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Edge of Obsession (SKALS #3) By: Adriana Noir

Copyright 2013 Adriana Noir All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or photocopying means, including but not limited to information retrieval and storage systems without written permission from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer who may quote short excerpts in a review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents, and places are either products of the authors imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental. First Edition: March 2013 Cover by:

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone or endorse the actions in this book. Nor does she make any allegations that such are proper or true. This novel contains graphic violence and sexual situations. It is intended for mature audiences only.

~ Dedications~ Oh geez! Where do I begin? This has been quite an amazing journey so far. Ive met so many fantastic people along the way and my heart is bursting with gratitude, so stick with me! As always, I need to thank my fabulous parents and family. To this day, Im still amazed by how lucky I was to grow up with you. I honestly have no idea how you ever put up with me! Thanks for all of the love and guidance, and for always supporting me every step of the way. (Even if I sometimes make you want to shake your heads.) To Mara, my wicked Irish twin. Thank youfor everything, but most of all for keeping me somewhat sane. Not an easy task, I know! A huge shout out to Kimmi at LipSmackin GoodBooks, Anitra at Cant Read Just One, Danie at Intoxicating Reads, Miss Construeds Reviews, and Lily the Novel Nerd. Book bloggers help make the writing world go round! Thank you for reading and helping to spread the word. I know these books arent easy! Love to all the awesome people rocking RR. You know who you are.wish I had more time to laugh with you! To D, my mentor, my muse. So much of this is because of you. Keep being lovely. And last but never ever least, my deepest gratitude goes to my readers. Thank you for letting me steal a few hours of your day. Thank you for your support. It comes in so many ways. I can never express how much your comments, reviews, status updates, and messages mean. Like seriously never. Whatever success I may have, I owe it to each and every one of you. You make the journey so much fun. From the bottom of my dark loving, sappy little heart, I thank you all.

Table of Contents: Title Copyright Dedications Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12


Sebastian stared into the flickering candlelight flames, his thoughts distant and disjointed despite the laughter echoing around the table. His food sat mostly untouched before him. Leaning back in his seat, he took a long sip of wine and turned his attention to Taylor, watching her, gauging her mood and reactions while Monique regaled her with stories of their childhood. His jaw tightened as he tried to pull his focus back to the present, but it seemed determined to linger in the past. The smell of fresh paint and new carpet lingered in the air, overriding the spicy Chinese blend wafting from the table. He shifted uneasily in his seat, not caring for the changes around him. They were reminders, no matter how subtle, of his pain and failure to protect what he held most dear. Though Josh and Monique had done a wonderful job of cleaning things up and keeping the rest of the house the same, the dining room chairs surrounding the table were different. A necessity after Laychees men had ransacked his home and broken one of the previous set while theyd brutalized Taylor. Guilt and rage seethed below the surface. Deep down, he hoped Josh and Henderson had made those bastards pay. Fists clenched beneath the table, his lean hard muscles trembled with silent fury. Sebastian? He glanced over at Taylor. His brow furrowed with concern as he watched her smile falter. Swallowing, he fought to pull away from the dark tide of his emotions. Shed been through so much over the past few weeks. The last thing she needed was to suffer through one of his violent moods. He regretted their audience, wanting nothing more than to pull her into his arms and hold her close. Instead, he settled for tucking her hair behind her ear and forcing a smile. Are you okay? she asked. Worry lined her face as she nibbled her lower lip in uncertainty. Im fine, sweetheart, he soothed. Im just not very hungry. She leaned into his touch before turning her head to kiss his palm. Creaking wood drew his attention, and he glanced up to see his sister squirming across from him. Even Josh gaped his way, his dark blue stare full of questions. Sebastian sighed and pushed away from the table with a quiet apology. Shaking his head, he strode out of the room, carrying only his wine glass with him. Do you want me to heat you up something else? his sister asked. Turning, he found shed followed him into the kitchen. No, Monique. I ordered what I wanted. Dinner was fine. I promise. Nodding, she wrung her hands. Apprehension creased her usually flawless features as she draped a tentative hand over his forearm. He tensed, looking at her in inquiry, but he made no move to pull away. I wont insult you by pretending to know what you are going through, Sebastian. I dont, but I do know how strong you are and how much you hate not being in control. She lowered her head, her next words coming in a plea. You arent going to be either of those things if you dont take care of yourself. Backing away from her, he raked a hand down his face and squeezed the bridge of his nose. I know that, Monique, he said in a measured tone. But I assure you, one night of not eating isnt going to kill me. Im sorry. I wasnt trying to tell you what you should do. Im just worried about you.

He dumped the rest of his wine in the sink and rinsed his glass before setting it on the counter. Needing to stay busy, he snagged a checkered dishtowel out of the drawer and started wiping down the faucet and handles even though the brushed stainless steel already gleamed. He felt his sister looming behind him, watching him as she waited for some kind of reaction. Flinging the towel over his shoulder, he spun on his heel to face her. Monique staggered back a quick step. Her already pale skin lightened even further. Do you really want to help me? he asked. Yes. Of course I do, Sebastian. Nodding, he cast a quick look toward the archway to make sure no one else was within earshot. Taylor missed her birthday when we were recuperating at SKALS headquarters. She hasnt said anything about it. Shes far too sweet to do that, but I want to do something special for her. SomethingI dont knownice. She deserves that much. What are you thinking here, Seb? He frowned, his shoulders rolling with a helpless shrug. I dont know, Monique. A party? A cookout? You tell me. Well do both, she said. Ill take care of everything. Right now, you need to focus on yourself and Taylor. Do you have a list of her family and friends or some people she would like invited? No. She hasnt had any contact with her parents in years. I dont know who she would want to come and I havent had time to replace her phone, so I cant exactly scroll through it and find out. Moniques face scrunched with confusion, but she didnt ask. It was just as well. He didnt feel like going in to the how and why hed broken it. Theres some redhead, Irene, who worked with Taylor in the truck stop diner on the other side of town, he said. They still talk. She might know a few more of Taylors friends, but her uncle and cousin are not welcome here. I dont want those lowlife degenerates anywhere near her. Thats the last thing she needs right now. His sister winced at the assessment, but nodded. Understood. Ill see what I can do. Is this weekend okay? That will be fine. One side of his mouth lifted with a tired smile as he reached for her and smoothed the top of her honey blonde hair. Thank you. I spent the entire ride home trying to brace myself for what I might see. I fully expected to walk in to a warzone and find my house turned upside down. There is no way I can ever repay you or Josh for everything youve done. I appreciate it more than you know. She graced him with an affectionate smile. Theres no need to thank me, Sebastian. Youve taken care of me my entire life. I wish the circumstances were a little different, but Im grateful for the chance to give something back. No matter how small. Biting the insides of his cheeks, he stared down at her for a long minute, uncertain of what to say or how to respond. A strained swallow pushed past his throat. Forcing his attention elsewhere, he managed a mute nod. Her gratitude made him uncomfortable, and for a moment, he grappled with the memories of their past. Images of their father and his gnarled fists loomed before his mind, along with all the times hed urged Monique to run and hide while hed stood his ground. She was twelve when their father passed away and thirteen when their mother followed eight short months later. Hed taken the first flight home and, after the funeral, hed secured guardianship, found base housing, and taken his little sister with him. Things had been so different then. More often than not, hed barely had two dollars to rub

together, but theyd had each other and that was the only thing that had mattered. It had been rough when hed served his tours, but thanks to the help of some fellow Marines and their families, Monique was well cared for in his absence. Now, he had more money than he knew what to do with, but happiness and days of carefree living were gone. He would always fall under the shadow of SKALS authority, and as his family, Monique would always fall under the same dark cloud. The burden fell on him. It was never far from his mind that if he failed to protect her, she would join the rest of their family in the ground. Pulling himself from his thoughts, he forced a small smile for his sisters benefit. It has been a crazy ride, he admitted, tracing the black granite countertop with his finger. But I dont regret it. Youre my family. Its my job to look out for you. Maybe thats true, but you didnt have to do it so well. Youve always done everything for me, she said, reaching for his shoulder. Youve always went above and beyond the call of duty. Steeling his jaw, Sebastian jerked back, eluding a touch that might damn well be shattering. Stop it, Monique. Sebastian No, he said, edging away. Im not looking for a pat on the back, and I dont need you to coddle me. I wasnt trying to, she whispered, lowering her head to hide the hurt. I was just trying to say I love you. He cast his arms open and spread his palms. Then say it. Why beat around the bush? Is it really that hard? Moniques reply was so soft he almost missed it. You seem to accept that youre good at your job, but not that there is any good left inside you. Deep down, youre still a decent person. He pinned her with a pointed stare. Youre remembering the man I was, not the one I am. I love you regardless, Sebastian. Please remember that. His eyes narrowed as he studied her for a moment trying to figure out her angle. It wasnt like her to be so persistent. Was he coming across as soft or just that wounded and desperate? Ever since hed walked through the door, hed felt like a damn zoo exhibit put on display for someone elses amusement. He was tired of everyone watching and analyzing his every move. Sighing beneath his breath, he nodded. Ill try, he stated in a quiet rasp. I love you, too. Aw, isnt that sweet? How about a group hug? He whirled at the sound of his partners voice. Seeing Josh standing there with his arms outstretched, Sebastian leveled him with a fierce glare and brushed past. He prowled down the foyer, stopping when he spotted Taylor still seated at the dining room table. She looked so small and lost huddled in the high-backed seat. Her eyes were troubled as she stared into the candlelight, much as he had during dinner, the dancing flames casting shadows across her delicate features. Frowning, he walked into the room and eased into the seat beside her. Taylor glanced up as he poured some wine in her empty glass. Youre legal now, he whispered, leaning over to nuzzle the side of her neck. She arched a brow, some of the light returning to her grey eyes as they met his. Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me, Agent Baas? He snared her chin with a disapproving rumble. Id say there is a serious problem if I need to ply you with liquor in order to do that. What part of my job am I not doing right, Miss McAvay? She squirmed, cheeks flushing, as he brushed his lips across hers in a feather light caress. Her

warm breath fanned his skin, luring him away from the temptations of bitterness and rage. Threading his fingers through the soft silk of her hair, he pulled her head closer and kissed her again. I missed you, he murmured, resting his forehead against hers. Just being here and sharing simple moments like this. Me too. He glanced up as Joshs raised voice carried from the kitchen. Seeing Taylors smile falter, he sighed. The playfulness lighting her face shifted to a worried grimace as she tried to peer down the foyer. Tightening his hold on her hair, Sebastian brought her focus back to him with a gentle tug. No, baby, he said, with a slow shake of his head. Its none of our business. Let them work out their problems on their own. We have enough to deal with. He sounds upset. Sebastian rubbed the back of her scalp. Monique probably jumped his case. He tried to lighten things up earlier, but Im afraid Im not very good company tonight and my humor is lacking. Theyll work it out. Taking her hand, he pulled her from her chair. Grab your drink and come on, he said. The small tremble worming through her was not lost on him. Part of him wondered if it was out of fear for Monique or herself. The thought only led to more guilt. Leading her through the house, he pulled open the sliding glass doors off the kitchen and ushered her onto the deck. Fortunately, Josh and Monique had taken their argument into the living room, away from the central hub of the house. The crisp night air washed over them in a cooling wave. He breathed deep as he steered Taylor toward the wooden rail, relishing the invigorating scent of spring as it rolled down off the mountains. Easing behind her, he pulled the glass from Taylors hand and set it on the banister. He rested his chin on her shoulder, content to share in the view of the forest and snow-covered peaks looming in the distance. Gold and deep purple streaks brushed the twilight sky in lazy swirls. Better? Taylor nodded and leaned against him to escape the chill. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he drew her closer. I forgot how beautiful it was here. He smoothed her hair down as the wind kicked it up and stray wisps tickled his nose. Its nothing compared to you. Youre so full of it, she said with an amused snort. Mm. No. I believe thats your lot to bear in life, darling, not mine. He emphasized his point by bumping his hips against her. She choked on her laughter. Real nice, Sebastian! Its true. I like nothing better than when you are full of itof me. The way you look, the way you feel when Im buried deep inside you A slight prickle on the nape of his neck alerted him to the fact that they were no longer alone. On edge, Sebastian searched the shadows below with narrowed eyes. Some of the tension fled him as he watched one of the security guards stroll past with a polite nod in their direction. He didnt return the gesture. Instead, he returned his chin to its previous perch on Taylors shoulder and breathed in her scent, searching for the peace only she could bring. Another cool breeze lifted her hair and she snuggled deeper against his chest in search of warmth. He tightened his hold, his heart sinking when her slender form rose and fell with a soft sigh. What are you thinking? Taylor shrugged. Honestly? Its going to sound stupid, but I was just thinking about how lucky we are.

Lucky? His brow furrowed as he tried to wrap his mind around her words. After everything theyd just been through, that assessment didnt add up. Needing to see her face, he turned her around. What do you mean? The blush staining her cheeks deepened. Its hard to explain. Despite what happened, we still have so much. Those men could have taken everything from usbut they didnt. She reached up to run her fingers through the thick tumbles of his curls. What happened was horrible, but we still have each other. We have a gorgeous house, a breathtaking view, and you have a family who loves you enough to make sure we didnt have to come home and pick up the pieces. Some people will live their entire lives without experiencing a fraction of what we have. We have everything, Sebby. Stunned, he searched her eyes. He saw no hints of deception or flattery lingering in their silvery depths, just a simple and eloquent truth. His heart wrenched with a staggering combination of guilt and pride. She never shouldve had to endure those things. Laychees men should have never touched her, but she was being so brave. So strong. It hurt to think that could all just be a show for his benefit. As much as he wanted things to return to normal, he needed to know that Taylor was coping with what happened. He supposed that was something that would come on its own time. A sad smile plied his lips. You are full of surprises. Hopefully, thats a good thing, she said, scrunching her nose and pressing the cold tip against his. Sebastian winked. Most of the time, darling. The circles under her eyes seemed even more pronounced in the shadows. He stroked one of the purple smudges with the pad of his thumb, wishing he could find a way to erase them. Wrapping his hands around hers, he blew between them and tried to rub the chill from her fingertips. The gesture earned him one of those looks of complete adoration hed come to crave so much. She was the only one who ever managed to look at him that way. Despite everything. I love you, Taylor. Im sorry I didnt tell you that when you woke up. I wanted to more than anything, but that place he faltered, searching for the right words. They watch everything, and I have to be a different person there. He studied her, watching while relief warred with something unnamable. Both ravaged her beautiful features until they crumpled and her strained swallow echoed between them. Hanging her head, Taylor nodded. I know, Sebastian. I get it. I know what Marx expects from you and who SKALS wants you to be. I dont always like it, but I still love you. Shielding his shame, he held her close and ran his hands up and down her back. So many things raced through his mind, making it impossible to grab hold of any one thought. Guilt, rage, and remorse clashed with the overwhelming desire to seek revenge. There was no end to the suffering and pain hed harvest when he finally settled that score. He clutched Taylor tighter, focusing on the feel of her heart beating against his, searching for a way to stay anchored until another shiver drew his attention. Keeping her tucked beneath one arm, he grabbed the glass off the banister and steered her back toward the house. Josh and Monique were carrying in the last of the dishes from the dining room when they entered. His sister turned at the sound of the glass doors sliding open and greeted him with a hesitant smile. Sebastian let his gaze burn into her for a long moment before turning to Taylor. Go pick out a movie or something, baby. You need to relax and take things easy. But I feel fine, she said, looking around at the kitchen. Im capable of cleaning up. Cant I at least rinse-- Pressing a forefinger against her mouth, he silenced her. What did I just say?

Yes, Sebastian. Her pout didnt go unnoticed. Nor did her begrudging tone. Staring after her, he gave a frustrated shake of his head. She was damn lucky he loved her as much as he did. Growling beneath his breath, he turned his attention back to his sister. She stood rooted in front of the sink, hands wringing in a nervous tell. His eyes narrowed. I am in no mood for your drama tonight, Monique. Josh has enough on his plate without having to correct you, and I certainly dont need any of it upsetting Taylor. Is that clear? Paling, she nodded. I hope so, because I wont take kindly to telling you again. Straighten up or get out, he snapped. She winced at the harsh tone. He strode toward the sink, not missing the way his sister scuttled out of his way when he drew near. Josh leaned against the archway, arms folded, as he quietly surveyed the scene. Ignoring them both, Sebastian slammed on the faucet and snared a plate off the counter. His head whipped to the side as Monique approached. Despite her fear, she reached for the dish in his hand. Let me get those. Its the least I can do. Please, Sebastian. I want to help. Smart move, Josh said, levering off the wall to join them. He urged Monique along with a smack hard enough to rock her onto her toes and draw a quiet yelp. Sebastian resisted a smirk as he watched his sister try to rub the sting out of her butt. It was no wonder her and Taylor got along so well. In some ways, they were like two peas in a pod. Always pushing the boundaries and looking for guidance. He offered his partner a brief nod of acknowledgement before turning to join Taylor in the living room. He paused in the foyer as Josh fell into step beside him. Im sorry about earlier, Baas. I dont know what got into your sister today. Ill straighten her out. I know you will, he said, fighting to mask his impatience. He raised an eyebrow as Josh grimaced and scrubbed a hand across his nape. It was a sure fire sign his partner had something to say and didnt know how to spit it out. Is something else on your mind? I was thinking if it is okay with you, wed uhhang out for a couple of days. Aiden is visiting my mom, and a little downtime for all of us sounds just like what the doctor ordered, he stammered. Sebastian tilted his head and pinned his partner with a hard stare. Though sheepish, Josh met his gaze. There wasnt an ounce of deceit in those eyes. What was the reason then? His attention flickered toward the kitchen. Was this Moniques doing? If shed wanted to stay before, hed almost guarantee she didnt now. I dont need a babysitter, he said flatly. Neither of us does. I just thought it would be nice to chill, BBQ, watch some movies. I dont know about you, but I think itd be a nice change of pace to see people besides us getting blown up for once. Sebastian snorted at the reminder and glanced toward the living room. Despite his concerns, Taylor seemed to enjoy Moniques company. She deserved a little fun and laughter. Josh and Monique had done a lot to help them. Things he could never repay. Sighing, he offered a reluctant shrug. Yeah, okay. Josh grinned and Sebastian shook his head. For whatever reason, it was obviously important to his partner. He just hoped the decision wasnt one he would come to regret.


Taylor startled at the light touch against her back and swallowed the frightened cry that threatened. Her heart slowed some as the warm, woodsy smell of Sebastians soap washed over her and she realized she was safe. His breath fell across her nape, followed by the gentle scrape of stubble as snared her hips and moved against her in a languid sway. What did you pick? he asked, plucking the decorative pillow from her hands. I couldnt decide, she admitted. I dont know what sort of stuff Josh and Monique like to watch. Stepping around her, he tossed the pillow on top of the chaise lounge shed been arranging. This isnt about them, baby. My house, my rules. Pick out something that will make you happy. Yeah? What if I choose some sappy romance? she asked, quirking a brow in his direction. Sebastian prowled closer with a soft chuckle. Ill live, but I wouldnt pick anything too sexy if I were you. Three weeks is a very, very long time to go without enjoying your body. I dont know how much more restraint I can have. She laughed, trying to squirm away as his arms snaked around her and he gave her butt a playful squeeze. A low rumble rose in his chest. Taylor faltered, unsure if it was enjoyment or a noise of caution. Regardless, the deep, rolling sound sent a shiver down her spine as his hold tightened. You know better, he warned in a silken rasp. Stop trying to get away. Her breath caught. Apologies danced on the tip of her tongue as Sebastian fisted her hair and tugged her head back. Relief swept through her when one of his pale green eyes dropped in a wink. Fingers curling in the front of his shirt, she held on for dear life as he branded her with a slow, passionate kiss that left her head spinning. The probing sweep of his tongue awakened her desire. Sebastian shook with silent laughter when he released her and she still clung to his clothes as if clutching a lifeline. Do you still want to try and escape from me? he asked. Taylor tried her best to keep her coy smile at bay. Maybe His eyebrows jumped in surprise. Snatching her, he hauled her against him and pinned her arms behind her back. She twisted in his arms as he chomped at the side of her neck. Seb! Stop! I cant breathe! she squealed, trying to pry free. Youre not going to be able to sit if you keep it up, he warned, though his voice held the lilting notes of play. Quit squirming. I cant. It tickles! Josh cleared his throat from the archway, causing Sebastian to release her. Backing away, Taylor smoothed her rumpled clothes, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as the other man glanced between the two of them. We interrupting something? he asked. Frustration stamped Sebastians chiseled face as he dropped onto the chaise lounge and plopped a pillow over his lap with a scowl. Knowing why, Taylor smothered a laugh. No, its fine. We were just trying to decide what to watch. Uh huh. Well, for what its worth, I vote for something slightly less X-rated that doesnt involve the possibility of seeing Baas get naked, Josh teased. He ducked a decorative pillow as it sailed past his head and hit the window behind him.

Maybe you should go to your own house then, Sebastian suggested. Last time I checked you did still have one of those. Nah, Im good. Josh flopped down on the couch and flashed a lopsided grin as he dragged Monique onto the plush cushion beside him. You already said we could stay. No take backs, buddy. Taylor turned, surprised at the soft laugh that came from her lover. Perhaps you would like to argue that point with the end of my gun. Josh pursed his lips in feigned thought then shook his head. No, not really. Cant say that I do, Baas. Snorting, Sebastian clicked the TV on. Then I suggest you shut up. Taylor stood back, soaking in their banter. The amusement shining in her lovers eyes made her heart swell with something close to hope. Maybe having them here would help chase away some of the darkness binding him. Sensing her stare, he peered up at her and offered a brief, boyish grin. She almost melted upon seeing his adorable dimples return. He was so unbelievably handsome when he was happy. As if reading her thoughts, Sebastian winked and patted the spot beside him. Get over here. Youve played hard to get long enough. He opened an arm in invitation, and Taylor quickly crawled onto the chaise beside him. Snuggling against his side, she rested her head in the crook of his shoulder. She couldnt help but trail her fingers over the firm ridges of his abs until Sebastian caught her hand and kissed her fingers in warning. A quick glance at the still lopsided pillow on his lap assured he was suffering enough without the additional torment of her play. Pressing her lips together, she fought a smug smile while Sebastian pulled the plush throw blanket over them and handed her the remote. Scrolling through the channels, she finally decided on a comedy, figuring they could all use the extra laughs. Cuddling deeper under the blanket, she relished in the luxurious, buttery texture against her skin. It felt like heaven after weeks of getting abraded by stiff, over starched sheets. Gone were the harsh antiseptics and cold, sterile walls of SKALS headquarters. Taylor sighed contentedly as the familiar sights and smells of home washed over her. There was no place in the world that she would rather be. Glancing across the room, she watched Josh tuck Monique beneath his arm and whisper something in her ear. It was such a simple, ordinary moment but being surrounded by their friends and family felt saferight. Happy, she stifled a yawn and burrowed her nose under the blanket. Do you need one of your painkillers? Sebastian whispered against her temple. No. Im fine. I dont like those things. Its bad enough I slept the past three weeks away in recovery. I know, baby, but you still need to rest and I want you to be comfortable. I am comfy, Sebby. I promise. Burying his face in her hair, he kissed the top of her head. Okay, but you tell me if you change your mind. Taylor nodded and tried to focus on the movie, but the rhythmic glide of his fingers up and down her spine proved to be too much. She suspected that was his intention. He wanted her to sleep and, when push came to shove, Sebastian always got his way. Soothed by his heat and the steady beat of his heart, she surrendered within minutes. The house was dark and silent when something pulled her from her sleep. A momentary stab of panic lanced her, until she realized it was just Sebastian scooping her into his arms. She stirred,

muttering a sleepy protest, but he hushed her with a reassuring murmur. Winding her arms around his neck, she held on tight as he carried her up the steps. A quick peek behind them revealed Josh and Monique had already headed to bed for the night. Her jaw stretched on a yawn. Settling back down, she rested her head on Sebastians shoulder as he pushed open the double doors to the master suite. The huge four-poster bed with its striking black and silver comforter had never looked more inviting. Sebastian lowered her onto the mattress before he turned to close the doors. After peeling the covers back, she struggled to kick free of her soft, cotton yoga pants. The mere thought of fighting to unhook her bra seemed too exhausting to be worth the effort. She glanced up in uncertainty as Sebastian approached and sat on the edge of the bed beside her. Without a word, he tugged her shirt over her head and helped her out of the remainder of her clothing. He fluffed her pillows and waited until she sank against them before pulling the blankets up under her chin. Youre going to spoil me, she warned. His shoulders rose in an unrepentant shrug. Its the least I can do. Do you need a drink or anything? Im fine. Do you want the fireplace lit? She shook her head, somewhat baffled by the stream of questions. I think Ill be okay with just you to keep me warm. Really, Sebby, Im fine. I promise. Just stop fussing and come to bed. He snorted. Someones getting bossy. That or impatient. I learned it from the best. Taylor peered up at him with wide eyes as he loomed over her, his arms braced on either side. She held her breath, mesmerized by his piercing green stare. Dont push your luck, sweetheart. His expression remained soft, almost reverent as he traced the line of her jaw. I am sure you have enough regrets as it is. Her eyebrows bunched in confusion. Regrets? What regrets? What are you talking about? Shrugging, he rolled onto his back. Pain darkened his handsome features and he stared at the trayed ceiling in silence. Sebby, talk to me please? His lean body shuddered with his exhale. Sighing, he turned his head and swung his troubled gaze to hers. The apologies written there were devastating. I always knew there was a chance my career could come back to bite me one day. I warned you there was a possibility, but I also swore to protect you, Taylor. I gave you my word. A man is nothing if he doesnt keep his word, and I failed you. A crippling sense of panic gripped her as understanding dawned. Rolling onto her side, she cupped his face between her hands. What are you talking about? You did everything you possibly could to keep me safe. We live on gated property, we have alarms, you hired a full-blown security team to guard the house twentyfour seven. You went out of your way and did the best that you could for me. What else could you possibly have done? I tried, he admitted. But it still wasnt enough. Seb, if you had been here, you would have died trying to protect me. I know that. Dont do this, please. There was nothing more you could do. They wiped out our security, and you were miles away getting tortured in some warehouse. Were both lucky to still be alive. He studied her face, his expression hardening. You just dont get it, do you? I should have

walked away from you in the beginning. Walked away? Josh was going to kill me, she exclaimed. You saved me that day. I should have never dragged you into this mess, Taylor, but I did and look what happened. You dont know how much I want to believe otherwise, but nothing I have ever given you is worth what youve just been through. Her heart shattered. For him. For her. For both of them. She couldnt breathe. Tears pricked her eyes, blinding her. They rolled in scalding paths over her cheeks. How could you think that? I love you. Dont I show that enough? she asked, choking on the words. Dont you believe me? How can I prove that to you? What else do I have to do? His mouth fell open and his face crumpled as the air left him in a ragged exhale. He looked utterly horrified. Rolling on top of her, he smoothed his hands over her face, his expression hurt and pleading. Shh, Taylor, no. Thats not what I meant. Of course, you show me, baby. You show me that every day. Even if I could go back and change things somehow, I would never give up everything we have together just to avoid going through that one bad thing. Youre worth it to me. I need you, Sebby. Youre all I have left. Please dont push me away. Please He rested his forehead against hers for a long moment. His fingers danced over her cheeks, stroking them, slowly wiping the tears away. Holding her chin, he plied her with a tender kiss, his body shuddering against hers. Still keeping his hold, he stared down at her and searched her face through the shadows. Promise me youre going to be all right and that we will be okay. The uncertainty and pleading in his eyes nearly killed her. I promise I will be as I have you. Youre all I want, Sebby. Youre all I need. You have no idea how much that means, he said, his voice thick and strained. How badly I needed to hear you say that. I mean it. I know. It was selfish of me to drag you in to my life, but I wanted youthisso much. I couldnt let you go. Not even then. He forced a small smile and kissed her again. Ill never understand why, but Im glad you still think its worth it, he murmured. You are helplessly stuck with me, Taylor. Its always going to be you and me. Good. She sniffled and tried to wipe her nose. His feigned grimace broke the tension and made her giggle. Laughing when she could still feel the hot scald of tears against her cheeks made her feel more than a little psychotic. It even made Sebastian snort. He rolled off her and padded into the bathroom, returning a few seconds later with tissues in hand. It was embarrassing, but she dried her face and blew her nose anyway. He wrapped the crumpled wad in an unused sheet and pitched them in the trash before sliding back into bed beside her. Nestling against the heated contours of his side, Taylor closed her eyes as he skimmed his fingertips over her ribs in gentle experimentation. Are you still sore? he whispered. No. I dont know what they gave me, but I felt fine when I woke up. They gave you the best stuff they had. Whatever it is, it speeds up the healing process by a longshot. It will take a day or so for the sedatives and painkillers they fed through the IV to wear off. Well see how you feel then. Another day or two of not being inside you might be torture, but it wont kill me, he said with a rueful smile.

It might me. He hugged her tight. Believe me, darling, as bad as I want you, youre going to need to be in tip top shape. It would probably be best if we didnt have company lurking across the hall, too. You arent exactly quiet when I ravage you. Gasping, she batted his chest in exasperation. Me? Youre one to talk, Agent Baas! The bed shook as he tried to hold his laughter in. I cant believe you said that, she muttered. And since when do you care if there are other people around? I seem to remember a rather intense quickie while Irene sat waiting in the other room. The memory made him smirk. I dont care, he admitted. It just sounded like the appropriate thing to say. Besides, the look on your face was priceless. Youre shameless. I am. How long are your sister and Josh staying for, anyway? she asked, tracing the solid outline of his chest. The flat planes of his nipples hardened beneath her touch, and he dragged her hand away with a look of soft reproach. Hopefully not long. Josh said a few days. Monique wants to do what she can to help you. That much is a good idea. You could use a break, and we could use some time to focus on us. She smothered another yawn and nodded. Rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, she snuggled closer and draped her leg over the top of his thigh. It felt so good to be home and in his arms again. The crisp smell of linen and fabric softener clung to the blankets. Her lovers warmth and the hard lines of his body pressed against her skin. He made her feel safe. Secure. Loved. That was what she needed. Closing her eyes, she prayed time would help heal the rest, and that eventually the memories of that horrible night would fade.


