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Volume XV

Curtain Call
Quarterly Newsletter of Theatre in the Woods, Ltd. September, 2009

"YES, dimmed, candles will be lit, and

Pretty Good Party this would be just the time to dress
BUT WHAT DO I DO “Celebrates 20 years!”
up a little. You know a lot goes on
Saturday, September 19, 2009
WITH MY HANDS?” at 7:00 p.m. at TitW and it is not all on stage.
An Energy & Acting Workshop Erika Quam Memorial Theater You don’t have to be involved to
with Jan Lee come join us, just be ready to have
by Shirley Hile
by Carolyn Burnett a “pretty good” time and find out
Please join us to thank you for what we are all about (no strings
If you're tired of worrying about your support through your in- attached).
what to do with your body when volvement and attendance at our
you're on stage, or maybe you events. You have made it possible This is a catered event by Lois’
haven't thought about it, then you for us to celebrate 20 years. Can Country Cupboard, so we need an
shouldn't miss this opportunity. you believe it? Time flies when accurate count of our guests.
TITW’s Energy & Acting Work- you are having fun. Please RSVP to Shirley Hile at
shop with veteran actor and direc- 468-7737 or e-mail her at
tor, Jan Lee will be offered on Come join us for an exciting eve- before Sep-
Saturday, September 12 begin- ning reminiscing our past and tember 10 with your name, phone
ning promptly at 9:00 and last- sharing with you our exciting fu- number/e-mail address, and the
ing until 12 noon. ture…and a few other surprises. number in your party.
Del Bakkum will be returning as
All actors, directors and want-to- our “pretty good” emcee for the It should be a “pretty good” time,
be’s are encouraged to attend, par- evening. The house lights will be don’t miss it…
ticularly the cast of Fools and
those interested in trying out for
the spring production of Much
Much Ado About Nothing
Ado About Nothing. Participants Auditions
should wear loose and comfort-
Much Ado About Nothing auditions will be held Saturday, September 19
able clothing appropriate for a lot at 9 am & Wednesday, September 23 at 6:30 pm. Directors Carolyn Bur-
of moving around. nett & Karen Kaufman recommend you plan to attend both time slots.

This intensive and fun-filled 3 Speaking roles may include men and women of a variety of ages from
hour workshop will focus on the high school through older adult. Actors are encouraged to audition for
fact that acting is doing. Through the roles of their choice regardless of age or gender. The directors’ per-
spective is that there are no small parts, but there are roles with fewer
the use of specific exercises, you'll
lines. We encourage all interested adults to audition.
be up and moving, breaking down
physical barriers to the point In addition, we are looking for a male and/or female singer(s) with a
where you'll never worry about strong jazzy voice. Vocalists are encouraged to contact the directors for
your hands again! further audition information.

Please call the Quam at 468-4387 Also needed are a crew of non-speaking usher/waitstaff who will be an
integral part of the production.
or email Carolyn Burnett shii- to register or The early date of auditions will allow cast to become familiar with the
for more information. There is no play and memorize all lines before rehearsals begin in January. Much
charge for the workshop, but ad- Ado is a comedy of language, wit, and farce. Bring your funny bone to
vance notice is requested. auditions!
Vol. XV Curtain Call September, 2009

ALADDIN 2009 Youth Production

Ushers in a New Era
by Karen Collins

Theatre in the Woods’ 2009 Sum-

mer Youth Production added a
new dimension to youth leader-
ship: High School Youth as Assis-
tant Directors!

