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FRICTION Definitions: 1) Friction: Friction is the force that opposes the relative motion between two surfaces that

are in contact with each other. 2) Static Friction: Static friction is the friction between any two bodies when one of the bodies just tends to move or slip over the surface of another body. There is no actual movement of the body. 3) Rolling Friction: When a body rolls over the surface of another body the friction developed between the surfaces is called rollin! friction. ") Sliding Friction: When a body slides over the surface of another body the friction developed between the two surfaces is #nown as slidin! friction. $) Drag: The frictional force e%erted by fluids &li'uids and !ases) is called dra!. () Lubricants: The substances which reduce friction are called lubricants. Question 4. Suppose your writin! des# is tilted a little. ) boo# #ept on it starts slidin! down. Show the direction of frictional force actin! on it. ANS !R: When a boo# slides on the writin! des# a frictional force acts between the boo# and the surface of the des#. The direction of frictional force on the boo# is opposite to the direction of its motion and acts in upward direction as shown in the followin! fi!ure.

Question ": *ou spill a buc#et of soapy water on a marble floor accidentally. Would it ma#e it easier or more difficult for you to wal# on the floor+ Why+ ANS !R: We are able to wal# because of the friction present between our feet and the !round. ,n order to wal# we push the !round in the bac#ward direction with our feet. The force of friction pushes it in the forward direction and allows us to wal#. The force of friction between the !round and feet decreases when there is soapy water spilled on the floor. -ence it becomes difficult to wal# on the soapy floor. Question #: .%plain why sportsmen use shoes with spi#es. ANS !R: Sportsmen use shoes with spi#es because these shoes !ive them a better !rip while runnin!. This is because the force of friction between the shoes and the !round increases with the help of spi#es. Question $: ,'bal has to push a li!hter bo% and Seema has to push a similar heavier bo% on the same floor. Who will have to apply a lar!er force and why+ ANS !R: Force of friction arises because of interloc#in! of irre!ularities on the two surfaces in contact. When a heavy object is placed on the floor the interloc#in! of irre!ularities on the surfaces of bo% and floor become stron!. This is because the two surfaces in contact are pressed harder. -ence more force is re'uired to overcome the interloc#in!. Thus to push the heavier bo% Seema has to apply a !reater force than ,'bal. Question %: .%plain why slidin! friction is less than static friction. ANS !R: Friction comes into play when irre!ularities present in the surfaces of two objects in contact !et interloc#ed with each other. ,n slidin! the time !iven for interloc#in! is very small. -ence interloc#in! is not stron!. Therefore less force is re'uired to overcome this interloc#in!. /ecause of this reason slidin! friction is less than static friction. Question &: 0ive e%amples to show that friction is both a friend and a foe. ANS !R: )dvanta!es of friction1 &i) We are able to wal# because of friction. &ii) Friction between the tip of the pen and a paper allows us to write. 2isadvanta!es of friction1 &i) Tyres and soles of shoes wear out because of friction. &ii) Friction between the different parts of machines produces heat. This can dama!e the machines. Question '(: .%plain why objects movin! in fluids must have special shapes. ANS !R: When a body moves throu!h a fluid it e%periences an opposin! force which tries to oppose its motion throu!h the fluid. This opposin! force is #nown as the dra! force. This frictional force depends on the shape of the body. /y !ivin! objects a special shape the force of friction actin! on it can be minimised. -ence it becomes easier for the body to move throu!h the fluid. !)tra Questions

Q'. 3ame the factors which affect friction )nswer1 The force of friction depends on the 1 a) 3ature of surfaces &rou!hness or smoothness) in contact with each other. b) 4ass of the body Q*. -ow we can reduce the friction between two surfaces+ )nswer1 We can reduce the friction between two surfaces by the followin! methods1 a) /y usin! lubricants li#e oil !rease !raphite powder which fill minute unevenness of the two surfaces. b) /y polishin! the surface irre!ularities which cause friction can be reduced to minimum li#e sandpaper is used in furniture shops. c) /y usin! ball bearin!s or roller bearin!s in the system to minimi5e the friction as the rollin! friction is much less than the slidin! friction. .%ample1 in bicycle and scooter wheels. d) /y streamlinin! the shapes of the objects movin! throu!h a fluid thereby reducin! the dra!. .%ample1 aeroplanes and roc#ets are desi!ned by reducin! the front area to have streamlined motion. Q+. -ow we can increase friction between two bodies. )nswer1 &.laborate the followin! points) a) /y ma#in! the surface rou!h b) 6sin! a dry surface c) /y increasin! the wei!ht

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