Length para Mas Lalaki Ang Room

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Whch of the foowng camera tubes uses ead oxde (PbO) for

the photoconductve target pate?

a. Plumbicon
b. Vdcon
c. Satcon
d. mage orthcon
Lead oxide PbO - plumbicon
Camera sgna output w/o sync s caed
a. non-composite video
b. back burst
c. generator ock vdeo
d. composte vdeo
Camera output w/o sync non-composite video
A ow contrast pcture n whch whte seems fat and ackng n
deta suggests
a. low beam current
b. hgh gan n pre-ampfer
c. excessve gamma
d. nsuffcent scannng wdth
White seems flat - a low beam current
Whch of the ff camera tubes has mnmum ag? (Board
a. pumbcon
b. vdcon
c. satcon
d. conoscope
Cam tube minimum lag plumbicon
The part of the vsbe spectrum where camera pck-up tubes
have the greatest output
a. yellow-green
b. red
c. bue
d. nfrared
Greatest output - yellow green
Precse scannng sze and nearty are most mportant n
(Board Nov.2006)
a. a single-tube color pickup
b. a pumbcon
c. a back-and-whte camera
d. a satcon
mportant! precise and linear - a single-tube color pickup
Beam agnment magnets for the camera tube are ad|usted
whe rockng whch contro?
a. electrical focus
b. optca focus
c. beam current
d. shadng
"eam alignment control - electrical focus
Speca effects and producton swtchng are done by the
a. SEG
b. CCU
c. ENG camera
d. sync generator
#pecial effects switching - SEG syempre
The gamma of the pcture tube s
a. 2.2
b. 0.4545
c. 1.0
d. 1.4
$emori%e! gamma - 2.2
If the camera cannot be paced far away enough to ncude
everythng n the scene, change the ens to one wth
a. shorter focal length
b. ower f ratng
c. hgher f ratng
d. onger foca ength
f camera cannot be placed far away enough - shorter focal
length para mas lalaki ang room
A typca vaue of vdcon dark current s
a. 0.2u
b. About 200uA
c. 8mA
d. 800mA
&idicon dar' current - 0.2uA
A ens has an 8-cm foca ength and 4-cm dameter. Its f ratng
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 32
(f) 2 divide lang
In the sawtooth waveform for near scannng
a. the complete cycle includes trace and retrace
b. the near rse s for fyback
c. the sharp reversa n amptude produces trace
d. the beam moves faster durng trace than retrace
#awtooth cycle - the complete cycle includes trace and
Gven a 635-us vertca retrace tme, the number of compete
horzonta nes scanned durng vertca fyback s
a. !0
b. 20
c. 30
d. 63
$emori%e! *+,-us -ertical retrace time ! "0
One-haf ne spacng between the start postons for scannng
even and odd feds produces
a. e"act interlacing
b. near scannng
c. ne parng
d. fshtang
. spacing bet e-en and odd fields - e#act interlacing
The number of nes scanned per frame n the raster on the
pcture tube screen
a. #2#
b. 262
c. 20
d. 10
Lines per frame $2$
In the frame for whch nteraced scannng s used, aternate
nes are skpped durng vertca scannng because
a. the vertical scanning fre$uency is doubled
from %0 to &0 '(
b. the trace s sower than the retrace
c. the horzonta scannng s sower than vertca
d. the frame has a 4:3 aspect rato
/eason for odd e-en interlacing - the vertical scanning
fre% is doubled from &0 to '0 ()
If the horzonta fyback s 10 percent, ths tme equas
a. &.) us
b. 83 us
c. 10us
d. 56 us
$emori%e 012 hori%ontal flybac' - '.* us
Whch of the ff s not true? (Board Nov.2006)
a. *he keystone effect produces a s$uare raster
b. Peope ook too ta and too thn on a square raster
on the 'ne parng ndcates poor nteracng
c. A person can appear to have one shouder wder
beck of nonnear
d. Not true effect produces a square raster
+he keystone effect produces a s%uare raster - kais
triangle ang product ng keystone
The wdth of a vertca sync puse wth ts serratons ncudes
the tme of
a. Si" half-lines or three lines
b. Fve nes
c. Three haf-nes
d. Fve haf-nes
Width of a -ertical sync pulse time - si# half-lines or three
Sawtooth generator crcuts produce the scannng raster but
the sync puses are needed for
a. *iming
b. Lnearty
c. Keystonng
d. Lne parng
#ync pulses timing
Whch of the foowng frequences s wrong?
