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2 theSun | MONDAY AUGUST 17 2009

news without borders

Mohan is MIC Lawyers not above the law, Suhakam inquiry told
Youth chief KUALA LUMPUR: Bar Council president Ragunath
Kesavan told a Human Rights Commission of Ma-
laysia (Suhakam) public inquiry here yesterday
Legal Aid Centre lawyers) were arrested by the
police, as they had gone to the police station to
meet their clients who had called to say they
Muhammad Shafee Abdullah and assisted by
commissioners Datuk Dr Michael Yeoh Onn
Kheng and Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria.
KUALA LUMPUR: MIC Youth coordinator T. Mohan that lawyers were not above the law as there were in police custody. Among those arrested were Fadiah Nadwa
won the MIC Youth chief’s post, defeating his had been cases of lawyers being arrested by the “The police arrested them when they were Fikri, Murnie Hidayah Anuar, Ravinder Singh
opponent S. P. Muthu Velloo after garnering 321 police. on duty. They were not taking part in the as- Dhalliwal and Syuhaini Safwan. They were ar-
votes to Muthu Velloo’s 148 in the party’s polls He said as such, the arrest of five lawyers sembly in front of the Brickfields police station. rested at 9.30pm on May 7, and were released
yesterday. from the Kuala Lumpur (KL) Legal Aid Centre by They were there to see their clients,” he said. the next day.
Datin Paduka P. Komala Devi retained her police on May 7 this year was not the first case Ragunath said if the five lawyers who were The Bar Council president said after hearing
position as Wanita MIC chief when she won by as before that veteran lawyer Karpal Singh had arrested were part of the assembly, the Bar about the lawyers’ arrest, he went to the Jalan
a 26-vote majority in a straight fight against her been arrested and charged for allegedly uttering would not have called for an extraordinary Travers police station where they were detained
deputy S. Thangesvari. Komala Devi obtained 238 seditious words. Several other lawyers had also general meeting (EGM) after their arrest. on May 8, but was not allowed to see them.
votes, and Thangesvari 212. been charged in court, he added. Ragunath, the eighth witness, was speak- The inquiry, which is being held at Suhakam’s
The announcement of the results was made However, Ragunath said what the Bar was ing at the inquiry which started on Friday and inquiry room on the 29th Floor of Menara Tun
by MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu at concerned about was how and why they (the KL is chaired by Suhakam Commissioner Datuk Razak here, will resume on Aug 29. – Bernama
Dewan Merdeka at the Putra World Trade Centre
at 6.10pm.
The MIC Youth deputy chief’s position was won
“The Bar Council’s decision must be

Rohaizat eligible to
by Youth Political Bureau chief V. Mugilan who
garnered 266 votes. His opponent R. Vidyanan- respected by the lawyers registered under it.
than, who is the Kahang assemblyman in Johor, Legally, Rohaizat is probably innocent, but
obtained 204 votes. morally, it can be questioned by his oppo-
The deputy Wanita chief’s post went to Dr C. V. nents,” he said.
Prema from Perak who obtained 279 votes. She Ahmad Zahid said Rohaizat could still
defeated Negri Sembilan Wanita MIC chief Dr P. serve as syariah lawyer if he chose to do so

contest: Zahid
Thanaletchumi who secured 172 votes. because only the syariah court could revoke
Both wings also voted 12 candidates into the his licence.
National Youth Council, 35 delegates to the MIC “This is an issue of public perception.
General Assembly and two candidates for posts We will explain to the voters what really
in the Central Working Committee. happened,” he said while admitting that
When opening the simultaneous general as- the Opposition would definitely use the
sembly of the MIC Wanita, Youth, Puteri and Putera issue to their advantage.
wings, Samy Vellu announced that the age limit for On Friday, Deputy Prime Minister
Youth members would be raised from 40 to 45. He BUKIT MERTAJAM: Permatang Pauh Umno to contest in Permatang Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that
said the MIC would have more people from the division secretary, Rohaizat Othman (pix), is Pasir,” he told reporters Rohaizat was picked to contest in the by-elec-
younger generation who could provide second eligible to contest as Barisan Nasional (BN) after visiting the BN opera- tion, which is being held following the death
echelon leaders. candidate for the Permatang Pasir state seat tions centre in Bukit Meraj, Jalan of its assemblyman Datuk Mohd Hamdan
A report on amendments to the MIC constitu- by-election even if his civil lawyer’s licence Permatang Pauh, here, yesterday. Abdul Rahman on July 31.
tion will be tabled at the 63rd MIC Youth delegates had been revoked by the Malaysian Bar Coun- Zahid, who is also Penang Umno liaison The Election Commission has fixed today
conference on Sept 12 for approval. cil. chief, was commenting on media reports for nomination day and Aug 25 for polling.
“This move is important so that the Youth will Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad pertaining to the revocation of Rohaizat’s civil The constituency has 20,290 registered vot-
be prepared for the 13th general election where Zahid Hamidi said the issue would not affect lawyer’s licence by the Bar Council. ers including one postal voter.
more than two million new younger generation Rohaizat’s chances in the by-election. Ahmad Zahid said the licence was revoked Of the total, 72.36% are Malays, 25.85%
voters are expected to vote for the first time,” “Umno’s legal adviser has run a check in 2003 following problems incurred by the Chinese, 1.63% Indians and the rest comprise
Samy Vellu said. – Bernama and found that he (Rohaizat) is still eligible former partner in the legal firm. others. – Bernama