Taylor stretched with a quiet grunt and finished filling the filter in the coffee maker. She turned toward the fridge to pull out the eggs and winced at the glint of sun off the stainless steel appliances. Her eyes were still gritty and swollen from crying. Yesterday had been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. She shook her head. It was better to let the past go. She had so much to be thankful for here, now, with Sebastian. He loved her in a way no one else ever had. Deep down, she knew he also loved her in a way no one else ever would. He was tenderness, passion, and danger all rolled together in to one amazing package. Her lips quirked at the unintended pun. That, too, was quite a breathtaking thing. Turning her attention to the mixing bowl shed set aside, Taylor hummed beneath her breath and started breaking open the eggs. She jumped at the sudden press against her back and the warm hand snaking under the front of her baby tee. Her heart slowed as the scent of Sebastians cologne washed over her. Regaining her senses, she swatted his forearm in frustration. Jesus! You just scared another five years off my life sneaking up on me like that! Snaring her hips, he ground against her and kissed the side of her neck. Thats what you get, he scolded. Why arent you still in bed? She felt a stab of guilt upon hearing the disappointment in his voice. I figured I could at least start breakfast since I was awake. Sebastian turned her and lifted her chin. Do I need to tie you up? I told you I wanted you to rest and take it easy. I know, but Im hungry. I slept the last three weeks of my life away. I wantI need to get back to our routine. I had no idea you were such a creature of habit, Taylor, he mused, brushing a wispy bang from her face. You made me that way. Its hard to argue with that logic. Next time stay put or I will find a way to keep you there. Letting her go, he reached into the cupboard behind her to fish out a mug. The rich smell of coffee was already starting to permeate the house. He eyed the pot impatiently before turning to the stove. Whats for breakfast? he asked. Scrambled eggs and bacon. Quick and easy. She watched him, admiring the graceful power in his stride, as he moved across the kitchen and opened the butlers pantry. English muffins, bagels, or toast? he asked, arching a brow in her direction. Bagels! He grinned at her enthusiasm. All right, he said, tossing a package her way. You toast. Ill take over the cooking. Before long, the crisp smell of bacon and warm bread wafted through the kitchen. Bright sunlight streamed through the wall of bay windows lining the back of the house, chasing away both shadows and early morning chill. Tiny buds were already starting to speckle the trees and infuse the grounds with vibrant hints of green. Her smile faltered as she remembered Henderson standing over her, his watch both vigilant and kind, while shed spent hours cleaning out the flowerbeds and getting

the yard ready for spring. Neither of them had any idea that a few short hours later, shed be lying paralyzed in the back of a van as he bled out beside her. Hed saved her life that night, and in the end, hed given his. Tears threatened as she remembered the sincerity in the head of securitys voice while hed whispered his strained apologies in the dark. Baby? Concern lined Sebastians face. Unaware that hed been studying her, her cheeks flushed with shame. She forced a grin for his benefit, but he knew better. Frowning, he set the spatula down and opened his arms. Taylor abandoned her post in front of the toaster oven and surged into the comforting reassurance of his embrace. What is it? What upset you? She buried her face against the side of his neck. I was just thinking about Hendersonabout all the men that died that night trying to protect us. Shh, Sebastian soothed, stroking her hair. Its done, baby, he said, rocking her gently in his arms. I promise you, I will do everything in my power to assure nothing like that ever happens again. I know it was horrible, but those men died trying to do their job. Henderson gave his life to save yours. Its an honorable way to go, and its what he would have wanted. She searched his eyes. Do you really think so? I know so, sweetheart. Scenting the air, she cast her attention to the stove. Thin tendrils of darkening smoke rose from the smoldering skillet. Her eyes darted back to his in panic. The bacon is burning! Sebastian cupped her face in his hands. Leaning down, he rested his forehead against hers. I dont give a damn about the bacon, or anything else for that matter, Taylor. All I care about is you. Well, maybe you dont give a damn about breakfast, Baas, but I do. They both turned at the husky intrusion of Joshs voice. Still finger combing his disheveled raven hair, he leveled them with a reproachful look and hurried over to cut the heat down. The sharp sizzling sound echoed through the kitchen as he quickly scraped the meat out of the skillet. His soft curse filled the air. What the hell is wrong with you, anyway? Josh muttered, shaking the hot grease splatters from his hand. Not giving a damn about bacon is a lynchable offense to some people. Sebastian rolled his eyes and turned back to Taylor. Do you see what I have to put up with? She grinned, plying him with a look of mock empathy. I do, she said, nodding. You? Josh asked with a snort. Thats laughable, Sebastian. Dont let him fool you, kid. Hell, I got sympathy cards when people found out I was going to be his partner. Sebastians head fell back with his quiet bark of laughter. Did you now? he asked folding his arms. And just who sent you those? Oh no, Baas, Josh said. I aint saying shit. Were running low enough on personnel lately as it is. Taylor smothered a laugh behind her hand, her gaze darting between the two men. Sebastian grabbed her chin, forcing her attention back to him. Youre supposed to be on my side here, traitor. She traced the hard lines of his chest as she pressed closer. Im always on your side, Sebby. Is that so? Of course. Thats not what your actions say. Its too late now, darling. Now you are going to have to

prove it. Oh come on, Josh grumbled, turning back toward the stove. I havent even eaten breakfast yet and the two of you are already starting to make my stomach churn. It sounds to me like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, Monique piped in as she strolled into the kitchen. Play nice with my brother, she said, sidling up to Josh and stroking a hand over the flat plane of his stomach. His face flushed as she leaned up to kiss his cheek, but there was no denying the sparkle of appreciation shimmering in his dark blue gaze. Taylor snickered harder as Sebastian turned away from them with an exasperated huff and a longsuffering roll of his eyes. Give me that, the blonde said, snatching the spatula from Joshs hand. They just got home. The last thing they need is you burning their house down with your attempts to cook. Taylor burst into laughter as Joshs mouth fell open. Me? he choked. Your brother is the one who was burning breakfast! Monique pinned him with a pointed expression. I find that very hard to believe. You, on the other hand Seriously? Joshs voice raised another octave. Baas, tell her. Sebastian strolled past the pair, mug in hand. It sounds to me like my poor sister is speaking from experience, Josh. Maybe I should send her a sympathy card the next time I hear you are making dinner. Oh you should. Moniques bright green eyes shone with mirth as she nodded. You definitely should. Laughing even harder, Taylor leaned against the island and wiped the tears from her eyes. Her sides throbbed in protest, but it was a good pain. Despite the first batch of bacon, the rest of the food had turned out perfectly. The lighthearted banter continued while they ate, though Josh dominated most of it with his playful razzing. Content and full, Taylor watched Sebastian polish off the rest of his eggs and down the remainder of his coffee. Sensing her stare, he glanced up over the rim of his mug. What would you like to do today? Distracted by the clatter of plates and silverware beside her, she looked over to see Monique already starting to clear the table. Muttering a quick apology, Taylor started to stand to help, but Sebastian curled his fingers around her wrist, his touch gentle but halting. Sit down and answer me, he ordered. My sister wants to help you. Let her. Okay, but shes not helping. Shes doing everything by herself. She paled, seeing his expression harden. Easy you two. Just relax, Taylor. I got this, Josh said, springing to his feet and gathering the rest of the tables contents in his arms. Im not crippled, she mumbled. Sebastians intense eyes continued to bore into her like two hard drills. He gave a tense roll of his shoulders before speaking. No, Taylor. You arent, he agreed. You seem to move quite well considering how often you keep edging your toes up to the line. Do you need a reminder of what happens when you decide to cross it? She lowered her head, twisting her hands under the table. Her stomach started to sink. No. Good, because I am getting very tired of having this discussion. Next time, I wont warn you. I will just take you upstairs and we will decide where to go from there. Is that clear? Swallowing, Taylor nodded. Yes, sir.

She flushed, feeling a somber pall suddenly hang in the air as well as the empathy that rolled off Monique as the blonde stood frozen by the sink. Shame coiled through her. This wasnt how shed wanted to start their day, and she certainly didnt want to feel anymore inadequate in the striking blondes presence than she already did. Everything about the woman was so perfect. So beautiful. With her willowy frame, long legs, and a smile that could knock a man dead, Sebastians sister was far better suited for some exotic photo shoot than doing menial housework in their kitchen. Feeling his demeanor grow even more impatient, she grimaced. Im sorry, Taylor mumbled. Im just not used to everyone fawning all over me. I dont mean to come across as stubborn or ungrateful. Its just that in my uncles house, it was always a fend for yourself type thing. No one else knew how to pick up after themselves or do anything. I get that, kiddo, Josh soothed. I grew up with the same sort of deal. What you need to realize though, is thats not us. We look after our own. That we do, Monique agreed. Speaking of, I need to run in to town for a while after we finish cleaning up. Do you want to come with me, or do you want to hang out here with Sebastian and Tay? Is that a trick question? Josh asked, snapping the end of the dishtowel at her butt. Monique yelped as the pirouetting end missed its intended target. A pout crossed her pixie-like features as she attempted to rub the sting out of her thigh. That will teach you to try and avoid me, he teased. I wasnt trying to avoid you, Josh! I didnt even move. Jesus! I hope for my brothers sake that youre better with a gun than you are wielding a towel. That hurt! Love is a painful thing, gorgeous. Youd do well to remember that. The declaration rang far more true than Taylor cared to admit. Hanging her head, she grappled with a painful onslaught of memories, both past and present. Her father leaving, her mother dropping her off on her uncles doorstep, the way shed always felt like an outsider looking in until Sebastian pulled her into his arms and welcomed her into his familyand even that had not come without its fair share of heartache and struggle. Frowning, she cast those thoughts aside. I would love to go if Josh doesnt want to, Taylor said, eager to change the subject. Uh The blondes eyes darted to her brother, her expression no longer playful but pinched and pleading. No. Sebastians curt answer took Taylor by surprise. Even Josh glanced between the two of them, his playful demeanor fading beneath a frown. She bit her lip, struggling with a conflicting wave of hurt and anger. The hard glint in Sebastians eyes warned her not to question his decision. Hed already made his impatience quite clear, and she had no desire to go upstairs for an attitude adjustment. She swallowed against the lump in her throat. Monique had shown her true colors as well. Taylor sighed. Sebastian held his sister to very high standards. Maybe the woman was just worried her substandard behavior would rub off on her. It was a very justifiable concern, given the way the morning was going so far. Make out a list of the things you want. I am sure Monique would be more than happy to pick them up for you while she is out, Sebastian suggested. Absolutely. His sister offered another one of her sunny, reassuring smiles. Lowering her head, Taylor picked the corner of her thumbnail beneath the table.

Thanks, but that wont be necessary. I forgot about all those meals you stuck in the freezer. Those should be more than enough to get us through, she said, looking for an easy way to salvage her dignity. I could really use a hot shower though. Excuse me. Silence followed on her heels. She was grateful when Sebastian made no move to stop her. Padding up the stairs, she struggled to keep her tangled emotions in check. Why had he bothered asking what she wanted to do if he was just going to shoot it down? Obviously going into town wasnt an option either if he wanted her to give his sister a list. As much as she loved Sebastian, sometimes, the man was beyond frustrating. The threat with Laychee was over. Shed spent weeks under a virtual lockdown before the attacks and weeks after recuperating behind the walls of SKALS headquarters. Too much more confinement and she stood the risk of going insane. Taylor grumbled to herself. Her proximity to Crazy Town was already questionable enough as it was. After turning the shower on full blast, she stripped out of her clothes. A wince escaped her as she stepped beneath the scalding spray and let the hot needles pummel her skin. Thick billows of steam rose to climb the walls as she squeezed some cashmere-scented shampoo on her palm and started scrubbing her scalp. Her mind still churned, replaying the mistakes shed made that morning in an agonizing loop. Sometimes life seriously needed a re-do button. Taylor jumped as the shower door swung open without warning and let in a cold blast of air. The brief distraction cost her. Shampoo dribbled into her eyes. Trying her damnedest not to curse, she thrust her face back under the water and blinked against the sting. Sebastian stepped in behind her. She felt his lean body press close, its frame as hard and unyielding as the rest of him. One of his hands settled against the small of her back and rubbed in lazy circles. Are you okay? Nodding, she cupped several handfuls of water and splashed them into her eyes. Yeah, she muttered. It just burns. Typical Irish grace. Poor little leprechaun. Let me try and make it better. He kissed a slow path across her shoulder, skimming the delicate ridge of her bone, before tracing the hollow and working his way up the side of her neck. Despite herself, she sighed with pleasure as his lips settled against the sweet spot behind her ear and lingered. There was no mistaking the effect the contact had on him. The long, thick column of his erection pulsed against her as he surged closer, his body pressing against hers in urgent demand. He ground against her, the friction drawing a tortured groan from the base of his throat. The sound echoed off the shower walls and sent a raw jolt of need through her sex-starved system. It had been too long for both of them. Way too long. Sebastian spun her in his arms. She gasped as he drove her back, pinning her against the cool stone slabs. His mouth clashed against hers with bruising claim, his fingers twisting her nipples into aching peaks. She moaned into their kiss as the familiar combination of pleasure and pain swirled through her core. Her hands roamed over his skin in eager search before plowing through his sodden curls. Spurred by the contact and her hungry tug, Sebastian growled, driving her deeper against the wall. He slid a hand between her legs, parting her thighs to dip a thick digit inside her. Hungry for more, she rode the firm, steady glide of his fingers. A low rumble of appreciation rolled through him upon finding her more than ready. Still, he coaxed and teased, rubbing her clit until she bordered on the brink of a dizzying climax. Her breath left her in a shuddering exhale and Sebastian froze, his ragged breath falling against her ear. Not yet. Hold it for me, baby. I want to be inside you.

The raspy whisper was almost her undoing. She whimpered, digging her nails into his shoulders as she waited for the torturous throb to pass. A painful eternity crept by before she sagged with relief. Good girl, Sebastian breathed, kissing the shell of her ear. In that moment, Taylor swore he was trying to kill her. Her entire being threatened to unravel with his praise. The torment was as short lived as his patience. Sinking his fingers into her thighs, Sebastian lifted her up. Both of them trembled as he eased her down and impaled her inch by agonizing inch. Once fully sheathed, he pushed deeper, his eyes searching hers through the relentless rain. Winding her arms around his neck, Taylor rocked against him in encouragement. It was all the coaxing he needed. Their lips fused beneath the warm cascade of water, drowning out her blissful cries as Sebastian drove into her. His slow, steady thrusts sent her spiraling higher until she couldnt hold out any longer. Clinging to him, she surrendered. Body, heart, and soul were no longer hers, but his. Release hit hard, battering her with brutal pleasure, the force enough to rob her of breath. Wresting his mouth from hers, Sebastians hold tightened. Determination carved his handsome features as he stabbed hard and deep, reclaiming every inch of her body and branding it as his own. His pleasured growls grew to a hoarse bellow and he slumped against her with a violent shudder. The sound of uneven panting filled the shower as they waited for sanity to return and their hearts to slow. I love you, he murmured, his voice husky and strained. So much. I love you, too, Sebby. He kissed her before easing from her body with a reluctant grunt. Cupping her face, he drew it to his. Im sorry it didnt last long. The shame and sincerity on his expression tugged at her heart. He was such a proud man, always so confident and in control. The last few weeks had taken their toll on him in more ways than one. Frowning, she traced the dark golden stubble dotting his chin, her fingers still shaky. Dont be. It was amazing, Sebastian. You always give me everything I need, in bed or out. Shaking his head, he peered down at her with a rueful smile. No, Taylor. Give me a few minutes. By the time we finish washing, Ill be ready to go again. Only this time, I promise it will be better. Blinking against the shower spray, she planted her hands against his chest. That was already a stellar performance, Agent Baas. Trust me, you have nothing to prove. Mm. That may be true, darling, but I cant think of a more inspiring mission. Besides, the operation cant possibly be considered a success. Not when my target is still standing. Laughing, she rocked up onto her toes and rubbed the tip of her nose against his. Youre such a brute. Without warning, he wrapped a heavy fist in her hair and tugged. A hard kiss smothered her gasp and his tongue swirled across hers, probing in a slow, hungry pantomime with his hips. Desire reignited, searing her veins as her knees grew weak and threatened to give. Wresting his lips from hers, Sebastian pulled back and regarded her with a knowing wink. Call it what you want, darling, but the one thing I intend to be is thorough. Thorough, huh? Donning a sly grin, he growled and yanked her hips against his. Exhaustivecomprehensive His shadowy stubble abraded the side of her neck as he

nipped a path across the slender column and groaned: In-depth. He lifted her in his arms again. All too happy to oblige, Taylor wound her legs around his waist, her fingers toying with the thick locks plastered against his nape. Now youre speaking my language.


Tugging down her sunglasses, Taylor squinted against the afternoon glare as Sebastian maneuvered the Benz up their winding, hilltop road. The first Saturday in April was turning out to be a gorgeous day, and the radio promised near record highs ranging in the seventies. She smothered a yawn and reached for the coffee cup nestled in the center console. The gesture drew a raised brow from the man sitting beside her. You better drink up, baby. Its going to be a long day, he warned. She gave a playful roll of her eyes behind her shades. I wouldnt be tired already if someone hadnt dragged me out of bed at the butt crack of dawn this morning. Not to mention the way a certain sex addict kept me up half the night. Sebastian laughed in earnest. That sounds an awful lot like a complaint to me. Surely that wasnt what you were doing. I wouldnt dare, she said, donning her most innocent smile. Shaking his head, he steered the CL600 off the main road and up their drive. Taylor sat up, her brow knitting at the wide array of cars already parked on the other side of the wrought iron gates. Much to her surprise, they swung open without him accessing the scanner or the codes. Rupert, their new head of security, offered a polite nod as they rolled past. Confused, she surveyed the vehicles stretched around the semicircular driveway, the colors of the cars ranging as widely as the makes and models. Spotting Irenes sporty blue Celica and a jackedup truck that looked all too familiar, not to mention out of place among the more luxurious choices of his teammates, she pivoted in her seat and pinned Sebastian with a questioning stare. His mouth twitched in amusement. Okay. Fess up. What is going on? she asked. Settle down. Youll see soon enough. Taylor glanced around as Sebastian parked the car and got out. Her stomach churned. Whatever this was, it was a bad idea. It was too soon. He barely tolerated his partner and sister being around. How was he going to deal with an entire houseful of people? Her head snapped up as he opened the door for her. Dinner parties hadnt exactly been kind to them in the past. They were just now starting to get over the backlash from the first one. Her heart sank and she searched his face as he held out his hand. Come on, he urged. His eyes held a hint of sparkle and excitement she hadnt seen in a long time. The reservations she clung to faded when he flashed a boyish grin and wiggled his fingers in impatience. Laughing, she let him pull her from the car and tugged on his arm in an attempt to slow Sebastians long strides as he led her up the front steps. Anticipation made his face glow even brighter beneath the springtime sun. After pulling the heavy wooden double doors open, he gestured her inside with a gallant sweep of his arm. Taylor grappled with uncertainty and reluctance as he shooed her deeper into the house and down the foyer leading into the kitchen. A loud chorus of surprise greeted her upon entering the room and sent her reeling back a step. Wrapping an arm around her waist, Sebastian steadied her and drew her against his side with an amused chortle. Pressing closer to him, she scanned the central area of the house. Deep purple and silver

balloons decorated the corners and archways of the great room, along with matching streamers. A large happy birthday banner hung above both the fireplace and sliding glass doors. She couldnt contain her amusement upon seeing the word belated scrawled across each one in Sebastians bold handwriting. Joy flooded her when she spotted Irene, Daryl, and a few other familiar faces scattered among his teammates. See, he whispered against her ear, we really arent as mean as you think. Taylor opened her mouth to protest, but caught herself as she sought his sisters location through the crowd. The truth was she had thought it. Grimacing, she offered Monique an apologetic wince. I had no idea. Im so sorry for taking things wrong. Thank you. Understanding shone in the blondes bright green eyes. No worries, Tay. I wanted to take you shopping with me. I really did, but that would have ruined the whole surprise. I hope you like it. Oh I do! She turned to bury her nose in Sebastians shoulder. How did you pull all of this off? Monique did most of it, he admitted. I just bankrolled things. And I told her who to invite. Happy birthday, sugar, Irene said, stepping from the crowd to wrap her in a warm embrace. Thank you, she murmured, returning the hug. Go, Sebastian urged, shooing her toward the back deck. Go enjoy your party. Happy to oblige, she looped one arm through Irenes and snagged Monique with her other on the way past. Various trays of cold cuts, cheeses, crackers, vegetables, and hors d'oeuvres spilled across the granite counters and island. Outside, thick smoke already wafted from two industrial-sized grills. Beyond them, a makeshift wooden dance floor glimmered in the middle of the yard. She eyed the colored light tracks surrounding it and the waiting DJ with no small measure of amazement. Pausing, she turned to give Sebastian an incredulous look. The gesture earned her an unrepentant grin that highlighted the dimples in his cheeks. His affectionate wink made her heart flutter and she longed to be back in his arms. Come on, Irene urged, dragging her out on to the back deck. You can ogle Prince Charming later. Its time to get our groove on. I dont know if I can trust him to be alone right now, Taylor admitted. Her gaze darted to Monique. He looks awful guilty. What else does your brother have up his sleeve? Uhmhis arms would be my guess? Quit being a smartass! she exclaimed, reprimanding her with a playful nudge. I think youre forgetting Ive been around long enough to know innocence doesnt exactly run in your family. Hell, honey, even Ive been around long enough to gather that much, Irene agreed. Monique laughed as she tugged free and spun around to face them. I have no clue what either of you are talking about. Hold up, Irene said, stopping short. Taylor tripped over her own feet in her efforts not to slam into her friends back. Grace never was her strong suit. Embarrassed, she glanced around and was relieved to see no one had witnessed her stumble. I say we hit the minibar, then the dance floor. Little sister is legal now. Its time to break her in properly. Monique arched an eyebrow, her rounded features taking on a skeptical twist. Drinks do sound great, but I promise you making the birthday girl sick wont go over well. Its best we return her

to my brother healthy and in one piece. Taylor couldnt argue with that, but the vivacious redhead had no such qualms. The waitress waved them off with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. Hell get over it. Its a twenty-first birthday tradition. Besides, your precious brother gets her to himself every day. Today its our turn. Moniques vivid green stare narrowed. She opened her mouth with a shake of her head, but Taylor interrupted. I think I can find a way to enjoy the best of both worlds. Besides, I would much rather curl up with Seb at the end of the night than spend it on my knees praying to the porcelain gods, she said, wrinkling her nose. The comment made the other two women laugh. If I was a betting woman, Id place my money on you spending it on your knees anyway, Irene said, casting a knowing look Sebastians way. I cant say that I blame you for choosing to worship at his feet though, sugar. Not one bit. Thats a mighty fine alter to pray at. Monique muttered something beneath her breath before hooking an arm through hers and steering Taylor toward the dance floor. A short while later, bodies packed the gleaming wood from end to end. Irene made her rounds, moving from one man to the next in a steady procession, testing the waters with each. Content to let the lusty coppertop enjoy herself, Taylor stayed stationed near the front with Monique. They bumped hips and butts, laughing while music blared round them and pounded through the sprawling grounds. The forceful bass vibrated through her body making her nerve endings tingle, while the whiskey sour in her cup added to the pleasant warmth of the sun. Unlike the parties shed attended in the city, they had no neighbors for miles and were free to cut loose and do as they pleased without fear of disturbing anyone. That, and Sebastian had spared no expense. Shielding her eyes, she slowed to scan the deck for him until a light touch at her elbow drew her attention. She spun to find Daryl grinning down at her. Her heart soared at the sight of her childhood best friend. Now a strapping college linebacker, he was a far cry from the scrawny, knobbykneed boy shed met on her first day of kindergarten. He still had the same unassuming smile though. Happy belated, Tay. Thank you! I cant believe youre here! Yeah, well, I have to admit I was a little surprised to get an invite after the way things went down the last time we ran into each other, but Im glad I did. So am I. Its so good to see you again. I missed you. I missed you, too. An awkward moment passed as they both resisted the urge to hug. Daryl broke the tension by giving her a pointed nudge. This is a hell of a place you have here, he said, grinning. I feel like Im in one of those crazy music videos. She couldnt help but laugh. Its not normally this wild. I swear. He winked. Ill take your word for it. If you think we can pull it off without some psycho jamming a gun in my face again, Id love to give the dance floor a go. Just for old times sake. Her shoulders shook with the memories of all the awkward school dances theyd shared, and she turned to search the deck again for Sebastian. He stood leaning against the wooden railing with Josh at his side. The tattered rim of his baseball cap shielded his eyes, but she could see the reluctant smile plying her lovers lips. Joshs expression wasnt nearly as forgiving. His steely blue stare remained rooted on Daryl, tracking him intently. Your fianc seems like an all right guy, Tay. I talked to him inside for a while. I still think the other one is slightly certifiable though. Just between me and you.

The drink shed just taken sprayed past her lips as she fought to hold in her laughter. I used to think so, too, but Josh really isnt so bad once you get to know him. Hes just super protective of Sebastian. I admit I dont know the guy all that well, but I definitely get the impression your fianc can take care of himself. As for his partnerwellagain, Im going to have to take your word for it. I still think the guy is nuts. Taylor rolled her eyes and elbowed her friend. It was best to change the subject before one of Sebastians teammates overheard something they would both regret. Shut up and dance with me, silly. Sebastians eyes narrowed in concentration beneath the bent rim of his baseball cap as he kept a close eye on Taylor and the dance floor. His gaze moved in a constant shift between her and his sister, making sure no one overstepped their bounds and touched the things they shouldnt. He didnt care much for the music, and most of the people grinding to it even less, but he reminded himself that today was about her and her enjoyment, not his. He owed her that much. Tipping his rum and Coke, he took a long swig. Just a few more hours and this unique brand of self-inflicted torture would come to a merciful end. You hanging in there okay, buddy? Josh asked, clapping him on the back. He shrugged. I will be glad when this is over. It must be killer being away from Taylor for so long. So close, yet so far away. He confronted his partner with a glare capable of stripping paint. Cracking a lopsided smirk, Josh lifted his hands. Just saying, he said. You should go dance with her. Shed like that. Sebastian snorted. The ice cubes clinked in his glass as he swirled the liquid around and took another drink. Im not much of a dancer, and this type of music isnt my thing. Id look like a flopping fish in its death throes out there. Josh threw his head back with a loud laugh. Now that I would pay to see. Seriously, Baas. Its not that hard. If you can fuck, you can bang your body to these beats. Ill save it for the bedroom, he stated dryly. Seeking distraction, he searched for the girls. Theyd migrated back together after the last song had ended. Daryl still lingered but maintained a respectable distance from Taylors gyrating rear end. A small smirk threatened. Perhaps he was a smart man after all. Sebastian watched his lover for a long moment, fighting the strong pull of desire as he watched her body bounce and sway. Maybe the music did have its merits. Perhaps later, he would pull his little minx into his study and demand a private show. His cock swelled with the prospect. He reluctantly tore his eyes away as the smell of potent floral perfume washed over him. Hed been so immersed in Taylor that he hadnt even noticed her friend approach. Glancing over, he regarded the redhead and forced a polite smile. Hello Irene. Its nice to see you again. Well hi there, Sebastian. Nice to see you, too. I gotta say this is one hell of a party you threw together. Thanks for the invite, sugar. He nodded, letting his focus drift back over the yard. Taylor is worth it. Im glad you are enjoying yourself. Oh, I am, but it would be even better if you joined in the fun. Her hand curled around his forearm and closed in an intimate squeeze. Sebastians head

snapped to the side. Tensing, his gaze flickered over her. She regarded him without a single ounce of shame. Offering a brazen smile, she proceeded to stroke his skin with a lacquered nail, her thick lashes batting with innocence well beyond her means. He jerked his arm away as Josh sniggered quietly into his vodka beside him. Its very kind of you to ask, Irene, he said softly, but Im fine where I am. Im sure you can find yourself a willing partner. Oh, come on. Dont be shy, stud. Whats the use of staying up here? Stop holding out and dance with me. I promise Ill show you a good time. She reached for him again. Once was more than enough. Grinding his teeth, he shot Josh a look of exasperation, smoothed his clothes, and backed away before his temper got the better of him. Excuse me, he stated, trying to step around the woman. I should see if they are ready to start serving the food. Youre in luck there, honey. Servicing people happens to be my area of expertise. Let me lend you a hand. Not missing the suggestive undertones in her sultry purr, his jaw tightened. Yes, I am sure it is, he said stiffly. But I can handle it on my own and I would appreciate it if you didnt touch me again. Shooting her a look of barely restrained irritation, he spun on his heels and strode away. He remained so focused on escaping her advances that he didnt see Monique until it was too late. They collided as he rounded the bottom of the stairs, their bodies smacking together with enough force to send him staggering backwards. A curse exploded from his lips as he lunged for his sister. She flinched as he caught her teetering form and steadied her. Fear and apologies branded her face. Im so sorry, Sebastian. No. Its my fault, he said. I didnt see you. Are you okay? Nodding, Monique let out the breath shed been holding. I was going to ask you the same thing. Sebastian squinted up at the deck and rolled his shoulders. He winced when the bones in his neck gave a stiff pop. Im trying for Taylors sake. I want her to have a nice day, but I dont know how much more I can take. Its bad enough having all these strangers around, but that redheaded hose beast is driving me crazy. Irene? she asked, turning to follow his frigid glare. What did she do now? Nothing. Shes just drunk and in heat. Monique smothered a laugh. Her expression shifted to one of sincerity when he scowled. Im sorry, she said, her shoulders still shaking. Its just I dont think its the booze in this case. That womans been eye raping you since the moment you walked through the door. He snorted. Its my money she wants, Monique. Not me. Unless you started stuffing your cash down the front of your pants, I highly disagree. His cheeks flamed with the implication. I dont want to have this conversation. What the hell is wrong with people anyway? What do you mean? No one has any sense of loyalty anymore. Friends, family, coworkers. None of it matters. Nothing is sacred. Everyone is just looking for a way to throw someone else under the bus and get what they want. Its sickening. His sister frowned. Thats not true, Sebastian. Isnt it? he asked. I wish I could say thats been my experience with people lately, but it

hasnt. Forcing a small smile, he backed away. Go have fun. You worked hard to put all of this together. I dont need you to hold my hand. Ill behave. The last of their guests had just finished taking their seats when the catering staff started to make their rounds with steaming platters of meat. The smell of seared steak, barbequed pork, and prime rib rolled off the serving trays, making his mouth water. Grilled vegetables, baby red potatoes, and seafood skewers added bright splashes of color along with some options for their more health conscious guests. Sebastians shoulders sagged with relief as Taylor finally dropped into the chair beside him and snuggled closer. The fresh scent of sunshine clung to her, mingling with the familiar scent of her skin. Her nearness alone helped put a momentary lid on his turbulent emotions. Smiling, he leaned over to brush a light kiss across her cheek. There you are, he murmured. Ive missed you. Her bright grey eyes danced with happiness as she peered up at him. I missed you, too. Thank you so much, Sebby. This has been one of the best days of my entire life. Im a little embarrassed to admit it, but I never had a birthday party before. His heart ached at the notion. Squelching a frown, he lifted her chin and stole another kiss. You are more than welcome. You deserve the best, baby. Everyone seems so happy. Theyre having a great time. You should have heard Kelly and Jess going on about the house and how lucky I was to have a man like you. He lowered his head to hide the warmth he felt creeping into his cheeks. They dont know me. Your opinion is the only one that matters, Taylor. Youre the one who has to put up with me. She pressed her forehead against his, her voice coming in a soft murmur. For the most part, thats a challenge I enjoy, Agent Baas. I have no problem admitting I am a very lucky girl today. Cupping her face, he stroked his thumbs over the well-defined slopes of her cheekbones. As long as you think so, sweetheart, thats all that matters. Feeling the inquisitive stares of his teammates, he begrudgingly released her and turned his attention to his plate. His thoughts dulled as food, conversation, and liquor flowed freely around them. People seemed more than content to gorge on all three. Laughter and a loud cacophony of voices carried from every direction as their guests mingled. For the most part, the invasion of privacy had him on edge. His guard was heightened to the point of painful awareness, and much to his disappointment, he lost Taylor again before hed even finished eating. His eyes narrowed as two giggling women he didnt recognize swept her out of her chair and proceeded to drag her back toward the dance floor. Sebastian tried to offer an encouraging smile when she glanced over her shoulder, but his heart wasnt in it. More than anything, he just wanted their home and their life to go back to normal. After pitching the remainder of his food into the trash, he reluctantly settled onto one of the chaise loungers on the deck and nursed a gin and tonic. Closing his eyes, he pondered the past few weeks. There was no denying the anguish and frustration theyd inflicted. The past few months had left him reeling. Hed lost Christian, Lucian, and Mia all within a matter of weeks. While all of that cut far deeper than he cared to admit, what happened to Taylorin his homethreatened to send him into a tailspin. A mans home was his castle. It was supposed to be a place of safety and sanctity. Hed needed a haven to turn to, a place far away from SKALS and untouched by all of its horrors. Now, even that was tainted. A soft curse escaped him. As much as he tried to rationalize everything and chalk it up to coincidence, he couldnt. He wanted to believe otherwise, but his instincts screamed Marx was to

blame. Every ounce of heartache and suffering hed ever endured somehow landed smack dab in the middle of that smug bastards lap. And for what? The cold, snow-covered graves of his half-brother and nephew resurfaced in his mind, along with the gut-wrenching images of Taylors battered body. They played and replayed, haunting him in an agonizing loop. The kaleidoscope like fragments shifted, but never disappeared as they tumbled through his memory. His fists clenched as Marxs gloating face and taunting sneer burned behind his closed lids. Hey. You sure youre okay, partner? He slit an eye open. Worry defined Joshs angular features, making them appear even more sharp and rugged. Biting the inside of his cheeks, Sebastian gave a curt nod, watching as the other man settled onto the lounger beside his. You want to tell me whats going on? At the risk of sounding like a nagging wife, youve been pretty closed off these past few days, Sebastian. Even for you. Is that why youve been hovering? he asked quietly. His partners shoulders jerked in a noncommittal shrug. Pursing his lips in annoyance, Sebastian turned his attention back to the yard, his gaze combing the crowd in search of Taylors whereabouts. Finding her surrounded by a gaggle of overexcited women, he sighed and let his head drop back to rest against the chair. Today was going to be the death of him. Ive told you before, I dont need you to babysit me, Josh. In fact, I would prefer it if you and Monique went home. I appreciate everything youve done, but I am more than capable of standing on my own. His partners scrutiny weighed heavily on him. Uncomfortable, Sebastian pinned him with a blistering glare. Scrubbing a hand over his mouth, Josh sighed and hung his head. Yeah, Baas. If thats what you want, okay. But you and I both know this goes deeper than that. Im your partner. As much as it scares me to ask, you have to let me know whats going on inside that fucked up head of yours. Is that so? he asked, narrowing his eyes. Yeah. It is. After all the shit weve been through, you owe me that much. He weighed that statement for a long moment and swirled the pale liquid in his glass. After several more tense seconds ticked by, he rose to his feet. Never doubt my gratitude or my loyalty where you are concerned, Josh. You may not understand this, but they have everything to do with why I wont tell you whats on my mind. Understanding dawned and the color drained from Joshs face, leaving a deathly pallor in its wake. His throat strained and he swallowed as if he was going to get sick. Whatever youre thinking here, Sebastianwhatever crazy scheme youre cooking upit wont work. Youre either with me or against me, Josh. Theres no in between. Im for you! When are you going to get that? No matter how good of a team we are, Marx, SKALS, they are a hell of a lot bigger than us. Dont go down that road, Baas. Whatever happened or didnt happen in the past, you need to fucking let it be. I cant, he stated quietly. Seb, no. If Marx senses you pulling back, you are gonna be in a fucking world of hurt. The repercussions of even thinking about it arent worth it. Thats not up to you to decide. Nothing is certain yet, Josh. I have some things I need to work through. Do us both a favor and allow me the space to do that.