a. %!+#00 '( for the vertical scanning fre$uency
b. 15,750 Hz for horzonta sync and scannng
c. 60 Hz for vertca sync and scannng
d. 31,500 Hz for equazng puses & serratons n the
vet sync
Wrong fre3 for the -ertical scanning fre3- &",$00 () for the
vertical scanning fre%uency
Brghtness varatons of the pcture nformaton are n whch
a. ,
b. O
c. R
d. -Y
"rightness information -
The hue 180 degrees out of phase wth red s
a. -yan
b. Yeow
c. Green
d. Bue
4ue 051 deg out of phase with red cyan
Greater p-p amptude of the 3.58-MHz chromnance sgna
ndcates more ___________
a. Saturation
b. Whte
c. Yeow
d. Hue
Greater p-p amplitude saturation amplitude of the &.$.-
/() chrominance signal
The nterferng beat frequency of 920 kHz s between the 3.5
MHz coor subcarrer and the ________
a. ).#-.'( intercarrier sound
b. Pcture carrer
c. Lower ad|acent sound
d. Upper ad|acent pcture
"etween +6,5 $47 color subcarrier and 88 96,-/() inter
carrier sound
The hue of coor sync phase s
a. ,ellow-green
b. red
c. cyan
d. bue
4ue of color sync phase - yellow-green
Whch sgna has coor nformaton for 1.3-MHz bandwdth?
(Board Nov.2006)
a. /
b. Y
c. R-Y
d. B-Y
Color info for 06+-$4% bandwidth 0
Whch of the ff s fase?
a. a fully saturated color is mostly white
b. the I vdeo hues are orange s cyan
c. the transmtter matrx output ncudes Y, I, and O
d. a three-gun pcture tube can serve as a matrx
:alse statement - a fully saturated color us mostly white
The coor wth the most umnance s
a. yellow
b. red
c. green
d. bue
$ost luminance yellow
What s the hue coor 90 degrees eadng sync burst phase
a. cyan
b. Bue
c. Yeow
d. Orange
;1 deg leading sync burst phase cyan
The average votage vaue of the 3.58-MHz moduated
chromnance sgna s
a. the brightness of the color
b. zero for most coors
c. cose to back for yeow
d. the saturaton of the coor
<-erage of the +6,5-$4% chrominance signal - the
brightness of the color
The second IF vaue for coor n recevers, for any staton s
a. %.#0 .'(
b. 0.5 MHz
c. 1.3 MHz
d. 4.5 MHz
=nd : for color /> - &.$. /()
If the 3.58 MHz C ampfer n the recever does not operate,
the resut w be
a. no color
b. no red
c. too much bue
d. too much yeow
+6,5 $4% C amplifier not operating - no color
How many octaves s the frequency range of 1 to 8 MHz?
