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lrom: ChrlsLopher !

ordan uorner /7648

1o: Amerlca
Sub[: LasL resorL
8egardlng Cl# 07-004281
l know mosL of you who personally know me are ln dlsbellef Lo hear from medla reporLs LhaL l
am suspecLed of commlLLlng such horrendous murders and have Laken drasLlc and shocklng
acLlons ln Lhe lasL couple of days. ?ou are saylng Lo yourself LhaL Lhls ls compleLely ouL of
characLer of Lhe man you knew who always wore a smlle wherever he was seen. l know l wlll be
vllllfled by Lhe LAu and Lhe medla.
unforLunaLely, Lhls ls a necessary evll LhaL l do noL en[oy buL musL parLake and compleLe for
subsLanLlal change Lo occur wlLhln Lhe LAu and reclalm my name. 1he deparLmenL has noL
changed slnce Lhe 8amparL and 8odney klng days. lL has goLLen worse. 1he consenL decree
should never have been llfLed. 1he only Lhlng LhaL has evolved from Lhe consenL decree ls Lhose
offlcers lnvolved ln Lhe 8amparL scandal and 8odney klng lncldenLs have slnce promoLed Lo
supervlsor, commanders, and command sLaff, and execuLlve poslLlons.
1he quesLlon ls, whaL would you do Lo clear your name?
A word or seL of words by whlch a person, anlmal, place, or Lhlng ls known, addressed, or
referred Lo.
name Synonyms,
repuLaLlon, LlLle, appellaLlon, denomlnaLlon, repuLe.
A name ls more Lhan [usL a noun, verb, or ad[ecLlve. lL's your llfe, your legacy, your [ourney,
sacrlflces, and everyLhlng you've worked hard for every day of your llfe as and
adolescenL, young adulL and adulL. uon'L leL anybody Larnlsh lL when you know you've llve up Lo
your own seL of eLhlcs and personal eLhos.
ln 8/07 l reporLed an offlcer (Cfcr. 1eresa Lvans/now a SergeanL), for klcklng a suspecL
(excesslve force) durlng a use of lorce whlle l was asslgned as a paLrol offlcer aL LAu's Parbor
ulvlslon. Whlle cufflng Lhe suspecL, (ChrlsLopher CeLLler), Lvans klcked Lhe suspecL Lwlce ln Lhe
chesL and once ln Lhe face. 1he klck Lo Lhe face lefL a vlslble ln[ury on Lhe lefL cheek below Lhe
eye. unforLunaLely afLer reporLlng lL Lo supervlsors and lnvesLlgaLed by S8 (lnLernal affalrs
lnvesLlgaLor ueL. vlllanueva/Callegos), noLhlng was done. l had broken Lhelr supposed 8lue
unforLunaLely, lL's noL !uS1 uS, lL's !uS1lCL!!! ln facL, 10 monLhs laLer on 6/23/08, afLer already
successfully compleLlng probaLlon, acqulrlng a baslc osL CerLlflcaLe, and lnLermedlaLe osL
CerLlflcaLe, l was relleved of duLy by Lhe LAu whlle asslgned Lo paLrol aL SouLhwesL dlvlslon. lL
ls clear as day LhaL Lhe deparLmenL reLallaLed Loward me for reporLlng Lvans for klcklng Mr.
ChrlsLopher CeLLler. 1he deparLmenL sLaLed LhaL l had lled and made up Lhe reporL LhaL Lvans
had klcked Lhe suspecL.
l laLer wenL Lo a 8oard of 8lghLs (deparLmenL hearlng for declslon of conLlnued employmenL)
from 10/08 Lo 1/09. uurlng Lhls 8C8 hearlng a vldeo was played for Lhe 8C8 panel where
ChrlsLopher CeLLler sLaLed LhaL he was lndeed klcked by Cfflcer Lvans (vldeo senL Lo mulLlple
news agencles). ln addlLlon Lo ChrlsLopher CeLLler sLaLlng he was klcked, hls faLher 8lchard
CeLLler, also sLaLed LhaL hls son had sLaLed he was klcked by an offlcer when he was arresLed
afLer belng released from cusLody. 1hls was all presenLed for Lhe deparLmenL aL Lhe 8C8
hearlng. 1hey sLlll found me gullLy and LermlnaLed me.
WhaL Lhey dldn'L menLlon was LhaL Lhe 8C8 panel made up of CapL. hll 1lnglrldes, CapL. !usLln
Llsenberg, and ClLy ALLorney MarLella had a slgnlglcanL problem from Lhe Llme Lhe board was
assembled. CapL. hll 1lnglrldes was a personal frlend of 1eresa Lvans from when he was her
supervlsor aL Parbor sLaLlon. 1haL ls a clear confllcL of lnLeresL and l made my argumenL for hls
removal early and was denled. 1he advocaLe for Lhe LAu 8C8 was SgL. Anderson. Anderson
also had a confllcL of lnLeresL as she was Lvans frlend and former parLner from Parbor dlvlslon
where Lhey boLh worked paLrol LogeLher. l made my argumenL for her removal when l
dlscovered her relaLlon Lo Lvans and lL was denled.
uurlng Lhe 8C8, Lhe deparLmenL aLLempLed Lo label me unsuccessfully as a bully. 1hey sLaLed
LhaL l had bullled a recrulL, Abraham Schefres, ln Lhe academy when ln reallLy and unfounded
dlsposlLlon from Lhe offlclal 1.28 formal complalnL lnvesLlgaLlon found LhaL l was Lhe one who
sLood up for Abraham Schefres when oLher recrulLs sang nazl hlLler youLh songs abouL burnlng
!ewlsh gheLLos ln WWll Cermany where hls faLher was a survlvor of a concenLraLlon camp. Pow
fucklng dare you aLLempL Lo label me wlLh such a nasLy vlle word. l ask LhaL all earnesL [ournallsL
lnvesLlgaLlng Lhls sLory ask Cfcr. Abraham Schefres abouL Lhe lncldenL when Cfcr. 8urdlos
began slnglng a nazl youLh song abouL burnlng [ewlsh gheLLos.
1he lnLernal affalrs lnvesLlgaLlon ln Lhe academy lnvolvlng Schefres was spurned by a complalnL
LhaL l had lnlLlaLed Loward Lwo fellow recrulL/offlfcers. Whlle on a asslgned paLrol fooLbeaL ln
Pollywood ulvlslon, Cfflcers Permlllo 8urldlos lv and Marlon Magana (boLh currenL LAu
offlcers) declded LhaL Lhey would volce Lhelr personal feellngs abouL Lhe black communlLy.
Whlle Lravellng back Lo Lhe sLaLlon ln a 12 passenger van l heard Magana refer Lo anoLher
lndlvldual as a nlgger. l wasn'L sure lf l heard correcLly as Lhere were many conversaLlons ln Lhe
van LhaL was complled of aL leasL 8 offlcers and he was slLLlng ln Lhe very rear and me ln Lhe
very fronL.
Lven wlLh Lhe mulLlple conversaLlons and amblenL nolse l heard Cfflcer Magana call an
lndlvdual a nlgger agaln. now LhaL l had conflrmed lL, l Lold Magana noL Lo use LhaL word agaln.
l explalned LhaL lL was a well known offenslve word LhaL should noL be used by anyone. Pe
replled, l'll say lL when l wanL". Cfflcer 8urdlos, a frlend of hls, also sLaLed LhaL he would say
nlgger when he wanLed. AL LhaL polnL l [umped over my fronL passenger seaL and Lwo oLher
offlcers where l placed my hands around 8urdlos' neck and squeezed. l sLaLed Lo 8urdlos,
uon'L fucklng say LhaL". AL LhaL polnL Lhere was pushlng and shovlng and we were separaLed
by several oLher offlcers. WhaL l should have done, was puL a WlnchesLer 8anger Sx1 9mm 147
graln bulleL ln hls skull and Cfflcer Magana's skull.
1he SlLuaLlon would have been resolved effecLlve, lmmedlaLely. 1he sad Lhlng abouL Lhls
lncldenL was LhaL when ueLecLlve 1y from lnLernal affalrs lnvesLlgaLed Lhls lncldenL only (1)
offlcer (unknown) ln Lhe van oLher Lhan myself had sLaLemenLs consLlsLenL wlLh whaL acLually
happened. 1he oLher slx offlcers (!ohn Carey, Cary arker, !acob Waks, Abraham Schefres and
names l have forgoLLen) all sLaLed Lhey heard noLhlng and saw noLhlng. Shame on every one of
you. Shame on ueLecLlve 1y (same eLhnlclLy as 8urdlos) for creaLlng a separaLe 1.28 formal
complalnL agalnsL me (Schefres complalnL) ln reLallaLlon for lnlLlaLlng Lhe complalnL agalnsL
8urdlos and Magana. uon'L reLallaLe agalnsL honesL offlcers for breaklng your so called blue
l hope your son 8yan 1y, who l knew, ls a beLLer offlcer Lhan you, ueLecLlve 1y.1he saddesL parL
of Lhls ordeal was LhaL Cfflcer 8urdlos and Magana were only glven 22 day suspenslons and are
sLlll LAu offlcers Lo Lhls day. 1haL day, Lhe LAu sLaLed LhaL lL ls accepLable for fellow offlcers
Lo call black offlcers nlggers Lo Lhelr face and you wlll recelve a slap on Lhe wrlsL. Lven sadder ls
LhaL durlng LhaL 22 day suspenslon 8urldlos and Magana recelved ls LhaL Lhe LAL (Los Angeles
ollce roLecLlve League) pald Lhe offlcers Lhelr salarles whlle Lhey were suspended. When l
Look a Lwo day suspenslon for an accldenLal dlscharge, l Look my suspenslon and never applled
for a league salary. lLs called lnLegrlLy.
