You are on page 1of 6 WARM-UP Here is word cloud based on the topic we are going to discuss. 1.

Can you guess the topic?

2. Can you add some more words in the cloud? 3. What makes a hotel a Green one? Give examples for each feature. Water usage

Heating and cooling


Food Towels and linen Transportation Recycling programme Lighting

4. Have you ever chosen one for your accommodation? If not why ACTIVITIES 1. Watch/Listen to the video and answer the questions. Click on the link below 2. Alternatively you can answer more questions here. 1. How is temperature regulated in the building? . 2. What kind of materials are used for the construction of the building? . 3. How are the needs of the hotel in water met? . 4. What is being used for the regeneration of power? . 5. What could only put off guests? . 3. Do the crossword
1 2 3

2. 4. 5. 7. 8. Describes a form of energy that can be produced as quickly as it is used. Global ..................: an increase in the temperature of the Earth caused by pollution. Carbon .......................: measures how much we harm the environment in our everyday lives. ............. energy: energy that uses the power of the sun The ............... effect refers to gases which cause the atmosphere of the Earth to increase.

1. 3. 6. Used water that can be recycled and reused A big hole in the ground where waste is taken and left Food grown without the use of artificial chemicals

POST LISTENING/WATCHING What kind of people would choose this hotel for their stay? Visit Tripadvisor and read reviews about the hotel mentioned in the video. Tell the class about your findings Create a page in Padlet and add the following Name one thing you do everyday to lower your carbon footprint

Teachers key and notes 1)Let the students guess the topic. Explain and define the words in the word cloud. 2)Ask them to enlarge the cloud by adding more words.(carbon dioxide emission, renewable energy sources, organic food etc) 3) Water usage Heating and cooling Food Towels and linen Transportation Recycling programme Lighting system
Recycling waste water, reusing water for gardening Using solar and wind energy to heat and cool a building Grow organic food, buy local grown food Organic cotton, re-use of thses items On site transportation with green vehicles Recycling bins, compost Energy efficient light bulbs,automatic switch on/off when not used

ACTIVITIES 1) The answers are immediate 2) 1. underground boreholes, geothermal heat pumps, clever equipment to swith on/off appliances according to usage 2. Hollow recycled plastic balls were mixed in with the cement. 3. Grey water, rainwater and sub soil water is reused for irrigation, gardening and growing food. 4. Gum equipment in use and solar panels 5. Its proximity to the airport 3) Crossword answers


(example of a wall)

This hotel near Cape Town airport claims to be the greenest in Africa. Among the environmentally-friendly systems used to build and run the hotel are 100 underground boreholes that regulate the building's temperature, saving on energy costs. Other smart technology includes intelligent control that switches off air conditioning in unoccupied areas and ground-source heat pumps that use underground water to help respond to the building's heating and cooling needs. The hotel's sustainability engineer explained how it works. "We can circulate water through these pipes, and basically access the temperature of the ground. In summer what that means is when we've got lots of cooling demand, we've got excess hot water. So just imagine it's a 30 degree day outside, which is quite common here in Cape Town, and the ground is at an undisturbed 19 degrees, so we circulate hot water through the ground. It cools down by getting rid of some of that energy to the ground and comes back up cooler," said Andre Harms. As well as geothermal water temperature control, environmentallyfriendly techniques were used to reduce the amount of building material used. Hollow recycled plastic balls were mixed in with the cement. While maintaining the building's structural integrity, this method reduces the amount of concrete used -- up to one third according to engineers. A considerable saving considering how much energy it takes to produce cement. The recycling of grey water, the relatively clean waste water from baths, sinks, washing machines, and other kitchen appliances, for use in toilet flushing for instance, also helps bring down the hotel's consumption. And finally, rainwater and subsoil water is also put to good use. "The water table is somewhere in the region of my waist and that needs to be drained out of here. And basically what we do as opposed to just dumping that into storm water, we're actually moving it into the tank from where we can use it for car washing, irrigating and other outside activities," says Andre Harms. Solar panels located on the northern face of the building not only provide power but also shade for the windows that get the most sun.

While keeping fit, hotel guests also contribute to the power supply when using the gym. And the elevators partly run on generative power, which makes use of excess elevator energy, saving up to one third of electricity usage. As for the hotel garden, it is irrigated with rainwater and subsoil water that has been filtered using aquaponics, a system of aquaculture in which fish waste supplies the nutrients for underwater plants, which in turn purify the water. The garden provides the hotel's chefs with fresh vegetables and herbs for their dishes. It is estimated that all these water-saving measures help reduce the amount of drinking water used by up to one-third. The aim is to keep the hotel's carbon footprint as low as possible: "We grow our own lettuce and herbs in our aquaponics and we are also in the process of starting our own vegetables in that. And we're sourcing our vegetables from small companies within a 160kilometre radius," says sous-chef Yolande Burger. The hotel, which opened in August, has already won an ecological award. Whether its guests will actually be able to enjoy a venue located just a few hundred metres from an airport is another question.


Created by Eleni Tsagari

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