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Reader's Theatre

[ Stage Set: The kitchen and living room of the NOBLEMAN is shown on-stage. NOBLEMANS SONS twelfth birthday is coming soon. SERVING MAN and SERVING WOMAN are preparing for a party. SERVING WOMAN is carrying wrapped presents. Her husband, SERVING MAN, is dusting.] SERVING MAN: (talks to himself while dusting furniture) All these presentsall this preparation (stretches and rubs his back) All this work SERVING WOMAN: (in a snippy voice, as if yelling at a little brother who WILL NOT listen) Our Master wants this to be a grand birthday for his son and it will be! Finally, the boy is almost 12 years old. If only his feet can be kept off the floor by tomorrow, the curse will be lifted! (sets the presents on a nearby table) [NURSE enters] NURSE: Have you finished with that cake? We are running late and more than 100 guests are coming. (to SERVING MAN) Why have you not finished dusting? The silver must be polished! I have cared for our masters son all of these years and now everything must be perfect for this birthday! [Off stage, YOUNG MAN, the beloved son of NOBLEMAN, calls for his NURSE.] YOUNG MAN: NURSE! I wish to go outside now. Please come to carry me! NURSE: Yes, dear one! I am coming! [NURSE hurries off-stage. SERVING MAN pulls SERVING WOMANS sleeve. They walk toward the audience as if sharing a great secret.] SERVING MAN: I dont know how she does it! That boy is almost 12 and she still carries him everywhere! It is a mystery that her back has not broken right in half!

Copyright 2005 Elaine L. Lindy. All Rights Reserved. This Page May Not Be Reproduced In Any Form Without Written Permission From The Publisher.

Reader's Theatre

SERVING WOMAN: Our Master will have it no other way! On the night he was born, our Master dreamed that his son would die if his feet ever touched the ground before his twelfth birthday. All of these years and the boy has never walked on the earth or the floor. SERVING MAN: Yes I know, but... [SERVING MANS line is cut off by a few screams from off-stage. The couple pulls back, scared, as NOBLEMAN and NURSE run onto the stage from opposite directions. NURSE is crying and wailing. NOBLEMAN gently holds NURSE.] NOBLEMAN: What is the matter? What is it? Where is my son?! NURSE: (scared) Master, I heard a terrible noise outside and went to the windowfor only a secondmy back was turnedhe must have slippedhis foot must have touched the floor...because the noise stopped...and he VANISHED! [NOBLEMAN lets go of NURSES shoulders. She falls on the floor, weeping.] NOBLEMAN: I knew this would happen. I knew it! HE MUST BE FOUND! ALL OF YOU! SEARCH THE HOUSE AND THE GROUNDS! FIND MY ONLY CHILD! [Everyone runs across the stage. NURSE cries, lying on the floor.]

(End of Act 1)
[Stage Set: If you are performing this play with props and stage sets, then after Act 1 closes and before Act 2 begins, all props and stage sets for Act 2 are placed on-stage. NOBLEMAN has white flakes or strands combed through his hair, which can be baby powder, the small white circles left after paper is cut with a 3-hole punch, or fine bits of white confetti. SERVING WOMAN and SERVING MAN may also have white in their hair to make them look older but it is most important that NOBLEMAN looks older for Act 2. If you are not performing this play but simply reading aloud, proceed directly to Act 2.]

Copyright 2005 Elaine L. Lindy. All Rights Reserved. This Page May Not Be Reproduced In Any Form Without Written Permission From The Publisher.