!ournallsL, l wanL you Lo lnvesLlgaLe every locaLlon l reslded ln growlng up. llnd any lncldenLs
where l was ever accused of belng a bully. ?ou won'L, because lL doesn'L exlsL. lL's noL ln my
unA. never was. l was Lhe only black kld ln each of my elemenLary school classes from flrsL
grade Lo sevenLh grade ln [unlor hlgh and any lnsLances where l was dlsclpllned for flghLlng was
ln response Lo fellow sLudenLs provoklng common chlldhood schoolyard flghLs, or calllng me a
nlgger or oLher derogaLory raclal names. l grew up ln nelghborhoods where blacks make up less
Lhan 1. My flrsL recollecLlon of raclsm was ln Lhe flrsL grade aL norwalk ChrlsLlan elemenLary
school ln norwalk, CA. A fellow sLudenL, !lm ArmsLrong lf l can recall, called me a nlgger on Lhe
playground. My response was swlfL and non-leLhal. l sLruck hlm fasL and hard wlLh a punch an
klck. Pe crled and reporLed lL Lo a Leacher. 1he Leacher reporLed lL Lo Lhe prlnclpal. 1he
prlnclpal swaLLed !lm for uslng a derogaLory word Loward me. Pe Lhen for some unknown
reason swaLLed me for sLrlklng !lm ln response Lo hlm calllng me a nlgger. Pe sLaLed as good
ChrlsLlans we are Lo Lurn Lhe oLher cheek as !esus dld. roblem ls, l'm noL a fucklng ChrlsLlan
and LhaL old book, made of flcLlon and llmlLed non-flcLlon, called Lhe blble, never once sLaLed
!esus was called a nlgger. Pow dare you swaL me for sLandlng up for my rlghLs for demandlng
LhaL l be LreaLed as a equal human belng. 1haL day l made a llfe declslon LhaL l wlll noL LoleraLe
raclal derogaLory Lerms spoken Lo me. unforLunaLely l was swaLLed mulLlple Llmes for Lhe same
exacL reason up unLll [unlor hlgh. 1ermlnaLlng me for Lelllng Lhe LruLh of a caucaslan offlcer
klcklng a menLally lll man ls dlsgusLlng. uon'L ever call me a fucklng bully. l wanL all [ournallsL Lo
uLlllze every source you have LhaL speclallzes ln collecLlons for your reporLs. WlLh Lhe dlscovery
and evldence avallable you wlll see Lhe LruLh. unforLunaLely, l wlll noL be allve Lo see my name
cleared. 1haL's whaL Lhls ls abouL, my name. A man ls noLhlng wlLhouL hls name. 8elow ls a llsL
of locaLlons where l reslded from chlldhood Lo adulLhood.
CerrlLos, CA.
lco 8lvera, CA.
La alma, CA.
1housand Caks, CA.
Cedar ClLy, u1.
ensacola, lL.
Lnld, Ck.
?orba Llnda, CA.
Las vegas, nv.
uurlng Lhe 8C8 an offlcer named, SgL. Pernandez, from Los Angeles orL ollce LesLlfled on
behalf of Lhe LAu. Pernandez sLaLed for Lhe 8C8 LhaL he arrlved aL Lhe locaLlon of Lhe uCl
shorLly before l cuffed Lhe suspecL. Pe also sLaLed LhaL he asslsLed ln cufflng Lhe suspecL and
LhaL's old Lhe 8C8 he Lold me Lo flx my Lle. All of Lhose sLaLemenLs were LlLS!!! Pernandez, you
arrlved aL Lhe uCl locaLlon up Lo 30 seconds afLer l had cuffed Mr. CeLLler. All you dld was help
me llfL Lhe suspecL Lo hls feeL as lL was dlfflculL for me Lo do by myself because of hls heavy
welghL. ?ou dld noL Lell me Lo flx my Lle as Lhe 8C8 members and everyone else ln Lhe room
know you lled because Lhe phoLographlc evldence from Lhe uCl scene where CeLLler's ln[urles
were phoLographed clearly shows me wearlng a class 8 unlform on LhaL day. A class 8 unlform
ls a shorL sleeved unlform blouse. A shorL sleeved unlform blouse for Lhe LAu does noL have a
Lle lncluded. 1hls ls noL Super 1roopers unlform, you [ackass. Why dld you feel Lhe need Lo
embelllsh and lle abouL your lnvolvemenL ln Lhe uCl? Are you ashamed LhaL you could noL geL
hlred on by any oLher deparLmenL oLher Lhan porL pollce? uo you have deluslons of grandeur?
WhaL you dld was per[ury, exacLly whaL Lvans dld when she sLaLed she dld noL klck ChrlsLopher
WhaL Lhey falled Lo menLlon ln Lhe 8C8 was 1eresa Lvans own use of force hlsLory durlng her
career on Lhe LAu. She has admlLLed LhaL she has a lengLhy use of force record and has been
flagged several Llmes by rlsk managemenL. She has a very well known nlckname, Chupacabra,
whlch she was very proud Lo flaunL around Lhe dlvlslon. She found lL very funny and
enLerLalnlng Lo draw blood from suspecLs and arresLees. AL one polnL she even lnLenLlonally
rlpped Lhe flesh off Lhe arm of a woman we had arresLed for baLLery (sprayed her nelghbor wlLh
a garden waLer hose). knowlng Lhe woman had Lhln elasLlc skln, she performed and lndlan burn
Lo Lhe woman's arm afLer cufflng her. 1haL woman was ln her mld-70's, a moLher and
grandmoLher, and was angry aL her LenanLs who falled Lo pay renL on Llme. SomeLhlng l can
compleLely undersLand and l am sure many have wanLed Lo do Loward LenanLs who do noL pay
Lhelr renL. 1eresa Lvans was also demoLed from a senlor lead offlcer rank/poslLlon for
performance lssues. uurlng my Lwo monLhs of worklng paLrol wlLh 1eresa Lvans, l found her as
a woman who was very angry LhaL she had been pulled from paLrol for a shorL Llme because of
a domesLlc vlolence reporL made by Long 8each ollce ueparLmenL because of an lncldenL
lnvolvlng her acLlve LAu offlcer boyfrlend, uomlnlck luenLes, and herself. uomlnlck luenLes ls
Lhe same offlcer lnvesLlgaLed for wlLness Lamperlng. She also was vlslbly angry on a dally basls
LhaL she was golng Lo have Lo flle for bankrupLcy because her ex-husband, a former LAu offlcer
and noL uomlnlck luenLes, who had lefL Lhe deparLmenL, sLaLe, and was nowhere Lo be found
had lefL her wlLh a Lax blll and debL LhaL she was unable Lo pay because of a lack of flnanclal
means. Lvans, you are a CS and you lled rlghL Lo Lhe 8C8 panel when 8andy Cuan asked you lf
you klcked ChrlsLopher CeLLler. ?ou desLroyed my llfe and name because of your acLlons. 1lme
ls up. 1he Llme ls now Lo confess Lo Chlef 8eck.
l ask LhaL all [ournallsL lnvesLlgaLlng Lhls sLory submlL requesL for lClA wlLh Lhe LAu Lo galn
access Lo Lhe 8C8 LranscrlpLs whlch occurred from 10/08 Lo 2/09. 1here, you wlll see LhaL a
vldeo was played for Lhe 8C8 members of Mr. ChrlsLopher CeLLler who suffers from
Schlzophrenla and uemenLla sLaLlng LhaL he was klcked by a female offlcer. 1haL vldeo evldence
supporLs my clalm LhaL Lvans klcked hlm Lwlce ln Lhe upper body and once ln Lhe face. l would
llke all [ournallsL Lo also requesL coples of all reporLs LhaL l had wrlLLen whlle employed by
LAu. WheLher ln Lhe academy, or durlng my 3 years as a pollce offlcer. 1here are u8#'s
aLLached Lo each reporL (lnvesLlgaLlve reporL) LhaL l have ever wrlLLen so Lhey all exlsL. A lClA
requesL wlll mosL llkely be needed Lo access Lhese aL arker cenLer or aL Lhe ersonnel/8ecords.
!udge my wrlLln/grammar skllls for yourself. 1he deparLmenL aLLempLed Lo palnL me as an
offlcer who could noL wrlLe reporLs. Lven Lhough SgL. !oel Sydanmaa a Lralnlng offlcer who
Lralned me sLaLed for Lhe 8C8 panel LhaL Lhere was noLhlng wrong wlLh my reporL wrlLlng and
LhaL l was beLLer Lhan all rookle/probaLloner offlcers he has ever Lralned. Cfflcer uavld urew
sLaLed Lhe same buL refused Lo LesLlfy as he dld noL wanL Lo geL lnvolved" wlLh Lhe 8C8's.
ConLacL SgL. uonald uemlng ,(now a CapLaln aL Lompoc u), SgL. 1haddeus laulk, and SgL. Ld
Clark. All wlll sLaLe LhaL my reporL wrlLlng was lmpeccable. l wlll Lell you Lhls, l always Lype my
reporLs because l have messy handwrlLlng/penmanshlp. l never had a slngle klckback/redllned
reporL aL SouLhwesL dlvlslon and SgL. laulk and SgL. Clark can LesLlfy Lo LhaL. l never recelved an
unSA1lSlAC1C8? on any day or week. 1he same can be sald wlLhln Lhe u.S. naval 8eserves. All
commanders wlll sLaLe LhaL my reporL wrlLlng was always clear, conclse, and lmpeccable. Lven
search my AA8 (afLer acLlon reporLs),chlLs, Memorandum's, ll8's (lnLelllgence lnformaLlon
8eporLs) whlch were wrlLLen ln Lhe navy. All were prlsLlne.
l had worked paLrol aL LAu's Parbor ulvlslon from 2/06 unLll 7/06 when l was lnvolunLarlly
recalled back Lo acLlve duLy (uS navy) for a 12 monLh moblllzaLlon/deploymenL Lo CenLcom ln
supporL of Cll/CLl. l reLurned back Lo LAu's Parbor dlvlslon on 7/07 and lmmedlaLely
reLurned Lo paLrol. l worked aL Parbor dlvlslon unLll 11/07 where l Lhen Lransferred Lo
SouLhwesL ulvlslon. l worked AL SouLhwesL dlvlslon unLll 6/23/08 when l was relleved of duLy.
l have exhausLed all avallable means aL obLalnlng my name back. l have aLLempLed all legal
courL efforLs wlLhln appeals aL Lhe Superlor CourLs and Callfornla AppellaLe courLs. 1hls ls my
lasL resorL. 1he LAu has suppressed Lhe LruLh and lL has now lead Lo deadly consequences. 1he
LAu's acLlons have cosL me my law enforcemenL career LhaL began on 2/7/03 and ended on
1/2/09. 1hey cosL me my naval career whlch sLarLed on 4/02 and ends on 2/13. l had a 1S/SCl
clearance(1op SecreL SenslLlve ComparLmenLallzed lnformaLlon clearance) up unLll shorLly afLer
my LermlnaLlon wlLh LAu. 1hls ls Lhe hlghesL clearance a servlce member can aLLaln oLher Lhan
a ?ankee WhlLe 1S/SCl whlch ls only granLed for Lhose worklng wlLh and around Lhe
resldenL/vlce resldenL of Lhe unlLed SLaLes. l losL my poslLlon as a Commandlng Cfflcer of a
naval SecurlLy lorces reserve unlL aL nAS lallon because of Lhe LAu. l've losL a relaLlonshlp
wlLh my moLher and slsLer because of Lhe LAu. l've losL a relaLlonshlp wlLh close frlends
because of Lhe LAu. ln essence, l've losL everyLhlng because Lhe LAu Look my name and new
l was lnnCCLn1!!! CapL hll 1lnglrldes, !usLln Llsenberg, MarLella, 8andy Cuan, and SgL.
