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Air Pollution: It refers to any physical, chemical or biological alteration in a part or whole of the atmosphere of the earth that

affects the living organisms and human property by lowering the quality of air. Air Pollutant: Any physical, chemical or biological factor that leads to a decline in the quality of air by altering it. 2 Types: 1. Primary Air Pollutant: They are the pollutants that are emitted as such from source. Eg CO, SO2, NOx, 2. Secondary Air Pollutant: They are pollutants that are formed in air from primary components by their chemical reactions. Eg Acid Rain, PAN. Air Pollutants, Sources, Effects & Control: CO Sources: 1. Incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. 2. Automobile exhaust fumes 60% 3. Burning of municipal waste. 4. Forest fires. Effects It has high affinity for haemoglobin present in blood, combines with it readily and reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood. It can be fatal on prolonged exposure. In low concentrations, it causes nausea, dizziness, vomiting, suffocation and asphyxiation. Control 1. Complete combustion of fossil fuels at power plants. 2. By raising temperature of combustion in automobile engines above 1700DegCelcius. 3. Not burning municipal waste. NOx (Nitrogen oxides) Sources: 1. Automobile exhaust fumes 2. Paper Mills effulgence 3. Complete combustion of fossil fuels at high temperature. 4. Burning of municipal waste. Effects On humans:

Nox cause irritation of nasal tract and anesthetize the nose at low concentrations. They cause respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis in persons having weak respiratory tracts. At high concentrations, they are fatal. On plants: They cause increase in length and hereby curling of leaves of plants (Necrosis) Control 1. If wet scrubbers are installed in industrial plants, Nox are washed away by continuously sprinkled water. 2. Control methods have to be exercised. SO2Sources Volcanic Eruption, Forest fires, burning of low-grade coal and petroleum that contains sulphur (diesel has high sulphur content) Effects I fucking dont know. Control 1. Wet scrubbers in industries to absorb SO2 2. If conc. Is high, Water is replaced by Ca(OH)2. (90% efficiency) 3. If Ca(OH)2 doesnt work, DMA is used as absorbing agent. (99% Efficiency) SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter) 2 types: 1. Respirable SPM (0.1 to 10 um) 2. Non- Respirable SPM ( > 10 um) Effects: Respirable SPM penetrate the alveoli walls in lungs and gets dissolved in blood stream. Consists of fine grains of diameter 0.1 to 10 um. Non-Respirable SPM cause irritation in nasal tract of humans and result in formation of mucous. Sources: Volcanic eruptions, forest fires, sand storms, construction and woodwork, industries, burning of fossil fuels, drilling and sawing. Control:

SPM Filtering: Settling Chamber Fabric Filter Cyclone Electrostatic Precipitator Ambient Air Quality Standars in India:

Acid Rain: Acid Rain refers to the lowering of pH of rain so that it becomes acidic in nature by formation of acids in atmosphere. It is a secondary air pollutant. Oxides that cause acid rain: SO2 NOx CO2 Reactions SO2 + H2O H2SO3 NOx NO + [O] SO2 + [O] SO3 SO3 + H2O H2SO4 H2O OH- + H+ NOx + OH- HNO3

CO2 + H2O H2CO3 Types: Wet Acid Rain: This type of acid rain is mild in nature. It occurs when acid droplets settle on dust particles to make them acidic and then these acidic dust particles are engulfed as condensation nuclei by water vapor. Dry Acid Rain: This type of acid rain is more severe. It occurs when the acid droplets in the atmosphere directly precipitate. Effects: On plants and animals: 1. It blocks stomata of leaves and hence lower transpiration of plants ultimately causing them to dry up. 2. It leaches chlorophyll causing yellowing of leaves (chlorosis) 3. It causes dissolving of eggshell in singing birds. 4. Degrades quality of soil (makes it less fertile). 5. Affects medicinal plants in adverse way. 6. Water turns red in color, aquatic life is affected. On monuments and materials: 1. Causes flaking of Marble (Blistering of marble) as in case Taj Mahal 2. Reduces strength of structural materials (Mathura oil refinery buildings) 3. Paper loses brightness. 4. Cloth and leather lose strength Global Warming: Increase in average temperature of the earth is called global warming. It occurs due to greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect is the trapping of suns infrared radiation in the atmosphere of the earth that increases temperature. Greenhouse Gases: 1. CH4 2. CO2 3. NOx 4. CFC 5. H2O vapour 6. SF6 Global Warming effects: Melting of polar ice caps Increase in water level Percolation of water into rocks Landslides Deforestation Land exposed to radiation Melting of ice caps. (Make in form of a cyclic diagram) Positive Feedback : Occurrence of one event increases the intensity of the other. Fuck El Nino and Ozone Hole, seriously, FUCK EM.

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