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OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1.To Evaluate various welfare measures Available in Dharanidara Spinning Mills (P) td. !.To anal"#e the effe$tiveness of welfare measures produ$tivit" of labours . %.To stud" the opinion of emplo"ees in relations to welfare aspe$ts in Dharanidara Spinning Mills(P) td. &.To stud" the fa$tor that affe$t the welfare measures offered b" Dharanidara Spinning Mills(P) td . SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1. The stud" was $ondu$ted among the emplo"ees of Dharanidara Spinning Mills (P) td !.The information need for the stud" has been $olle$ted through primar" sour$es. %'(esear$her too) &* da"s )now the welfare fa$ilities given in the Dharanidara Spinning Mills (P) td . 1. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY This report does not $olle$t information about (a$$ounts area).

!. Sin$e the stud" deals with the sensitive area of organi#ation. So it is diffi$ult to e+tra$t a$$urate information from the emplo"ees. %. The stud" is not $omparative in nature.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The pro$edures b" whi$h resear$hers go about their wor) to des$ribing e+plaining and predi$ting phenomena are $alled methodolog". Methods $omprise the pro$edures used for generating, $olle$ting evaluation data. Methods are wages to obtaining information useful for assessing e+planations. Geogr !"#$ % Are &A&APALAYAM ' SALEM. Per#o( o) *+,(./ ' DAYS RESEARCH DESIGN DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH SAMPLING DESIGN

Po!,% +#o0 .11 EMPLOYEES S 2!%e ,0#+ O0e e2!%o-ee S 2!%e *#3e /1 RESPONDENTS S 2!%#0g 2e+"o( 4$o05e0#e0$e * 2!%e ,0#+6. Method of data collection 7,e*+#o00 #re $,2 #0+er5#e8 2e+"o( Pr#2 r- ( + T"e re*e r$"er " * o9+ #0e( #0)or2 +#o0 (#re$+%- )ro2 +"e e2!%o-ee*, 8#+" +"e ,*e o) :,e*+#o00 #re. Se$o0( r- ( + Se$o0( r- ( + 8 * $o%%e$+e( 8#+" +"e "e%! o) $o2! 0- !ro)#%e 0( (#*$,**#o0 8#+" +"e ge0er % 2 0 ger. Too%* )or 0 %-*#* For +"e 0 %-*#* o) ( + 0( #+* #0+er!re+ +#o0 +"e )o%%o8#0g +oo%* o) re*e r$" 8ere ,*e(; <. S#2!%e !er$e0+ ge 2e+"o(. =. Corre% +#o0 0 %-*#* FINDINGS 1. Among *- respondents .&/ of the respondents are aware of welfare fa$ilities. !.0rom the anal"sis for awareness levels of welfare fa$ilities *1/ of respondents are highl" aware about welfare fa$ilities. %.11/ of respondents set that the $ompan" its e+$ellent. &.1-/ of respondents have spe$ified that re$reation fa$ilities are provided in the $ompan". *. the drin)ing water fa$ilit" and the over all welfare fa$ilities are $orrelated in a low degree. 1. The $onve"an$e allowan$e and the over all welfare fa$ilities are $orrelated in a medium level. 2. Among *- respondent interviewed &3/ of respondents feels that the welfare fa$ilities provided b" the $ompan" is ver" good. 3. 1--/ of the respondents agree about the welfare fa$ilities provided in the $ompan".


.1/ of the respondents agree that the the" have en4o"ed the medi$al allowan$e.

1-. 1--/ of the respondents not agree that the $ompan" is providing $ompan" state insuran$e fa$ilities. 11. the safet" fa$ilit" and the overall welfare fa$ilities are $orrelated in a low degree . 1!. 1-/ of the respondents feels that provision of leave fa$ilities offered b" the $ompan" is as per the law. 1%. 31/ of respondents agrees that the $ompan" is providing finan$ial servi$e. 1&. The provident fund and gratuit" s$hemes and the overall welfare fa$ilities are $orrelated in a medium level. 1*. The safet" measures and the overall welfare fa$ilities are $orrelated in a low degree . 11. The master health $he$)up and the overall welfare fa$ilities are $orrelated in low degree . 12. The washing and toilet fa$ilities and the overall welfare fa$ilities are negativel" $orrelated . 13. The rest hall and the overall welfare fa$ilities are negativel" $orrelated. 1.. All the respondents are agreed that the $ompan" provided $anteen fa$ilities. !-. *1/ of the respondents spe$ified that the safet" fa$ilities are needed from the $ompan". SUGGESTION 1.Most of the respondent are not aware of regarding the welfare fa$ilities so the" should $reate awareness $amp and thereb" the" should $reate awareness regarding the welfare fa$ilities. !. Most of the respondents said that re$reation fa$ilities is not good .so the" should provide re$reation fa$ilities li)e games to re$reate them. %. Most of the respondents feel that provision of leave fa$ilities offered b" $ompan" .5s not as per the law so the $ompan" should $onsider legal aspe$t while providing the leave fa$ilities. &. The $ompan" should $onsider providing of health fa$ilities to improve the wor)ers effi$ien$".

*.The drin)ing water fa$ilities should be improved so as to de$rease the wor)ers. 1.The $ompan" should give safet" re6uirements in order to avoid a$$idents.

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