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GEM 1535 Supercapacitor as Energy Storage

Tan Soon Jin Ho Viet Bang A0112213E U083 80!

!api" "e#e$op%ent in e&&iciency o& rene'a($e energy generation coup$e" 'it) $o'er cost &or %ateria$s suc) as so$ar pane$s )as (roug)t us one step c$oser

to a %ore sustaina($e &uture* Ho'e#er+ "e#e$op%ent in energy storage "oes not s)are t)e sa%e pace+ an" )as pro#en yet again to (e a %a,or o(stac$e to uti$ise &u$$y t)e rene'a($e energy generate"* -nter%ittent nature o& rene'a($e energy re.uires &or e/cess energy to (e store" an" use" "uring pea0 perio"1 ')i$e pu%pe" )yr"roe$ectric reser#oir )as an e&&iciency o& 203+ (ut it is not suita($e &or a$$ terrains* T)ere&ore+ energy storage p$ays an i%portant ro$e to %eet t)e energy "e%an" ')ic) re.uires energy supp$y aroun" t)e c$oc0* Besi"es t)at+ (ui$"ing su(stations an" %icrogri" pro#es to #ery cost$y to e/ten" t)e co#erage to rura$ areas ')ic) %ay on$y nee" s%a$$ a%ount o& energy* T)e .uestion re%ains+ ')y "on4t 'e use energy storage suc) as (attery or capacitor 5 6irst$y+ (atteries )as )ig)er energy "ensity (ut it ta0es a $ong ti%e to c)arge an" "isc)arge* Battery store c)arge t)roug) e$ectroc)e%ica$ reaction ')ic) a&ter %any cyc$es %ay 'ear "o'n t)e (attery* Moreo#er+ (attery is %a"e &ro% poisonous %eta$s ')ic) are &$a%%a($e an" )a7ar"ous ')en use" $arge sca$e to store energy* 8n t)e contrary+ capacitor can c)arge an" "isc)arge easi$y as it stores energy in e$ectric &ie$"* A capacitor consists o& 2 %eta$ p$ates 'it) an insu$ator in (et'een ca$$e" t)e "ie$ectric ')ic) operates (y accu%u$ating positi#e an" negati#e c)arges on on si"e o& t)e p$ates* Ho'e#er+ capacitor )as "i&&icu$ty storing $arge a%ount o& e$ectricity as t)e capacitance+ ')ic) re&ers to its a(i$ity to store c)arge is proportiona$ to t)e sur&ace area o& t)e %eta$ p$ates an" in#erse$y proportiona$ to t)e "istance (et'een t)ese t'o p$ates* T)e i"ea$ so$ution to our energy storage pro($e% 'ou$" (e to &in" a "e#ice t)at cou$" store )ig) a%ount o& c)arge an" possess a )ig) c)arge an" "isc)arge rate* T)an0&u$$y (rea0t)roug) co%es in t)e "e#ice ca$$e" supercapacitor ')ic) uses con"uctors coate" 'it) acti#ate" car(on to increase sur&ace area an" i%%erse" in an e$ectro$yte* A$t)oug) it )as a %uc) )ig)er energy "ensity+ ')ic) is t)e %easure o& t)e a%ount o& energy store" per unit #o$u%e+ co%pare" to nor%a$ capacitor an" (etter c)arging rate+ it is "oes not support )ig) #o$tage output as t)e e$ectro$yte %ig)t (rea0 "o'n* Ho'e#er+ t)is is co%pensate" (y stac0ing a series o& supercapacitors on top o& eac) ot)er to ac)ie#e a )ig)er #o$tage output* 9apacitance o& supercapacitor is $arge$y "eter%ine" (y t'o &actors1 t)e "ou($e $ayer capacitance ')ic) re&ers to storage o& energy at t)e inter&ace (et'een e$ectro$yte an" e$ectro"es+ an" a$so pseu"ocapacitance ')ic)