Taylor jumped at the light touch to her elbow. Sensing both familiarity and comfort, her smile deepened, and she turned to find Sebastian. Though troubled, his eyes still held a trace of tenderness as he peered down at her. One side of his mouth hitched in apology before he leaned over to whisper in her ear. Ive tried to be good and give you your space but I am done being patient. Its my turn to steal you away for a while. The husky rasp of his voice sent a thrill down her spine. Snagging her lower lip between her teeth, she peeked over at her guests and nodded. After excusing herself as quickly as possible, she threaded her fingers through his and allowed him to lead her inside. He said nothing as he steered her deeper into the house. Without a word, he pulled her into his study and shut the door. Memories threatened to resurface, the horror of what had happened in that room clawing at the back of her conscious with dark, wraithlike fingers. Rubbing down a ripple of goose bumps, she tried to force the thoughts of Laychee and his men aside, reminding herself that the masculine office with its potted ferns and earthy Tuscan tones had once been a place of comfort. Her heart raced in uncertainty as Sebastian twisted the lock and turned to face her. Strip, he ordered quietly. Worried, Taylor searched his face, but his stoic expression lent no clues as to where his mood or thoughts lie. Wondering if shed done something wrong, she shimmied out of her denim shorts and peeled the form-fitting tee over her head while Sebastian circled her in a menacing prowl. His stare trailed over her, caressing her body with slow appraisal. It seared her skin, stripping her bare, until desire warred with fear. Hands clasped behind his back, he came to a stop in front of her. Bend over the desk, Sebastian commanded, indicating in its direction with a slight tilt of his head. Her mouth opened and closed on a wordless protest. Brow knitting with worry, Taylor edged across the room. She glanced over her shoulder before lowering herself over the glossy surface. The cold press of wood against her heated skin was jarring, and she couldnt help but jump when Sebastians fingers traced the length of her back in slow perusal. Youve never had a birthday party before. I am assuming that means youve missed out on other traditions as well. Like what? she whispered, almost too afraid to ask. You are naked and bent over my desk. You tell me. What do you think is going to happen here, Taylor? I dont know Yes you do. If all I wanted to do was bury my cock inside you, I would have done so by now. You and I both know this. Stiffening, she shook her head, a silent plea building in the back of her throat. Shh, baby, he soothed, trailing a forefinger over her back again. Maybe I havent given you much reason, but right now, you need to trust me. Do as I say and I wont hurt you, Taylor. She swallowed, her eyes drifting shut as he leaned over her. I want you to enjoy this, he whispered. All of it. Words and reason escaped her panic-riddled brain. All she managed was a reluctant nod, though numbing doubt remained. Thats my girl, Sebastian murmured.

He reached up and stretched her arms across the desk, his hold commanding and sure. Authority rode his voice as he instructed her to grip the other side. Wedging a muscled thigh between hers, Sebastian forced her legs apart. Her breath caught and she braced herself, listening for the telltale jangle of his belt when she felt him pull back. The broad width of his palm roamed over her ass in a firm caress, reminding her that she was helpless and exposed. A breathless cry tore from Taylors throat when the first smack caught her off-guard. The deafening crack of his hand connecting with bare flesh startled her more than it hurt. She writhed in place, surprised by the way the sharp sting mellowed into a pleasant warmth that branched through her entire body. Sebastian alternated blows, pausing every once in a while to rub the heat into her skin, his touch possessive and reverent. A soft moan escaped her by the halfway mark. Much to her confusion, he stopped. Feeling him splay over her, she arched into his body, eager to make contact and please. The soft brush of his lips grazed across her temple. Talk to me. Tell me what you think. Itsits different, she admitted, unable to make heads or tails of what she was feeling. All she knew was she felt a baffling and overwhelming desire to beg him to take her right then and there. She wanted more. She wanted him to make her submit to the deliciously sweet torment he offered. Mm. That it is, baby. His voice rolled through her, heightening her sense of need. She fought to hold still, flushing as his fingers explored the dampness pooling between her legs. He rumbled with approval finding her both eager and wet. Pressing closer, Sebastian ground against her in a gyrating tease, his erection prodding the warm landscape his hand had left in its wake. The shaky exhale he released added to her desire. Her body trembled with strain, as Sebastian ground his thumb against her clit and eased a thick digit inside her. It was all she could do to keep standing when he added another finger and pumped into her with hard, firm stokes. Wanting so much to please him, she fought to keep her position and not crumple at his feet. Sebastian resumed his merciless assault. With each powerful plunge of his fingers, he smacked her ass, keeping a tempo that made her want to explode. All too soon, his hands and the delicious things theyd been doing were gone. Taylor groaned in frustration and tried to straighten, but a heavy hand shoved her back down, pinning the back of her neck. I didnt tell you to move, he growled. His strong hands jerked her hips back and upward with a force that spoke of his displeasure. A breathless scream tore from her throat when he filled her body with a single, claiming thrust. The feel of his hard, hot length stretching her to the brink was nothing short of ecstasy. Her hold on the desk tightened as Sebastian drove into her with a primal snarl of ownership. The harsh slap of skin filled the room. He stabbed into her time and again, his rhythm slow, hard, and deliberate. It didnt take long for pulsing waves of pleasure to build in her core. She whimpered, hips arching to meet his. Release hit hard and fast. She cried out as she came, her body clamping with enough force to rob her of both wind and sanity. Sebastian stiffened above her, and she knew whatever control he had was lost. A frustrated growl rumbled through his chest as one hand locked on her hipbone. The other anchored in her hair, giving him a sure but steady hold as he propped a foot beside her and pounded his way to climax. His breathless cry was music to her ears. Easing her off the desk, he spun her around and wrapped her in his arms, holding her upright. Her body still pulsed and sang. Being with Sebastian was like breaching the surface and gasping for air after being under water for too long: delirious, dizzying, and almost franticshe could never get

enough. He was both aphrodisiac and addiction, a craving with no cure. Without a word, Sebastian lifted Taylor into his arms and carried her to his chair where he cradled her in his lap. His hands rubbed soothing circles against her back, easing the chill and coaxing her back down. After a few minutes, she managed to find her voice. What the fuck was that? she asked. Sebastian tapped her lip with his forefinger. Language, baby, he warned. That was a birthday spanking, and perhaps you finding a bit of yourself as well. Maybe a part you never even knew existed. Great, she muttered. Not only am I another year older, but now I discover Im a freak who gets off on getting spanked. His body shook with silent laughter. Taylor, Taylor. Tipping her chin, he searched her eyes. It wasnt meant to hurt you, darling. You were supposed to enjoy it. I certainly did. She pushed a wry exhale through her nose. Wonderful. Were both screwed up. He seemed to ponder that for a long moment. Sighing, he wrapped his arms a little tighter, ensconcing her in his powerful embrace. Maybe we are. Or maybe were just different. That part of you has always been there, Taylor. I sensed it the first day I met you. Part of you craves control and structure. Maybe because youve never had it before. Some secret part of you even enjoys pain in small doseslike when I twist those delectable nipples of yours. Youre submissive by nature. It might make you different, but its nothing to be ashamed of, baby. There is strength in surrender. She weighed his words, her face puckering with a doubtful twist. Dont question yourself. Youre perfect just the way you are, he murmured. You are always wondering what it is you offer me. Its you, Taylor. All of you. Youre everything to me. There is nothing else in this world I need or want more. He pressed his lips against the top of her head. Blowing out a loud breath, he patted the outside of her thigh and urged her off his lap. Lets get this party over with. My patience is wearing thin. Im trying to be nice, but I want you all to myself again. Giving a playful roll of her eyes, she shook her head. After slipping her clothes back on, she chanced a peek over her shoulder. Sebby? Hmm? Do you think we could forget the belt and go with your hand as punishment instead? His laughter was unexpected. Arching a brow, he responded with much firmer swat to her ass. She yelped and rubbed a hand across her denim pocket, trying to ease the sting. I dont reward bad behavior, darling. All that does is encourage it. His smile faded, darkening with his thoughts, and he raked a hand through his hair. I dont negotiate, Taylor, but we will see. Im not making any promises, he said tracing the delicate curve of her jaw. As you know, I have more than one way of proving my displeasure and getting my point across when that need arises. Be careful what you ask for, sweetheart. She felt her face pale slightly, suddenly unsure of the wisdom in her request. Yes, Sebastian, she agreed, lowering her lashes. I love you. I love you too, baby. Happy birthday.


Sebastian drummed his fingers on his desk, his pale stare locked on the mountain of paperwork piled on the corner of his desk. He scowled, his mood souring even more. Despite the luxurious dcor of his office, it was still sterile and cold. The building itself flooded him with instant hatred and rage, the moment he stepped through headquarter doors. Part of that was his conditioning. The other was so much more. It was leaving Taylor and the comfortable haven of their bed. It was coming to work and knowing what had to be done. His muscles ached with unspent tension, his thoughts forever turning to Marx and the lack of trust the Laychee incident had incited between them. Things would never be the same. His entire outlook had been shattered. He could no longer trust anyone, not even his team, and that was a very dangerous place for someone in his position. A curt knock shattered his thoughts. Pinching his sinuses, he sighed and dropped against the back of his chair, struggling to keep his annoyance under control. Yeah? he barked. The anterior door swung open, revealing a tense looking guard. For the life of him, Sebastian couldnt remember the mans name. The only purpose he served was to keep other people out. Expression hardening, he pinned the man with a look of silent expectance. Vincent Pellagreeni is requesting to see you, sir. Send him in, Sebastian ordered, standing. He remained rooted behind his desk, watching as his teammate surged into the room. Its great to have you back, sir, Vince exclaimed. His face flushed with his bright smile. Sebastian nodded, his gaze dropping to the wad clutched in the other mans hands. His cheeks tightened and the muscles beneath his eye twitched as he regarded the black cloth bundle. Tensing, his hand crept toward the pistol holstered against his hip. Either ignoring his reservations or blissfully unaware of them, Vincent snapped the shirt open. A lopsided grin stretched his bronzed features as he held it up. Check it out, Baas. We made up a bunch of them to celebrate your return. Relaxing some, Sebastian took in the bold lettering. Think youre having a bad day? Go see Dominic. He shook his head and looked away. Just seeing the traitors name flooded him with an instantaneous bloodlust that made Cujos seem benign in comparison. Do you like it, sir? Vince asked. We thought you would appreciate the humor. The technician took an uncertain step back, paling, as Sebastian rounded the desk with narrowed eyes and a questioning tilt of his head. That man betrayed this organization and his team. He damn near killed me and helped facilitate the unspeakable things Laychee and his men did to Taylor and I am supposed to find the situation funny? Vince retreated another step upon hearing the soft, civil tone. No, sir. Not the situation. Just the shirt. Uncertainty flickered across his classically handsome features. The shirt, Sebastian repeated with a stiff nod. He sprung without warning. A startled gasp left his teammate, followed by a pained grunt as Vinces back collided with the wall. Sebastians white-knuckled grip tightened, twisting the other mans collar until his face flushed a dangerous purple.

I dont care what your intentions were. I dont appreciate you making light of the situation. The next time I hear any of you joke about Dominic Chase or his actions, I will rip your fucking throat out and you will join him in that room. Do I make myself clear? Yes, sir, the other man choked. Baas? He shot his partner a cursory glance as he filled the doorway then returned his attention to Vince. The technician offered a mute nod, his dark hazel eyes flared and pleading. Releasing him with a shove, Sebastian tore the shirt from his hands and stormed out of the room. His partners voice echoed in the hall behind him as both men scrambled in his wake. What the hell did you do to him? Josh snapped. I didnt do anything! You just had to poke him with a stick. You couldnt leave well enough alone, could you? I told you not to make those fucking shirts! Blocking the bickering out, he stalked through the corridors in long, determined strides until he reached the cell where Dominic was sequestered. Josh grabbed for his arm, trying to reach for him, but hed already punched in the combination. Baas, wait! What are you going to do? The smell hit him first, the putrid stench enough to drown out the words and world behind him. A tight grimace contorted his face, and he choked back a gag, his eyes swinging to the man shackled in the middle of the room. Burn blisters and open wounds oozed with raging infection. Little of the Dominic he knew remained. Only his eyes were recognizable, and even those had all but vanished behind the swelling and shift of displaced bones. Seeing the traitor broken and afraid was enough to wrest a cruel smile from Sebastians stony countenance, but it wasnt enough to erase the mans sins. I see my men have been treating you well, Dominic. His voice was soft and conversational, almost soothing in its cadence. The man muttered a broken curse, his body flattening in a cringe against the back of his chair. Sebastian smirked. Baasplease the words were muffled, almost incoherent as they tumbled past split and swollen lips. Its a beautiful thing hearing you beg, Agent Chase. Im glad to see your memory hasnt failed you as much as your wisdom. Do you know what the funny thing is about hate? he asked, coming to a stop in front of his former teammate. It never falters. Even in someones absence. Its a toxic poison that keeps seeping under your skin. No matter how hard you scrub, you can never cant get rid of it. Dominic cowered in his seat as Sebastian steeled his jaw and pulled his knife free. The wicked steel blade glinted beneath the solitary overhead light in a menacing flash. Im sorryso sorrynot my fault Baaslisten to me. The pleas came in a fragmented and broken stream. Leaning over him, Sebastian gripped the back of the chair with a damning shake of his head. Im not interested in your excuses, he stated. Only in hearing you scream. Slamming his hand down, he buried the knife between Dominics legs, pinning the man to his seat. The room echoed with his teammates earsplitting wails. Bloody mucus shot past his nose and lips as Dominic screamed and bucked against his chair so hard it tipped. Sebastian righted the man with a cold smile. You knew you had this coming. Was it worth it? he whispered, stroking the side of Domincs

head with mock affection. Was it worth betraying me and your team? Was it worth going after the woman I love? His teammates negative simper turned to a deafening scream as Sebastian twisted the knife and yanked his blade free. As fun as this has been, its not nearly gratifying enough. No, there is only one thing I truly want from you, Dominic. Steeling his jaw, Sebastian wrenched his pistol free and leveled it at the mans face. A brief twinge of satisfaction flooded him as the thunderous boom of his Desert Eagle reverberated off concrete and through his skull. Closing his eyes, he relished the warm, telltale mist that splattered his skin. Josh exploded in a flurry of curses behind him. Eyes wide and fearful, his partner flattened against the wall with his hands splayed as he pushed past. Stopping in the hall, Sebastian wiped his face and tossed the bloody shirt at Vince. The gunshot brought personnel running, and a small crowd was already starting to gather in the grim, grey corridor. Lifting his chin, he regarded them with squared shoulders. This is the last act of mercy you will see from me. Cross me or come near my family again and you wont find yourselves as fortunate, he warned. Stunned whispers followed on his heels as he strode toward his office, leaving his team to ponder his words. Josh jogged behind him, his breath coming in quiet pants as he begged Sebastian to wait. Once inside the private chambers, his partner slammed the doors shut and sagged against them, his expression wild and bewildered. What the fuck was that? Have you lost your ever loving mind? Sebastian set his pistol down, poured himself a drink, and took a seat behind his desk before lifting his gaze. I believe I made my reasons perfectly clear, he said, swirling the amaretto whiskey in his glass. Josh gaped at him in disbelief. Are you trying to get us both killed? His shoulders jerked in a humorless huff and he downed his drink. Setting the thick tumbler on his desk, Sebastian stood. No, Josh. Believe it or not, I am trying to save us. And just how in the hell do you figure that? Marx is going to have a fucking field day with this one, Baas, and you know it! Marxright, he repeated as he made his way over to the window gracing the right side of the room. I did what needed done. If you have a problem with that, I suggest you take it elsewhere. Let me deal with Marx as I see fit. Josh flung his arms open in helpless display. And how are you gonna do that? Huh? You just gonna walk in there and shoot him too, Baas? What do you think will happen to you then? Hell, how are you going to do anything when youre locked down in a reconditioning cell? If you have a plan for that one, Id really love to hear it. My plans are not your concern. Send Agent Pellagreeni in on your way out. He tensed at the sound of shattering glass behind him. Turning, he took in the broken remains of the framed diploma Josh had batted off the wall. Blue clashed with green. Shooting him a look of disgust, his partner flung the door open and slammed it behind him with enough force to rattle the room. Sebastians shoulders dropped. The rift was upsetting, but there was nothing he could do. Not yet. Sometimes in order to truly save someone, you had to let them go. His thoughts spun to Taylor and his heart wrenched as he prayed it never came down to that with her. Losing his partner, even losing his career he could handle. But TaylorTaylor was everything. A loud knock announced Vincents arrival. Calling the other man in, he glanced at the clock

and tried to assess how much time he had before Marx came barging through the door. However long it was, it wouldnt be long enough. You requested to see me, sir? Vince asked, doing his best to conceal the rattle of uncertainty in his voice. He nodded. I did. Would you like a drink, Agent Pellagreeni? No, sir. Thank you. About what happened earlier, I Relax, Sebastian ordered with a forced smile. Judging from the way the other man flinched, the attempt only served to heighten his teammates anxiety. Weve worked together for a long time now, Vincent. Its been what? Five years now? Six? Six this summer, sir. Right, he stated. Sauntering behind his desk, he retrieved his pistol, not missing the way the other mans eyes flared. And in that time, there have been many changes. Not all of them have been beneficial to this team. Would you agree with that assessment? The other mans terrified gaze remained locked on the gun in his hand. Iuhyes, sir. I suppose. Its a simple question, Vincent. Yes or no. Please Sebastian cut him off with an annoyed wave of his hand. The technician winced, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. Sweat beaded beneath the line of his dark blond hair and he glanced at the door, as if silently begging someone to come bail him out. Ignoring the man, Sebastian continued: Two team members have turned in the past six months. That tells me there is a very serious issue with this organization. What concerns me even more is what happened with Laychee. Once they have someone in their sights, nothing escapes SKALS attention. I would like to know how a man we had under surveillance managed to not only slip through the cracks, but break into my home and damn near kill the woman I keep in my bed. II dont know, sir. I wasnt on duty that night. I swear. I believe you, Sebastian said, his voice barely above a whisper. Do you know where I am headed with this? Im assuming you believe Laychee had help from someone else besides Agent Chase, sir. Someone else on the inside. Smart man, Sebastian said with a terse smile. Setting his gun down, he took a long swill of whiskey. His eyes closed as he relished the sweet burn and released a heavy sigh. One slight screw-up aside, you have always served me and this team well, Vincent, and despite everything that has happened lately, that is exactly what we are. We are a team. A well-oiled unit that functions together. I have done what I could to preserve those ties, and I have always aimed to protect those under me, no matter how high the cost. You have, sir, Vincent agreed. You have been angling for a promotion for quite some time. What this organization needs is change. I am going to move you out of Com-Tech and place you in Intelligence and Recon, but you are going to do something for me in exchange. Really? I meanyes, sir. Thank you. Anything, Vince said, the troubled lines on his forehead subsiding as gratitude replaced his fear. Strolling across the room, Sebastian closed in on the man. Their eyes locked when the deep boom of Marxs voice rolled through the hall beyond his office. Dominic didnt act alone. I need to know who else was in on this. I want names. Bring me

whatever information you can find. Your discretion is of vast importance in these matters, because I swear to you, when all is said and done, I will have their fucking heads on a stick. Are we clear? Very. Good. Get out, he ordered. Head bobbing in confirmation, Vince made a beeline for the door. He staggered back, almost capsizing, as the metal barrier swung open without warning and struck his shoulder. Marx pinned the man with an unapologetic glare before storming the rest of the way into the room. The former technician slipped past him in humbled silence, leaving Sebastian to face the commander on his own. Marxs eyes glinted, the dark pits black and full of venom. What the hell just happened out there? he bellowed. Who gave you permission to waltz in and off a man in our custody? I did, Sebastian stated. It was my team. You kept Dominic alive so I could have my revenge and I had it. That mans crimes were against SKALS. Not just you! It wasnt your call to make, Marx snarled. Is that so? Gritting his teeth, Sebastian returned to his station by the window. I was the one bound to a chair with a knife to my throat. I was the one with a plastic bag over my head, and it was my home Laychee and his men broke into. I would say that made his transgressions very much against me. You are out of line, Baas. Out of line and completely out of control. Much like the party you held for her over the weekend, your engagement to Miss McAvay was another announcement that seems to have slipped my attention. If I didnt know any better, I would say you are trying to keep me out of the loop. It was a private affair. I saw no reason to invite you, much less think you would want to attend. The directors lips pursed with a dark scowl. It didnt sound private to me, Sebastian. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Dominic Chase and I were the only members of this team not invited to your little shindig. Is that what this is about? Youre riding my ass over a few hurt feelings? I have warned you before to use the girl as an outlet for your body. Nothing else. I need your head in the game, and one way or another I will have it. Big changes are coming. Changes that will catapult this organization and its power to levels beyond your wildest dreams. You are going to head those efforts. Lifting his chin, he regarded the commander. Loathing bubbled to the surface along with an icy twinge of fear. What levels? What the hell did the man have planned now? Did any of it tie into what had happened with Dominic and Laychee? The thought made his blood run cold. Do you have something you wish to add to this conversation, Agent Baas? Taking a slow step back, he spread his palms and forced a tight smile. I look forward to seeing what the future brings. Good. The shrill chirp of Sebastians phone interrupted any other comments Marx might have had. Tamping down a sigh, he pulled it from his pocket and regarded Taylors name. Apprehension made his neck muscles throb. Careful to keep his face passive, he swiped a finger across the screen. Now is not a good time. What do you need? he bit out curtly. Taylor hesitated on the other end. I didnt mean to interrupt anything. I was just wondering if I could leave the house now that everything is over. You got me that beautiful new black 300 for my

birthday and Id really like to drive it. Yeah. Fine, just make sure you take Rupert with you. It crushed him, but he hung up without saying another word. Marx stared at him with an amused quirk on his lips. It took everything he had not to grab his gun and blast the smug look off the commanders face. Making midday phone calls now? That brings me to my final point, Agent Baas. Your life is not yours to do with as you please. SKALS still owns your ass and I still run that show. Stop trying to be something youre not. Something you will never be. And what would that be? he asked, returning his phone to his front pocket. Human. Shut yourself down and pull back from the girl or I will do it for you. I guarantee that experience is something neither of you will find pleasant. Sebastian stiffened. As much as he hated having to swallow the thinly veiled threats there were too many witnesses, too many unknown factors to go after the man now. He needed proof, something tangible he could use to tie the commander not just to the set-up, but to exchanging information with Laychee as well. If he was ever going to have a shot at taking the bastard down, he needed to prove their director had crawled into bed with the enemy. Otherwise, he risked certain death and the charge of treason. Giving a stiff nod, he turned back to his desk. The moment Marx left, he released the breath hed been holding with a low growl. His body shook with unspent anger and his eyes watered with soul numbing rage. Big changes were coming indeed. Hed go down fighting before he watched the world burn. He knew the truth. When it came to men like Marx and power, a simple saying applied. Once a whore, always a whore, and with that in mind, he had a very sick feeling they were all about to get screwed.

Taylors jaw dropped as she regarded the hulking security guard and the assault rifle cradled in the hard curve of his bicep. Snapping her mouth shut, she gave an adamant shake of her head. Uh-uh. No. Just no. Really, Rupert? Seeing his baffled expression, she gaped at him in disbelief. I dont think they are going to let you into the grocery store with that thing, much less the mall. The jagged scar etching the side of his face stood out even brighter as his skin colored. Shifting uncomfortably, the Cajun dropped his gaze to the weapon in question. I was told to bring a gun, Miss Taylor. Thats what this is. Its a damn good one, too. Military issued with a high precision scope. I can see that, Rupert. Dont you have anything else you could bring? she asked, propping her hands on her hips. SomethingI dont knowa little more discreet? No, Maam. Agent Baas called and promised he would make me beg for death should any harm come to you. Given his track record in that department, this seemed like the safest choice. Her lips flattened. There was no arguing with that logic. However, she wasnt about to have her entire day ruined because Sebastian felt the need to be vastly overprotective and encourage the same paranoia in their employees. When it came to the weapon caliber both men bolstered, a bullet was a bullet and dead was dead. Reaching over. She patted the outside of the head of securitys arm. Were going shopping in Flagstaff not Bosnia, Rupert. Go grab a handgun. A short while later, the warm spring breeze poured through the open windows, and the radio blared a mix of upbeat songs from Moniques mp3 player. The blonde sat semi-reclined in the seat beside her, one slender foot propped on the dashboard, charms on her ankle bracelet jangling as she

tapped along to the music. Glancing in the review mirror, Taylor grinned. Irene sat nestled in the backseat, her ample bosom pressed against Rupert, much to the guards chagrin. His poor face had already run a rapid gambit of colors, and the lusty waitress hadnt even gotten started yet. Hell, baby cakes. Maybe this having a bodyguard thing isnt so bad after all, the redhead teased as she traced a bright pink nail over the solid outline of his chest. If they all look like this one, go ahead and sign me up. Monique rolled her eyes heavenward while Taylor shook with silent laughter. I know what youre thinking right now, but shes not so bad. You just have to get to know her. I think I have the wrong parts for that. Women like her have a one-track mind, Tay. If theres no peen its not seen. Speaking of, you do realize she would jump my brothers bones in a heartbeat. She could try, but unless theres ruffies and restraints involved, I just dont see that one working out in her favor. Ruffies and restraints. It sounds like a hardcore band! Monique sniggered and let her head fall back against the headrest. Good point. As vicious as Seb can be, I dont think calling someone a redheaded hose beast is a term of endearment. Not even for him. He didnt! He so did. Taylors mouth snapped shut and she gave a small pout. God! I miss all of the fun stuff! Her sulky declaration made them both laugh. Taylor slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the car beside them and grunted as her seat suddenly jerked backward with Irenes weight. The potent smell of floral perfume washed over her, making her wince as the waitress propped her chin on her shoulder and grinned. Maam, please sit back, Rupert urged, reaching for her. Irene batted his hand away. Dont call me Maam. It makes me feel old, and if youre going to put your hands on me, sugar, at least be a gentleman about it and try to make it fun for me too. Taylor couldnt help but burst into laughter. Even Monique tittered quietly beside her. Now that that conversation is out of the way, whatre you two talking about up there? Irene asked, grinning, as she gave a sharp crack of her gum. Nothing, Monique said with a wave of her slender hand. Just family stuff. Oh. We almost there? Taylor shrugged out from under the pointy jab of her friends chin. Just a few more minutes. Go ahead and go back to mauling Rupert. Hes starting to look a little lonely back there. Gee, thank you so much, Miss Taylor. Droll sarcasm laced the guards Southern baritone. Its mighty nice of you to take my feelings under such consideration. Monique stifled a laugh, her green eyes sparkling with mischief and humor. Someones spunky today. Id watch that if I were you, big guy. My brother takes as kindly to people disrespecting his fiance as he does them touching her. Rupert blanched, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to formulate an ample apology. Oh come on. I wouldnt go quite that far, Mo, Taylor chimed with a pleasant smile. Besides, I think poor Rupert here can make up for it by carrying our bags later. What do you think? The blonde pursed her lips and tapped them with her forefinger. HmmI dont know. I suppose so. Thank you, Maam, Rupert said, his tone much more subdued. I appreciate your kindness.

Youre welcome. I do aim to please, but you better do it without complaint or all bets are off and I will tell my brother how mouthy his staff likes to get in his absence. Sensing the teasing in her tone, Taylor tried her best not to ruin Moniques charade. Instead, she plied her future sister-in-law with a questioning look. Hey, my brother isnt the only smart one in our family, she said, settling back in her seat with a triumphant smile. I might not be intimidating, but Ive definitely learned to work with what Ive got. Taylor watched the statuesque beauty blow the imaginary dust off her claws and offered a conspiring wink. Well played, wicked one. Well played. Tension rolled off Sebastian as he shrugged out of his overcoat and draped it over the hook in the laundry room. The alluring smell of roast beef and mushrooms wafted through the house, along with the fresh scent of lemon floor cleaner. Drawing in a deep breath, he closed his eyes, trying to latch on to some semblance of calm. Hed almost found it when the sound of approaching footsteps made him tense up again. Whirling, he regarded Taylor as she opened the door and graced him with a welcoming smile. Dropping onto the bench, he tugged his laces free and pulled off his boots while she lingered uncertainly above him, her delicate features already starting to pinch with worry. I didnt mean to interrupt anything today. Its fine. It was just bad timing. If you need to call me, call. End of story. I will. I just dont want to cause you any problems at work, Seb. After the day hed just had, the thought was almost laughable. A poorly timed phone call was the least of his concerns. His stomach twisted as he replayed the conversation with Marx in his head. Blowing out a deep breath, he scrubbed a hand across his nape. The last thing he needed was to keep clinging to the rage and pressure the past nine hours had inspired. Dont worry about my job, he said. Whatever happens there is my problem, not yours. Let me handle it, Taylor. Okay. Where did you go today? Just to the grocery store and we made a quick stop at the mall. I think you might like one of the things I bought, though. I tried to put at least some of that hard-earned money of yours to good use. He fought the knowing smile that threatened. This was a much safer topic. For both of them. Is that so? Mmm hmm. Springing to his feet, he backed her across the room, pinning her against the front of the washer. Her back bowed with the force. Bracing her hands against the lid behind her, Taylor searched his eyes for understanding. Seizing her chin, Sebastian slanted his mouth across hers in hard, brutal claim. Her fingers sought purchase in his hair, but he grabbed her wrists and trapped them against the washer. Surging the hard lines of his body against hers in a seductive grind, he captured her earlobe between his teeth. If its anything that is going to cover that hot little body of yours, I wouldnt count on it making me happy, he warned in a throaty growl. Taylor shifted beneath him, the gooseflesh covering her arms growing denser. Youre thinking about it all wrong, she said, attempting to squirm away from the rough scrape of stubble

against her skin. Am I now? he asked, raising a brow. Mmm hmm. Youre supposed to look at it as a bow. Something pretty to make the package a little more decorative. He traced the swell of her breast, his touch pensive. I am not a patient man, Taylor. Pretty wrapping only tends to get torn. That said, Im sure I will take great pleasure in seeing what tonight holds. She shivered and splayed her hands against his chest. If the gesture was meant to ward him off, it failed. Her pout sent a rush of blood straight to his groin, and he battled with the urge to tear her clothes right then and there to prove his point. Nothing would ever compare to the exquisite grip of her body or her husky cries when he drove himself home. Nothing. Nothing measured up to her smile or the unconditional love she gave. He wanted it all, and he wanted it in spades. What if you dont like it? she whispered, toying with one of the buttons on his shirt. The action drew him back to the task on hand. A slow smile curved his lips as he hooked a finger under her jaw and tipped her face to his. Then you are going to spend a very long night making things up to me. Taylor lowered her eyes beneath his smoldering stare. That sounds like a threat, Agent Baas. I dont make threats, darling. That was a promise. One I am very much looking forward to carrying out. Youre setting me up to fail, and you havent even seen it yet! she accused, batting his arm. Thats not fair! Life isnt fair, sweetheart, he said, capturing her hands. How long before dinner? Its just about done. Im starving, Taylor admitted. I should be good for a month after the huge lunch I had, but my tummy is already growling. He rubbed her abdomen, the remnants of his smile fading beneath a frown. Youre not coming down with something again, are you? No, Sebs. Im fine. Just hungry is all. He nodded. Go change. Im going to take a quick shower. When I come down, I want to see you in this surprise you mentioned. Her cheeks burned a bright crimson. Its not exactly proper dinner attire, Sebastian. I dont care what is proper or what isnt. My house, my rules, Taylor. Do you need me to remind you of that? No, Sebby. Good girl, he murmured, brushing his thumb over her cheek. Get yourself ready. I will see you in a few. A short while later, Taylor startled at the sound of a low, tortured groan erupting behind her. Sebastian stood frozen in the archway, his eyes glued to the skimpy black lace spanning her curves. Instant hunger and a predatory gleam ignited their pale shamrock depths. She bit her lip, her cheeks growing hotter, as he directed her to turn with a twist of his finger. Smoothing her hands over the narrow strip stretched over her abdomen, she did as directed. A deep rumble rose from his chest as she leaned over the end of the dining room table and brazenly arched her back, affording him a glimpse of the thin satin ribbons that crisscrossed her skin. They ended in a pert bow above the low riding lace hugging her hips. Dear God, he murmured. Are you trying to kill me, Taylor?

