Nov 4 Lesson Study Packet One

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An Introduction to

Lesson Study

November & December 2009
Faci li tated by Loi s Brown Easton
Day One
An Introduction to Lesson Study

Lesson stuuy is a potent embeuueu peei-to-peei piofessional leaining stiategy. It
iequiies teacheis anu othei euucatois to woik collaboiatively to stiengthen a given
lesson until it has been iefineu as much as possible anu then teach it to get poweiful
uata about how well the lesson woiks. In a colloquium aftei the lesson is taught, the
teachei (who can be anyone in the lesson stuuy gioup) ieflects on the lesson fiist,
anu then the othei membeis of the lesson stuuy gioup shaie uata they collecteu
uuiing the lesson. Lesson stuuy gioups make a uecision about whethei to ievise the
fielu-testeu lesson anu teach it again oi simply apply what they have leaineu to
anothei lesson.

In auuition to unueistanuing the basics of lesson stuuy anu engaging in thiee lesson
stuuy expeiiences, paiticipants will leain about lesson stuuy vaiiations. They will
plan implementation of lesson stuuy in theii iegions, uistiicts, anu schools, anu they
will woik togethei to solve pioblems ielateu to implementation.

Essential Question:

Bow can euucatois in Floiiua's schools impiove leaining foi all stuuents using
lesson stuuy.

Participant Outcomes:

Paiticipants will (K0B):

1. 0nueistanu why lesson stuuy is impoitant as a way to stiengthen teaching
anu leaining in schools, especially those that aie low peifoiming.
2. 0nueistanu the iole uata plays in lesson stuuy anu how to collect uata uuiing
lesson stuuy.
S. Know how to uo lesson stuuy themselves.
4. Know ways to vaiy lesson stuuy, incluuing wiiting lessons anu then testing
them thiough lesson stuuy.
S. Know Floiiua's appioach to lesson stuuy anu how lesson stuuy fits with othei
6. Know othei piofessional leaining activities ielateu to lesson stuuy.
7. Plan how to implement lesson stuuy in theii own enviionments.
8. Plan how to connect with each othei anu follow-up to this woikshop
electionically anu in-peison as they initiate lesson stuuy within theii own
piofessional leaining communities.


Bay 0ne
8:Su Bieakfast buffet
9:uu Welcome anu intiouuctions
0pening activity
Why stuuy lessons.
Lesson Stuuy Expeiience #1
Reflection anu uebiiefing
"The Basics of Lesson Stuuy" anu a text-baseu piotocol
12:uu Lunch
1:uu Bata - What anu how
Lesson Stuuy Expeiience #2
Reflection anu uebiiefing
Bow uoes lesson stuuy fit.
S:Su Enu of Bay 0ne
S:uu Reception

Bay Two
8:Su Bieakfast buffet
9:uu Announcements anu opening activity
9:1S vaiiations on lesson stuuy
Lesson Stuuy Expeiience #S: A vaiiation (cieating a lesson anu taking
it thiough the lesson stuuy piocess )
Reflection anu uebiiefing
Lesson Stuuy Expeiience #4: A vaiiation (looking at stuuent woik
that iesults fiom a lesson using the tuning piotocol)
12:1S Lunch
1:1S Reflection anu uebiiefing on tuning piotocol
1:Su Logistics of lesson stuuy
Planning foi implementation
uetting feeuback
S:Su Enu of Bay Two

About Your Facilitator

Lois Easton, Ph.B., woiks as a consultant, coach, anu authoi. She is paiticulaily inteiesteu in
leaining uesigns - foi auults anu foi stuuents. She iecently ietiieu as Biiectoi of
Piofessional Bevelopment at Eagle Rock School anu Piofessional Bevelopment Centei, Estes
Paik, Coloiauo. Easton was Biiectoi of Re:Leaining Systems at the Euucation Commission of
the States (ECS) fiom 1992 to 1994. Re:Leaining was a paitneiship between the Coalition
of Essential Schools (CES) at Biown 0niveisity in Pioviuence, Rhoue Islanu, anu ECS. Piioi
to that, Easton seiveu in the Aiizona Bepaitment of Euucation as EnglishLanguage Aits
Cooiuinatoi anu then became Biiectoi of Cuiiiculum anu Instiuction, anu then, Biiectoi of
Cuiiiculum anu Assessment Planning.

A miuule school English teachei foi 1S yeais, Easton eaineu hei Ph.B. at the 0niveisity of
Aiizona. Easton has been a fiequent piesentei at confeiences anu a contiibutoi to
euucational jouinals. She is cuiiently co-piesiuent of the Coloiauo Staff Bevelopment

She has publisheu foui books. Bei book !"# %&"#' ()*# +, -.'')/.0.12 3#44+54 6'+1
3#7'5#'4 was publisheu by Beinemann in 2uu2. She is euitoi of anu contiibutoi to a book
publisheu by the National Staff Bevelopment Council (NSBC) in August 2uu4, with a seconu
euition appeaiing in 2uu8: 8+9#',.0 :#4);54 ,+' 8'+,#44)+570 3#7'5)5;. Coiwin Piess
publisheu hei thiiu book, <5;7;)5; &"# :)4#5;7;#*2 =+9 (/"++04 -75 =#0> (&'.;;0)5;
(&.*#5&4 (.//##* in 2uu8. This book won the Euucational Book of the Yeai Awaiu fiom
Kappa Belta uamma in 2uu9. ASCB has just publisheu hei fouith book, 8'+&+/+04 ,+'
8'+,#44)+570 3#7'5)5; (2uu9), anu she is woiking on two auuitional books.

