Week 29 High School Using Salt To Melt Ice Edited

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Using Salt to Melt Ice Cubes


Using Salt to Melt Ice Cubes

Chemistry 912 Science as Inquiry

50 minutes

OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) (information, concepts to be learned): Students will design an e !eriment that quanti"ies the e""ecti#eness o" di""erent salts to melt ice at di""erent tem!eratures Students will draw conclusions "rom their e !eriment$ conduct research that su!!orts their e !erimental results$ and submit an essay that discusses the chemical nature o" each salt when reacting with ice% Vocabular M!l"#$% &o#$"&the tem!erature at which solid and liquid coe ist in equilibrium% Nor'al bo#l#$% &o#$"(the tem!erature at which boiling occurs when there is e actly 1 atm o" e ternal !ressure% Ma"!r#al) '!er grou! o" 2( students) * ice cubes made "rom ta! water * ice cube trays * ( bea+ers * graduated cylinder * sodium chloride 'table salt) * calcium chloride 'road salt) * magnesium sul"ate ',!som salt) * access to a "ree-er * thermometer

Using Salt to Melt Ice Cubes '.igh School le#el)

Ac"#*#" /E$%a%!'!$" (reinforcing lesson, making real-world connection) /rgani-e the students into grou!s o" 2(% ,ngage students in the "ollowing questions and conce!ts0 .ow does ice melt1 2hen you add salt to water$ you introduce dissol#ed "oreign !articles into the water% 3he "ree-ing !oint o" water becomes lower as more !articles are added until the !oint where the salt sto!s dissol#ing% 2hat ha!!ens to a salt when it is added to water1 2hat hy!othesis can we ma+e about some salts used to melt ice1 4oo+ at the "ollowing "ormulas "or salts with the class and solicit in"erences as to how these molecules are structured% Calcium chloride CaCl2 'ty!e o" road salt) Sodium chloride 5aCl 'table salt) Magnesium sul"ate MgS/6 ',!som salt) 3ry to ha#e the students begin to "ormulate a hy!othesis "or an e !erimental design% 3ell the students they will be organi-ed into grou!s o" 2($ and they will ha#e to design an e !eriment that accurately quanti"ies the ability o" each salt to melt or not to melt ice% Students will be awarded credit based on how many #ariables they can test "or and "or conclusions that demonstrate thorough in#estigations into the !ro!erties o" each salt and its e""ect on ice% .a#e students "ill in a hy!othesis or$ i" a!!ro!riate$ students can write down a guiding question in !lace o" a hy!othesis% ,ncourage each grou! to wor+ on a method "or testing the salts% 2hile each grou! deliberates be sure they include #ariables such as tem!erature and mass$ and use a control grou!% 7ll methods$ regardless o" the ty!e o" e !eriment conducted$ will most li+ely ha#e to include these #ariables as !art o" a good e !erimental design% , !erimental designs will #ary% 8iscuss with students some methods that they ha#e decided to em!loy in their e !eriments% 9e sure to !ay close attention to methods that lac+ a good methodology% Some general questions "or !laces where students may need hel! may include the "ollowing0 .ow can students account "or the amount o" ice melted1 2ill students ma+e the ice "irst and then melt it1 Can the students ma+e s!eci"ic solutions and attem!t to "ree-e them1 .ow will students measure the ingredients and account "or them1

Using Salt to Melt Ice Cubes '.igh School le#el)

Co$clu+#$% +#)cu))#o$/ac"#*#"#!) .a#e each student grou! re!ort to the class to discuss what their data show% Can the class create a class conclusion1 I" so$ what is it1 /nce all the students ha#e com!leted an e""ecti#e e !eriment ha#e them !re!are a grou! !resentation to the class about their results% 3heir main conclusion should e !lain their methods and why they consider it to be a well*designed method% /nce all the results are in "rom each com!leted e !eriment$ engage in a class discussion to decide and #ote on which method !er"ormed best$ and why%

Using Salt to Melt Ice Cubes '.igh School le#el)

Student 2or+sheet "or Using Salt to Melt Ice Cubes 5ame0 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Materials a#ailable0 * ice * ice trays * water * thermometer * 100 ml graduated cylinder * classroom balance 'o!tional) * calcium chloride CaCl2 'ty!e o" road salt) * sodium chloride 5aCl 'table salt) * magnesium sul"ate MgSo6 ',!som salt) ;rocedure0 Lab safety equipment should be used, and safety protocols followed. <rou! hy!othesis or guiding question0 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : <rou! ;rocedure0 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8ate0 ::::::::::::::

Using Salt to Melt Ice Cubes '.igh School le#el)

Using Salt to Melt Ice Cubes '.igh School le#el)

8ata 3able's)0 /b=ect Mass o" Mass o" Mass o" >olume o" water 3em!erature o" water 3em!erature o" ice 3em!erature o" "ree-er 3ime to melt Measurement


7dditional 8ata 3able 'can be used "or re!eated trials or to e !eriment with other #ariables)0 /b=ect Measurement Mass o" Mass o" Mass o" >olume o" water 3em!erature o" water 3em!erature o" ice 0%0?C 3em!erature o" "ree-er 3ime to melt

Da"a a$+ Ob)!r*a"#o$) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : Using Salt to Melt Ice Cubes '.igh School le#el) @

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Using Salt to Melt Ice Cubes '.igh School le#el)

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