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I) Introduce about TXT company II) Analyse the market III) Design a market plan for your product or service

TXP known for its fast, affordable fashion A !""#$I!" % hat,bag,sandals&&&), retail chain TXP has built up a big brand through listening and reacting 'uickly to its customers& TXP sells three lines of items, for women, men and children& !ach of them has its own independent creative team who carries out the fashion proposals for each campaign& That is why their customers may find in TXP stores with a high 'uality fashion proposal that takes into account the latest trends at affordable prices& The TXP(s business model is uni'ue, comprising each and every stage of the fashion retail business) design, manufacture, distribution and sale of fashion in own*operated stores& The TXP has a fle+ible structure and a strong customer focus in all its business areas& It covers all phases of the fashion process) design, manufacture, logistics and distribution to its own managed stores The key to this model is the ability to adapt the offer to customer desires in the shortest time possible& ,or TXP, time is the main factor to be considered, above and beyond production costs& This signifies there clear cut policy of valuing time even more then money&


1)What is your mar !ti"# $hi%oso$hy& TXP-s five*point marketing approach to reach its customers ) * Store location) The company always tries to find the perfect location and ensure its brand is visible to as many people as possible * Store window) The first meeting point with the customer and the place where TXP advertises the ne+t season-s look * Interior design and store image) .as to be right every time& TXP renews this image every si+ to eight months in all of its stores * Goods display) A dedicated team of co*ordinators display the collections by showing off the best trends, fabrics and colours * Customer service) "omething TXP believes it-s e+cellent at& The aim is to have as much personal contact with the customer as possible& ')Why (o )o"sum!rs *uy your $ro(u)ts& Why +i%% th!y *uy th! $ro(u)ts or s!r,i)!s o" o--!r& ustomers also said the first impression from the TXP products also determined the choice to buy these products& They appreciate the model and design from TXP& Although customers said they would not primarily consider price as the main reason for choosing TXP, more than /01 customers were still attracted by price discount, rather than thinking it was the time to buy new accessories& 2ut when people want to buy accessories they will choose TXP as displayed in the figure where people who want to buy accessories due to seasonal changes and real needs .)Who *uys your $ro(u)ts& What ar! th! )hara)t!risti)s o- )o"sum!rs that ar! %i !%y to *uy -rom you& ,emale customers are more than male customers& 3ost of the customers are young and middle*class employees& They have a 4ob with a stable income& They have their own opinions on the recognition of fashion trend& 2ut they also believe that 5A$A is taking lead in the fashion designs of apparel industry& The ultimate goal of marketing is to meet the needs of consumers, and consumers are full personali6ed, different consumers, demand is not the same for the same type of merchandise&

/)What (o th!y *uy& Whi)h $ro(u)ts or s!r,i)!s (o th!y ty$i)a%%y )hoos!& What *ra"(s (o th!y $r!-!r& They buy accessories what they need ,e+ample ) handbag, hat, glasses, ring, sandals, shoes, belt waist,&&&& 0)Ho+ (o th!y *uy& What ar! th!ir *uyi"# ha*its& Do th!y *uy *!)aus! it is )o",!"i!"t or (o th!y *uy *!)aus! it is !asi%y a))!ssi*%!& Do th!y $ay )ash1 or (o th!y us! )r!(it )ar(s& 2 There are 7 main ways to buy TXP products ) 8 2uying direct at retail chain of TXP 8 2uying by internet % mail order) 9 "hopping at TXP&com is very easy& :ust follow these steps) ;& hoose the section %woman, man, T$,, kids) and then the product type % bags,hat,glasses,ring&&&) <iew the products you are interested in and click on the photograph to 6oom in and see every detail, available si6es, composition, reference code and price& 7& "elect an item of clothing and add it to your basket& =ou can then choose to continue shopping or to process order& >& If you wish to continue shopping, repeat the process but if you wish to process the order, log in& ?& #nce you have entered your details, check that they are correct and click on confirm& /& hoose whether you want to collect your order from one of our stores or receive it via standard or e+press delivery and check that the shipping and billing addresses are correct& @& "elect a payment method) <isa, <isa !lectron, 3astercard, American !+press, PayPal, Aift ard&&& B& onfirm the order& C& =ou will receive an email confirming your order& * They can pay cash or following payment methods) <isa, <isa electron, 3astercard, American !+press, Paypal, Aift ard and redit <oucher ard& 3)Wh!r! (o th!y *uy& Do )ustom!rs $r!-!r to *uy -rom mai% or(!r1 r!tai% stor!s1 th! i"t!r"!t or -rom (oor2to2(oor& Ho+ -ar ar! th!y $r!$ar!( to tra,!% to *uy& * ustomers will find our products through commercial centers, through dealers, and online sales channels * De will use a sales force, attend trade fairs& #r submit the form online and send the catalog company