She stifled a laugh. No, Sebby. Far from. He trailed his fingers across the silky strips spanning her back. I dont believe you, he whispered. You have no idea the things I am going to do to you later. The throb building between her legs became unbearable. She wriggled in place, trying to alleviate some of her discomfort. Sebastian straightened, pulling away from her with a hard look. His eyes locked with hers as he rounded the table. Sit, he ordered. Am I in trouble? she asked, taking her seat. One corner of his mouth twitched. I would say so, darling. Does that mean you dont like it? She relaxed upon hearing his quiet laugh. Quite the opposite, Taylor. If you werent so hungry, I would show you just how much the sight of you appeals to me. I wouldnt complain, she teased. Mmm. No you wouldnt, darling. But you would be eating your dinner quite sore and naked. Is that what you would prefer? She tried to hide her smile and shook her head. No, sir. He nodded with a knowing wink. Eat. Sebastian didnt bother waiting until shed cleared the table. Hed eaten a light dinner, much more content to sip his wine and watch her than anything else. The moment her fork hit her plate, he was out of his chair. She marveled at his lightning quick reflexes as he hauled her out of her seat and spun her around. Her chest and cheek collided with the wall in a forceful press. Pinning her with his weight, he grabbed one of her arms and pulled it behind her back. A slight tremble of apprehension raced down her spine as his breath fell against her skin. The heat served as a subtle reminder of what could happen when someone played with fire. Long, powerful fingers splayed across her back, sliding all the way up to the base of her neck to spear through her sable locks. His hand closed without warning. Using his newfound hold, Sebastian hauled her head back, wringing a gasp from her lips as he forced the slender column of her neck to bow. His body flattened against hers, his erection hard and unyielding as he rocked against her. Gooseflesh erupted as his hand settled across her throat and his deep growl wound through her. You are mine. Every inch of you belongs to me, and tonight I am going to remind you of that in ways you never imagined. Do you give yourself to me, Taylor? Do you want to submit? Oh yes, Sebastianplease. Her words came in a breathless pant. Mmm. Good girl, he whispered. He moved behind her and the soft rustle of clothing filled her ears, but it wasnt his naked body that followed. It was the unexpectedly cool touch of silk as it wound around her wrist and cinched tight. Reaching around, he jerked her other hand back and bound it as well. There was a roughness and determination in his actions that scared her. Seb? No talking. You claim you want me to take you, Taylor. Now youre going to give yourself to me completely and without question. The hard muscle of his thigh wedged between hers, keeping her pinned in place as he rummaged once again. This time, she dared a peek. Fear mingled with curiosity as he drew another silk tie from his pocket. Wordlessly, he wrapped it around her head and covered her eyes, casting her into blindness. She stumbled as he used the ties to pull her off the wall. His strong hands steadied her,

guiding her as he led the way out of the dining room. Smooth wood gave way to the rougher stone floor of the foyer beneath her bare feet. Then plush carpeting sank beneath her toes, letting her know they were in the living room. Pressing on her shoulders, Sebastian forced her onto the edge of a couch cushion. Every little sound seemed amplified a million times over as her ears strained in an attempt to track his movements. Excitement rushed through her listening to him shed his clothes with a grunt of impatience. She frowned in confusion as the whisper of his feet against the carpet retreated, signaling his departure. Music drifted through the room and the sensual, haunting notes of Sigur Rs Untitled 7 washed over her. The CD was a favorite of his and often played in their bedroom. Seconds stretched into an endless eternity as she held her breath and waited for a sign from her lover. An unexpected shift of movement to her left startled her, wringing a surprised cry from her lips. Sebastians slow chuckle was music to her ears. Looking for someone? Any answer she had died as his fingers locked in her hair and drew her forward with a sharp jerk. The woodsy smell of his soap filled her nose, along with the dark, sensual aroma that was his and his alone. Desire lanced her as the velvety tip of his cock traced her lips, demanding entrance. Open, he ordered. Obeying, she drew him in deep, wringing a sharp inhale from her lover. The experience was completely different with her hands bound. Any semblance of control she had was gone. She was entirely at Sebastians mercy as he used the hold on her hair to guide her. She braced herself, fully expecting to gag, but he kept the pace slow and the drive of his hips steady. Good girl, he whispered, his blunt fingertips rubbing her scalp in praise. Warm bliss spiraled through her. Relaxing completely, she surrendered herself to the experience. There was love and there was trust. His uneven breaths and groans of pleasure were a soothing balm to her soul. All she could hear, all she could smell, all she could feel was Sebastian and the power he held. He was the only thing that existed. Pleasing him was all that mattered. She almost wept with frustration when he pulled free of her mouth with an audible plop. A firm grip hauled her to her feet. Her senses spun, and her body still mourned the loss of his as Sebastian led her to the far end of the room. A small quiver of anticipation wracked her as he lifted her up. She felt for him, but he stayed out of reach, the warm fan of his breath the only touch he gave. Frowning, Taylor shifted against the cool press of wood beneath her butt. She explored her surroundings, her curiosity heightening as her fingers danced over the soft stretch of felt behind her. She cried out with a combination of shock and pain as Sebastian tugged the lacy scrap between her thighs and gave it a sharp wrench. The thin fabric abraded her skin, before giving way. The sound of rending fabric filled her ears as the matching demi cups followed suit and her breasts spilled free. Sebastian tore the rest away with equal impatience, the onslaught as frightening as it was frustrating. Dammit, Sebby! Taylor could almost feel his gaze fly up from the tattered remains of his handiwork to bore into her. The weight was inescapable. Though unseen, it was heavy enough to steal her breath. Her heartbeat drummed a little faster as she realized her mistake. Both of them. You are treading a very fine line, darling, he whispered against her ear, making her jump. You belong to me, and I will do as I please. That includes ripping away whatever obstacles you chose to place before me. The decision is yours, but I would much rather it be cries of pleasure I wring from your lips tonight. A low moan escaped her as he kissed a path across her jaw. One hand settled over her throat in

a reminder of his control. The other pinched a nipple into a stiff peak and twisted as he claimed her lips with a maddening tenderness. She found herself rocking helplessly against the pool table in an attempt to find friction until his strong hands snared her hips and tugged them to the edge. She struggled to keep her balance. Madness threatened as he rubbed his cock along her slit, slicking the way. His finger traced the rim of her clit, but never touched the desperate nub. She thrashed her head in pleading, her lips following suit. Sebastian paused above her. Gripping her thighs, he opened her to him even more, and her lofty cry filled the room when he finally thrust inside her. He plunged slowly at first, only teasing her with the promise of things to come. He kept her bordering on the brink forever. Just when she thought she couldnt take any more of the deep, languid tempo, his hands spanned her hipbones, his grip bruising as he picked up the pace. The sharp slap of flesh echoed around them along with Sebastians menacing growls of satisfaction as he drove into her. He claimed her with wild, animalistic hunger, his long, thick length stabbing fast and true. Pleasure mingled with the most delicious pain, both driving her closer and closer to the edge. She wanted nothing more than to see the bliss carving his handsome face. To be robbed of it was torture. She tried to imagine it, but a sharp yank to her hair wrested her from her fantasies and jerked her back to the present. His voice came in a guttural command against her ear. Come for me. One hand left her hip and he ground the pad of his thumb against her clit in a forceful swirl. Taylor tumbled against the table, her back arching as she pressed into the rhythmic roll of his thumb and the heavy drive of his cock. The urgent plea in her throat turned into one of keening desperation. Her body stiffened, snapping off the table as wave after wave of pleasure battered her. She was drowning. Drowning in herself and drowning in him. Colors exploded behind her eyes and all traces of air fled her lungs as Sebastian fucked her even harder. His thumb never stopped its merciless administrations and her shell-shocked system refused to switch off. Release kept coming, throb after throb, until her voice was hoarse from her sobs. Slamming into her a final time, Sebastian stilled and shuddered with a triumphant roar. He kissed the side of her face as his nimble fingers worked to pull the blindfold free. It took a few seconds for her vision to adjust. By the time she could decipher shapes, Sebastian had already untied her hands. She winced as he rubbed them between his and the blood came rushing back in a surge of pins and needles. Still sweaty and flushed, he donned a lopsided grin. You werent supposed to lay on them, baby. I didnt know. I cou--I couldnt help it. Blinking, she tried to get the room to stop spinning and some of the cloudy haze still blanketing the room. Sebastian scooped her off the ledge of the pool table and eased her onto the plush cushions of the chaise lounge. She glanced up, searching his face, as he smoothed the damp hair off her forehead. Ill clear the dining room and put things away. Stay here. Youre going to need all the energy you can get. Im far from finished with you, he warned. She couldnt contain her tired smile. You have an insatiable appetite, Sebby. Its a wonder I can still walk most days. His husky laughter rolled through the room. That I do, baby. You have no one to blame but yourself though, he mused, tracing the ridge of her bottom lip. I was never like this until I met you. I could always take women or leave them. But you I can never get enough of. I can never get my fill. You fill me plenty, Special Agent Baas. Plenty and then some. He chortled under his breath and rocked to his feet. Silly girl. Enjoy the break. I expect you

ready again and waiting for me when I return.


Moonlight spilled through the windows, bathing the study in a soft, silvery glow. Reluctance lined his forehead as Sebastian turned the flash drive in his fingers. Hed worn himself out earlier, but even the exhausting extent of their lovemaking had not been enough to lure him to sleep. Rest remained elusive. A taunting beast. His heart felt heavy as the cycle of the past continued to plague him. There had been a time when hed believed the years of service and dedication hed poured into SKALS had counted for something in Marxs eyes. Now, he was no longer sure. Growling beneath his breath, he flipped his laptop open and downed the rest of his scotch as he waited for the system to fire. A few seconds later, he jammed the key into the USB slot and braced himself. Josh was right. Some things he didnt need to see, but as true as that was, he needed answers. Answers only the flash drive could give. His stomach knotted as he watched the first of the blinding explosions detonate in his yard and Laychees men descend on his former security team in a shadowy horde. Gunfire ensuedmost of it one sided due to the staggering effects of the flash bangs and, within a matter of seconds, the bastards engulfed his home. Bile rose, scalding his throat as the footage cut to the inside of the house and he watched Taylor try to scramble for safety. The only comfort he had was the pride he felt watching her fight back. Even that dimmed beneath the crippling bite of anguish. As brave as shed been, as hard as shed tried, it hadnt been enough. None of it had. Not his promises. Not the security. Not her fighting with every ounce of strength she had. Swallowing against the uncomfortable surge of emotion, he watched them haul her into his study. A cold chill raced down his spine as he watched Laychee leer over her, and later, the men hed seen on the video call in the warehouse. His teeth cut into the sides of his cheeks and flooded his mouth with the sweet coppery tang of blood as the rest of the puzzle slowly started to fall into place. The neurotoxins theyd injected her with were a cold move. Completely paralyzed, shed been unable to move, but the horror in her eyes was unmistakable. She was like a butterfly caught in a deadly spiders clutches: alive, but mostly dead, and all too aware of the cruelty they inflicted. His fists balled, the short crescents of his nails biting deep into his palms as they beat her, but what happened next damn near destroyed him. One of the men trailed the barrel of a pistol up the inside of Taylors thigh until it disappeared beneath the bloody and tattered hem of her tee. His insides burned as if theyd been doused in gasoline. Clamping a hand over his mouth, Sebastian dropped against the back of his chair. He ripped his gaze away, unable to bear the sight of them violating her. His breath came in labored spurts. It took him a moment to realize the anguished noises flooding the room came from his own throat. Gouging his palms against his closed lids, he fought to keep the tears at bay. Dinner threatened to resurface and his heart shattered. She didnt deserve that. No one did. Rape wasnt an uncommon form of torture, but it was one hed always abstained from. Being inside a woman was far too personal, the connection existent no matter how fleeting. What those men did to Taylor wasnt subjective. It was sick and brutal. Even by his standards. It took everything he had not to hurl the laptop across the room. Knowing what they did was too much. Whatever Josh had done, whatever gruesome ends those men had met, it wouldnt be enough. Nothing would. He launched his glass into the mantel with a heated snarl. Minutes ticked by

as he struggled to get himself back under control. For a moment, he regretted not watching the tapes before hed visited Dominic. At least then, he would have had the satisfaction of knowing someone still suffered every ounce of humiliation and torture Taylor had endured. Dead or not, the son-of-abitch could count himself a very lucky man. Pulling his thoughts back to the present, Sebastian glanced up in time to see Henderson stagger into frame and prop himself up against the doorway. Despite the blood running down his face, the guard managed to get two shots off before taking a hit to his midsection. He caught the third assailant on his way down. Realization struck Sebastian with a physical force. His breath faltered and shame spread clear down to his core. Hed almost taken the guy out when he caught Taylor giving him a cup of coffee. Hed almost eliminated the only thing that kept her alive. The thought numbed him and, pinching the bridge of his nose, he winced. That small act of mercy had been his only saving grace. If not for Henderson, Taylor would have died. Frowning, Sebastian pushed those thoughts aside and keyed into the security systems data logs. Only two automated calls had left the house that night. One had triggered the application on his phone. The other bounced back as unreturned from headquarters. His brow furrowed at the lack of response. It wasnt concrete enough to peg anything as deliberate on Marxs end, but it did nothing to lower the red flags of caution either. Had Josh placed a call requesting backup by then, or was there another reason there had been no response? Seb? His head snapped up at the lilting notes of Taylors voice. Doing his best to pull himself back together, he tried to force a reassuring smile. Yeah, baby? What are you doing? Why arent you in bed? One side of his mouth lifted in a rueful tilt. I couldnt sleep. He shut the laptop and stood before carefully picking his way over the shards of broken glass and making his way to where she stood. Worry shone in Taylors grey eyes, dimming them to a shade of dark iron as she took in the sharp slivers on the floor. What happened? Its nothing, Taylor. Ill take care of it. Go back to bed. I will be right up. She bit her lip, doubt and uncertainty lining her face. Now, Taylor, he directed. Images of the men assaulting her on the floor slammed through him without warning. Guilt and shame battered him as he wondered how she could even bear to set foot in that room. Sebastian slammed his eyes shut. He was going to get sick. Plowing a hand through his hair, he staggered back a step and turned away. Taylor rushed to his side, her hands fluttering over his back in a frantic show of concern. Im all right, he said, twisting out of her reach. Just stop it and get out of here before you cut your feet. Please dont push me away. Dont shut me out. Talk to me, Seb. Tell me whats wrong so I can help fix it. A half-crazed laugh bubbled from his lips. Turning, he regarded her with a questioning tilt of his head. Fix it? No, Taylor. There is no fixing it. If I had any decency left in me at all, I would tell you to run as fast and far away from me as you could, but I cant, and I dont. He shook his head. Even that wouldnt help. Theres nowhere to hide. No way to escape and I just cant keep doing this!

The last words left him in a frustrated roar. Whirling, he cleared the desktop with a furious sweep of his arm. Taylor cried out. Terror branded her face as she stumbled away, her hands raised in entreaty. His heart ached at the sight of her, but he had no words of comfort to give. He was too empty and consumed with rage. When she finally spoke, her voice was so quiet he had to strain to hear it. Sebyoure scaring me. Please talk to me. I need to know that were okay. He flung his arms open in hopeless exasperation. Nothing is okay, Taylor. Nothing. Everything is so screwed up right now, and I dont see a way out of any of it. Not for you, and not for me. Is that what you wanted to hear? Does that make you feel better? What do you mean? He refused to answer. He couldnt. The reality of it all hurt too much. Hed already dragged her too far into the cesspool surrounding his life as it was. Do you still love me? she asked, her voice breaking. His eyes snapped to hers and flared with disbelief. How the hell could she even ask that? Rage clouded his vision, drenching the room in a dim, red haze. Then, her words sank in. Crossing the room, he reached for her only to have her inch away, doubt and accusations contorting her face. His instincts threatened to get the better of him, the desperate, innate need to capture and subdue anything that tried to escape. Before those impulses could strengthen, he lunged and caught Taylor in his arms. She stiffened, twisting in her efforts to break free. Stop it, he growled, crushing her against his chest. Her fists balled. Sensing her intentions, he tightened his grip. Her struggling was bad enough. Hitting him was a surefire way to trigger every vile instinct SKALS had ever installed. I said stop! She froze, snapping to rigid attention upon hearing the forceful boom in his voice. A small shudder wound through her body, making it tremble against his. Stroking the back of her head, Sebastian buried his nose in her hair. Stop fighting me, he warned. I love you, Taylor. You are my entire world. Nothing is ever going to change that and nothing is ever going to tear me away from you. I promise. Much to his relief, she relaxed some in his arms. Then what is it? Why wont you tell me? I cant. Josh doesnt even know the full extent of things right now. You have to trust me, Taylor. You have to believe everything Im doing is to protect you and make a better life for us. I swear to you, I will do that with my dying breath if thats what it takes. She paled. Sebby Shh. I shouldnt have blown up like that. Work is just starting to get under my skin. Were fine, baby. Everything is going to be fine, he soothed, planting a tender kiss against her head. Go back to bed. I will be up to join you in a minute. I dont feel good. All the more reason for you to get some sleep, he murmured. He brushed his lips across her brow in gentle search. If anything, her skin felt cool and clammy. Concern washed away the final remnants of his anger, and Sebastians eyes drifted shut. She tried to hide it, but shed been tiring easily since theyd been home. He felt a twinge of guilt knowing the evening had probably been too much for her. Dont worry about anything tomorrow. Ill bring dinner home. You just stay in bed and take it easy. Youve been pushing yourself too hard and too fast. Its just nerves. Ill be okay. What did I just say? he asked, the hard edge creeping back into his voice. Its not worth you

running yourself into the ground. This isnt up for discussion. Get your butt in bed and keep it there or I will make you wish you had. Is that clear? Crystal, she grumbled. Fisting her hair, he wrenched her closer. Using her startled gasp to his benefit, he crushed his mouth against her parted lips. Taylor slackened in his grip, her body melding against his in a humble show of acceptance. Lose the attitude, he warned, rubbing the sting out of the back of her head before he released her. Dont keep pushing me, Taylor. The next time you do, I guarantee you wont like how I rein you back in. Yes, Sebastian. Goodnight. Night, baby. He watched her pad down the hall with a slow shake of his head. From the beginning, hed conditioned her to respond to his touch. Hed wanted her to need him, to crave him as surely as she craved the air she breathed. What he hadnt counted on was the way those games would affect him. That desire cut both ways. A mere kiss spurred instant hunger. His body ached with longing and the desperate need to be inside her again, despite the fact that they were both exhausted and sore. Cursing, Sebastian levered off the doorframe and started picking up his office. Hed hoped the mindless actions would cool his blood and dampen his desire but, in the end, it was the memories of what had happened that ultimately dosed those flames. Fingers curled around his mouth, Sebastian stared at the wall and watched the seconds tick by. His thoughts were a frantic whirlwind. The morning meeting had gone well, but Marxs plans had thrown a definite wrench into his plans. The director was bringing in fresh blood, new members to fill the vacant slots in the team. Not only did that mean the added hassle of training those men, but it meant unforeseen obstacles as well. Extra wild cards he didnt need. He couldnt help but think it was a shrewd move on the commanders end, and that led him to wonder what bases Marx was trying to cover. Then there was phase two, the expansion of power. Whatever the hell that was. He still couldnt wrap his mind around the entire scope of that project or what it might entail. All he knew was it wasnt good. His instincts warned as much, and his instincts never lied. Frustrated with the silence and continued profanity of his thoughts, he pressed the intercom and requested the guards summon Vince. The door swung open a few minutes later. Once inside, the newly promoted intelligence officer glanced around and seemed to slump with relief upon not seeing Josh. Sebastians eyes narrowed as he wondered what kind of tension was brewing between the two of them. Lowering his face into the shield of his tented fingers, he squeezed the bridge of his nose in an attempt to mask his annoyance. You wanted to see me, sir? I did, he managed. Did you have a chance to look into things? Yes, sir. Vince gave a stalwart nod of his dark blond head. Good. Enlighten me. Who was working that night? No one else was on call that night besides yourself, Agent Chase, and Marx. He sat up straighter and frowned. No one? No one. As strange as that is, theres more. Sebastian urged the man on with an impatient wave of his hand. I dont have all day, Vincent. Continue.

The short staff raised some questions, but not nearly as much as the lack of security. We usually have a minimum of twenty armed guards securing the premises at night. That evening, only four stayed on the clock. His eyes narrowed with that little bit of information. Anything else? he bit out coldly. His teammate shifted from one foot to the other and lowered his head. No, sir. Good work. That will be all. Sir? You are dismissed, Agent Pellagreeni, he repeated, impatience marking his tone. Yes, sir. He waited until the door closed before sagging against the back of his seat. Scowling, he tapped finger against the top of his dark teak desk, his mind spinning. Four guards was an interesting bit of information indeed. Only Marx could sanction such an extreme cut back. The only question was why? Why would the commander make such a dramatic cut in security with Lychee and his crew on the loose? Part of him desperately wanted to rationalize things and make them fit. Maybe Marx had hoped for a slow night. He shook his head. It was too risky. With everything else going on, security should have been heightened, not diminished. What was the son-of-a-bitch plotting? He frowned. Maybe Marx hadnt counted on him phoning his partner that night. Without Josh and that safety net in place, Laychee would have taken him out for sure. Without Henderson, Taylor would have died. Then what? He grasped at different scenarios, but only one seemed obvious. Laychee and Chase would have been free to march into headquarters using Dominics access card. Four guards wouldnt have posed much of a challenge to either man, especially if they had the added help of Laychees men. The skin on the back of his neck prickled and chills raced down his arms. That was the play Marx had been hoping for. It was smart. Even if things had backfired, he still couldve used Chase turning as a scapegoatan easy explanation as to why the men were there. Mind whirling, Sebastian replayed the conversation hed had with his teammate in the damp confines of the warehouse. Dominic had been prattling on about their service to other agencies being a waste of timehow it was stupid to be content with the scraps SKALS offered when they could have the whole damn buffet. At the time, hed thought Laychee was the one whod been whispering the poison into the mans ear. Now, he wasnt so sure. His stomach clenched and a hot splash of acid seared the back of his throat as he remembered Marx raving about his plans to take SKALS and its power to unimaginable heights. What would their next move would have been? Blowing out a shaky breath, he returned his focus to the mound of paperwork still piled on his desk. He couldnt do this now. Not here. A short while later, his door swung open without warning. The furious reprimand he was about to give the guard died on his tongue as he watched Marx shove his way into the room. Careful to keep his expression neutral, Sebastian lifted a brow. Is there something I can do for you? As a matter of fact, there is. Marx tossed a thick packet down in front of him. Generous lips spread into a smug tilt beneath his close-cropped moustache. A new assignment just came through. Acquaint yourself with the details. I expect your team briefed in the morning. Sebastian glanced up in irritation as he spotted one of the new guys creeping into his office. Consider it done, and youget the hell out of here, he ordered, snapping his fingers at the recruit and pointing toward the door.

Not so fast, Baas. I want you and your partner to take Agent Lane under your wings and keep him up to speed. He will be working alongside you on this project. Sebastian didnt bother containing his scoff. Marxcome on. He has no clue what hes doing. I have enough on my plate. Give the guppy to somebody else. I want the guppy, as you call him, to become a shark. The only way hes going to manage that is if he swims with the big boys. Chew him up and spit him out if you must, but he stays. Fine, Sebastian growled. It was hard, so damn hard, to stay seated when everything in him just wanted to back the man against a wall and shove his gun under the bastards chin. Anything else? No, but I want a plan of action on my desk first thing in the morning. Understood. Youll have it. Glad to hear it, Baas. Enjoy your evening. He offered a dry snort in response, his jaw clenching while he watched the commander leave. The new guy took the departure as his cue to approach. Sebastian halted him with a frosty glare. The young man faltered and lifted his chin. It really is an honor to work with you, Agent Baas. Ive heard a lot about you. Im more than happy to pitch in and help however I can. Maybe I could treat you and Agent Reevers to dinner. We can go over the files then? I dont know you, let alone want to socialize with you, Sebastian said, turning his attention back to the stack of paperwork. Sir, the way I see it, the only way we are going to get to know one another is if we work together. Sebastian set his pen down and studied him for a moment. He was young and fresh-faced, probably not much older than twenty-four. Latte colored skin accented the smoky shade of his eyes, and his expression still glowed with the hopeful optimism of youth. That didnt bode well. People like him didnt last. He gave the kid three months tops before he ended up eating his own gun. It wouldnt be the first time, and it certainly wouldnt be the last. He shook his head. There was no point in making nice. What was your name again? he asked without glancing up. Jackson, sir. Jackson Lane. Right. Lets get something straight, Jackson. I dont like you. Im probably never going to like you, and I certainly dont trust you. If you choose to look past that fact and still feel the desire to ingratiate yourself, go get my partner. Him I like. Yes, sir. He departed with a curt salute. Sebastians eyes narrowed. If the prick was aiming for cute, hed failed. Blowing out a forceful breath, he started to flip through the files Marx had dropped on his desk. It wasnt long before a familiar set of acronyms leapt out at him. Sitting up straighter, he squinted, but the letters remained the same. Patrick James, FBI. His brow furrowed in confusion. The name sounded familiar, but what the hell would SKALS want with someone from the FBI? They went after homeland terrorists. They snuffed out demented cult leaders and psychopaths, mass murders, and nut jobs like Laychee who tried to blow up buildings with innocent people insidenot decorated agents from another bureau. The door swung open, and he glanced up in time to see Josh stride across the room and drop into one of the chairs on the other side of his desk, not bothering to wait for an invitation. I knew youd miss me eventually. Does this mean your little bromance with Vince is done?

We going back to being exclusive now? Because you know, that whole being the other man shit was starting to get old. He smirked but offered no response. There was way too much on his mind, though he did appreciate his partners attempt at humor and keeping the peace. Seeing the tension lining his face, Josh sat up straighter. What gives, Baas? Saying nothing, Sebastian let his gaze shift to the newcomer stationed on the other side of the room. Josh took the hint. Whirling in his seat, he pinned the man with a steely glare. Take a hike, kid, he ordered, jutting a thumb over his shoulder. Where am I supposed to go? Go stick your nose in a damn corner somewhere for all I care. Just get the hell out. When do I come back? Well tell you when grown-up time is over. Hit the road or Im gonna hit you. He watched the man leave then turned around and shot Sebastian a look of exasperation. Where the hell do they even find these people? Is there some secret stash of Romper Room rejects they dig through and toss our way? I dont know, Sebastian stated quietly, but he is the least of our problems right now. Have a look at this. Josh grabbed the file and thumbed through it. His cocky grin faded beneath a wave of confusion and a questioning grimace contorted his rugged face. What the hell is this? A Fed? Is Marx serious? Im afraid so. James, Josh repeated, snapping his fingers in thought. I know that name. It rang a bell for me, too. I just cant place how I know him. Theres no picture in the file. Just a note that all pertinent information will be updated. Huh, Josh muttered, still skimming the pages. Hell if I know. Jesus, theres not much here to go by. Are we just supposed to pull this guy out of a rabbit hat or what? Pursing his lips, he flung the file back on the desk and shrugged. Oh well. Orders are orders, right? Do you want me to swing by tonight and see what else we can dig up on this guy? Sebastian studied the man across from him for a long moment. In the seven years theyd worked together, theyd shed more blood, sweat, and tears than most people endured in an entire lifetime. Josh was more than a partner. He was his sisters protector, a voice of reason, and perhaps the only person he would ever trust enough to consider a friend. He was also Taylors only hope for survival if anything ever happened to him, and even that outlook was grim. Downing a pull of whiskey, Sebastian gave a reluctant shake of his head. There were too many unknowns. Too many variables that didnt make sense. As it stood, the assignment was a bust. He had nothing to go on, a fact that wasnt apt to make Marx happy come morning. There was no sense in dragging the rest of the team down with him, and if the mission was just another ploy for power, things were going to get ugly. There were plenty of people hed sacrifice if need be, but his partner wasnt one of them. He owed the man too much, and as much as it pained him, he regarded Josh with the same fondness hed had for his own brother. Perhaps even more so. No, he finally managed. I appreciate the offer, but I can handle reading through these on my own. See what you can dig up on the new guy. Ill bring you up to speed in the morning.


The rich aroma of charred meat and spices wafted on the air, making Taylors mouth water. Billowing clouds of smoke mingled with the warm spring breeze and rolled across the grounds in hazy plumes. Resting a hip against the open sliding glass door, she watched Sebastian man the grill. Hed obviously been home for a while. His unruly curls were still damp and glistened with vibrant shades of auburn and gold in the late afternoon sun. No longer clad in his menacing black uniform, he looked casual and comfortable in a white button up tee and loose fitting khakis. The sight of his bare feet poking out the bottom of his pants made her smile. Sensing her perusal, he glanced up. His pale green eyes squinted against the shifting tide of smoke rising off the steaks, but his face broke into a bright smile. Hi, beautiful. Hey handsome. How long have you been home? Just long enough to shower and get dinner started. How are you feeling? She shrugged. Lazy as sin. As relaxing as it is to spend the entire day in bed, all it seems to make you want to do is sleep. Sebastian set the spatula down and approached. That was the point, darling. Wrapping her in his arms, he drew her close. She couldnt contain a small sigh of pleasure as the dark, sensual undercurrent of his cologne teased her nose. Closing her eyes, she let the smell and feel of his warm body envelop her senses. I missed you, she confessed. Me or the freedom to do as you pleased? he asked, lifting a brow. You, Sebastian. Only you. She rubbed her nose against his neck before kissing the hollow of his shoulder. He drew a deep breath and held it as if pulling her inside him. A shudder worked through his sleek muscles and then he slowly relaxed. I missed you too, he admitted. Pulling away, he straightened. Whats with the place settings? she asked, throwing a curious glance at the plates and silverware gracing the patio table. I thought we would eat out here tonight. The fresh air and sunshine will do you some good. If youre feeling better, you can bring me the serving platter off the counter and get our drinks ready while I pull the meat. Do you want a glass of wine? No, baby. Tea will be fine. I have some work to get through later. Grab the cucumber and seafood salad from the fridge too please. He turned back to the grill, his lean frame once again stiffening, as his gaze grew distant. Taylor snagged her lower lip between her teeth, reluctant to leave him for the fear he would slip away. She could feel the darkness and anger gathering around him. It loomed, brooding in the distance, just waiting for its chance to strike. Sebastian set the tongs down and fixed her with a piercing stare. Not wanting to hear what might come next, she hurried for the kitchen. A few minutes later, they sat at the decorative patio table. The fading sun bounced off the beveled glass, casting it into iridescent prisms. Propping her bare feet on one of the cast iron rungs, she cut into her steak and slid another bite past her lips. Unable to help herself, she hummed with obvious bliss. The gesture drew a quiet chuckle from her lover. Tracing the beads of water off the side of his glass, he studied her with pensive curiosity.