Alex Peck (Spooner High Sopho-

more), Emma Frey (Shell Lake
High Freshman), and DJ Shipman
Hi all! (Spooner High Sophomore)
This last summer I realized that after six years with TitW, it was stepped into leadership roles as
time to start pursuing one of my dreams; learn how to become a director. stage, crew, and special effects
This summer I got one step closer to achieving my dream with the opportu- managers during our Summer
nity to be the stage manager in this year’s Children’s Theater Workshop Youth Production of Aladdin.
production, Aladdin. The play was directed by Karen Collins and Deb
Shipman and helped along by many more. It was a growing experience for all
Being able to sit behind the stage and beside the directors had some as co-Directors Deb Shipman and
amazing effects on me and it opened my mind to a world that I previously Karen Collins mentored these tal-
couldn’t see; a world behind the curtain. As an actor, I assumed that our ented youth in their new areas of
directors were naturally gifted and that they made the magic of the theater expertise. Comments from the di-
just… happen. As a stage manager, I realized that my assumptions were rectors state, “Alex, Emma, and
naive. Our directors weren’t just smart…they were brilliant! With quick DJ offered fresh perspectives and
insightful thoughts, directors can be compared only to superheroes. And different approaches to making the
they didn’t just pick up the play on a whim; they took months and months production an exciting success.
and months of careful study and preparation before the auditions were
even held.
Personally, the most challenging part of being the stage manager
would have to be building, painting, and setting up all the scenic back-
drops. After completing the end product, the dedication to these simple
pieces of Styrofoam and wood was totally worth it! Seeing the cooperation
of everyone involved was extremely satisfying and the work accomplished
was monumental!
This experience really opened my eyes to the wonderful world of
theater and has strengthened my interest in pursuing a directorial posi- L to R is Emily Organ, Artie Collins,
and Quintin Clements
tion. Thank you to all who helped in making this play an awesome and
educational experience! I look forward to working with the TitW family We were particularly impressed
who continually make theater come to life. with how these leaders met the
On behalf of the youth program participants, thank you to TitW many behind-the-scenes chal-
for the wonderful chance to express ourselves through theater! lenges. Creativity abounded dur-
ing such discussions as costuming,
from Alladin Stage Manager staging, and lighting! They cer-
-Alex Peck
tainly never lacked for ideas!!”
It was a challenging and reward-
(Continued on page 4)
Vol. XV Curtain Call September, 2009

Rummage Sale Much Ado

by Shirley Hile field trip
Theatre in the Woods will be
coming right up!
holding a rummage sale in Octo-
by Carolyn Burnett
ber. Proceeds will go to help fund
several projects at the Quam.
"Love and courtship are the tar-
Curtain Call gets in this rollicking romance,
If you have items you would like presided over by the sparring,
is the quarterly newsletter of: to donate, please call Megan be-
Theatre in the Woods, Limited wise-cracking Beatrice and Bene-
fore October 10 at 468-7990 to dick--who have both sworn never
P.O. Box 156
Shell Lake, WI 54871 make arrangements to drop off to marry. Returning war heroes,
Phone (715)468-4387 your items. Please, no TVs, mi- mischievous brothers, sweet-
Carolyn Burnett, President, 354-3803 crowaves, computers, etc. Watch hearts-in-waiting, and a bumbling
Carol Seehafer, Vice President the local papers for the sale date.
Kathy Mitchell, Secretary constable lead a parade of char-
Patti Fox, Treasurer acters who scheme their way
Margaret Olsgard, Curtain Call Editor, through one of Shakespeare's
(715) 635-8171
Something most popular and light hearted
Bob Olsgard, Curtain Call Tech Guru to look forward to! comedies."
Submission Guidelines: by Carolyn Burnett
Curtain Call is published in March, Thus is Much Ado about Nothing
June, September and December. Copy CLARISSE & FRIENDS described by Theatre in the Round
deadline is on the 15th of the previous February 5,6,7, 2010 Players, a community theatre in
month. Submit text as a simple, unfor- Written by Dew Harding
Performed by Jan Lee
the university district of Minnea-
matted e-mail or attached Word docu-
ment. Photos or other artwork should Clarisse & Friends is a funny and polis. As part of their efforts to
be sent as an attached file, preferably thought provoking original one- see multiple performances of the
JPEG file format. Send to: woman show featuring seven dif- play leading up to our spring ferent characters - everything from TITW production, directors Karen
a housewife reminiscing about her Kaufman and Carolyn Burnett are
Check out our our website: grandmother's plate, to a woman inviting others to journey with obsessed with shoes, to a smoker them on:
Sign in and be a part of our online
TITW Community. who is trying to quit, to a futuristic
look back at society and Saturday, September 12
Shawn Tisdell, Webmaster.
(715) 822-3222 more! All performed by actress for the 8:00 showing
Jan Lee. Lee is thrilled to be com- at Theatre in the Round.
We are located in the ing back to the TitW's stage, hav-
ing been seen before in Talking Tickets are $20 and must be re-
Erika Quam Memorial Theater
Heads, True Confessions and served quickly.
605 First St
Broadway & Beyond.. Jan is a 30
Shell Lake, WI year veteran performer, director, If you are interested in joining
and designer having worked in this fun outing, or for further in-
Do you have an upcoming event? many theaters in the Twin Cities formation, call Carolyn at 354-
RENT THE QUAM! and around the country, as well as 3803 as soon as you read this.
Contact us about rental rates and at the Big Top Chautuaqua. She is
availability of our
the founder and former Artistic Visit
facilities. for more about this community
Director of STAGENORTH in
Washburn, Wisconsin. theatre in its 58th season.
Vol. XV Curtain Call September, 2009

