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4 theSun | FRIDAY AUGUST 14 2009

news without borders

PR leaders to keep their

internal squabbles discreet
by Tim Leonard Also present was PAS president “If the problem cannot be settled, Villagers
Seven more
H1N1 deaths, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and then we should refer the matter to keep
DAP leader Lim Kit Siang as well as the disciplinary panel for the next bulldozers
PETALING JAYA: In a bid to prevent senior leaders from all three parties. course of action,” he said.
its component party leaders from “So after discussions, we all “Importantly, we must take steps at bay
publicly taking shots at one another, agreed that any grievance must be to strengthen PR and the secretariat,” pg 6&7
Pakatan Rakyat (PR) yesterday an- channelled internally, through the he said.

toll rises to 51
nounced a strategy that could see proper channels,” he said. Anwar also said Selangor execu-
more restraint and muted expres- Anwar said coalition has agreed tive councillors Datuk Dr Hassan Ali
sion of feelings, although not directly to set up two committees following (PAS) and Ronnie Liu (DAP) have
a gag order. the recent media coverage which patched their differences over the
PR leader Datuk Seri Anwar pitted one politician against another issue of beer ban in Shah Alam.
Ibrahim told the press after a three- from the opposition camp on issues Hassan and Liu later shook
hour ‘strengthening Pakatan Rakyat’ of public interest. hands and posed for photographs be given antiviral treatment im-
meeting yesterday that all leaders, “One committee will look into together. INFLUENZA A(H1N1) HOTLINE mediately.
MPs and assemblymen from PAS, issues pertaining to policies, and an- Hassan, who is Selangor PAS » 03-88810200/300 For these groups there was no
DAP and PKR will use internal chan- other will look into strengthening ties chief, had called for the removal of » 03-88834414/415 need to wait for a confirmation
nels to voice their disagreements among the parties within Pakatan,” Liu from the state government for from the Institute for Medical
or disappointments against their said Anwar. asking the Shah Alam city council Research (IMR) or the Sungai
peers. When asked if the move could be officers to return beer seized from a KUALA LUMPUR: Seven more Buloh Hospital.
“The spat between our politicians termed as a gag order, Anwar said it convenience store. deaths relating to Influenza Liow also urged doctors to
received wide media coverage and wasn’t, describing it more of a move The Selangor DAP, in return, called A(H1N1) were confirmed yester- give seven days’ medical leave
this is not something good,” said to prevent one politician from openly for a disciplinary committee by PR to day, bringing the death toll to 51. to those suffering from flu so that
Anwar. criticising another. take action against Hassan. Health Minister Datuk Seri they could continue treatment at
Liow Tiong Lai said the deaths home and not expose themselves
were from the high-risk group to the public.
who had high blood pressure, He called on the people not
heart disease, low immunity or to panic because 98% of those
congenital disease. who contracted the disease had
They were aged between four recovered.
months and 92 years old. Liow said the current situa-
“Currently, there are 51 cases tion, though serious because of
in the wards, 29 in Intensive Care the increase in fatalities, did not
Units (ICU) and 16 out of the 29 warrant the government declar-
in ICUs are from the high-risk ing a health emergency.
group,” he told reporters after He said the ministry had asked
launching the Malaysian Asso- the school authorities to closely
ciation for the Study of Obesity monitor their students and send
conference here. the sick ones home to rest.
Liow said patients with flu- He said parents must also
like symptoms and heart prob- cooperate by ensuring that their
lems, those with persistent high children did not go to school and
fever for more than two days and were immediately treated by a
those tested positive for Influenza doctor if they showed signs of
A or B through rapid test would H1N1. – Bernama

No fixed guidelines Ali Rustam and Agriculture and

Agro-based Industry Minister
for closing schools Datuk Noh Omar. – Bernama
MALACCA: There are no fixed
guidelines for closing schools
to check the spread of H1N1,
Rais: Don’t take
instead it is left to the wisdom alarmist approach
of school heads after consulting PUTRAJAYA: Information Com-
their respective state health munication and Culture Minister
departments, said Deputy Prime Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim has
Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin cautioned against adopting an
Yassin. alarmist approach in the wake of
Muhyiddin, who is also educa- the H1N1 pandemic.
tion minister, said based on the He said that although pre-
feedback received by him and his cautionary steps must be taken,
deputy Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong, it should not be to the extent
different decisions were made as of hampering the activities of
to whether to continue classes society. There was no necessity,
in handling the pandemic within therefore, to cancel outdoor ac-
each state. tivities unless the cancellations
“As this concerns aspects were on the advice of the Health
of health, my instruction is that Ministry, he told reporters after
before a school headmaster or launching an Arabic newspaper,
principal makes a decision, he or Ahlan, here yesterday.
she should first ask the health de- At the ministry level, he said,
partment to make an evaluation it was not decided yet whether
of the situation,” he told reporters to require people to wear face
after opening the 2009 National masks at all functions.
Farmers, Live Stock Farmers and “The cabinet on Wednesday
Fishermen’s Day celebrations at decided to let the Health Ministry
the Malacca International Trade determine the severity of the
Centre in Ayer Keroh here yes- pandemic but at the same time
terday. allow the public to continue
Also present were Malacca activities which are practical,” he
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd said. – Bernama

Wholesalers hoarding sugar

face revocation of licence
KANGAR: Wholesalers hoarding to the ministry’s state directors
sugar to the extent of causing a nationwide to immediately revoke
shortage in the market will face the licences of the wholesalers who
stern action including revocation deliberately hoard sugar without
of their licences. the minister’s consent,” he told
The warning came form Do- reporters here yesterday.
mestic Trade, Cooperatives and The government was also of-
Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri fering a reward of RM10,000 to
Ismail Sabri Yaakob, who said that anyone who could provide informa-
the government would not compro- tion on the hoarding of sugar which
mise on this. could lead to the case being solved.
“Instructions have been issued – Bernama

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