una mil tres!ientas !uarenta $ una mesas @.GHF.31F tables


23u4 hora es? 5What time is it?6

#a or las is al"a$s pla!e before a time. Ise >la? for Fam, Fpm, F o!lo!k Ise >las? for the rest. hourAhours C horaAhoras minuteAminutes C minutoAminutos se!on Ase!on s C segun oAsegun os

At the hour 5s la una Son las os 5s me io 8a Son las os e la ma'ana Son las ie7 e la no!he Son las tres e la tar e en punto 5s me iano!he +or )- minutes use cuarto& .uince Son las !uatro $ !uarto e la tar e It is 1.F@pm Son las siete $ quin!e e la ma'ana It is J.F@am +or /( minutes use media& treinta Son las nueve $ me ia e la no!he Son las tres $ treinta e la ma'ana It is G.3Lpm It is 3.3Lam It is one o!lo!k )one is al"a$s es* It is t"o o!lo!k )the rest are son* It is F2pm )noon* It is 2am )ma'ana C morning* It is FLpm )no!he C night* It is 3pm sharp )tar e C afternoon* It is F2am

+or ) to )0 minutes and )1 to 23 minutes& e4press time as hour plus minutes Son las os $ !in!o e la tar e 5s la una $ ie!io!ho e la ma'ana It is 2.L@pm It is F.FHam


+or 0- minutes use cuarto& .uince 5s la una menos !uarto F hour minus F@ minutes It is F2.1@ Son las nueve menos quin!e It is H.1@ +or /) minutes to 00 minutes and 01 minutes to -3 minutes& e4press time as hour minus minutes It is FL.1Lpm )night* Son las on!e menos veinte e la no!he FF hours minus 2L minutes It is D.@Lpm )evening* Son las siete mentos ie7 e la no!he J hours minus FL minutes Sra. Nube: 4ere are some other "or s to es!ribe time #ola: ,a like >to o el tiempo? "hi!h means all the time. 5stos inse!tos tienen mu!has fiestas to o el tiempo. )These inse!ts have man$ parties all the time.*

un 8a una semana un mes a'o

< a$ < "eek < month < $ear

veinti!uatro 8as mu!has semanas !in!uenta $ o!ho meses !uatro!ientos a'os

21 a$s man$ "eeks @H months 1LL $ears


ever$ a$ ever$ night

to os los 8as to as las no!hes

5se hombre !ompra su !omi a en la pana er8a to os los 8as. That man bu$s his foo at the baker$ ever$ a$. Nosotros miramos la televisi9n to as las no!hesAto as las tar es. 0e "at!h the television ever$ nightAever$ afternoon. #a tien a abre to os los sEba os. The shop opens ever$ Satur a$. .i hermano !o!ina to as las semanas. .$ brother !ooks ever$ "eek. To os los fines e semana, mi t8o pone una mesa $ ti(eras en la lava ora. 5ver$ "eeken , m$ un!le puts a table an s!issors in the "ashing ma!hine.

ever$ to os los Satur a$ sEba os ever$ "eek ever$ "eeken to as las semanas to os los fines e semana


23u4 d7a es hoy? 5What day is today?6

+a$s are all mas!uline. +a$s en ing in 3s o not !hange in plural form. The$ shoul not be !apitali7e unless the$ begin a senten!e. ,o estu io el lunes. 5l lunes es el 8a que $o estu io. I stu $ on .on a$. .on a$ is the a$ I stu $.

+a$s "ill al"a$s have efinite arti!le )>el?, >la?, >las? or >los?* in front of them, unless the verb >ser? is state before the a$. The efinite arti!le means Von.V

5onda! $ 5onda!s el lunesA los lunes

'uesda! $ 'uesda!s el martes A los martes

Wednesda! $ Wednesda!s el miOr!oles Alos miOr!oles

'hursda! $ 'hursda!s el (ueves Alos (ueves

+rida! $ +rida!s el viernesA los viernes

Saturda!$Saturda!s el sEba oA los sEba os

Sunda! $ Sunda!s el omingo Alos omingos

4o$ es miOr!oles. Su t8a fea ense'a qu8mi!a los lunes. .a'ana es omingo.

To a$ is 0e nes a$. 4er ugl$ aunt tea!hes !hemistr$ on .on a$s. Tomorro" is Sun a$.


.onths are not !apitali7e unless the$ begin a senten!e. Banuar$ enero <pril abril Bul$ (ulio S!tober o!tubre 2ebruar$ febrero .a$ ma$o <ugust agosto November noviembre .ar!h mar7o Bune (unio September septiembre +e!ember i!iembre

#ola: .ama, ho" o I "rite m$ ate of birth in Spanish& Sra. Nube: +ate of birth is >fe!ha e na!imiento?. ,our ate of birth is Bul$ @ 2LLH, $ou "ill "rite it as >>mi fe!ha e na!imiento es @ e (ulio e 2LLH?. Sra. Nube: #ets sa$ m$ ate of birth is .a$ F3 FGG@. I "ill "rite it as >F3 e ma$o e FGG@? #ola: FGG@& .ama, $ou are "a$ ol er than thatSra. Nube: Shhh- \eep quiet.


#ola: 4o" o I pronoun!e the ates& Sra. Nube: 2or Bul$ @ 2LLH, $ou "ill sa$ it as >!in!o e (ulio e os mil o!ho?. 2or $our a s ate of birth "hi!h is .a$ F3 FGD2, $ou "ill sa$ it as >tre!e e ma$o e mil nove!ientos sesenta $ os?. 0hen pronoun!ing $ears, it is not nineteen si;t$3t"o but one thousan nine hun re , si;t$ an t"o. #ola: 0o", a is so ol Sra. Nube: 4ahaha. 4e is an ol man. Note that Banuar$ Fst !an be sai as primero e enero. =ut $ou !annot sa$ segun o e enero for Banuar$ 2n , an ter!ero e enero for Banuar$ 3r , an so on. first: primeroA primerA primera thir : ter!eroA ter!erAter!era fifth: quintoAquinta seventh: sOptimoAsOptima ninth: novenoAnovena se!on : segun oAsegun a fourth: !uartoA!uarta si;th: se;toAse;ta eighth: o!tavoAo!tava tenth: O!imoA O!ima

These numbers !hange a!!or ing to the quantit$ an gen er of the noun that the$ are asso!iate "ith. 2or Fst an 3r , rop the >o? "hen pla!e before a singular mas!uline noun. el segun o mes la segun a !asa the se!on month the se!on house .a$ Fst Banuar$ 3Fst Tom is firstAse!on Athir . Tom is the firstAse!on Athir king.

Primero e ma$o Treinta $ uno e enero )use the number 3F* Tom es primeroAsegun oAter!ero Tom es el primerAsegun oAter!er re$


'ore /er!s
<brir C To open I $o abro $ou tN abres heAsheA$ou )formal* OlAellaAuste abre "e nosotrosA3 as abrimos $ou all vosotrosA3 as abr8s the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* ellosAellasA uste es abren

<bro la puerta. 5lla abre los libros. %errar C to !lose $o !ierro tN !ierras

I open the oor. She opens the books.

OlAellaAuste !ierra

nosotrosA3 as !erramos

vosotrosA3 as !errEis

ellosAellasA uste es !ierran

%ierro la ver(a. Nosotros !erramos la ventana. Tomar C to take $o tomo tN tomas

I !lose the gate. 0e !lose the "in o".

OlAellaAuste toma

nosotrosA3 as tomamos

vosotrosA3 as tomEis

ellosAellasA uste es toman

5lla toma refres!o. 5llos toman el autobNs a la es!uela. Iste toma fotos e la luna. =ob toma la me i!ina.

She takes a rink of so a. The$ take the bus to the s!hool. ,ou take pi!tures of the moon. =ob takes the me i!ine.


=eber C To rink $o bebo tN bebes OlAellaAuste bebe nosotrosA3 as bebemos vosotrosA3 as bebOis ellosAellasA uste es beben

,o s9lo bebo agua. #ola bebe !afO to as las ma'anas. 4a!er C to make, to o Present tense I $ou $o hago tN ha!es

I onl$ rink "ater. #ola rinks !offee ever$ morning.

heAsheA$ou )formal* OlAellaAuste ha!e

"e nosotrosA3 as ha!emos

$ou all vosotrosA3 as ha!Ois

the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* ellosAellasA uste es ha!en

Present progressive tense I am $ou are he isAshe is A$ou are )formal* esto$ estEs estE ha!ien o ha!ien o ha!ien a 4a!ien o !ompras.

"e are estamos ha!ien o

$ou all are estEis ha!ien o

the$Athe$A$ou all )formal* are estEn ha!ien o

Shopping )means making pur!hases, !ompra is a noun* I o m$ home"ork. She makes the be ever$ 0e nes a$. The$ are making the inner.

4ago mi tarea. 4a!e la !ama to os los miOr!oles. 5stEn ha!ien o la !ena.


%omprar C To bu$ $o !ompro tN !ompras OlAellaAuste !ompra nosotrosA3 as !ompramos vosotrosA3 as !omprEis ellosAellasA uste es !ompran

Mamos e !ompras. %ompro alimentos. 5lla quiere !omprar to o. 5stu iar C To stu $ $o estu io tN estu ias

#ets go shopping. I am bu$ing gro!eries. She "ants to bu$ ever$thing.

OlAellaAuste estu ia

nosotrosA3 as estu iamos

vosotrosA3 as estu iEis

ellosAellasA uste es estu ian

5stu iamos por la no!he.

0e stu $ at night.

,o vo$ estu iar en la bibliote!a esta tar e. I am going to stu $ in the librar$ this afternoon.

5nse'ar C to tea!h $o ense'o tN ense'as OlAellaAuste ense'a nosotrosA3 as ense'amos vosotrosA3 as ense'Eis ellosAellasA uste es ense'an

.i maestro ense'a bien. 5l profesor ensena matemEti!as

.$ tea!her tea!hes "ell. The professor tea!hes mathemati!s.


