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Allmam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University Faculty of Computer Science and Information IS-37 !

Advance "atabase Mana#ement System st Semester $3$- $3% &

'ro(ect "escription
The purpose of this term project is to help the students to have hands-on experience regarding administration of an Oracle DBMS. The project must be implemented by group of 4 students. Due Date: Monday 16-12-2013. Marks: 20 The project ill be implemented by using t o Oracle accounts. !reate t o users" A is the first user account and B is the second one. #$ Execute the follo !n" #uer!es !nto the A user account: #.a$ !reate table %mployee &SS' char&($ primary )ey* %name varchar+&#,$*Salary numeric &,*-$ not null* date $/ !reate table Dependent & char&#0$* SS' char&($$/ 1lter table Dependent add primary )ey&$/ 1lter table Dependent add foreign )ey &SS'$ references %mployee&SS'$ on delete cascade/ 1lter table %mployee modify default,2*2DD-Mon-552$/ #.b$ 1dd some information to the t o tables. #.c$ %xecute the follo ing 6ueries" - !reate vie %mp.vie # as select SS'*salary from employee here salary 78,000/ - 9rant select* delete on %mp.vie # to B ith grant option/ - !reate index emp.index# on %mployee&SS'*salary$/ - !reate uni6ue index emp.index+ on employee&%name$/ ::you should first check that the Ename values dont repeat - !reate table department &dno char&+$ primary )ey* dname varchar+&+0$$ organi;ation index/ //creation of an index-organized table. #.d$ %xecute" commit/

IS-371(Project Description)

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2$ Execute the follo !n" #uer!es !nto the B user account:

+.a$ +.b$ +.c$ +.d$ +.e$ +.f$ !reate cluster clu &dno char&,$$/ ::creation of a cluster !reate table department & dno char&,$ primary )ey* dname varchar&#0$ not null$ cluster clu &dno$/ ::creation of a clustered table !reate index clu.index on cluster clu/ ::necessary to be able to insert rows on the clustered table <opulate some information on the table department. 9rant update&dname$ on department to 1/ %xecute" commit/

%ork to &e su&'!tted

1ns er the follo ing re6uests" #$ 9ive the username* the creation date and the account2s status of the user account 1. &=int" re6uest the vie D>!T>O'1?5 for all tables name containing the ord @AS%?S2$ +$ Bist the schema object name* the schema object type and the status of the schema object for all schema objects o ned &i.e. created$ by the user 1. ?ecall that a schema object could a table* a vie * an index* etc. -$ Cor each table the user 1 has been given a privilege from the user S5ST%M or the user S5S* lists the table name. D$ Bists for each constraint defined by the user 1* the constraint name* the constraint type* the table name and the delete rule for a referential constraint. ,$ 9ive for the user 1 all the roles he has been granted ith the information if each of the role has been granted ith admin option or no. &=int" re6uest D>!T>O'1?5 ith the ord @<?>ES2$. ($ Cor each privilege obtained by the user 1 from the user B* display the privilege* the and the indication if the privilege can be given to other users. F$ Cor each table o ned by the user 1* display the table name* the cluster name if it is a clustered table* if it is an index-organi;ation table or not* the number of tuples* the number of data bloc)s actually used by the table and the most recent time the table as analy;ed. 5ou have to compute statistics for each table before. G$ !oncerning the user 1 account and for each index* list the index name* the index type* the table associated ith the index and the number of tuples. 5ou have first to compute statistics for the indexes that do not have statistics computed yet.

IS-371(Project Description)

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4$ Cor each vie the user account B has been granted an access from the user account 1* give the vie name* the text of the vie 6uery and the length of this text. (he re)ort 'ust conta!n the follo !n": Cor each re6uest* you should ma)e a print out by printing the Oracle statement used and the ans er given by Oracle. The Oracle ans er must be put ithin a Hord Table &or print screen$. *otes:

+or th!s )ro,ect- the te)tboo* and the sl!des can hel) you and )oss!&ly the .racle Ad'!n!strat!on docu'entat!ons. Also- the /!e D01(0.*A23 can &e re#uested to l!st all data d!ct!onary4s /!e s and ta&les. +or exa')le- to kno n all data4s d!ct!onary /!e s related to 2.5E- you could re#uest the /!e D01(0.*A23 for all ta&les na'e conta!n!n" the ord 62.5E4. Any s!'!lar!ty !n the re)ort !ll &e cons!dered as cheat!n" and that "rou) !ll &e 'ark &y 7ero. Don4t for"et to r!te the t o userna'es and t o )ass ords !n the re)ort. (here !ll &e )resenta!on for the )ro,ect.

+ood ,uc*

IS-371(Project Description)

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