e$ectroc)e%ica$ storage "ue to ions in e$ectro$yte* Supercapacitors can (e categorise" into "ou($e:$ayer capacitor+ pseu"ocapacitor an" )y(ri" capacitor* -n s)ort+ )y(ri" capacitors )a#e t)e (est o& (ot) 'or$" as it incorporates )ig) "ou($e:$ayer capacitance an" pseu"ocapacitance* -n 2010+ t)e "isco#ery o& grap)ene ')ic) is a sing$e ato%ic $ayer o& grap)ite pro#i"es (rea0t)roug) to t)e &easi(i$ity o& using supercapacitor co%%ercia$$y* Grap)ene is c)osen o#er acti#ate" car(on (ecause o& t)e $arger sur&ace area an" a$so $ig)ter nature* -t is a($e to store appro/i%ate$y 1 6ara" o& e$ectrostatic energy 100 V a(out 220 %% an" 'eig)ts a(out 2 0g* T)oug) grap)ene pro#es to (e a ro(ust %ateria$ in supercapacitor pro"uction (ut t)e origina$ %et)o" o& pee$ing o&& grap)ene $ayer o& grap)ite is tre%en"ous$y ine&&icient an" cost$y* !ecent$y+ U9;A "uo+ !ic)ar" <aner an" E$:<a"y %anages to %anu&acture grap)ene using $o' cost "o%estic =V= Burner* 6irst$y+ grap)ite o/i"e is sprea" o#er a "isc (e&ore (eing treate" (y $aser &ro% t)e =V=;ig)tScri(e* T)is scienti&ic >acci"ent? see%s to &in" t)e 0ey to %anu&acture grap)ene co%%ercia$$y* Grap)ene supercapacitors )a#e p$aye" a rat)er i%portant ro$e not on$y in c$ean energy %o#e%ent (ut it a$so )e$p 'it) conser#ation o& energy in our "ai$y $i#es* 6or instance+ (ra0ing syste% o& (uses insta$$e" 'it) Grap)ene are a($e to store e/cess energy* Besi"es t)at+ "ue to its )ig) "isc)arge rate+ it is a($e to pro"uce (urst o& energy in a s)ort span o& ti%e t)at is uti$ise" to a",ust ($a"es o& 'in" tur(ine ')en t)e 'in" con"ition c)anges* -t is e#i"ent t)at supercapacitor 'i$$ surpase t)e position o& (attery as t)e pri%ary energy storage as t)e $ater $ac0 sta(i$ity ')en t)e si7e increases an" use" $arge sc$ae to store energy generate" &ro% rene'a($e energy+ T)ere&ore+ %any researc)es on supercapacitors ai% to %a0e t)e e$ectro"e as co%pact as possi($e ')i$e %aintaining t)e )ig) energy "ensity* Anot)er (rea0t)roug) ca%e a(out ')en @ro&* =an ;i o& Monas) Uni#ersity ta0e a"#antage o& t)e $i.ui" e$ectro$yte to contro$ t)e spacing (et'een Grap)ene s)eets at nanosca$e* T)ere&ore+ t)e $i.ui" e$ectro$yte actua$$y p$ays "ua$ ro$es o& con"ucting e$ectricity an" contro$ing t)e spacing (et'een grap)ene s)eets* T)e c$ean energy re#o$ution )as ac)ie#e" an i%portant %i$estone ')en energy storage can (e %anu&acture" co%%ercia$$y to store e/cess generate" energy an" re$ease energy "uring o&& pea0 "uration* -t is essentia$ t)at %ore &un"s an" )u%an resources are a$$ocate" to ensure t)e "e#e$op%ent in energy storage+ in particu$ar supercapacitor+ is on par 'it) its correspon"ence

in generation o& c$ean energy* Supercapacitor %ay #ery 'e$$ (e t)e 0ey to &u$$y uti$ising c$ean energy to %eet "o%estic "e%an"s* Supercapacitor 'i$$ pa#e a %ore &$e/i($e an" "istri(ute" energy supp$y to e#eryone accor"ing to t)eir nee"s*


1* =en)o$%+ @* E$a+ E* <ir(y+ B* Mi$$igan*M*A2010B*T)e !o$e o& !ene'a($e Energy Storage 'it) 9$ean Energy Generation* !etrie#e" 8cto(er 2013 &ro% )ttpCDD'''*nre$*go#D"ocsD&y10ostiDE2182*p"& 2* Marynia0* G*AJu$y 2012B* Storage+ Fot Generation is t)e 9)a$$enge to !ene'a($e Energy* !etrie#e" 8cto(er 2013 &ro% )ttpCDD'''*&or(es*co%DsitesDsingu$arityD2012D02D20Dstorage:not: generation:is:t)e:c)a$$enge:to:rene'a($e:energyD 3* Green(erger+ J* A2013B* T)e 9ase &or Gri":9onnecte" Energy Storage* !etrie#e" 8cto(er 2013 &ro% )ttpCDDt)eenergyco$$ecti#e*co%D,i%:green(ergerD18235GDcase:gri":connecte":energy:storage E* Sucar+ S* A2010B*!ene'a($es an" Energy StorageC A Misun"erstoo" @artners)ip* !etrie#e" 8cto(er 2013 &ro% )ttpCDDs'itc)(oar"*nr"c*orgD($ogsDssuccarDrene'a($esHan"HenergyHstorage*)t%$ 5* Jesus "e ;e 6uente*Grap)ene Supercapacitor* I)at are t)ey 5* !etrie#e" 8cto(er 2013 &ro%

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