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Changmin looked over Yunho as he lay on the bed lost in his dreamsor was it nightmares? He couldnt tell.

He had never been able to tell. Last night, he had witnessed the conversation between JaeJoong and Yunho before his hyung had collapsed. He had been left confused by them. Was hyung still hung up on that bastard? He didnt really know what had gone on between them but he had his guesses. The problem was after last night, he wasnt sure he had got it right all those years ago. Yunho had looked apologetic to JaeJoong. He didnt know what to make of that. He would ask his hyung but Yunho had never been one to talk about his personal life so he wouldnt even bother trying. There was however another waynow only if he could make the other side talk. He had toohe really did hate being wrong. How idyllica man watching his lover sleep. Changmin didnt have to turn to know who it was. I told you. We arent lovers. JaeJoong chuckled. Sure you arentyou just like to look at Yunhos face. Whats it to you if I did? Jealous? Jealous? Over you two? Are you drunk this early in the morning? ehhhhow would you rather explain your constant questioning about me and Yunho? Maybe I am just curious. After all if your tastes run in that direction, I mi ght want to take a bite too. Who said I am willing? I like to keep my distance Changmin gave Jae a once over before continuing, especially from your kind. A mocking glint entered Jaes eyes, I was almost offended for a second there. Nicenow leave me and my lover alone. We have a lot of pleasures to share. Jaes eyes hardened a little before his face lit up with a brilliant smile. I feel sorry for Victoria. She always seems to fall for Yunhos lover.

It was then Changmin hit him.

What is wrong with you two? Yunho yelled. He had woken a few minutes ago to find Changmin and JaeJoong throwing punches at each other. He didnt know what had triggered that fight but he would be damned if he let their animosity towards each other affect this reunion. He started it. Changmin said pointing to JaeJoong, who was now supporting the beginning of a black eye while Changmin himself escaped with just a split lip. I was just having an idle chit chat with a bandmate. Well the bandmate didnt find it to his taste. Too bad; maybe his girlfrien Yunho jumped in just when Changmin would have hit JaeJoong a second time. JaeJoong laughed, Since when did our maknae become so savage? SINCE HE FOUND OUT HOW BIG OF A SCUMBAG HIS HYUNG REALLY IS. Such angertsk tsk Yahstop both of you. Yunho intervened. JaeJoong smiled at Yunho, As you wish. He gave Changmin a last mocking look before leaving the two of them alone. Changmin shook Yunho off and stormed to his room. Yunho followed. Min-ah You should have let me beat him. He sure as hell deserves it Changmin continued to rant and rave and Yunho just stood there listening; knowing that this was more than just today. This was the pent up anger over the past four years and it needed to be let out.

Yoochun was waiting in a caf for his guest to arrive when his phone rang. He had been his call. JaeJoong-ah, I am beginning to think you dont trust me. He smiled when his friend immediately negated it. They both knew he was joking but JaeJoongs reaction still made him happy. I know. Why did you call? Yoochun already knew the answer to the question. Yes, I am meeting Eun Sang today. I invited her to have breakfast with me. He paused to let Jae say what he obviously called for. Dont worryI know what to do. He hesitated for a minute before asking, Joongie, you are sure there is no other way? No I am not backing out. Its just that I really do like Eun Sang. I didnt think I would but even I can be wrong it seems. I am not abandoning you. I am just asking if there is another way. If you say there isnt, then I would go with it. I wont betray you JaeJoong. Sto p trying to second guess my loyalty. You have it unconditionally. Yoochun glanced to see his guest has just entered the caf. I have to go now. I will see you later at the press conference. He stood up when Eun Sang came closer to his table. He wanted to kiss her but chose to go for a hug. There were fans around he knew. Even if they thought he couldnt see them, he always knew how many were following him at all times. He hugged her a little longer than usual. For reasons he knew only too well, this could be their last meeting unless he chose to betray his best friend. Contrary to what he had said to JaeJoong, Yoochun was still at war with himself where Eun Sang was concerned. He didnt want to betray JaeJoong but he didnt want to lose her too. Somethi ng that was inevitable if he stuck to the plan. You should let me go now. People are watching. Eung Sang said, a smile in her voice.