Poner C to put, to pla!e, to set $o pongo tN pones OlAellaAuste pone nosotrosA3 as ponemos vosotrosA3 as ponOis ellosAellasA uste es ponen

Ponen la mesa Xl pone relo( Poner en maquilla(e

The$ are setting the table. 4e set the !lo!k. To put on makeup

Sus primos quieren poner sus !amas en la !o!ina. 4is !ousins "ant to put their be s in the kit!hen. To sa$ >put a"a$? use >guar er? To sa$? put on !lothes? use >ponerse? ponerse el sombrero ponerse una !amisa to on the hat to put on a shirt

Ne!esitar C to nee $o ne!esito tN ne!esitas OlAellaAuste ne!esita nosotrosA3as vosotrosA3 as ne!esitamos ne!esitEis ellosAellasA uste es ne!esitan

5llos ne!esitan noventa $ nueve !entavos mEs. The$ nee ninet$3nine !ents more. Ne!esito el nNmero telef9ni!o e la universi a . I nee the telephone number of the universit$.


Pagar C to pa$ $o pago +ollar C 9lar %ent C !entavo tN pagas OlAellaAuste paga nosotrosA3 as pagamos vosotrosA3 as pagEis ellosAellasA uste es pagan

+ollars C 9lares ) 9lares is mas!uline* %ents C !entavos In !entavo C F !ent

%urren!$ shoul be pla!e after the number. Nosotros pagamos quin!e 9lares $ !uartena $ !in!o !entavos. )0e pa$ [F@.1@.* 5llas pagan ie7 pesos. )The$ pa$ FL pesos.* Pue o pagar ie7 9lares ahora )I !an pa$ FL ollars no".* To talk about spen ing mone$ use the verb >/astar? /astar refers to spen ing mone$, pasar refers to spen ing time. Pasar C to happen, to pass, to spen time $o paso tN pasas OlAellaAuste pasa nosotrosA3as pasamos vosotrosA3as ellosAellasA uste es pasEis pasan

5lla pasa por esta !alle ,o prefiero pasar mis va!a!iones en !asa ,o paso tres horas limpian o la !o!ina.

She is passing b$ this street I prefer to spen m$ va!ation at home. I spen three hours !leaning the kit!hen


So they found mr. cloud

Sra. Nube: +ear, "hat are $ou oing here& #ola: 4ola, papaSr. Nube: 4e$ hone$, he$ #ola, I am meeting up "ith m$ frien s. .eet =ob the spi er an Paul the lion.

Sra. Nube: <re $ou out of $our min & 2rien s "ith a #ISN& Sr. Nube: 0hats "rong& #a ara'a, el le9n $ $o son me(ores amigos. )The spi er, the lion an I are best frien s.* #ola: Papa, that is so !oolSr. Nube: <n$"a$s, Paul is invite to this offi!e part$ an "e are going to !he!k it out. Paul: ,a, those humans "ant me to hi e in a bo;. I have to go no". 4asta luego. )See $ou later.* Sr. Nube: =ob, hope on me an I "ill fl$ us there. %ome on hone$, #ola, (oin usSra. Nube: PNo seas tonto- )+ont be sill$-*. #ola: %ome on, .amaD1

0oman in the offi!e: P<$u a- )4elp-* .an in the offi!e: QKuO pasa& )0hat is happening&* 0oman in the offi!e: P4a$ un le9n en la ofi!ina- )There is a lion in the offi!e-* .an in the offi!e: <hh, estE entro e una !a(a. Kuiero to!arlo. )<hh, it is insi e a bo;. I "ant to tou!h it.* #ola: P,o tambiOn- QPue o to!ar el le9n, mamE& 5sto$ tan emo!iona a. ).e too- %an I tou!h the lion, mama& I am so e;!ite .* Sra. Nube: NS- Tell the lion to sta$ a"a$ from me- I am leaving no". Sr. Nube: Q< 9n e vas& )0here are $ou going to&* No te entien o. )I ont un erstan $ou.* <!tNas !omo un bebO. ),ou are a!ting like a bab$.* It is more fun being here.


)omparati%es & Superlati%es

6ood& ,etter& ,est /oo )m, singular* =ueno /oo )f, singular* =uena /oo )m, plural* =uenos /oo )f, plural* =uenas

0hen >bueno? is pla!e before a mas!uline singular noun, it is !hange to >buen?. Some a (e!tives su!h as bueno "hen pla!e before a noun "oul mean >reall$?. un (ar inero bueno a goo gar ener un buen (ar inero a reall$ goo gar ener ,ou !an also use the "or >mu$? "hi!h means >ver$? ).u$ has onl$ one form regar less of quanit$ or gen er.* 5sta !amisa es mu$ bonita. un mNsi!o mu$ bueno mNsi!os mu$ buenos This shirt is ver$ prett$. a ver$ goo musi!ian ver$ goo musi!ians )a (e!tives !hanges "ith nouns*

< (e!tives that are mo ifie b$ a verbs or phrases must be pla!e after the nouns. una persona mu$ buena un lugar mu$ bonito una ta7a llena e agua a ver$ goo person a ver$ prett$ pla!e a full !up of "ater

If it gets too !ompli!ate , rephrase the senten!es an use >Ser? to help $ou un mNsi!o mu$ bueno el mNsi!o es mu$ bueno un lugar mu$ bonito el lugar es mu$ bonito a ver$ goo musi!ian the musi!ian is ver$ goo a ver$ prett$ pla!e the pla!e is ver$ prett$


=etter )mAf, singular* .e(or me(or que me(or que tN =est )mAf, singular* .e(or me(ores amigos me(ores amigas el me(or na a or e la historia ,ad& Worse& Worst =a )m, singular* .alo =a )f, singular* .ala better than better than $ou

=etter )mAf, plural* .e(ores

=est )mAf, plural* .e(ores best frien s )all males or mi;e gen er* best frien s )all females* the best s"immer of the histor$

=a )m, plural* .alos

=a )f, plural* .alas

%hange >malo? to >mal? "hen pla!e before a mas!uline singular noun, for e;ample >un mal amigo? )a ba frien *. 0orse )mAf, singular* Peor peor que ese pan es peor que este pan 0orst )mAf, singular* Peor el peor nombre el mun o 0orse )mAf, plural* Peores "orse than that brea is "orse than this brea 0orst )mAf, plural* Peores the "orst name in the "orl )Note: e U el C el*


Note: > e? is often use "ith superlatives. It !an mean >in? or >of.? la peor traba(a ora el grupo Ol es el me(or e to os ella es la me(or e to os 7oung& 7ounger& 7oungest $oung )mAf, singular* (oven la persona (oven el (oven la gente (oven the $oung person the $oung bo$ the $oung people $oung )mAf, plural* (9venes the "orst "orker of the group he is the best of all she is the best of all

la (oven los (9venes

the $oung girl the $oung people

>la persona? means >the person? not >the female person?. +avi es una persona. )+avi is a person* Sarah es una persona. )Sarah is a person* $ounger )mAf, singular*, menor hermana menor hermano menor $oungest )mAf, singular* menor Tom es el hi(o menor. .i hi(a menor tiene tres a'os. $ounger )mAf, plural* menores $ounger sister $ounger brother $oungest )mAf, plural* menores Tom is the $oungest son. .$ $oungest aughter is three $ears ol .


Old& Older& Oldest Sl )m, singular* Mie(o Sl )f, singular* Mie(a Sl )m, plural* Mie(os Sl )f, plural* Mie(as

.i vie(o abuelo !ree que pue e !aminar por las pare es. .$ ol gran father thinks that he !an "alk through the "alls.

Sl er )mAf, singular* .a$or hermano ma$or hermana ma$or mi hermana es ma$or que #ola Sl est )mAf, singular* .a$or .i hermana es la ma$or

Sl er )mAf, plural* .a$ors ol er brother ol er sister m$ sister is ol er than #ola Sl est )mAf, plural* .a$ors m$ sister is the ol est


Small& smaller& smallest small )m, singular* peque'o small )f, singular* peque'a small )m, plural* peque'os small )f, plural* peque'as

#a gata es peque'a #os perros son peque'os smaller )m, singular* mEs peque'o

The !at )female* is small The ogs are small smaller )f, singular* mEs peque'a smaller )m, plural* mEs peque'os smaller )f, plural* mEs peque'as

smallest )m, singular* mEs peque'o

smallest )f, singular* mEs peque'a

smallest )m, plural* mEs peque'os

smallest )f, plural* mEs peque'as

5l 7ool9gi!o mEs gran e estE en la !iu a mEs peque'a. The largest 7oo is in the smallest !it$.

,ig& ,igger& ,iggest big )mAf, singular*, gran e big )mAf, plural* gran es

bigger )mAf, singular* mEs gran e

bigger )mAf, plural* mEs gran es

biggest )mAf, singular* mEs gran e


bigger )mAf, plural* mEs gran es

5ore or Less >mEs? means >more? or >most? an >menos? means >less? or >least?. 0hen using >mEs? or >menos? as >more? or >less? respe!tivel$, $ou "oul usuall$ use >que? to in i!ate a !omparison. 5lla es mEs inteligente que tN 5lla es menos inteligente que tN. Paul es mEs fuerte que su hermano. Paul es mEs Obil que Tom. Paul es menos fuerte que Tom. She is more intelligent than $ou. She is less intelligent than $ou. Paul is stronger than his brother. Paul is "eaker than Tom. Tom is Paul is less strong than Tom.

