How To Build A Simple Electric Motor

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How to Build a Simple Electric Motor: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Build a Simple Electric Motor

This article will teach you how to make a basic electric motor, great for simple experimental purposes or for a science project. You'll be using the electrical energy from a battery to produce mechanical energy that turns a coil. This is a very simplified version of motors found in household appliances, power tools, computer disk drives, and many of the other devices that make your life easier! Electronic Tubular Motor Motor,Tubular motor And More Browse Products by Brand, Type


Make the magnetic coil. Take a thin, coated magnet wire or copper wire, and wrap it 10 times around the edge of the paper tube. Leave a few inches of loose

wire at the start and end of the coil.

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11/13/2013 4:02 PM

How to Build a Simple Electric Motor: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Carefully take the coil off the tube. Wrap the ends of the wire around the coil at opposite points of the circle. Add some tape to help keep the coil together if

needed. Once you have the coil secure and balanced, you can cut off excess wire leaving only an inch on either side.

Start making the base. Poke four holes in the plastic cup using the thumbtack. Place one hole 1/2 inch from the top, and another 1/2 inch from the bottom, then

do the same on the opposite side. If you don't have a plastic cup, a styrofoam or paper cup will work too.

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How to Build a Simple Electric Motor: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Make the leads to the battery. Cut two pieces of stiff wire at a three times the height of the cup and thread them through the holes in the cup.

Position the cup upside down. Place one magnet on the outside of the closed end of the cup. On the inside, place another magnet, or more if necessary, to hold

the first magnet in place.

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11/13/2013 4:02 PM

How to Build a Simple Electric Motor: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Strip the wires. Sand the ends of the wires at the base of the cup and set them up to connect them to your battery.

Adjusting the wires that will hold the coil. Stand the coil up on the magnet and match the height of the coil to the support wires. Bend one of the wires connected

to the base forward, and the other backwards at the height of the coil.

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11/13/2013 4:02 PM

How to Build a Simple Electric Motor: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Make a perch. Keep bending the wires to create a perch for the coil, so that the coil is held up with as little space as possible between the coil and the magnet.

Strip the support wires. Take the coil and sand all the coating off one of the support wires. On the other wire, only sand off half of the coating so that the

coating will start to touch the support when the coil is closest to the magnet. If you want to adjust the sanding, you can just apply a new coating with a permanent marker.

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How to Build a Simple Electric Motor: 10 Steps (with Pictures)


Connect the battery and test your motor. Secure the wire to the battery using tape, making sure that either end of the wire is touching the positive and

negative ends of the battery. Some minor adjustments may be needed.

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11/13/2013 4:02 PM

How to Build a Simple Electric Motor: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Running motor A more complex motor can also be made called a DC Motor with Commutator here,

If you use a thin wire and a strong current, your wires can get extremely hot! If a child is doing the project, make sure to provide the necessary adult supervision to avoid any accidents.

Things You'll Need

A good length of thin, coated wire for the coilmagnet wire or copper wire would work Masking tape A plastic, styrofoam, or paper cup A thumbtack Stiff, coated wire for the support Two to four small magnets BatteryAA to a D battery would work for this project Scissors Permanent marker

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How to Build a Simple Electric Motor: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Article Info

Categories: Featured Articles Recent edits by: Rock20000, Jeff, Connor In other languages: Deutsch: Wie man einen einfachen Elektromotor baut, Portugus: Como Fazer um Simples Motor Eltrico, Franais: Comment fabriquer un simple moteur lectrique, Espaol: Cmo construir un motor elctrico simple
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