You can ieach hei at 464S Buigunuy Lane, Bouluei, C0 8uSu1-SS77; SuS-S27-27SS oi SuS-

Some Resources Related to Lesson Study

Cannon, }. & Feinanuez, C. (2uuS). "!")4 '#4#7'/" "74 5+&")5; &+ *+ 9)&" +.'
&#7/")5;?@2 A5 7570B4)4 +, 0#44+5 4&.*B >'7/&)&)+5#'4C *),,)/.0&)#4 /+5*./&)5;
&#7/"#' '#4#7'/". Nanusciipt submitteu foi publication. (If you woulu like to
obtain a uiaft of this papei, please e-mail lsigcolumbia.euu.)
Chokshi, S. & Feinanuez, C. (Naich 2uu4). Challenges to impoiting }apanese lesson
stuuy: Conceins, misconceptions, anu nuances. 8") :#0&7 D7>>75E FGHIJE S2u-
Easton, L. B. (2uu9). 8'+&+/+04 ,+' >'+,#44)+570 0#7'5)5;. Alexanuiia, vA:
Association foi Supeivision anu Cuiiiculum Bevelopment.
Easton, L. B. (Eu.) (2uu8). 8+9#',.0 *#4);54 ,+' >'+,#44)+570 0#7'5)5;. 0xfoiu, 0B:
National Staff Bevelopment Council.
Feinanuez, C. (2uuS). 3#44+5 4&.*B2 A 1#754 ,+' KL(L &#7/"#'4 &+ *#M#0+> &"#
N5+90#*;# +, 17&"#17&)/4 5##*#* ,+' '#,+'1O1)5*#* &#7/")5;. Nanusciipt
submitteu foi publication.
Feinanuez, C. (2uu2). Leaining fiom }apanese appioaches to piofessional
uevelopment: The case of lesson stuuy. P+.'570 +, !#7/"#' <*./7&)+5E GQHGJ,
Feinanuez, C., Cannon, }., & Chokshi, S. (2uuSJL A 0.S.-}apan lesson stuuy
collaboiation ieveals ciitical lenses foi examining piactice. !#7/")5; 75*
!#7/"#' <*./7&)+5E RSHTJ, 171-18S.
Feinanuez, C. & Chokshi, S. (0ctobei 2uu2). A piactical guiue to tianslating lesson
stuuy foi a 0.S. setting. 8") :#0&7 D7>>75, FUHTJ, 128-1S4.
Feinanuez, C., Chokshi, S., Cannon, }., & Yoshiua, N. (in piess). Leaining about lesson
stuuy in the 0niteu States. In E. Beauchamp (Eu.), V#9 75* +0* M+)/#4 +5
P7>75#4# #*./7&)+5. Aimonk, New Yoik: N.E. Shaipe.
uallimoie, R. & Santagata, R. (2uu6). Reseaiching teaching: The pioblem of stuuying
a system iesistant to change. In R R. Bootzin & P. E. NcKnight (Eus.).
(&'#5;&"#5)5; W#4#7'/" X#&"+*+0+;B2 84B/"+0+;)/70 X#74.'#1#5& 75*
<M70.7&)+5 (pps. 11-28) Washington, B.C.: APA Books

Biebeit, }., & Stiglei, }. W. (2uuu). A pioposal foi impioving classioom teaching:
Lessons fiom the TINSS viueo stuuy. <0#1#5&7'B (/"++0 P+.'570E RYR, S-2u.
Kelly, K. (2uu2). Lesson stuuy: Can }apanese methous tianslate to 0.S. schools.
=7'M7'* <*./7&)+5 3#&&#'E RFHQJ, 4-7.
Lewis, C. (2uu8). Lesson stuuy. In Easton, L. B. 8+9#',.0 *#4);54 ,+' >'+,#44)+570
0#7'5)5;. 0xfoiu, 0B: National Staff Bevelopment Council.
Lewis, C. (2uu6). Lesson stuuy in Noith Ameiica: Piogiess anu challenges In N.
Natoba, K. A. Ciawfoiu & N. R. Saikai Aiani (Eus.) 3#44+5 4&.*B2 Z5&#'57&)+570
8#'4>#/&)M# +5 8+0)/B 75* 8'7/&)/e. Euucational Science Publishing Bouse,
Lewis, C. (2uu4). Lesson stuuy. In Easton, L. B. 8+9#',.0 *#4);54 ,+' >'+,#44)+570
0#7'5)5;. 0xfoiu, 0B: National Staff Bevelopment Council.
Lewis, C. (2uu4). Lesson stuuy. In Easton, L. B. 8+9#',.0 *#4);54 ,+' >'+,#44)+570
0#7'5)5;. 0xfoiu, 0B: National Staff Bevelopment Council.
Lewis, C. (2uu2). 3#44+5 (&.*B2 A =75*[++N +, !#7/"#'O3#* Z54&'./&)+570 -"75;#L
Philauelphia: Reseaich foi Bettei Schools.
Lewis, C. (2uu2) What aie the essential elements of lesson stuuy. !"# -70),+'5)7
(/)#5/# 8'+\#/& -+55#/&)+5. volume 2, No. 6. NovembeiBecembei 2uu2.
Lewis, C. (2uu2). Boes lesson stuuy have a futuie in the 0niteu States. P+.'570 +, &"#
V7;+B7 K5)M#'4)&B :#>7'&1#5& +, <*./7&)+5E P75.7'B HRJ, 1-2S.
Lewis, C., Peiiy, R., & Buiu, }. (2uu4). A ueepei look at lesson stuuyL <*./7&)+570
3#7*#'4")>E ]RHGJ, 6-11.
Lewis, C., Peiiy, R., Buiu, }., & 0'Connell, P. (2uu6). Lesson stuuy comes of age in
Noith Ameiica. 8") :#0&7 D7>>75. Becembei 2uu6, pp. 27S-281.
Lewis, C., Peiiy, R., & Nuiata A. (2uu6). Bow shoulu ieseaich contiibute to
instiuctional impiovement: A case of lesson stuuy. <*./7&)+570 W#4#7'/"#',
vol. SS, No. S, pp. S-14.
Lewis, C., & Takahashi, A. (Eus.) (2uu6). Leaining acioss bounuaiies: 0.S.-}apan
collaboiation in mathematics, science anu technology euucation. Confeience
Lewis, C. & Tsuchiua, I. (1998). A lesson is like a swiftly flowing iivei: Reseaich
lessons anu the impiovement of }apanese euucation. A1#')/75 <*./7&+'E
^)5&#', 14-17 & Su-S2.
Lewis, C., & Tsuchiua, I. (1998). The basics in }apan: The thiee Cs. <*./7&)+570
3#7*#'4")> SS:6, S2-S7.
Liptak, L. (2uu2). It's a mattei of time. W_( -.''#5&4, GHTJ, 6-7.
Peiiy, R., & Lewis, C. (in piess) What is successful auaptation of lesson stuuy in the
0.S.. P+.'570 +, <*./7&)+570 -"75;#L
Peiiy, R., Lewis, C., & Akiba, N. (2uu2). 3#44+5 4&.*B )5 &"# (75 X7&#+ ` 6+4&#' -)&B
(/"++0 :)4&')/&. Papei piesenteu at the Ameiican Euucational Reseaich
Association (2uu2 Annual Neeting), New 0ileans, LA.
Watanabe, T. (Wintei 2uuS). Lesson stuuy: A new mouel of collaboiation. A/7*#1)/
<a/"75;# b.7'&#'0BE IHUJ, pp.
Yoshiua, N. (1999). Lesson stuuy |}ugyokenkyuj in elementaiy school mathematics
in }apan: A case stuuy. Papei piesenteu at the Ameiican Euucational
Reseaich Association (1999 Annual Neeting), Nontieal, Canaua.
T = Teacher ? = Student

