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theSun | MONDAY AUGUST 17 2009 7

news without borders

Dinner to cement
ties among
Chinese groups
Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (ACCCIM) Press Digest
has invited the leaders of by Kong See Hoh
three major Chinese groups
– Hua Zong, Dong Jiao Zong
and Seven Major Clans As-
sociation – to a dinner gathering in Kuala Lumpur
tonight to further cement their ties.
The timing of the gathering, hot on the heels of
ACCCIM’s call to its members to part ways with
Chinese assembly/town halls, begs the question
– is it a roundtable talk, an interaction session or
a table talk?
Despite the apparent split between ACCCIM
and Hua Zong (Federation of Chinese Associa-
tions of Malaysia), their leaders Tan Sri William
Cheng and Tan Sri Lim Gait Tong have openly US man
stated that they are maintaining a cordial rela- in Suu
tionship and today’s gathering is aimed at further Kyi case
strengthening the good ties among the major
Chinese groups. deported
According to a report in Sin Chew Daily yes- pg 10
terday, ACCCIM vice-president Ter Leong Yap
said Cheng and Lim have never been at odds with
each other.
“The meeting is an interaction to seek consen-
sus on how to enhance cooperation and opera-
tional strategies among the groups.
“It is a small gathering and only leaders of Hua
Zong, (education movement) Dong Jiao Zong and
Seven Major Clans Association are invited.”
Lim said he will definitely attend the meeting.
On the aim of the meeting, Lim said: “It is he
(Cheng) who is hosting the meeting, we don’t
know if there is any agenda.”

the Narcotic Addiction Re-
habilitation Centre (Puspen)
Groups want return commandants’ meeting, here
of Bahasa Melayu “Apart from the stigma that
KANGAR: The Perlis Writers’ As- most drug addicts are involved
sociation yesterday urged the in crimes, there is also a risk
government to revert the usage that 27% of the drug addicts
of the term Bahasa Malaysia under the agency’s supervi-
(BM) to its original term, Bahasa sion would return to addic-
Melayu. tion because they are mostly
“We do not have the intention unemployed and can hardly
to deny the 1Malaysia concept support themselves,” he told
but we want to continue uphold- a press conference after the
ing Bahasa Melayu as a sovereign meeting.
language in this country and to As a result, ADK has taken
return its function as the official the initiatives to turn the Pus-
language,” the association’s prin- pen in Sepang, Selangor, into
cipal leader Muhammad Harun a special training and skills
said in his speech at its 38th an- centre for these drug addicts.
nual general meeting here. There are some 7,000
He added that Bahasa Melayu Puspen inmates nationwide,
has been widely spoken for a long including 125 in Sarawak.
time and had become a sovereign – Bernama
language. – Bernama
3 soldiers tested
Agency to help positive for drugs
reformed addicts KUALA LUMPUR: Three soldiers
KUCHING: The National Anti- and 30 women were among
Drug Agency (AADK), with 111 people detained when they
the cooperation of private tested positive for drugs in raids
companies and organisations, at two entertainment outlets
will identify the types of jobs early yesterday.
suitable for former drug ad- A source from the police said
dicts in a bid to reduce street the soldiers and three others,
crimes by 20%. including a woman, all in their
Its director-general, Datuk 20s and 30s, were detained in a
Abd Bakir Zin, said the job raid at a karaoke centre on Jalan
placement programme, Ampang at about 2.30am.
aimed at ensuring that drug The others, aged between 20
addicts under the agency’s and 62, were detained in a raid at
supervision would not return an entertainment outlet in Bandar
to addiction, was among Sri Damansara at about 4.30am,
several moves discussed at he added. – Bernama

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