0hen using >mEs? or >menos? as >most? or >least? respe!tivel$, $ou "ill usuall$ pla!e >the? )el or al* before mEs or menos an pla!e >of? ) e* after mEs or menos. 5l 8a mEs !aluroso e mar7o 5l a!tor menos favorito el a'o Same >mismo? means >same? Tenemos el mismo nombre 0e have the same name. The hottest a$ of .ar!h The least favorite a!tor of the $ear


$he Word $an#

>Tan? means >so? as in >ella estE tan feli7? )She is SS happ$*. >Tan? means >as? "hen use "ith >!omo?. Tan shoul be follo"e b$ an a (e!tive. =ob habla tan rEpi o !omo +avi =ob talks as fast as +avi .

4o"ever, >tan? !annot be use for the follo"ing !ases +o it like SS. SS )as in thus*, the$ eat the foo 4a7lo asi. <s8, !omen la !omi a.

If >tan? is not follo" b$ an a (e!tive but a noun, >tanto? shoul be use tanto )m singular* A tanta )f singular* means >so mu!h? tantos )m plural* A tantas )f plural* means >so man$? tanta !omi a tantos platos so mu!h foo so man$ plates

0hen >tanto? is use "ith >!omo? it means >as mu!h as? or >as man$ as? Tengo tanto inero !omo <melia =ob ha!e tanto traba(o !omo Paul #ook at this senten!e: +avi : S io mi traba(o. 4a$ tanto traba(o. 4a$ mu!hos libros para leer. +emasia o traba(o. Son tan if8!iles. 5sto$ tan !ansa o $ quiero ormir. +avi : I hate m$ (ob. There is so mu!h "ork. There are man$ books to rea . Too mu!h "ork. The$ are so har . I am so tire an I "ant to sleep. Ise >tanto? be!ause >"ork? is a noun

I have as mu!h mone$ as <melia =ob oes as mu!h "ork as Paul

Ise >mu!hos? be!ause it is >man$? not >so man$? Ise >tan? be!ause >!ansa o? an > if8!iles? are a (e!tives >+emasia o? means >too mu!h? or >too man$? too mu!h )m* emasia o emasia os man7anas emasia o rui o too mu!h )f* emasia a too man$ apples too mu!h noise too man$ )m* emasia os too man$ )f* emasia as

Ise KuO to ask for a efinition QKuO es ]+B4S+& QKuO es& 0hat is ]+B4S+& 0hat is it&

Ise KuO "hen there is no sele!tion to !hoose from QKuO mEs& QKuO quieres& 0hat else& 0hat o $ou "ant&

Ise KuO to e;press something PKuO enorme hospital naran(a0hat an enormous orange hospital-

Ise >< quO? instea of >quO? to ask a about a spe!ifie time Q< quO hora es la fiesta& <t "hat time is the part$&


Ise %uEl before >es? an other forms of ser "hen not seeking a efinition Q%uEl es tu problema& Q%uEl es la fe!ha ho$& Q%uEl es tu nNmero e telOfono& 0hat is $our problem& 0hats the ate to a$& 0hat is $our phone number&

Ise %uEl "hen there is a sele!tion to !hoose from Q%uEl prefieres& Q%uEl quieres& 0hi!h one o $ou prefer& 0hi!h one o $ou "ant&

%uEl is usuall$ use "hen the ans"er is plural 2or plural, KuO remains in the same form but the plural of !uEl is !uEles. Q%uEles son tus !olores favoritos& Q%uEles son tus pasatiempos& 0hat are $our favorite !olors& 0hat are $our hobbies&

%uEl? !annot be use before a noun. >KuO? shoul be use instea . QKuO regalo quieren uste es& 0hat )"hi!h* gift o $ou "ant&

+9n e means >"here? Q+9n Q+9n Q+9n Q+9n e estE& e estE el ba'o& e estE la es!oba& e estE tu esposo& 0here is it& 0here is the bathroom& 0here is the broom& 0here is $our husban & )0ife C esposa*

>< +9n e? means >"here to?, use this "hen $ou are enquiring a estination.

Prepositions In & 0ut

>5n? means >in? as in >It is in the kit!hen.? >+entro? means >insi e? as in >It is insi e of the bo;.? > e? is al"a$s after > entro? >< entro? means >insi e? as in >It is insi e.? )no stating of lo!ation*. >2uera? means >out? as in >It is out of the !age.? >2uera? means >outsi e? as in >It is outsi e of the house.?, > e? is al"a$s after >fuera? ><fuera? means >outsi e? as in >It is outsi e.? )no stating of lo!ation*. 5stE entro el armario. ) e U el C el* Buan estE afuera, que a !er!a e la valla. 4a!e fr8o a entro. It is insi e the !loset. Bohn is outsi e, stan ing near the fen!e. ItWs !ol insi e.

Preposition Por
Ise Por to state a perio of time Mia(amos por !uatro 8as Por la no!he to mean >per? os 9lares por o!umento to mean >be!ause of? #loro por el olor. I am !r$ing be!ause of the pain. t"o ollars per o!ument 0e travel for four a$s <t nightAIn the evening

Note: >porque? means >be!ause? )lloro porque esto$ en el olor. I am !r$ing be!ause I am in pain* an >QPor quO&? means >"h$? )QPor quO estEs tan grosero& 0h$ are $ou so ru e&*


To e;press the movement >through? !on u!ir por la ventana !aminar por la !iu a to rive through the "in o" to "alk through the !it$

Note: >a travOs eV means Vb$ means ofV a travOs e una !arta a travOs el !orreo ele!tr9ni!o ) e U el el* through a letter through the email

Preposition Para
.eans >for? "hen referring to a spe!ifi! time Ne!esito el regalo para ma'ana. .eans >in or er to? Para bailar la samba, ne!esitas un pollo. In or er to an!e the samba, $ou nee a !hi!ken. I nee the gift for tomorro".

.eans >in the ire!tion of? "hen referring to a spe!ifi! pla!e Mo$ para %hina. .eans >to be given to someone? Ina ma7ana para mi hi(a. To sho" a !omparison Para m8, este libro es estNpi o. 2or me, this book is stupi . <n apple for m$ aughter. I am going to %hina.


4a$ C there is A there are 4a$ mu!hos libros. There are man$ books.

4a$ oes not refer to lo!ation, to refer to lo!ation use >allE? or >all8?

ah8 there )not so far from the speaker*

all8 there )far from the speaker an the listener*

allE over there

aqu8 here

a!E over here

0hen using these terms, use the verb >estar? <llE estEn los libros <ll8, estE el ban!o 5sto$ a!E, en la habita!i9n. Sver there, are the books There, is the bank I am over here, in the room.

'ore /er!s
To!ar C To tou!h or to pla$ an instrument $o to!o tN to!as OlAellaAuste to!a nosotrosA3as to!amos vosotrosA3as ellosAellasA uste es to!Eis to!an

QTo!Eis la guitarra& To!as mi !ara. <!tuar C to a!t, to perform $o tN a!tNo a!tNas OlAellaAuste a!tNa

+o $ou all pla$ the guitar& ,ou tou!h m$ fa!e.

nosotrosA3as a!tuamos

vosotrosA3as ellosAellasAuste es a!tuEis a!tNan

#ola a!tNa para mamE. #os a!tores a!tNan mu$ bien.

#ola performs for her mum. The a!tors are performing ver$ "ell.

#eer C to rea $o leo tN lees OlAellaAuste lee nosotrosA3as leemos vosotrosA3as leOis ellosAellasAuste es leen

Tengo tanto leer. QKuO la ar illa lee& %aminar C To "alk $o !amino tN !aminas OlAellaAuste !amina

I have so mu!h to rea . 0hat is the Squirrel rea ing&

nosotrosA3 as !aminamos

vosotrosA3 as !aminEis

ellosAellasA uste es !aminan

,o !amino a la es!uela. %aminan al supermer!a o Pasear C to stroll, to take a "alk $o paseo tN paseas

I "alk to the s!hool. 0e are "alking to the supermarket )a U el C al*

OlAellaAuste pasea

nosotrosA3 as paseamos

vosotrosA3 as paseEis

ellosAellasA uste es pasean

Nosotras paseamos. 5lla pasea !on sus abuelos

0e are taking a stroll She is talking a "alk "ith her gran parents

<n ar: to "alk, also use to e;press ho" the things are going $o an o tN an as OlAellaAuste an a nosotrosA3 as an amos vosotrosA3as an Eis ellosAellasA uste es an an

5lla no pue e an ar. Q%9mo an as&

She is not able to "alk 4o" are $ou oing&


Ir C to go $o vo$ tN vas OlAellaAuste va nosotrosA3 as vamos vosotrosA3 as vais ellosAellasA uste es van

.i abuela va al !olegio. QPue es ir !onmigo& No vo$ !ontigo.

.$ gran mother goes to high s!hool. %an $ou go "ith me& I am not going "ith $ou

Instea of sa$ing !on m8 )"ith me* an !on ti )"ith $ou*, use >!onmigo? an >!ontigo? Ise Ir to state "hen $ou are going Mo$ en la tar e. Q%uEn o vamos& I am going in the afternoon. 0hen o "e go&

Ise Ir as a form of fare"ell greeting .e vo$. Tengo que ir a !asa. I am going. I have to go home.

Ise Ir to sho" ho" $ou are going to go Mo$ en autobNs. I am going b$ bus.

Ise Ir to sho" "hat $oure going to oA "here are $ou going, >a? al"a$s !ome after >ir? Mo$ a leer I am going to rea

>Mamos pes!an o? )"e are going fishing* is in!orre!t, $ou shoul state >Mamos a pes!ar.? )going to fish* instea .


Menir C To !ome $o vengo tN vienes OlAellaAuste viene nosotrosA3as venimos vosotrosA3as ellosAellasAuste es ven8s vienen

Mienen !on nosotros. QKuiOn viene& Siento que tN no pue as venir. #legar C To arrive $o llego tN llegas

The$ !ome "ith us. 0ho is !oming& I am sorr$ that $ou !annot !ome.