? ? ?
? ? ?

T T ?



? #1

#2 T & ?

(Thanks to Naueline Buntei)


1. In youi teaching gioup, ieview the given lesson anu impiove it as much
as you can. 0ne way to impiove it is to have someone "teach" it within
youi own gioup to see what happens.

2. 0nce you have it as "peifecteu" as possible, ueciue who will teach it to the
"stuuents" (who may be anothei teaching gioup). Anyone can teach the
appioveu lesson; lesson stuuy is not about the iuiosynciasies of a teachei;
it is about a joint effoit to impiove a lesson. It is about seeing what
happens when the lesson is taught.

S. Also ueciue what uata you want to collect anu assign eveiy othei membei
of the teaching gioup to be obseiveis foi pait of the uata you want. Beie
aie some samples of uata you might want to collect:

Questions that come to youi minu as you obseive
Ciitical things aie happening in the classioom
Types of questions the stuuents askeu
Types of questions the teachei askeu
Eviuence of highei-level thinking
Eviuence of skill
Eviuence of confusion
Peicent of stuuents who iaiseu hanus
Bouy language, "aha" moments, shining eyes
Shifts in thinking that aie eviuent
Numbei of times stuuents iefei to anu builu on classmates' comments
Eviuence of engagement
Following the lesson anu ueviations fiom the lesson

4. The teachei will teach the lesson, as ueciueu upon by the gioup with the
iest of the gioup aiiangeu aiounu the stuuents, collecting uata as
unobtiusively as possible. (Note: The teachei shoulu feel fiee to auapt
the lesson if neeus aiise but shoulu be suie to note when anu why the
lesson neeueu auaptation in oiuei to shaie that infoimation with the
gioup uuiing the colloquium).

S. As soon as possible aftei the lesson, the gioup shoulu ieconvene foi the
colloquium. The colloquium begins with the comments of the teachei
(paiticulaily what woikeu anu what uiun't woik). Then, the uata
collectois shoulu iepoit what they noticeu. If it's possible to have the
stuuents piesent, they shoulu iepoit what they expeiienceu. A iecoiuei
can keep tiack of the infoimation.

6. Buiing the colloquium, paiticipants shoulu make iecommenuations on
how to impiove the lesson anu a uecision shoulu be maue about whethei
oi not to ie-teach it oi apply leaining to the next lesson to be stuuieu.

Reflection on Lesson Study Experience #1


Take a moment to ieflect on youi fiist expeiience with lesson stuuy. Wiite below
what you noticeu anu what you aie wonueiing.
What uiu you notice. What stiuck you.
What uo youi "noticings" mean.
What uo you wonuei about. What uo
you want to think moie about.

From Stevi Quate
The Basics of Lesson Study

Biiections: Reau this biief aiticle quickly anu then pick out a sentence that you
think captuies what is most impoitant about lesson stuuy. Then, select a set of
woius (not necessaiily a sentence) that you also think is impoitant. Finally, select a
single woiu that is key (see the Thiee Levels of Text Piotocol on pp. 18-21).

%- #./0.1/2 34 5/6637 (89:;

"Impioving something as complex anu cultuially embeuueu as teaching
iequiies the effoits of all the playeis, incluuing stuuents, paients, anu
politicians. But teacheis must be the piimaiy uiiving foice behinu change. They aie
best positioneu to unueistanu the pioblems that stuuents face anu to geneiate
possible solutions." }ames Stiglei anu }ames Biebeit, !"# !#7/")5; c7>L1999, p.1SS.

Lesson stuuy pioviues an ongoing methou to impiove instiuction baseu on /7'#,.0
+[4#'M7&)+5 +, 4&.*#5&4 75* &"#)' 9+'NL In the lesson stuuy cycle teacheis woik
togethei to:

- Foimulate goals foi stuuent leaining anu long-teim uevelopment.
- Collaboiatively plan a "ieseaich lesson" uesigneu to biing life to these goals.
"This lesson may come fiom a textbook oi woikbook (especially at the
beginning). Latei, it may be a lesson that a teachei has uesigneu anu wants
the gioup to stuuy. The lesson may also be constiucteu by the lesson stuuy
gioup itself (although that woik at least uoubles the time that lesson stuuy
takes)" (auueu by L. B. Easton).
- Conuuct the ieseaich lesson, with one team membei teaching anu otheis
gatheiing eviuence on stuuent leaining anu uevelopment. "The teachei of the
lesson can be any membei of the lesson stuuy gioup - inueeu, it shoulu not
mattei who teaches the lesson if the gioup has agieeu upon the lesson.

A Biief uuiue to Lesson Stuuy by Catheiine C. Lewis,Euucation Bepaitment, Nills College, 0aklanu
CA, Clewismills.euu 0seu with peimission.

