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4 theSun | THURSDAY AUGUST 13 2009

news without borders

‘MACC man
No notes made by officer
A 10-minute
long CCTV

confirmed viewed at
the inquest
Teoh was shows Teoh

who quizzed Teoh, says cop

(in jacket

their witness’ and light

arriving at
the Selangor
TEOH BENG HOCK was confirmed by the Malay- MACC
sian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) as being office for
their witness, the inquest was told yesterday. questioning
Insp Mohd Zulaimi Mohd Zubir, the investigat- at 6.08pm SHAH ALAM: A police investigating of Plaza Masalam after said he seized the hard disk
ing officer at the Shah Alam police headquarters’ on July 15. officer told the inquest into the death of giving a statement as g H oc k in qu est: of the CCTV recording at
crime branch, said Teoh was identified by an MACC Teoh Beng Hock that no notes were made a witness into alleged Teoh Ben Plaza Masalam and was
Who’s who
officer who was at the scene on the 5th floor of to Bernama, by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com- abuse of state govern- ordered to investigate
Plaza Masalam, which also houses the Selangor of the 16 mission (MACC) investigating officer ment allocations at the Coroner
the movements of Teoh,
MACC office on the 14th and 15th floors. who questioned Teoh. Selangor MACC office pha MACC officers and other
frames Azmil Munta
However, he said he could not determine who viewed, Insp Mohd Zulaimi Mohd Zubir, 29, located in the same Abas individuals in the build-
the MACC officer was as he forgot to note the only three of the Shah Alam police district head- building. Government ing.
name. images of quarters’ crime branch, said he did not Asked by Tan if he Tan Ho ck Chuan He said that before
“They knew the deceased was their witness find any notes while investigating the saw only one entry from (counsel appoin the seizure, he had seen
Teoh could by government) i
after I directed the policemen to uncover the 10 pages of the official daily note book July 1 to July 18, Mohd Abdul Ghan the movements on the
be seen DPP Idham
body covered by a plastic sheet. At that time, – from belonging to MACC officer Mohd Anuar Zulaimi said “yes”. r Te oh ’s fam ily CCTV recording, which
Lawyers fo
there were about four to five MACC officers in the side Ismail, seized on July 18. Earlier, Mohd Zulaimi Si ng h Deo showed Teoh entering
Go bi nd
the building, about 10m to 20m from the body,” and rear Tan Hock Chuan, the lawyer ap- said he only seized the S.N. Nair the lobby on the 4th floor
he said. – walking pointed by the government to assist in daily note book of Mohd Ram Karpal at 6.08pm.
“Even though they were not near the body, from the the inquest, confirmed that Mohd Anuar Anuar, and other police Lim Lip Eng h “The next day (follow-
Ka rp al Si ng
they could identify and see clearly the deceased’s lobby to a was responsible for questioning Teoh. officers seized other daily Se lan go r ing the incident), I was
Lawyer s fo r
face from the glass window of the building.” corner. Teoh “My examination revealed that in the books. ent instructed to identify
state governm
Asked by counsel Gobind Singh Deo, for Teoh’s was in the book under July 8, 2009, there was noted The original book is not tia z Sa rw ar the time the deceased
family, if he could identify the MACC officers there, ‘rumah/putrajaya/pejabat/tol RM’(house/ marked as an exhibit as it Malik Im iah entered (and) of the
background, Ashok Kandllai
Mohd Zulaimi said: “I can remember only one with two or putrajaya/pejabat/tol RM) only. For July is still being used and only Sreekant Pi ing brief
movements of MACC
person, an officer known as Azim. The others I 15 and 16, there were no notes made,” a copy was tendered but it ng a watch officers and other indi-
three other Lawyers holdi uncil
cannot recognise.” individuals Zulaimi (inset) said. was certified by an MACC for the Bar Co viduals in the building
led by Hisyam
He also rejected a suggestion by Gobind that it walking Teoh, 30, the political aide to Selangor deputy director. 12 lawyers who will take from 00:00 hours July
Teh Poh Te ik
was the MACC officers who actually asked the po- ahead of executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah, Mohd Zulaimi, the 11th a da ily basis 15 till 7am the next
turn s on
lice to lift the plastic sheet to identify the body. him. was found dead on July 16 on level five witness in the inquest, also day,” he said.
Mohd Zulaimi said he did not find Teoh’s wallet He said the CCTV re-
at the scene and was only provided Teoh’s identity cording was turned over to the Forensics
card number by Shah Alam police district chief Department on July 18 for further inves-
ACP Noor Azam Jamaluddin. tigation but there were several difficulties
He said that after observing the scene, he went to detect movements because of technical
up to the 14th floor for further investigation. problems.
“On the 14th floor I saw Azim only. I did not see Teoh’s movements were only seen
the MACC officers who were on the fifth floor but through a copy made using a pen drive
other officers were in the office,” he said. and it could not be printed but,
At the MACC office, the district police chief with the help of the security
conducted an investigation and took statements division at Plaza Masalam, 47
on Teoh from the officers there. He said a female images of people going in and
MACC officer confirmed Teoh was their witness. out on July 16 were detected.
Gobind: Did you ask when was the last time He said the recording was
the deceased was seen? seen on July 19 at the security
Mohd Zulaimi: I was told by the district police office of Plaza Masalam and not
chief the deceased was last seen at about 6am at the Forensics Department of
(on July 16). Bukit Aman.
Gobind: Did you feel there was a possibility Mohd Zulaimi said his in-
that he fell by being pushed or thrown from the vestigation revealed that there
14th floor? was no CCTV camera in the
Mohd Zulaimi: Initially, I was of that opinion. area Teoh was found dead and
After that, the investigating officer conducted the most of the cameras were at the
investigation, he said there was a possibility Teoh car park, the main entrance and the road
fell accidentally or was pushed from one of the leading to a supermarket.
windows on the 14th floor. – Bernama The morning’s proceedings before
coroner Azmil Muntapha Abas continued
until 1.35pm after the lawyers for Teoh’s
family and the Selangor government
watched Teoh’s movements in the CCTV
recording. – Bernama