4)Wh!" (o th!y *uy& ustomer buy products of TXP anytime they want& 2ut everybody buy more at sales, holidays, weekend& Discount promotion is an effective method to attract more people, despite the loyalty of customers& .owever, it does not increase too much in customer loyalty because the impact on the customer habits of buying would be little 56 7) I(!"ti-y th! $ro(u)ts8s!r,i)!s that th!y o--!r a"( (!s)ri*! th! $ro(u)ts8s!r,i)!s that th!y o--!r& * !verything possible to make your product special features, as long as customers or consumers reali6e that ) 8 Design, color or shape better 8 2etter performance %better practice) 8 Eonger durability or maintenance easier 8 arrying easier, more convenient or faster 8 Packaging nicer or better 8 Aoods are available %on*time delivery, sufficient inventory) 8 2etter service&&& 19)What ar! your )om$!titors: str!"#ths a"( +!a "!ss!s& TXP Company ;00 new stylesF month 70 designers .igher cost of product development is more than ade'uately compensated by higher reali6ed margins "trategy) reactive, not predictive Competitor Companies >*/ months) develop the ideas into physical samples "ales budgets G stock plans developed one year ahead of the targeted styles ,ew weeks F months to procure fabrics,have them approved by the retailer* produce a number of samples* put samples in production

11)What (o )o"sum!rs thi" a*out your )om$!titors: $ro(u)ts& Dhen people are asked about the first impression of accessories competitors, they would firstly think of its model designs and more than half of these customers immediately think of the brand image of this companies&

It is found that the brand image is more often than not connected with its modern design of the costumes& 1' 6 1.) What -a)tors )o"tri*ut! to th!ir su))!ss& Hearly one third of customers who are attracted have marked wide selection of models in competitor companies as the most attractive factor& These different range of models caters the preferences of different customers while maintain the uni'ueness of the products among its competitors& It is obvious from the top three attractions that customer agree that this competitors have met their personal needs& 1/6 10)Ho+ ar! you #oi"# to $ositio" yours!%- i" )om$ariso" to your )om$!titors& Ar! you )om$!ti"# o" $ri)!1 $ro(u)t1 ;ua%ity or a"oth!r $oi"t o- (i--!r!")!& * TXP company are competing on price ,product, 'uality anf another point * TXP sales once a month, 13614615617) P- Political and legal * orporate Ta+ rate * Top !mployee ta+ rate * ,ree Trade agreement * onsumer laws I Eabelling ountry of #rigin re'uired *Earge range of !mployment laws in place * arbon !missions Trading "cheme in place since 700C <EST A"a%ysis E - Economic * $ecession still on*going in <H * <HD e+change rate strong against J" and !uro * ,all *out from !J crisis on* going * Interest $ates low %?1 to @1) S - Social * Ta+ation rates I stable no e+pected change * Jnemployment rate @&C1 %as at !nd of ;st Kuarter 70;7) *=outh unemployment ;/ years to 7? years ;B&L1 %Dec 70;;) * Inflation $ate between >*?1 * long term pressure to reduce to 7*>1 range T -Technology * //1 of households have internet access * !nergy cost still increasing and <H distance to market issues

'9 6'16''6'. )

SWOT a"a%ys! -or T=< )om$a"y W - Weaknesses - .igh costs %Earge premisesF .igh rents in e+pensive locations) * Jndifferentiated product compared to competitors * Hot widely known in <iet Ham * "tores can be crowded due to large number of items and old season stocks

S- Strengths * !conomies of scale * .igh Kuality at $easonable Prices * Eong term stable management %average of ;0 years) * ,inancial $esources* "trong profitability for past C years * Alobally recognised fashion brand * <ertically integrated retailer I owns entire supply chain from manufacturing to customer * omprehensive Training programmes for all staff * .igh Productivity * * Eow cost manufacturing * .igh turnaround I 7 weeks vs& @ weeks * for other fashion labels * Produces about ;;,000 items annually compared with 7,000 to ?,000 for key * competitors * Eocation of stores I main streets in main centres O - Opportunities * 3arket Arowth I e+pansion into other ma4or cities in H5 * Diversification opportunities * .omewares * Plus "i6ing * Add new product types to range e&g& accessories

