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Eggless, Butterless, Milkless Cake

Boil for 5 Min. in large saucepan 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup shortening 1/2 tsp. salt 1 1/2 cups water 1/2 cup raisins 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. ground cloves 1 1/2 tsp. nutmeg After boiling, let mixture stand and cool. Dissolve 1 tsp. Baking soda in 1 bsp. warm water and add this to above cooled mixture. Add 2 cups flour and mix till combined

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Serving Size: 8 Preparation Time: 24:00 As an added bonus it's flourless and thus suitable for Passover.
!" or 8" springform pan spra#ed $ith non%sti&' ( oun&es semis$eet &ho&olate )4 pound butter ( eggs* separated &up sugar teaspoon vanilla + oun&es seedless raspberr# ,am* $hipped


-elt &ho&olate $ith butter and allo$ to &ool* beat #ol's $ith .)4 &up sugar and graduall# beat into the &ho&olate mi/ture. 0eat $hites and add )4&up sugar a tbsp. at a time. 1hen stiff* fold into the &ho&olate mi/ture. Pour .)4 of the mousse in the pan and pla&e the remainder in a &overed bo$l in the refrigerator. 0a'e the mousse at .20 degrees for .2 min.* then remove from heat and allo$ it to &ool. Slightl# $arm the seedless raspberr# ,am then $hip it $ith a for' or small $his' and spread it over the stop of the ba'ed and &ooled mousse. Pour the remainder of the mousse atop the ,am* &over $ith plasti& $rap and freeze the dessert. To serve* remove from the freezer* &ut around the mousse $ith a sharp 'nife* and remove the rim of the springform pan. 3ut into thin sli&es sin&e it is so ri&h. 1hen #ou put it on the serving dish #ou &an de&orate it $ith raspberr# puree or sau&e if #ou have some4 it also loo's ,ust fine on a plate ma#be $ith a &oupleberries s&attered about.

Chocolate Coconut Cake


bo/ 5un&an 6ines -oist 5elu/e 5evil's 7ood &a'e mi/ 8or e9uivalent bo/ed &a'e mi/:

Prepare &a'e mi/ a&&ording to bo/ dire&tions. ;rease and flour either three ! in&h &a'e pans for three la#er &a'e* or a bunt pan for bunt &a'e 8sho$n in upper pi&ture to the right:. 0a'e a&&ording to bo/ instru&tions. Frosting

&up &old mil' p'g. 84 serving size: &ho&olate <ell%= instant pudding 8or e9uivalent pudding mi/: tub 88 oz: 3ool 1hip* tha$ed 8or e9uivalent $hipped dessert topping: )2 &up finel# fla'ed &o&onut >estle -ini 3ho&olate -orsels 8or e9uivalent &ho&olate &hips:

Pour mil' into a medium bo$l. Add pudding mi/. 0eat $ith $ire $his' for 2 minutes. ;entl# stir in $hipped topping and &o&onut. ?mmediatel# spread over &ool &a'e. Sprin'le &ho&olate morsels on top of frosting. 8-a'es 4 &ups.:

1hen ma'ing the three la#er &a'e* double the frosting re&ipe. 7rost bet$een ea&h la#er and generousl# frost top and side of &a'e. Recipe History: This a m# o$n &ho&olate adaptation of a re&ipe b# Terr# Perr#. @oo' for a non%&ho&olate version of this moist and deli&ious re&ipe on m# 3a'e page %% the re&ipe is &alled -andarin =range Pineapple 3a'e.

Nana's Tip: The &a'e &uts more easil#* and tastes great* if it is slightl# &hilled.

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