Good? he asked. Its heavenly, she said, dabbing her face with a napkin. I think you missed your true calling in life. You should have been a chef. Sebastian tipped his head back and laughed. His sage eyes sparkled with humor and denial. I dont think so, darling. Thats not enough action and excitement for a man like me. Hmm. You may be right. A professional gigolo then. She pondered the wisdom in her teasing when Sebastian sat back. Seconds ticked by, stretching into a full-blown minute, as his stare narrowed and he regarded her with a questioning tilt of his head. Her heart sank when he forced a stiff nod. Would you like to rethink that assessment? he asked. Maybe? It came out sounding far too much like a question. Lowering her head, Taylor speared a piece of cucumber. It didnt provide the distraction shed hoped for, and she glanced up again to find Sebastians expression remained stoic. I dont know if I should correct that way of thinking or be flattered. I opt for the second, she said, trying her best to force a hopeful smile. His lips twitched in response. I am sure you do, darling. He held her gaze until her breath caught. The smoldering look in his eyes was every bit as heated as it was unforgiving. It scorched without borders, burning clear down to the depths of her soul. A slight tremble wormed through her and she wrung her hands. I assure you there isnt a woman out there who would pay for my services, Taylor. They wouldnt find me nearly as generous or kindinside the bedroom or out. That part of me is reserved for you and you alone. She stilled a shiver, not missing the menacing implication in his words. Yes, Sebastian. He assessed her while tracing the rim of his glass. Do you doubt me? he asked, his voice a silken whisper. Would you like to experience what it would be like for someone who meant nothing to me, Taylor? Or perhaps you are suggesting I take my affections elsewhere? Her eyes darted back to his. Taylors glossy hair whipped back and forth as she shook her head. No! Not at all. Is this unpleasantness a byproduct of you spending time with Irene? No, sir. He cocked his head and regarded her for another long moment. His mouth hardened with displeasure. It would be in your best interest to see that we never have this discussion again. Neither one of us will enjoy it if we do. Is that clear? Yes, sir, she whispered. Good. Come here. She was certain her reluctance stamped itself clearly across her face. Setting her fork down, she drew a deep breath, praying for courage. Fear wound a treacherous path through her body, making her legs feel like they were forged from warm rubber as she rounded the table and approached his side. Sebastian tilted his head back, his eyes locking with hers. They still burned with something dark and unnamable as he ran a palm up the back of her thigh. She bit back a whimper as he jerked her forward and hauled her into his lap without warning. A heavy fist wound in her hair, forcing her head back. Heat spiraled through her as his lips brushed across the exposed arch of her throat. Do you still want me? he asked, capturing her earlobe between his teeth, his voice coming in

a raspy growl that stabbed straight through her. Always, she breathed. He shifted, turning her so she straddled him. The air left her in a shallow pant as she felt the growing ridge of his erection strain against her and he lifted her with a firm rock of his hips. Good girl, he whispered, grinding her down into him as he rose beneath her with another languid buck. Taylor sighed, her body aching with need and the sweet promise of release as he used his hold on her hair to pull her down until his lips brushed hers in a feather light tease. Her fingers sank into the corded muscles in his shoulders as Sebastian rocked against her again, the pressure and friction driving her closer to the edge. His stubble scraped her skin leaving fiery red patches in its wake. A soft moan tumbled from her lips and she ground against him. Sebastians lean body stiffened beneath her. His hand left her hair and settled across her throat in warning. The other gripped her hipbone, pushing her down as he stilled her efforts and broke the kiss. No. The simple word hung between them. Dazed, she stared back at him, her body bordering on betrayal as she struggled to comply. His fingers tightened ever so slightly on her neck, his eyes boring into hers. Unspoken challenge brewed in their pale depths, daring her to disobey and tumble over the edge. Slowly, deliberately, he rolled his hips beneath her with an upward surge. All control threatened to flee. Desperate to escape the maddening torment, she planted her hands against his shoulders and tried to twist away. Sebastian locked his arms around her waist, the sinewy muscles constricting and forcing her harder into his lap. Where do you think you are going, Taylor? The low growl vibrated through her and she responded with a distressed whimper. SebpleaseI cant hold it. What did I tell you? he asked, leaning up to trace the shell of her ear with his tongue. She tensed as a forceful throb wound through her. An evil voice urged her to go ahead and go for it, insisting he wasnt inside her. He would never even know as long as she kept her face passive and her mouth quiet. The other pleaded with her to use reason. Sebastian would know. He would always know. His low chuckle set her insides on fire. You wouldnt be thinking about disobeying me would you? he whispered against her ear. Do it, darling. See how that works out for you. His warm, sweet breath fanned her skin, caressing her until she swore she would go mad. Using his unyielding hold, Sebastian ground against her again, his hard, hot length rubbing against her with skilled precision. Inch by torturous inch he slid along her cleft, making her entire body shudder. His grip slowly lessened, and Taylor cursed his cruelty as he smiled into her hair. Finish your dinner, he ordered, urging her up with a stinging swat to her thigh. Aching and miserable from pent up frustration, Taylor slid from his lap with a sullen pout. Still, she couldnt help but feel a small rush of relief. At least she wouldnt fail. She didnt think. The first step toward her chair almost unhinged her. Freezing in place, she shook her head and held her breath, too afraid to exhale lest it send her spiraling over the edge. When she finally managed to sit, Sebastian stared back at her with an unrepentant smirk. Her jaw dropped when he winked. His head fell back and the rich, husky sound of his laughter rolled through the grounds, drawing the attention of Rupert and the other guards. They glanced up at the spacious wooden deck, their expressions questioning and stunned.

Blushing, Taylor turned her attention back to the man seated across from her. You were messing with me? Only partially, he admitted. I love you, baby, but choose your battles wisely. You arent the only one who can tease, and judging from your reaction, I would definitely say I win. You are beyond brutish, Sebastian! She crumpled up her napkin and tossed it at him with an indignant huff. That was just mean! He shrugged. There are worse things I could have done. Stop throwing a tantrum and eat. A few bites later, she found herself watching him push a piece of steak around with disinterest. The silent burdens he carried weighed his expression down beneath their strain. Im sorry your dinner got cold, she said, frowning. Do you want me to heat it up? Sebastian glanced up from his plate with a shake of his head. No. Dont be sorry. I enjoy every second I spend with you. A cold dinner is worth it. I imagine youve had much worse. That I have. I ate Joshs cooking once. Ill never make that mistake again. That bad, huh? A bewildered grin carved his face, affording her a glimpse of the deep dimples she loved so much. I thought I was going to die. The sad thing is, Im pretty sure it was just a boxed pizza. Dont ask me how he managed to screw that up, but he did. He got the bright idea to add his own seasonings. Its a wonder that man didnt kill himself off before my sister came along. I still have no clue how Aiden managed to survive. Taylor laughed and cocked a brow. I think youre exaggerating a bit, Agent Baas. Am I? Ask my sister, he said with a soft chortle. Hes not allowed in the kitchen. Toying with the end of her fork, she sniggered beneath her breath. I cant imagine telling either of you that you werent allowed to do something. He met her eyes with a knowing smile. I wouldnt advise it, darling. Not if you ever want to sit. Do you think they will get married someday, too? She watched conflict and a brief spark of sorrow flash across his chiseled features. Sighing, Sebastian shrugged. I would imagine so. If Marx allows it. Would that be a bad thing? No, he stated softly. Josh is good for her. Its just the other things that come with it. This wasnt the life I wanted for Monique. Its too late for that now, though. Had I known the way things would go for us He trailed off, his lips flattening into a frustrated press. Had I known a lot of things, I might have chosen a different path. Its never too late, Sebby. Yes, Taylor. It is. Marx will never let me go. All I can do now is try to make the best of things. At the end of the day, thats really all any of us can hope to do. Finishing the last bite of cucumber from her plate, she reclined against the back of the padded wrought iron seat and drew her knees up to her chest. Deep purples, pinks, and oranges already painted the sky in haphazard strokes. The vibrant colors kissed the woods and distant mountain peaks as the dying sun bathed the yard in a soft golden glow. Sighing, Taylor tried to savor the moment, but no matter how hard she tried to cling to the beauty in life, the somber pall of SKALS and all it entailed kept ripping it all away. If Marx allows it, she repeated. Her chest seemed to collapse and still her heart as she

pondered those words. Sebastians jaw twitched and he refused to meet her gaze. These things have to Taylor shook her head, still trying to wrap her mind around it, afraid if she said the words, they might become true. Marx has to approve of someone getting married? He seems to think so lately, yes. Her mouth opened and closed. Forcing it shut she searched his face while her own grew numb. He doesnt approve of us, does he? she asked, picking at the corner of her napkin. That doesnt matter, Taylor. Of course it matters, Sebastian! He plowed a hand through his hair. The other quickly followed suit and he tugged his curls in aggravation. Sebastian tipped his face skyward for a brief moment before he returned his attention to her. Marx has always had an issue with anyone being in my life. From day one, hes strived to distance me from my own blood and hes succeeded. Deep down, the bastard doesnt even like my partnership with Josh. If he had his way, I would be completely alone, isolated from everything and everyone. SKALS would be my only focus in life. His sage eyes hardened, steeling with ire and resolution. I dont give a damn what I have to do, Im not giving you up. We are getting married, and someday we will have those kids you wanted. Nothing is going to keep me from having that life with you, Taylor. Nothing. She twisted the diamond and platinum band on her finger, wanting so much to believe those words. I want that too, she whispered. I want us to be a family so bad. A real family. The kind I never had growing up. Were already a family, baby, he said softly. I know. Its justI cant help but think about my dad sometimes. Maybe hes happy since he left, but he ruined everything. I didnt just lose him. I lost my mother, too. Listen to me. I will never leave you, Taylor. I swear to you, no matter what happens I will never abandon you. I will never give up and walk away. My life means nothing without you. Til death do us part? His handsome face softened beneath a warm smile. Even then, I will find a way to be with you, darling. Its always going to be you and me, Taylor. Always. I love you so much. I love you too, baby. Never doubt that. They cleared the table together. Once inside, she started rinsing the dishes while Sebastian put the food away. Despite the vast space, he kept finding reasons to brush against her, and it wasnt long before he stationed himself behind her. Her eyes drifted shut with a brief bid of pleasure as he swept her hair to the side and wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her body against his. Searing kisses branded her nape as she started the dishwasher and its quiet whir hummed through the kitchen. Sebastian reached down and stroked the ring on her finger. So when do we make this official? he murmured. You havent even come up with a date. I dont know much about weddings, but after watching my sister go through one, I believe there is a lot of planning and extravagance involved. It seems to me like you should have at least pinpointed something by now. Turning in his arms, she traced the slight indents in his cheeks. None of that matters to me, Sebastian. I dont need anything big and fancy. I can afford to give you whatever you want. You might as well make it the wedding of your dreams. Youre only going to do this once. There will be no one else after me.

I know, but I dont need it to be the affair of the century. I just want to be with you. Sebastians countenance darkened with his frown. Are you trying to procrastinate and drag your feet? No. I love you, and I cant wait until the day we say I do. I swear. Lifting her hand, he pressed her fingertips against his lips for a long moment. His pale sage eyes probed hers as if searching for some deeply veiled truth she tried to keep hidden. They narrowed with a twitch. What is it then? Something is bothering you, Taylor. What arent you telling me? A dull fire crawled across her cheeks in a silent testament of her shame. She tried to pull free, only to find his fingers locked around her jaw in an unrelenting grip. Answer me. Given no other choice, she met his stare head on and tried to force the words past the tightening lump in her throat. I dont have anyone left, Sebastian. I dont have any family to invite. II dont even have anyone to give me away. A pained wince flickered across his face as if hed been struck. Pulling her closer, he kissed her forehead. I know its not the same as having your father there, but Im sure Josh would be more than happy to escort you down the aisle. I figured he would be a little busy being your best man. Sebastian shrugged and tucked her hair behind her ears. I dont mind sharing. Hes versatile. I am sure he could do both with no problem. Taylors shoulders sagged. Shrugging, she nodded. Yeah. Okay. I guess anything beats having to ask Marx to do it. Sebastian snorted but his handsome face was bereft of humor. Maybe I could ask Daryl, she suggested. Hes like a brother and I know he wouldnt mind as long as you were okay with it. Whatever makes you happy, Taylor. Just pick a date and make it soon. Im getting tired of waiting. Yes, Sebastian. He released her and scowled at the file on the counter, his expression hardening in an instant. She stared at the manila folder with more than a twinge of annoyance. Part of her wanted to peek inside and see what had him so agitated, but she knew that kind of stupidity would get her hurt, if not killed. Once again, his mood and the distance brewing between them festered. Seeking distraction, she started furiously scrubbing the smooth, black granite counters. Stop, Sebastian warned, snagging the dishtowel from her hands. The house looks fine. Go relax and watch TV or something. Im tired of relaxing. Thats all Ive done all day. I was looking forward to spending some time with you. One side of his mouth slanted in understanding as he tucked her hair behind her ears. I know, baby. I want to spend time with you, too. Nabbing the file off the counter, he cast a hesitant glance toward his study before raking his free hand through the unruly tumbles on his head. Come on. Well order that horror movie youve been wanting to see. What about work? she asked, shooting a skeptical look at the folder in his hand. It looks like a pretty big case load. Sebastian kissed her temple. I can handle it, darling. A short while later, she sat nestled beneath his arm as they shared a blanket and a bowl of warm kettle corn. Every once in a while, he would reach over and idly thumb through a few pages of

the documents sitting beside him. It wasnt the ideal evening, but she had to give him credit for trying, even if his mind was a million miles away. It broke her heart to watch him struggle to process whatever he was reading. Her frown deepened with his. It wasnt like Sebastian to have to grapple with anything. He was usually so self-assured and confident, especially when it came to work. His mind was as sharp and lethal as a well-honed razor. That level of intelligence was something shed always found as sexy as it was terrifying. Setting the bowl aside, she ran a questioning finger down his chest. This is going to sound stupid, but is there something I can do to help? He peeked over at her, his expression tired and strained. Thank you but no. Theres not much anyone can do with this, he said, tossing his workload to the far end of the couch. Not even me. Its a goose chase. I got nothing. A brief stab of panic lanced Taylors chest. She tried not to think about the possible implications if he went back to work empty handed. Words like reconditioning and torture flickered through her mind, making her stomach churn. Resisting the urge to chew her bottom lip, she reached over and covered his hand with a reassuring squeeze. Youll find something, Sebby. Turning on the couch, he leaned over and plucked the bowl of popcorn from the cushion beside her. After setting it on the rustic storage chest that doubled as a table, he pinned her against the back of the couch and trailed his fingers over her cheekbone as his eyes searched hers. Such confidence, he murmured. You never stop believing in me, Taylor. You never stop loving me, even when everybody else does. I dont know what I ever did to deserve someone like you. I dont know either, she teased, cracking a small smile. You should count yourself lucky though. The sorrow in his eyes lessened and his hoarse laugh rang through the room. I might not say it often, but believe me, sweetheart, I do. Twining his fingers through hers, he lifted her hand and kissed the top of her ring. You dont just see the best in people, Taylor. You do the impossible every single day. You bring out the best in me. Tears stung her eyes and she lowered her head with an embarrassed shake. Stop it. Youre going to make me cry. She shivered as he wrapped a hand around her throat and pulled her closer. His breath fanned her ear as he nosed her hair out of the way. I could make you scream my name instead, he whispered. I dont recall agreeing to those terms either, Special Agent Baas, she said, fighting to keep the telltale tremble of desire out of her voice. He gave a low chuckle as he snared her hips and dragged her into his lap. Im afraid you are all out of options, darling. Raw intensity and hunger fueled his pale gaze, leaving her numb. She shifted against the hard ridge of his arousal, drawing a tortured groan from his throat. Spearing his hands through her hair, he fisted the sable locks and wrenched with a sharp tug. Her startled gasp filled the room. Smirking, Sebastian ground against her, a hint of challenge rising in his eyes. Using the hold on her hair, he pulled until her body splayed against his. Youre going to pay for that, he promised in a raspy whisper. By the time Im done with you, you wont even have a voice left to scream with. Im going to ravage you in ways that will make you forget who you are, but I guarantee youll remember me. Say it, Taylor. Say my name

The air left her in a shallow exhale and her heart thundered in her chest. Still, there was no denying the thrill of excitement his words elicited. Sebby, she breathed. The sound of rending fabric filled her ears, and her eyes flared as he wrenched the tattered remnants of her tank top away and tossed it across the room. The smooth, firm expanse of his palms slid beneath her bra and cupped the full mounds beneath. Kneading them, he strummed his thumbs over her nipples until they hardened. His piercing green stare locked with hers as he twisted the stiff peaks until she whimpered and arched her back, bowing into his touch. Mmm. Thats my girl, he murmured. You are so damn beautiful. Im warning you, Im not stopping until Ive finally had my fill. Say it again. Her insides responded with a warm rush of desire. The ache winding through her was beyond unbearable. It was a desperate, aching pulse. Her nails sank into his shoulders in a silent plea. Seb, please. I need you. I cant take anymore teasing tonight. You have no idea how hot it makes me to hear you beg. Before she could respond, he stripped her bra and sealed his mouth against her breast in a possessive clamp. The swift dart of his tongue pantomimed his hips as he ground against her and sucked her nipple with painful zeal. Release danced just out of reach, the delicious torment driving her mad. Oh God. Please, Sebastianplease. Ill do anything. Not yet. Say it again, he breathed. The firm bulge behind his zipper rocked upwards, sending a wicked jolt of pleasure through her starving system. She bit her lip. Her body trembled with strain, wanting so much to please him. Sebastian continued his ruthless assault, each powerful plunge grazing the sweet spot that threatened to explode. Her fingers tightened, a surprised cry breaking from her lips when he seized her hair with a forceful tug. No coming. Say my name, Taylor, he growled. Sebby, pleeeassee. She didnt know how much longer she could hold on. Her entire body tensed with the desperate need for release. Her nerve endings were on fire, scorched by unfulfilled promises. Taylor searched for something, anything to distract her, but she was all too aware of him grinding and stroking against her, the sear of his lips on her skin. The death-grip she had on his shoulders tightened as she clung to the fragile threads of self-control. The world threatened to shatter and give way beneath her. Holding on for dear life, his name fell from her lips in a keening cry. Sebastian stilled, his eyes tracking her expression intently. She loved the man and cursed him in the same breath, knowing in that moment, he would make good on every single one of his promises before the night was through. Sebastian eyed the cold cup of coffee in front of him. Loose grounds floated along the top, sticking to the side of the mug. His fists balled, and steeling his jaw, he made a mental note to track down whoever was responsible for making the disaster later. It was the wrong morning to cross him, let alone try to serve up grainy, disgusting swill. His gaze drifted across the table and narrowed on the new guy with more than a shred of suspicion. Even Josh pushed his mug away, his face screwing into a disgusted grimace after taking a sip. If Marx noticed, the big man showed little care. He remained stationed at the front of the head of the conference table, ham-sized fists balled and pressing against the dark wood, his ebony stare drilling into them from across the room. Vince shifted his weight uncomfortably. The discordant creak of his chair was he only sound to shatter the sickening tension

flooding the atmosphere. Wes hung his head, refusing to look up from the table. His left cheek was swollen and already starting to mottle with an angry bruise. Casting him a curious glance, Sebastian wondered what had happened there. His patience wavered. No longer willing to play games and wait, he met their directors glower head on. One side of Marxs wide mouth jumped in a venomous twitch. Do you finally have something useful you wish to contribute this morning, or is this just another blatant display of your testicular fortitude, Agent Baas? With all due respect, even I cant work miracles, Marx, he bit out evenly. The reports you gave me were inconclusive at best. I see. Accusations and scorn blazed in the commanders eyes as he shifted his attention to Josh. Are you in agreement with this assessment, Agent Reevers? His partner rolled his shoulders in a casual shrug. Baas is the best we have. If he says the reports suck, Im inclined to agree. Marx tapped the mahogany table with the end of his pen until the noise threatened to drive Sebastian mad. A smirk lifted the corner of his mouth he envisioned plowing the dull end through the pompous assholes throat. I see nothing humorous about the situation, the big man warned. Tossing the pen aside, he folded his colossal arms, making his heavy biceps strain against the rolled up cuffs of his uniform. In fact, I find it rather unsettling that I assigned three of you to this case and you come back to me with nothing. We come back with what you gave us to work with, Sebastian pointed out. I stayed up all night pouring over those files. Marx grunted in dry acknowledgement. Are you sure it was the files you were pouring over and not the inside of your pets creamy little thighs, Agent Baas? I believe youve made your addiction to her quite clear. One of the new guys tittered. His amusement quickly faded as Sebastian swung a furious scowl his way. Clearing his throat, the rookie sank lower in his seat. He let his glare bore into the man a minute longer before returning his attention to their director. My sex life is none of your business, he stated coldly. Everything you do is my business. Look, I didnt come in here to have a pissing match with you. We put everything we had into reading those files. We have no known address and no recent hits on this guy. The only thing I could turn up was his rather impressive service records and a divorce decree. For all we know, our target is dead. Hes not a ghost, Sebastian. He is very much alive and I want him found. Not next week. NOW. Marx emphasized his point by slamming his fist onto the table hard enough to make several mugs jump. The fucker was coming unraveled in more ways than one. Wes shrank back. The normally stalwart man looked like he was on the verge of crawling under the table. Sabastian veiled his disgust. He was in no mood to deal with the blatant display of fear. Why we are going after this guy? Perhaps you could enlighten the rest of us? Perhaps you should have put more effort into doing your damn job, Baas, Marx snapped. I should toss you and your worthless partner in a cell. Im not talking about a piddly two-week vacation either, boys. Im starting to think a few months in lockdown are in order. Maybe that would help you

realign your priorities and give you the motivation to stop fucking off and wasting my time. Stunned silence fell over the room. Most of the team remained focused on the briefings in front of them, refusing to look up lest they get sucked into the crossfire. Sebastians stomach cramped as he threw a quick glance in Joshs direction. His partners face had blanched an ashen white. Seeing the pleading poised on the tip of the other mans tongue, he plowed a hand through his hair. Christ, they were all starting to fall apart. Reevers had nothing to do with it. I pushed him off the case last night. If you want to blame someone for this, blame me. Marxs brow inched lower. His soft chocolate skin darkened and the broad, craggy planes of his face seemed to shift beneath the surface as his cheeks tightened. You are playing a dangerous game, Sebastian. Your job is to follow orders, not usurp them. Get your ass back into line or so help me God, I will force you so far back you wont even be able to see the damn thing. Are we clear? Completely, he ground through clenched teeth. Good. All of you get out of my sight, the director barked, tossing the file back across the table. If I dont have something useful in my hands by noon, you will all start disappearing. Cursing beneath his breath, Sebastian snatched up the packet and shoved away from the conference table with a snarl. Josh and the rest of the team were hot on his heels and he could hear the poor rookie theyd been saddled with scrambling to keep up. The dim lighting and somber grey walls lining the corridors only fueled his bitter mood. His office door rebounded off the cement wall as he flung it open. Casting him a cautious glance, the guard stationed outside wisely inched away. The movement alone was enough to make him want to plant a bullet in the mans skull. Josh paced the floor in agitation while Vince dropped into one of the empty chairs with a ragged exhale. Wes entered shortly behind them, his face stoic as he nudged a very frightened and confused looking Jackson inside. Normally, seeing that kind of petrified horror stamped across a rookies face would have afforded him a small twinge of amusement. Instead, he found his fingers twitching with the urge to lock around the young mans throat and squeeze the life out of him. Folding his arms to keep his murderous impulses under control, Sebastian leaned against the window ledge. Freedom loomed on the other side of the dismal glass panes, but it was best to ignore it. It was far too easy for a man to crave what he couldnt have, and for all the good the outside world did them at the moment, it might as well of been a million miles away. They would be lucky if they ever stepped foot outside these walls again. Well, Josh said, plopping into a chair and slumping sideways in his seat. That was an unpleasant bit of fuckery. Anybody bring the lube today? I dont know. It wasnt that bad. I mean, we just have to give the guy what he wants, right? With five of us, how hard can that really be? Joshs dark cobalt eyes flared with disbelief. Are you kidding me? First off, no one asked for your opinion here, cupcake. Secondly, lose the Mary Poppins and everything is sunshine act before I bust a cap in your ass. In case you missed the memo, the rest of us are having a really shitty fucking day. Both of you shut up. Sebastians expression hardened with a look of strict reproach. Im not running a daycare service and, like it or not, we are all on the same team. I suggest the two of you man up and start acting like it. I can man up just fine. Dont ask me what Boy Wonder here is capable of though, Josh retorted, jutting a thumb in the other mans direction. Since when are we nice to the new guys around here, anyway?

Since now. We have an impossible amount of work to do and I have no desire to spend the next few months of my life rotting away in a reconditioning cell. Whats that? Jackson asked. His mouth twisted with worry as he looked between the two of them. You remember your training? The endless tapes, videos, and shock therapy getting your addled little brain ready to protect, serve, and kill? Yeah Jackson said uncertainly. Worse. The young mans jaw slackened just enough for it to be noticeable and he gave a disparaging shake of his head. Jesus. How? You know the shit we do to other people? Josh asked. Interrogations, right? Yeah, whatever kid. If thats what you want to call it, sure. Take all that torture, turn it around, and amplify it. Then amplify it again, because Marx is seriously pissed and has a bug up his ass. Thats what reconditioning is like and theres no way out for us either. Not until weve learned our lesson and then some, Josh quipped. Waitthey do what now? Yeah, its a real fucking blast. Welcome to SKALS. I suggest you strap yourself in, cupcake. You just entered the ninth circle of hell.


The house and grounds were both dark by the time Sebastian nosed the Benz through the wrought iron gates. Offering Rupert a stiff nod of greeting, he pulled the rest of the way up the drive and parked the car in the garage. His shoulders sagged with a mixture of relief and unspent tension. After ten days away, home was no longer a comforting notion, but something that felt unfamiliar and strange. He craned his neck until the vertebrae popped in protest. Keeping his eyes trained on the rearview mirror, his fingers flexed around the steering wheel as he watched bright bursts of lightning lance the sky behind him. Images of raw electricity and intermittent flashes of torture accompanied them. He could still see the way the wicked blue volts branched through the air like spider webs before they rippled across his skin. He could still feel the indescribable agony of every muscle and nerve ending snapping to instant, rigid attention until it felt like his entire body would shatter. It hadnt mattered that theyd delivered a substantial bit of evidence to Marx before the day was done. The crazy bastard was still hungry for blood and, by the time the week was done, hed eked out his share. Dropping his chin to his chest, he fought to pull himself back together and reacclimate himself to the world once more. He struggled to find that small semblance of humanity still inside him and let go of the hatred and rage that smothered his soul. Realizing it was pointless, he shut off the ignition. The garage lights flickered and dimmed. He managed to step free of the car and shut the door before they shut off altogether, casting him back into the familiar ink of darkness. Frowning, he pushed his way into the house, hung up the overcoat to his uniform in the laundry room, and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He twisted the top free and downed half the bottle, relishing the way the ice cold liquid traced a languid path down his throat to the pit of his stomach. After finishing the rest, he pitched the empty container in the trash. Ignoring the gnawing hunger pangs clawing through his system, he wandered through the house, his head tilting as he strained to decipher the muffled noises coming from upstairs. Taylors name flickered through his mind and a cold prickle crawled across his nape as a blinding flash of lighting illuminated the entire foyer, bathing it in a ghostly flood. What the hell was she doing? Another distressed whimper drew him further up the stairs. His hand curled around the handle of the pistol holstered at his thigh as the entire house boomed and rattled beneath his feet. His name carried softly in the aftermath, making his chest tighten with fury. Taking them two and three at a time, he scaled the remainder of the steps. His body grew so rigid it ached. Uncertain of what he would find, he kicked the doors open, drawing a shrill scream from Taylor. His eyes darted around the room in a frantic search. It turned up nothing. Drawing his weapon, he swept the sitting room to his right before rounding the fireplace that served as quarter divider between the two rooms and inching around their massive four-poster bed. Taylor repeated his name in a series of hushed whispers, repeating it as if it were some sacred and well-versed mantra. He followed the sound to the corner of their bedroom, but the glint of a matching Desert Eagle brought him up short. Huddled in the far corner, Taylor trembled and fought to keep the gun leveled in a steady aim. Tears streaked down her cheeks. Her eyes were clamped shut and another boom of thunder almost brought her out of her skin.