Lesson stuuy is not about the teachei; it is about the lesson. If the teachei
changes the lesson, the teachei shoulu note the changes anu why they weie
maue, as shoulu the gioup, in oiuei to uiscuss them in colloquium latei.
Lesson stuuy is not about the iuiosynciasies of paiticulai teacheis; it is about
the success of the planneu anu agieeu upon lesson (uuiing which planning
the teacheis shoulu ceitainly talk about how they woulu, uniquely, appioach
the lesson" (auueu by L. B. Easton).
- Biscuss the eviuence gatheieu uuiing the lesson, using it to impiove the
lesson, the unit, anu instiuction moie geneially. (If uesiieu, the ieviseu
lesson may be taught, obseiveu, anu iefineu again in one oi moie auuitional

$</ =/6637 689:; >;>=/ ?03.1:/6 8</ 3??3089718; 430 8/@></06 83A
- Think caiefully about the goals of a paiticulai lesson, unit, anu subject aiea.
- Think ueeply about long-teim goals foi stuuents. What is the gap between
who stuuents aie now anu who we hope they will become.
- Stuuy anu impiove the best available lessons.
- Beepen theii own subject-mattei knowleuge, by consiueiing questions like:
what knowleuge anu unueistanuing aie impoitant.; how is it uevelopeu.;
what aie the gaps in stuuent unueistanuing anu knowleuge.
- Collaboiatively plan lessons.
- Anticipate stuuent thinking.
- Caiefully stuuy stuuent leaining anu behavioi.
- Builu poweiful instiuctional stiategies - foi example, uevelop questioning
stiategies that stimulate stuuent inteiest anu leaining.

%%- (8/?6 34 5/6637 (89:;

B- C3>96 8</ 5/6637 (89:;
- Agiee on long-teim goals foi stuuent uevelopment. What qualities uo we
hope stuuents will have when they giauuate fiom oui school.
- Select an acauemic focus, baseu on uiscussion of stanuaius anu of the topics
that aie peisistently uifficult foi stuuents.
D- E=@7 8</ ,/6/@0>< 5/6637
- Stuuy existing lessons.
- Builuing on the best available lessons, map out a unit that biings to life long-
teim goals foi stuuent uevelopment, anu that will move stuuents fiom theii
cuiient unueistanuingknowleuge to the place we'u like them to be.
- Plan in uetail one "ieseaich lesson" in that unit. As pait of the planning, tiy
out the lesson as auults anu anticipate stuuent thinking. Iuentify the uata on
stuuent leaining, motivation, anu behavioi that you will collect uuiing the
ieseaich lesson.
F- $/@>< @7: *16>966 8</ ,/6/@0>< 5/6637 GB =/6637H 43==32/: I; :16>966137
6@J/ :@; 30 6337 @48/0K
- 0ne membei teaches the lesson anu othei team membeis collect uata as
planneu; obseivation piotocol at
- Conuuct a post-lesson uiscussion. Stiuctuie the uiscussion agenua anu
consiuei the following conventions:
- The teachei who taught the lesson speaks fiist anu has the chance to point
out any uifficulties in the lesson befoie they can be pointeu out by otheis.
(Teacheis neeu not ciiticize something that's alieauy been pointeu out as
an issue.)
- The lesson belongs to the whole stuuy gioup; it is "oui" lesson, not "youi"
- Biscussion focuses on the uata collecteu at the ieseaich lessonon the
stuuents anu lesson, not the teachei
L- ,/4=/>8 @7: ,/M8/@><H #0 E=@7 8</ "/N8 (8/?
- Woulu you like to iefine anu ie-teach the lesson in anothei classioom. What
shoulu be changeu.
- What went well in youi lesson stuuy effoit, anu what woulu you like to
change next time aiounu.
- What new issues oi pioblems came up that you woulu like to auuiess in youi
next ieseaich lesson cycle.

%%%- (9??3086 430 5/6637 (89:;
1. See the lesson as pait of the unit
- Nap out the oveiall goals anu "flow" of the unit
- Bon't tiy to ciam too much into one lesson
2. value self-ciiticism
- A key belief is that lessons (howevei wonueiful) can always be
- Cieate a climate that encouiages self-ciiticism
S. Embiace mistakes
- Nuch can be leaineu fiom impeifect lessons
- The yaiustick foi measuiing lesson stuuy's woith is how much
teacheis leaineu along the way
- Lesson stuuy is not a quick fix, but a slow, steauy means of
- Remembei you aie pioneeismistakes aie to be expecteu, anu many
othei 0S teacheis will be eagei to leain fiom you
4. Bon't woiship oiiginality
- What's impoitant is whethei the lesson piomotes stuuent leaining,
not whethei it is oiiginal
S. Bevelop gioup noims
- Talk about what will make youi gioup piouuctive anu suppoitive
- Foimulate giounu-iules, anu ievisit them at each meeting

%O- C390 5/./=6 34 5/6637 (89:; '3@=6A +N@J?=/6
Lesson stuuy focuses simultaneously on foui levels of goals:
5/./= BA '3@=6 (?/>141> 83 8</ 5/6637
- Be motivateu to finu out the piinciples of leveis in subsequent lessons.
- Iuentify businesses anu institutions in the neighboihoou of the school
- Biscovei that the ciicumfeience of a ciicle is always about thiee times its
5/./= DA '3@=6 (?/>141> 83 8</ P718
- 0nueistanu that the foice neeueu to lift an object of constant weight with a
levei changes, uepenuing on position of object anu foice
- Bevelop an awaieness of the local community anu one's iole in it.
- 0nueistanu how to calculate the aiea of a ciicle, anu how the aiea of a ciicle
ielates to the aiea of a iectangle.
5/./= FA Q03@: (9IR/>8MS@88/0 '3@=6
- Actively use piioi knowleuge to solve novel mathematics pioblems
- Bevelop scientific habits of minu such as use of the five senses, use of
eviuence to waiiant asseitions, anu use of contiolleu investigation.
5/./= LA 537TM8/0J '3@=6 430 (89:/78 */./=3?J/78
- Take initiative as leaineis
- Leain with uesiie
- value fiienuship
- Woik coopeiatively with otheis

O- U9/681376 $3 &3761:/0 )</7 E=@7717T 8</ ,/6/@0>< 5/6637
Planning a ieseaich lesson uiffeis fiom the lesson planning familiai to most of us.
The following basic questions guiue planning of a ieseaich lesson.
1. What uo stuuents cuiiently unueistanu about this topic.
2. What uo we want them to unueistanu at the enu of the lesson (anu unit).
S. What's the "uiama" oi sequence of expeiiences that will piopel stuuents
fiom 1 to 2.
4. What kinus of stuuent thinking (incluuing pioblems anu misconceptions) uo
we anticipate in iesponse to each element of the lesson. Bow will we use
these to fostei movement fiom what stuuents cuiiently unueistanu to what
we want them to unueistanu.
S. What will make this lesson motivating anu meaningful to stuuents.
6. What eviuence fiom the lesson will help us ieflect on oui goals foi leaining
anu stuuent uevelopment. Foi example, what uata shoulu we collect
iegaiuing stuuent leaining, motivation, anu behavioi, what foims aie neeueu
to collect it, anu who will be iesponsible foi each piece.