(Board Nov.2006)
a. %
b. 1
c. 2
d. 8
? of octa-es in 0 to 5 $4% - &
Whch system can be used for both recordng and payback?
a. 1'S
b. CED
c. VHD
d. aser dsk
:or recording and playbac' 1(S
How many TV feds are recorded on one sant track of tape?
a. !
b. 2
c. 4
d. 60
? of @& fields on one slant trac' of tape- "
The vdeo heads rotate at hgh veocty to ncrease the
a. writing speed
b. tape speed
c. ree rotaton
d. tape tenson
4igh -elocity to increase - writing speed
A typca frequency for the FM umnance sgna n VCR
recordng s
a. %.# .'(
b. 0.1 MHz
c. 10 MHz
d. 680 kHz
:$ luminance fre3uency - &.$ /()
Whch of the foowng appes to the coor-under technque?
a. chroma fre$uencies are reduced
b. chroma amptudes are decreased
c. umnance frequences are decreased
d. chroma and umnance frequences are reduced
Color-under - chroma fre%uencies are reduced
What oscator frequency s needed to heterodyne 629 kHz up
to 3.58 MHz?
a. ).2! .'(
b. 3 MHz
c. 6.3 MHz
d. 10 MHz
@o heterodyne *=; A4% up to +6,5 $4% - *.2" /()
A comb fter s used to
a. cancel chroma crosstalk
b. separate whte from back
c. cp the sync from bankng
d. separate aternatng from drect current
Comb filter is used to - cancel chroma crosstalk
Swtchng for each fed s requred for the
a. video heads
b. audo head
c. contro-track head
d. erase head
#witching each field - video heads
Servo contro of speed and phase s used for the
a. video head scanner
b. contro head
c. erase head
d. audo head
#er-o control of speed and phase is for - video head
The part that rotates to meter out the tape at constant speed
s the
a. capstan
b. contro head
c. erase head
d. entrance gude
Part that rotates capstan
To make the tape speed the same n payback recordng the
tape speed s reguated by the
a. control-track pulses
b. audo track
c. vdeo sant tracks
d. erase heads
@ape speed regulators - control-track pulses
Ttng the vdeo head gaps s necessary wth the
a. (ero guard bands
b. coor-under
c. FM umnance sgna
d. ong-pay tapes
@ilting is necessary - )ero guard bands
Whch system uses a aser ght beam for payback?
a. 12P
b. CED
c. VHD
d. Betamax
Bses laser light 123
In the CED system, the dsk capactance vares wth the
a. pit depth
b. dsk sze
c. speed of rotaton
d. waveength of the scannng ght
Cis' capacitance -aries with - pit depth
The moduated pcture carrer wave ncudes the composte
vdeo sgna as the
a. symmetric envelope of amplitude variations
b. average carrer eve
c. ower sdeband w/o the upper sdeband
d. upper enveope w/o the ower enveope
Composite -ideo signal - symmetric envelope of
amplitude variations
Whch of the foowng statements s true?
a. negative transmission means that the carrier
amplitude decrease for white
b. negatve transmsson means that the carrer
amptude decrease for back
c. vestga sdeband transmsson-both upper and ower
SB transmtted
d. vestga SB transmsson-moduated pcture carrer
has ony upper enveope
@rue statement - negative transmission means
decreases for white
Wth a 0.5-MHz vdeo sgna moduatng the pcture carrer
a. both upper and lower fre$uencies are
b. ony the upper sde frequency s transmtted
c. no sde frequences are transmtted
d. ony the ower sde frequency s transmtted
16,-$47 -ideo modulating the picture carrier - both upper
and lower fre%uencies are transmitted
In a standard teevson broadcast channes, the dfference
between the pcture and sound carrer frequences s
a. ).# .'(
b. 0.25 MHz
c. 1.25 MHz
d. 6 MHz
Picture minus sound carrier fre3uency - *.$ /()
The dfference between the sound carrer frequences n two
ad|acent channes s
a. & .'(
b. 0.25 MHz
c. 1.25 MHz
d. 4.5 MHz
Cifference bet sound carrier in = adDacent channel - ' /()
Lne-of-sght transmsson s a characterstc off propagaton
for the
a. 1'3 band and higher fre$uencies
b. VHF band but not the UHF band
c. rado frequences beow 1 MHz
d. AM pcture sgna but not the FM sound sgna
LO# transmission - 1(4 band and higher fre%uencies
In channe 14 (470 to 476 MHz), the 3.58-MHz coor sgna s
transmtted at (Board Nov.2006)
a. )4).0% .'(
b. 471.25 MHz
c. 473.25 MHz
d. 475.25 MHz
+6,5 $4% color signal transmission - *5*..& /()
The dfference between the sound carrer and coor sub-
carrer frequences s
a. 0.52 .'(
b. 0.25 MHz
c. 4.5 MHz
d. 1.25 MHz
#ound minus color - 0.62 /()
The maxmum devaton of the FM sound sgna, n kohertz s
a. 2#
b. 10
c. 75
d. 100
$ax :$ de-iation 2$
Whch of the foowng appes for monochrome pcture?
