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Thrills and Chills

I think I can get you on the guest list

Portfolio Name: Elena Trajkovski

Define the Problem

A problem definition is a clear statement about what the information system, digital product or piece of software aims to achieve when it is implemented. Digital images are needed to be used on your event invites. Record a problem definition for the situation described. The situation we have been given is to create a database using Microsoft Access which must contain a valid guest list with a minimum of twenty entries for the Thrills and Chills Evening. After completing our database, we have to design an invitation which includes evidence of photo editing; this can be done on either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher. We must also make envelopes with labels of the guests name and address as well as name tags or lanyards which have the guests name on them. This will be done using Publisher Mail Merge. We will also have to take screen shots along the way of the steps taken to mail merge our invitations, envelopes and place cards. (2 marks) Why would you use Microsoft Access to create a database? From my perspective, you would use Microsoft Access to create a database as it is a simple and basic program to use which you will pick up in no time. You can customise your database to suit your needs and just to name a few functions; you can type in the headings that you require, any validation rules, a drop-down menu if necessary and even insert a hyperlink. You use design view to type in your basic foundations and then by clicking on database view, you can see that your information has now been generated and is more than ready to use. Therefore, Microsoft Access is a fast, yet very effective way to enter data. (2 marks)

Analysing the Problem

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In order to understand the problem, each component must be analysed and questioned. It can be quite expensive to implement a system if the parts are not properly understood or considered. For Example: Does Microsoft Access allow you to implement your information? Think of some of the constraints which may affect your invite. (8 marks) Constraints Technical Description Will it take up time trying to figure out how to use Microsoft Access? Is it the best program to create a database? Will the database save easily? Will we have to save the database in a folder of its own so it can be easily accessible? Is Microsoft Publisher the best way to create the invitation after completing our database of invitees? Will the mail merge feature inside Microsoft Publisher work? Example It certainly did not take up time trying to use Microsoft Access as we had already created a database in class a few weeks ago. I really benefited from creating a database prior to receiving the assessment task as it gave me a good understanding of how to use the overall program so when we finally received the assessment task I could get straight into it. In my opinion, I think that Microsoft Access is the best program to create a database as it is simple and time effective as it generates all the information for you. I must say that once you have finished your work on Microsoft Access, it is very easy to save. I was expecting some sort of difficulty with saving the project, however it was quite the opposite because all you have to do is press the save button. I decided that it was probably best if I create a new folder dedicated to this project so everything is saved in the one area. So thats exactly what I did and my database has been saved within the new folder so it can be easily accessible when creating my
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invitation. Microsoft Publisher is the best way to create the invitation as it is a simple program to use yet you can style it to suit your needs. It is also a very appropriate program to use as we can insert a mail merge of our guests names. I have already practiced using mail merge and it is a very simple yet effective way to add all the guests names instead of typing them all out. Is Microsoft Access easy to From my perspective, use? Is there a variety of Microsoft Access is very easy features to use in order to to learn and use because all set some basic foundations? you have to do is simply Can we add as much enter your information using information as we like? Is design view. After your Microsoft Publisher too information has been simple to create a stunning finalised, it generates invitation? Is there a wide automatically in datasheet variety of templates to view. There are also an choose from? Is the mail array of features to use such merge feature effective? as changing the field size to How long will the mail merge suit your needs, setting up a take? look-up wizard so you can insert a dropdown menu, adding a validation rule just to name a few. These features are great because it is very important that you set your database to fulfil your requirements. When adding information, you can type up to 255 words per square, however, you can reduce the amount of words in the field size slot using design view. You can also add as many rows as required. Microsoft Publisher is a simple program, however there is nothing to stop you from creating a
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Are Microsoft Access and Microsoft Publisher the most cost effective products to use for this particular assessment task? Can the school afford to purchase Microsoft office products?