Anatomy of a Production:
Part Three
Some Ado about Much Ado about Nothing
by Carolyn Burnett & Karen Kaufman McMullin will be setting the two Lee. (See page XXX.) Actors
songs written by Shakespeare into interested in auditioning for
Fall colors are appearing in the fo- a similar musical style. speaking and non-speaking
liage, and winter must come. How- roles in Much Ado are
ever we, directors Carolyn Burnett In June, we took a field trip to see strongly encouraged to attend
and Karen Kaufman, have spring the Chicago Shakespeare Com- this workshop.
2010 active in our imaginations. pany’s Twelfth Night and seren-
We have been searching for inspi- dipitously ducked into a restaurant And, speaking of auditions,
ration and elaborating on our plans where we met our set muse. Per- those for Much Ado are Sep-
for the musical and visual aspects suasive talks are now underway tember 19 and 23. (See page 1
of TITW’s forthcoming production with our desired set construction for more information.)
of Shakespeare’s Much Ado about foreperson/guru.
Nothing. Highlights of these ef- Also on September 12 we,
forts include: Tam Smith, musical Mary Kay Latzka and Patti Fox along with other TITWers, will
consultant for the project, has pro- are collaborating on the promo- travel to Minneapolis to take in
vided stacks of CDs and audio tional logo. Look for it on the the Theater in the Round pro-
tapes for our review. From these 09/10 seasonal flyer coming soon duction of Much Ado about
we are developing the musical sig- to your mailbox. Nothing. (See page 1 also)
nature for the production which
will then inform decisions made Big news for this month is a Sep- If you missed Parts I and/or II
about costumes and hair- tember 12 workshop focusing on of Anatomy of a Production,
styles. Additionally, Kevin energizing one’s acting, led by Jan look for them at

(PICKIN’ UP STEAM Continued from page 6

(YOUTH PRODUCTION, Continued from page 2) Theatre in the Woods board mem-
stage. Michael Burand from south- ing two months for us as directors. bers have embraced this new
eastern Minnesota plays banjo and As our youth leaders learned, the phase of youth leadership. Discus-
guitar, Pete Brooks, graphic artist behind-the- sions of how to continue encour-
raised in Hopkins, MN is on bass scenes stage aging high school students as as-
and vocals, and completing the of produc- sistants during youth productions
quartet on guitar, mandolin, fiddle tion begins was a major discussion at the Au-
and vocals is Somerset, WI native long before gust board meeting.
Dale Marshall. the children
show up for
L to R is Quintin
Pickin’ Up Steam will perform as Clements, Lane Hansen, dress re-
part of Shell Lake’s Town and Josie Shipman hearsals–
Country Days activities on which is the
Friday evening at 7:30, Septem- only part budding thespians usu-
ber 4 at the Erika Quam Theater, ally experience. These high school
605 1st Street, Shell Lake. students persevered despite hitting Top L to R is Audi Griffith, Angela Rom-
some big obstacles! portl - Bottom L to R is Sage Dunham,
Tickets are $12 and may be re- Michelle Emerson, and Corey Peck
served by calling 468-4387.
Vol. XV Curtain Call September, 2009