Anderson all new l was lnnocenL buL declded Lo LermlnaLe me so Lhey could conLlnue Cfcr.
1eresa Lvans career. l know abouL Lhe meeLlng beLween all of you where Lvans aLLorney, 8lco,
confessed LhaL she klcked ChrlsLopher CeLLler (excesslve force). ?our day has come.
l'm noL an asplrlng rapper, l'm noL a gang member, l'm noL a dope dealer, l don'L have mulLlple
bables momma's. l am an Amerlcan by cholce, l am a son, l am a broLher, l am a mlllLary servlce
member, l am a man who has losL compleLe falLh ln Lhe sysLem, when Lhe sysLem beLrayed,
slandered, and llbeled me. l llved a good llfe and Lhough noL a rellglous man l always sLuck Lo
my own personal code of eLhlcs, eLhos and always sLuck Lo my shorellne and Lrue norLh. l dldn'L
need Lhe uS navy Lo lnsLlll Ponor, Courage, and CommlLmenL ln me buL l Lhank Lhem for re-
enforclng lL. lL's ln my unA.
Lucklly l don'L have Lo llve everyday llke mosL of you. Concerned lf Lhe mlsconducL you were
aparL of ls golng Lo be dlscovered. Looklng over your shoulder, scurrylng aL every phone call
from lnLernal affalrs or from Lhe CapLalns offlce wonderlng lf LhaL ls Lhe day S8 comes afLer
you for Lhe suspecLs you sLruck when Lhey were cuffed monLhs/years ago or LhaL $300 you
pockeLed from Lhe narcoLlcs dealer, or when Lhe oLher guys on your waLch beaL a LranslenL
nearly Lo deaLh and you never reporLed Lhe uCl Lo Lhe supervlsor. no, l don'L have LhaL
concern, l sLood up for whaL was rlghL buL unforLunaLely have dealL wlLh Lhe reprocusslons of
dolng Lhe rlghL Lhlng and now loslng my name and everyLhlng l ever sLood for. ?ou fuckers
knew Lvans was gullLy of klcklng (excesslve force) CeLLler and you dld noLhlng buL geL rld of
whaL you saw as Lhe problem, Lhe whlsLleblower. CeLLler hlmself sLaLed on vldeo Lape (
provlded for Lhe 8C8 and ln LranscrlpLs) he was klcked and even hls faLher sLaLed LhaL hls son
sald he was klcked by Lvans when he was released from cusLody. 1he vldeo was played for Lhe
enLlre 8C8 Lo hear. 1lnglrldes, Llsenberg, and MarLella all heard lL. ?ou're golng Lo see whaL a
whlsLleblower can do when you Lake everyLhlng from hlm especlally hls nAML!!!
Look whaL you dld Lo SgL. Cavln (now lleuLenanL) when he exposed Lhe LruLh of your lylng,
raclsm, and S8 cover-ups Lo frame and convlcL an lnnocenL man. ?ou can noL pollce yourselves
and Lhe consenL decree was unsuccessful. SgL. Cavln, l meL you on Lhe range several Llmes as a
recrulL and as an offlcer. ?ou're a good man and l saw lL ln your eyes an acLlons.
Self reservaLlon ls no longer lmporLanL Lo me. l do noL fear deaLh as l dled long ago on 1/2/09.
l was Lold by my moLher LhaL someLlmes bad Lhlngs happen Lo good people. l refuse Lo accepL
lrom 2/03 Lo 1/09 l saw some of Lhe mosL vlle Lhlngs humans can lnfllcL on oLhers as a pollce
offlcer ln Los Angeles. unforLunaLely, lL wasn'L ln Lhe sLreeLs of LA. lL was ln Lhe confounds of
LAu pollce sLaLlons and shops (crulsers). 1he enemy combaLanLs ln LA are noL Lhe clLlzens and
suspecLs, lL's Lhe pollce offlcers.
eople who llve ln glass houses should noL Lhrow sLones. Pow lronlc LhaL you uLlllze a flxed
glass sLrucLure as your command PC. ?ou use as a lumlnous bulldlng Lo symbollze LhaL you are
LransparenL, have noLhlng Lo hlde, or suppress when ln essence, conceallng, omlLLlng, and
obscurlng ls your forLe.
Chlef 8eck, Lhls ls when you need Lo have LhaL come Lo !esus Lalk wlLh SgL. 1eresa Lvans and
everyone else who was lnvolved ln Lhe consplracy Lo have me LermlnaLed for dolng Lhe rlghL
Lhlng. you also need Lo speak wlLh her aLLorney, 8lco, and hls conversaLlon wlLh Lhe 8C8
members and her confesslon of gullL ln klcklng Mr. CeLLler. l'll be walLlng for a u8LlC response
aL a press conference. When Lhe LruLh comes ouL, Lhe kllllng sLops.
Why dldn'L you charge me wlLh flllng a false pollce reporL when l came forward sLaLlng LhaL
Lvans klcked Mr. ChrlsLopher CeLLler? ?ou flle crlmlnal charges agalnsL every oLher offlcer who
ls accused and LermlnaLed for flllng a false pollce reporL. ?ou dldn'L because you knew l was
lnnocenL and a crlmlnal courL would flnd me lnnocenL and expose your deparLmenL for
suppresslng Lhe LruLh and reLallaLlon, LhaL's why.
1he aLLacks wlll sLop when Lhe deparLmenL sLaLes Lhe LruLh abouL my lnnocence, u8LlCL?!!! l
wlll noL accepL any Lype of currency/goods ln exchange for Lhe aLLacks Lo sLop, nor do l wanL lL. l
wanL my name back, perlod. 1here ls no negoLlaLlon. l am noL Lhe sLaLe deparLmenL who sLaLes
Lhey do noL negoLlaLe wlLh LerrorlsL, because anybody wlLh a SecreL or 1S/SCl has seen ll8's on
Sl8 and knows LhaL Lhe uS sLaLe deparLmenL always negoLlaLes by uslng Cl counLrles or
lndependenL soverelgn/neuLral counLry Lo medlaLe and compromlslng.
1hls deparLmenL has noL changed from Lhe uaryl CaLes and Mark luhrman days. 1hose offlcers
are sLlll employed and have all promoLed Lo Command sLaff and supervlsory poslLlons. l wlll
correcL Lhls error. Are you aware LhaL an offlcer (a rookle/probaLloner aL Lhe Llme) seen on Lhe
8odney klng vldeoLape sLrlklng Mr. klng mulLlple Llmes wlLh a baLon on 3/3/91 ls sLlll employed
by Lhe LAu and ls now a CapLaln on Lhe pollce deparLmenL? CapLaln 8olando Solano ls now Lhe
commandlng offlcer of a LAu pollce sLaLlon (WesL LA dlvlslon). As a commandlng offlcer, he ls
now responslble for over 200 offlcers. uo you LrusL hlm Lo enforce deparLmenL pollcy and
lnvesLlgaLe use of force lnvesLlgaLlons on arresLees by hls offlcers? Are you aware Lvans has
slnce promoLed Lo SergeanL afLer klcklng Mr. CeLLler ln Lhe face. Ch, you vlolaLed a clLlzens clvll
rlghLs? We wlll promoLe you. Same as LAu dld wlLh Lhe Lhe offlcers from MeLro lnvolved ln Lhe
May uay melee aL MacArLhur ark. 1hey promoLed Lhem Lo SergeanL (a supervlsor role).
no one ls saylng you can'L be pre[udlced or a blgoL. We are all human and hold pre[udlces. lf
you sLaLe LhaL you don'L have pre[udlces, your lylng! 8uL, when you acL on lL and vlcLlmlze
lnnocenL clLlzens and fellow lnnocen offlcers, Lhan LhaL ls a concern.
lor you offlcers who do Lhe [ob ln Lhe name of !uS1lCL, Lhose of you who losL honesL offlcers Lo
Lhls evenL, look aL Lhe name of Lhose on Lhe 8C8 and Lhe lnvesLlgaLlng offlcers from S8 and
Lvans and ask Lhem, how come you couldn'L Lell Lhe LruLh? Why dld you LermlnaLe an honesL
offlcer and cover for a dlshonesL offlcer who vlcLlmlzed a menLally lll clLlzen.
SomeLlmes humans feel a need Lo prove Lhey are Lhe domlnanL race of a specles and Lhey
lnadverLenLly Lake klndness for weakness from anoLher lndlvldual. ?ou chose wrong.
1ermlnaLlng offlcers because Lhey expose a culLure of lylng, raclsm (from Lhe academy), and
excesslve use of force wlll lmmedlaLely change. S8 can noL pollce Lhelr own and LhaL has been
proven. 1he blue llne wlll forever be severed and a culLural change wlll be lmplanLed. ?ou have
awoken a sleeplng glanL.
l am here Lo change and make pollcy. 1he culLure of LAu versus Lhe communlLy and
honesL/good offlcers needs Lo and wlll change. l am here Lo correcL and callbraLe your morale
compasses Lo Lrue norLh.
1hose Caucaslan offlcers who [oln SouLh 8ureau dlvlslons (77Lh,SW,SL, an Parbor) wlLh Lhe sole
lnLenL Lo vlcLlmlze mlnorlLles who are uneducaLed, and unaware of crlmlnal law, clvll law, and
clvll rlghLs. ?ou prefer Lhe SouLh bureau because a use of force/deadly force ls llkely and Lhe
lndlvldual you use uCl on wlll llkely noL reporL lL. ?ou are a hlgh value LargeL.