O%- +N@J?=/6 34 *@8@ &3==/>8/: *9017T ,/6/@0>< 5/66376
V>@:/J1> 5/@0717T
- Bow uiu stuuents' images of heateu aii change aftei the expeiiment.
- Biu stuuents shift fiom simple counting to a moie flexible methou.
- Biu uiamatic iole-play spaik highei quality anu quantity of wiiting.
- What uiu stuuents leain about aiea, as expiesseu in theii notes.
- Peicent of chiluien who iaiseu hanus
- Bouy language, "aha" comments, shining eyes
(3>1@= Q/<@.130
- Bow many times uo stuuents iefei to anu builu on classmates' comments.
- Aie stuuents fiienuly anu iespectful.
- Bow often uo S quietist chiluien speak up.
(89:/78 V88189:/6 832@0: 5/6637
- What uiu you like anu uislike about the lesson.
- What woulu you change the next time it is taught.
- Bow uiu it compaie with youi usual lessons in____.

Lesson Stuuy Cycle foi a Yeai

Lewis, C., Perry, R., and Murata, A. (April 2006). How should research contribute to
instructional improvement? The case of lesson study. Educational Researcher, 31(3), 3-
$W,++ 5+O+5( #C $+X$ E,#$#&#5

C#, V $+X$MQV(+* *%(&P((%#"

(#P,&+ #C E,#$#&#5A This piotocol is similai to the Text-Baseu Seminai anu the
Text-Renueiing Piotocol uevelopeu by the National School Refoim Faculty (NSRF).
This piotocol, uevelopeu by Stevi Quate anu Lois Easton, is a vaiiation on the NSRF
text-baseu piotocols.
#O+,O%+) #C E,#$#&#5:
In this piotocol, paiticipants ieflect on a "text" - which can take almost any foim,
fiom a viueotape to a poucast - using incieasingly moie specific uesciiptions as they
move thiough iounus. The puipose is to constiuct meaning collaboiatively, claiify,
anu expanu thinking about a text oi uocument.
"PSQ+, #C EV,$%&%EV"$(:
Theie is no piesentei, but theie shoulu be a facilitatoi. It is helpful to have a
iecoiuei who will chait what people say. The iueal gioup size is fiom six to ten
people, so if the whole gioup is laigei, it shoulu be bioken into sub-gioups of the
iueal size, each with a table facilitatoi to help a ioom facilitatoi keep time anu move
the gioup along.
$%S+ ,+UP%,+*A
This piotocol can be uone is a few as 2u minutes; it can be extenueu as long as theie
is time. It shoulu be extenueu if the text is long anu complex oi if theie aie moie
than ten people in a gioup.
($+E( (with appioximate timing foi this piotocol - about 4S minutes):
Pieliminaiy Step: The "text" itself (time uepenus on text)
- Paiticipants shoulu ieau, view oi listen to the text, peihaps taking notes on a
peifoimance text oi annotating a wiitten text.
Step 0ne: Sentences (about 1u minutes)
- Each membei of the gioup shaies a sentence fiom the text oi fiom notes
wiitten about a peifoimance.

From L. B. Easton (2009). Protocols for Professional Learning. Alexandria, VA:
- What is shaieu is something that is paiticulaily significant to the paiticipant.
- 0theis listen (anu, peihaps, take notes) on what each peison says, but theie
is no uiscussion.
Step Two: Phiases (about 1u minutes)
- Each peison shaies a phiase fiom the text oi fiom notes wiitten about a
- What is shaieu is something that is paiticulaily significant to the paiticipant.
- 0theis listen (anu, peihaps, take notes) on what each peison says, but theie
is no uiscussion.
Step Thiee: Woius (about 1u minutes)
- Each peison shaies a woiu fiom the text oi fiom notes wiitten about a
- What is shaieu is something that is paiticulaily significant to the paiticipant.
- 0theis listen (anu, peihaps, take notes) on what each peison says, but theie
is no uiscussion.
Step Foui: Biscussion (about 1u minutes)
- The gioup uiscusses what they heaiu anu what they've leaineu about the text
being stuuieu.
- The gioup uiscusses the woius that emeigeu anu any new insights they have
about the uocument.
Step Five: Bebiiefing (about S minutes)
- The gioup uebiiefs the piocess.

"38/A V .@01@8137 on this piotocol calls foi people to follow this sequence foi as
many iounus as time allows:
A iounu consists of:
- 0ne peison using up to S minutes to:
Level 1: Reau alouu the passage shehe has selecteu
Level 2: Say what shehe thinks about the passage (inteipietation,
connection to past expeiiences, etc.)
Level S: Say what shehe sees as the implications foi hishei woik.
- The gioup iesponuing (foi a total of up to 2 minutes) to what has been saiu.
&,%$%&V5 +5+S+"$(A
Insteau of woiking fiom sentences to woius, a gioup can consiuei a play, a scene,
anu then a speech. . .oi an entiie woik of ait, a pait of the ait, a uetail of the ait, foi
example. Some gioups want to ie-examine the "text" aftei uoing this piotocol; most
likely they'll uiscovei that theii unueistanuing of it has consiueiably impioveu.
$%E( C#, $W+ CV&%5%$V$#,A
The most common pioblem with this piotocol is that people want to uo moie than
shaie a sentence, phiase, oi woiu. They may also want to ueviate fiom the text
being consiueieu to shaie fiom theii own expeiiences. Explain that they can uo
both uuiing uiscussion in the fouith step, which may neeu to be extenueu if quite a
few paiticipants want to go beyonu the text being consiueieu.