Come any closer, and Ill kill you. Ill pull this trigger. I swear I will. Though her voice wobbled with fear and uncertainty, Sebastian felt his stare narrow in response. He didnt take kindly to threats, and having a loaded pistol pointed at his chest even less. Had it been anyone else, he would have shot first and asked questions later. Disbelief warred with fury, and he regarded her with a curious tilt of his head. So this is what itd come down to. Reholstering his weapon, he released a humorless snort before flinging his arms open. What do you think you are you going to do, Taylor? Are you going to shoot me? Pull the trigger then, sweetheart. Lets see what you got. She shrank deeper into the shadows. The barrel of the gun jumped dangerously in her shaking hands. Hatred and an innate instinct to kill gripped him, constricting his chest, as the seconds ticked by. Before it could sink its claws in further, he sprung across the room. Speed and stealth served him well. Taylors eyes flew open as he snared her wrist and twisted it in a sharp wrench until she cried out and dropped the gun. She struggled, her nails gouging his forearms in an attempt to break free until his other hand locked around her throat with enough force to bounce her head off the wall as he pinned her against it. Clenching his jaw so hard it hurt, his fingers tightened. Another round of lightning and thunder detonated through the room. Taylors teeth chattered. Instant terror stamped her face, and for one heartbreaking instant, he realized where she was. It wasnt their bedroom. It wasnt lightning or thunder that she was seeing but the blinding explosions of flash grenades and the impending onslaught of Laychee and his men. She was like a shell-shocked war vet trapped in the nightmare of their past with no way to escape. A tremble wormed through him and his rage slowly ebbed. Swallowing against the burn in his throat, he released her. Sebastians shoulders slumped and he gave a sorrowful shake of his head. Another few seconds, and he might have ended it all. The thought chilled him to his core. Its okay, Taylor. Its just me, he murmured, stroking the top of her head before pulling her into his arms. Its alright. Youre safe, baby. Its just a storm. She stiffened, her entire body tensing as she sought enough leverage to pull free. His training threatened to resurface. Words like target, escape, and kill flittered through his mind. Squeezing his eyes shut, he buried his nose in her hair and fought to hold on. Shh, baby, no. Stop. Stop it. Its okay, he soothed, drawing her closer. Rocking her slowly, he pressed his lips against the top of her head. Stop fighting meplease. Maybe it was the sheer desperation in his voice or his nearness, but she finally stilled. Relief swept through him in a cooling tide. Sebby His name left her lips in a pleading whimper as he continued rocking her in the shadows. Im right here, sweetheart. Everything is okay. Calm down. Her attention flickered to the gun laying a few inches away. A low groan broke the silence and her terrified grey eyes flew to his. Holding her stare in the darkness, he felt her fear return in spades. It snapped through her system, forcing her to grow rigid in his arms. Im sorry. Im so sorryI didnt mean Her teeth chattered violently. I know. If I suspected otherwise, we wouldnt be having this conversation. Taylor shivered when the implication behind his words hit home. She stroked the buttons on the front of his shirt in an attempt to soothe him until a sudden clap of thunder startled her. Her fingers twisted in his uniform, almost tearing the buttons free. Gathering her hands, he cradled them against his chest with a wince. Peering into the bathroom, he eyeballed the shower with a fierce stab of

longing. Hed hit an open stall before coming home, but work still clung to his skin and embedded itself in his clothes. It was the smell of desperation, blood, murder, and rage. Remnants of torture and death still crawled across his flesh. He ached for the more soothing aromas of home, but another wicked bout of lightning warned it wouldnt be wise. Lifting Taylor in his arms, he carried her back to the bed and lowered her onto the mattress. He retrieved the gun off the floor and returned it to its rightful place in the nightstand before padding into the bathroom and stripping out of his clothes. A quick wash-up in the sink at least had him feeling a little more human. After brushing his teeth, he popped a handful of aspirin, spritzed on a light dusting of cologne, and wandered back into the bedroom. Taylor remained huddled in the center of their bed, her knees drawn to her chest. Worry lined her brow and she looked forlorn as she stared out the window. Frowning, he crossed the room and peeled the curtain back to give her a better view. See, its not so bad, he said, easing into bed beside her. Its actually kind of beautiful once you get past the noise and how deadly lightning is. She turned to him with bewildered eyes. Is that supposed to make me feel better? A wry smirk twisted his lips as he sagged against his pillows. You did just point a gun at me, darling. I would say more than a little torment is in order. Wasnt the past ten days enough? she asked. You said you would be late, Sebastian, not missing for a week and a half. I was worried sick. Hurt ravaged her beautiful features. Reaching for her, he tucked her glossy sable hair behind her ears. Im sorry Taylor. I really am, he said softly. I have no control over these things. Believe me, there is no place in the world I would rather be than here with you. Did they hurt you? It was nothing I couldnt take. Steeling his jaw, he forced his attention back to the ceiling and fought to keep the memories at bay. If they took hold now, he wouldnt find his way back. He would lose control again, and this time, he would hurt her. What happened? she asked, searching his face. Did you get in trouble for spending time with me? Forcing himself to breathe, he pulled her down with him and rested his forehead against hers. The alluring aroma of cashmere and warm vanilla washed over him, along with the crisp scent of fresh linen and fabric softener clinging to the sheets. No. Its a long story, Taylor, and one I would rather not get into. Im here now. Thats all that matters. Its not all that matters. I didnt know what to do. I was scared something happened to you. I didnt even know where to call to find out. I thought you were dead. Nodding, he kissed the tip of her nose and cupped her face between his hands. Someone would let you know if that was the case. If not Josh, then someone else. Second of all, if something were to happen to me, you would be more than cared for. This house, everything in it, and all of my savings would go to you except for a small monthly stipend that would go to my sister. I promised I would always take care of you and I meant that. Ive already had the papers drawn up. She blinked in confusion, the fine arches of her brows gathering in time with the sullen pout of her lips. None of that would make up for the fact that you werent here. Either way, it is a little added security you didnt have before. Do you have any idea how big and empty this place feels without you? It felt like it going to swallow me whole. I was lost, Sebastian. I cant breathe without you here. I have no idea how you

lived here for so long on your own. Sebastian shrugged. I like the isolation. You could always sell it if I die. I wont mind. She shook her head, her eyes glazing over with unshed tears. But that would be like selling all of our memories. Her voice cracked and she clamped her eyes shut. I dont want to talk about this anymore. I cant. Good. Me either. He rolled on top of her, already tugging the soft hem of her t-shirt out of his way, as he captured her earlobe between his teeth. We have too much lost time to make up for, and you have some serious atoning to do. Atoning? Mmm hmm. I suggest you make me happy before I decide to punish you instead, he warned, brushing his lips across her throat. She splayed a slender hand against his chest. The other sought to find purchase in his curls. Pressing her deeper into the mattress, he crushed his mouth against hers, groaning as her sweet, honeyed taste slid across his tongue. A frown threatened when he felt the toll his absence had taken on her delectable body. Her curves were not as soft as theyd once been, and the jut of her hipbones was more pronounced. Pushing the stab of guilt he felt aside, he started to tug the small scrap of lace down her thighs, but impatience and need trumped preserving the delicate garment. Reaching between them, he tore it and surged against her again, eager to feel the silken heat of her skin. The sweet whimper she released was music to his ears as he rocked into her several times to ease the way before driving inside and burying himself deep. The hot, velvet grip of her body was almost his undoing. Gritting his teeth, he growled, his head shaking in silent refusal as he clung to the last shreds of self-control he could muster. An agonizing eternity crept by as they both lay perfectly still, neither willing to breathe, lest it shatter the moment. He kept his thrusts deep and steady, restaking his claim with deliberate care. It wasnt long before she came and her cries filled the room. The shuddering contractions squeezing his cock felt so damn good. Picking up the pace, Sebastian watched the reactions play across her face. Hed never seen anything more beautiful. A fine sheen of sweat coated her lithe body and slightly flushed skin making it glisten in the moonlight, and the ecstasy riding her heavenly features threatened to steal his breath away. He trembled with the urgent need for release but he held back, determined to bring her there again. Nothing mattered. Not Marx. Not SKALS, not even the endless stretches of time or the exhaustion creeping into his weary muscles. Hours could have passed. Or days. It didnt matter. Driving into her somehow kept the darkness and poison at bay. Kissing her deeply, he relished the feel of her body starting to quiver and clench again. A few more plunges sent her over the edge, and she snapped off the mattress, bowing against him with a scream. Sebastian groaned as her already tight walls clamped down with savage force. Surrendering the last bit of his control, he hauled her head back and pounded into her with all he had until he came in an instant of pure shuddering bliss. Slumping, he rested his forehead on the pillows while goose bumps and a wave of delirious aftershocks continued to ripple across his skin. Taylor panted beneath him, the sound bringing a satisfied smile to his lips. She uttered something. An assurance of love most likely, but as the shadows closed in around him once more, he found himself unable to speak the words anchored in his heart. Past and present warred for a spot in his future. Duty and self both battled for control. In the end, he surrendered to neither and gave into to the mindless escape of sleep instead.

Taylor peered across the table, searching her lovers face for clues about what hed been through. Despite the intense passion theyd shared the night before, he remained quiet and withdrawn in the early morning sun. The sculpted ridges of his cheeks seemed more defined, the slight indents framing them deeper, and bruise-like smudges stretched beneath his eyes. Hed said little all morning, offering nothing more than a perfunctory good morning and a quiet thank you when shed set his breakfast before him. Now, he was shoving a forkful of eggs around his plate with the kind of detached interest that warned he was a million miles away. She bit her lip, still hesitant and unsure of where they stood. Of all the things hed said last night, I love you hadnt been one of them. She swallowed against the lump that thought elicited and twisted the ring on her finger. Had he changed his mind? Was he still contemplating ways to punish her? Was this her punishment? Sighing, she searched for a way to kill the silence. Do you want me to make you something else? He glanced up, his expression bewildered and startled. Her heart ached as the hard mask quickly slipped back into place, casting his features into stone. All he offered was a subtle shake of his head. Tears threatened and she pushed her plate away. I hate it when you get like this, Sebastian. I dont know what to say, what to do. My stomach is in knots and my fucking heart hurts. She winced as his head snapped up and tilted to the side, the look in his eyes as questioning as it was blistering over her choice of words. Are you still mad at me about last night? I didnt mean to do that. I dont know what I was thinking, but I swear I didnt know it was you. Just tell me what to say here, what to do. Honestly? I think I would rather you punish me and get it over with than go on like this all day. He flinched, his pale stare narrowing with a disgusted shake of his head. Eat your breakfast. Im not hungry anymore. Refusing to look his way, she pushed away from the table. She no sooner had her plate in her hand when the deceptively civil tone of his voice froze her in place. Sit. Down. She faltered. The frantic drum of her heart roared in and out in her ears. Maybe honesty wasnt the best policy. The little bit of food she had managed to choke down resurfaced and burned the back of her throat when she spotted his white-knuckled fists and the resolute clench of his jaw. Her face tingled, the blood draining away, and she mutely slid back into her chair. Hell was more merciful than the burning condemnation in his eyes. Sebastian glared at her for a long moment before his cheeks hollowed and he gave a curt nod. Maybe Ive been too lax with you, Taylor. You asking for a punishment definitely leads me to believe that is the case. I didnt mean I wanted one, she whispered, hanging her head. Whether that is true or not, I guarantee that is the direction you are heading. Youve been through a lot and I have been trying my hardest to use a softer hand with you. I am starting to think that was a very serious mistake. She felt her face blanch even further. Gripping the sides of her seat, she steadied herself. It took effort, but she finally managed to spit out a response. No, Sebby. Its not. I promise. Look at me, he commanded. He waited until he had her undivided attention before speaking. Do not mistake my kindness for weakness again. I can and will crack down on you, Taylor. Force my hand, and I will do it twice as hard. Do you understand me? Taylor nodded, fighting to push words past the knot of fear in her throat. The sinister gleam shed seen last night was back in his eye. It was a look that warned the violence was still seething below the surface just waiting to lash out. She shivered. Regardless of her earlier comments, she

didnt have the guts to unleash that kind of release. Yes, Sebastian, she whispered. Im sorry. Dont be sorry, Taylor. Do what is expected of you. She nodded, swallowing the lump and fighting back tears. If youre done picking at your breakfast, clear this mess away. You need to eat more. Youve lost weight. I dont like it. She opened her mouth to tell him how difficult it was to eat when she thought he was dead, but an obedient yes Sebastian slipped out instead. He slid his plate toward her, prompting her to gather the items off the table before he accused her of dawdling or pouting. The sick feeling of dread these moods inspired was returning full force. When youre done get dressed and make a list of what we need. Maybe something at the store will help inspire your appetite. He pushed away from the table. The brisk, confident stride in his departure suited his mood well. It spoke of a man who was dominant, dangerous, and not to be tampered with. Glancing down, Taylor took in her figure and ran self-conscious hands over her hips. It was the first time hed ever voiced displeasure about the way she looked and though he hadnt been mean, the comments still stung. How was she supposed to eat when shed been worried sick thinking the man she loved was dead? Or when he was sitting across from her with a look in his eyes that warned she was a breath away from landing herself in a world of pain? She blew a stray wisp of bangs from her eyes and shook her head. Maybe things like that didnt affect men the same way. Maybe they did. Maybe SKALS just turned its men into unfeeling, autonomic machines. Eat. Sleep. Drink. Torture. Kill. The thought made her dizzy. As probable as those notions seemed, she refused to accept them as true. There was so much more to Sebastian than what they instilled. He could be incredibly sweet and caring. The past few weeks had been amazing. Hed opened doors and facets of herself shed never even known existed and, in the process, showed her a different side of himself as well. A side that wasnt as intense, cold, and cruel, but every bit as in control. Deep down inside him was a man who was capable of emotions, forgiveness, and good. At least there had been. Had Marx somehow changed that? Taylor closed her eyes and sighed. As warped as it was, as twisted and toxic as their relationship could be, she loved him. They had the potential to be so good together. She had to believe it wasnt hopeless. It was just a matter of helping him find his way back again. The only question was how. Sebastian squinted against the intrusive glare of the midmorning sun. After spending days immersed in darkness, the late-April rays were blinding and felt like knives stabbing into his skull. He scanned the grounds in a search for Rupert, still replaying the meal with Taylor in his head. Disappointment weighed on his shoulders. It wasnt her fault. Shed done what she could. It just wasnt enough. The place of comfort hed found in her arms had vanished. Repeated nightmares and flashbacks had plagued him for most of the night and sent him reeling back to square one. He was tense, hateful, and bitter, his body still taut with pain and fury. Reconditioning was akin to having rabies. Everything triggered an overwhelming desire to hurt and destroy. The need burned beneath his skin where it festered like an unfed hunger. It took effort to pull himself back from his craving for murder and bloodlust, and every time it got harder and harder to lose. By the time hed decided that seeking their head of security probably wasnt the best of ideas,

it was too late. He spied the giant Cajun looming near the rear of the house, colorful Oakleys wrapped around his head, and prized assault rifle slung faithfully over his arm. For a moment, he pondered testing just how fast the mans reflexes were but then quickly shook the idea. Replacing him would be more hassle than it was worth. Frowning, Sebastian skimmed the perimeter. His body crawled with the unnamable discomfort someone felt when they were being watched and the sensation didnt sit well with him. At all. A wide grin stretched across Ruperts face when he approached. The jagged scar stretching from his cheek to his chin whitened in its wake. Good morning, Agent Baas. Its good to have you home again, sir. Sebastian studied him for a moment. Despite himself, he couldnt muster the willpower to return the mans smile. He did manage a nod and a semi-polite twitch of his lips. Thank you. Pleasures mine, sir. Did you venture out here to enjoy the day? Actually, there were a few matters I wanted to discuss. Adjusting his rifle strap, the head of security gave an agreeable bob of his head. Sure thing, boss. A worried frown flickered across his sturdy features. I hope I havent done anything wrong. That remains to be seen, Sebastian said, turning to scan the tree line. Did Taylor receive any visitors while I was away? Just Ms. Monique and her children, sir. Children. Plural? Yes, sir. A little girl and a boy a bit older, maybe eight or nine. The age is hard to say seeing as I dont have much experience with kids. Sebastians fingers bit deep into his wrists as he kept his hands locked behind his back. He tried to stem the tide of pain that rolled through him at the mention of his niece. Monique had brought her over knowing he wasnt there. Anger threatened until he reminded himself that he was the one whod made that decision. Hed made that sacrifice to protect his sister. Somehow, it didnt make the news of her visit any easier to bear. Losing Christian and then Mia, in her own way, had snuffed a little more light from his life. Light that he didnt have to spare. The darkness of the reconditioning cell threatened to close in on him again. He gave his head a hard shake, trying to hold the shadows at bay. It was just one more in a long list of things SKALS had ripped away from him while his humanity hung on by a thread. Rupert cleared his throat. If that is a problem, sir, I will change the order immediately. It took effort to force his gaze back to the worried security guard. No. My sister and her children are always welcome. There were no other visitors, admitted or otherwise? At the mans negative answer, Sebastian studied the strip of fence he could see from his location. Was there anything else out of the ordinary? Anything at all? Any people lurking outside the premises or milling outside the gates? Everything was quiet, sir. Too quiet? He could see Ruperts brows draw together above his shades but he didnt care if the big Cajun thought he was stark raving mad as long as he did his job. The man surprised him. Nothing confirmable, sir, but sometimes a prickle of unease is more reliable to a man than what his eyes can see. What did you do about this prickle, Rupert? I increased the frequency of the patrols and intensified mine. Nothing turned up. Sebastians jaw knotted. It wasnt just him. The confirmation hit him like a punch to the solar

plexus and the muscles beneath his eyes tightened in a suspicious twitch. Scrubbing a hand through his hair, he scanned the woods flanking the backyard and gave a terse nod. If you see anyone out of place, you take them out. I dont care if its the damn UPS man. No one outside of that list is to step one foot in this yard unless accompanied by me. Is that clear? Yes, sir. Very. Thats good to hear. My fiances well-being is deeply tied to your own. Any harm that comes to her will come to you a hundredfold, and that is not a threat, Rupert. It is a promise. Words fled the normally vocal guard. His bronzed skin paled and he shifted his six-foot-four frame. Fair enough, sir. I wont let you down. Sebastian nodded. See that you dont, he warned before turning away. He found Taylor dressed and waiting in the kitchen when he returned. Shed been lingering by the sliding glass doors, no doubt watching the entire exchange. His eyes narrowed for a brief second as he noted the worried look on her face. Did she feel the need to observe his every movement now as well? Or was it something Rupert might say that had her so afraid? Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose and pushed the thoughts away. Taylor could be innocent and, at times, a bit nave, but she wasnt stupid. She knew if he didnt kill her for cheating, he would make her damn well wish he had. His eyes snapped to hers when the light brush of her fingers grazed his arm. The tenderness and sincerity in her expression lent him pause. Unable to help himself, he threaded his hand through the soft silk of her hair. Are you just about ready? She nodded, her beautiful grey eyes searching his. Is everything okay? Everything is fine. I was just checking on things. A tight swallow strained his throat. I heard you had a little visitor while I was away. Taylors face fell with a combination of pity and guilt. Im so sorry, Sebastian. Its okay. How is she? She tried to force a small smile for his benefit. Shes good. A long pause stretched between them as she weighed the benefits of elaborating. She asked about youa lot. Every five minutes, she wanted to know where you were and when you were coming home. We tried to distract her, but all Mia talked about was how much she wanted to play with her Unco Sebby. He bit the insides of his cheeks until it hurt. Even that didnt dull the pain. The poor baby didnt understand. Tears stung his eyes. Blinking them back, Sebastian reined his emotions in with a small sniff. His head cocked as Taylor pulled her cellphone from the back pocket of her jeans and swiped her finger across the screen a few times, before handing over. The images staring back at him were as precious of a gift as they were shattering. Thumbing through the gallery, he took in various pictures of his niece, her face always bright and smiling. When he came across the last one, an image of Monique and Mia together, their cheeks touching and their faces full of love, he understood. She was healthy and, more importantly, she was happy. Despite his own emotional anguish, whatever sacrifices hed made for her and his sister were worth it. Unable to speak, he returned the phone to Taylors back pocket. It took a long moment, but the lump obstructing his vocal chords eventually subsided. Thank you, he whispered. You have no idea how much seeing those means. I would do anything for you, Sebby, she said, peering up into his face. I love you. I just want to see you happy. Do you have your list?

She tugged a slip of paper from the front pocket of her jeans. It angered him seeing how loose the low riding denim hung on her hips. Tearing his gaze away, he read the items over before jerking his head toward the stairs. Go grab a belt before your pants fall off. Hurt registered across her face. I didnt lose that much weight. No? he asked. Your clothes dont fit and my hips are bruised. Neither of these things proves your point. Nor do they make me happy. Youre not exactly where you were before you left either, she murmured, lowering her head. Grabbing a thick fistful of hair, he wrenched. Taylor cried out. In shock at first, then in pain, as he forced her focus back up to him. She reached for his hand in an attempt to free herself but the look he gave her stopped her dead. I am not going to stand here and argue with you. Go put on a belt or I will reacquaint you with mine, he snapped. She stumbled away when he released her. Without a word, Taylor spun on her heel and headed for the stairs. The firm purse of her lips said she was far from pleased with the exchange. His body coiled, and for a moment, he considered branding her ass until she couldnt sit. She was pushing her luck today in more ways than one, and his temper was already perilously thin. It took a vast amount of effort to stay put and relax. Why did such a simple request have to turn into a big ordeal? Did she want people to think he didnt provide for her properly or care enough to see that she had clothes that fit? Did she think he would enjoy having other men ogle her because her pants were riding too low? Was that what she wanted? Did she want to find someone else? The thought flooded him with insurmountable heartache and rage. Drawing a deep breath, Sebastian shook his head. He had to stop reading so much into things. She was just tired and on edge. They would be okay. He would make sure of it. Casting an imploring glance toward the heavens, he dragged a weary hand over his face and prayed for the patience to make it through the day. Taylor turned at the quiet click of the latch releasing in the door. Despite her frustration, she forced her lips into a tentative smile. Her heartbeat sped to a forceful thunder when Sebastian didnt return the gesture. Biting the inside of her cheek, her eyebrows lowered and gathered with worry. Prowling closer, Sebastian folded his arms. The hardened stance creeping across his face warned he was running low on patience. I want you to think back on something, he stated quietly. What did I tell you the night of your party in my office? Frowning, she searched her memory then paled. Her eyes darted to his, hoping to find some small measure of understanding. She found none. Answer me. She shook her head, her fingers winding in the hem of her stretchy tee. I dont remember, she whispered. Sebastians shoulders jerked; his smile was cold and condescending. Yes you do, Taylor. Dont make things worse by lying to me. Locking his hands behind his back, he nodded and pinned her beneath his stare. A little refresher perhaps? What did I say would happen the next time I had to rein you in, Taylor? She lowered her gaze to the lush cream carpet under her feet. I wouldnt like it. Long fingers trailed along the underside of her chin in a deceptively gentle caress. Very good.

Sebastian, I-- Skip the formalities, Taylor. We both know why Im here. Consider yourself lucky we already made plans to go to the store. Unfortunately, that is not enough to get you off the hook. You wanted a punishment, darling, here it is. No He sprung with lightning fast speed, forcing her face down over the bed. She winced, fighting not to struggle as one of his heavy hands pinned the back of her neck and pressed her against the mattress in an unforgiving hold. Using his free hand, he tugged her low riding stretch jeans down with a jarring yank. My point exactly, he whispered against her ear. Would you still like to argue about the way your clothes fit? No, Seb. Please calm down. Youre right. Im sorry I am calm. Consider this a warning, Taylor, because it is the only one you are going to get. She pondered his statement, tensing at the harsh grate of his zipper, the sound loud and menacing in the silent confines of their room. One arm snaked around her waist, angling her up to him. His fingers sank along the sloping curve of her hipbone. Reaching around, he slid his other hand between her thighs. Have you forgotten me? he whispered, breathing against her ear. Does your body still know how to respond to my scent? To my touch? She hated herself for it, but it did. Warmth flowed through her along with the silken rasp of his voice. Biting her lip, she rode a delicious throb of pleasure. Sebastian rubbed a forefinger over her clit and groaned as he pushed it into her tight heat. Taylor whimpered at the sudden fullness, her heart pounding when she realized where this game was heading. Letting her eyes drift shut, she focused on the hard, steady plunges. Her cheeks burned with shame as she felt her body grow slick and ready around him. Sebastians low, rumbling growl told her he noticed the same. He pulled away, leaving her aching and bereft. The broad width of his hand came down without warning, the force and sting enough to rear Taylor up on her toes. Tears sprung to her eyes. The fire spreading across her ass was definitely not one of pleasure or play. Again, his palm came down in a deafening crack, branding the other side and wringing a hoarse cry from her lips. Blunt fingers gripped and squeezed her stinging cheeks, rubbing the burn in. Mmm. I have to admit, darling. That look suits you well, Sebastian murmured. Four more blows followed suit. By the third, she was choking back a sob. He was right, she didnt like thisand she wasnt so sure it was any less painful than his belt. His huge, powerful hands covered much more ground and left a lasting sting. Her mind spun as she tried to reason how something that brought her so much pleasure before now brought only pain. Perhaps, while youre riding me, those will help you think, he stated, tracing the lines of his handiwork. Pulling back, Sebastian slowly peeled out of his clothes, his acute gaze never leaving her. Not wanting to test him any further, Taylor followed suit. Once finished, he hooked a finger under her chin and steered her toward the sitting room without a word. She eyed the beige micro suede furniture with no small measure of trepidation as he dropped onto the loveseat and branched his arms across the back. Have a seat, darling. I believe you remember this routine. Closing her eyes, Taylor nodded and turned, perching above him with a knowing shudder. Sebastian eased her down, guiding her body as it lowered over his. She impaled herself slowly, jerking

with resistance when the pressure got too deep. Reaching around, Sebastian clamped one hand over her throat in warning. The other anchored on her hip as he drove into her and pulled down, burying himself to the hilt. Her strangled cry rang through the room. Sebastians hold tightened. Stop fighting me, he growled. You were warned. Now sit still and hook your feet. Straightening some, he rocked up into her, drawing a muffled cry. Her body shook with her efforts to stay seated as his cock stabbed deep. Taylor moaned in understanding as his middle finger pressed against the small nub above her slit and rubbed in hard, fast strokes. A rumble of pleasure rolled through him as his head fell back. Their eyes met in the mirror hanging across the room, and she watched him study her face. Take away what you will, darling. Your heart and mind might fight me, but your body will always be mine. He ground into her again. She whimpered at the increase in pressure, her fingers scrabbling along his forearms in pleading. Youre going to come, he growled against her ear. I dont care if it takes all night. Youre going to remember your place. I-I do, Sebby. Its herewith you Mmm. So you claim. Prove it to me, Taylor. Give me what I want. He rubbed her clit harder. A low rumble built inside his chest as her body started to throb and contract. Slick moisture coated his shaft and her breathing hitched, signaling she was getting close. The pressure and need for release was growing unbearable. She squirmed, trying to fight it, but he picked up his efforts. Soon, despite the pain, she rocked against the skillful strum of his fingers, grinding herself down until his moans joined her whimpering gasps. She tumbled over the edge with a scream, her body locking and crashing down deeper against the unyielding steel of his shaft. The contractions made him stab straight to her core. Riding out the blissful throes had never been more painful or more sweet. Sobbing, she tried to elude the endless torment his fingers brought. The movements drew a snarl from Sebastian and his hold tightened. Surging to his feet, he spun her and shoved her face down over the couch. His fist wound in her hair as he pounded into her, bringing himself to a quick, brutal release. Her legs threatened to give as he came, his deafening roar echoing in her ears. Gasping, Sebastian collapsed against her. After a few seconds, he pulled out of her body with a reluctant tremble. She remained motionless, watching as he slid back into his clothes and zipped his pants. His fingers danced over her back in mild assessment before brushing the damp hair away from her cheek. You will always be mine, he whispered. Remember that and what it means. Bright florescent lights and gleaming linoleum offered a false sense of cheer. Taylor clung to the slight measure of relief the store offered. There was a safety in public she didnt quite feel at home. Not today. She browsed the shelves while Sebastian strolled in silence beside her. Every few steps, she would toss another item in the cart and then glance his way, her expression troubled and uncertain. He hadnt spoken a word since they left the house. There were no smiles or light touches to the small of her back or her arm like there usually was while they shopped. He was stoic and distant, his attention constantly rooted on their surroundings. The store was crowded and anytime someone pressed too close, Sebastians fists would curl and his lean frame would poise for strike. More than once shed held her breath in fear for the safety of the people passing by.

She pitched a package of chicken in the cart and sighed. Shopping was a mistake. He wasnt ready to be around other people, much less a busy crowd. Somebody was going to get hurt before the day was through. Feeling him press against her, she glanced over her shoulder with a twinge of hope. Maybe, given a little more time, he would come back around. Grab one of those, Sebastian directed, pointing to the section of duck. The meat is rich and fatty. It will do you some good. She couldnt help feeling skeptical. Images of Easter ducklings flickered through her mind, and she scrunched her nose. If he was trying to spur her appetite, it wasnt working. Ive never had duck before, let alone made it. He shrugged. Its very good as long as you know how to cook it properly. I will show you how. Sebby, she started, her tone pleading. She held her tongue as his expression hardened and his piercing stare trapped her in place. Is everything going to be an argument with you today, Taylor? No, sir. She flushed as an older gentleman caught wind of their conversation and paused. Shooting them both a look of question, he shuffled by. The heat searing her cheeks deepened as she turned her attention back to Sebastian. His glare continued to drill into her and she stilled an apprehensive shudder. I am starting to think you are trying to bait my anger, Taylor. Put it in the cart. We will finish this discussion when we get home. Sebastian, please dont be like this. Like what, Taylor? he asked, leaning over her. What is it you think I am doing? Youre backing me into corners and looking for reasons to punish me. His shoulders jerked with a humorless huff. I dont need to look, sweetheart. You are giving them to me on your own. She winced when Sebastian reached up and stroked the back of her head, the tenderness belying his smoldering expression. Shed endured that gesture enough to know it was an unspoken warning of things to come, a menacing herald of pain. Youve forgotten how things work between us, Taylor, Sebastian murmured. Its my fault for being so lax with you. Ive been too forgiving and negligent in my duties to keep you on track, but I assure you that is a situation we will remedy. He leaned over and brushed his lips across her temple before pressing them against her ear. You are going to fall back into line, darling. I dont care what I have to do or how much pain that takes. Unable to help it, she stumbled away. Tears pricked her eyes, and she frantically scanned their surroundings in a bid for help. The rueful slant of Sebastians mouth warned he knew exactly what she was doing. Saying nothing, he folded his arms and reclined a hip against the meat counter. The unspoken dare burned steadily in his gaze. She wanted nothing more than to run. This was bad. So bad. He wasnt himself. Whatever hed been through was making Sebastian even more menacing and cold. Her heart hammered, and her stomach was twisting into painful knots. Asking someone to help would only be handing them a death sentence. Of that much she was certain. Her desperate gaze darted to the other end of the store. Maybe she would make it out the front doors. She might even make it out of the parking lot but, eventually, Sebastian would find her. He would use every high-tech resource available, and he wouldnt stop until

hed found her. Her terrified brain couldnt even bear to fathom what would happen then. One thing she did knowif he didnt kill her, he would definitely make her wish he had. Seeing her shoulders slump, Sebastian arched a brow. Are you finished? he asked with a surprising measure of calm. Body sagging in defeat, Taylor offered a mute nod. It was pointless. There was no escape, and like always, he knew exactly what shed been thinking. The thought made her blood run cold. She grabbed the cart to keep from sinking to her knees. Causing a scene would only make things worse. Maybe, if she was lucky, he would cool down by the time they got home. At least enough that shed be able to sit right after a few days. As terrifying as the notion was, she had no doubt that would be quick and painless in comparison to whatever lie in store for her now. The rest of the shopping hadnt taken nearly long enough. Neither had putting the contents of their overflowing cart away. Taylor found herself wishing Sebastian would stop helping several times. He was quick, proficient, and more than determined to get through the task as quickly as possible. A frigid bolt of fear zapped through her when she heard the sound of the pantry door clicking shut. He turned to face her and she knew, without being told, where to go. Her legs felt heavy and leaden as she made the arduous climb up the steps. She didnt bother pausing in the sitting room. Hoping compliance would at least help shave a point or two off her punishment, she headed straight into the bedroom while Sebastian shut the heavy wooden double doors to the master suite. The strength shed tried to cling to fled as she watched him secure the lock and approach. Her eyes darted to his, her petrified brain wondering why he would lock the doors when they were alone. When fumbling behind her offered no viable forms of support, Taylor sank to her knees. The gesture didnt earn her any favors. His hands shot out and he wrenched her to her feet. She whimpered, doing her best not to cry, despite his brutal hold. I warned you not to keep pushing me, he growled. She slackened in his grip, unable to tear her eyes away from his numbing stare. There wasnt just anger in those sage pools. There was hatred. The pale slits narrowed with rage, and something close to disgust crawled across his chiseled face. You enjoy this dont you? he asked, cocking his head. No, Sebastian. I swear. Stopplease just calm downdont do this. After everything youve done today? His smile was a cruel, sadistic farce. I dont think so, darling. You all but begged me to punish you this morning. I should have listened to you then instead of trying to rein you back in, but I hear your message, Taylor. I hear it loud and clear. The room spun when he buried his nose in the hair above her ear. She could feel him drawing her scent in, breathing it deep into his lungs. But it didnt stop there. His other hand inched up her throat, coming to a stop just under her chin. It didnt tighten, but its weight was heavy and sinister. Are you enjoying this, sunshine? She tensed against his raspy whisper. Is this the side of me you wanted to see? he murmured against her ear. All she managed was a mute shake of her head. He released her and she hit the floor at his feet. Sebastian shot her a hard of disapproval as he stood above her with his hands locked behind his back. Her swallow was so strained it hurt. That was why hed locked the doors. It ensured his hands or a bullet would stop her in her tracks before she even managed to pull them open. Sebastian stared down the end of his nose, his lips quirking with an unrepentant twitch.