Reader's Theatre ACT 2

[On the right side of the stage is a room in the castle which is the NOBLEMANS chamber. On the left side of the stage is another room, which is very beautiful, and has a bed, a table, a large clock and a fireplace. If you can light the stage, the part of the stage that will be the golden forest should be dark, but the chamber on the right and the beautiful room on the left should be well lit. If you cannot light the stage, that's all right!] NOBLEMAN: (seated at his desk or table and looking upset) All these years. STILL my son is lost. Now the most beautiful room in my castle is haunted. Each night as the clock strikes 12, my servants hear footsteps, groans, and strange noises coming from that room. I must find SOMEONE to spend the night there. For surely the ghost will tell them where my son has gone. But, so far, everyone whos tried has run away before the clock struck midnight. Even with the reward Oh, what am I to do? (puts his head in his hands) [SERVING WOMAN and SERVING MAN tiptoe from the wings toward NOBLEMAN.] SERVING WOMAN: (softly) Master? (pause) Master? NOBLEMAN: (shouts this line, surprising SERVING WOMAN) WHAT? SERVING WOMAN: (nervous) Master, you have a few visitors. NOBLEMAN: Visitors? (stands so the audience can now see that his clothes are wrinkled and messy) SERVING WOMAN: Yes, Master. It is the millers widow and her three daughters. She asked about the reward. She says her oldest daughter wishes to spend the night in the haunted room and earn the 300 gold pieces.

Copyright 2005 Elaine L. Lindy. All Rights Reserved. This Page May Not Be Reproduced In Any Form Without Written Permission From The Publisher.

Reader's Theatre

NOBLEMAN: (smiles and spreads his arms to welcome them) Really? Well, bring them in! SERVING WOMAN: I will send my husband to fetch them. (gently pushes SERVING MAN off-stage) [SERVING MAN returns after a moment with the WIDOW, OLDEST DAUGHTER, SECOND DAUGHTER and YOUNGEST DAUGHTER, who stand before the NOBLEMAN. Their clothes are old and patched. ] NOBLEMAN: (paces) Im sure you have heard that I have a haunted room in this castle. Well, I am sorry to say it is true. Every night, just before midnight, we hear terrible noises and footsteps. But I DO believe the ghost can tell us where my son has gone. If one of you will stay the whole night, I will give you 300 gold pieces. (stops and turns to widow) Yet I must ask you this, good woman. Did you know that almost everyone else in the village has already tried and failed? WIDOW: I know, sire. (turns to OLDEST DAUGHTER and holds her hand) If only we did not need the reward so badly. (turns back to NOBLEMAN and stands with her head held high) Yes, we know what we have to do. My oldest daughter wishes to stay in your haunted room tonight I only hope she will be all right. (turns her head aside and sniffs as if she is about to cry) OLDEST DAUGHTER: I will do it. I fear nothing! [WIDOW holds her hands together in concern but does not try to stop OLDEST DAUGHTER.] NOBLEMAN: Are you really brave enough, my good girl? Are you sure you will not be too afraid?

Copyright 2005 Elaine L. Lindy. All Rights Reserved. This Page May Not Be Reproduced In Any Form Without Written Permission From The Publisher.

Reader's Theatre

OLDEST DAUGHTER: I want to try. I can stay tonight. I only ask that you give me some food to cook for my supper. (hugs her mother and two sisters) There is nothing to fear. All will be well. NOBLEMAN: (turns to SERVING WOMAN) Bring enough food for a feast and some firewood! [SERVING WOMAN exits and returns with some fruit, wooden bowls and spoons, and a log or two. She carries them into the room on the other side of the stage and puts them on the small table. Then she quickly exits, afraid. SERVING MAN follows her off-stage. NOBLEMAN: Good luck, girl. I will see you in the morning. OLDEST DAUGHTER: Yes, Sir. I will not disappoint you! [OLDEST DAUGHTER goes through the door to the haunted room, arranges the food and spoons on the table and puts the log near the fireplace. She sits down at the table, humming to herself. WIDOW, NOBLEMAN, SECOND DAUGHTER and YOUNGEST DAUGHTER exit to the wings. After a few moments, noise loud footsteps, moaning and groaning is heard off stage. Then off-stage, student stagehands clap cymbals together loudly twelve times to sound like the bonging of the clock as it strikes midnight. Or they can strike a metal garbage can lid to make almost the same sound as a gong. OLDEST DAUGHTER looks around, curious and a bit afraid. She shrugs and begins to eat. YOUNG MAN appears behind OLDEST DAUGHTER, as she is eating. YOUNG MAN watches her but she is so busy with the food that she does not see him.] YOUNG MAN: (clears throat) Ah hemmmmm! [OLDEST DAUGHTER spins around on her seat and sees YOUNG MAN behind her. She jumps up and cries out in surprise. OLDEST DAUGHTER knocks the chair over as she jumps up.] OLDEST DAUGHTER: Who are you?