What suipiiseu me:
Pietty exciting:
Reflection Sheet : Reading & Text-Based Protocol

I'm wonueiing:
Pietty exciting:
Not suie about this:
A little confusing:
The Role of Data in Lesson Study


Selecting cuiiiculum anu peisonal giowth goals accoiuing to
o Achievement iecoius
o Stuuent woik
o 0bseivations
o Suiveys
o State anu uistiict stanuaius

Selecting units anu lessons within the cuiiiculum
o Achievement iecoius
o Stuuent woik
o 0bseivations
o Teacheis' anu stuuents' expeiiences

(See next page foi examples)

Fiaming ieseaich questions ielateu to the geneial goal of the lesson
Fiaming ieseaich questions aiounu specific aspects of the lesson
Beciuing on geneiic questions to ask about stuuent iesponses to the lesson
Collecting specific uata ielateu to questions
Repoiting uata iesults uuiing colloquium


Analyzing anu inteipieting the uata
Beciuing what the uata mean in teims of ievising the lesson
Beciuing what the uata mean in teims of applying leaining to the next
0sing the uata in the next iounu of lesson stuuy
Fiaming ieseaich questions ielateu geneially anu specifically to the next
Beciuing on geneiic questions ielateu to the next lesson

"38/A $</ >;>=/ J3./6 403J Y*9017TZ 83 YV48/0Z @7: I@>[ @T@17 83 Y*9017TZ
9781= 8</ =/6637 689:; T039? :/>1:/6 8<@8 18 7//:6 83 J3./ 37 83 @738</0
>9001>9=9J @0/@ 30 @738</0 9718 403J 2<1>< @ =/6637 21== I/ :0@27- $</7 18
T3/6 I@>[ 83 YQ/430/-Z
Collecti ng Data Duri ng Lessons

Reseaich Questions Relateu to the ueneial uoal of the Lesson

V6[: What is the goal of this lesson. What uo we want stuuents to know,
unueistanu, anu be able to uo as a iesult of this lesson. Bow will we know.

C0@J/ U9/681376 (9>< @6 $</6/:

"#$% &'()&*+& ), -& #$'& %#$% .%/)&*%. 0*,- #,- %, 12,$345 Bow many
aie showing eviuence that they know this. What aie they uoing oi saying.
Bow many males. Females. Stuuents with IEPs. ELL stuuents. 0thei.

6,- ), -& 0*,- %#$% .%/)&*%. /*)&7.%$*) 12,$34d What aie they uoing oi
saying. Bow aie uiffeient gioups uemonstiating (oi not) theii

"#$% )$%$ ), -& #$'& $8,/% -#&%#&7 ,7 *,% .%/)&*%. +$* $993: %#(.
12,$34 5 What can we see in theii woik. What can we tell by listening in to
theii buuuy conveisations. Bow aie uiffeient gioups able (oi not) to uo

Reseaich Questions Relateu to Specific Aspects (Noves) of the Lesson

V6[A What uiu we ueciue to uo anu why. What aie oui S#O+( to auvance this
lesson. What eviuence uo we have that these S#O+( woikeu with stuuents.

C0@J/ U9/681376 (9>< @6 $</6/:

6,- ;$*: )&;,*.%7$%&) %#$% ,/7 ;,'& %, &3(+(% 8$+027,/*) 0*,-3&)2&
about the content of this lesson woikeu. Which gioups uiuuiu not
uemonstiate backgiounu knowleuge.

6,- ;$*: .%/)&*%. $*) -#(+# 27,/9. -&7& $83& %, %7$*.<&7 8$+027,/*)
0*,-3&)2& %, *&- 3&$7*(*2 $++,7)(*2 %, ,/7 ;,'&. Bow uo we know.
What uiu they say oi uo.

6,- ;$*: .%/)&*%. 1$*) -#(+# 27,/9.4 $7& $83& %, /.& ,/7 ;,'& %, ;$0&
%#& .#(<% <7,; %#(. %,9(+ 1*$;& %,9(+4 %, %#(. %,9(+. Bow uo you know.

6,- ;$*: .%/)&*%. 1$*) -#(+# 27,/9.4-&7& $%%&*%('& -#&* -& /.&)
;,)&3(*2 1$ .9&+(<(+ ;,'& -& )&+()&) ,* $% %#(. 9,(*%4 anu consciously
useu the moueling to help themselves uo the piocess. Bow uo you know.
What uiu they say oi uo.

6,- ;$*: .%/)&*%. 1$*) -#(+# 27,/9.4 -&*% <7,; ,*& 3&'&3 ,< %#(*0(*2
%, $*,%#&7 -(%#,/% #&39 /.(*2 %#& ;,'& -& )&.(2*&) ., %#&: +,/3) ), .,.
Bow uo you know. What uiu they say oi uo.

6,- ;$*: .%/)&*%. 1$*) -#(+# 27,/9.4 /*)&7.%,,) %#(. $+%('(%: $. $
7&./3% ,< $ ;,'& -& )&+()&) /9,*5 Bow uo you know. What uiu they say
oi uo.

6,- ;$*: .%/)&*%. 1$*) -#(+# 27,/9.4 -&7& ;,%('$%&) $++,7)(*2 %, ,/7
;,'&. by this activity. Bow uo you know. What uiu they say oi uo.

6,- ;$*: .%/)&*%. 1$*) -#(+# 27,/9.4 8/(3) /9,* %#&(7 3&$7*(*2 $. $
7&./3% ,< $ ;,'& -& )&.(2*&) <,7 %#& 3&..,* fiom one activity to the othei.
Bow uo you know. What uiu they say oi uo.

6,- ;$*: .%/)&*%. 1$*) -#(+# 27,/9.4 7&$+#&) +3,./7& foi themselves as
a iesult of a move we uesigneu foi the lesson. Was the closuie accuiate oi
not. Bow uo you know. What uiu they say oi uo.