1hose 8lack offlcers ln supervlsory ranks and pay grades who sLay ln souLh bureau (even Lhough
you llve ln Lhe valley or CC) for Lhe sole lnLenL of geLLlng reLrlbuLlon Loward subordlnaLe
caucaslans offlcers for Lhe paln and hosLlle work envlronmenL Lhelr elders lnfllcLed on you as
probaLloners (-1's) and novlce -2's. ?ou are a hlgh value LargeL. ?ou perpeLuaLed Lhe cycle of
raclsm ln Lhe deparLmenL as well. ?ou breed a new generaLlon of blgoLed caucaslan offlcer
when you bellLLle Lhem and LreaL Lhem unfalrly.
1hose Plspanlc offlcers who vlcLlmlze Lhelr own eLhnlclLy because Lhey are new lmmlgranLs Lo
Lhls counLry and are unaware of Lhelr clvll rlghLs. ?ou call Lhem weLbacks Lo Lhelr face and
demean Lhem ln fronL of fellow offlcers of dlfferenL eLhnlclLles so LhaL you wlll recelve some
sorL of accepLance from your colleagues. l'm noL lmpressed. MosL llkely, your parenLs or
grandparenLs were lmmlgranLs aL one Llme, buL you have forgoLLen LhaL. ?ou are a hlgh value
1hose lesblan offlcers ln supervlslng poslLlons who go Lo work, day ln day ouL, wlLh Lhe sole
lnLenL of aLLempLlng Lo prove your mlsandrlsL auLhorlLy (noL femlnlsm) Lo degrade male
offlcers. ?ou are a hlgh value LargeL.
1hose Aslan offlcers who sLand by and observe everyLhlng l prevlously menLloned oLher offlcers
parLlclpaLe ln on a dally basls buL you say noLhlng, sLand for noLhlng and proLecL noLhlng. Why?
8ecause of your usual saylng, " l..don'L llke confllcL". ?ou are a hlgh value LargeL as well.
1hose of you who go along Lo geL along" have no backbone and desLroy Lhe foundaLlon of
courage. ?ou are Lhe enablers of Lhose who are gullLy of mlsconducL. ?ou are [usL as gullLy as
Lhose who break Lhe code of eLhlcs and oaLh you swore.
ClLlzens/non-combaLanLs, do noL render medlcal ald Lo downed offlcers/enemy combaLanLs.
1hey would noL do Lhe same for you. 1hey wlll leL you bleed ouL [usL so Lhey can brag Lo oLher
offlcers LhaL Lhey had a 187 caper Lhe oLher day and can'L walL Lo accrue Lhe overLlme ln fuLure
courL subpoenas. As Lhey always say, LhaL's Lhe paramedlcs [ob.noL mlne". LeL Lhe balance of
loss of llfe Lake place. SomeLlmes a reseL needs Lo occur.
lL ls endless Lhe amounL of Llmes per week offlcers arresL an lndlvldual, label hlm a suspecL-
arresLee-defendanL and Lhen before arralgnmenL or Lrlal reallze LhaL he ls lnnocenL based on
evldence. ?ou know whaL Lhey say when Lhey reallze an lnnocenL man [usL had hls llfe Lurned
upslde down?. l guess he should have sLayed aL home LhaL day he was dlscovered walklng
down Lhe sLreeL and maLchlng Lhe suspecLs descrlpLlon. Ch well, he appeared Lo be a dlrLbag
anyways". Meanwhlle Lhe falsely accused ls lefL Lo plck up hls llfe, geL a new, famlly, frlends,
and sense of self worLh.
uon'L honor Lhese fallen offlcers/dlrLbags. When your famlly members dle, Lhey [usL see you as
exLra overLlme aL a crlme scene and aL a perlmeLer. Why would you value Lhelr llves when Lhey
clearly don'L value yours or your famlly members llves? l've heard many offlcers who sLaLe Lhey
see dead vlcLlms as A1v's, Waverunners, 8v's and new cloLhes for Lhelr klds. Why would you
shed a Lear for Lhem when Lhey ln reLurn crack a smlle for your loss because of Lhe lmpendlng
exLra money Lhey wlll recelve ln Lhelr nexL paycheck for slLLlng aL your loved ones crlme scene
of 6 hours because of Lhe overLlme Lhey wlll accrue. 1hey Lake phoLos of your loved ones
recenLly deceased bodles wlLh Lhelr cellphones and play a game of who has Lhe mosL graphlc
dead body of Lhe nlghL wlLh offlcers from oLher dlvlslons. 1hls lsn'L [usL Lhe 20 someLhlng year
old offlcers, Lhls ls Lhe 30 year old offlcers wlLh slgnlflcanL Llme on Lhe [ob as well who
?ou allow an offlcer, 1hanlya Sungruenyos, Lo aLLempL Lo hack lnLo my credlL unlon accounL and
sLlll remaln on Lhe [ob even when ueL. Zolezzl shows Lhe evldence LhaL Lhe l address (provlded
by LAlCu) LhaL aLLempLed Lo hack lnLo my accounL and change my username and password
leads dlrecLly Lo her resldence. ?ou even allow Lhls vlslbly dlsgusLlng looklng offlcer Lo sLay on
Lhe [ob when she per[ures (lles) ln courL (Clark CounLy lamlly CourL) Lo Lhe [udge's face and
denles hacklng lnLo my personal credlL unlon onllne accounL when l aLLempLed Lo geL my
resLralnL order exLended. ueL. Zolezzl provlded Lhe evldence and you sLlll do noLhlng.
Pow do you know when a pollce offlcer ls lylng??? When he beglns hls senLence wlLh, based
on my experlence and Lralnlng".
no one grows up and wanLs Lo be a cop klller. lL was agalnsL everyLhlng l've ever was. As a
young pollce explorer l found my calllng ln llfe. 8uL, As a young pollce offlcer l found LhaL Lhe
vlolenL suspecLs on Lhe sLreeL are noL Lhe only people you have Lo waLch. lL ls Lhe offlcer who
was hlred on Lo Lhe deparLmenL (pre-2000) before polygraphs were sLandard for all new hlres
and an subsLanLlal veLLlng ln a backround lnvesLlgaLlon.
1o Lhose chlldren of Lhe offlcers who are eradlcaLed, your parenL was noL Lhe lndlvldual you
LhoughL Lhey were. As you geL older,you wlll see Lhe evldence LhaL your parenL was a LyranL
who loss Lhelr eLhos and lnsLead followed Lhe paLh of moral corrupLness. 1hey consplred Lo
hlde and suppress Lhe LruLh of mlsconducL on oLhers behalf's. ?our parenL wlll have a name and
plaque on Lhe fallen offlcers memorlal ln u.C. 8uL, ln all honesLy, your parenLs name wlll be a
remlnder Lo oLher offlcers Lo malnLaln Lhe oaLh Lhey swore and Lo sLay along Lhe shorellne LhaL
has gulded Lhem from chlldhood Lo LhaL of a local, sLaLe, or federal law enforcemenL offlcer.
8raLLon, 8eck, Payes, 1lnglrldes, Llsenberg, MarLella, Cuan, Lvans, Pernandez,
vlllanueva/Callegos, and Anderson. ?our lack of eLhlcs and consplrlng Lo wrong a [usL lndlvldual
are over.
Suppresslng Lhe LruLh wlll leave Lo deadly consequences for you and your famlly. 1here wlll be
an elemenL of surprlse where you work, llve, eaL, and sleep. l wlll uLlllze lS8 aL your home,
workplace, and all locaLlons ln beLween. l wlll uLlllze CSln1 Lo dlscover your resldences, spouses
workplaces, and chlldren's schools. lMln1 Lo coordlnaLe and plan aLLacks on your flxed
locaLlons. lLs amazlng whaLs on nl8. PuMln1 wlll be uLlllzed Lo collecL personal schedules of
LargeLs. l never had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo have a famlly of my own, l'm LermlnaLlng yours. Cuan,
Anderson, Lvans, and 8C8 members Look your wlves/husbands and survlvlng chlldren dlrecLly
ln Lhe face and Lell Lhem Lhe LruLh as Lo why your chlldren are dead.
never allow a LAL unlon aLLorney Lo be a reLlred LAu CapLaln,(Cuan). Pe doesn'L work for
you, your lnLeresL, or your name. Pe works for Lhe deparLmenL, perlod. Pls [ob ls Lo proLecL Lhe
deparLmenL from clvll lawsulLs belng flled and Lhelr besL lnLeresL whlch ls Lhe almlghLy dollar.
Pls loyalLy ls Lo Lhe deparLmenL, noL hls cllenL. Lven when he knowlngly knows your lnnocenL
and Lhe 8C8 also knows your lnnocenL afLer ChrlsLopher CeLLler sLaLed on vldeoLape LhaL he
was klcked and Lvans aLLorney confessed Lo Lhe 8C8 off Lhe record LhaL she klcked CeLLler.
1he Lree of llberLy musL be refreshed from Llme Lo Llme wlLh Lhe blood of paLrloLs and LyranLs-
1!. 1hls quoLe ls noL dlrecLed Loward Lhe uS governmenL whlch l fully supporL 100. 1hls ls
Loward Lhe LAu who can noL monlLor lLself. 1he consenL decree should noL have been llfLed,
l know your 11's, (Lechnlques, LacLlcs, and procedures). Any LhreaL assessmenLs you you
generaLe wlll be useless. 1hls ls slmple, l know your 11's and 8's. l wlll mlLlgaLe any of your
aLLempLs aL preservaLlon. C8M ls my frlend. l wlll mlLlgaLe all rlsks, LhreaLs and hazards. l assure
you LhaL lncldenL Command osLs wlll be LargeL rlch envlronmenLs. kMA-367 llcense
plaLe frames are greaL LargeL lndlcaLors and make LargeL selecLlon even easler.
l wlll conducL uA operaLlons Lo desLroy, explolL and selze deslgnaLed LargeLs. lf unsuccessful or
unable Lo meeL ob[ecLlves ln Lhese lnlLlal small scale offenslve acLlons, l wlll reassess my 8uA
and re-aLLack unLll ob[ecLlves are meL. l have noLhlng Lo lose. My personal casualLy means
noLhlng. !usL allke AAl's, ACM's, and All's, you can noL prevall agalnsL an enemy combaLanL
who has no fear of deaLh. An enemy who embraces deaLh ls a lose, lose slLuaLlon for Lhelr
enemy combaLanLs.