a. chroma amplifier off
b. chroma ampfer on pcture tube off
c. deay tme open
d. pcture tube off
$onochrome picture - chroma amplifier off
whch s not tuned to 3.58 MHz?
a. vdeo preampfer
b. chroma ampfer
c. burst ampfer
d. coor demoduator nput
Eot tuned to +6, $4% - video preamplifier
The contrast contro s n the _______
a. , video amplifier
b. chroma ampfer
c. coor ker
d. deay ne
Contrast control - - video amplifier
The coor eve contro s n the
a. 6P
c. Demoduator
d. G-Y ampfer
Color le-el control 73A
The coor oscator does not operate. The troube s
a. no color
b. ncorrect hues
c. excessve confett
d. no pcture
Color oscillator malfunction - no color
The baance for Y vdeo sgnas to the three guns n the
pcture tube s set by the
a. drive controls
b. screen contros
c. tnt contro
d. contrast contro
#ets F -ideo signal balance - drive controls
Whch sgna needs a 0.8 us tme deay?
a. , video
b. 3.58-MHz chroma
c. B-Y vdeo
d. coor burst
Eeeds 165 us time delay - - video
The output of the burst separator feeds the
a. 3P- for color oscillator
b. coor demoduators
c. G-Y adder
d. Y vdeo ampfer
"urst separators feed - A438 for color oscillator
The output of the coor oscator feeds the
a. color demodulators
b. chroma BPA
c. pcture tube
d. burst separator
Color oscillator feeds this - color demodulators
Draftng coor bars n the pcture ndcate troube n the Y
a. 3P- for color oscillator
b. Chroma BPA
c. Coor ker
d. Y vdeo ampfer
Crafting color bars trouble - A438 for color oscillator
The beat frequency between the 3.58-MHz coor subcarrer -
and the 4.5-MHz sound sgna s
a. 0.52 .'(
b. 3.58 MHz
c. 4.8 MHz
d. 4.5 MHz
"eat fre3 bet +6,5 $4% and 96,$4% - 0.62
Whch contro vares the phase ange of the demoduated
coor vdeo sgna?
a. tint
b. coor eve
c. drve
d. pcture
&aries phase angle tint
Whch of the foowng stages must be on durng horzonta
fyback tme?
a. burst separator
b. Y vdeo fter
c. chroma BPA
d. R-Y vdeo ampfer
On stage during hori%ontal flybac' - burst separator
Whch of the foowng stages has bas from the ACC and
coor-ker crcuts?
a. chroma 6P
b. R-Y demoduator
c. R-Y vdeo ampfer
d. coor oscator
4as bias from <CC - chroma 73A
A crysta-rnger crcut s used for the
a. 3P- on color oscillator
b. Y vdeo ampfer
c. coor demoduators
d. chroma BPA
Bses crystal-ringer circuit - A438 on color oscillator
Wth a 2 MHz vdeo sgna moduatng the pcture carrer
sgna9for channe 4(66-72 MHz), whch of the ff. frequences
area transmtted?
a. 267.25 MHz carrer freq. 69.25 MHz upper sde freq.
b. 66 MHz carrer freq. 68 MHz upper sde freq.
c. 71.75 MHz carrer freq. 69-73 MHz sde freq.
d. 367.25 MHz carrer freq. 65.25-69.25 MHz sde freq.