6,- )() $*: ,*& .%/)&*% 1,7 9$(7 ,< .%/)&*%.4 3&$7* $*) )&;,*.%7$%& $*:
,< %#& $8,'& $++,7)(*2 %, %#& ;,'&. -& 8/(3% (* %, %#(. 3&..,*5 What uiu
you see oi heai. What makes you ceitain of the leaining.

ueneiic Questions

Questions that come to youi minu as you obseive
Ciitical things that aie happening in the classioom
Types of questions the stuuents ask
Types of questions the teachei ask
Eviuence of highei-level thinking
Eviuence of skill
Eviuence of confusion
Peicent of stuuents who iaiseu hanus
Bouy language, "aha" moments, shining eyes
Shifts in thinking that aie eviuent
Numbei of times stuuents iefei to anu builu on classmates' comments
Eviuence of engagement
The teachei's following the lesson oi ueviating fiom it, anu the conuitions
that causeu the ueviation, anu what happeneu next

Examples of Questi ons Leadi ng to
Data Collected Duri ng Lessons

Reseaich Questions Relateu to the ueneial uoal of the Lesson

=%$*)$7): Stuuents can factoi laige numbeis using a given piocess.


Bow many stuuents follow the complete piocess foi factoiing . Bow many
males. Females. Stuuents with IEPs. ELL stuuents. 0thei.

What paits of the piocess uo othei stuuents use.

Which stuuents get coiiect answei on piactice pioblems. Bow many males.
Females. Stuuents with IEPs. ELL stuuents. 0thei.

Which stuuents get coiiect answeis up to a ceitain point in the piocess. At
what point uo they faltei.

Which stuuents seem to have anothei, woikable piocess foi factoiing laige

Reseaich Questions Relateu to Specific Aspects (Noves) of the Lesson

=%$*)$7): 0nueistanus the uiffeience between exponential anu lineai


Bow many stuuents (anu which gioups) iemembeieu key points fiom
yesteiuay's lesson anu wiote them on theii aumit caius.

Bow many stuuents (anu which gioups) hau something to shaie in the
biainstoiming activity about woilu population giowth.

Bow many stuuents (anu which gioups) saiu the population giowth chait
was exponential. Bow many saiu it was lineai.

Which paiis of stuuents weie able to peisuaue the iest of the stuuents that
the chait was exponential.

Which stuuents (anu which gioups) achieveu accuiately iepiesenteu the
majoi goal of this lesson in the closuie activity.

ueneiic Questions

Bow coulu the leaining have been enhanceu uuiing any pait of the lesson. What
specific moves coulu have been changeu, auueu, oi ueleteu. Why. What weie
stuuents uoing at that point.

What aie stuuents uoing uuiing X move. Y move. Z move.

What questions uo stuuents have uuiing the lesson (iepoit them veibatim, as much
as possible, anu then categoiize them accoiuing to Bloom's taxonomy).

Who among the stuuents asks questions anu what types of questions aie they. Who
uoesn't ask questions. To what extent uo the non-quesitoneis appeai to be leaining
anu able to uemonstiate knowleuge anu skill.

What uo stuuents say to each othei in paiistiiaus oi to the whole class. Captuie
these veibatim anu then categoiize them accoiuing to Bloom's taxonomy. At what
levels of thinking aie these peei-to-peei questions.

What eviuence uo you have that stuuents have attaineu a skill.

What eviuence uo you have about claiity about any point. Confusion. Bow many
stuuents seem to "get" the leaining. Bow many uon't. What uo you notice about

What eviuence uo you have that stuuents aie able to shift fiom one topic to anothei.

What eviuence uo you have that stuuents aie helping each othei out.

Wheie uiu the teachei ueviate fiom the planneu lesson. What was happening at the
point of ueviation. What uiu the teachei uo uiffeiently. What was the iesult in
teims of the stuuents.

Your Turn: What Questi ons Do You Have About
Thi s Lesson? What Data Mi ght You Collect to
Answer Those Questi ons?

TITLE: Water to the Max

AUTHOR: R. Vance Wood, Hurricane High School,
Hurricane, UT

GRADE LEVEL/SUBJECT: (9-12), Math or Science

OVERVIEW: This lesson is one which I have used with
the class, however it will work equally as well as
homework or extra credit assignment. In addition to
teaching, I am also a track coach and this activity is
of particular help to my athletes in seeing what they
should do to maximize their performance. This activity
is a great deal of fun in the spring of the year when
the students want to get outside to enjoy the great
outdoors and the water.

PURPOSE: To find the optimum angle to achieve the
greatest distance.

Meter stick
Garden hose with nozzle attached

Attach the garden hose to a tap and adjust the flow of
water to a constant pressure.
Starting at an angle of 0 degrees to the ground,
measure and record the distance the stream travels in
the horizontal direction along the ground.
Repeat this process at 20, 30,
45, 60, and 75 degrees.

Have students discuss these questions:
1. Which angle allowed you to achieve the maximum
2. If you were to increase the pressure on the water
in the hose, what effect would it have on the
angle you would use to achieve maximum distance at
the new pressure?
3. Do you think that a shot put or a javelin would
need to be thrown at some angle different than the
water to achieve maximum distance?


Can you think of a method to determine the maximum
height the water achieved at the optimum angle?
Briefly describe your method.
Draw the approximate path the water followed in its
flight. What is the shape of the path?

Reseaich Questions Relateu to the ueneial uoal of the Lesson

1. What uo you want to know.

2. What uata will you collect to answei youi ieseaich question.

Reseaich Questions Relateu to Specific Aspects (Noves) of the Lesson

1. What uo you want to know about moves in this lesson.

2. What uata will you collect to answei youi ieseaich questions.

ueneiic Questions

1. What uo you want to know geneiically (applicable to any lesson) in teims of
this specific lesson.

2. What uata will you collect to answei youi ieseaich questions.
Six Degrees of Reflection
(Six Begiees of Sepaiation fiom Expectations)

Biiections: Consiuei what you just uone. Wiite uown thiee expectations you hau
iegaiuing uata collection. Then consiuei the uegiee to which you weie suipiiseu oi
affiimeu in teims of each expectation. Feel fiee to wiite a comment to explain youi

Expectation #1:

@&27&& ,< =&9$7$%(,* <7,; AB9&+%$%(,*.
6/2& C,)&7$%& C(*,7


Expectation #2:

@&27&& ,< =&9$7$%(,* <7,; AB9&+%$%(,*.
6/2& C,)&7$%& C(*,7


Expectation #S:

@&27&& ,< =&9$7$%(,* <7,; AB9&+%$%(,*.
6/2& C,)&7$%& C(*,7



Activity Reflection:

What We Did: Lesson Stuuy Expeiience #2

What I Learned:

Reflection on What I Learned:

How I Might Use What I Learned:


How Does Lesson Study Fit?????