Popefully you analysL have done your homework. ?ou are aware LhaL l have always been Lhe
Lop shoL, hlghesL score, an experL ln rlfle quallflcaLlons ln every unlL l've been ln. l wlll uLlllze
every blL of small arms Lralnlng, demollLlon, ordnance, and survlval Lralnlng l've been glven.
uo you know why we are unsuccessful ln asymmeLrlcal and guerrllla warfare ln CLn1CCM
LheaLre of operaLlons? l'll Lell you. lL's noL Lhe lnefflclency of our combaLanL commanders,
plannlng, readlness or Lralnlng of Lroops. Much llke Lhe vleLnam war, ACM, AAl, forelgn
flghLers, !lhadlsL, and !AM have noLhlng Lo lose. 1hey embrace deaLh as lL ls a way of llfe. l
slmply don'L fear lL. l am Lhe walklng exlgenL clrcumsLance you creaLed.
1he vlolence of acLlon wlll be PlCP. l am Lhe reason 1AC alerL was esLabllshed. l wlll brlng
unconvenLlonal and asymmeLrlcal warfare Lo Lhose ln LAu unlform wheLher on or off duLy. lS8
ls my sLrengLh and your weakness. ?ou wlll now llve Lhe llfe of Lhe prey. ?our 8u's and homes
away from work wlll be my AC and baLLle space. l wlll uLlllze every Lool wlLhln ln1 collecLlons
LhaL l learned from nMl1C ln uam neck. ?ou have mls[udged a sleeplng glanL. 1here ls no
convenLlonal LhreaL assessmenL for me. !AM, new 8a'aLh parLy, 1920 rev 8CL, ACM, AAl,
ACA, AClM and AClZ have noLhlng on me. uo noL deploy alrshlps or gunshlps. SA-7 Manpads
wlll be walLlng. As you know l also own 8arreLL .30's so your AC are defuncL and fuLlle.
?ou beLLer have all your offlcers radlo/phone musLer (code 1) on or off duLy every hour, on Lhe
uo noL aLLempL Lo shadow or conducL any Lype of lS8 on me. l have Lhe lnvenLory llsLlng of all
uC vehlcles aL lper 1ech and Lhe home addresses of any ln1 analysL aL !8lC and deLachmenL
locaLlons. My CA ls always Cl and always Lrue. 1hls wlll be a war of aLLrlLlon and a yrrhlc and
Camdean vlcLory for myself. ?ou may have Lhe resources and manpower buL you are reacLlve
and predlcLable ln your op plans and 11's. l have Lhe sLrengLh and beneflLs of belng
unpredlcLable, unconvenLlonal, and unforglvlng. uo noL wasLe your Llme wlLh brlefs and
WhaLever pre-planned responses you have esLabllshed for a scenarlo llke me, shelve lL.
WhaLever conLlngency plan you have, shelve lL. WhaLever LerLlary plan you've creaLed, shelve
lL. l am a walklng exlgenL clrcumsLance wlLh no Cll or reseL buLLon. !8lC, uC!, LASu, l8l and
oLher local LL can'L asslsL and should noL lnvolve Lhemselves ln a maLLer LhaL does noL concern
Lhem. lor all oLher agencles, do noL lnvolve yourself ln Lhls capLure or recovery of me. Look aL
Lhe blg plcLure of Lhe slLuaLlon. 1hey (LAu) creaLed Lhe slLuaLlon. l wlll harm no ouLslde agency
unless lL ls a deadly force/luCL slLuaLlon. WlLh Loday's budgeLlng and flscal mess, you guys can
noL afford lose several offlcers Lo lCu or klA/LCW. lus, oLher offlcers should noL have Lo Lake
on Lhe addlLlonal duLles and responslblllLles of dead offlcers. 1hlnk abouL Lhelr famllles, ouLslde
agencles, Chlefs/ulrecLors.
CuLslde agencles and lndlvldual offlcers on paLrol. lf you recognlze my vehlcle, and conflrm lL ls
my vehlcle Lhru a dmv/wanL warranL check. lL behoves you Lo respond Lo dlspaLch LhaL your
query was for lnformaLlon purposes only. lf you proceed wlLh a Lrafflc sLop or aLLempL Lo noLlfy
oLher offlcers of my locaLlon or for backup you wlll noL llve Lo see Lhe medal of valor you were
hoplng Lo recelve for your acLlons. 1hlnk before you aLLempL Lo lnLervene. ?ou wlll noL survlve.
?our famlly wlll recelve LhaL medal of valor posLhumously. lL wlll gaLher dusL on Lhe flreplace
manLel for years. 1hen one day, lL wlll go ln a shoe box wlLh oLher memorles. ?our moLher wlll
lose a son or daughLer. ?our slgnlflcanL oLher wlll be lefL alone, buL Lhey wlll flnd someone else
Lo flll your vold ln Lhe fuLure and make Lhem [usL as happy. ?our chlldren, lf you have Lhem, wlll
call someone else mommy or daddy. uon'L be selflsh. ?our vesL ls only a level ll or lllA, Lhlnk
abouL lL.
no amounL of lMln1, MASln1, and LLln1 asslsL you ln capLurlng me. l am off Lhe grld. ?ou
beLLer use your feeL, Longue and every avallable uCu/ nCn-uCu PuMln1 agency, conLracLor
Lo flnd me. l know your rouLe Lo and from home, and your dlvlslon. l know your slgnlflcanL
oLhers rouLlne, your chlldren's besL frlends and recess. l know ?our Sancha's gym hours and
rouLlne. l assure you LhaL Lhe casualLy raLe wlll be hlgh. 8ecause of LhaL, no one wlll remember
your name. ?ou wlll merely be a u8# and LhaL guy"
who was klA/LCW or long Lerm lCu/llghL duLy ln Lhe klL room. 1hls ls exacLly why sLaLlon 300
was creaLed. unforLunaLely, orphanages wlll be maklng a comeback ln Lhe 21sL cenLury.
lf you had a well regulaLed AW8, Lhls would noL happen. 1he Llme ls now Lo relnsLlLuLe a ban
LhaL wlll save llves. Why does any sporLsman need a 30 round magazlne for hunLlng? Why does
anyone need a suppressor? Why does anyone need a A813 rlfle? 1hls ls Lhe same small arms
weapons sysLem uLlllzed ln eradlcaLlng Al Caeda, 1allban, and every enemy combaLanL slnce
Lhe vleLnam war. uon'L glve me LhaL crap LhaL lLs noL a selecL flre or full auLo rlfle llke Lhe uou
uses. 1haL's bullshlL because Lroops who carry Lhe M-4/M-16 weapon sysLem for combaL ops
ouLslde Lhe wlre rarely uLlllze Lhe selecL flre funcLlon when ln conLacL wlLh enemy combaLanLs.
1he use of selecL flre probably lsn'L even 1 ln combaL. So ln essence, Lhe A8-13 semlauLomaLlc
rlfle ls Lhe same as Lhe M-4/M-16. 1hese do noL need Lo be purchased as easlly as walklng Lo
your local WalmarL or sLrlklng Lhe enLer key on your keyboard Lo add Lo carL". All Lhe flrearms
uLlllzed ln my acLlvlLles are reglsLered Lo me and were legally purchased aL gun sLores and
prlvaLe parLy Lransfers. All concealable weapons (plsLols) were also legally reglsLer ln my name
aL pollce sLaLlons or llL's. unforLunaLely, are you aware LhaL l obLalned class lll weapons
(suppressors) wlLhouL a background check Lhru nlCS or u8CS compleLely LLCALL? several
Llmes? l was able Lo use a LrusL accounL LhaL l creaLed on qulcken wlll maker and a $10 noLary
charge aL a mallbox eLc. Lo obLaln Lhem legally. CranLed, l am noL a felon, nor have a uv
mlsdemeanor convlcLlon or acLlve 18C agalnsL me on a nClC flle. l can buy any flrearm l wanL,
buL should l be able Lo purchase Lhese class lll weapons (S88's, and suppressors) wlLhouL a
background check and [usL a $10 noLary slgnaLure on a qulcken wlll maker program? 1he
answer ls nC. l'm noL even a resldenL of Lhe sLaLe l purchased Lhem ln. Lock n Load [usL wanLed
money so Lhey allow you Lo purchase class lll weapons wlLh [usL a noLarlzed LrusL, mlllLary lu.
Shame on you, Lock n Load. nlA and A1l need new laws and pollcles LhaL do noL allow
loopholes such as Lhls. ln Lhe end, l hope LhaL you wlll reallze LhaL Lhe small arms l uLlllze should
noL be accessed wlLh Lhe ease LhaL l obLalned Lhem. Who ln Lhere rlghL mlnd needs a fucklng
sllencer!!! who needs a freaklng S88 A813? no one. no more vlrglnla 1ech, Columblne PS,
Wlsconsln Lemple, Aurora LheaLre, orLland malls, 1ucson rally, newLown Sandy Pook. WheLher
by execuLlve order or Lhru a bl-parLlsan congress an assaulL weapons ban needs Lo be re-
lnsLlLuLed. erlod!!!
Mla larrow sald lL besL. Cun conLrol ls no longer debaLable, lL's noL a conversaLlon, lLs a moral
Sen. lelnsLeln, you are dolng Lhe rlghL Lhlng ln leadlng Lhe re-lnsLlLuLlon of a naLlonal AW8.
never agaln should any publlc offlclal sLaLe LhaL Lhelr prayers and LhoughLs are wlLh Lhe famlly.
1haL has become cllche' and meanlngless. lLs Llme for acLlon. LeL Lhls be your legacy LhaL you
besLow Lo Amerlca. uo noL be swayed by obsLacles, anLagaonlsL, and naysayers. 8emember Lhe
lnnocenL chlldren aL AusLln, kenL, SLockLon, lullerLon, San ulego, lowa ClLy, !onesboro,
Columblne, nlckel Mlnes, 8lacksburg, Sprlngfleld, 8ed Lake, Chardon, Aurora, and newLown.