Channel 9 (**-G= $4%) transmitted - 2'5.2$ /() carrier
fre%. '6.2$ /() upper side fre%.
What s the contrast of pcture?
a. vdeo ampfer
b. composte vdeo
c. BPA chroma
d. BPA
Contrast of picture - video amplifier
What s the audo sgna output?
a. 3. detector
c. AGC
d. Demoduator
<udio signal output - 4/ detector
What s the gan contro of RF and IF?
a. G-
c. Moduator
d. demoduator
Gain control of /: and : AG8
IF converson s...
a. .i"er
b. Moduator
c. Demoduator
d. AGC
: con-ersion - mi#er
Hep's the synchronzaton of pcture..
a. Sync separator
b. AGC
d. Moduator
#ynchroni%ation of picture - sync separator
Brghtness of raster
a. high-voltage supply
b. ow-votage suppy
c. moduator
d. AGC
"rightness of raster - high-voltage supply
Dc eectrode votages
a. low-voltage supply
b. hgh-votage suppy
c. moduator
d. demoduator
Cc electrode -oltages - low-voltage supply
Probems n TV snowy pcture the cause s
a. 73 amplifier
b. Loca oscator
c. IF ampfer
d. Moduator
#nowy picture - 94 amplifier
Ad|acent-channe seectvty
a. IF wave traps
b. IF ampfer
c. pre-ampfer
d. demoduator
<dDacent channel selecti-ity - 04 wave traps
Baseband vdeo sgna
a. vdeo detector
b. vdeo heads
c. capstan
d. AGC
"aseband -ideo signal - video detector
Whch of the ff. s a mdband cabe TV channe s
a. or !)
b. B or 14
c. B or 15
d. A or 15
$idband cable @& - < or 09
Coaxa cabe for dstrbuton systems has an mpedance of
a. 150 ohms
b. 100 ohms
c. 75 ohms
d. 120 ohms
Coax cable impedance - "$0 ohms
The cabe converter output for the TV recever s usuay on
a. 3
b. 4
c. 7
d. 2
Cable con-erter @& channel &
A tap for the subscrber drop ne has a
a. hgh tap oss
b. ow tap oss
c. moderate tap oss
d. zero tap oss
@ap subscriber drop line - high tap loss
The most popuar pug for the RG-59U coaxa cabe s
a. F connector
b. E connector
c. G connector
d. H connector
Popular plug /G-,;B - 4 connector
Whch of the ff. s true?
a. Weak sgna cause snow n the pcture
b. Strong sgna cause ceberg n the pcture
c. Weak sgna causes the pcture ook sma or thn
d. Strong sgna causes the pcture ook sma or thn
@rue - :eak signal cause snow in the picture
The upstream sgna n two-way cabe systems has the freq. of
a. # to %0 .'(
b. 10 to 25 MHz
c. 10 to 100 MHz
d. 8 to 20 MHz
upstream signal in two-way cable -$ to &0 /()
A typca vaue for the IF sgna, n megahertz for up-down
cabe converter s
a. &!2.4#)
b. 625.25
c. 675.25
d. 630.25
@ypical : signal up-down con-erter - '"2.5$
Frequency synthess s used for the
a. 1-8 in the up-converter
b. VCO n the md-converter
c. VCO n the down-converter
d. none of these
:re3uency synthesis - 18; in the up-converter
For n-band descrambers, the decodng puses are sent on the
a. sound carrier
b. vdeo carrer
c. sound and vdeo carrer
d. none of these
n-band descramblers are sent - sound carrier
A trunk cabe run has a oss of -20 dBmv. To make up for
th9ths oss, the votage gan of the next ampfer shoud at
east be
a. !0
b. 20
c. 5
d. 30
loss of -=1 d"m- should at least - "0

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