Thesun 2009-08-17 Page10 Us Man in Suu Kyi Case Deported

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10 theSun | MONDAY AUGUST 17 2009

news without borders

US man in Suu Kyi wildfires
continue to rage
case deported Yettaw at
the Aung
SAN FRANCISCO: Wildfires are continuing to rage
in California, where efforts to control the week-old
blazes are being hampered by high winds and dif-
ficult terrain, state fire prevention agency Calfire
said on Saturday.
YANGON: A US man sentenced to tarian reasons,” he added. centre in One blaze in Santa Cruz county, some 80km
seven years’ hard labour for swimming The senator, who has Yangon. south-east of San Francisco, has forced the evacu-
to the home of democracy icon Aung close links to President Barack ation of more than 2,000 people, destroyed two
San Suu Kyi flew out of Myanmar yes- Obama, also said that his meet- buildings and is threatening 250 homes in the
terday with an American senator who ings with opposition politicians communities of Swanton and Bonny Doon.
secured his release. and ethnic groups had helped Calfire said the blaze, which began on Wednes-
John Yettaw, 54, was earlier handed him “better understand the issues day, has already destroyed 2,000ha of land and is
over to US embassy officials at Yangon’s that we need to be working on in only 15% under control, despite the efforts of 1,600
notorious Insein prison, after Democrat the future”. firefighters.
Jim Webb held landmark talks with the Myanmar officials confirmed Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi on Fri-
reclusive chief of Myanmar’s military that the plane had taken off. They day declared a state of emergency in Santa Cruz,
regime, Than Shwe. said the regime was officially deport- saying the county was “in great need of resources
The ruling junta however ignored ing Yettaw, adding: “His sentence to bolster what is being done at the local level to
Webb’s calls to free Nobel laureate Suu has been reduced to three-and-a-half fight these fires.”
Kyi, who was this week sentenced to years and then made a suspended Webb, Calfire said their main concerns are high tem-
another 18 months of house arrest after sentence.” the chairman of peratures and difficult terrain, which has forced
being convicted on charges sparked by Yettaw, a diabetic and epileptic the Senate Foreign Relations firefighters to tackle the blazes mostly from the
Yettaw’s bizarre stunt in May. former military veteran, was arrested on sub-committee on East Asia and Pa- air. Another big fire has been burning since Aug
“I express my thanks to the govern- May 6 after using a pair of home-made cific affairs, had also urged the military 8 in the Los Padres national forest, north of Santa
ment of Myanmar,” Webb told report- flippers to swim across a lake from Suu regime to free Suu Kyi, who has spent Barbara.
ers at Yangon airport, shortly before the Kyi’s crumbling mansion, where he most of the past two decades under Calfire said that fire, which has forced the
military plane carrying him and Yettaw had spent two days uninvited. house arrest, his office said. evacuation of 14 ranches, has destroyed 30,000ha
departed for Bangkok. The devout Mormon said at his trial But his dramatic intercession for of land and is now about 25% under control.
“I am not going to apologise for the that he was on a “mission from God” to Yettaw angered activists who called it The state is frequently hit by wildfires and
actions that he took but I believe that it warn Suu Kyi that he had had a vision a propaganda coup for the junta, with in 2007 suffered the worst blazes in its history,
was a good gesture from your govern- in which she was assassinated by ter- Suu Kyi and her two female aides still which forced the evacuation of 640,000 residents
ment to our country to allow him to rorists. Her lawyers earlier described in detention while the American goes and destroyed around 2,000 homes in southern
return home to his family for humani- him as a “fool”. free. – AFP California. – AFP

Week Ending August 14
from rising to the surface by the
weight and pressure of the lake’s
Krill ban water above. Sudden underwater
A NEW US regulation that bans landslides or other geologic activ-
the commercial harvesting of krill ity have the potential to churn the
within 320km of the California, lake enough to send both gases
Oregon and Washington coast- bubbling to the surface. Since car-
lines went into effect on Aug 12. bon dioxide is heavier than air, it
Krill are tiny shrimp-like marine would hug the ground, asphyxiat-
invertebrate animals that are very ing all humans and animals that it
near the bottom of the marine reached. Such a disaster occurred
food chain. They are the primary in 1986 at Lake Nyos in Cameroon,
source of food for many species West Africa, where 1,700 people
of marine mammals as well as were suffocated, many quietly as
for manta rays and whale sharks. they slept. Lake Kivu contains 350
Most of the krill caught is used for times as much gas as Nyos and
aquaculture and aquarium feeds, has far more people living near its
as bait in sport fishing and by the shoreline.
pharmaceutical industry. Krill is
also used for human consump- Fertile land decline
tion in Japan and Russia, where it
is known as okiami. THE future of agriculture in
a region know as the Fertile
Crescent is becoming increas-
Expanding tropics ingly grim due to a combination
THE world’s tropical zone ap- of climate change and diver-
pears to be rapidly expanding sion of water far upstream in
north and southward under the the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
influence of climate change, The alluvial plain near the
according to a new Australian mouths of those two rivers is
study. The expansion of sub- known as the “cradle of civili-
tropical climates could dry out sation,” where agriculture has
fertile regions that currently sustained cultures like that of
receive ample rainfall. Such a Sumeria and cities like Babylon
development would have dev- since the dawn of recorded his-
astating effects on health and tory. But two years of parching
food production, the research- drought and the tightening grip
ers warn. Professor Sandra of Turkish dams has reduced
Harding said tropical climates those rivers to mere trickles.
had already moved more than New Iranian dams are also
six degrees of latitude beyond contributing to reduced flows.
the traditional confines of the Farmers are abandoning their
Tropics of Cancer and Capri- fields, and climate experts are
corn, and were continuing to warning that the drought is
expand. likely to become permanent.

Poisonous lake threat Tropical cyclones

ONE of the world’s three known TYPHOON Morakot killed at
lakes that can suddenly expel least 85 people as it left a trail of
poisonous gas now threatens the destruction in Taiwan, China and
lives of more than 2 million people Japan.
living along the Democratic Re- » Typhoon Etau skirted southern
public of the Congo and Rwanda Japan.
border, according to scientists. The » Former Category 4 Hurricane
massive amount of carbon dioxide Felicia weakened to a tropical de-
and methane trapped below a pression before reaching Hawaii.
depth of 300m in Lake Kivu is kept – Universal Press Syndicate

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