Biiections: Woiking with a paitnei oi in a tiiau, consiuei how the following
initiatives fit oi uon't fit with lesson stuuy. Amenu the uesciiptions of othei
initiatives if I've left something out. Then put an X by any pait of the initiatives that
16 69??308/: thiough lesson stuuy. Put a \ I; @7; ?@08 8<@8 >39=: I/ 69??308/:
8<039T< =/6637 689:;-

Analyze uata anu stuuent woik
Bevelop a couise of stuuy
Encouiage inquiiy uuiing
Bo a pie-confeience
uemonstiation lessons
Bebiief anu giveget feeuback
on lessons
0ne-to-one coaching
4-6 week cycle
Self-uiiecteu inquiiy with
uiscussion aiounu specific
instiuctional neeus
Nethou foi engaging in
piofessional leaining
Iuentifies stuuent neeus via
Iuentifies auult leaining goals
about teaching ielateu to uata
Review mateiials anu iesouices
about topic
Take tuins uemonstiating
Tiy out new anu uiffeient
Pioviues a foium - peisonal
ieflection anu uiscussion
Examining stuuent woik foi
Evaluating new appioaches
thiough uocumenting iesults
Piofessional Bevelopment
School anu uistiict ensuie
Inuiviuual Piofessional
Bevelopment Plans (IPBPs) foi
teacheis of taigeteu subgioups. . .
incluuing the neeus of subgioups
not making AYP
Bistiict paiticipates in a sample of
IPBP meetings
Bistiict ensuies that leaueiship
piofessional uevelopment
incluues PB taigeting the
subgioups not making AYP
Bistiict ensuies that appiopiiate
iesouices aie pioviueu to suppoit
the school to ieuesign the mastei
scheuule to pioviue common
planning time foi uata-baseu
uecision making within the
pioblem-solving piocess, job-
embeuueu piofessional
uevelopment, anu Piofessional
Leaining Communities (PLCs)
with Lesson Stuuy uioups.
Bistiict pioviues leaueiship
uevelopment on monitoiing
classioom instiuction anu
evaluating piofessional
Bistiict pioviues piofessional
uevelopment on Floiiua's
Continuous Impiovement Nouel,
Pioblem Solving, Response to
Piofessional Leaining
Communities, incluuing the
use of Lesson Stuuy uioups,
anu School uiaue anu AYP
BART 2uu9
FCAT Test Besign Bocument
FCAT Content Focus Repoit
Item Specifications uuiuelines
Instiuctional Pacing Calenuai
Instiuctional Beliveiy uuiue
Bata Bisaggiegation
Biffeientiateu Instiuction
Lesson Stuuy
Piofessional Bevelopment

Befinition anu uesciiption: A gioup of
euucatois who iegulaily engage in
piofessional leaining foi the puipose
of enhancing theii own piactice as
euucatois in oiuei to help all stuuents
Focus on piofessional leaining
foi the puipose of enhancing
theii own piactice as euucatois

Focus on what euucatois uo,
what's happening in classiooms
anu how euucatois can get
bettei in teims of what they uo

Focus on helping all stuuents
succeeu Team leaining
Shaieu vision, values & beliefs
Reflective uialogue
Bepiivatization of piactice
Collective focus on stuuent
Sustaining leaueiship

Suppoitive conuitions

Action oiientation anu
expeiimentation; iesults-

Collection anu use of effective

Floridas Approach To Lesson Study

1. In Florida lesson study is recommended as an effective professional
learning strategy for all schools.

2. All DA schools are required to implement lesson study but only
targeted schools (Intervene, F, D former F) are receiving direct
support from the Department of Education regional teams.

3. Lesson study needs to be started in schools on the critical list
during the 2009-2010 school year. The state does not mandate full
implementation of lesson study in the first year. Rather, schools
should go slowly at first, initiating PLCs and then using lesson study
as one of activities that engage members of PLCs.

4. Schools on the critical list, especially, may need to ease into lesson
study because faculty may not be familiar with/knowledgeable about
collaborative work.

5. However, by the end of the 2009-2010 school year, all schools on
the critical list should be engaged in lesson study in some
substantive way.

6. Lesson study is specified on DA CIM (Differentiated
Accountability Continuous Improvement Model). Lesson study
is one aspect of implementing DA CIM.

7. Lesson study goals are derived from data; the research lesson
provides data; and lesson study groups decide how to proceed on
the basis of data.

8. Lesson study can be the mechanism for implementing the coaching
cycle and the continuous learning cycle.

9. Lesson study may involve teachers in developing lessons together,
but the focus is on refining a developed/given lesson (such as a
lesson from a textbook), teaching it to collect data on student
learning, sharing data, improving the taught lesson (sometimes
called the research lesson), and applying learning to
development/refinement of additional lessons.

10. There is no official lesson planning template required by
Florida; however, schools need to chose among many effective
published templates (Wiggins & McTighe, Daggett, Hunter, Easton,
others). Also see the Instructional Focus Calendar template from
the Department of Education.

11. Lesson study is standards-based; created/given lessons are
based on standards; they are improved to help students achieve
standards; data are collected (in part) according to how well the
lesson helps students achieve standards; lessons are revised
according to data; the next lessons to be studied benefit from the
data collected about previous lessons

12. The focus of lesson study is on the intersection of curriculum,
the student and the teacher -- instruction. This is where the
proverbial "rubber meets the road" of learning.


Biiections: Complete as many sentence fiames as possible to ieflect youi thoughts
about what we have uone in this woikshop.

I useu to ____________________________________________________________________________anubut

now I _______________________________________________________________________________________.

I useu to ____________________________________________________________________________anubut

now I _______________________________________________________________________________________.

I useu to ____________________________________________________________________________anubut

now I _______________________________________________________________________________________.

I useu to ____________________________________________________________________________anubut

now I _______________________________________________________________________________________.

I useu to ____________________________________________________________________________anubut

now I ______________________________________________________________________________________.

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