Let them. Yoochun replied back but he let her go, guiding her into the chair opposite him. I already ordered for you. Yoochun stated as he took his own seat. You know girls like picking what they want to eat. I know what my girl likes to eat. Really? And if you are wrong? I wont be. He was proved right when Eun Sang smiled the moment her meal arrived. You are just lucky. She took a bite of her eggs benedict, her favorite breakfast dish before enquiring. Why did you call me here? Latereat first. Eun Sang obeyed, quietly working towards demolishing her meal while Yoochun watched her. Yoochun mind was still mulling over his situation. No matter what he did, he stood to lose one of the people that mattered a lot to him. It was just about whose loss he could survive. Thinking carefully, he made his decision. Some things were just too important to let go. Eun SangI need to tell you something really important but you have to promise me you will talk to no one about it. Whats it? She asked concern in her beautiful eyes, Are you in trouble or something? Or something. Yoochun, tell me. First promise me you wont tell anyone. I promise. Now tell me before I die wondering about it.

JaeJoong is going to destroy SM. WHAT? Eun Sang yelled before she became mindful of her surroundings and smiled apologetically at the other guests. Yoochun, what do you mean? She asked. this time in a low whispered tone. Yoochun looked pale as he spoke, JaeJoong never forgave anyone for what happened all those years ago. He considers SM his enemy and he will destroy it. What are you talking about? You cant just destroy a company the size of SM. If you are JaeJoong you can. You see, none of the groups are as pure as public thinks they are. Destroy the groups, you destroy the company. He has everything planned. Why are you telling me this? Yoochun laughed but there was no humor in it. You cant be that nave, Sang -ah. Why do you think I approached you? I dont get it. Your father is an influential management figure for SM. He also owns a good part of the company shares. It makes you an asset. Are you saying I am some sort of pawn in this plan of his? She questioned, astonished and at once angry at what he was revealing. Yes. At least at first you were. What do you mean? All you were meant to be was a pawn I could use to JaeJoongs advantage but all that changed when I got to know you. I fell for you and I decided that I couldnt choose JaeJoong over you. I dont believe you.

I knew you wouldnt. Yoochun sighed as he stood up, getting ready to leave. Waitare you just going to go? Theres no point in trying to convince younot until Friday. Whats going to happen on Friday? Yoochun smiled warmly at Eun Sang. Something that will make you believe me. He came around to her side and leaned down to drop a soft kiss on her forehead. Promise me you will call when you get your proof. Eun Sang kept quiet. Yoochun straightened and dropped some money on the table, enough to cover their bill. I will leave you now then.

JaeJoong was frustrated. He had been trying to call Yoochun for the past 2 hours but his calls were being ignored. He didnt like it. He needed to know how things had gone this morning. Had they succeeded? He called again only to be directed straight to the voicemail once more. He didnt like this even a bit. He was in the middle of writing a long message to Yoochun when Junsu yelled his name, asking him to come down. They all were to leave for the conference soon. Is Yoochun home yet? JaeJoong screamed out his question. No Junsu screamed back, he messaged me he will meet us there. So apparently only he was the one being ignored. I will be down in a second. He deleted his message. He will see Yoochun soon enough and get his answers. He collected his jacket and left his room to join Junsu downstairs. Junsu observed of JaeJoong as he collected the car keys and locked up after them. He has purposely chosen to not take up Yunho and Changmins offer to drive him. He wanted some time with JaeJoong where they could talk with no one else present. Once safely on their way, Junsu finally said what he was dying to say for a long time.

JaeJoong hyung, you can trust me. JaeJoong glanced at him, a little bewildered by his comment. I do believe you. No you dont. You trust Yoochun, not me. Junsu Hyung pleasedont insult my intelligence. I know you and Yoochun are planning something. I dont know what it is but I know its nothing good if you havent told me about it. W Please hyung let me finish. I just wanted to let you know I support you. No matter what your plans are, I will support you. You dont know what you are getting yourself into. I dont need to. I havent forgotten what you did for my family. I owe you more than my support. Hyung, trust me. JaeJoong was silent till they reached their destination. Junsu was releasing the clasp of his seat belt when he heard a low whisper. Thank you, Junsu-ah. Junsu looked up to see JaeJoongs eyes holding the unshed tears of past. He smiled at seeing the much missed vulnerable side of his hyung before giving him a warm hug. I love you hyung. I hope you know that. JaeJoong returned his hug and he thought he heard a little sob but when he pulled away, JaeJoongs face was as expressionless as ever as he answered, I know.

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