OlAellaAuste llega

nosotrosA3 as llegamos

vosotrosA3 as llegEis

ellosAellasA uste es llegan

Q%uEn o llega el tren& 0hen oes the train arrives& QKuiOn llega& 0ho is arriving&

+e(ar C To leave someone or something behin $o e(o tN e(as OlAellaAuste e(a nosotrosA3 as e(amos vosotrosA3 as e(Eis ellosAellasAuste es e(an

Mo$ a e(ar mi billetera en !asa I am going to leave m$ "allet behin .i t8o pere7oso e(a su !omi a en el piso. .$ la7$ un!le leaves his foo behin on the floor.


+ar C to give $o o$ tN as OlAellaAuste a nosotrosA3as amos vosotrosA3as ais ellosAellasA uste es an

5lla te a el inero. TN me as energ8a Salir C To go out, to e;it $o salgo tN sales

She gives $ou the mone$. ,ou give me energ$.

OlAellaAuste sale

nosotrosA3 as salimos

vosotrosA3 as sal8s

ellosAellasA uste es salen

Q%uEn o salimos& 0hen o "e go out& #as plantas salen $ mane(an veh8!ulos. The plants go out an rive vehi!les in the gar en. >Salir !on? means to leave "ith someoneAsomething or ate someone Bohn sale !on sus libros. Bohn sale !on Sarah. .ane(ar C To rive $o mane(o tN mane(as OlAellaAuste mane(a nosotrosA3 as mane(amos vosotrosA3 as mane(Eis ellosAellasA uste es mane(an Bohn is leaving "ith his books. Bohn is going out "ith Sarah.

=ob mane(a el !arro. =ob rives the !ar.


%on u!ir C to rive $o !on u7!o tN !on u!es OlAellaAuste !on u!e nosotrosA3as !on u!imos vosotrosA3as !on u!8s ellosAellas Auste es !on u!en

,o !on u7!o un !arro. ,o no se !on u!ir.

I rive a !ar. I ont kno" ho" to rive.

Snl$ use >!on u!er? an >mane(ar? "hen $ou are talking about riving. 2or riving people to pla!es& use VllevarV

#levar C to bring, to "ear, to !arr$ $o llevo tN llevas OlAellaAuste lleva nosotrosA3 as llevamos vosotrosA3 as llevEis ellosAellasA uste es llevan

Te llevarO al traba(o. #levan las bolsas e la es!uela. QKue talla lleva uste & 5lla lleva un abrigo. Traba(ar C to "ork $o traba(o tN traba(as

I am riving $ou to "ork. The$ !arr$ the s!hool bags. 0hat si7e o $ou "ear& She "ears a !oat. Traba(o C "orkA(ob )noun* OlAellaAuste traba(a nosotrosA3 as traba(amos vosotrosA3 as traba(Eis ellosAellasA uste es traba(an

S io traba(ar Paul traba(a to as las no!hes

I hate to "ork Paul "orks ever$ night


Po er C to be able to, !an, ma$ $o pue o tN pue es OlAellaAuste pue e nosotrosA3 as po emos vosotrosA3 as po Ois ellosAellasA uste es pue en

QPue es o8r el soni o&

%an $ou hear the soun & )able to hear, o8r to hear* %an the$ "ash the so!ks& )able to "ash, lavar to "ash* 0e ma$ help. )able to help, a$u ar to help* /oo morning. .a$ I help $ou& )ho" ma$ I be able to help $ou&*

QPue en lavar los !al!etines&

Po emos a$u ar. =uenos 8as. QPue o a$u ar&

+i $ou noti!e that the verb after >!an? is al"a$s asso!iate "ith >to?& This is the same for > eber?. +eber C ought to, must, shoul $o ebo tN ebes OlAellaAuste ebe nosotrosA3 as ebemos vosotrosA3 as ebOis ellosAellasA uste es eben

+ebes visitar el lugar )visitar C to visit* +ebemos !omprar la !asa )!omprar C to bu$*

,ou shoul visit the pla!e 0e shoul bu$ the house.

If $ou repla!e >the pla!e? "ith >it?: ,ou shoul visit it C ebes visitarlo )remember sub(e!t an ire!t ob(e!t pronouns&*


4ere are some other senten!es Po emos a$u arte. Pue en !omprarla. 0e ma$ help $ou. The$ !an bu$ it. )%onsi er >it? as !asa "hi!h is feminine* I "ant to see it. Sam nee s to "ash it.

Kuiero verlo. Sam ne!esita lavarlo. S8r C To hear $o oigo tN o$es

OlAellaAuste o$e

nosotrosA3 as o8mos

vosotrosA3 as o8s

ellosAellas Auste es o$en

Pue o o8r la mNsi!a 5lla o$e tu vo7 5s!u!har C to listen $o es!u!ho tN es!u!has

I !an hear the musi!. She hears $our voi!e.

OlAellaAuste es!u!ha

nosotrosA3 vosotrosA3 as as es!u!hamos es!u!hEis

ellosAellasA uste es es!u!han

#a ove(a es!u!ha la ra io. 5s!u!hamos mNsi!a ro!k.

The sheep is listening to the ra io. 0e are listening to ro!k musi!.


<$u ar C to help $o a$u o tN a$u as OlAellaAuste a$u a nosotrosA3 as a$u amos vosotrosA3 as a$u Eis ellosAellasA uste es a$u an

<$u amos a las familias <$u amos a +avi <$u amos a los !hi!os

0e help the families 0e help +avi 0e help the bo$s

Noti!e that >a? is pla!e after the verb. 5lla me a$u a a ha!er mi tarea Q.e pue es a$u ar a llevar las maletas& 3 Temember sub(e!t an She helps me to o m$ home"ork %an $ou help me to !arr$ the suit!ases&

ire!t ob(e!t pronouns& me must be pla!e before the verb

3 5ven though >ha!er? means >to o? an >llevar? means >to !arr$?, >a? is still pla!e after the verb.


Su!"ect: Direct and Indirect Pronouns

Subject pronouns
I $o $ou tN $ou )formal* uste , I . or M . $ou all )all females* vosotras he Ol she ella "e )mi;e gen erAall males* nosotros "e )all female* nosotras the$ )all females* ellas

$ou all )mi;e gen erAall males* vosotros

$ou all )mi;e gen erAall males, formal* uste es& I s. or M s8

the$ )mi;e gen erAall males* ellos

Object pronouns (direct)

me me $ou te $ou )formal, male* lo
$ou all )malesA femalesA mi;e gen er* os

$ou )formal, female* la

$ou all )formal, malesA mi;e gen er* los

himAit )male* lo

herAit )female* la

us )males AfemalesA mi;e gen er* nos

$ou all )formal, females* las

them )malesA mi;e gen er* los

them )females* las

Object pronouns (indirect)

me $ou $ou )formal* , him, her, it le us )malesAfemalesA mi;e gen er* nos $ou all )malesA femalesA mi;e gen er* os $ou all )formal, malesAfemales Ami;e gen er* les them )malesA females Ami;e gen er* les



In ire!t ob(e!t noun an in ire!t ob(e!t pronoun refer >to "hom? or >for "hom? I slap BohnAhim C BohnAhim is ire!t ob(e!t nounApronoun I "riteAam "riting to BohnAhim C BohnAhim is in ire!t ob(e!t nounApronoun I "riteAam "riting a letter to BohnAhim C BohnAhim is in ire!t ob(e!t nounApronoun I "riteAam "riting BohnAhim a letter C BohnAhim is in ire!t ob(e!t nounApronoun


#ets !onsi er these fe" senten!es: Sarah gives the book to =ob A She gives the book to =ob givesC verb =ob C in ire!t ob(e!t noun

Sarah C sub(e!t noun She C sub(e!t pronoun book C ire!t ob(e!t noun to C preposition

Sub(e!t nounA Sub(e!t pronoun U verb U ire!t ob(e!t noun U preposition U in ire!t ob(e!t noun Sarah a el libro a =ob A 5lla a el libro a =ob Sarah gives the book to him A She gives the book to him givesC verb him C in ire!t ob(e!t pronoun

Sarah C sub(e!t noun She C sub(e!t pronoun book C ire!t ob(e!t noun to C preposition

Sub(e!t nounASub(e!t pronoun U in ire!t ob(e!t pronoun U verb U ire!t ob(e!t noun Sarah le a el libroA 5lla le a el libro Sarah gives it to him A She gives it to him

Sarah C sub(e!t noun She C sub(e!t pronoun givesC verb book C ire!t ob(e!t noun him C in ire!t ob(e!t pronoun Sub(e!t nounASub(e!t pronoun U in ire!t ob(e!t pronoun U ire!t ob(e!t pronoun U verb Sarah le lo a C Sarah se lo a 5lla le lo a C 5lla se lo a

0henever both pronouns begin "ith the letter VlV !hange the first pronoun to Vse.V le lo C se lo les lo C se lo le la C se la les la C se la le los C se los les los C se los le las C se las les las C se las


,ou !an also atta!h the ire!t an in ire!t ob(e!t pronouns to the verb Sarah Eselo A 5lla Eselo Sarah gives it to =ob A She gives it to =ob an a!!ent.

0hen atta!hing the pronouns, !ount ba!k three vo"els an a To emphasi7e that the book is given to =ob, a >a? an >=ob?

Sub(e!t nounASub(e!t pronoun U in ire!t ob(e!t pronoun U ire!t ob(e!t pronoun U verb U >a? U in ire!t ob(e!t noun Sarah se lo a a =ob A 5lla se lo a a =ob Sarah Eselo a =obA 5lla Eselo a =ob ing >a?