Copyright 2005 Elaine L. Lindy. All Rights Reserved. This Page May Not Be Reproduced In Any Form Without Written Permission From The Publisher.

Reader's Theatre
YOUNG MAN: (pause) Tell me, did you cook this food for anyone? OLDEST DAUGHTER: Why, for myself YOUNG MAN: (touches the table as if he would like very much to be invited to sit down) And this tabledid you set it for anyone? [OLDEST DAUGHTER sits back down and picks up an apple or another fruit from the table. She bounces the food in her hand.] OLDEST DAUGHTER: For myself YOUNG MAN: And this fire did you build it for anyone? OLDEST DAUGHTER: For myself [YOUNG MAN sighs. He hangs his head. Then he disappears! YOUNG MAN can disappear by backing up, pulling his cape up over his face and ducking out through a door or opening behind him. OLDEST DAUGHTER screams and falls to the floor in a faint. NOBLEMAN, WIDOW, SECOND DAUGHTER and YOUNGEST DAUGHTER enter through the NOBLEMANS chamber. They rush into the haunted room to find OLDEST DAUGHTER lying on the floor. YOUNGEST DAUGHTER and WIDOW help her to her feet.] NOBLEMAN: (impatiently) What did you see? What did you see? OLDEST DAUGHTER: Just after the stroke of midnight, a man came but he did not tell me his name. He asked if I had cooked the food for anyone, if I had set the table for anyone, and if I had built the fire for anyone. I told him that all the food was for me and that I had built the fire and set the table for myself. Then he vanished! (Snaps fingers when she says the word, vanished.) NOBLEMAN: So is this a man or a GHOST? But at least we know a little more now. (hands OLDEST DAUGHTER a bag of coins) THANK YOU!

Copyright 2005 Elaine L. Lindy. All Rights Reserved. This Page May Not Be Reproduced In Any Form Without Written Permission From The Publisher.

Reader's Theatre
NOBLEMAN: Here is your reward, my good girl. (hands SECOND DAUGHTER a bag of coins) [SECOND DAUGHTER takes the bag and skips off-stage, smiling.] NOBLEMAN: Once again the mysterious stranger! Is he a ghost, I wonder? (paces, turns to audience) WIDOW: Good sir, I would give everything I own for you to find out once and for all where your son has gone. My youngest daughter wants to help by staying in the haunted room tonight.if you will let herI hope she knows what she is doing.... [YOUNGEST DAUGHTER steps forward, holding WIDOWS hand.] NOBLEMAN: Yes, yes, of course she may try Do you think you are brave enough, girl? YOUNGEST DAUGHTER: (more quietly than the two older sisters) Yes, Sir. I think that can stay the night in the haunted room as my sisters have done. NOBLEMAN: Then maybe we will learn even more about this ghost. But please, you must ask about my son YOUNGEST DAUGHTER: Yes, Master, I will certainly try. [NOBLEMAN raises an arm to SERVING WOMAN, who is standing in the wings. As before, she carries a stack of firewood, food and another tablecloth across the stage to the haunted room. There, she sets the props on the table and fearfully hurries out, looking behind her as she heads back to the wings without speaking. WIDOW and NOBLEMAN walk to the wings. YOUNGEST DAUGHTER watches them go. After a brief pause, she walks into the haunted room. She does almost exactly what SECOND DAUGHTER did: spreads out the tablecloth and puts a log on the fire. Finally she sits at the table, but does NOT eat. She gets up, looks about, then returns to the table. From the table, she continues to look all over the room. As before, the loud footsteps, moans and the bonging sound of the clock is heard off-stage. YOUNG MAN groans loudly to get YOUNGEST DAUGHTER's attention.] [YOUNGEST DAUGHTER leaps from her chair. She grips the edge of the table to show that she is confused and scared. She does not speak.]