Khairul Pathologist to continue today

(right) and THE cross-examination of forensic pathology Tan Hock Chuan, the lawyer appointed by
Prashant specialist Dr Khairul Azman Ibrahim, who the government to assist in the inquest, said:
are conducted a post mortem on Teoh Beng “With the agreement of all parties, I request
expected Hock, was postponed to today because he to continue with the proceedings tomor-
to be was not well. row (Thursday) morning and we will finish
questioned Khairul, a senior forensic consultant and with him before calling the next witness, Dr
today. also head of the Forensic Department at Prashant Naresh Samberkar.”
Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah in Klang, Gobind Singh Deo, counsel for Teoh’s
had told the inquest he was unwell while family, said he will question Khairul and
testifying on Tuesday morning. Prashant when the inquest resumes today.

Karpal made remarks with tendency to be seditious: DPP

KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court Kamaludin, who is leading the opening remarks on the first day stand as the prosecution’s first
here was told yesterday that DAP prosecution team, told the court of the sedition trial of Karpal, who witness and said the press state-
chairman Karpal Singh had made 103 police reports were also lodged is alleged have made seditious re- ment read out by Karpal concerned
remarks with the tendency to be by people who were distressed by marks about the Sultan at a press constitutional issues.
seditious at a press conference he the remarks made by Karpal. conference held at Messrs Karpal He said Karpal read out his press
called during the Perak political “The accused had called a press Singh & Co here between noon and statement first, after which a ques-
crisis earlier this year. conference on Feb 6 at the office 12.30pm on Feb 6. tion-and-answer session was held.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Datuk of his law firm. At 8pm that night, a After finishing with his opening Nizam agreed with Jagdeep
Kamaludin Md Said said that as a recording of the press conference remarks, Kamaludin told the court Singh Deo, representing Karpal,
result, street demonstrations took was broadcast through the elec- the prosecution was ready to call that Karpal did not say in the press
place and comments appeared tronic media while news reports on its witnesses. statement he would be summoning
in blogs showing displeasure and it were carried by local newspapers Utusan Malaysia reporter Nizam the Sultan.
disloyalty to Sultan Azlan Shah of the next day,” he said. Mohd Yatim, 38, who was present The hearing continues. – Ber-
Perak. Kamaludin said this in his at the press conference, took the nama

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