Instea of stating the name, $ou !an emphasi7e the book is given to >he? b$ a Sarah se lo a a Ol A 5lla se lo a a Ol Sarah Eelo a Ol A 5lla Eselo a Ol

,ou !an onl$ a the follo"ing to the en of $our senten!e: ^ a I . )formal, $ou* A a I s. )formal, $ou all* ^ a Ol )he* A a ella )she* ^ a ellos )them, male, mi;e gen er* A a ellas )them, females* ,ou !annot a >$o, tN, nosotrosA3as, vosotrosA3as? be!ause the pronouns )me, $ou, us, $ou all* o not begin "ith >l? an nee not !hange to >se?. In negative senten!es, the negative "or is pla!e ire!tl$ after the sub(e!t noun or sub(e!t pronoun. I onWt have it for $ou. I C sub(e!t pronoun ,o no se lo tengo. Note that "e !an leave out the sub(e!t nouns or sub(e!t pronouns So it "ill be >no se lo tengo? it C ire!t ob(e!t pronoun $ou C in ire!t ob(e!t pronoun


><$u e? as mentione in the stor$ is a form of !omman or instru!tion. 0hen giving !omman s, "e nee to use a spe!ial kin of verb: Imperatives. Sin!e $ou are voi!ing a !omman , $ou "ill be either talking to $ou _tN, uste )formal*` or $ou all _vosotrosA3as, uste es )formal*`. <ll verbs have imperatives. Imperatives !an also be in negative form. 4elp$ou tN a$u a +ont 4elp$ou tN no a$u es +o $ou tN ha7 $ou )formal* uste haga $ou all vosotrosA3as ha!e $ou all )formal* uste es hagan $ou )formal* uste no a$u e $ou all vosotrosA3as no a$u Ois $ou all )formal* uste es no a$u en $ou )formal* uste a$u e $ou all vosotrosA3as a$u a $ou all )formal* uste es a$u en


+ont o $ou tN no hagas Stop: Stop it$ou tN para +ont Stop $ou tN no pares $ou )formal* uste no pare $ou all vosotrosA3as no parOis $ou all )formal* uste es no paren $ou )formal* uste pare $ou all vosotrosA3as para $ou all )formal* uste es paren $ou )formal* uste no haga $ou all vosotrosA3as no hagEis $ou all )formal* uste es no hagan

4ere are more e;amples: PNo vengasP+EmeloP+espiOrtese%ru!en la !alle. P#evEntateSigue las se'ales. Siga ere!ho. +oblen a la i7quier aA ere!ha. +ont !ome/ive it to me0ake up%ross the street. Stan up2ollo" the signs. %ontinue straight. Turn to the leftAright.


mrs clioud was mad very mad

Sra. Nube talking to Sr Nube: <!ting like a bab$& QPor quO no te !allas& )"h$ ont $ou shut up&A0h$ ont $ou keep quiet&*

Sr. Nube talking to #ola: ,our mama is ver$ angr$. #ola: PapE, uste ebe intentar e nuevo )Papa, $ou shoul tr$ again*

Sr. Nube: QPue o ha!er una pregunta& )!an I ask $ou a question* Sra. Nube: Por favor, terminas la !onversa!i9n ahora si es una pregunta estNpi a. )Please en the !onversation no" if it is a stupi question, si C if* Sr. Nube: +o $ou see the vegetables over there& Sra. Nube: No sO. 5spere un minuto. ,o lo veo. Na a fabuloso. )I ont kno". 0ait a minute. I see it. Nothing fabulous. *


Sr. Nube: %uan o el semEforo es a7ul, las ver uras bailan $ !antan (untos en la !alle. )0hen the traffi! light is blue, the vegetables an!e an sing together on the street.*

Sra. Nube: .u$ interesante. )Mer$ interesting.* Sr. Nube: See, there is so mu!h fun here. #ola: Su!h- Q<lgo me golpeo en el !uello& )Something hit me in the ne!k&*. QKuiOn estE ha!ien o eso& )0ho is oing that&* Sra. Nube: The$ are thro"ing pens an books out the "in o". )Tiramos bol8grafos $ libros por la ventana.* #ola : P5stEn lo!os- )The$ are !ra7$-*


Nada ; Nothing
No ha$ na a en la nevera. No ha!es na a. No tengo na a. ThereWs nothing in the fri ge. ,ou o nothing I have nothing.

0h$ is it >No hago na a? an not >hago na a?& >na a? is negate an means Van$thingV Na ie C no one, nobo $ Na ie es perfe!to. No ha$ na ie aqu8. Nun!aC never Nun!a mEs Nun!a te olvi arO Nun!a le es!ribe a na ie Never again I never forget $ou I never "rite to an$one Nobo $ is perfe!t. There is no one here.

>Na ie? means an$one be!ause it is negate . No !ono!emos a na ie que !o!ina. 0e o not kno" an$one that !ooks.

0hen >na ie? is a ire!t ob(e!t, >a? is pla!e before it.


QKuiOn mEs& QKuiOn es& QKuiOn lava la ropa& Q+e quiOn es& Q+e quiOnes son& 0ho else& 0ho is it& 0ho oes the laun r$& 0hose is it& 0hose are the$&

Kuien )plural C quienes* "ithout the a!!ent means >that?. =ob, quien es guapo, es enfermero. =ob, "ho is han some, is a nurse.

Q%uEn o es el e;amen& Q%uEn o vas a venir para a!E& Q%uan o estEs listo& 0hen is the e;amination& 0hen are $ou !oming over& 0hen are $ou rea $&

%uan o, "ithout the a!!ent, is use in non3questions. %uan o estEs listo, sonr8es para la !Emara. 0hen $ou are rea $, smile for the !amera.


<no= a!out -no=#

Saber C to kno" information or fa!t, or to kno" ho" to o something $o sO tN sabes OlAellaAuste sabe nosotrosA3as sabemos vosotrosA3as sabOis ellosAellasAuste es saben

No sO na ar. QSabes usar la !omputa ora&

I onWt kno" ho" to s"im. +o $ou kno" ho" to use the !omputer&

Nuestra hormiga mas!ota no sabe (ugar fNtbol. Sur pet ant oes not kno" ho" to pla$ football

%ono!er C to kno" or be familiar "ith a personApla!eAthing

$o !ono7!o tN !ono!es OlAellaAuste !ono!e nosotrosA3as !ono!emos vosotrosA3as !ono!Ois ellosAellasAus te es !ono!en

,o la !ono7!o. ,o !ono7!o %iu a .aloliente

I kno" her. I am familiar "ith Smell$ %it$.

If refering to a person, >a? must be inserte . #os mu!ha!hos !ono!en a Paul. Q%ono!es al se'or Nube& #ola !ono!e a mi hermana. The bo$s kno" Paul. +o $ou kno" .r. %lou & )a U el al* #ola kno"s m$ sister.


%olors must agree in gen er an quantit$ "ith the nouns the$ mo if$: uno !o!he amarillo one $ello" !ar !in!o mil os!ientos o!henta $ seis !o!hes amarillos @2HD $ello" !ars una flor amarilla a $ello" flo"er setenta $ siete flores amarillas JJ $ello" flo"ers Singular (male 9 %emale) 7ello: ,lue Orange ,lac; White <ed 6reen amarillo, amarilla a7ul anaran(a o, anaran(a a negro, negra blan!o, blan!a ro(o, ro(a ver e Plural amarillos, amarillas a7ules anaran(a os, anaran(a as negros, negras blan!os, blan!as ro(os, ro(as ver es

<7ul, ver e have onl$ singular an plural formsa the$ are the same for mas!uline an feminine. Q+e quO !olor es tu !abello& Q+e quO !olor son tus o(os& 5lla apaga la lu7 anaran(a a. 0hat !olor is $our hair& 0hat !olor are $our e$es& She turns off the orange light Boe: .ora o es feo. )Purple is ugl$.* \elvin: .ora o es mi !olor favorito. )Purple is m$ favorite !olor* Boe: S9lo ni'as les gusta mora o. )Snl$ girls like purple.* \elvin: Tu eres antipati!o. ),ou are mean.*


el vesti o el bolsillo el suOter la !amisa ress po!ket s"eater shirt los pantalones la fal a la ropa interior los pantalones !ortos trousers skirt un er"ear shorts

>ody Parts
arm C el bra7o heart C el !ora79n leg C la pierna e$e C el o(o nose C la nari7 ne!k C el !uello shoul er C el hombro ba!k C la espal a knee C la ro illa mouth C la bo!a fingerAteo C el e o skin C la piel tooth C el iente stoma!h C el est9mago !hest C el pe!ho ear C la ore(a foot C el pie hair C el !abello hea C la !abe7a tongue C la lengua han C la mano

Note: +efinite arti!les shoul be pla!e before !lothings an bo $ parts "hen the possessor is !learl$ state . Tepla!e the possessive a (e!tives )his, her, its, ours, et!* "ith efinite arti!les. .ar$ !epilla los ientes negros $ lleva el vesti o marr9n. ).ar$ brushes her bla!k teeth an "ears her bro"n ress*. 5lla tiene el !abello largo a7ul $ los o(os amarillos. )She has blue long hair an $ello" e$es.* Tom lleva los !al!etines amarillos $ los pantalones !ortos anaran(a os. )Tom is "earing $ello" soaks an orange shorts*. #leva el sombrero ver e favorito !on la !orbata ver e )4e "ears his favorite green hat "ith a green tie.* Tom tiene el !abello ro(o. )Tom has re hair.*

el !i!lismo el balon!esto el bo;eo la vela el esqu8 el fNtbol !$!ling basketball bo;ing sailing skiing football el bE minton el bOisbol la gimnasia el voleibol la nata!i9n el tenis bE minton baseball g$mnasti!s volle$ball s"imming tennis

'ore /er!s
%olorear C To !olor
$o !oloreo tN !oloreas OlAellaAuste !olorea nosotrosA3as !oloreamos vosotrosA3as !oloreEis ellosAellas Auste es !olorean

Xl !olorea un ibu(o. 4e is !oloring a ra"ing .e en!anta !olorear imEgenes. I love to !olor images.