Copyright 2005 Elaine L. Lindy. All Rights Reserved. This Page May Not Be Reproduced In Any Form Without Written Permission From The Publisher.

Reader's Theatre
YOUNG MAN: (sadly) Tell me, did you cook this food for anyone? (pauses) Well, answer me! Did you or did you not cook the food for anyone? YOUNGEST DAUGHTER: I I I prepared it for myself but you, too, are welcome to it. YOUNG MAN: (relaxing a bit) And this tabledid you set it for anyone? YOUNGEST DAUGHTER: (lets go of the edge of the table) For myself, unless you will be my guest. YOUNG MAN: (smiles) And this fire, did you build it for anyone? YOUNGEST DAUGHTER: (smiles) For myself, but do sit down and warm yourself. YOUNG MAN: (claps hands) Ah yes, at last! I will stay, thank you. But please wait for me. First, I must thank my kind friends for taking such good care of me! [YOUNG MAN enters a beautiful golden forest. The moment he steps into the golden forest, it is lit up with spotlights. YOUNGEST DAUGHTER waits a few moments and follows him. In the forest, YOUNG MAN meets several ANIMALS. The ANIMALS do not speak, but YOUNG MAN pets each ANIMAL and talks quietly to them. YOUNGEST DAUGHTER follows at a distance. As she follows, she breaks off a twig from a golden tree and one from a silver tree. She hides both twigs in her sleeve. After doing so, YOUNGEST DAUGHTER moves back into the haunted room and sits by the fire, where YOUNG MAN finds her when he returns to the haunted room.] YOUNG MAN: I have said all my good-byes. Now, we can have dinner. [YOUNGEST DAUGHTER carries bowls and spoons to the floor by the fire, where she and YOUNG MAN sit down. They pretend to eat for a few moments.]

Copyright 2005 Elaine L. Lindy. All Rights Reserved. This Page May Not Be Reproduced In Any Form Without Written Permission From The Publisher.

Reader's Theatre

YOUNG MAN: Now it is time to rest. [YOUNG MAN lies down on the bed. YOUNGEST DAUGHTER takes the twigs she hid in her sleeve and sets them by YOUNG MANS side. She sits in a chair by the bed. Soon, NOBLEMAN enters through the door of his study. He moves into the haunted room to find YOUNGEST DAUGTER and YOUNG MAN.] NOBLEMAN: (with great joy) LOOK! Everyone! You MUST come! Come and see! My son is HERE! AT LAST, MY SON IS HOME! [When the NOBLEMAN yells these lines, WIDOW, SECOND DAUGHTER, OLDEST DAUGHTER, SERVING MAN and SERVING MAN, and NURSE run onto the stage. They happily hug and dance about. While this is happening, YOUNG MAN and YOUNGEST DAUGHTER wake up. The other cast members hug them and pull them from the chair and the bed. Soon, YOUNGEST DAUGHTER and YOUNG MAN are at center stage, surrounded on both side by the other actors. YOUNG MAN holds up the silver and gold twig that he found by his side when he woke.] YOUNG MAN: (happily turns to YOUNGEST DAUGHTER) What do I see? Did you follow me down there, to the world below? (touches her hand) Know that these two branches will make a wonderful palace for us! [YOUNG MAN takes the silver and gold twigs and tosses them out the window of NOBLEMANS study. All cast members run to the window. This is the only time they have their backs to the audience. All of the actors ooooohhhh and aaaahhhh for several moments. Then they step away. Stagehands have raised a cardboard painted backdrop of a castle through the open window that was not there before.] NOBLEMAN: (puts his arms around the shoulders of YOUNG MAN and YOUNGEST DAUGHTER) We shall all lead grand lives together and live happily ever after!

The End

Copyright 2005 Elaine L. Lindy. All Rights Reserved. This Page May Not Be Reproduced In Any Form Without Written Permission From The Publisher.

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