stunning invitation as you can add as much detail as you like, insert as many pictures as you like and include as much information as desired. There are also a number of templates to choose, ranging from blank templates to super accessorised templates. One outstanding feature on Microsoft Publisher is mail merge. This technique allows you to insert information from any database so you dont have to constantly type out every guests details. The mail merge doesnt take very long, you simply have to follow the wizard, select your database and the mail merge will then appear. It then enables you to scroll through all the guests information without typing it all out. In my opinion I think that both Microsoft Access and Microsoft Publisher are more than likely the most cost effective programs as they are quite simple to use. The school probably got a fantastic deal if they were ordering a large amount of copies to ensure every student in the school had Microsoft Office programs loaded onto their computers. Microsoft Office contains useful programs such as Access and Publisher that are used for educational purposes, in our case we are using it for an assessment task. Therefore, the school most definitely can afford to
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Are the students given permission to look at the guests addresses? Is the information confidential? Does it violate anyones rights?

purchase Microsoft Office because without their programs, students would be unable to learn electronically. The students are given permission to look at all the guests mailing addresses as they are trusting us to be sensible with their information. The guests have probably signed a privacy disclosure with the school agreeing to let the Year 9 and 10 Students use their private information only for this assessment task. Its expected that we wont pass their private information onto anyone else either. At this point in time, it probably doesnt violate anyones rights as they have more than likely signed a contract with the school, however, once their private information is being used inappropriately there will be major consequences.

Designing the Solution: The Database (Practical Task)

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Set up a database with your invitees entered using Microsoft Access. You must include a minimum of 20 entries. (10 marks) Below is a screen shot of my database which was created using Microsoft Access. However I was unable to take a screen shot of it in one image because I have thirteen rows which is too many to have in one screen shot. So I have placed the two images together as best I possibly can but please refer to my actual database to see it much more clearly.

Construct a rough draft of your invitation below.

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(4 marks)

The Thrills and Chills Logo will go here. I have decided to use it because it makes the invitation more enticing for the guest.

I have used a white background as it is simple yet effective as you can see the text clearly and you can play around with it a lot more. Dear ,

You have cordially been invited to the Thrills and Chills Evening! Thrills and Chills is a cross-curricular extravaganza which will showcase the extraordinary talent Year Nine has to offer. To be held on: Monday 3rd December 2012 Approximate Running Time: 7.00pm 10.00pm Location: Merici Centre, St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Address: 69 Caroline Street Kingsgrove 2208 Please RSVP By: Wednesday 14th December 2012 For more information visit: For further inquiries: To RSVP, please fill out the card provided and mail it using the envelope provided.

I have decided to add this because every invitation should start off with a purpose. It also looks more professional.

I will be making my invitation using Microsoft Publisher and therefore I am able to set up a mail merge of the guests title and name so I dont have to type out all twenty five guests. This also shows another new skill.

The font used on all the text typed after the colon will be MS Reference Sans Serif, it will also be black and size 14 so it is clear and easy to see. All the text that is bold will be Lucida Handwriting, it will also be black and size 14.

I have put this here to inform the guest that they will have to RSVP by filling out the card provided. This is so the RSVPs are received at the same place and numbers can be counted correctly. It also makes the event look very organised.

The College address and logo will go here. This is so the guest knows exactly who has sent the invite and what the motto is. This also makes the invitation more realistic and shows the guest that every effort is being made to make the Thrills and Chills Evening is going to be a success.

The border around the invitation will be blue as I would like to carry the same colour scheme out. Blue is the main colour associated with the event so I thought it would be a nice idea to keep it the same.

My personally created graphic will go here. I have created a lightning bolt using Adobe Photoshop. I inserted this on my invitation as I think that its important to showcase some of your own skills and techniques. Page 7 of 37

Below is a draft of my RSVP card and mailing label so the guest can easily post it back to the School.
The Thrills and Chills logo will go here. I have decided to include the logo on the RSVP card so the theme gets carried right through. I have decided to use a white background as it is simple yet very effective so the guest can read the text easily.