T - Threats * "trong competition in the market place * hanging customers tastes or needs re'uires constant reassessment of product lines * !conomic $ecession still on*going I !J crisis I "pain, Areece and Italy which may affect profits and supply capabilities out of !urope * $ise of low cost production from overseas e&g& hina, Indonesia * .igher input prices I ,uel, cotton

prices III) DESI>N A MARKET <LAN ?OR YOUR <RODUCT OR SER@ICE 1)What ty$!s o- )ustom!rs ar! you #oi"# to -o)us o"& Aa#!1 ri)h or #!"!ra% $!o$%!) 2 De focus most of the customers are from young and successful people& This also matches what the fashion accessories trend of the TXP marketing strategy which treats young people as the main target audience& =ou will also notice that some young people are from ;C *7/ age group which falls mainly in university students& * As a young and energetic age group, TXP has a deep impact in the universities and it is attributed to the marketing strategy of young and stylish new generation promotions& "ome of the customers were previously in the age group of 7/*>/ and they are the loyal customers who keep coming back for purchase& ') Wi%% th! tar#!t mar !t *! %o)a%1 "atio"a%1 i"t!r"atio"a%1 or a miB& * The target market is local ,international and a mi+ & .) Wi%% your $ro(u)t8s!r,i)! m!!t th! "!!(s o- th! tar#!t mar !t& I- so1 ho+& * The fashion Accessories company TXP has a marketing strategy that is 'uite uni'ue& TXP only spends about 0&>1 of their revenue on promotion& This would be the reason TXP does not appear on television or poster advertisements& * TXP focuses heavily on their product, place and pricing as opposed to promotion& 5ara rarely advertises any store sales or have sales promotions other than sale items unlike other retailers& It is also interesting to note that TXP never places their brand or logo on their products& Their customer service within the store is rather weak& It is their innovative products and affordable pricing that keeps customers returning to their store& Their products seemingly advertises itself& /C D!s)ri*! your strat!#y -or a$$roa)hi"# th! tar#!t mar !t& * The target marketing is to meet the different needs of different consumer groups& .owever, because it is for consumer groups rather than individual consumers, the focus of its consideration is the same consumer groups on a common product attributes, not every consumer the specific needs of

different target, which determines marketing to meet the individual needs is incomplete& orporate opportunity to win in order to the individual needs of the times, we must break the shackles of target marketing, and implementation of customi6ed marketing& * reate and use enterprise EAH is bound to greatly improve the internal information flow which is on the contrary of not being smooth and rapid response in the market& !nterprises can also create a new platform on the Internet, released new product information to customers in a timely manner, listen to customer comments and suggestions, so that more customers understand the business& * Ignore the individual needs of the consumer, could mean the loss of marketing on the basis of& The needs of individual consumers, is the starting point of modern marketing& 0C A"a%ys! /<s A$%a)!1 $ri)!1 $ro(u)t1 $romotio"1 may*! $!o$%! ) Product: * The bags lines created are made out of high te+tile 'uality and are carefully designed& * TXP products tend to design fashionable products according to the actual trends& * The finali6ed product is carefully packaged in a sealed bo+ in order to keep safe when transported& * TXP creates offers in purchasing products that are matching styles in order to generate a whole look& * Accessible, each piece created by TXP is available to purchase and is not limited to any amount& Price: * TXP aims to set price at a level of being available to most common average income living consumers& * TXP creates deals by offering few pieces from the same collection as a batch for a lower price& * TXP determines and treats the prices the same in all countries and retail shops that they have, 8* according the currency e+change& Promotion: * TXP uses 0,> 1 of its revenue sales in advertising& * TXP believes that promotion is done through location of their shops at a busy and traffic based area&

* The tactic used in TXP is strictly hoping to achieve word of mouth throughout consumers& Place: * TXP keeps its head'uarters in .a Hoi %originally based), in addition it fi+es its prices by the management team settled in .a Hoi as well& * In addition, TXP tends to rentFpurchase locations that are mostly occupied during the day& This area(s can be historical or highly traffic areas& * TXP on average gives a time spam of C hours between the finished good and the good shipped to its final destination& * TXP(s main factory of production is located ;0 minutes away from the Hoi 2ai airport& 3) What ma !s your $ro(u)t8s!r,i)! u"i;u! & * ,ashionable A !""#$I!" means change and we are talking about changes that are literally live& "o what makes TXP uni'ue is the fact that it is one company that understands it so well that new items arrive at the stores twice a week& "o when you go there, you know that you can buy the latest fashion& If it was in Paris or 3ilan or Tokyo on the runway, it is in stores pretty 'uickly& * The other thing that customer like about TXp are the prices& TXP, on the other hand, for only modestly higher prices, provides you great 'uality and designs that you will still be able to look uni'ue and different& =ou won-t find that the guy or the girl sitting ne+t to you on the train or in a restaurant is wearing something that you saw at TXP& MMN TXP known for its fast, affordable fashion A !""#$I!" % hat,bag,sandals&&&), retail chain TXP has built up a big brand through listening and reacting 'uickly to its customers 4C D!s)ri*! th! (!ma"( -or your $ro(u)t& * Dhen people are asked about the first impression of TXP, they would firstly think of its model designs and more than half of these customers immediately think of the brand image of TXP& It is found that the brand image is more often than not connected with its modern design of the costumes& * Providing 'uality fashionable trendy accessories at best price through strong procurement and designing strategy * Dide geographical market presence * ollaboration with designers

