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An energetic individual capable of independent as well as team work, be it technical or managerial with good record of communication and event management skills.

To be able to work in a progressive and dynamic environment where I can grow with my technical and managerial skills as well as I want to contribute to organizational goals.

H# , !treet#"#, popular nursery $u%ranwala.

!E Electrical "Telecommunication# "$%&&# a'ria (niversity )arac'i Cam*us

ahsan&i'bal() m

Cell No: *+((,(" * # Personal Statement 0o It12

+or, e-*erience
SS . T/N En0ineer "Telenor 12 ve0a s3a* *roject# CCS Pa,istan Sout' 4e0ion! 5ob res*onsibilities

=8ovember (*>( ? @uly(*>+A

Personality Traits
$roup leader, 3le4ible, Analytical, 5otivated, Imaginative, !ociable and devoted.

Installation and commissioning of BT!. Installation and 9onfiguration of 5: I0C and <0C Alarm testing Duality Assurance AT6

Field of Interest
Analysis and design 6ro%ect 5anagement

6ecturer74esearc' Assistant
5ob res*onsibilities

=8ov (*>> ? August (*>(A

0ata communication 7 8etworks, 9ommunication !ystem, 9ommunication electronics, :ireless 7 mobile communication, 0igital !ignal 6rocessing ;adiating !ystems, 5icrowave engineering, <ptoelectronics. Telecom Traffic engineering, 0igital 9ommunication !ystem, Technical ;eport writing

6hysics and 5athematics lecturer !TE5 research assistant

INTE4NEE =@an (*>> ? 3eb (*>>A Pa,istan Telecommunication 6td8 +66 "3ireless local loo* de*t#
5ob res*onsibilities
.earning and <bservation of working and management of HCA:IE E'uipment installed in 5!9 7 B!9.

3ield visits on BT! sites and 0ehmandro !atellite station .earning and observation of 5icrowave and <ptical networks.

S'ort Course7 Certifications

$6<8 =$igabit 6assive <ptical 8etworkA Sind' tec'nical education . 9ocational trainin0 aut'ority =!TEFTAA 3iber <ptics transmission, splicing and %ointing
Sind' tec'nical education . 9ocational trainin0 aut'ority =!TEFTAA

CCNA =in progessA

Term Projects7S*ecial Assi0nments

$6;! based Tele,robot =3inal Gear 6ro%ectA !uper heterodyne receiver = th semester 6ro%ectA !!B modulator =Hth semester 6ro%ectA 5icrocontroller I*#> based ;obotic Arm. =#th semester 6ro%ectA Automated Hostel 5anagement !ystem, =(nd !emester 6ro%ectA

:ana0ement s,ills and ac'ievements

Appointment holder =9;A in university <rganized several events, seminars and educational workshops in university Actively took part in e4tracurricular activities throughout my academic career

S,ills . Interests

Tec'nical S,ills: 9ircuit designing and soldering 7 handling of electronics apparatus. ;esi0n Tools: 5AT.AB, Fisual !tudio, Auto9A0 7 Electronic workbench Com*uter S,illsJ 5! office (** , Browsing, Hardware and software installation. Pro0rammin0 6an0ua0es: C8 C<< 8 C= 7 5A9A Personal InterestsJ 9ricket, 3ootball, !wimming, ;eading and E,$aming.

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