RSVP to Thrills and Chills Evening! Name: I gratefully Accept: I regretfully Decline: Number of Guests: We look forward to seeing you!

All font used on the RSVP Card will be black, size 14 and the style I have chosen to use is Lucida Handwriting as it is simple yet elegant. I have decided to put in a box so all the guest has to do is place a tick where it suits them best. They must also write the number of guests that will be attending so the School has the right number of people to cater for.

I have used a black background so the text stands out. It is very unique as you dont usually see a black mailing label which is why I chose to do it that way.

Once again, I have used the Thrills and Chills logo as I believe the theme should be carried right through. It also makes the mailing labels look more organised and professional.

St Ursulas College P.O. Box 142 Kingsgrove, NSW 2208

I have provided envelopes and mailing labels for the guest so the RSVP process is a lot smoother. It is also a lot easier for the guest to manage as they just have to fill out the card and mail it out.

Designing the Solution

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Design your envelopes and name tags/lanyards. (5 marks) Name Tags/Lanyards

All the empty spaces on the right hand side on the first line will be where the guests full name goes (including salutation). On the second line will be the position the guest currently holds and the last line will be a simple yes or no as to whether they are an executive or not. The text on the right will also be white, size 7 and the font style will be Reference Sans Hi, My name is: Serif.

Once again, the Thrills and Chills logo will go here. I think that if Im going to use it on one thing, I should carry the whole theme throughout the assessment task.

Position: VIP:

All the text on the left hand side or in other words the bold text will be white, size 7 and I will be using Lucida Handwriting as the style of font.

The College address and motto will once again go here. I think that it looks very professional and more organised. It also adds an extra effect to the invitation as it looks personalised.

The background of the name tag will be black as it clearly suits the Thriller theme which supports the Thrills and Chills evening. It also makes the white text stand out and the lightning bolt looks better on a black background in this instance.

I have also decided to use my personally created graphic which I made using Adobe Photoshop. I think that the name tag looks more interesting with a graphic on it. Once again, the graphic is the lightning bolt I made.

Mailing Labels for Envelopes

On the right hand side of name will be the guests full name along with their salutation. Beside address will obviously be the guests address or P.O. box so it can be delivered. The background will also be black as it suits the thriller theme of the evening.

I have again used the Thrills and Chills logo to continue with carrying out the theme. From the use of the logo, the guest will be able to tell exactly whats inside.

Name: Address:

The text the on the left hand side will be white, size 7 and the font style Producing Solution (Practical Task)

I have also inserted my personally created graphic as it makes the mailing label look more sophisticated.

will be Lucida Handwriting to keep the theme. It also looks more organised through the use of putting the words name and address Page 9 of 37

You will be required to produce an invitation using Microsoft Publisher or Word. (10 marks) You will also be required to produce screen shot evidence of the steps taken to complete a mail merge of your invitation, envelopes and name tags/lanyards. (10 marks) Mail Merge of Invitation: Step One The first step in starting your mail merge in Microsoft Publisher is to go up to the Mailings tab and select the first feature which is obviously Mail Merge. After selecting this option it will ask whether you want to either Mail Merge or Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard. The best option is Step by Step Mail Merge as it takes you through the entire process.

Step Two After selecting your option, the first step in the Mail Merge process should appear on the right hand side of the screen. It will display images showing the three parts to the Mail Merge process. After this you will be asked to select whether you want to: o Use an existing list o Select from Outlook contacts o Type a new list. In my case, I selected the first option as I had already created by database with a total of twenty-five entries. After this, I clicked on the next step so I could move along with my Mail Merge.

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Step Three The second step should now appear, however you will get a box pop up, like the one below asking you to select which recipients you want to use in your Mail Merge. In my case, I want to select all twenty-five recipients so I didnt have to change a thing there. I did however sort my list in alphabetical order (with surnames from A Z) as I think it looks neater. I then hit ok and moved onto the next part of the procedure.