Make sure Lhls never happens agaln!!!
ln my cache you wlll flnd several small arms. ln Lhe cache, 8ushmasLer flrearms, 8emlngLon
preclslon rlfles, and AAC Suppressors (sllencers). All of Lhese small arms are manufacLured by
Cerberus/lreedom Croup. 1he same company responslble for Lhe orLland mall shooLlng,
WebsLer , n?, and Sandy Pook massacre.
?ou dlsrespecL Lhe offlce of Lhe C1uS/resldency and Commander ln Chlef. ?ou call hlm
kenyan, mongrold, halfrlcan, musllm, and l8PC when ln essence you are Lo address hlm as
slmply, resldenL. 1he same as you dld Lo resldenL Ceorge W. 8ush and all Lhose ln Lhe hlghesL
ranklng poslLlon of our land before hlm. !usL as l always have. ?ou quesLlon hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe,
hls educaLlonal and professlonal accompllshmenLs, and hls [udeo-chrlsLlan bellefs. ?ou make
dlsparaglng remarks abouL hls dead parenLs. ?ou never quesLloned Lhe facL LhaL hls former
opponenL, Lhe honorable SenaLor !ohn McCaln, was noL born ln Lhe CCnuS or LhaL 8ush had a
C average ln hls undergrad. LlecLoral CandldaLes chlldren (8omney) sLaLe Lhey wanL Lo punch
Lhe presldenL ln Lhe face durlng debaLes wlLh no formal repercusslons. no one even quesLloned
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe son [usL made a crlmlnal LhreaL Loward Lhe resldenL. ?ou call hls wlfe a
Wookle. Cff Lhe record, l love your new bangs, Mrs. Cbama. A woman whose professlonal and
educaLlonal accompllshmenLs are second Lo none when compared Lo recenL llrsL wlves. ?ou
call hls supporLers, wheLher black, brown, yellow, or whlLe, leeches, lSA, welfare reclplenLs,
and nl$&er lovers. ?ou say Lhls openly wlLhouL any dlscreLlon. 8efore you sLarL wlLh your
argumenL LhaL you belleve l would voLe for Cbama because he has Lhe same skln color as me,
fuck you. l dldn'L voLe ln Lhls lasL elecLlon as my cholce of candldaLe, !ohn PunLsman, dldn'L wln
Lhe prlmary candldacy for hls parLy. Mr. resldenL, l haven'L agreed wlLh all of your declslons
buL of course l haven'L agreed wlLh all of your predecessors declslons. l Lhlnk you've done a hell
of a [ob wlLh whaL you have been dealL and how you have managed lL. l shed a Lear Lhe nlghL
you were lnlLlally elecLed resldenL ln 2008. l never LhoughL LhaL day would occur. A black man
elecLed presldenL ln Lhe u.S. ln my llfeLlme. l cracked a smlled when you were re-elecLed ln
2012 because l really dldn'L Lhlnk you were golng Lo pull LhaL one off. 8omney, sLop belng a
sore loser. ?ou could've exlLed graclously and sLlll conLrlbuLed slgnlflcanLly Lo publlc servlce, noL
now. Mr. resldenL, geL back Lo work. Many wanL Lo see you fall as Lhey have sLaLed so many
Llmes prevlously. unforLunaLely, lf you fall, Lhe u.S. falls buL your opponenLs do noL concern
Lhemselves abouL Lhe blg plcLure. uo noL forgeL your commlLmenL Lo Lransparency ln your
admlnlsLraLlon. SomeLlmes l belleve your admlnlsLraLlon forgeLs LhaL. Amerlca, you wlll reallze
Loday and Lomorrow LhaL Lhls world ls made up of all human belngs who have Lhe same general
needs and wanLs ln llfe for Lhemselves, Lhelr kln, communlLy, and sLaLe. 1haL ls Lhe freedom Lo
LlvL and LCvL. 1hey may eaL dlfferenL foods, en[oy dlfferenL muslc, have dlfferenL dlalecLs, or
speak a second language, buL ln essence are no dlfferenL from you and l. 1hls ls Amerlca. We
are noL a perfecL soverelgn counLry as we have our own flaws buL we are Lhe closesL LhaL wlll
ever exlsL.
unforLunaLely, Lhls ls noL Lhe flrsL Llme an auLhorlLaLlve flgure has lled on me.
Mr. lreld, asslsLanL prlnclpal, Cypress PS. 8emember when you lled Lo my moLher and Lhe
pollce offlcer ln your offlce abouL sLaLlng LhaL you never sLaLed Lo me ln a prlvaLe conversaLlon
LhaL you know Lhe LhefL suspecL (Mlranda) sLole my waLch. LeL me refresh your memory. A
physlcal educaLlon Leachers asslsLanL, a sLudenL, sLole Lhe llsL of comblnaLlon codes Lo peoples
lockers, from Lhe .L. Leacher. 1haL sLudenL Lhen opened many of Lhose lockers and sLole
sLudenLs personal properLy. My waLch was Laken ln LhaL mulLl LhefL an l reporLed lL Lo you. A
week laLer you dlscovered LhaL Lhe LhefL suspecL was aul Mlranda, a sLudenL. ?ou sLaLed Lo me
ln prlvaLe LhaL you know for a facL he sLole my properLy. When l aLLempLed Lo reLrleve my
properLy from Lhe suspecL. Campus securlLy was called and you lled and sLaLed LhaL you never
sLaLed Lo me LhaL you know he sLole my waLch". ?ou saL Lhere and lled Lo Lhelr faces rlghL ln
fronL of me. ?ou sald lL wlLh such a dellberaLe, sLern face. l never forgoL LhaL and was noL
surprlsed when 13 years laLer l was lled on agaln ln Lhe 8C8 by 1eresa Lvans. maybe you can
confess Lo your famlly aL Lhe very leasL ln Lhe prlvaLe of your own home. AfLer LhaL, conLacL my
moLher and apologlze for lylng Lo her ln 1996.
lf posslble, l wanL my braln preserved for sclence/research Lo sLudy Lhe effecLs of severe
depresslon on an lndlvldual's braln. Slnce 6/26/08 when l was relleved of duLy and 1/2/09 when
l was LermlnaLed l have been affllcLed wlLh severe depresslon. l've had Lwo C1 scans durlng my
llfeLlme LhaL are ln my medlcal record aL kalser ermanenLe. 8oLh are from concusslons
resulLlng from playlng fooLball. 1he flrsL one was ln hlgh school, 10/96. 1he second was ln
college and occurred ln 10/99. 8oLh were conducLed aL kalser ermanenLe hosplLals ln
LA/Crange counLy. 1hese Lwo C1 scans should glve a good basellne for my braln acLlvlLy before
severe depresslon began ln laLe 2008.
Sure, many of you law enforcemenL experLs and speclallsL" wlll sLaLe, ln all my years Lhls ls
Lhe worsL....", SLop!!! 1haL's noL lmporLanL. Ask yourselves whaL would cause somebody Lo
Lake Lhese drasLlc measures llke l dld. 1haL's whaL ls lmporLanL.
1o my frlends llsLed below, l wlsh we could have grown old LogeLher and spenL more Llme
LogeLher. When you remlnlsce of our frlendshlp and experlences, Lhlnk of LhaL and LhaL only. uo
noL dwell on my recenL acLlons Lhe lasL few days. 1hls was a necessary evll LhaL had Lo be
execuLed ln order for me Lo obLaln my nAML back. 1he only Lhlng LhaL changes pollcy and
garners aLLenLlon ls deaLh.
Luls Sanchez, greaLesL frlend, Marlne offlcer, avlaLor, and an even beLLer faLher and husband. l
Couldn'L have had a beLLer blg broLher Lhan you. ?our spoken wlsdom was always reLalned by
me, you old salLy MusLang. ?ou sLernly Lold me LhaL no maLLer whaL l accompllsh l wlll always
be a nl#er ln many lndlvlduals eyes. AL Lhe Llme, l dld noL comprehend your words. l do now. l
never forgoL Lhe quoLe you sLaLe below. l love you bro.
l never saw a wlld Lhlng feel sorry for lLself. A small blrd wlll drop frozen dead from a bough
wlLhouL ever feellng sorry for lLself. -u.P. Lawrence
!ason valadao, greaLesL frlend, naval offlcer, avlaLor, CreaL laLher, husband, docLor, and even
beLLer human belng. l always sLrlved Lo llve my llfe parallel Lo your slmllar values and personal
dlsclpllnes. uanlka ls lucky Lo have found a man llke yourself, and you are forLunaLe Lo have
marrled an lrrefuLable lmperfecL woman. Always focus on your lMMLulA1L famlly as Lhey are
Lhe ones who have loved you uncondlLlonally and always been Lhelr Lo supporL you ln dlfflculL
Llmes. l always llved my llfe as WW!u (whaL would !ason do). uanlka, Lake care of Lhls guy.
!ason, l'm sorry l mlssed your weddlng and you had Lo flnd anoLher besL man. l'm sorry my
predlcamenL wlLh Lhe deparLmenL sLopped me from waLchlng you and uanlka geL marrled and
argulng wlLh you abouL lssues LhaL were lnslgnlflcanL when l was really angry aL Lhe LAu for
whaL Lhey dld Lo me. l'm deeply sorry and l love you guys.
!ames usera, greaL frlend, aLLorney, faLher, husband, and Lhe mosL cynlcal/blaLanL/pollLlcally
lncorrecL frlend a man can have. 8esL quallLy abouL you ln college and now ls LhaL you never
sugar coaLed Lhe LruLh. l wlll mlss our pollLlcal dlscusslons LhaL always Lurned argumenLaLlve.
1hanks for lnLroduclng me Lo ouLdoor sporLs llke flshlng, hunLlng, muddlng, and also respecL for
Lhe land and resources. us clLy boys don'L geL ouL much llke you Alaskans. ?ou even lnLroduced
me Lo 88. A beer, LhaL when you're a poor college sLudenL ls compleLely accepLable Lo geL
buzzed off of. l'm sorry l'll never geL Lo go on LhaL moose and bear hunL wlLh you. l love you
klnLa SmlLh, greaLesL frlend, accounLanL, enLrepreneur, and even beLLer Puman belng. ?ou are
probably Lhe mosL well balanced person l've ever meL and Lhe mosL drlven for success. ln
college, and afLer graduaLlon, l was lnsplred by your personal drlve. never seLLle. When you
make your flrsL mllllon, promlse me you won'L forgeL Lo en[oy lL a blL. l know your flrsL reacLlon
wlll be Lo lnvesL lL somewhere else. Spend a llLLle, [usL a llLLle. l love you bro.
