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Dr. William D.

Kimsey 5 September 2005

I. PERSONAL Date of Birth: October 11, 1950 Address: 50 E er! St., "arriso#b$r%, &A ''(01 )arita* Stat$s: )arried, + chi*dre#, E,ce**e#t "ea*th -e*e.ho#e: "o e: /5+00 51(215+0 Office /5+00 53(23+93 E2)ai*: 4i se!5D67 $.ed$ II. ED89A-ION So$ther# I**i#ois 8#i:ersit! Ari<o#a State 8#i:ersit! East -e##essee State 8#i:ersit! III. E?PERIEN9E 199( 2 1999 -eachi#% @e**oA. &iet#a Natio#a* 8#i:ersit!, "a#oi, &iet#a . $#icatio# St$dies, $#icatio# $#icatio# $#icatio#, 9o $#icatio#;Research )ethods "$ a# 9o $#icatio# S.eech a#d =o$r#a*is Ph.D. ).A. B.S. 11 15 1>

199> 2 .rese#t Professor of 9o $#icatio# /te#$re0. Schoo* of 9o =a es )adiso# 8#i:ersit!, "arriso#b$r%, &ir%i#ia. 19(5 2 199' Associate Professor of 9o $#icatio#. Schoo* of 9o St$dies, =a es )adiso# 8#i:ersit!, "arriso#b$r%, &ir%i#ia 1919 2 19(5 Assista#t Professor of 9o $#icatio#. Schoo* of 9o St$dies, =a es )adiso# 8#i:ersit!, "arriso#b$r%, &ir%i#ia.

1911 2 1919 Assista#t Professor of 9o $#icatio#, e#t of 9o 8#i:ersit! of &ir%i#ia, 9har*ottes:i**e, &ir%i#ia. I&. P8BLI9A-IONS

Mediator Communication Competencies: Problem Solving and Transformative Practices /5th ed.0. Bosto#: Pearso# P$b*ishi#%, '005. A# I#:esti%atio# of &iet#a ese B$si#ess )a#a%ersB Perce.tio# of 9o $#icatio# 9o .ete#ce a#d 9o#f*ict )a#a%e e#t St!*e. Asian Profiles, :o*. >' /'0, '00+, ...1'12 1>5.

9ross29$*t$ra* 9o .ariso# of 9o $#icatio# A..rehe#sio# BetAee# A erica#s a#d &iet#a ese. Asian Profiles, :o*. >1 /+0, '00>, ... >112>'1. 9ON@LI9-AL4: A# I#str$ e#t for )eas$ri#% Co$th a#d Ado*esce#t 9o#f*ict )a#a%e e#t )essa%e St!*es. Journal of Conflict Resolution Quarterly, :o*. '1 /10, '00>, ... 3921(. 9o#f*ict )a#a%e e#t Prefere#ces of &iet#a ese B$si#ess )a#a%ers. Asian Profile, :o*. >0 /30, '00', ... +912513. De#era* Ed$catio#, I#terdisci.*i#ar! Peda%o%!, a#d the Process of 9o#te#t -ra#sfor atio#. ducation, :o*. 1'' />0, '00', ... 5(1259+. 9o#f*ict )a#a%e e#t SEi**s E .*o!ers Desire of -heir E .*o!ees. Carolina Communications Annual, :o*. ?&I, '000, ... 12'1. 9o$rt2Referred )ediatio#: 5hose Da e Is ItF MediateCom. Ghtt.:;;AAA. ;artic*es;%a .H 9o#f*ict Protoco*s: A# I#str$ e#t for Assessi#% 9ross2c$*t$ra* 9o#f*ict. Canadian Journal of Peace Studies, :o*. >' /'0, '000, ... 112105. &iet#a B$si#ess Leaders Recei:e )ediatio# -rai#i#%. Resolutions: Supreme Court of !irginia, :o*. 1 /+0, 1999, ... +ff. A Path )ode* of 5or*d &ieA, I#to*era#ce a#d &io*e#ce. Journal of Peace Studies" 199(. A Natio#Aide S$r:e! of 9o 1991. $#it! )ediatio# 9e#ters. Mediation Quarterly, 5i#ter,

Schoo* Based )ediatio# a#d 9o#f*ict 9o $#icatio# I#str$ctio#. !irginia Social Science Journal, :o*. >1, 5i#ter 1993, ... 1>121+1. 8#dersta#di#% the -$rb$*e#t NeA "$ a# 9*i ate. Journal of Peace Studies, :o*. '( /10, @ebr$ar! 1993, ... +>25'. Mediator Communication Competence: An #nterpersonal Communication and A$R Approac%. +th ed. Edi#a, )N: B$r%ess P$b*ishi#%, 1995. )ediator Strate%ic 9hoices: A# E,.eri e#ta* St$d!. Mediation Quarterly, :o*. 1' /10, 199+. 9o$rt2Referred )ediatio#: 5hose Da e Is ItF Resolutions, :o*. ' /'0, 199+.

