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1 each 6 oz Supreme of Duck Roasted 1 1/2 oz Sauce Supreme with fine Chopped Tarragon 1 each Medium sized Tomato (meat empt ! fi""ed with #uttered Spinach 1 each $omme Duchess we"" g"azed in o%en (1 1/2 &z! 1 1/2 oz Turned Saut'ed Turnips (turned chateau!


1 each ( oz )ea" f"atten out (out of "eg! 1 oz *"ack +orest ,am S"ice 1 oz Swiss cheese S"ice -gg .hite mi/ *readcrum#s mi/ Seasoning (sa"t and pepper! 1 1/2 oz +rench 0ong *eans Saut'ed 1 1/2 oz Turned Saut'ed Carrots 1 1/2 oz *uttered Tag"iate""i 1 1/2 oz Sauce Supreme (with Cheese1 2ru ere 3 $armesan! +"atten out )ea" Dress Cheese and ,am inside on ha"f part of meat +o"d o%er ha"f part "eft $ress we"" $ut in egg white mi/ and #readcrum#s mi/ Saut' in Me"ted *utter ti"" 2o"den *rown


1 each Sir"oin Steak (6oz! 1 each Tomato (meat empt ! fi""ed with 1 1/( oz Risotto 1 1/2 oz Madeira Sauce with 2arnish1 1 oz Mi/ Chopped Red $epper Mushrooms $ick"es 1 1/2 oz Mi/ed )egeta#"es


(4ie"d1 1&! Mushroom Du/e""e1 5 oz Chopped +resh Mushrooms Chopped 6nions 1 each 2ar"ic c"o%e 3 crushed 7 chopped 285 oz *readcrum#s &85 oz Chopped $ars"e Sa"t 3 $epper to taste 1 tsp8 *utter

1& each Chicken *reast Supreme (5 &z each! 15 oz -mmentha" Cheese (cut into 1& thin s"ices! 15 oz $arma ,am (cut into 1& thin s"ices! 1& each Romaine 0eaf 0ettuce 1& oz Du/e""e (a#o%e! 9& oz $uff $astr 1 1/2 oz Rasp#err Sauce .a/ $aper 3 Tooth $icks

M-T,6D1 3 $ound chicken #reast ti"" a#out 1/:; thick Spread the mushroom du/e""e on top of the chicken $"ace cheese on top Ro"" up the chicken #reast tight" and secure with toothpick Sear the #reast on a"" sides in a "ight" oi"ed pan o%er medium heat Coo" .rap #reast in s"ice of ham *"anch the "ettuce "ea%es and wrap o%er chicken ham .rap with puff pastr putting rough edge on #ottom $ace #reasts in tra co%ered with wa/ paper *ake in o%en at (25 o + for 25 minutes


R<S$*-RR4 S<=C-

1 oz 6nion $inch $epper 2 oz Red .ine 2 oz Rasp#err 0i>uor 6 oz *eef ?uice : oz Rasp#err 1/( oz *utter

Saut' onions with pepper in #utter8 <dd red wine and rasp#err "i>uor8 Reduce to ha"f8 <dd #eef @uice and simmer for 1& minutes8 Strain8 <dd rasp#erries8 $our sauce o%er chicken8

2<RABS, $-R C<SS1 3 1 1/2 oz *uttered Tag"iate""i 1 1/2 oz Mini Cucchini Steamed 1 1/2 oz Chateau Turnips


1 each 5 oz Duck *reast Supreme Roasted 1 1/2 oz Tag"iate""i )erde 1/2 oz 6/ Tongue ?u"ienne 1 1/2 oz Sauce Supreme 1 1/2 oz Snow $eas 1 1/( oz Saut'ed Turnips


1 each 6 oz )ea" Cut"et 1/2 oz <pp"e into sma"" #runoise 1 oz 2ouda Cheese into sma"" #runoise 1/9 oz s"iced <"monds

$ound out %ea" cut"et to #reak fi#res and fi"" with the a#o%e mi/ture +o"d sides around and tie around with string Sear outside edges of %ea" in a pan $oach %ea" for a#out 2& minutes in chicken stock Remo%e and p"ace %ea" on ser%ing dishD dress with 1/2 oz sauce supreme with mushrooms and sherr 2arnish with 2 6range Segments Dress Cass8 with1 1/2 oz *uttered 2reen *eans 1/2 oz *uttered Tag"iate""i )erde 1 Tomato $ro%enca"e

(6 oz portion!

Saut' Tournedos in #utter (seasoned with sa"t 7 pepper! *oth sides to #e we"" co"oured Dress on Crouton 2<RABS,1 1 each <rtichoke #ottom medium sized saut'ed in #utter and seasoned with pepper Dress medium sized Tomato (meat empt ! with nice hea% *'arnaise Sauce inD on top of artichoke 1 1/2 oz *uttered Saut'ed 0ong 2reen *eans 1 1/2 oz $ommes .i""iam (9 each mini cro>uette $ear shaped!


Treat 0am#chops a "a <ng"aise #ut add grated $armesan Cheese to the *readcrum#s Cook the Chops in C"arified *utter ti"" we"" go"den (each 0am# Chop to #e 9 oz! Dress with the fo""owing 2arnish1 Cooked Tag"iate""iD seasoned with sa"tD pepperD nutmegD #utterD grated $armesan and 2ru ere Cheese 3 1oz Mi/ed with 1/2 oz %er "ean ,amD TongueD Mushrooms heated in MadeiraD a"" to #e cut in fine @u"ienne 1 each 2ri""ed Tomato $ro%enca"e 1 1/2 oz Saut'ed Mushrooms (>uartered and seasoned with *asi"D TarragonD $ars"e D Sage 3 a"" fine" chopped!