5C D!s)ri*! your $ri)i"# strat!#y a"( ho+ it %i"!s u$ +ith your mar !t& * TXP can continues to leverage local cooperatives to provide realiable production efficiencies without the cost of managing labor collective * De offer cost reduction strategies for clients familiar&The customer price is sensitive, a small decrease in price gain we e+tra market share, or will a small increase be indiscernible, and so gain we e+tra profit margin * TXP continues provide accessories with reasonable price and fashionable samples MMMN TXP product price is affordable 7C Why (o you thi" this strat!#y +i%% *! !--!)ti,!& * TXP(s marketing strategy focuses on product variety, speed*to*market, and store location& It is also notable for what it e+cludes& If you want to find out what(s currently available at the TXP stores you have two options) go to the web site or go to the store& TXP puts ;000 different items on the store shelves in a single year& It can take a new style from concept to store shelf in ;0*;? days in an industry where nine months is the norm& * TXP(s success is as much a result of its history and location, as of its counter*intuitive business strategies& Dhile it may not be possible for another company to e+actly duplicate the conditions under which TXP flourished, one can certainly learn from its e+periences, and it(s business structures 19C Ho+ )om$!titi,! is your $ro(u)t8s!r,i)! $ri)! )om$ar!( +ith your (ir!)t )om$!titors& * In comparison to competitors, TXP (s business strategy, in regards to strategic partnerships and cost of production, provide for a strategic competitive advantage& TXP, unlike its competitors outsourcing& !ighty percent of TXP a(s materials are manufactured in local, with /01 made in TXP controlled facilities region of .a Hoi near head'uarters& * The pro+imity of these suppliers gives TXP great fle+ibility in adapting their product lines based on up to date market trends and consumer behavior& It also decreases costs of holding inventory& * Though there is a cost advantage in their approach in regards to labor, the lack of fle+ibility in changing orders based on current trends hinders their operational efficiencies& Inventory costs are higher for competitors because orders are placed for a whole season well in advance and then held in distribution facilities until periodic shipment to stores&

* This pro+imity effect and the fle+ibility that it gives TXP is fundamental to their basic concept to respond 'uickly to shifts in consumer demand and has provided them with a competitive edge in comparison to their peers 11C Ho+ +i%% you #!t th! $ro(u)t8s!r,i)! to th! !"(2us!r a"( +hat )ha""!% o- (istri*utio" +i%% you us!& The following distribution products are available to the marketer for his distribution system) 8 Direct Distribution "ystems 8 Indirect Distribution "ystems 8 3ulti* hannel or .ybrid Distribution "ystems 1'C What syst!ms +i%% *! im$%!m!"t!( -or $ro)!ssi"# or(!rs1 shi$$i"# a"( *i%%i"#& * #rder processing 8 #rders will be processed for fulfillment within 7? hours of receipt& * "hipping 8 All products will be shipped according to selected method during check out&

De reserve the right to withdraw any product from this Debsite at any time andFor remove or edit any materials or content on this Debsite& Dhile we will take reasonable efforts to process all orders, there may be e+ceptional circumstances which mean that we may need to refuse to process an order after we have sent you an #rder onfirmation, which we reserve the right to do at any time, at our sole discretion& De will not be liable to you or any other third party by reason of our withdrawing any product from this Debsite, whether it has been sold or not, removing or editing any materials or contents on this Debsite or for refusing to process or accept an order after we have sent you the #rder onfirmation&

* De guarantee to refund any item you are not completely happy with when you return it to us within ;month as of the confirmation of the "hipment onfirmation& * =ou will not have any right to cancel a ontract for the supply of any of the following products) ustomi6ed items 3usic DsFD<DsO whose original wrapping has been removed

Pierced 4ewelry, or underwear or swimwear if the hygiene seal has been removed, or cosmetic products if they have been used or the hygiene seal is broken, unless they are of unsatisfactory 'uality or unfit for purpose&


"ub4ect to the provisions of lause / above, and unless there are any e+ceptional circumstances, we will endeavor to fulfill your order for product%s) listed in the "hipment onfirmation by the delivery date set out in the "hipment onfirmation or, if no estimated delivery date is specified, within ;/ working days of the date of the "hipment onfirmation& $easons for delay could include) ustomi6ation of productsO "peciali6ed itemsO Jnforeseen circumstancesO or Delivery area #rders for virtual gift cards, it will be delivered on the date indicated by you on the virtual gift card order&


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