- As you’ve never known it! AUDITIONS
by Roger Sweeney
sented in 1986. The film was also
It’s a Wonderful Life, a 1946 It’s A Wonderful Life, A Live
adapted into a two act play by
film loosely based on an original Radio Play by Joe Landry will
James W. Rodgers and first per-
story “The Greatest Gift” written be directed by Roger Sweeney
formed in December 1993.
by Philip Van Doren Stern in for the 2009 Christmas season.
1939. After being unsuccessful in Production dates will be: Nov
The TITW production of It’s a
getting the story published, Stern 27-28-29 and Dec 3-4-5-6.
Wonderful Life: A Live Radio
decided to make it into a Christ- Play, is a stage production pre-
mas card and mailed 200 copies to Auditions are scheduled for
sented as a 1940’s radio show
family and friends in December Sept. 29, 6:30pm – 8:00, at
adapted by Joe Landry and first
1943. It was brought to the atten- the Erika Quam Theater in
produced in 1997. Much of the
tion of Frank Capra who immedi- Shell Lake. 2-3 men & 2-3
dialog and events will be readily
ately saw its potential. Initially, it women are needed
recognizable from the movie and
was going to star Cary Grant but the original radio broadcast.
the filming conflicted with another Although memorization will be
film he was making – so - enter minimal, actors will be
James Stewart. “playing” several different
characters and will need to de-
It was common, back in the ‘30s velop several voices represent-
and ‘40s, when movie stars fin- ing the different characters.
ished shooting a film, they’d turn
right around and go into the sound
studio to create the entire produc- RADIO SOUND EFFECTS
tion for the Lux Radio Theatre! A noteworthy adjunct to TITW’s production of “It’s a Wonderful
This is exactly what the cast did Life” is the sound effects that will be employed during the show. These
upon completion of filming. sound effects are often referred to as Foley Effects and are invented
sounds using everyday common objects. The objective is to create
These “movies for the ears” were sounds that support the impression of some physical activity occurring
every bit as entertaining as their during the dialog of the show.
screen counterparts, using the The Foley Artist is the person who creates many of the natural, eve-
original scores and a host of sound ryday sound effects in a production. The term Foley artist is named af-
effects to create a version of the ter Jack Foley, one of the earliest and best-known Hollywood practitio-
movie-colorized only by the ners of the art.
imagination of the listeners. Rhonda Tisdell is the Foley Artist for this production and is already
exploring, assembling and improvising the “sound effects” you will be
The film was twice adapted for hearing during the performance.
radio in 1947, first on Lux Radio Here’s how some effects are made:
Theater (March 10) and then on
The Screen Guild Theater Galloping horses Banging empty coconut shells together
(December 29). The film was also Kissing Kissing back of hand
remade for television in 1977 as It Punching someone Thumping watermelons
Happened One Christmas. A mu- Bone-breaking blow Breaking celery or twisting head of romaine
sical stage adaptation, titled A Bird flapping its wings Flapping a pair of gloves
Wonderful Life written by Sheldon Fire Rapid opening and closing of an umbrella
Harnick and Joe Raposo was pre- along with the crackle of thick cellophane.

Vol. XV Curtain Call September, 2009

Pickin’ up Steam fresh and taking the music to new

mandolin, banjo, string bass, and
heights. The group also places great
fiddle. Each artist brings to the
by Carolyn Burnett emphasis on the vocal aspect of its
group a wide variety of influences,
performance, singing in well-
including rock, jazz, latin, folk,
Don’t miss PICKIN’ UP STEAM, a blended three-part harmony. They
country and traditional bluegrass.
contemporary acoustic quartet, bring traditional bluegrass into the
Every member of this ensemble
which utilizes the traditional blue- 21st century with their unique ar-
possesses strong improvisational
grass instrumentation of guitar, rangements of bluegrass standards
skills, keeping every performance
along with original compositions
Upcoming Events at Erika Quam Theater - Call 468-4387 to reserve with thoughtful lyrics and exciting,
August 26 & 27 Auditions for Fools 6:30 p.m. complex instrumentals.
August 29 Quam Day 9 a.m.-3p.m.
September 4 Pickin’ up Steam Bluegrass Concert 7:30 p.m.
September 8 TITW Monthly Meeting 7 p.m.
September 12 Jan Lee Actor’s workshop 9-12 a.m.
September 19 Pretty Good Party-Anniversary Style 7 p.m.
September 19 Auditions: Much Ado About Nothing 9-11 a.m.
September 23 Auditions: Much Ado About Nothing 6:30-8:30p.m.
September 25 Pizza & a Play The Worm Can 6 p.m.
September 29 Auditions: It’s A Wonderful Life 6:30-8 p.m.
October 3 Much Ado cast readthrough 9 a.m.
October 8, 9, 10, 11 & 17 Fools onstage 7:30 p.m. Joe Cruz on guitar, mandolin and
October 13 TITW Monthly Meeting 7 p.m. vocals is regarded as one of the
October 18 Fools onstage 2 p.m. most versatile multi-stringed instru-
November 7 Roxy & Randy in Concert 7:30 p.m. mentalists on the Twin Cities music
November 10 TITW Monthly Meeting 7 p.m. scene today.
November 27, 28 & Dec. 3-5 It’s a Wonderful Life onstage 7:30 p.m.
November 29 & Dec. 6 It’s a Wonderful Life onstage 2 p.m. Joe has a Shell Lake connection
January 16 COLLAGE onstage through his wife Roxy Cruz and the
February 5-7 Clarisse & Friends onstage
guitar/vocal jazz duo Cruz with
March 6 Phil Heywood in Concert
March 26-28 & April 2-4 Much Ado About Nothing onstage
Roxy has performed on the Quam
April 17 Peter & Lou Berryman in Concert
(Continued on page 4)

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