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Step Four The next part was to prepare my publication by dragging an item from the list on the right and into the spot I wanted it to go. I wanted my items to be inserted on the very top line between the Dear and the comma.

Step Five The next part was to start dragging the items over to the empty space I wanted them to be in. I began with inserting Salutation first as I think it is nice to address someone by their title before adding their First Name. So, in the screen shot below you can clearly see where I inserted it as I have put an arrow which points directly to it.

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Step Six I then dragged the next part over to the right of the salutation which was First Name. I have also inserted an arrow pointing directly at it so you can clearly see whereabouts I have inserted it on the invitation.

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Step Seven I then inserted the last item which was Surname. I inserted this to the right of First Name. I have once again put an arrow which points directly at the space where I have inserted it.

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Step Eight I have now completed the Mail Merge Wizard successfully and all of my headings have been placed in the correct order. However, there are too many spaces between each word, the font hasnt been changed to match the rest of the invitation and the size of the font is way too small. Below, is a screen shot directly after I finished inserting my three items without any of the adjustments being made.

Step Nine I have now changed the font to MS Reference Sans Serif to match the rest of the text, I have increased the font size to 14 and have adjusted the spacing. I have also been asked how I want to save my merged publications with the three options being: o Print o Merge to a new publication o Add to existing publication I selected the second option which was to open all twenty-five entries in a brand new Microsoft Publisher document.

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Step 10 As I selected my option, all twenty-five invitations opened in a brand new document and I was able to see every guests name typed into different invitations. I was very happy with the way they turned out and I must say that the Mail Merge did not take long at all and was quite easy to operate.

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Mail Merge of Name Tags/Lanyards: Step One - The first step in starting your mail merge in Microsoft Publisher is to go up to the Mailings tab and select the first feature which is obviously Mail Merge. After selecting this option it will ask whether you want to either Mail Merge or Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard. The best option is Step by Step Mail Merge as it takes you through the entire process.

Step Two - After selecting your option, the first step in the Mail Merge process should appear on the right hand side of the screen. It will display images showing the three parts to the Mail Merge process. After this you will be asked to select whether you want to: o Use an existing list o Select from Outlook contacts o Type a new list. In my case, I selected the first option as I had already created by database with a total of twenty-five entries. After this, I clicked on the next step so I could move along with my Mail Merge.

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Step Three - The second step should now appear, however you will get a box pop up, like the one below asking you to select which recipients you want to use in your Mail Merge. In my case, I want to select all twenty-five recipients so I didnt have to change a thing there. I did however sort my list in alphabetical order (with surnames from A Z) as I think it looks neater. I then hit ok and moved onto the next part of the procedure.

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Step Four - The next part was to prepare my publication by dragging an item from the list on the right and into the spot I wanted it to go. I wanted my first three items to be inserted on the very top line next to the Hi, My name is. Therefore, the first item I dragged over was Salutation as it looks more professional by addressing someone with their title before their full name. Below, in the screen shot you can see exactly where I have placed the salutation.

Step Five - I then dragged the next part over to the right of the salutation which was First Name. You can visualise what it looks like from the screen shot below.

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Step Six - I then inserted the last item which was Surname. I inserted this to the right of First Name.

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Step Seven: I then inserted Position to the right on the second line.

Step Eight- Finally, I dragged over VIP to the right of the third line to indicate whether they play an important role as an executive or whether they are there to support the students.

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Step Nine I have finally adjusted the text on the right hand size to the correct font to match the invitations which is MS Reference Sans Serif and I have made the writing size 7 as it doesnt need to be that big.

Step Ten - As I have successfully completed my Mail Merge Wizard, I have been asked how I want to save my merged publications with the three options being: o Print o Merge to a new publication o Add to existing publication I selected the second option which was to open all twenty-five entries in a brand new Microsoft Publisher document.

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Step Eleven - As I selected my option, all twenty-five name tags opened in a brand new document and I was able to see every guests name without having to type it out myself. I was once again very happy with the way they turned out and I must say that the Mail Merge did not take long at all and was quite easy to operate.