6 oz )ea" Steak Saut'ed in *utter 2<RABS,1 1 oz saut'ed Mushrooms with Sage 1 oz *acon cut @u"ienne and saut'ed 1 9/( oz Demi 2"ace S<SSB ()ea" 1/2 g"ace with Marsa"a wine and dr white wine! Sprink"e of +resh Chopped $ars"e 1 1/2 oz +resh 0ong 2reen *eans saut'ed 1 1/2 oz Turned 2"azed Carrots 2 each $ommes Chateau (o%en #aked!


(4ie"d1 12!

( oz Sun Dried Tomatoes 2 oz $ine Auts 2 #unches fresh *asi" 2 oz grated $armesan 1/2 c8 6"i%e 6i" 1/( c8 2ar"ic 12 each Chicken Supreme (( to 5 oz! Mark the chicken on hot gri"" +inish in o%en S=A DRB-D T6M<T6 $-ST61 $ace the sun dried TomatoesD pine nutsD #asi"D grated $armesanD o"i%e oi"D gar"icD into food processor and rough chop Ser%e on top of chicken when cooked


(4ie"d1 1:!

1: )ea" Sca""ops (5oz each! 2 each Sha""ots minced 1 each C"o%e gar"ic minced 1/2 cup .hite .ine 1/( ground and roasted ,aze"nuts 1 cup )ea" Stock 1/2 cup 95E Cream Sa"t/+resh 2round $epper to taste ( t#s8 *utter unsa"ted 2 t#s8 ,aze"nut 6i" 2 t#s8 +R<A2-0BC6 (,aze"nut 0i>uor! M-T,6D1 Saut' )ea" Coo" off Saut' sha""otsD gar"ic unti" go"den in the same pan Then add haze"nut oi"D white wineD nutsD stock and reduce # ha"f <dd the haze"nut "i>uor and cream and reduce # ha"f Season with sa"t and pepper8 Ser%e 1 1/2 oz per ser%ing

2<RABS,1 1 1/2 oz Tag"iate""i )erde 2 1/2 oz *uttered Mi/ed )egs8


1 tsp8 6"i%e 6i" 1/2 tsp8 fine" chopped 2ar"ic 1 tsp8 6regano 1 tsp8 Th me 1/2 *a "eaf 1/2 tsp8 Sa"t 1/2 cup Dr Red .ine 1 cup Canned Tomatoes crushed and drained 1 t#s8 Tomato $aste 2 t#s8 6"i%e 6i" 1 1/2 cups 2reen $eppers s"iced in 1;/1/(; s"ices 1/2 "#8 Mushrooms s"iced 1 t#s8 6"i%e 6i" 6 / 6 oz *eef +i""ets ,eat oi" in a "arge fr ing pan <dd spicesD gar"ic and sa"t Cook for 9& seconds stirring <dd wine #ring to #oi" and reduce # ha"f <dd tomatoes and tomato paste Co%er and simmer o%er "ow heat for 9& minutes Meanwhi"e heat 2 t#s8 oi"D saut' green peppers 5 minutes stirring fre>uent" <dd mushrooms and saut' 2 minutes "onger Com#ine the two mi/tures Fuick" saut' fi""ets on #oth sides in oi" and add to the sauce Co%er and continue cooking for 5 minutes stirring fre>uent" To ser%e p"ace meat on dish and pour %egeta#"e sauce on top (1 1/2 oz! 2<RABS,1 2 oz fresh $asta <"fredo 1 1/2 oz Cucchini saut'ed

1& "#s8 *eef Tender"oin cut into 2; strips 2 >t8 Mi"k heated 1& oz +"our 1 1/2 "#8 *utter 1 1/( "#8 Mushrooms fine" s"iced 9 med8 sized onions fine" chopped 1& oz Tomato $aste ?uice of : 0emons 1 >t Dr .hite .ine ( "e%e" t#s8 Dr Mustard Sa"tD $epperD Ca enne $epper for seasoning Ser%e separate" a cup with hea% Sauercream (1 oz! Me"t 1/2 "#8 #utter in saucepan *"end in f"our Cook : to 1& min on side of fire <dd heated mi"k .hip %igorous" unti" smooth Cook s"ow" for a#out 1& min Season with sa"t 7 dash of ca enne Bn another saucepan add s"iced saut'ed mushrooms and onions in 2 oz #utter <dd @uice of ( "emons and the white wine Reduce the "i>uor to a"most nothing <dd tomato paste and cook another 5 to 6 min Strain in the white sauce <"so add the mustard di"uted in a "itt"e warm water Cook 5 to 6 min more to #"end a"" ingredients Remo%e from fire and ad@ust seasoning8 <dd @uice of ( remaining "emons Bn a sauce pan put the remaining #utter saut' in the #eef we"" seasoned with sa"t and pepper Drain we"" and put into sauce 2<RABS,1 2 oz *uttered Aood"es 1 1/2 oz Saut'ed *atons (CarrotsD Turnips 7 Cucchini!

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