Se#ate Se*ect 9o ittee o# PO5;)IA Affairs: Do:er# e#t 9o ittees As )ediators. I# 9hristi#e )i**er a#d Br$ce )c4i##e! /eds.0 &overnment Commission Communication. NeA CorE: Prae%er P$b*ishi#%, I#c., )arch 199>. )ediator Liste#i#% St!*e, Dis.$te Refra i#%, )ediatio# O$tco e: A Pi*ot St$d!. Journal of t%e #nternational 'istening Association, :o*. 1, 199>. )ediator Ne$tra*it! a#d Stor!te**i#% Order. Mediation Quarterly, :o*. 10 /'0, 199'. Mediator Communication Competencies. >rd editio#. Edi#a, )N: B$r%ess P$b*ishi#%, 199'. 8se of )ediatio# i# the Reso*$tio# of 9o#f*icts i# Or%a#i<atio#a* Setti#%s. Carolinas Speec% Communication Annual, :o*. (, 199'. 9o .ariso# of I#ter#a* a#d E,ter#a* Loc$s of 9o#tro* BetAee# Retice#t a#d No#2 Retice#t St$de#ts i# Se*f2Se*ected S.eech 9o $#icatio# 9*asses. Journal of t%e #llinois Speec% and T%eater Association, :o*. +', 1990. Mediation: $ispute Resolution T%roug% communication. '#d editio#. D$b$I$e, IA: 4e#da**;"$#t P$b*ishi#%, 1990. )ediatio# a#d 9o#f*ict Reso*$tio# -rai#i#%. -rai#i#% a#d 9o $#it! )ediatio# 9e#ter. /19(( a#d 19(90 a#$a* for 9e#ter for )ediatio#

)edia E,.os$re, I#ter.erso#a* 9o $#icatio# a#d the E*ectora* Decisio# Process. Journal of t%e #llinois Communication Association, 19('. A Path )ode* of Po*itica* 9o%#itio#s a#d Attit$des, 9o $#icatio# a#d &oti#% Beha:ior i# a 9o#%ressio#a* E*ectio#. Communication Monograp%s, A$%$st, 1919. BA9 I: A# Attit$de 9ha#%e Pro%a . Journal of Mar(eting Researc%, @ebr$ar!, 191(. Se a#tics of @reedo of S.eech -er s. Ari)ona Journal of Communication, @a**, 1913. $#icatio#. Political

A Re:ieA a#d A##otatio# of Se*ected Periodica*s o# Po*itica* 9o Communication Revie*, @a**, 1913. &. SELE9-ED PRESEN-A-IONS

)eas$re e#t of the Se:e#2Phase )ode* of 9o#f*ict. A .rese#ted at the A erica# Associatio# of Ed$catio#a* Research, Sa# Die%o, 9a*ifor#ia, A.ri* '00+. -he 9*i ate of O.i#io# A o#% B$si#ess a#d Ed$catio# Leaders i# "a#oi a#d Sai%o# &iet#a 9o#cer#i#% the Need for 9o $#icatio# St$dies i# &iet#a ese Schoo*

9$rric$*$ s. A to be .rese#ted at the Natio#a* 9o )ia i, @*orida, '1 No:e ber '00>.