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Screen Shots of Envelope Labels: Step One The first step to begin your Mail Merge in Microsoft Publisher is to go up to the mailings tab and select the first option which is obviously Mail Merge. After selecting this option, it will ask you whether you want to either start the Mail Merge or to do the Step by Step Mail Merge. I selected the second option because it is much easier to pick up the process as it explains each step in detail.

Step Two After selecting the second option, a box will appear directly to the right of your screen giving you a clear example using visuals of how Mail Merge works. After going through the examples you will be required to select from three options including: o Use an existing list o Select from Outlook Contacts o Type a new list. In my case, I selected the first option as I had already created my database of guests using Microsoft Access. After selecting the first step, your library will open up and you will have to choose the document which you wish to use.

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Step Three After completing the first part of the Mail Merge process, you will move onto the next step which is to prepare your publication. In order for this to happen, you will get a square box appear asking you which recipients you wish to insert and which ones yo u dont want to use. For this assessment task, I must use all recipients which meant I didnt have to touch a thing, however I did want to arrange the recipients in alphabetical order with surnames starting with the letter A at the top right through to the letter Z at the very bottom.

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Step Four After you have finished going through the recipient list you will have to click the ok button at the very bottom of the box. This will then lead you to the next step which is to prepare your publication. This enables you to choose which information is suitable to place in the mailing label by dragging the item over to your desired area. The first item I dragged over was Salutation because I believe it looks more organised to address someone with their title going before going ahead and using their full name.

Step Five I then dragged over First Name directly to the right of Salutation as the next step was to add the guests first name to the mailing label.

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Step Six The next item to drag over was Surname so the guests last name can be inserted to the right of their first name. This was also the final item to drag over next to the Name field.

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Step Seven After this, I was able to start dragging the other items that were required to go in the address field or in other words the second line of text. The first item I dragged over was the Street Number as the invitation needs to get to the correct house. However, some guests dont have a street number as they preferred to have their invites mailed to their P.O. Boxes.

Step Eight The next part of the process was to drag over the Street Name so it gets delivered to the correct street. However, once again some guests preferred not to have their invite delivered to an office so they put their P.O. Box address down.

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Step Nine The next item I dragged over was Suburb to ensure it gets mailed to the correct location as some street names exist in multiple areas.

Step Ten The next part of the process was to drag over State. I inserted this directly to the right of suburb.

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Step Eleven The final step of the address field was to insert the Postcode of the suburb. After inserting the postcode, I moved onto adjusting the size of everything and changing the style of some of the text.

Step Twelve As you can tell from the screen shot below, I have adjusted the font size back to 7 to match the rest of the text. I have also changed the font style to Ms Reference Sans Serif again to keep with the theme. After altering everything, I then moved onto the final part of the Mail Merge process which was to create merged publications.

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Step Thirteen As I have finally finished dragging my items over, I can now proceed to the next step which is to create merged publications. The next box will appear and you will be asked to choose one of three options: o Print o Merge to a new publication o Add to existing publication. I selected the second option as I wanted my merged publications to open up in a brand new publisher file so I could view all twenty-five mailing labels with every guests name and address. Overall, I was very pleased with the way my Mail Merge worked as it was fast and effective.