Shapes !ir!le !ir!ulo square !ua ra o triangle triangulo re!tangle re!tangulo oval ovalo


Mestir C To ress oneself Te!all that other "or s su!h as >llevar? an >ponerse? also es!ribe the "or >"ear?. >Mestir? uses another t$pe of pronoun )relative pronoun*. 0e talk about this later. $o me visto tN te vistes OlAellaAuste se viste nosotrosA3as nos vestimos vosotrosA3as ellosAellasAu ste es os se vest8s visten

Nos vestimos e negro para el funeral. Te vistes para el invierno. Seasons must have >el? or >la? infront el invierno C the "inter el oto'oC the autumn

0e ress in bla!k for the funeral. ,ou ress for the "inter.

el varano C the summer la primavera C the spring

QKue tiempo ha!e& 4o" is the "eather& ha!e sol ha!e viento ha!e fr8o 5sperar C To "ait
$o espero tN esperas OlAellaAuste espera nosotrosA3as esperamos vosotrosA3as esperEis ellosAellasA uste es esperan

it is sunn$ it is "in $ it is !ol

estE llovien o estE neva o ha!e !alor.

it is raining it is sno"ing it is hot

,o espero para la lu7 ver e 5spersan en la !alle 5spere un momento.

I "ait for the green light The$ "ait on the street 0ait a moment. )it is an imperative*


Parar C To stop $o paro tN paras OlAellaAuste para nosotrosA3 as paramos vosotrosA3 as parEis ellosAellasA uste es paran

Iste para el !arro Paremos aqu8.

,ou stop the !ar. 0e stop here.

Sometime roa signs ma$ sa$ ><lto?, "hi!h means >stop?. ><lto? is use b$ people "ith authorit$ su!h as the poli!emen, the militar$. P<lto o isparoP<lto, poli!8aStop or Ill shootStop, poli!e-

Bugar C To pla$ $o (uego tN (uegas OlAellaAuste (uega nosotrosA3as (ugamos I pla$ "ith m$ frien s. 0e pla$ all a$. vosotrosA ellosAellasA 3as uste es (ugEis (uegan

Buego !on mis amigos. Bugamos to o el 8a

Tirar C to thro", to thro" a"a$ $o tiro tN tiras OlAellaAuste tira nosotrosA3as tiramos vosotrosA3as tirEis ellosAellasA uste es tiran

%ath$ tira la basura. Tiran una man7ana en la !ara.

%ath$ thro"s a"a$ the trash. The$ thro" an apple in m$ fa!e.


=ailar C To an!e $o bailo tN bailas OlAellaAuste baila nosotrosA3as bailamos vosotrosA3as bailEis ellosAellas Auste es bailan

<melia no le gusta bailar. <melia oes not like to an!e. 5l perro bailan o. )present progressive verb* The og is an!ing.

%antar C To sing $o !anto tN !antas OlAellaAuste !anta nosotrosA3as !antamos vosotrosA3as !antEis ellosAellasA uste es !antan

5lla !anta mu$ bien. %antan una !an!i9n. <pagar C to turn off, to e;tinguish $o apago tN apagas OlAellaAuste apaga

She sings ver$ "ell. The$ sing a song.

nosotrosA3as apagamos

vosotrosA3as apagEis

ellosAellasA uste es apagan

5lla apaga la !omputa ora to as las no!hes She turns off the !omputer ever$ night <pagamos el fuego. 0e are e;tinguishing the fire.


5n!en er C to turn on, to burn $o en!ien o tN en!ien es OlAellaA uste en!ien e nosotrosA3as en!en emos vosotrosA3 as en!en Ois ellosAellasA uste es en!ien en

Q%9mo en!ien o la televisi9n& 5n!ien e una vela .irar C to look $o miro tN miras OlAellaAuste mira

4o" o I turn on the television& She is lighting up a !an le

nosotrosA3as miramos

vosotrosA3as ellosAellasA uste es mirEis miran

in i!ate eliberate looking .ira, el inero estE (usto aqu8. .iro el libro e su hi(a. sho" the orientation of something. #a sala mira al mar. Mer C to see $o veo tN ves OlAellaA uste ve nosotrosA3as vemos vosotrosA3as veis ellosAellasA uste es ven The living room fa!es the sea. #ook, the mone$ is right here. ).ire C imperative* I am looking at $our aughters book.

simple a!t of seeing 5llos ven la !a!a. The$ see the poo.


seeAvisit "ith someone Nos vemos ma'ana see an out!ome Mo$ a ver quO pasa. sho" un erstan ing Meo la ra79n. "at!h a sho" or movie .i hermana ba(ita ve la televisi9n en el ba'o. .$ short sister "at!hes the television in the bathroom. Note: =a(itoAa is use to es!ribe people .i pa re no es ba(ito. .i ma re no es ni alta ni ba(ita. Ise !ortoAa to es!ribe things 5lla lleva una fal a !orta. .aria tiene el !abello !orto. She "ears a short skirt. .aria has short hair. .$ father is not short. .$ mother is neither tall nor short. I see the reason. I am going to see "hat happens. 0e see $ou tomorro"


Terminar C to en , to finish
$o termino tN terminas OlAellaAuste termina nosotrosA3as terminamos vosotrosA3as terminEis ellosAellas Auste es terminan

Mo$ a terminar es!ribien o unos libros Q%uEn o termina& %omen7ar C to start, to begin
$o !omien7o tN !omien7as OlAellaA uste !omien7a

I am going to finish "riting some books. 0hen oes it en &

nosotrosA3as !omen7amos

vosotrosA3as !omen7Eis

ellosAellasA uste es !omien7an

Q%uEn o !omien7a& #a fiesta !omien7a a las siete e la no!he. Preguntar C to ask question
$o pregunto tN preguntas OlAellaAuste pregunta

0hen oes it start& The part$ starts at Jpm.

nosotrosA3as preguntamos

vosotrosA3as preguntEis

ellosAellasA uste es preguntan

Nosotros vamos a preguntar el maestro. Sofia pregunta sobre ti. Pe ir C to request for
$o pi o tN pi es OlAellaAuste pi e

0e are going to ask the tea!her. Sofia is asking about $ou.

nosotrosA3as pe imos

vosotrosA3as pe 8s

ellosAellasAuste es pi en

Bames pi es un !o!he. Pi o a$u a.

Bames requests for a !ar. I request for help


Intentar C to tr$
$o intento tN intentas OlAellaAuste intenta nosotrosA3as intentamos vosotrosA3as intentEis ellosAellasA uste es intentan

+ebemos intentar !ompren er el universe. 0e must tr$ to un erstan the universe. Intentamos resolver nuestros !onfli!tos. 0e tr$ to solve our !onfli!ts. /olpear C To hit, to beat
$o golpeo tN golpeas OlAellaAuste golpea nosotrosA3as golpeamos vosotrosA3as golpeEis ellosAellasA uste es golpean

PKuiero golpearloI "ant to hit him,o le golpeo en la barriga. I am hitting him in the tumm$.

.is profesores golpean sus bi!i!letas !on almoha as. .$ professors hit their bikes "ith pillo"s.


getting hit on the neck is no fun

=ob the spi er: 4e$ Sr. Nube, i $ou en(o$ the sho"& Sr. Nube: ,a, it "as fun. #ola: It "as fun till I got hit in the ne!k. =ob: 0hat& #ola: That la $ an that bo$ "ere thro"ing books out of the "in o". =ob: I kno" them. The$ are .rs #ope7 an her son. ,o vivo en ese apartamento )I live in that apartment*. There are a lot of strange people living in that pla!e. #et me sho" them to $ou. =ob: 4ere is Bames. Xl es interesante. )4e is interesting*. Xl ama !ontar los huevos en la nevera )4e loves to !ount the eggs in the fri ge*. Xl siempre !uenta los huevos antes e Ol !o!ina )4e al"a$s !ount the eggs before he !ooks*.

Sra. Nube: That is sill$-


=ob: Te presento a +ebbie. )#et me intro u!e $ou to +ebbie*. 5sa pobre mu(er prefiere es!ribir en sillas $ no en papel )That pitiful la $ prefers to "rite on !hairs an not on paper.* Su hi(a le en!anta patear !omputa oras )4er aughter likes to ki!k !omputers*.

#ola: 4ahaha..that is so funn$=ob: That is #in a. 5s una mNsi!a gor a $ le gusta !omer en restaurantes )She is a fat musi!an an loves to eat at restaurants*. Siempre tiene hambre $ or ena mil ta7as e sopas )she is al"a$s hungr$ an or ers a thousan !ups of soup*.

Sr. Nube: 0hat- < thousan !ups of soup-


=ob: ,es an her brother, %alvin, is another !ra7$ one. 4e has man$ "eir pets. Su perro mas!ota siempre agrega un po!o e sal $ pimienta en su !ena. )4is pet og al"a$s a s a little salt an pepper to its inner*. %alvin pi e fre!uentemente sus !ompa'eros e !lase u!har su oso mas!ota !on !hampN $ (ab9n )%alvin frequentl$ asks his !lassmates to sho"er his pet bear "ith shampoo an soap*.

Sr. Nube: PKuO raro- )Thats "eir -* #ola: 4e has a pet bear& That is insane. =ob: %alvin has even built a tin$ theatre for his pet flies. 5l iminuto teatro estE no lleno !on personas pero !on mos!as. )The theater is not full "ith people but "ith flies.*.


Sra. Nube: Men una pel8!ula. )The$ are "at!hing a movie* Sr. Nube: #ook- %alvin is being atta!k b$ monke$s. 5sos monos !omen su !omi a. )Those monke$s are eating his foo *.