$#icatio# Associatio#,

9o#%re%atio#a* 9o#f*ict, Be*ie:er Dis.$te, a#d Pri#ci.*ed Reso*$tio#. A .rese#ted at the Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, NeA Or*ea#s, Lo$isia#a, No:e ber, '00'. 9o .ariso# of &iet#a ese a#d A erica#s o# 9o#f*ict )a#a%e e#t )essa%e St!*e a#d 9o $#icatio# 9o .ete#ce. A .rese#ted at the Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, NeA Or*ea#s, Lo$isia#a, No:e ber '00'. A 9ross29$*t$ra* 9o .ariso# of 9o $#icatio# A..rehe#sio# BetAee# A erica#s a#d &iet#a ese. A .rese#ted at the Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, NeA Or*ea#s, Lo$isia#a, No:e ber '00'. -he &iet#a 5ar a#d the Le%ac! of the Ro a#tic J$est. A .rese#ted at the Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, NeA Or*ea#s, Lo$isia#a, No:e ber '00'. 9ON@LI9-AL4: A# I#str$ e#t for )eas$ri#% Co$th a#d Ado*esce#t 9o#f*ict )a#a%e e#t )essa%e St!*es. A .rese#ted at the &ir%i#ia 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, Dece ber '00'. De#era* Ed$catio#, I#terdisci.*i#ar! Peda%o%! a#d the -ra#sfor atio# of 9o$rse 9o#te#t. A .rese#ted at the Associatio# for I#te%rati:e St$dies, Roa#oEe, &ir%i#ia, October >21, '001. 9o#f*ict )a#a%e e#t St!*es of &iet#a ese B$si#ess )a#a%ers. A .rese#ted at the Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, At*a#ta, Deor%ia, No:e ber, '001. -eachi#% the &iet#a ese E,ec$ti:e A erica# Pri#ci.*es of Ne%otiatio# a#d P$b*ic Re*atio#s. A co .etiti:e .a#e* .rese#ted at the Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, At*a#ta, Deor%ia, No:e ber, '001. -he Ro*e of 9o#f*ict Reso*$tio# i# &iet#a Bs )oder#i<atio#: -he A..*icatio# of Pri#ci.*ed Ne%otiatio# i# &iet#a B$si#ess. A co .etiti:e .a#e* .rese#ted at the Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, 9hica%o, 1999. K&iet#a =oi#t2&e#t$re Ne%otiatio#s: $oi Moi a#d the I .orta#ce of 5i#25i# Strate%ies. A .rese#ted at the Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, 9hica%o, 1999. 9o#f*ict )a#a%e e#t St!*es: A &iet#a ese Pers.ecti:e. A .rese#ted to the Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, NeA CorE, NeA CorE, 199(. A Path )ode* of 5or*d &ieA, I#to*era#ce, a#d &io*e#ce. A .rese#ted to the Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, 9hica%o, I**i#ois, 1991.

A Natio#Aide S$r:e! of )ediatio# 9e#ters. A .rese#ted to the Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, Sa# Die%o, 9a*ifor#ia, 1993. E .*o!ersL Perce.tio#s of I .orta#ce of 9o#f*ict a#d )ediatio# St$dies SEi**s: A )arEeti#% S$r:e! A#a*!sis. A .rese#ted to the S.eech 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, Sa# Die%o, 9a*ifor#ia, 1993. 8#dersta#di#% the -$rb$*e#t NeA "$ a# c*i ate: A# A#a*!sis Sche a for Predicti#% 9o#f*ict. A .rese#ted to the Natio#a* 9o#fere#ce o# Peace aEi#% a#d 9o#f*ict Reso*$tio#, Pittsb$r%h, Pe##s!*:a#ia, 1991 a#d to the S.eech 9o $#icatio# Associatio# 9o#fere#ce, Sa# A#to#io, -e,as, 1995. )ediatio# a#d 4ids 9o#f*ict -a*E. A .rese#tatio# at the &ir%i#ia Schoo* Board Associatio#, Do:er#orLs 9o#fere#ce o# Ed$catio#, Rich o#d, &ir%i#ia, 1995. Assessi#% 9o$rt2Referred )ediators: A# A#a*!sis of 9*ie#t a#d 9o2)ediator E:a*$atio#. A .rese#ted at the &ir%i#ia )ediatio# NetAorE, 5i**ia sb$r%, &ir%i#ia, 199+. 9o#f*ict Protoco*s: A Search for Better 8#dersta#di#%. A .rese#ted at the '#d E$ro.ea# 9o#fere#ce o# Peace aEi#% a#d 9o#f*ict Reso*$tio#, Sa# Sebastia#,, October 199+. )ediator Strate%ic 9hoices: A# E,.eri e#ta* St$d!. A .rese#ted at the S.eech 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, )ia i, @*orida, No:e ber, 199>. Schoo*2Based Dis.$te S!ste s Desi%#: 9o $#icatio# -rai#i#% i# -o*era#ce of Other Eth#ic Dro$.s. A .rese#ted at the Natio#a* 9o#fere#ce o# Peace aEi#% a#d 9o#f*ict Reso*$tio#, Port*a#d, Ore%o#, )a!, 199>. Liste#i#% St!*e, Refra i#% a#d )ediatio# O$tco e. A .rese#ted at the Natio#a* 9o#fere#ce o# Peace aEi#% a#d 9o#f*ict Reso*$tio#, 9har*otte, N9, 1991. 8#dersta#di#% Re*atio#shi.s i# a 9o#f*ict: A 9ase for 9o#siste#c! -heor!. A .rese#ted at the North A erica# 9o#fere#ce o# Peace aEi#% a#d 9o#f*ict Reso*$tio#, )o#trea*, 9a#ada, 19(9. I#trafa i*! &io*e#ce a#d -hird2Part! I#ter:e#tio#. A .rese#ted at the S.eech 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, 19((. )ediatio#: Peace -hro$%h E .oAer e#t. A .rese#ted at the I#ter#atio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, NeA Or*ea#s, LA, 19((. A# I#for atio# Process )ode* of 9a .ai%# 9o $#icatio#. A .rese#ted to the Po*itica* Di:isio# of the Easter# 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, Ba*ti ore, )ar!*a#d, 19((.