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Peer and Self-Evaluation

(9 marks) Finally youve finished your database, invitation, name tag/lanyard and envelope. Feedback as to whether its met the objectives stated in the problem definition (Defining the Problem) is a really important part of system development. Use the following table below to evaluate your final product (self-evaluation) and someone elses product. Criterion Assessment of my Database/Invitation My Database and Invitations both turned out exactly how I planned for them to look. I think I added the right amount of detail and ensured I devised the perfect guest list using Microsoft Access to create my Database. The overall layout on my invitation was exactly how I imagined it would be and I used Microsoft Publisher to accomplish it. I used the Thrills and Chills logo to ensure the theme was carried through, I added a personally created graphic using Adobe Photoshop to ensure it looked interesting and enticing. The graphic I created was a lightning bolt as I think it associates itself well with the Thrills and Chills outcomes. The text is easy to see and I decided to leave a plain white background as it looks more professional as everything is easier to see. Overall, I believe that I have created a suitable Database and I have created an elegant and sophisticated invitation. I believe that I have created a fantastic Database and very elegant Invitations. I think that my Invitation matches the requirements we were given as I have made sure I included one personally created graphic which was the lightning bolt. In the Assessment of Peers Database/Invitation (Fiona Skleparis) I believe that Fionas Database and Invitations turned out great too. Fiona also devised a perfect guest list also using Microsoft Access to create her Database. The layout on her invitation was also good and she used Microsoft Word to create it. Her personally created graphic was a background which she strategically placed as a border. This graphic was also made using Adobe Photoshop. The text was also easy to see on her invitation and she put a light blue background behind it. Overall, I think that Fiona also created an appropriate Database and also created a great invitation which looks very unique. The only place she could improve on was maybe making the font slightly larger. I think that Fiona also created a good Database and very funky invitations which was also original. Her invitation also matches the guidelines we were given and she has also created one
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Database, I made sure I included every bit of important detail including the guests full name, address, position, the number of guests they will be bringing along, whether or not they are a VIP and whether or not they have RSVPd yet. I also think I created a very suitable database with the perfect guest list to ensure the night is truly a success. The content on the invitation is all relevant and informative as I have included the guests name, a sentence about Thrills and Chills, approximate time of event, location of event, approximate running time and more just to name a few. I have also made sure that I have spelt each guests name and details correctly. I also included the College website and email address in case the invitee had a few questions to clear. Simplicity

personally created graphic which in her case was the background which was acting as a border. Fiona also included crucial information on the Database including the guests full name, address, position, number of guests that will attend and a few other headings. The content on her invitation is also valid as she included the guests name, an introduction about the Thrills and Chills event, time of event, and location of event. She has also ensured that there are no spelling errors on her invitation. The only thing she could have added was the schools website and/or email in case the guest wanted extra information. I feel that my Database and Fionas Database and Invitations are straight-forward and Invitations are also very both definitely met the criteria we straight-forward and also were given prior to receiving the met the requirements we assessment notification. Whilst my were given prior to invitation looks quite simple, the submitting the assessment guest can hopefully notice that a lot task. Her invitation is very of effort has gone into producing it basic; however it does get and that it not only looks minimalist right to the point and is also but is also very enticing. People may very captivating to look at. also question why the invite has Her Database was also been put on a white background but straight-forward as she I strongly feel that everything stands included all the guests we out much more clearly; it looks were told to invite and also elegant and is very professional. My added the executives of the Database was also very straightCollege as well as a few forward as I included all the guests teachers who have been we were notified about and I only involved in Thrills and Chills included the executives of the to ensure it is a memorable College and a few teachers who night. have been involved in Thrills and Chills to ensure it is a night to remember.
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I think that the content on my Database and Invitations are satisfactory or even beyond as I followed all the instructions we were given such as producing evidence of digital photo editing, making sure that the mailing labels had the guests name and address on them and making name tags with the guests name on them. I think I have definitely fulfilled the criteria as I have even included the guests position and whether or not they are VIPs to the event, I have also included two graphics on the mailing label. On my Database, I have gone the extra step and even included the number of guests that are attending, this is so the School knows the exact number so they can ensure they cater for the right amount of guests. I have also created RSVP cards for each guest along with a mailing label so all the RSVPs get sent to the same address (The College P.O. Box). It also makes it a lot easier for the guest because all they have to do is fill out the card and mail it right back. My digitally created graphic was in fact the lightning bolt which is positioned on the top right hand side of the invitation. Overall, I think my Invitation is very creative with a great depth of detail. I believe that I completed all the tasks that were required in order to finish my assessment task. I created my graphic using Adobe Photoshop as that was probably the best program to use, I also included it not only in the invitations as we were asked but I went that extra step and put it on the mailing labels to carry through the theme. I constructed my Invitations, Mailing Labels and Name Tags using