=ob: Those monke$s are his pets too. Sra. Nube: 5s tan e;tra'o. )4e is so strange* #ola: 4e shoul (ust live in the 7oo-


Pro%ession a!tor baker entist o!tor river farmer firefighter florist librarian nurse singer "aiter "riter Pro%esi=n (male) a!tor pana ero entista mO i!o !on u!tor agri!ultor bombero florista bibliote!ario enfermero !antante !amarero es!ritor Pro%esi=n (%emale) a!tri7 pana era entista mO i!a !on u!tora agri!ultora bombera florista bibliote!aria enfermera !antante !amarera es!ritora

butter i!e !ream "atermelon bro!!oli !abbage !arrot onion tomato !hi!ken sausage turke$ steak ri!e pi77a !ake beer la mantequilla el hela o la san 8a el brO!ol la !ol la 7anahoria la !ebolla el tomate el pollo la sal!hi!ha el pavo el biste! el arro7 la pi77a el pastel la !erve7a !heese grape vegetables potato !u!umber lettu!e spina!h beef u!k ham lamb pork noo les spaghetti (ui!e "ine

el queso la uva las ver uras la patata el pepino la le!huga la espina!a la ternera el pato el (am9n el !or ero el !er o los fi eos los espaguetis el 7umo el vino

$al-ing a!out the computer

#a !omputa ora no fun!iona. Te!lea en la !omputa ora. 5l te!la o C the ke$boar 5n el internet C on the internet Internet C internet 0eb page C la pEgina "eb 5mail a The !omputer oes not "ork. 4e t$pes on the !omputer. 5l rat9n C the mouse 5mail C e !orreo ele!tr9ni!o 0ebsite C sitio "eb 5mail a ress C la ire!!i9n ele!tr9ni!o

ress: b C arroba, .!om C punto !om

$al-ing a!out Poco

Po!o C a fe" or a little po!os perros po!as perras un po!o mEs po!o a po!o 4ablo un po!o e espa'ol. a fe" male ogs or a fe" male an female ogs a fe" female ogs a little more a little b$ little I speak a little bit of Spanish.


Prepositions )on
>!on? means >"ith? .e gusta el !afO !on una !u!harilla e a7N!ar. Sofia !orta el pan !on un !u!hillo. I like !offee "ith one spoon of sugar Sofia !uts the brea "ith a knife

>%on? means >to? or >"ith? "hen talking to someone Kuiero hablar !on el estu iante I "ant to talk toA"ith the stu ent

%on is use "ith >getting marrie ? 5lla !asarse !on un hombre ri!o She is getting marrie to a ri!h man

>%asarse? means >getting marrie ? but >!asar? means >marr$? as in the priest is marr$ing a !ouple. Ise >!onsigo? instea of >!on? "hen $ou are talking about the sub(e!t 5stE llevan o a los libros !onsigo. 4e is taking the books "ith him. )llevan o C present progressive tense* Sarah is living "ith him. )not talking about the sub(e!t, use !on an preposition pronoun*

Sarah vive !on Ol.

Prepositions & Pero & Sino

Pero C but
.aria no es alta pero ba(a .aria is not tall but short

Sino C rather, on the !ontrar$ Xl no es estNpi o, sino emasia o inteligente 4e is not stupi , on the !ontrar$ he is too intelligent

Possessi%e Pronouns
Possessive pronouns
.as!uline singular 5l .8o 5l Tu$o 5l Su$o 2eminine singular #a .8a #a Tu$a #a Su$a .as!uline plural )or mi;e gen er* #os .8os #os Tu$os #os Su$os #os Nuestros #os Muestros #os Su$os 2eminine plural #as .8as #as Tu$as #as Su$as #as Nuestras #as Muestras #as Su$as

.ine ,ours ,ours formal, his, hers ,its Surs ,ours )$ou all* ,ours )$ou all formal*, theirs

5l #a Nuestra Nuestro 5l Muestro #a Muestra 5l Su$o #a Su$a

Temember "e have talke about short form possessive a (e!tives& )m$, $our, our, et!*. The$ are pla!e before nouns. No" "e shall talk about long forms of possessive a (e!tives "hi!h are pla!e after the nouns. Sometimes, possessive pronouns a!t as long forms of possessive a (e!tives. Long %orms o% possessive adjectives $ Possessive pronouns acting as adjectives
.as!uline singular .8o Tu$o Su$o Nuestro Muestro Su$o 2eminine singular .8a Tu$a Su$a Nuestra Muestra Su$a .as!uline plural )or mi;e gen er* .8os Tu$os Su$os Nuestros Muestros Su$os 2eminine plural .8as Tu$as Su$as Nuestras Muestras Su$as

.$ ,our ,our formal, his, her ,its Sur ,our )$ou all* ,our )$ou all formal*, their

Bohn lee libro su$o. Bohn rea s his book #levan bolsas su$as. The$ !arr$ their bags

#ets anal$7e these senten!es el abrigo su$o C the !oat is hers >hers? is an a (e!tive, >hers? is linke to a noun >!oat? Oste es su$o C This is hers >hers? is a pronoun, no noun is state an $ou !an a >!oat? to form >this is her !oat?

Sarah talking to +avi : Q5s este asiento tu$o& )Is this seat $ours&* >$ours? is an a (e!tive, >$ours? is linke to a noun >seat? Sarah talking to +avi : No quiero usar el tu$o. )I ont "ant to use $ours.* >$ours? is a pronoun, no noun is linke to >$our?, a use $our seat? >seat? to form >I ont "ant to

6uidelines F* Is it a pronoun or an a (e!tive& 2* Is it mine, $ours, hers, his, its, ours, theirs& 3* Is it a singularAplural, mas!ulineAfeminine noun)s*& 1* Is the verb >ser? pla!e before the possessive pronoun& If $es, remove el, los, la, las. Note that possessive pronouns must agree in the quantit$ an gen er of the noun that is being mo ifie )NST the personApeople* 5;ample F Q+e quiOn son los boletos& 0hose ti!kets are these&
<ns"er: These ti!kets are theirs

< (e!tive, theirs, plural mas!uline C 5stos boletos son su$os

<ns"er: These are their ti!kets

Ising short form possessive a (e!tives C 5stos son sus boletos Ising long form possessive a (e!tives C 5stos son boletos su$os
<ns"er: These are ours. FF1

Pronoun, ours, plural mas!uline, ser is before ours C Ostos son nuestros
<ns"er: Surs are here

Pronoun, ours, plural mas!uline, not using ser C los nuestros estEn aqu8
<ns"er: Surs are "ith Paul

Pronoun, ours, plural mas!uline, ser is not before ours C los nuestros son !on Paul 5;ample 2 Paul an =ob pointing to a maga7ine )una revista*.
The$ sa$: The maga7ine is ours

< (e!tive, ours, singular mas!uline C la revista es nuestra

The$ sa$: It is our maga7ine

Ising short form possessive a (e!tives C es nuestra revista Ising long form possessive a (e!tives C es revista nuestra
The$ sa$: That is ours

Pronoun, ours, singular mas!uline, ser is pla!e before ours C Osa es nuestra
The$ sa$: Surs is at home

Pronoun, ours, singular mas!uline, not using ser C #a nuestra estE en !asa. Note that >su$os? !an mean theirs or hisAhersA$ours, so to avoi !onfusion $ou !an sa$ 5stos boletos son e ellos? )these ti!kets are theirs* 5l abrigo es e ella. The !oat is hers. 5l !arro gran e es e Ol. The big !ar is his.


?eflecti%e Pronouns
m$self $ourself himself, herself, itself $ourself )formal*, se ourselves $ourselves themselves, $ourselves )formal* se





QTe o ias& #a historia se repite.

+o $ou hate $ourself& 4istor$ repeats itself.

<tta!h refle!tive pronouns to the verbs espe!iall$ if there is >to? or >!an? or >must? tienes que amarte )atta!h >te? to amar* C $ou have to love $ourself ebemos respetarnos C "e must respe!t ourselves )atta!h >nos? to respetar* la historia pue e repetirse C histor$ !an repeat itself )atta!h >se? to repetir* los agri!ultores quieren golpearse C the farmers "ant to hit themselves )atta!h >se? to golpear*

Tefle!tive pronouns are al"a$s use "ith refle!tive verbs. Tefle!tive verbs usuall$ have >se? atta!he to the verbs as sho"n belo". Paul lava su !arro. Paul se lava la !ara. Paul "ashes his !ar. Paul "ashes his fa!e.

Note: <s mentione previousl$, "hen referring to bo $ parts, use the efinite arti!le, so Vla !araV not Vsu !ara.

+u!har C to sho"er $o u!ho tN u!has OlAellaAuste u!ha nosotrosA3 as u!hamos vosotrosA3 as u!hEis ellosAellasA uste es u!han

5llos u!han las plantas !on agua +u!harseC to sho"er oneself $o me u!ho tN te u!has OlAellaAuste se u!ha

The$ sho"er the plants "ith "ater

nosotrosA3 as nos u!hamos

vosotrosA3 as os u!hEis

ellosAellasA uste es se u!han

=ob se u!ha. 5llos se u!han una ve7 a la semana. =a'ar C to bathe $o ba'o tN ba'as OlAellaAuste ba'a

=ob is taking a sho"er. The$ take a sho"er on!e a "eek.

nosotrosA3 as ba'amos

vosotrosA3 as ba'Eis

ellosAellasAuste es ba'an

=a'amos el gato =a'arse C To bathe oneself $o me ba'o tN te ba'as

0e are bathing the !at

OlAellaAuste se ba'a

nosotrosA3 as nos ba'amos

vosotrosA3 as os ba'Eis

ellosAellasA uste es se ba'an

5llos se ba'an to as las ma'anas.

The$ bath ever$ morning.


