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Ordinal numbers tell what order: the first, the second, the third... Cardinal numbers are used for counting: one, two, three, four...

First, review the ways weve studied using the present perfect so far: 1. a. How long have you lived in Quebec? b. Ive lived here for three years now. 2. So far, no one has said anything a about it to me. 3. Up to now, Ive been lucky because my rent has been so low, but I think the landlord might raise it. 4. a. Have you ever taken a Spanish class? b. Yes, I have. I took one in high school. 5. He hasnt ever said anything about it. = He has never said anything about it. 6. How many times have you gone back to your country? How many students in the class have won money in the lottery before? 7. My daughter has been sick a lot lately. If she doesnt get better, Ill have to take her to the doctor. 8. She is the best teacher that Ive ever had. 9. Over the last year, my son has grown six inches. Hes almost as tall as I am now! In addition to the situations above, we also use the pre present perfect with ordinal numbers.

You often use the present perfect in a clause (a subject and verb) that follows an ordinal number (first, second, third, etc.): 10. 11. 12. This is the first time that theyve ever been to this country. (in their whole lives) This is the third test that he has given us. (so far this semester, up to now) Im here for another interview. This is the second time that theyve asked me to come in (since they started interviewing people people). I hope they offer me the job this time! I like working here. Its the first job that Ive had where I can practice my English (since I started working here in this country) country).


Important: : You only use present perfect if the event or experience youre talking about (the first time, the third test, the second job) is still connected to the present (since, so far, up to now, in my whole life, before). In the following examples, the event or experience is not connected to the present, so the verbs are not in present perfect tense; theyre in simple past. 14. Washing dishes in a restaurant was the first job that I had. I was 14. (My experience, washing dishes, is something I did when I was a teenager. Im not a teenager anymore, so I cannot use present per perfect. I use SIMPLE PAST instead.) The first thing that I ate tasted funny, so I put it down and tried something else. (My activity, tasting food, is finished. Im not tasting food anymore, so I use SIMPLE PAST.) The last time that he saw his parents was when he got on the plane to come to this country. Unfortunately, he never got to see them again. (The time period for the event, seeing his parents, is in the past.)

15. 16.

Book4ClassSetAW07-2 Roland Trego revised 11/24/2013 4:53 PM

Exercise. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb forms. document: 5-Book4ClassSetAW07-1

1. Im nervous! This is the first time that (I ever go) ______________________ on a job interview. Wish me luck, O.K.? 2. This is the first time that (I ride) ______________________ on one of these new buses. Theyre bigger than the old ones, arent they? 3. The principal was the last person that (she speak to) ______________________ at the meeting yesterday. 4. Excuse me, this is the first time that (I ever take) ______________________ the subway. Do you know if it stops at Powell Street? 5. a. Do you know your way around? (=Are you familiar with the place?) b. No. This is the first time that (I ever be) ______________________ here. 6. No, I was the second person that (she call) ______________________ after the accident. Her father was the first. 7. This is the third test that (she fail) ______________________ this semester. I wonder whats wrong. She usually does so well on them. 8. This is the fourth time this month that (you be) ______________________ late for work. Im sorry, but Im going to have to write you up. (write a letter for someones personnel file about poor work behavior or habits) 9. When he came home from work, going into the kitchen and opening a beer was always the first thing that (he do) ______________________ . 10. This is the first pronunciation class that (he ever teach) ______________________ , so hes going to need more time to prepare for it. 11. Jean Simmons was the first woman that (he marry) ______________________. After they got divorced, he married Patricia Moon. 12. Christmas was the last time that (we ever see) ______________________ him. He passed away a week later. Exercise. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb forms. document: 5-Book4ClassSetAW07-1

1. Im nervous! This is the first time that (I ever go) ______________________ on a job interview. Wish me luck, O.K.? 2. This is the first time that (I ride) ______________________ on one of these new buses. Theyre bigger than the old ones, arent they? 3. The principal was the last person that (she speak to) ______________________ at the meeting yesterday. 4. Excuse me. This is the first time that (I ever take) ______________________ the subway. Do you know if it stops at Powell Street? 5. a. Do you know your way around? (=Are you familiar with the place?) b. No. This is the first time that (I ever be) ______________________ here. 6. No, I was the second person that (she call) ______________________ after the accident. Her father was the first. 7. This is the third test that (she fail) ______________________ this semester. I wonder whats wrong. She usually does so well on them. 8. This is the fourth time this month that (you be) ______________________ late for work. Im sorry, but Im going to have to write you up. (write a letter for someones personnel file about poor work behavior or habits) 9. When he came home from work, going into the kitchen and opening a beer was always the first thing that (he do) ______________________ . 10. This is the first pronunciation class that (he ever teach) ______________________ , so hes going to need more time to prepare for it. 11. Jean Simmons was the first woman that (he marry) ______________________ . After they got divorced, he married Patricia Moon. 12. Christmas was the last time that (we ever see) ______________________ him. He passed away a week later.

Book4ClassSetAW07-2 Roland Trego revised 11/24/2013 4:53 PM

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