Decisio# -i e, Attit$des, 4#oA*ed%e, )edia 8se, a#d &ote I#te#tio#: -Ao .ath )ode*s. A .rese#ted to the Po*itica* Di:isio# of the I#ter#atio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, 19(1. ShoA a#d -e**: 9o $#icatio#s for "o$se of De*e%ates 9a .ai%#s. )edia Prod$ctio#s .rese#ted at the A erica# Associatio# of Po*itica* 9o#s$*ta#ts, 5ashi#%to#, D.9., 1919. A Path )ode* of Po*itica* 9o%#itio#s a#d Attit$des, 9o $#icatio# a#d &oti#% Beha:ior i# a 9o#%ressio#a* E*ectio#. A .rese#ted to the Po*itica* Di:isio# of the I#ter#atio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio#, Ber*i#, 5est Der a#!, 1911. &I. SER&I9E AND 9ONS8L-IND I#str$ctor. &ir%i#ia State 9ertificatio# thro$%h the &ir%i#ia e#t of Professio#a* a#d Occ$.atio#a* Re%$*atio# 3 co#ti#$i#% ed$catio# credit ho$rs for the co$rse KRea* Estate Ethics a#d Ne%otiatio#.M )ediator. )ediatio# Associates /B$!er;Se**er Dis.$te Sett*e e#t0, "arriso#b$r%, &ir%i#ia. /'0012.rese#t0 Ad:isor;Lect$rer, &iet#a Natio#a* 8#i:ersit!, "a#oi Schoo* of B$si#ess a#d the 9e#ter for S!ste s De:e*o. e#t, "a#oi, &iet#a . /199(2 .rese#t0 9o2director of &iet#a E,ec$ti:e St$d! -o$r /&ES-0, 9e#ter for )ediatio# a#d 9e#ter for$rshi., =a es )adiso# 8#i:ersit! a#d "a#oi Schoo* of B$si#ess. /199(0 9ertified )ediator for e#t of E .*o!ees Re*atio#s 9o$#se*or, 9o &ir%i#ia. /1991 2 '0010 o#Aea*th of

9ertified 9o$rt2Referred )ediator a#d )ediatio# -rai#er, Office of Dis.$te Reso*$tio# Ser:ices, S$.re e 9o$rt of &ir%i#ia. /199> 2 '0010 )ediator, 9e#ter for )ediatio#, =a es )adiso# 8#i:ersit! a#d 9o 9e#ter, "arriso#b$r%, &ir%i#ia. /19(1 2 .rese#t0 $#it! )ediatio#

Pro%ra Desi%#er for i#ors i# 9o#f*ict a#d )ediatio# St$dies a#d 9o#f*ict Reso*$tio# i# B$si#ess. =a es )adiso# 8#i:ersit!, "arriso#b$r%, &A /1995219930. Mediation and Conflict Resolution training include +,--. / present0: Sit$atio#a* Leadershi., B$si#ess Se i#ar, B*$e Rid%e 9o $#it! 9o**e%e Dea*i#% Aith Diffic$*t Peo.*e, Parts I N II, B*$e Rid%e 9o $#it! 9o**e%e B$i*di#% 5i##i#% Re*atio#s, 5a!#esboro Rede:e*o. e#t "o$si#% )ediatio# )!ths, Associatio# of 9o $#it! 9o**e%es )ediatio# )!ths, &ir%i#ia Associatio# of Rea*tors E#ha#ci#% 9$sto er Ser:ice22RocEi#%ha 9o$#t! Do:er# e#t, RocEi#%ha