!ason ?oung, greaL frlend, enLrepeneur, husband and faLher. ?ou showed me Lhe lmporLance of
faLherhood and frlendshlp. Love you bro.
Suzle Clark Cunnlngham, kassandra Parrell, Mellnda ?aLes, Cal !ackson, 8yan SmlLh, 1he
8ebelledos, 1he 8anks, 8en 8lnes, !. Work, 8lll C'nelll, !eremy lleLcher, and 8ob ParrlsLon.
?ou guys were all lmporLanL and very speclal Lo me. uon'L be angry wlLh me. l mlssed some of
your weddlngs and unforLunaLely, some of your funerals. 1hls was a necessary evll.
Some say lL ls my faulL LhaL l was LermlnaLed. ?es, uux, l remember you sLaLlng Lhls Lo me ln an
angry flL. ?ou sald LhaL l should have kepL my mouLh shuL abouL anoLher offlcer's mlsconducL.
Maybe you were rlghL. 8uL l'm noL bullL llke oLhers, lL's noL ln my unA and my hlsLory has
always shown LhaL. When you vlew Lhe vldeo of Lhe suspecL sLaLlng he was klcked by Lvans,
maybe you wlll see LhaL l was a decenL person afLer all. l Lold Lhe LruLh. lL sLlll hurL LhaL you
abandoned me ln my Llme of need. l hope you're happy, LhaL's all l ever wanLed for you.
SgL. Leonard erez, you meanL well buL you should have known wlLh your Llme on Lhe [ob LhaL
Lhe deparLmenL would aLLempL Lo proLecL someone llke Lvans because of her Llme on Lhe [ob,
personal frlendshlps, and eLhlclLy. l'm noL angry wlLh you, buL you should have known as an lA
SgL Maggle lausL Lu, Cfcr !ohn 1homas Lu (reL), and Chlef Lrlc nunez Lu, your guldance
and menLorlng as a young pollce explorer was second Lo none and lnvaluable as a young man,
pollce offlcer, and naval offlcer. SgL lausL, you forewarned me long ago abouL [olnlng LAu as
Lhey were dlfferenL" and operaLed dlfferenLly from oLher modern law enforcemenL agencles. l
now know lL was your humbleness and respecL for all who wear Lhe badge and proLecL Lhelr
communlLles LhaL you dldn'L [usL express whaL you wanLed Lo say, LhaL Lhey lack values and
baslc eLhlcs as law enforcemenL offlcers. Chlef nunez, your fucklng awesome. 1hanks for Lhe
long Lalks over Lhe years when l was an explorer, college sLudenL, naval offlcer, and ollce
offlcer. ?our are a greaL leader and carry your hearL on your sleeve. ?our son wlll be a greaL Alr
lorce offlcer wlLh Lhe uprlnglng you provlded. !ohn, whaL can l say? ?our [usL an awesome
person and my flrsL exposure Lo whaL law enforcemenL was really abouL was on our rlde alongs.
?our reallsLlc approach and empaLheLlc approach Lo LreaLlng all people as humans flrsL ls
someLhlng l carrled wlLh me dally. 1hank you, every one of you.
ur. lunahashl, Lhank you for Lhe superb surgery you performed on my knee on 7/98 ln lrvlne,
CA. l never had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo Lhank you for allowlng me Lo llve a llfe free of knee [olnL
paln. 1hank you.
CM1 8lsseLL (8eL.), l learned more from you abouL leadershlp Lhan mosL of my own
commanders. ?ou llved by a sLrlcL eLhos of geL lL done, and geL lL done rlghL. l wanLed Lo aLLend
your reLlremenL, l really dld. 8uL because of my predlcamenL l was unable Lo. Pope you and
8lLchle are sLlll LogeLher. l've always held you ln hlgh regard.
SgL Ma[. kenneLh 8ock" 8ocquemore uSMC, 1hank you for Lhe lnLense lnsLrucLlon and
menLorshlp and Llme spenL forglng me lnLo a never qulL offlcer. ?ou were challenglng as a ul.
?ou made sure Lhe vlclous and lnLense personallLy l possess was dlscovered. Cn a llghLer
noLe..uon'L feel humbled you never broke me. l made lL a personal goal Lo never glve up years
before. 1he Corp ls lucky Lo have you aL Lhe fronL. ?our leadershlp ls essenLlal and needed for
all marlnes, especlally sLaff nCC's and menLorshlp and advlsemenL Lo company grade offlcers.
?ou are Lhe eplLome of a uS marlne and never forgeL LhaL.
l Lhank my frlends for Lhe awesome shared experlences. l Lhank Lhe unnamed women l daLed
over my llfeLlme for Lhe greaL and someLlmes noL so greaL sex.
lL's klnd of sad l won'L be around Lo vlew and en[oy 1he Pangover lll. WhaL an awesome Lrllogy.
1odd hllllps, don'L make anymore Pangovers afLer Lhe Lhlrd, Lakes away Lhe orlglnallLy of lLs
foundaLlon. World War Z looks good and 1he Walklng uead season 3 (second half) looked
lnLrlgulng. uamn, gonna mlss shark week.
Mr. vlce resldenL, do your due dlllgence when formulaLlng a conclse and permanenL naLlonal
AW8 plan. luLure generaLlons of Amerlcans depend on your plan and advlsemenL Lo Lhe
presldenL. l've always been a fan of yours and conslder you one of Lhe few genulne and
charlsmaLlc pollLlclans. uamn, sounds llke an oxymoron calllng you an honesL pollLlclan. lL's Lhe
Plllary CllnLon. ?ou'll make one hell of a presldenL ln 2016. Much llke your husband, 8lll, you
wlll be one of Lhe greaLesL. Look aL CasLro ln San AnLonlo as a runnlng maLe or posslble
secreLary of sLaLe. Pe's (good people) and l have falLh and confldence ln hlm. Look afLer 8lll. Pe
was always my favorlLe resldenL. Chelsea grew up Lo be one hell of an aLLracLlve woman. no
dlsrespecL Lo her husband.
Cov. Chrls ChrlsLle. WhaL can l say? ?ou're Lhe only person l would llke Lo see ln Lhe WhlLe
Pouse ln 2016 oLher Lhan Plllary. ?ou're Amerlca's no shlL Laklng uncle. uo one Lhlng for your
wlfe, klds, and supporLers. SLarL walklng aL nlghL and eaL a llLLle less, noL a loL less, [usL a llLLle.
We wanL Lo see you around for a long Llme. ?our leadershlp ls greaLly needed.
Wayne Lalerre, resldenL of Lhe n8A, you're a vlle and lnhumane plece of shlL. ?ou never even
showed 30 seconds of empaLhy for Lhe chlldren, Leachers, and famllles of Sandy Pook. ?ou
deflecLed any Lype of blame/responslblllLy and dlrecLed lL Loward Lhe lnfluence of movles and
Lhe medla. ?ou are a fallure of a human belng. May all of your lmmedlaLe and dlsLanL famlly dle
horrlflc deaLhs ln fronL of you.
Chrls MaLLhews, !oe Scarborough, aL Parvey, 8rlan Wllllams, Soledad Cbrlen, Wolf 8llLzer,
MeredlLh vlera, 1avls Smlley, and Anderson Cooper, keep up Lhe greaL work and follow
CronklLe's lead. l hold many of you ln Lhe same regard as 1om 8rokaw and Lhe laLe eLer
!ennlngs. Cooper, sLop nagglng and beraLlng your guesL, Lhey're your (guesL). Mr. Scarborough,
we meL aL McCulre's pub ln -cola ln 2002 when l was sLaLloned Lhere. lL was an honor
converslng wlLh you abouL pollLlcs, famlly, and llfe.
Wlllle CelsL, you're a LalenLed and charlsmaLlc [ournallsL. SLop wlLh all Lhe Lalk show
shenanlgans and geL back Lo your core of reporLlng. ?our fuLure ls brlghLer Lhan mosL.
8evoke Lhe clLlzenshlp of lareed Zakarla and deporL hlm. l've never heard a poslLlve word
abouL Amerlca or lLs lnLeresL from hls mouLh, ever. Cn Lhe same day, glve lers Morgan an
lndeflnlLe resldenL allen and vlsa card. Mr. Morgan, Lhe problem LhaL many Amerlcan gun
owners have wlLh you and your conLlnuous dlscusslon of gun conLrol ls LhaL you are noL an
Amerlcan clLlzen and have an accenL LhaL ls dlsLlncL and clarlfles LhaL you are a forelgner. l wanL
you Lo know LhaL l agree wlLh you 100 on enacLlng sLrlcLer flrearm laws buL you musL
undersLand LhaL your crlLlcs wlll always have ln Lhe back of Lhelr mlnd LhaL you are naLlve Lo a
counLry LhaL we won our soverelgnLy from whlle uslng flrearms as a lasL resorL ln defense and
you come from a counLry LhaL has no legal prlvaLe ownershlp of flrearms. 1haL ls dlshearLenlng
Lo Amerlcan gun owners and rlghLfully so.
1he honorable resldenL Ceorge P.W. 8ush, Lhey never glve you enough credlL for your
successful resldency. ?ou were always one of my favorlLe resldenLs (2nd favorlLe). l hope
your healLh lmproves greaLly. ?ou are Lhe eplLome of an Amerlcan and servlce Lo counLry.
Ceneral eLraeus, you made a mlsLake LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of men make once, Lwlce, or
unforLunaLely many Llmes ln a llfeLlme. ?ou are human. ?ou LhoughL wlLh your penls. lL's okay.l
personally belleve you should have never reslgned and Lold your crlLlcs Lo shove lL. ?ou only
answer Lo Lwo people regardlng Lhe affalr, your wlfe and chlldren, perlod. l hope you reLurn Lo
governmenL servlce Lo your counLry as lL ls vlslbly ln your unA.
Ceneral Colln owell, your book My Amerlcan !ourney" solldlfled my declslon Lo [oln Lhe
mlllLary afLer college. l had always lnLended Lo serve, buL your book and [ourney moLlvaLed me.
