Are Humans Responsible For Global Warming ?

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Humans activities responsible for global warming. But some argument that the recent global warming is due to natural fluctuations and not to human activities. Some facts of global warming caused by man and nature is the cause of gas CO2 has increased since the industrial era. The global climate has fluctuated considerably over the Earths history. It is true that the Earths climate has exhibited wide swings over geologic time due to natural processes. But scientists say that an increase in greenhouse gases caused by humans is also a major factor in increasing the world's climate. Some of these arguments there is a contradiction with the facts that occurred recently. In the 1950s climate scientists deny the existence of global warming, but the existence of global cooling. Many Scientists of the time argued that whatever the cause of the cooling, natural or otherwise, it would eventually be overshadowed by the warming effect of carbon dioxide. But scientists do not deny that the current warming is not natural. The scientists also did not deny that the current warming is not natural, because the effect of global warming is caused mostly by nature. But human life a little too much influence.

DIFFICULT WORDS : Overshadowed , Fallacies , Considerable , Imminent , Appreciable



Nanotechnology is a hope for many health professionals. In medicine, nanotechnology is used to fight and prevent diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease. By using nanotechnology, neural degeneration can help in early detection of injuries and allow Alzheimer's disease. With the development of time, the experts have found drugs that rely on silver to cure cancer and Alzheimer's disease. The presence of silver, the experts are still researching on how the process of nanoparticle synthesis and function of proteins. And well researched about the phosphotyrosine of gram-positive and gram-negative that cause many diseases. In addition, gram-negative bacteria also have an enzyme system that can make the capsule resistant to antibiotics. Positive and gram negative bacteria in addition to causing damage there are also benefits. The presence of the gram negative nanoparticles can be resisted. However, experts from the research is certainly no weakness itself. Because of the bacteria itself is a gram-negative bacteria are the most dangerous in causing the disease, experts must also lack in research. Resulting in the use of nanotechnology should be the safety for experts and consumers.

DIFFICULT WORD : Deformation, Facbrication, Evolve

RIZA MURIANA 12/331287/PA/14564


Today, global warming has increased. The temperature at the earth's surface occurs irregularly. The earth's surface becomes erratic and weather becomes more extreme. Since they can threaten human health through several routes. Most directly, temperature in the world could suddenly become much hotter or even much colder. Indirectly, a wide range of emerging diseases in the world such as malaria and dengue fever are both caused by mosquitoes. Warming itself brought drought made it difficult to get healthy water. The result was the outbreak of diseases such as dehydration, diarrhea and fever attack. Floods bring cholera outbreaks due to consumption of contaminated water. Extreme climate change makes a lot of insects that evolve resistance to a variety of conditions. There was an explosion of rodent. Global warming experts have prepared step by step to resolve this issue. Among others, provide vaccines and medications. warn people to filter contaminated water. And reduce burning of fossil fuels to reduce the production of carbon dioxide in the air. Restore forest functions to absorb carbon dioxide and floowaters and to filter contaminated water. It should be done considering cause our health is very important.

DIFFICULT WORDS: Resurgence, Afflicts, Resilience, Menacing, Upheaval

WAHYU KURNIAWATI 12/330719/PA/14388


In this century, the serious problem humans is global warming . Global warming of the earth is rising in extreme temperatures. A result that caused the global warming them from coastal flooding, increased extreme weather, spreading disease and more severe if the polar ice caps melt causing sea levels rising. Many believe the main cause is CO2, the fact that CO2 is not the only cause of global warming. Many other factors such as the greenhouse effect, and the excessive use of aerosol that produced methane gas from coal mines, landfills and most of it is from the farm. Although CO2 may have little effect in the short term, but it remains an important reduction is done for the long-term impacts of climate change due to CO2 heats the atmosphere for decades to centuries, while short-lived aerosol air settled in just a month. New strategies to reduce the problem of global warming is by reducing or eliminating the consumption of animal products, at least removes one major source of methane gas and other ways to reduce the use of aerosols in our lives.

DIFFICULT WORDS : Culprits, Roughly, Rangeland, Lagoons

RISKA SARI 12/331258/PA/14540

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