Setti#% Bo$#daries i# I#ter.erso#a* Re*atio#shi.s, )ediatio# Associates -he Art of Rea* Estate Ne%otiatio# a#d RisE Red$ctio#, &ir%i#ia Rea*tors Associatio# -he Art of Ne%otiati#%, B*$e Rid%e 9o $#it! 9o**e%e Pri#ci.*es of Ne%otiatio# a#d Dea*i#% 5ith Diffic$*t Peo.*e, &AR, "RAR 9oordi#ator of 9o#f*ict St$dies betAee# &iet#a Natio#a* 8#i:ersit! a#d =a es )adiso# 8#i:ersit!Oe, officio 9e#ter for S!ste s De:e*o. e#t, &iet#a Natio#a* 8#i:ersit!O"a#oi, &iet#a "a#oi Schoo* of B$si#essO"a#oi, &iet#a NDOs 5orEi#% i# &iet#a O"a#oi,&iet#a &iet#a E,ec$ti:e St$d! -o$r /&ES-0 A$%$sta 9o$#t! Do:er# e#t @irst2Li#e S$.er:isors St$de#t Perso##e* a#d LaA E#force e#t 9a.e @ear 9o$#ci* of Do:er# e#ts Natio#a* 9o $#icatio# Associatio# 5oodroA 5i*so# Rehabi*itatio# &ir%i#ia e#t of Ed$catio# Assista#ts I#ter#atio#a* Associatio# of Sec$rit! Perso##e* "osta%e Ne%otiatio#s Si $*atio#s She#a#doah &a**e! Associatio# of I#s$red 5o e# E er%i#% Leaders22St$de#t Do:er# e#t Associatio# @ac$*t! Se#ate Reco#ci*iatio# 9o ittee 8#i:ersit! Proc$re e#t Office @irst Ste. 5o e#Ls She*ter e#t of E .*o!ees Re*atio#s 9o$#se*ors 9e#ter for )ediatio# Peer Mediation and Conflict Manager training include +,-12 / present0: OaE*a#d E*e e#tar! Lee "i%h Schoo* PatricE "e#r! "i%h Schoo* Lo!o*a 8#i:ersit! 8#i:ersit! of -e##essee I#dia# 8#i:ersit! 5i**ia a#d )ar! 9o**e%e Lo#%sforE E*e e#tar! Er:i#%to# E*e e#tar! 5i**ia Perr! E*e e#tar! Preside#t. Pare#t -eacher Associatio#, S.otsAood E*e e#tar! Schoo* a#d -ho as "arriso# )idd*e Schoo*, "arriso#b$r%, &A. /199+295, 93291, 9129(0 9or.orate )ediator. @araAa! @ar s E%%s, I#c., "arriso#b$r%, &A. /19910 &ice29hair. 9o#fere#ce P*a##i#% 9o ittee. &ir%i#ia )ediatio# NetAorE. /19900

9o2P*a##er of a re%io#a* co#fere#ce o# A*ter#ati:e Dis.$te Reso*$tio# i# the 9o o#Aea*th of &ir%i#ia. /19(90 9o2Director. 9e#ter for )ediatio#, =a es )adiso# 8#i:ersit!. /19(1 2 19910 Board of Directors. 9o $#it! )ediatio# 9e#ter. /19(10

I#str$ctor. Do:er#orLs Schoo* for the %ifted a#d -a*e#ted. )ar! Ba*dAi# 9o**e%e. /19(30 S$r:e! Research Director. Natio#Aide s$r:e! for the E#:iro# e#ta* )a#a%e e#t Associatio#, Lar%o, @*orida. /19(+0 )arEeti#% S$r:e! of Radio Liste#ers. 5INA, 5J)9 a#d 5)RA Radio Statio#s, =a es )adiso# 8#i:ersit!. /19(>0 Research Assista#t. Natio#a* Re.$b*ica# Se#atoria* 9o /19(00 ittee, 5ashi#%to#, D.9.

Po*itica* S$r:e! Research. &ir%i#ia Se#atoria* a#d "o$se of De*e%ates 9a .ai%#s. /19190 Preside#t. Do i#io# 9o &II. 9O8RSES -A8D"A*ter#ati:e Dis.$te Reso*$tio# 9o $#icatio# a#d 9o#f*ict Ne%otiatio# )ediatio# a#d 9o#f*ict Reso*$tio# Se#ior Se i#ar i# 9o#f*ict a#d )ediatio# St$dies @ree S.eech i# A erica I#di:id$a*s i# the "$ a# 9o $#it! Pers$asio# Po*itica* 9o $#icatio# 5riti#% for P$b*ic Re*atio#s 9o .$ter A..*icatio#s S a** Dro$. 9o $#icatio# P$b*ic S.eaEi#% S$r:e! Research )ethods B$si#ess 9o $#icatio# Basic 9o $#icatio# $#icatio#, I#c., 9har*ottes:i**e, &ir%i#ia /1919219(10

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