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Get a Bikini Body That Rocks

To burn more fat and build more lean muscle, you have to throw your body a curveball. Enter our one-of-a-kind beach-body plan, created by Gaddour. These innovative moves are likely new to you--and your muscles. They'll work your entire body in a fast-paced series that will stoke your metabolism and jack up your heart rate. Accordin to researchers, trainin this way can torch about !"" calories an hour, plus an e#tra $"" calories in the %& hours after your workout. 'hat's more, the plan is super-simple. All you need are two pairs of dumbbells (one li ht and one heavy) try five to *" pounds for the li hter ones, *" to %" pounds for the heavier set, and adjust if needed+, and each routine takes a little more than $" minutes. Get With the Plan ,ou'll complete three workouts a week on nonconsecutive days, alternatin between workout A and workout -. .or each workout, perform the *" moves on these pa es as a circuit. 'hen you've finished all of them, rest for a minute, then repeat the entire circuit two or three more times. Workout A: /se the heavier wei hts. .or each e#ercise, perform as many reps as you can in $" seconds. 0est for $" seconds between e#ercises. Workout B: /se the li hter wei hts. .or each e#ercise, perform as many reps as you can in !" seconds. 0est for *" seconds between e#ercises. MOVE 1 Sumo Deadlift Shuffle

Grasp one end of a heavy dumbbell with both hands, arms han in strai ht in front of you, and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, toes turned out sli htly. 1tep your left foot out to the left, bendin your knees and pushin your hips back to lower yourself into a s2uat until the

other end of the dumbbell hits the floor. E#plosively push off your left le and brin your feet to ether, then repeat with your ri ht le . 3ontinue alternatin . MOVE 2 Dumbbell Shotput Press

4old a dumbbell in your ri ht hand just above your shoulder) place your ri ht foot two feet in front of your left, knees sli htly bent. 5rive throu h your ri ht heel and press the wei ht overhead, pivotin your feet to the left to turn *6" de rees. 0everse the move to return to start. That's one rep. 1witch sides halfway throu h the set. 7uick Tip8 9ake it harder and recruit more muscles in your thi hs, by bendin your knees deeper at the start. MOVE 3 Dumbbell Pivoting Goblet Squat

1tand with your feet hip-width apart and hold one end of a dumbbell in both hands in front of your chest, elbows bent. -end your knees and push your hips back until your thi hs are parallel to the round. As you stand, pivot both feet :" de rees to the ri ht (b+. 0otate back to center and 2uickly complete another rep, rotatin to the left. 3ontinue alternatin . 7uick Tip8 ,ou can sit back onto a chair or bench and pause briefly at the bottom of each s2uat. This uarantees that you recruit your lutes. MOVE Split-Stance Alternating Bent-Over Row

4old a pair of dumbbells and stand with your left foot two feet in front of your ri ht. 4in e forward at the hips to lower your torso toward the floor, dumbbells han in under your shoulders. ;ull the ri ht dumbbell toward your chest) then lower your ri ht arm while rowin the left wei ht toward your chest. 3ontinue alternatin . 7uick Tip8 Alternatin places a reater demand on your core and lower back to stabili<e and fi ht rotational forces. To make the move easier, raise and lower both wei hts to ether. MOVE ! Dumbbell al!ing "alo

4old a dumbbell hori<ontally in front of your chest. 1tep forward with your ri ht foot and circle the wei ht clockwise around your head. Take a step with the left foot, movin the wei ht counterclockwise. 3ontinue alternatin . 7uick Tip8 9ake this harder by doin walkin lun es instead of takin re ular steps MOVE " Dumbbell S!ier Swing

4old a pair of dumbbells at your sides and stand with your feet hip-width apart. push your hips back and brin the wei hts sli htly behind you, then 2uickly thrust your hips forward and s2uee<e your lutes as you swin the dumbbells above your head. 0eturn to start and continue in fluid motions. 7uick Tip8 ,our knees should never o beyond your ankles, and they should bend only sli htly (as you push your hips back+. The movement and power should come from your hips and lutes. MOVE # Dumbbell Blast-Off Pushup "old

Get into a pushup position, your hands restin on dumbbells and feet sli htly more than hipwidth apart. ;ush your hips back until they're near your ankles, keepin your body low and back flat. 7uickly push throu h your toes back to the startin position. That's one rep. 7uick Tip8 =f your form starts to falter, hold the top of the pushup position. MOVE $ Dumbbell Rotational #unge

4old the ends of a dumbbell in front of you at shoulder hei ht, arms e#tended. 1tep your left foot back, bendin both knees and lowerin the dumbbell to the outside of your ri ht hip. push throu h your ri ht heel to return to start. 0epeat, steppin your ri ht foot back and movin the dumbbell to your left hip. 3ontinue alternatin . 7uick Tip8 >eep your belly button forward, which makes your core work e#tra hard. MOVE % Dumbbell Drop-Step Overhead A$ %hop

Grab one end of a dumbbell in both hands and hold it overhead, standin tall with your feet hipwidth apart. 1tep your ri ht foot back, rotatin :" de rees to the ri ht, and lower the dumbbell

behind your head as you bend your knees. push throu h your ri ht heel to return to start. 0epeat, steppin back with your left foot and pivotin to the left. 3ontinue alternatin . 7uick Tip8 5on't lower into a s2uat, but bend your knees sli htly. MOVE 1& Dumbbell Side Plan! Archer Rows

Get into a pushup position with your hands restin on dumbbells and feet sli htly more than hipwidth apart. 0ow the left wei ht to the side of your chest while rotatin to the left into a side plank. 0everse to return to start. 1witch sides halfway throu h. 7uick Tip8 'ith each row, s2uee<e your shoulder blades to ether.

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