?ou are an lnsplraLlon Lo all Amerlcans and lnfluenced me greaLly.
1o all SLA's (senlor enllsLed advlsers), you are [usL as lmporLanL lf noL a greaLer vlablllLy Lo large
and small commands. lL's Llme you Lake a more acLlve role ln leadlng your enllsLed and advlslng
offlcers. 1hese are noL your LwlllghL years or Llme Lo relax. ?ou can elLher sLrengLhen Lhe Llp of
Lhe spear, or make lL brlLLle. ?ou declde.
aL Parvey, l've always LhoughL you carrled yourself professlonally and personally Lhe way a
sLrong black woman should. ?our arLlculaLlon and speech ls second Lo none. ?ou are Lhe
eplLome of a [ournallsL/anchor. ?ou are Amerlca.
Lllen uegeneres, conLlnue your excellenL conLrlbuLlon Lo enLerLalnlng Amerlca and brlnglng Lhe
human facLor Lo enLerLalnmenL. ?ou changed Lhe percepLlon of your gay communlLy and how
we as Amerlcans vlew Lhe LC81 communlLy. l congraLulaLe you on your success and openlng my
eyes as a young adulL, and my generaLlon Lo Lhe facL LhaL you are know dlfferenL from us oLher
Lhan who you choose Lo love. Ch, and you rop 8 supporLers, why Lhe fuck do you care who
your nelghbor marrles. PypocrlLlcal pleces of shlL.
WesLboro 8apLlsL Church, may you all burn slowly ln a flre, noL from smoke lnhalaLlon, buL from
Lhe flames and only Lhe flames.
1ebow, l really wanLed Lo see you Lake charge of an offense agaln and Lhe game. ?ou are noL a
good C8 by Lodays sLandards, buL you are a greaL fooLball player who knows how Lo lead a
Leam and Wln. ?ou wlll be 1ebowlng" when you reach your nexL Leam. l have falLh ln you. CeL
ouL of LhaL clrcus Lhey call Lhe !eLs and away from Lhe reallLy 1v sLar, 8ex 8yan, and Mark 8aplsL
ChrlsLopher Walz, you lmpressed me ln lnglorlous 8asLerds. AfLer vlewlng u[ango unchalned, l
was sold. l have come Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL you are well on your way Lo becomlng one of Lhe
greaLs lf noL already and show gllmpses of uanlel uay Lewls and Morgan lreeman-esque Lype
quallLles of greaLness. 1rusL me when l say LhaL you wlll be one of Lhe greaLesL ever.
!ennlfer 8eals, Serena Wllllams, Crae urake, Llsa nlcole-Carson, ulana 1aurasl, n'bushe WrlghL,
8renda vllla, kaLe WlnsleL, Ashley Craham, Lrlka ChrlsLensen, Cabrlelle unlon, lsabella Soprano,
Zaln ver[ee, 1amron Pall, Clna Carano, Amerlca lerrara, Clana Mlchaels, nene, naLalle
orLman, Cueen LaLlfah, Mlchelle 8odrlguez, An[elah !ohnson, kelly Clarkson, nora !ones, Laura
repon, MargareL Cho, and 8uLlna Wesley, you are 1PL MCS1 beauLlful women on Lhls planeL,
perlod. never seLLle, professlonally or personally.
uave 8rubeck's 1ake llve" ls Lhe greaLesL plece of muslc ever, perlod. Panz Zlmmer, Wllllam
8ell, Lrlc ClapLon, 88 klng, 8ob Marley, Sam Cooke, MeLalllca, 8ob Zomble, nora !ones, Marvln
Caye,!ay-Z, and Lhe klng (Louls ArmsLrong) are muslcal prodlgles.
!effrey 1oobln and uavld Cergen, you are pollLlcal genluses and modern scholars. Popefully
1oobln ls nomlnaLed for Lhe Supreme CourL and lmplemenLs some damn common sense and
reasonlng lnsLead of parLlsan blckerlng. 8uL ln Lrue 1oobln fashlon, we all know he would noL
accepL Lhe nomlnaLlon.
!ohn and ken from kll, never muLe your facLs and personal oplnlons. ?ou are one of Lhe few
medla personallLles who speak Lhe LruLh, even when Lhe LruLh ls noL popular. l wlll mlss
llsLenlng Lo your dlscusslons.
8lll Pandel, your effln awesome. lor years l en[oyed your show.
AnLhony 8ourdaln, you're a modern renalssance man who eplLomlzes Lhe saylng Loo cool for
Larry uavld, kevln ParL, Lhe laLe aLrlce Cneal, Llsa Lampanelll, Chrls 8ock, !erry Selnfeld, Louls
Ck, uave Chapelle, !on SLewarL, Wanda Sykes, uennls Mlller, and !eff 8oss are pure genluses.
l'm a blg fan of all of your work. As a chlld my mom caughL me waLchlng uef !am comedy aL
mldnlghL when l should have been asleep. lnsLead of scoldlng me, Lhe nexL nlghL she leL me sLay
up laLe and waLchCeorge Carlln, Lddle Murphy and 8lchard ryor comedy speclals wlLh her for
hours. My sldes were sore for days.
Larry uavld, l agree. 72-82 degrees ls way Lo hoL ln a resldence. 68 , degrees ls perfecL.
CycllsL, l have no problem sharlng Lhe road wlLh you. 8uL, aL leasL go Lhe fucklng speed llmlL
posLed or geL off Lhe road!!! 1haL ls a feaslble requesL. LlvesLrong you fraudulenL assholes.
Cardlnal Mahoney, you are ln essence a predaLor yourself as you enabled your subordlnaLes Lo
molesL mulLlple chlldren ln Lhe church over many decades. May you dle a long and slow palnful
lf you conLlnuously followed me whlle l was walklng aL dusk/nlghL l would confronL you as well.
1oo bad 1rayvon dldn'L smash your skull compleLely open, Zlm. Whlle 1rayvon's body erodes Lo
bones 6 feeL under, Zlmmerman has puL on no less Lhan 40 pounds whlle ouL on ball.
Zlmmerman was arresLed for baLLery on a eace offlcer and avolded [all/prlson because he
compleLed a dlverslon program. 1haLs a hlsLory of belng an asshole. Zlmmerman couldn'L geL
hlred by a LL agency because of poor credlL/and a hlsLory of vlolence/resLralnlng orders wlLh
women. So whaL does he do? ueslgnaLe hlmself, nelghborhood waLch capLaln and make
complalnLs Lo hls clLy councll abouL Lhe horrlble work eLhlc and lazlness of Lhe offlcers
paLrolllng hls nelghborhood. Cood one Zlm. Pow classy LhaL your faLher aLLempLs Lo use hls
veLerans sLaLus dlsabled veLeran" durlng your ball hearlng buL doesn'L sLaLe whaL hls dlsablllLy
percenLage ls. rlor servlce personnel know lL can be 3 dlsablllLy Lo 100. ?ou and your
aLLorneys always avold menLlonlng your faLhers occupaLlon as a maglsLraLe/[udge because l'm
sure he's uLlllzed hls poslLlon Lo geL you ouL of way more [ams Lhen Lhe publlc has dlscovered
and LhaL your famlly ls noL lndlgenL. Ch, Lell your wlfe Lo sLop per[urlng herself ln courL.
Anonymous, you are haLed, vlllfled, and consldered an enemy Lo Lhe sLaLe. l personally vlew
you as a culLure and a necesslLy LhaL brlngs LruLh Lo a cloaked world. lorge ahead!
Charlle Sheen, you're effln awesome.
My oplnlon on women ln combaL MCS', ueslgnaLors, 8aLes, and AlSC's. l wlsh all of you who
aLLempL Lo pursue combaL occupaLlonal roles Lhe greaLesL success ln compleLlng, graduaLlng,
and quallfylng ln Lhelr respecLlve schools/courses. Many wanL Lo see you fall. 8emember,
everyone of you ls a ploneer. 1here was a Llme when Lhey dldn'L allow blacks Lo flghL Lhe good
flghL. 1hls ls your clvll rlghLs. uon'L qulL!!!
lL's Llme Lo allow gay servlce member's spouses Lo uLlllze Lhe same beneflLs LhaL all
heLerosexual dependenLs are ellglble for. Medlcal, uenLal, 1rlcare, ueers, SCLl, 8x, Commlssary,
MllsLar, MW8, eLc. llag offlcers, leLs be honesL. ?ou can'L really glve a valld argumenL Lo as why
gays shouldn'L be ellglble as every monLh a new sLaLe enacLs laws LhaL allow same sex marrlage.
LC81 communlLy and supporLers, Lhe same way you have Lhe rlghL Lo volce your oplnlon on
accepLance of gay marrlage, Chlck lll-A has a rlghL Lo volce Lhelr bellefs as well. 1haL's whaL
makes Amerlca so greaL. lreedom of expresslon. uon'L be assholes and boycoLL/degrade Lhelr
buslness and cusLomers who paLronlze Lhe locaLlons. 1hey make some damn good chlcken!
vandallzlng (grafflLl) Lhelr locaLlons does noL help any cause.
Mr. 8lll Cosby, you are a reasonable and LalenLed man who has spoken Lhe LruLh of Lhe culLural
anomalles wlLhln Lhe black communlLles LhaL need Lo change now. 1he black communlLles'
resenLmenL Loward you ls because Lhey don'L llke hearlng Lhe LruLh or havlng Lhelr clear and
evldenL dlrLy laundry alred Lo Lhe naLlon. 1he problem ls, Lhe counLry ls noL bllnd nor dumb.
1hey belleve we are anlmals. uo noL muLe your unvarnlshed LruLhful speech or moral compass.
8lacks musL sLrlve for more ln llfe Lhan bllng, hoes, and cars. 1he currenL culLure ls an epldemlc
LhaL leaves Lhem wlLh no dlscernlble fuLure. 1hey're suffocaLlng and don'L even know lL. MLk !r.
Would be morLlfled aL whaL he worked so hard for ln our accepLance as equal belngs and how
unforLunaLely we sLopped progresslng and began dlgresslng. Chlcago's youLh vlolence ls a
prlme example of how our black communlLles values have decllned. We can noL address Lhls
naLlon's lnLoleranL lssues unLll we address our own communlLles morallLy lssues flrsL.
AccounLablllLy. We need Lo hold ou"

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