#avar C to "ash $o lavo tN lavas OlAellaAuste lava nosotrosA3 as lavamos vosotrosA3 as lavEis ellosAellasA uste es lavan

#avan los platos #avamos las ventanas #avarse C to "ash oneself $o me lavo tN te lavas

The$ "ash the plates 0e "ash the "in o"s

OlAellaAuste se lava

nosotrosA3 as nos lavamos

vosotrosA3 as os lavEis

ellosAellasA uste es se lavan

.e lavo la !abe7a

0ash m$ hea )la !abe7a C the hea , o not sa$ mi !abe7a* Sofia "ashes her fa!e. )la !ara C the fa!e*

Sofia se lava la !ara.

.e lavo los ientes $ me !epillo el !abello. =rush m$ teeth an brush m$ hair. Mivir C To live $o vivo tN vives OlAellaAuste vive nosotrosA3 as vivimos vosotrosA3 as viv8s ellosAellasA uste es viven

,o vivo aqu8 Miven en el O!imo piso

I live here The$ live on the tenth floor.


Sr enar C To or er $o or eno tN or enas OlAellaAuste or ena nosotrosA3 as or enamos vosotrosA3 as or enEis ellosAellasA uste es or enan

Kuiero or enar !omi a. Te or eno es!u!har %onseguir C to get $o !onsigo tN

I "ant to or er foo I or er $ou to listen


!onsigues !onsigue

vosotrosA3 as !onseguimos !onsegu8s


ellosAellasA uste es !onsiguen

+avi !onsigue el me i!amento %onsiguen un mapa <gregar C To a $o agrego tN agregas

+avi is getting the me i!ation The$ are getting a map

OlAellaAuste agrega

nosotrosA3 as agregamos

vosotrosA3 as agregEis

ellosAellasA uste es agregan

<grego el inero (untos <gregan las !arreteras a la autopista Preferir C To prefer $o prefiero tN prefieres OlAellaAuste prefiere

I a the mone$ together The$ are a ing roa s to the high"a$.

nosotrosA3 as preferimos

vosotrosA3 as prefer8s

ellosAellasA uste es prefieren

Prefiero el vesti o a7ul. Preferimos el !afO al tO.

I prefer the blue ress. 0e prefer !offee to tea. )0e prefer the !offee to the tea, a U el C al*

5s!ribir C to "rite $o es!ribo tN es!ribes OlAellaAuste es!ribe nosotrosA3 as es!ribimos vosotrosA3 as es!rib8s ellosAellasA uste es es!riben

The tea!her "ants the bo$s to "rite the ans"er. 5l profesor quiere los !hi!os es!ribir la respuesta. Patear C To ki!k $o pateo tN pateas OlAellaAuste patea nosotrosA3 as pateamos vosotrosA3 as pateEis ellosAellasA uste es patean

Pateamos las pie ras. 5l mesero patea la ove(a en el ormitorio. %o!inar C to !ook $o !o!ino tN !o!inas OlAellaAuste !o!ina

0e ki!k the stones. The "aiter ki!ks the sheep in the be room

nosotrosA3 as !o!inamos

vosotrosA3as !o!inEis

ellosAellasA uste es !o!inan

2re !o!ina mu$ bien. 2re !ooks ver$ "ell. 5l elefante !o!ina su almuer7o en el avi9n. The elephant !ooks its lun!h in the plane.


Preparar C to prepare $o preparo tN prepares OlAellaAuste prepara nosotrosA3 as preparamos vosotrosA3 as preparEis ellosAellasA uste es preparan

.i mamE prepara la !ena.

.$ mom prepares inner.

%omer C to eat $o !omo tN !omes OlAellaAuste !ome nosotrosA3 as !omemos vosotrosA3 as !omOis ellosAellasA uste es !omen

Q%omen a la una e la tar e& .i !one(o mas!ota !ome el plato.

+o the$ eat at Fpm& .$ pet rabbit eats from a plate.

5n el restaurante, esa ni'a !ome un pes!a o $ un pollo para esa$uno. In the restaurant, that !hil eats a fish an a !hi!ken for breakfast.


+esa$uno )noun* C =reakfast

$o esa$uno tN esa$unas OlAellaAuste esa$una

+esa$unar )verb* C to have breakfast

nosotrosA3as esa$unamos vosotrosA3 as esa$unEis ellosAellasAuste es esa$unan

+esa$unamos en la sala. <lmuer7o C lun!h )noun* $o almuer7o tN

0e eat breakfast in the living room. <lmor7ar )verb* C to have lun!h OlAellaAuste nosotrosA3 vosotrosA3 ellosAellasA as as uste es almor7amos almor7Eis almuer7an

almuer7as almuer7a

<lmuer7an en el !ome or. +inner C !ena )noun* $o !eno tN !enas

The$ are having lun!h in the ining room. %enar )verb* C to have inner

OlAellaAuste !ena

nosotrosA3 as !enamos

vosotrosA3 as !enEis

ellosAellasA uste es !enan

No pue o !enar !on ti.

I !annot have inner "ith $ou.

%ontar C to !ount )to !ount, relate, tell* $o !uento tN !uentas OlAellaAuste !uenta nosotrosA3 as !ontamos vosotrosA3 as !ontEis ellosAellasA uste es !uentan

5lla !uenta !on sus e os 5l !amarero !uenta sus propinas. $ C plus )U* ivi i o por C ivi e b$ )c*

She is !ounting on her fingers. The "aiter !ounts his tips. por C times );* son C equals )C*

menos C minus )3*


<mar C to love $o amo tN amas OlAellaAuste ama nosotrosA3as amamos vosotrosA3as ellosAellasA uste es amEis aman

#ola amas los animales. ,o amo a mis pa res. /ustar C To like

I $o me gusta gustan $ou tN te gusta gustan

#ola love animals. I love m$ parents.

heAsheAitA$ou )formal* OlAellaAuste le gusta gustan

"e nosotros A3as nos gusta gustan

$ou all vosotrosA 3as os gusta gustan

Singular noun Plural noun

the$Athe$A$o u all )formal* ellosAellasA uste es les gusta gustan

If a noun is pla!e after the verb >gustar?, the verb "ill !hange a!!or ingl$. I love the book C .e gusta el libro >me? be!ause of >I? >/usta? be!ause of >the book? C see un er >le? is the verb >gusta? I love the books C me gustan los libros >me? be!ause of >I? >/ustan? be!ause of >the books? C see un er >les? is the verb >gustan? .i hermano le gusta ibu(ar va!as $ toros ).$ brother loves to ra" !o"s an bulls* >le? be!ause of >brother? >gusta? be!ause of > ra"ing? un er >le?

%onsi er the senten!e as > ra"ing !o"s an bulls pleases m$ brother?


.argaret no le gusta !o!inar. ).argaret oesnWt like to !ook.* >le? be!ause of >.argret? >gusta? bea!ause of >!ooking? un er >le?

%onsi er the senten!e as >!ooking oes not pleases .argaret?. )It oes not pleases .argaret* Put the preposition >a? in front of the pronoun to stress on the person that $ou are talking about. <fter >a? shoul be a preposition pronoun. < m8 me gusta na ir < =ob le gusta bailar < ti te gusta !enar Ise >to? instea of >ing? Sarah le gusta es!ribir Te gusta traba(ar Sarah likes to "rite. )instea of heAshe likes "riting* ,ou like to "ork. )instea of $ou like "orking* I love to s"im )fo!us on me* =ob loves to an!e )fo!us on =ob* ,ou like to eat inner )fo!us on $ou*

<voi using gustar to talk about liking people >.e gusta Sr. Nube,? C I like .r. Nube so mu!h that I "oul !onsi er ating him ),u!kkk----* If $ou like .r. Nube as a frien , use >Sr. Nube me !ae bien? >.e gustar8a? means "hat $ou "oul like to o no" or in the future QKuO le gustar8a !omer& .e gustar8a ganar mu!ho inero 0hat "oul $ou like to eat& I "oul like to earn a lot of mone$


5n!antar C to like I $o me en!anto $ou tN te en!antas heAsheA$o u )formal* OlAellaA uste le en!anta "e nosotrosA3 as nos en!antamos $ou all vosotrosA3 as os en!antEis the$Athe$A $ou all )formal* ellosAellasA uste es les en!antan

Similarl$, if a noun is pla!e after the verb >en!antar?, the verb "ill !hange a!!or ingl$. < las ni'as les en!antan las mesas. )The girls like the tables, the tables pleases the girls* >#es? be!ause of the >girls? >en!antan? be!ause of the >tables? Nos en!anta este lugar. )0e like this pla!e, the pla!e pleases us* >Nos? be!ause of >"e? >en!anta? be!ause of the >pla!e?

.e en!anta estu iar inglOs )I love to stu $ 5nglish, stu $ing 5nglish pleases me* >.e? be!ause of >I? >en!anta? be!ause of >stu $ing?


in the end
after a long an e;!iting a$, Sr. Nube, Sra. Nube an #ola "ent home. Petro: 4ola- <ll of $ou are ba!k together.

Sr. Nube: In ee . I met $our mum an $our sister "hile visiting m$ frien s. Sra. Nube: ,a an I almost got a heart atta!k. Petro: 4eart atta!k& 0hat happene & #ola: 0e sa" all kin s of !ra7$ people, animals an even vegetablesPetro: 0hat& Sra. Nube: +an!ing vegetables, a bo$ that keeps a bear as his pet. There are too man$ things to sa$.

Sr. Nube: 4e$- 0h$ not $ou, $es $ou, the rea er of this book tell Petro "hat happene to a$ in Spanish& Sra. Nube: Share it "ith Petro in Spanish an share it "ith $our frien s too. I bet $ou the$ "ill be ama7e -


I "oul like to thank all the e itors an illustrators for all the har "ork. I "oul also like to thank the follo"ing "ebsites for their "on erful pi!tures. .u!has /ra!ias. %op$right 2ree Images +/ =o$7 +esign 2ree +igital Photos Spen %lipart #ibrar$ Publi! +omain Photos """.!op$right3free3images.!om """. gbo$7.!om """.free """.open! """.publi!3 omain3photos.!om


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