dent, hoped parties contesting in the Perma-

tang Pasir by-election would not use religious
briefs issues in their campaigns. – Bernama

1M’sia concept to be
DPM: Opportunists who rouse promoted with Rukun Negara
racial sentiments are traitors MALACCA: The government will promote the
KUDAT: Opportunists who jeopardise public 1Malaysia concept together with the Rukun Ne-
order and create racial tension are traitors and gara (national principles) so that the implementa-
should be opposed completely, said Deputy Prime tion would achieve better and effective results.
Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Information Communication and Culture Min-
He said Malaysia, which is unique because of ister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the ministry,
its plural society, is enjoying peace because of in its campaign to go to the ground to promote
the policy adopted several decades ago by past the 1Malaysia concept, would also inculcate the
leaders and this policy must be upheld. national principles into their programmes.
“Malaysia has become a model nation be- “It is learnt that Rukun Negara is one of the
cause although we have diversity in culture, we principles that could bring us closer to the na-
have a strong sense of unity. Now, we are striving tional objectives more effectively.
to strengthen the economy, improve social edu- “It is also proven that the principles, which
cation, health, rural infrastructure, and schools were not only able to build an individual personal-
especially in Sabah. ity, can also enable the community to achieve
“We want to continue (development ef- greater success following the independence.”
forts), others should not try to create disputes He said this after opening the Bukit Katil Umno
... The agenda on national development is most divisional delegates meeting at the Malacca Inter-
important, nothing else is more important,” said national Trade Centre, here yesterday.
Muhyiddin, who is also Umno deputy president, Also present was Malacca Chief Minister Datuk
when opening the Kudat and Kota Marudu Umno Seri Mohd Ali who is also Bukit Katil Umno chief.
divisional delegates conference, here yesterday.
BN should review seat
Stop fighting over religion, allocation, says Khaled
Pak Lah tells Umno and PAS KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional (BN)
KEPALA BATAS: Former prime minister Tun should review the allocation of seats among
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has called on Umno component parties to suit the needs of the
and PAS to cease fighting over issues on Islam electorate, Higher Education Minister Datuk
but to discuss and reach a consensus on the Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said.
matter for the benefit of Muslims. He said this was because the practice of
He said although there had been several giving the same party to contest the same
attempts for discussion between Umno and state and parliamentary seats during elec-
PAS, they never materialised and efforts tions would not ensure a win.
should continue to be made until a consensus “Such a practice should be dropped for
was reached on the matter. the next general election if it does not bring
Abdullah, who is Kepala Batas Umno chief, success to the party,” he said after opening
said this when speaking to reporters after the Wangsa Maju Umno delegates meeting
opening the divisional delegates meeting here yesterday.
yesterday. To this end, BN parties should identify fac-
He expressed confidence that both par- tors that would contribute to victory based on
ties could reach a consensus on the matter the attitude and stand of the population.
if both explained the intention of having the Khaled also said Umno leaders at all levels
discussion, as well as matters to be discussed should be aware of the party’s situation after
beforehand. the general election and find ways to put
“Umno has to clarify what it wants to talk it on the right track. “The party leadership
about first. Is it about the party, the govern- will do anything, including taking drastic and
ment or other issues,” he added. extraordinary measures which are difficult to
Abdullah, who was the former Umno presi- introduce.” – Bernama

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