I believe that the content throughout Fionas Database and Invitations were satisfactory as she followed the instructions we were given such as producing evidence of digital photo editing, ensuring that the mailing labels had the guests name and address on them and making name tags with the guests name on them. On her database, she also went the extra step by including the number of guests attending so the School can ensure they cater for the correct amount of people. Fiona has also inserted her personally created background on both her mailing label and name tag as well as using the Thrills and Chills logo. Overall, I think that Fionas invitations are very groovy as she has used her own background and she has also made sure it gets placed onto the mailing labels as well and the name tags.

Fiona also completed all the tasks that were set in order to finish her assessment task. She also created her graphic using Adobe Photoshop as it is the most suitable program to use; Fiona also included it on her mailing labels as well as the name tags to go the further step that I also went. Fiona constructed her Invitations,
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Microsoft Publisher as asked in the assessment notification.





Mailing Labels and Name Tags using Microsoft Word as we were given the option of using either word or publisher. I think that my Database and I think that Fionas Database Invitations are both tidy and will be and Invitations will also be delivered in a neat and suitable way delivered in a neat and on the due date (Friday 9th presentable way on the due November). Ive created all twenty- date (Friday 9th November). five Invitations, Mailing Labels and She has also created all Name Tags and I have ensured that Invitations, Mailing Labels all my documents have been saved and Name Tags and has also within the one folder to make it made sure that all easier for our teacher to mark and documents have been saved more accessible. within the one folder to make it easily accessible. My Database and Invitations do I believe that Fionas meet the specifications that were Database and Invitations also required and hopefully encourages met the specifications that guests to attend the Thrills and were required and also Chills Evening. I am very proud of entices guests to attend the not only my Database and Invitation Thrills and Chills Evening. She but also my Mailing Labels, Name included everything that was Tags and RSVP Cards as I finished it required which clearly all on time and I am very happy with proved that she also the final product. I think that I have followed the assessment worked consistently and to the very criteria to ensure she was best of my ability over the past two doing the right thing. I have weeks to produce a wonderful sat next to Fiona every assessment task. lesson and I have seen she also works to the best of her ability. My project will be submitted Fionas final product will also th tomorrow morning on Friday 9 be submitted tomorrow November between 8.20am morning on Friday 9th 8.40am. I will be uploading a folder November between 8.20am electronically containing my 8.40am. She will also be Database, Invitations, Mailing uploading a folder Labels, Name Tags and Portfolio to electronically to the College the College dropbox which can be dropbox containing her found on My Computer. Database, Invitations, Mailing Labels, Name Tags and Portfolio. My Database and Invitations are Fionas Database and both original and I can assure you Invitations are also original that my Invitations are also very and she has made the invites
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creative as I have put a lot of thought and effort into it. This is through, creating a graphic, adding my own content and making sure everything looked perfect. I did however, look at a document shared by Mr Morris on the Google Drive to find out who the College wanted attending the Thrills and Chills Evening. After this, I then went through the St Ursulas College Staff List 2012 and decided who I was going to invite. I finally came to a conclusion that I should only invite the Executives and Studies Coordinators as well as a few teachers who played a large role in developed the Thrills and Chills Evening. Therefore, we should keep all of the guests information confidential by only looking at it for this particular assessment task as they have probably signed an agreement with the School to let us use it for this instance.

look very groovy by inserting her personally created background. Fiona also looked at the document shared by Mr Morris to find out who the College wanted attending the Thrills and Chills Evening. After this, I also showed Fiona how to access the College Staff List for 2012 so she could also decide who to invite. She also came to the same conclusion as I did which was to invite the Executives, Studies Coordinators as well as a few other staff members who were involved in organising the event. Therefore, she should also keep the guests information private by only using it for this assessment task.

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