Go ahead. Try it, he urged, tilting his head toward the doors. Did you forget what will happen if you try to run from me, Taylor? Do you need a refresher course on that as well? No! I-I dont want to go. I just want you, Sebastian. Not thisyou. You have me, sweetheart. You will always have me. Im the one who no longer has you. Youve made that much perfectly clear. Whether you acted on your desire to leave or not, the thought is still there. This is something else we will work on correcting together. Can you blame me? she choked. Look what youre becoming, Sebby! Look at how youre acting. How am I supposed to feel anything but scared? Tilting his head, his pale eyes narrowed even more. Things have been so good between us, she said, fighting back tears. Dont do this. Dont hurt me. Ill do better. Ill be better. I promisejust please Im not interested in your promises, Taylor. Only the results. I will find a punishment you dont enjoy and, eventually, you will learn to stop baiting me. Now strip. Im sorry. Im so sorry. Just listen to me for one minute, Sebby, please, she begged, holding out a staying hand. I dont negotiate, Taylor. Stop crying. You brought this on yourself. I know, she choked, blindly dashing the tears away. Just give it a little more time. You're not the man who loves me right now. I wont be able to take this. Thisemotionless. If you punish me now, youll destroy us both. Youre not you. Don't hurt me just so you can feel. He stood over her for a long moment. When he finally spoke, his voice came in a strained rasp. Is that what you think? he asked. You think hurting you makes me feel better? The honesty was difficult, but she forced herself to nod and meet his eyes. The hurt and bafflement warring with the anger on his face didnt make it any easier. I think it gives you a release a way to vent all the rage and hopelessness SKALS makes you feel, but Im not a target, Sebastian. Im the woman who loves you, she whispered, hanging her head. The silence that followed broke her heart. Each second that ticked by shattered it a little more. What do you want from me? he asked. What is it that you want me to be, Taylor? The exasperation in his voice caught her off guard. She swung her tear-filled gaze back up to his and struggled to push the words past the agonizing lump in her throat. Im not asking for the world. I just want you to be you. I know youre still in there somewhere, Sebby. I can feel it. I just dont know what to saywhat to do. How do I get you to come back to me? Cocking his head, he spread his palms. Im right here. No, Taylor whispered with a sad shake of her head. Youre not. Youre still stuck inside SKALS headquarters somewhere. When youre you, were so good together. Everything feels real and right. Youre my perfect fit. I know this is hard. I know this isnt what they trained you to be, but I need you. Not some hollow shell. Not this cruel replacement. You. I need you to stay with me, Sebby. Please. Come home. Try to remember what we had. I know you love me, but right now when I look in your eyes, all I see is hate. His lethal stare narrowed even more. The muscles along his jaw corded and clenched, as did his fists. Ice rolled through Taylors veins, certain shed just provoked a much more terrifying alternative to his belt. Those hands were large, powerful, and trained to kill. Without a word, he snatched her up from the floor in a forceful yank. Certain he was about to murder her, she splayed her palms against his chest. Seizing both her wrists in one hand, Sebastian jerked away from her touch as if burned. That was the last straw. It was pointless. If he wouldnt even let her touch him now, he was never coming

back. There was no way to reason with him or plead. All fight fled her and Taylor blinked against the tears. Maybe it would be kinder for him to end it than to subject her to a lifetime of living like this an existence full of torment and fear. When it came to SKALS, she couldnt compete. It wasnt fair to either of them for her to try. Lifting her chin, she peered back at him in wounded resignation. Its okay, she whispered. I understand. Do what you have to. Sebastians lean form trembled with fury. Closing her eyes, Taylor hung her head and braced herself for the worst. It scared her to know she would have no idea what was coming, but it was easier than seeing him like this. She stumbled as he used his hold to jerk her across the room. A forceful shove sent her reeling. Before she could regain her balance, she tumbled onto the end of their bed in an awkward sprawl. Seconds ticked by as she shivered and held her breath, waiting. The stillness ended with a forceful slam of the doors that shook the entire house and threatened to stop her heart dead. Something deep inside her broke in the silence that followed. The shattered fragments of her heart fell without sound. Shed spent a lifetime yearning for love only to catch fleeting glimpses of what it could offer. It was an elusive phantom, a ghostly specter haunting the hollow corridors of hope, constantly twisting out of reach at every turn. Shed found passion with Sebastian, but their love was a razorblade dipped in poisona dream held hostage at the edge of SKALS knife. She bit back a sob knowing, if left to Marxs mercy, it would never survive. Sebastian gave his Disaronno another disheartened swirl. It was a strange and eerie feeling to know he was at a crossroads. One from which there was no turning back. He wasnt sure how long hed been sitting outside, but dusk was already starting to settle across the grounds. The house behind him remained quiet and still. The grounds were vacant as well. Rupert and the rest of the security team had taken one look in his direction and wisely decided to give him some much needed space. Taking another long draw of the sweet amaretto whiskey, he sighed. No matter how hard he tried to shake them, Taylors words still haunted him. He would never forget the emptiness and resignation in her eyes as she gave up. Not just on herself, but him. Tucking the bottle between his knees, he scrubbed his hands over his face and let his troubled gaze wander to the sky. Maybe it was better this way. Marx was growing increasingly unhappy with his relationship and performance. A fact he had made painstakingly clear over the past ten days. It had been much worse than usual. This time, the commander had made his point with intensive rounds of shock therapy and water boarding. There were times when hed doubted he would ever get out of that room alive. Sebastian shuddered with the memories, his body coiling with helplessness and rage. It was too damn hard to keep bouncing back and forth. Hed been riding the fine line between the man he wanted to be and the one SKALS demanded for too long. The constant shifting and conflict was starting to take its toll. He couldnt keep going on this way. As strong as he was, he didnt know how much more fight he had left to give. His thoughts returned to Taylor and he tipped the bottle with a grimace. Hed never intended to fall in love with her, but that was exactly what had happened. Her laughter and innocence had wormed its way beneath his skin. They helped keep the darkness and venom at bay and, somehow, she had managed to remind him how good it felt to laughto feel, to live again. Part of him resented her for it. For giving him a glimpse of what life was supposed to be. The other wanted to cling to her tightly and never let those experiences go.

Everything hed been throughthe training, the operations, the reconditioningmade it easier to work, easier to function and do what he needed to do. Sebastian took another disheartened swill. He wasnt stupid. He could see enough to know Marx wasnt just ripping away the last shreds of his humanity. He was ripping away his life. It would be so easy to give in. So easy to surrender. Another round or two in a reconditioning cell at that mans hands and there would be nothing left. Nothing. It was already too damn hard to find the broken little pieces, but he was fighting it. Fighting with everything he had for one reason and one reason alonehe wanted to be worthy of Taylor. Shaking his head, he took another long pull off the bottle. It didnt matter what he did. That would never happen. She was too good for someone like him. She didnt deserve this life, let alone some of the things he had done. He knew it, and she knew it, and still she stood by him, hoping and praying that things would change. She could have shut down and just offered her body when she realized there was no way out, but she still put her heart on the line. At least until tonight. Sighing, Sebastian dragged a weary hand across his face as one lone question came to mind. He wanted to, but could he give her that life? Was he capable of making that change and being the kind of man she deserved? As hard as hed been trying lately, he still failed. The past always loomed, serving as a constant reminder. One tiny misstep and Marx would snuff her light for good. He didnt know if he could live with that. A dry snort broke the silence. It didnt matter what he could handle. It was too late to turn back now. Marx would never let her walk away. She knew too much. Taylor was as trapped in all of this as he was and, if today was any indication, hed already done a damn good job of killing her either way. He pried himself out of his seat and made his way back inside. Somehow, he had the feeling he would find Taylor still waiting upstairs. His heart ached when he pushed open the bedroom doors to find her still hugging her knees to her chest in the middle of their bed. She looked so fragile and broken as she tracked his movements, her eyes empty and drained of life. Gone was the sparkle of vitality and hope hed come to love. Setting the bottle on the dresser, Sebastian faced her with a grim shake of his head. I am going to be completely honest with you, Taylor. Ive spent the last few hours thinking about everything you had to say. He trailed a slow finger along the dressers smooth, glossy surface. What you fail to understand is my position. You were just supposed to be a means to an end for me. Nothing more. Just a beautiful body to use for my pleasure. Someone to do my cooking and cleaning...but love was never supposed to be a part of that deal. Men like me arent supposed to have families. We go to work and we rip those institutions away. But some of you manage she whispered, if you try. Do we? he asked with a dry laugh. Take a good look around you, Taylor. My sister is a widow, and the rest of my family is dead. Those of us that have tried to build a life outside of work have failed or met an untimely grave. Where is the success in that? She said nothing. A miserable tremble ran through her as she lowered her gaze and hugged her knees tighter. I have given this a great amount of consideration over the past few hours, and I realized things cant go on like this. Things have to change. She nodded and he watched, tilting his head, as she worked to tug the band on her finger free. Whatever you are doing, stop it right now. So help me God, Taylor, I will beat you senseless if you take off that ring. She froze, her big grey eyes swinging to his in confusion. The hurt and bewilderment there made it hard for him to breathe. Conflict swirled through him, two completely separate halves still

battling for control. He crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Im no good at making apologies, but I am sorry about earlier. You are right. I lost my way, but I love you and nothing is ever going to make that change. No matter how much SKALS might rip away, some small part of me is always clinging to you. You are what keeps me breathing when I want to give in. You are what makes me fight to come back home. But that has to end, she whispered. He threaded his fingers through her hair and coaxed her face closer until their foreheads touched. No, baby. That is the one thing I dont ever want to change. I dont understand He closed his eyes for a long moment, searching for his voice and his strength. Releasing his breath, he pulled back and with a regretful frown. Every time they lock me away, it gets harder and harder for me to find my way back. To remind myself of who I was and who I need to be outside of those walls. I shouldnt fight it, but I do. I want a life with you, Taylor. I want to be the man you deserve. I want to be him so bad. Its just hardso much harder than I ever thought it would be. I dont mean to make things difficult for you, Sebastian. He silenced her with a shake of his head, his palm cradling her cheek. You dont. This was my choice. I took that leap. If there is anyone to blame for my struggles, its me. I am working on things, but they are going to take some time. I need you, Taylor. I know things are hard, and I know you hurt, but dont give up on me, baby. Please. She closed her eyes and bowed her head. The heartbroken tears streaming over her cheeks threatened what was left of his sanity. How? she asked. How is anything ever going to change? Life is always going to be this constant battle of push and pull for us, Sebby. Please dont make me promises you cant keep. It was now or never. Time to put up or shut up. Salvage things or walk away. He weighed the options heavily for a moment. Then, seeing no other way, laid every card he had on the table. All of the ugly secrets and sins were there for the taking. BabyI try. Do you know why I am so damn hard on you, Taylor? Do you have any idea why I snap? You say its because you love me, but it honestly doesnt feel that way. He nodded, his chest growing uncomfortably tight. Think what you want. I do it to protect you to protect us both. If Marx saw the way you argued with me today, he would make the corrections Ive given you seem like foreplay. You think it hurts when I hit you with a belt? What I do is nothing, nothing, in the grand scheme of things. That man would whip the skin clean off your back and make you bleed. He would torture you in ways that would break you for good. If you dont believe me, ask Monique. She experienced his wrath firsthand. Just because she made some lighthearted joke to me, and he found it disrespectful. You have no idea how scrutinizing he can be. She looked sick. All color bleached from her face as her mercurial eyes flooded with tears. Aching to ease that stark look of fear, he lifted her chin. That is why I crack down on you. I dont ever want that to happen again. It cant. I cant live with that. Shes never been the same, Taylor, and that mistake cost her husband his life. Since then Marx has made it perfectly clear what he expects from our families and our team. One sign of weakness from us and he will start to go down the line, taking away what is most dear. The first person that heads that short list for me is youthen Monique and Mia. I need you to understand this. I dontI thought Dane died in the line of her voice trailed off as he shook his head.

The truth would crush Monique. Dane was livid when he found out what Marx did. He burst into my office in a full-blown rage, unaware Marx was making a quick pit stop in the bathroom. The bastard overheard the whole thing, came out, and shot him in cold blood without even blinking. He sighed, grappling with the guilt the memories provoked. I shouldve seen it. Even then, Marx was out of control. He didnt care who or what he destroyed in his quest for power, Sebastian said, tugging both hands through his curls in frustration. Look, I cant get into this right now. I am working on a solution, but when I tell you its for your own good, I mean it. I need you to believe in me, to hang on and trust me. She released a shaky breath, her face bewildered and pinched with worry. II dont know what to say. I try, Sebastian. I really do. He forced a wistful smile as he speared his fingers through her hair. I know, baby. Today was just a rough day. We are both tired and out of sorts. Tomorrow will be better. Chewing her lip, she nodded, her grey eyes swinging up to his and flooding with hope. Does that mean you arent going to punish me? He couldnt help the reluctant tug of his lips as he settled his forehead against hers. I cant let that kind of behavior slip. I am definitely going to remind you who is in charge, he said, trailing a crooked finger along the underside of her chin. But I think an hour or so under me should do the trick. The tension lifted, easing most of the worry from her angelic features. He stiffened as she flung her arms around his neck, but then relaxed as her sensual smell washed over him and her warm nose nuzzled his skin. Closing his eyes, Sebastian held onto her, relishing in the feel of comfort, seduction, and home. That is a punishment I think I can manage, she murmured. Mmm. That remains to be seen, he said, tipping her face to steal a hungry kiss. It took effort, but the painful cramping in his stomach forced him to pull back. Go clean yourself up. Well go catch a movie and grab a bite to eat. She wiggled her brows as she wiped the last of her tears away. Something good like seafood and steak? Snaring her chin, he tugged her closer with a sinister laugh. I will gladly take you anywhere you want. Just remember what they say. Who? Men, darling. If you order the lobster you are sealing the deal, and that sweet body of yours is already going to pay a heavy price. She scrunched her face and shook her head. You cant charge double the fees. Cant I? Sebastian asked, pressing closer. Who says? Me, she argued, holding her forefinger between them in a silent gesture for him to wait. Pulling her hand out the way, he regarded her with a curious tilt of his head. Is that so? I find that funny, darling, seeing as you are completely and utterly without say. She squealed as he lunged without warning. His lips eagerly sought purchase against her neck. His body splayed against hers in a menacing press, pinning her to the mattress. Taylor wrapped her legs around his waist in invitation. Covering her hands with his, he trapped them against the bed. Danger and desire played in the sage pools of his eyes. He teased her lips, brushing them with his in the barest caress. You should beg me to make you pay, he whispered. What?

You heard me sweetheartbeg. Taylor gasped, her body rising to meet his as he ground the straining ridge of his zipper between her thighs. He released one of her hands to cradle the back of her neck. His hold tightened as he kissed her again, the warm spear of his tongue dueling with hers in a mirrored reflection of his hips. When he finally broke contact, she lay beneath him breathless and dazed. What happened to dinner? she panted. A sinister laugh escaped him. I decided I wanted an appetizer, he murmured, nipping a slow path across her skin. Are you complaining? No, Sebastian. Not about this. Never about this. I swear. Good, he stated, releasing his hold just long enough to wrestle her clothing away.


Taylor arched and shifted on her raft, her jaw stretching on a violent yawn. Heat radiated from the late April sun and reflected off the sparkling aqua water of the pool, making her feel even more languid and relaxed. Feeling another pair of eyes upon her, she tipped her sunglasses and regarded the blonde floating beside her with a sheepish smile. Moniques lush lips quirked. Shaking her head, Sebastians sister adjusted her designer shades and slumped back onto her raft with a knowing smirk. Most of us would assume its all this relaxing and fun in the sun making you glow, but I know better, she teased. I told you before to keep that stuff to yourself. Like youre any better over there, Taylor scoffed, tossing a lemon wedge her way. That Cheshire grin youre boasting should come with its own set of shades. Moniques airy laughter rang across the pool, drawing the attention of Josh and Sebastian as they manned the grill. I dont know what youre talking about, she claimed with an indignant sniff. Im still basking in the exhilarating rush of spending the day out on the lake. Riding those jet skis was a blast. Uh huh, Taylor deadpanned. Im sure it was nothing compared to the ride you had after we hopped off in the swim zone. Monique sat up so quickly her raft almost capsized. Cursing, she fought to keep her balance, all while scrambling to save the remnants of her fruity umbrella drink. Taking a leisurely sip through her straw, Taylor donned an innocent look as her friends sun-kissed cheeks flushed an even brighter shade of pink. You knew? Shrugging, she stuffed her drink back in the cup holder. Its not exactly like you guys were sneaky about it. Moniques eyes darted to Sebastian. Obvious shame and horror stamped her face. Clamping a hand over her mouth, she gave a pleading shake of her head. Oh God Relax. She laughed when Monique turned her way with a look that clearly stated anyone in their right mind would be on the verge of panic. Snickering, Taylor settled back against her raft with a smug expression. I kept your brother occupied. The two of you could have drowned out there and he wouldnt have noticed. Her future sister-in-law laughed, her freckled shoulders slumping in a visible show of relief. Youre a life saver. I know. You can thank me later. Lunch on Friday? Sounds good to me. Good. My brother was right. You do look like you need to eat. Her lips twisted in a wry purse as Monique glanced the mens way. Thats probably not a good thing either, seeing how close Josh keeps getting to that grill. I love the man, but I swear if he so much as breathes on the food, none of us will be able to eat. Sheesh! Is his breath really that bad? Taylor asked with a mischievous wiggle of her brow. The blondes mouth fell open. No! Not at all, but his cooking skills are atrocious. Remembering Sebastians comments about the boxed pizza, Taylor burst into laughter. So I heard.

Monique tittered beside her. I cant wait to tell Josh his cooking skills are so bad theyre becoming legendary. Someones feeling brave. Ehhhh. An impish laugh accompanied Moniques embarrassed shrug. Not really. Hes got a pretty great sense of humor most days. All it will do is add some spice. You really are a wicked woman, Taylor teased. All corruption and no shame. The blonde dipped her fingers in her drink and slung an ice cube her way. Shh. The last thing I need is for Sebastian or Josh to catch on. Taylor snickered into her glass. Okay, but I dont think either of them are as oblivious as you think. She let her gaze drift across the pool to the rocky alcove boasting the built-in grill and fire pit. Sensing he had her attention, Sebastian glanced up and motioned her out of the pool with a crook of his finger. Abandoning her raft, Taylor plunged into the waters cool depths and pulled herself across the surface in a few fluid strokes. After levering herself up over the ledge, she wound a fluffy towel around her waist and wrung the water from the ends of her hair. The crisp scent of chlorine clung to her, replacing the earthy remnants of the lake. Snaking an arm around her waist, Sebastian tugged her closer. I missed you, he murmured with an eager press of his hips. Grinning, she rubbed the tip of her nose against his and sank her fingers into the drying tumbles of his hair. I missed you too. Hey now, Josh said, turning with the spatula poised in his hand. My kid is running around here somewhere. Dont make me turn the hose on you two. Sebastians shoulders jerked with quiet laughter and he tugged Taylor closer as he aimed a pointed look his partners way. Do you really think that would be wise? Not really, Baas, but it might be worth it if it cools you down. What the hell is with you lately anyways? Are you in heat? he asked, arching a quizzical brow. Perhaps, Sebastian said, his lips spreading into a terse smile. Josh chuckled with a shake of his head. Keep your pistol in your pants until you get home, killer. Sebastian glanced down and Taylor watched his expression soften. Tenderness flooded the sage pools of his eyes as he tucked her hair behind her ears. Without warning, his mood shifted and his back straightened. Annoyance and uncertainty flickered across the chiseled planes of his face as his gaze narrowed and scanned the yard. You okay, Baas? Josh asked, waving Monique out of the pool. He shot Sabastian an inquisitive look before starting to plate the food. Taylor blushed when her stomach gave an audible gurgle, her mouth already watering at the promise of Hawaiian grilled grouper. Skewered pineapple, peppers, onions, and cherries added bright color and extra flavor to the festive sticks. Yeah. I suppose. Have you noticed anything strange lately? The question drew her attention away from the food. Turning, she regarded her lover with a questioning blink. Cant say that I have, Josh replied. What kind of strange are we talking here, Baas? Strange like you settling down and being all lovey? Because thats pretty damn strange if you ask me. Cute, Sebastian quipped. Taylor, go help my sister grab the salad and drinks, he said, patting her wet butt in dismissal.

Frowning, she headed for the house, but kept her steps slow and her ears strained. The same people keep resurfacing wherever I go. The grocery store, the movies, the restaurant, and today, I could have sworn I seen one of them out at the lake. Maybe Marx is keeping an eye on us, making sure we werent trying to skip town or something. That last round of reprogramming was pretty fucking intense. For a minute there, I didnt think I was going to make it out. No. This isnt SKALS. It feelsdifferent. She hesitated, her fingers curled around the handle for the sliding patio door as she waited for Joshs reply. Look. You and Taylor have been through a hell of a lot. Flagstaff is a big city. Youre bound to keep seeing more than one familiar face. Youve been tense and on edge since that whole thing with Laychee went down. Believe it or not, the whole world isnt out to get you, Baas. Try to lighten up and relax a bit, okay? Sensing his eyes boring into her, Taylor quickly pulled the door open without waiting for Sebastians response. A few hours later, they sat gathered around the built-in fire pit. Tucked between his knees, Taylor snuggled against Sebastians chest as they shared a blanket. He rested his chin on her shoulder while she slowly skimmed her fingertips up and down the coarse hair covering his legs. A quiet contentment flowed between, both staring at the fire and somewhat mesmerized by the hypnotic dance of the flames. It had been a long day. Theyd gotten up well before the first traces of color spackled the sky and made the two hour drive to the lake. Five hours of jet skis, wind, sun, and swimming had left them all drained, and it had been another two hour ride back to Moniques. Now, she wanted nothing more than to crawl into their comfortable bed and enjoy his touch. Sebastian seemed to feel much the same. Kissing her temple, he nudged her forward. Im going to go gather our things, sweetheart. Where did you put our bag? Its hanging on the hook in the laundry room. After unfurling himself from the lounger, he headed for the house. Monique quickly followed suit with an offer to help and send some food home. Mourning the loss of his heat, Taylor drew the blanket tighter and glanced up to find Josh studying her. You sure youre feeling okay, kid? She gave an embarrassed nod. It was just hard being away from him. Yeah, he said, sighing as he leaned forward to prod the fire with the end of a stick. I get that. Its tough on all of us. A tense silence hung between them and his face darkened with the same tortured shadows that haunted Sebastians whenever he disappeared into the past. Hoping to lighten the mood, she went out on a limb. Sooodid Monique really ban you from the kitchen? His head snapped up, his sharp, rugged face squinting with confusion. Say what now? Sebastian was telling me about the pizza you made. He said it was so awful it almost killed him, she explained. Relief flooded her upon hearing Joshs gravelly laugh. Oh he did, did he? Yeah. How in the world did you ever manage to pull that off? It takes a certain kind of talent to botch something straight out of a box. Still laughing, he shook his head. Deep creases lined his forehead as he flashed a sheepish look. Just between you and me? I did that on purpose, kid. He leaned forward and settled into a more comfortable position. We were working late one night and Baas was starting to get hungry. Which is

really a polite way of saying he was becoming a royal pain in my ass. Taylor couldnt help but snicker. Grinning, he pointed at her with the stick. See? You know exactly what I mean. Anyway, yeah, I could have made a perfect pizza. Its not exactly neurosurgery, but what purpose would that have served? Its bad enough working with the man all day. The last thing I needed was Sebastian stopping by every night and demanding a hot meal. SoI fucked it up. He hated it and never asked me to make him anything again. Problem solved. Smart thinking, huh? Pressing her fist against her mouth did nothing to quiet her laughter. Its genius if you ask me. Is that what happened with Monique, too? Absolutely, he said, laughing. Im not as dumb as people think. It worked so well with her brother, I figured why ruin a good thing? Huh, she mused. Why didnt I ever think of that? Probably because you know what would happen if you ever tried to deceive me. Startling at the soft rasp of Sebastians voice, she whirled in her chair. Shame crept across her face and she offered a guilty smile. Winking, he stroked his thumb over her cheek. Hey, Baas. I never heard you come back out. Obviously. Josh grinned and shrugged. You cant blame me for trying. Funny, Sebastian said, tracing the shell of Taylors ear. This one tried the same argument once. It didnt work for her either and she has considerably more charm than you do. Taylor held her breath, wishing she were brave enough to turn back around and steal a glance at his face. Josh looked relaxed but he didnt say anything as he stared over her shoulder. Dont encourage her mischievous side. I didnt see the harm, Baas. Its just us. Until its not and she slips up. You know just as well as I do how devastating a single misstep for them can be. The rebuke was soft but she watched it smack Josh like a ton of bricks. Emotions flashed across his face faster than she could name them. He gave a curt nod, but Taylor didnt miss the forceful bob of his Adams apple as he swallowed. Youre right, Baas. Im sorry. Monique chose that moment to step out of the house with a bag of leftovers. Taylor watched the blondes wide gaze leap between her brother and Josh, obviously sensing the slight tension between them. Thinking about what she must have went through at Marxs hands made Taylors stomach churn. Sebastian turned to accept the food and brushed his sister's cheek with a gentle kiss. Thank you for your hospitality, Monique. Everything was perfect as always. Mos smile lit up the patio at the praise. Taking Sebastians cue, Taylor stood and enveloped the stunning woman in a hug. Thank you for everything. I had a blast today. Oh, me too! Thank you both for coming. Ill call you about lunch. I cant wait. Josh stood and walked them around front of the house. Taylor hoped the slap Sebastian gave his partners back meant all was forgiven. She smiled as Sebby tucked her close against his side on the way to the Mercedes. Peeking up at him, she noticed his gaze wasnt on her but busy scanning the tree lined drive. His conversation with Josh popped back to mind. Hed said it didnt feel like SKALS.

What did that mean? And if it wasnt SKALSwho was it? Frowning, Sebastian studied the files in front of him. They were no closer to finding Patrick James than they had been weeks ago. For all intents and purposes, the man was a ghost. No credit, no banking or social security activity, no recent facial recognition hits. Somehow, the man had fallen completely off the grid. Pinching his lips, he leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing in thought. With all of the surveillance and technology available in this day and age, there were only two ways a man could disappear for good. Either their dear friend had shacked up in a cave and was living off the land somewhere or Patrick James was dead. Man, we have to find something, Wes exclaimed. His broad hands shook as he ran them over the thinning brown hair on his head. I am not going back in a reconditioning cell again. I cant. Relax, Sebastian ordered flatly. You will do as youre told or things will get much worse. Baas, I cant. I cant go back in there. You dont know what it was like in there last time. You dont know what they did. Wesleys glasses magnified the terrified flare of his brown eyes, lending him an owl-like appearance. His chest heaved and small beads of sweat erupted along his ruddy skin. Nodding, Sebastian tented his fingers beneath his chin and watched the normally strong man border on the edge of hyperventilation. I assure you my last stay was no vacation either. We go through these things and we learn from them. I suggest you move on. I know, sir. Im sorry. I wasnt complaining. I just-- Lifting a hand, Sebastian silenced the man and stood. I would choose your next words very carefully if I were you. I dont know why you feel comfortable enough to express these opinions in my presence, but I find this outlook deeply unsettling. Wesleys wide throat strained with his swallow. Understood, sir. It wont happen again. Sebastian studied him for a long moment, searching for signs of deception. The lowered head suggested he was trying to shield something. Then again, it could be shame or fear brought on by the gentle reprimand. Frowning, he wondered if Vincent had said something about their conversations or his current outlook towards Marx. The thought troubled him more than he cared to admit. Sighing, he poured a tumbler of whiskey and held it out in offering. Drink this, he ordered before returning to the other side of his desk. His gaze bore into Wes as the man shakily downed his drink. I understand that things are difficult lately, but I need you to pull yourself together and hold on. This organization needs men who can function without falling apart. I have lost enough of my team as it is. Wes nodded. His attention remained rooted on the beveled glass in his hands. I know, sir. Its just he trailed off with a frustrated shake of his head. Speak freely. I know that reconditioning serves its purpose. Ive never liked it, but Ive always understood. This time, I wasnt even sure if I was going to make it out alive. To be completely honest, I still dont understand why I was there. We were doing our damn jobs. What else did Marx want? Sebastian rubbed the dark golden stubble dotting his chin. Its not up to us to question his reasons. I know that, Baas. He nodded. That said, I will agree the discipline was intense. I just get the feeling that things are changing, sir. And I

Continue. Im not sure where SKALS is headed. As fucked up as our methods might be, Ive always felt a certain sense of pride and accomplishment knowing, in the end, we were doing the right thing. We put down low life scum. We take them out before they can hurt innocent people. But right now? Right now, I dont have the slightest idea what we are doing or where this might lead. Hands braced against his desk, he pondered those claims carefully. Part of him felt responsible for his teammates conflict. From the beginning, hed taught his men to think as he would, to search the fields and perimeters outside of the box. It seemed those efforts had served him well. Still, the mans current mental state lent him serious pause. The last thing he needed was for Wes to cave. History had proven hysteria was a catching disease. Its been suggested Patrick James sold valuable security information and turned on his country. I would say that is reason enough to go after the man. Sir, with all due respect, we have no proof in these allegations. Yet, Sebastian stated quietly. Go home. Take another day or two off. Jackson is eager to learn. He can pick up your slack. I need you to come back to me with a clear head. I dont know that I can. I cant even sleep. Sebastian rounded his desk and stared down at the man. Even his uniform was disheveled and askew on his semi-portly frame. That alone was enough to land him in a cell for another two days. Reaching down, he straightened one shoulder seam as best he could. Have I ever lead you astray, Wesley? No, sir, he said, giving an adamant shake of his head. Never. Then trust me. Trust me to do what is right for you and this team. Those steps may take some time but I assure you, if they become necessary, they will be taken. Do you understand what I am saying? Yes, sir. I believe so. Taking note of the hope illuminating the mans big brown eyes, Sebastian patted his back. Good. Go home and get some rest. Well talk more when you return. Pausing at the mirror, Taylor smoothed her hair back into place and ran an inquisitive hand over her silhouette. A worried frown flickered over her features. The past few weeks had taken a definite toll on her body, and this morning hadnt helped matters any. Shed spent most of the night tossing and turning, worried someone was watching them again and where that interest might lead. One close call with death had been more than enough. She still couldnt walk past the hallway leading to Sebastians office, or enter that room without thinking about Laychee or his men had done. The flashing light and explosions, gunfire, blood, and the invasion of cold steel entering her body did more than plague her dreams. They threatened to steal the sanity from her waking hours. Shed barely managed to choke her breakfast down and kiss Sebastian goodbye before it all came tumbling out again. Exhaustion was a constant battle and it left its shadowy calling card beneath her eyes. Deciding shed done the best she could with her waning appearance, she pulled open the front doors and greeted Irene with a sunny smile. The coppertop immediately swept her up in a fierce embrace that squeezed the air from her lungs. Grimacing over her friends freckled shoulder, Taylor shot Rupert a comedic look of pleading. He grinned and acknowledged her request with a tip of his sunglasses. You look very nice today, Ms. Irene. The redhead released Taylor and spun on her stilettos, her face lighting in an unabashed show

of pride. Smoothing her hands over her scrappy silver dress, she then plumped her girls which were already on prominent display. Why thank you, Rupert, she drawled sweetly. I put a little extra effort in since I was coming to a house full of such handsome men. Placing a hand against her cheek, Taylor rapidly batted her eyes in imitation of an exaggerated Southern belle. The caricature made the big guard snort. Clearing his throat, he straightened and fought to regain his composure. Thank you for your kindness, Maam. Miss Taylor, I will be right outside if either of you ladies need me. Thank you, Rupert. Seeing Irene was far from budging, Taylor hooked her arm through her friends and tugged her across the threshold. Aw, but honey I wasnt done! the busty waitress protested. Yes you are. Youre letting all of the cold air out of the house and poor Rupert doesnt get paid enough to ward off your advances. Laughing, Irene waved her off and sauntered through the foyer. Something tells me that handsome lover of yours is more than generous where his wallet is concerned. Uncomfortable with the assessment and uncertain how to respond, Taylor shrugged the comment off and made her way into the kitchen. Sun glinted off the stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops while she poured two glasses of sweet tea and slid one Irenes way. The womans hazel gaze bore into her for a long moment before flickering away in disdain. You look like shit, Tay. Her mouth opened and snapped shut. No offense, sweetie, but you do, the redhead said, pausing to take a sip. Her eyes locked with Taylors above the rim of her glass and narrowed in suspicion. You dont have one of those eating disorders do you? No! she exclaimed with more than a hint of annoyance. Jesus, Irene. I eat, okay? Okay. So whats going on with you? Nothing! The past few weeks have been rough enough as it is. I dont need you coming over and pointing out every single one of my flaws. If thats your intention today, just go home. Theres no need to get snippy about things. Im just trying to look out for you. Maybe you should get yourself into a doctor. You cant take care of a man of Sebastians caliber if you arent on your game. Taylors shoulders slumped at the hurt in the older womans voice. Despite her abrasive personality, Irene meant well. Im sorry. I didnt mean to snap at you. Im just tired and oversensitive. Sebastian mentioned my weight the other day too and it hurt my feelings, she admitted, picking at her thumbnail. Im sure hes just worried about you, sugar. Real men like a little cushion on their women. If they were into flat chests and bony hips theyd chase after boys. Either way, its best to get yourself looked at before that handsome Feds eyes start to stray. Its a brutal world out there. Believe me, if you dont keep your man happy between the sheets, somebody else will. Taylor opened her mouth and closed it again. Lowering her head, she rubbed at her temple. Shed been looking forward to Irenes visit, and now she just wanted to curl up and take a nap. Turning her glass on the counter, she searched for a topic that wouldnt make her want to scream. She jumped when the phone rang. Sebastians number was a saving grace, and she couldnt help but feel a small twinge of hope. Maybe he was on his way home. What she really wanted right now was one of his warm, cuddly hugs.

It rang again and she snatched it up, fumbling to answer. Hello? Hello, baby. Are you okay? Yeah. Im fine. My hands were a little wet, she said breathlessly. Were going to have guests for dinner. Marx, Jackson, Josh and Monique, he said briskly. She heard him cover the phone as a gruff voice rumbled in the background. Sebastian responded with a curt affirmation then returned. Monique will head over shortly to help you prepare. Call her and coordinate the menu so she can pick up whatever you two need. Taylor opened her mouth to ask what was going on, but compliance tumbled out instead. Yes, Sebastian. We will see you at six oclock. Okay. I love you, she said, the words sounding more like a questioning whisper. The silence of a dead line met her in return. Biting her lip, she shook her head and hung up the phone. This couldnt possibly be good. Is everything okay? Blowing out a sharp breath, she glanced at the clock. Not really. Last minute change of plans. I have a big dinner to prep. Im sorry, but were going to have to do this another time. Irenes ruby lips pursed. Smoothing her hands over her voluptuous hips, she shook her head. Nonsense, Tay. Youre tired and not feeling well. Let me help you whip things together. I appreciate the offer, but Monique is already going to help and I need to call her to figure things out. The waitress shot her a pointed look. Look here, baby doll, I manned that kitchen long before you ever set one foot inside a diner. I know my way around a stove. Three sets of hands are even better. With all of us working together, well get everything done in no time. Taylor chewed the inside of her cheek, searching for a polite way to back out of things. There was a big difference between serving up food to hungry truckers and appeasing the more selective pallets of Sebastian and his men. Not to mention Marx. The mere thought of him assessing dinner was enough to make her panic. Her stomach swirled in a dangerous pitch. Irene, I would love for you to keep me company, but I cant she swallowed against a wave of bile, I cant let you stay. That was all she managed. Clamping a hand over her mouth, Taylor made a mad scramble for the half bath off the kitchen. After a long night of worrying and her newfound fears over dinner, even the iced tea was too much for her nervous stomach to handle. It felt like hours passed as she clung to the toilet and rode out the violent spell of dry heaves. She splashed some cold water on her face and gargled with the extra bottle of mouthwash shed stashed in the medicine cabinet before wandering back out into the kitchen. Irene turned from the framed picture shed been studying. Taylor glanced at it with a pensive smile. Monique had snapped the photo at her birthday party. Sebastian looked even more handsome than usual, a huge dimpled grin carving his face, his eyes bright and creased beneath the rim of a tattered baseball cap as he stood with his arms wrapped around her waist. They both looked so happy. So in love. It had been the perfect day in so many ways. Frowning, she realized shed give anything to go back there again. I dont care what you say, Irene said, planting her hands on her hips. Im staying and, quite frankly, its obvious you dont have the physical strength to toss me out so I suggest you get over it. Irene I know, I know, the redhead said, waving her off. You dont want me intruding on your

fancy dinner party. Dont worry. Ill be out of here before anyone shows up. I promise. Its not that, Taylor whispered, her cheeks starting to flame. She hated the fact that her friend thought she could be so shallow and judgmental. On the other hand, she wasnt sure what else she could call it. The truth was Irene was sassy and bold. She had no problems flaunting her sexuality, or voicing her opinions on any topic, no matter how unwelcome they might be. As refreshing as that change of pace was sometimes, it could make other people very uncomfortable, and it had little place in the strict, polished SKALS regieme. She sighed with an apologetic shake of her head, her eyes pleading for some measure of understanding. Irene, its a company dinner. Its business and honestly not my choice. I love you. You know that. Whatever, hun. Its no big deal. I understand. A little over three hours later, a delicious blend of freshly baked bread, homemade Marsala sauce, and pan seared chicken infused the house. Monique was shaking a dusting of confectioners sugar over a tray of lemon bars as Taylor chopped the rest of the lobster for the bisque. She turned and wiped the sweat from her brow as a thick billow of steam rolled across the kitchen and buffeted her skin. These potatoes should be done soon, Irene said, jabbing one of the baby reds with a fork. Ive got to hand it to you girls. You two sure know how to throw together one hellacious meal. Everything smells divine. Monique colored and gave a polite smile. Thank you. It was a lot of work, but it should go over well. Should? she exclaimed with no small measure of disbelief. No offense, honey, but you two are working yourselves to death for no reason. Most men are more than happy to sit down to a warm slab of meat and a hunk of potatoes after a long day. The blonde gave an embarrassed shrug. Taylor wiped her hands on the dishtowel slung over her shoulder and scraped the chunked lobster meat into the pot. Thats true, and Seb is usually pretty easy to please, but hes bringing his boss home tonight. It doesnt hurt to take a few extra steps to impress the man. She could almost see the wheels churning. Irene placed the lid back on the potatoes with the beginnings of a coy smile playing on her lips. This guy must be a pretty big deal to warrant such a fancy meal. He is a very important man, yes, Monique said. But it is also a dinner party. A certain amount of finesse is expected. Well arent we all hoity toity? Moniques lips flattened into a grim press. A brief spark of hurt and anger flared in her bright green eyes and her back straightened as she turned back to the desserts. Irene Taylor said, her voice laced with reproach. The redheads bracelets clanged together as she gave a dismissive wave of her hand. I was just playing. Listen, I didnt mean any offense, doll. It was just my way of admitting Im a little out of place. I dont get all of this high-end, proper dinner party stuff but I wish I did. My idea of a good time is kicking back with a cold beer, a pizza, and laughing with a group of friends. Can you forgive me? Moniques expression softened and she turned around with a gentle smile. Of course I can, Irene. Theres nothing to forgive. Honestly, that sounds like a great time to me. Well, hell. Im glad thats settled, she said, scooping them both together for a brief hug.

Well all have to get together and do it sometime then. Id like that. Taylor tensed and pulled back at the quiet whir of the garage door. Heart hammering, her eyes darted to Moniques in a moment of shared panic. Glancing at the clock, she winced. They were home over half an hour early. Hark, the cavalry has arrived, Irene teased. Cursing, Taylor spun and fumbled to get the blender ready to finish the bisque. Monique jerked the pot of potatoes from the stove as Irene scrambled to get out of the way. Jesus! Whats the rush? You dont understand. Why? Monique whimpered, in a quiet plea. Why is this happening? Shh now, honey. Everything is going to be okay. What can I do to help? Finish setting the tableplease, Taylor ordered. And light the center pieces. Theres a candle lighter in the buffet drawer. On it, sugar. Blowing out a deep breath, she smoothed her simple black dress and raked her fingers through her hair. There wasnt enough time to brush it again, let alone sweep it up into a polished coif like Moniques. She was just going to have to make do with what she had. Snagging her lip between her teeth, she yanked a pen from the drawer beside the refrigerator and speared it through her hair in a quick twist. Monique nodded in approval and tugged a few wisps free. You look beautiful, Tay. Her face scrunched as she cast a worried look toward the laundry room door. I highly doubt that, but it will have to do for now. She wavered between finishing dinner and going to greet the men. Deciding food was the safest bet when they had guests, she finished blending while Monique whipped the potatoes. A cold chill raced down her spine as Sebastian approached and Marxs broad shadow fell across the room. The commander had a certain way about him, an unspoken demeanor capable of casting even the brightest of things into darkness. Switching things off, she greeted Sebastian with a welcoming smile. He didnt return the gesture, but his eyes were soft and questioning as he fingered the pen stuck through her hair. Everything is almost done, she promised. The comment earned her a stiff nod. Forcing herself to breathe, Taylor turned her attention to the other men. Hello, Marx, sir. Josh, its nice to see you both again. She glanced at the young man whod accompanied them in question, but no introduction was forthcoming. Following Sebastians lead, Josh offered little more than a tip of his chin, his gaze roaming over Monique until a fearful tremble wracked the blondes slender fame. The inexplicable urge to cringe crept over her. Tamping down a shiver of her own, Taylor turned to find herself trapped beneath Marxs brooding stare. Darting her tongue out to wet her lips, she struggled to find her voice. Can I get you gentlemen something to drink? Ill do that, Tay, baby. You just round these handsome boys into the other room and get them fed. Sebastians whipped around at the sound of Irenes voice. He instantly stiffened, large fists balling at his sides. The muscles along his jaw bulged in a savage clench, and Taylor took an uncertain step back as his head swung in her direction. If she could have crawled into a hole and died at that moment, she would have. A dark stain of displeasure infused his cheeks as his glare drilled into her, demanding answers.

Taking a steadying breath, she fought to keep the tremble out of her voice. Thank you, but that wont be necessary Irene. Youve done more than enough. Thank you visiting and for all of your help today, but I know you have to get going. Is this woman a friend of yours, Miss McAvay? Marx asked. A hint of amusement rode his broad face as his eyes raked over Irenes flashy ensemble. Yes, sir, she mumbled. Irene and I used to work together at the diner. She was just leaving. Nonsense, he interjected. I know a dismissal when I hear one. Let the woman stay. I am curious to see what kind of company you keep. Her stomach knotted, knowing this wasnt good. Wringing her hands, she lifted her imploring gaze to Sebastian. The angered flush had eased, but his expression remained stern and as unyielding as stone. I asked Taylor to put together a meal for six, not seven, he stated flatly. I am going to give the girl the benefit of the doubt and assume she has enough common sense to plan an appropriate meal. Consider the matter closed and somebody grab me a damn scotch already. The imposing boom of his voice brooked for no argument. Still, she found herself looking to Sebastian for direction. He indicated toward the cupboard with a sharp jerk of his head. Ignoring the desperate apologies in her eyes, he strode out of the kitchen. The hushed rasp of his voice and the soft murmur of Moniques drifted from the other room. Sighing, Taylor poured the drinks. She glanced over as someone started to set them on the carrying tray. Empathy and embarrassment shone in the smoky grey eyes peering down at her. Hi. Im Jackson, the young man said, holding out his hand. She stared at it for a second, unsure of what to do. Deciding it was better not to be rude, she gave his hand a brief shake. Taylor. I gathered, he said with a wink. Sorry. Apparently being the low man on the totem pole means no one bothers with introductions. Thats okay. Im not even sure I warrant them. I wouldnt say that. Ive heard a lot about you. Hey! Newbie! Stop putting the moves on Baas woman. Taylor glanced up as Josh shouldered the younger man out of the way and administered a hard shove. His warm caramel skin paled. II wasnt, sir. I was just introducing myself. Yeah, well knock it off before you get yourself hurt, Josh snapped. Go sit your ass down. Better yet, go occupy the succubus in the other room before she puts the moves on Marx. That womans had more balls in her mouth than a Hungry, Hungry Hippo. The last thing we need is her trying to slurp his set down. She blanched as Jackson fled and Josh turned his steady blue gaze on her. This is not good, Tay. I know. She was supposed to be out of here, but you guys showed up early. Sebastian hates that woman. The only reason he puts up with her is because shes your friend and even then, her shit doesnt fly. Dont give Baas a reason to go off tonight. Im letting you know right now, Marx has been riding his ass all week and his finger is already on that trigger. You get my drift? Forcing a hard swallow, she nodded. Yes, Josh. I get it. He gave her back a rough thwack. Good. Chin up, kid. Youll be okay.

She rounded into the dining room just in time to see Irene saddle up to Jackson. He offered an uncertain smile, his expression baffled while the coppertop pressed against his side to straighten the tarnished silver skull and crossbones pin on his collar. There you go, sugar butt, she said, slapping his rear with an affectionate pat. All better. Marx whipped around at the comment. The young recruits eyes flared, his cheeks flushing a bright crimson as he lifted his hands in supplication. Josh masked a laugh by coughing into his fist. Taking his seat at the head of the table, Sebastian stared with marked disapprovalhis piercing gaze tracking the womans every move. Oblivious to the scene shed caused, Irene hurried over to take the tray from Taylors hands. Take a load off and enjoy your man, baby girl. I got this. After all serving people is what I do best, she proclaimed with a saucy wink. Oh, no I Taylor started, but it was too late. The shapely redhead had already snagged the tray and sashayed to the foot of the table where Marx was taking a seat. Donning a bright smile, Irene leaned over his shoulder to place his drink beside him, her ample breasts almost spilling out in front of his face. Mortified, Taylor stood transfixed. One deep breath from the waitress and the SKALS director would lose his chin in a pale valley of cleavage. Silence hung over the room, and for one terrifying moment, she was certain she was going to get sick. The panic eased a little when Marx lifted a heavy brow and his lips twitched into an appreciative quirk. Not missing this, Irene gave one of his burly shoulders a squeeze before making her way over to Josh and Monique. It was like watching a train wreck. She wanted to look away, but she couldnt. One of Irenes hands settled across Joshs nape as she leaned between the couple to set their drinks down. He shrugged away, his face condensing on a scowl. Sit down, Taylor. Sebastians husky voice helped break the spell. Hurrying around the table, she took her usual seat. She didnt dare meet his eyes. She could feel their weight settling over her as surely as his hand, leaving her little doubt she would feel it, if not the bite of a leather strap later. The thought made her shift in her seat and forced unwanted tears to her eyes. Stop it, he warned beneath his breath, his voice taut and iced with the cold edge of authority. Nodding, Taylor lowered her head and wrung her hands, forcing herself to comply. Geez, maybe you should drag someone away for another quickie, Irene teased, jabbing an inquiring thumb Sebastians way. Lover boy seems a little tense and on edge today. Kicking her under the table, Taylor shot her friend a look of raw pleading, her cheeks burning with shame. Marx leaned back in his seat, his broad chest straining as he folded his arms. The diligence in his ebony eyes assured he had missed nothing. Edging slightly closer to Sebastian, Taylor quelled a nervous tremor. She was thankful when everyone started passing the serving platters and dug into their meal. Okay, the food is fabulous but the conversation really sucks, Irene stated around a mouthful of salad. Someone say something. How was work today, Sebastian? It was fine, he said without glancing up from his plate. Catch any bad guys? Not today. She turned her attention across the table and mimed a stage whisper. No wonder he buys you fancy cars and diamond rings. Taylor winced as Sebastian set his knife down and leaned back in his seat. His eyes narrowed

into questioning slits. What is it you are trying to say, Irene? She shrugged, dismissing him with a flamboyant wave of her hand. Nothing, really. Just that someone is being a bit of a sourpuss tonight. I mean, hell, you didnt even give her a kiss hello after she busted her hump in the kitchen all day. Sebastians lips curled with a cruel smile. You may find our relationship lacking, but you are sorely mistaken if you think it is my wallet making her stay. Taylors heart sank as his glare continued to burn into the woman. Closing her eyes, she prayed Irene had the sense to apologize or zip her lips. The redhead gave a nervous laugh. I was just trying to lighten things up a bit. The mood is so damn tense around here you could crack a walnut. Dont get yourself all worked up. Im sure Tay is much more interested in whats down the front of your pants. Your wallets not the only thing thats bulging round here, stud. Monique sputtered and Taylor slumped lower in her seat, wishing she could disappear when Marxs disapproving glower swung her way. Josh choking on the bite hed taken certainly didnt help matters any. He muttered a quiet thanks as his lover patted his back, her face lining with concern. Sebastian took a long sip of wine. His hooded stare with blistering. Setting his glass down, he gave a slow shake of his head. You truly are a piece of work, Irene. Thank you. She grinned. Im so glad you noticed. His smile was forced and cold. That was far from a compliment. Eat. Yes, sir, she shot off with a playful salute. Bordering on hyperventilation, Taylor tried to focus on her plate. Her stomach churned as she pushed a piece of chicken around with dispassionate interest. Like fire, fear seemed to suck the oxygen from the room and she battled with the urge to fling the front doors open. Maybe she could push Irene through them before things got any worse. Feeling the full weight of Sebastians discontent, she slumped even lower. So what is it that you do, big boy? Irene asked, aiming her attention Marxs way. He frowned at her choice of words and dabbed his mouth with his napkin. I oversee company operations. Sounds sexy, she said. Excitingyou must be a very powerful man. I am well on my way. Thats awesome. What is it they say? Under every successful man lies a strong woman? she teased with a lecherous waggle of her brows. Taylor couldnt smother her mortified gasp. Irene, please! What, honey? Hes a good-looking man and I dont see a ring. You cant blame a girl for trying. Marxs fathomless laughter rolled through the room. I assure you, it would take a much stronger woman than you to lie under me. I dont know about that, honey. Im a mighty quick learner. All humor fled his broad features. How generous of you to enlighten me. I advise focusing some of that energy on learning proper dinner etiquette. Its as good of a place as any to start. Someone pass the bottle. My drink is empty. Jackson immediately snared the scotch from the middle of the table and handed it Marxs way. He looked relieved to have found some form of distraction, no matter how fleeting. Taylor couldnt blame him. A chilling silence gripped the room and she resisted the urge to bury her face in her hands

and cry. It wasnt as volatile as what had happened on Christmas Eve but, somehow, it felt infinitely worse. Her head snapped up as Joshs leg hit the table, jarring it hard enough to rattle plates and silverware alike. His dark blue eyes blazed as he shot a disbelieving look Irenes way. Wordlessly, he cleared his throat and edged closer to the blonde on his other side. Worry lined Moniques delicate brow as she searched his face in confusion. Josh merely shook his head in response. My apologies, he muttered. Leg cramp. It wont happen again. See that it doesnt, Marx advised. Potassium, Reevers. Take some. Your team needs you functioning at full capacity. Yes, sir. What are you working on? Irene asked. Nothing we can discuss, Maam, Jackson said, flashing a disarming smile. Every mission is top secret. She returned his grin. Right. I forgot. So tell me, whats it like working under Sebastian? Hes your boss, right? Yes, Maam. A collective ease fell over the room, the topic somehow seeming much safer. Agent Baas is extremely intelligent and intense. I find it both an honor and a privilege to serve under him. Mmm hmm, Irene purred, looking Sebastians way. Her eyes trailed over him in an appreciative sweep. Im sure you do. Sebastian jerked back, his jaw knotting. Without warning, his hand flew, striking with the lethal speed of a cobra. Taylors eyes flared as a vicious backhand knocked the redhead out of her chair and sent her sprawling. The sharp crack echoed like a gunshot through the room. Ice crawled through her veins while her terrified brain tried to process what had just happened. A low howl rose from the floor and ripped through her heart. Shaking, Taylor started to stand to help, but Sebastian caught her wrist, his fingers biting deep. Sit. Down. His voice came in a low, menacing growl. Numb, she dropped back into her seat. Jackson remained frozen beside her, his fork still hovering in midair. Only Marx appeared unfazed. His mouth twitched with amusement as he lifted another bite of food to his lips. Irene pushed herself up onto her knees with a broken cry, her teary eyes wide with pleading and shock. A thin ribbon of blood dribbled from her nose and the corner of her mouth. Panic stamped her face as she tried to wipe the sinister trails away. What Taylor shook her head and tried to make sense of what just happened. Her throat was too dry and tight to speak. JesusIrenewhat did you do? she whispered. Yes, Irene, what did you do? Sebastian repeated in a soft cadence, his chilling stare settling on the woman. Fear writhed down Taylors spine. There was no mistaking the disgust in Sebastians voice, no matter how gentle and coaxing the tone. Her eyes darted between the two of them as he leaned back in his seat and regarded the redhead with a terse smile. As much as you dislike me right now, you are going to like me even less if I have to ask you again, he warned. Tell Taylor what happened. Clamping a hand over her nose and mouth, Irene gave a desperate shake of her head. I dont I wasnt th-thinking. It was the alcohol. Im sorry, she pleaded. I didnt meanIm so sorry. Josh glared down at her as if she was the most vile and reprehensible thing to ever slither across Gods green earth. The thin line of his upper lip curled in disgust as he shook his head. Really?

Youre just making the rounds tonight, arent you cupcake? It wasnt enough to try to play grab and go with my dick? You had to help yourself to a handful of Sebastians, too? Monique straightened and twisted in her seat, some of the fear evaporating from her face as she stared down at Irene. Reproach flickered across her perfect features before she lifted her chin and turned away. I didnt mean Snapping his fingers, Josh silenced her with a stern point. Spare us the bullshit. I dont know what your angle was pulling that shit with me, but youve been panting after Baas like a raw bitch in heat since the second he met you. You meant every goddamn second of it. I just hope it was worth it. Dumbfounded, Taylor shook her head, her mouth hanging open as she looked to her friend. She winced, realizing the word suddenly left a bitter taste in her mouth. Friends didnt do that to each other. Hurt threatened to get the better of her. She wanted to believe thered been some kind of mistake. She needed to. Irene had been like a mother figure in so many ways. Her heart shattered with that profound loss and betrayal all over again. It felt as if someone had stuck a hot poker through her chest. She couldnt breathe. Blinking, she tried her damnedest to keep the tears from falling. Sebby? she whispered, her voice shaking. His expression softened some, but he nodded in silent confirmation. The murderous rage returned to his eyes, dimming the pale depths, as he shifted his attention back to the floor. How could you do that to me, Irene? she asked in a pained tremor. Tay, baby, Im so sorry No, Taylor argued, the strength in her voice returning. Youre not. I trusted you. I welcomed you into my home. How could you sit there and do that to me? How could you do that to Sebastianor Josh and Monique? You were supposed to be my friend! Taylor! Irene begged. Clamping her eyes shut, she fought to keep her temper under control when all she really wanted to do was throw things or scream. She started to stand, fully intent on ripping the womans throat out, but Sebastians hand settled over thigh, keeping her seated. Get out, she ordered coldly. Just get the hell out of my house. I dont ever want to see you again. That wont be necessary, Miss McAvay, Marx stated. The deep boom of his voice shattered the stillness. Your friend will be coming home with me. There was a cold finality to the statementan unspoken threat that almost collapsed her lungs. Silence gripped the room. Monique paled. Terror welled in Irenes tear-filled eyes as she glanced around, suddenly no longer as eager to spend the night with the commander as she had been before. Noplease Its too late for a sudden injection of wisdom, sunshine. Youre getting exactly what you wanted. Now get your ass in that chair and shut your mouth until he is ready to go, Sebastian snapped, pointing at the womans capsized seat. Taylor flinched at the harsh grate in his voice. Her pulse roared in her ears, and she swore her heart was going to explode from her chest. He was perilously close to losing whatever fragile hold he had left. There was no telling what he would do then. Flashbacks of the Christmas Eve party rolled through her mind, and the air left her in a shallow wheeze as she prayed Irene had enough common sense to listen. She had no desire whatsoever to relive that night. Nor did she want to see if the other men reached the same terrifying potential as Sebastian when pushed.

I dont want to. I j-just want to g-go hoooomeee, Irene cried, inching away. Josh lashed out and wound a hand in the womans hair, cutting her progress short. It doesnt matter what you want, cupcake. Wise up and do what youre fucking told. You get that? he asked, dragging her back toward her seat. Irene sobbed and tried to twist away. Her fingers scrabbled against the hard wood as she struggled to find purchase along the sleek surface. Taylor wanted to tell her to stop fighting, but she was rendered speechless when Sebastian shifted in his seat and pulled his gun. It took everything she had not to hit the floor and crawl under the table. Jackson faltered and cursed beside her. The menacing click of the safety gave the waitress pause. Her hazel eyes flared upon seeing the brushed chrome pistol aimed her way. A callous smirk tugged Sebastians lips and Irene froze altogether. Taylors teeth clattered then sank into her lower lip, drawing blood, as Josh jerked the woman up off the floor. Standing, he flung Irene into her chair. He was brutal, savage, and not at all the laidback, good-humored man shed grown accustomed to. It was like the whole world had turned upside down. Any preconceived notions or realities she thought shed had went flying out the window in the blink of an eye. Irene hit her seat hard. The impact jarred the table, causing several drinks to slosh over their rims. Taylor remained rooted, a small whimper rising in her throat, her eyes tracking Sebastian. Lowering his gun, he eased it down beside his plate. His expression remained calm, but a lethal promise still resided in his stare. He kept one hand rested on the Desert Eagles grip. The wide barrel remained pointed Irenes way. Clearing his throat, Marx wiped the corner of his mouth with his napkin. You will learn to obey the orders youre given. I suggest you do so now. You will not find me as gentle or forgiving as my men. Taylor? Whats going on? Whats happening? Do somethingplease. The tremulous plea broke her heart. Lowering her head with a sorrowful shake, she closed her eyes. Leave her out of this, Sebastian warned in a quiet rasp. There is nothing Taylor can do for you now. You wanted to crawl in bed with one of us so badly. Now you are going to see how that feels. I was just playing, Irene whispered. Sebastian settled back in his seat and raised a brow, his hand still resting on his gun. The terse smile he offered was cold and damning. I dont think so, Irene. I was far from entertained, and I fail to see the humor in a whore groping me at my dinner table. I warned you at Taylors party not to touch me again, and with me, one warning is all you get. Josh gave a dry snort. She couldnt help herself, Baas. The bitch is like a fucking rollercoaster. Everyone gets a ride. This conversation is done, Marx said, standing. Irene cowered, her entire body slumping lower when he approached. Misery and pleading contorted her face, and a violent shudder wracked her voluptuous frame. She tried to shrink away, but to no avail. Marxs colossal hands eclipsed the entire upper half of her arms. The lusty coppertops head whipped back with the force as he hauled her out of her chair. Taylors cringed in empathy, her horror mounting, when the commander trailed a sausagesized finger down the side of the womans face. His heavy silver rings reflected the candlelight in an ominous glint.

What an interesting acquisition youre going to be, he speculated, his ebony eyes taking on an even more malicious gleam. First we will see how eager you really are to please me, pet. Then I am going to show you exactly what it is I do for a living. I promise you whatever curiosities you have regarding me and my men will be fully sated before the night is through. Sinking her teeth deeper into the swell of her lower lip, Taylor killed a whimper. The implications were clear. Irene was going to pay, and pay dearly. Her stomach clenched as she pondered where Marxs comments would lead. She chanced a peek at Sebastian. His eyes were smoldering and crazed. Lowering her head, she tried to still the tremble that ran through her. He could be sadistic and downright cruel when provoked. There was no denying he made some questionable decisions, but she would rather face a lifetime of him at his worse than suffer a single night at Marxs hands. Swallowing, she tried to calm her stomach and count her blessings, however few they might be. The SKALS commander regarded the room, his shoulders squared. The rest of you enjoy your evening. As for you, Baas, I strongly advise you raise your standards. Get your family and affairs under control, or I will be the one to see those expectations are met. Without waiting for an answer, he dragged Irene out of the room. Her hysterics echoed through the house as they headed for the front doors. A sickening crunch stopped her protests dead. Sebastian tossed his napkin on his plate and stood. Returning his gun to its holster, he barely glanced at the other occupants in the room before issuing his curt command. Get out.


Taylor watched their guests leave with a hammering heart. Part of her ached to slip out behind them. The other just wanted to beg them to stay. The empathy in the Moniques eyes had been unmistakable when theyd parted ways. Wringing her hands, Taylor waited while Sebastian shut the front doors and set the alarm. She shivered. It felt like the equivalent of being sealed in a tomb. Bowing her head, she hurried to clear the dining room table rather than risk seeing the turbulence still fueling those pale green eyes. He followed her into the kitchen without a word. Her hands shook and the stack of plates rattled until she managed to set them down on the counter. She could feel the heat and animosity radiating off Sebastian as his lean body closed in with a menacing press. Resisting the urge to sink to her knees, Taylor drew a deep breath and turned around. Her nose damn near bumped his chin. Trapped between him and the counter, she had nowhere to go. Her throat bobbed with her hard swallow. Folding his arms behind his back, Sebastian stared down at her in silent expectation. I can explain I highly doubt that, Taylor. Finish cleaning up and meet me upstairs. He didnt wait for a response. Giving her a hard look of disapproval, Sebastian pivoted on his heel and strode up the steps. Not only was he livid, but thanks to Marxs parting shots, he was all business. All business and still in uniform. An apprehensive tremble raced down her spine and made her stomach do flips. Her gaze darted down the foyer. The blessings she counted earlier now seemed perilously grim. Now would be a good time to take her chances and run, but she was smart enough to know she would never get away. Sebastian would find herand if he didnt, Marx would. Either way, the day would come and she would wind up praying for a night like this instead. The thought was beyond terrifying. Not for the first time, she wondered what the hell shed gotten herself into. Not that she had much choice. You got that right, sweetheart, because well be watching you and listening. One word to anyone, and I will hunt you down and blow that pretty little face of yours right off She shivered, recalling Joshs words and the next conversation that followed: What did you guys do, bug me? His gaze hardened. We dont need to, though with that attitude, maybe Sebastian should. Let me fill you in on a little something. One push of a button and your government can zero in on anything, and our reach extends even farther than theirs so now would be a really good time to cut the crap. Joshs warning looped through her memory in a chilling echo from the past. Watching. Listening. Lurking at every turn. There was no point in fighting it or trying to walk away. Not if she wanted to live. There was no escaping SKALS reach or refusing Sebastians demands. Not since that very first day in the woods. She shook her head. Shed known it. She just couldnt admit it to herself. Not then. Sebastian had saved her life, and unexpected or not, falling in love with him had made the situation somewhat easier to accept. It was the things that came after that made it difficult. Things like tonight. The fear, the tension, the absolute sickening sense of dread. Releasing the breath shed been holding, Taylor scraped the leftover food in the trash, not wanting any reminders of just how disastrous the dinner had been. She paused before rinsing the dishes, her ears straining in search of any sounds from above. Much to her dismay, she didnt hear the

whir of the jetted shower. Usually a rinse and a change of clothes helped ease his black moods away. A mad laugh bubbled past her lips. Who was she kidding? There was no way a quick scrub was going to fix any of this. After starting the dishwasher and wiping the kitchen and dining room table down, she tossed the rag into the laundry with a disheartened sigh. There was no point in dragging things out. On her way back through the kitchen, she peered through the sliding glass doors one more time, her heart full of fear and longing. A timid voice in the back of her mind whispered it might very well be the last time she ever saw the rocky landscaping, wooded forest, or jagged mountaintop peaks again. It took every ounce of effort and willpower she had to cut the lights and climb the stairs. She had to keep reminding herself that no matter how mad he might be, Sebastian loved her. Her dangerous lover was a bad man, but he wasnt the worst. Like Irene, she could have been leaving with Marx. Still, her hands shook as she pushed open the heavy double doors to the master suite. Sebastian stood at the far end of the room near the chaise lounge. His back remained turned as he stared out the window across the darkening grounds. I am going to be very generous here, Taylor. You have one chance to explain. I suggest you use your words and time wisely. Whatever patience I had this evening is gone. Twisting the ring on her finger, she lowered onto the edge of the bed. Her heart felt lodged in her throat. What was there to say? Knowing shed be stupid not to offer something, she searched for her voice. Nothing I can say will change what happened, but for what its worth, Im sorry Sebastian. I tried to get her out of here. She promised to be gone by the time everyone arrived, but you showed up early and then Marx told her to stay. The rest of her explanation locked in her throat as Sebastian spun to confront her. His hands remained cinched behind his back as he craned his head. So this is my fault? Recoiling, her mouth fell open. No! That isnt what I was trying to say! His stare constricted. Slowly prowling the room in front of her, Sebastian kept Taylor locked in his sights. His chin lifted as he came to a stop, his powerful hands settling on his belt buckle. She stared at it in horror, a combination of fear and panic rolling in her stomach. I dont even know where to begin. I have never been more disgusted in my entire life. Your friend completely humiliated me in front of my men. As disturbing as that ordeal was, that doesnt even begin to touch the issues this is going to cause with Marx. Do you have any idea how badly her behavior reflected on me? On our home? No, Sebastian. Closing her eyes, she forced herself to breathe. Im so sorry. I tried to make her leave. I told her she had to go That is not enough! She flinched, her heart hammering from his slow enunciation and forceful roar. Rage simmered in Sebastians eyes, the heat almost palpable. Despite his efforts to change, it was never far from her mind how dangerous and brooding he was, how he was capable of ending her life if that was his whim. It took everything she had not to slide off the edge of the bed and prostrate herself at his feet. What you are telling me is not enough, Sebastian warned, grabbing her chin. His long fingers wrapped around bone and bit deep enough to draw a wince. You know I can barely tolerate her lewd behavior. The minute you heard Marx was coming, you should have sent her away. Why would you even put us in that position, Taylor? Are you trying to get us killed? No! I tr--

I dont care if you tried, he warned, cutting her off. She should have been gone. End of story. Instead, you let her drag things out and that mistake is going to cost your friend her life. Not to mention what it might cost us. Fair or not, her actions were a direct reflection on you and the things I allow to go on in my home! She felt the blood drain from her face. Trying to stay strong, she trapped a hoarse sob in the base of her throat. Sebby, please. What she did was awful, and I dont ever want to see her again, but he cant Releasing her face, he flung his arms out at his sides with an abruptness that made her flinch. What is it you want me to do here, Taylor? Do you want me to go in there and stick my neck out after the way she betrayed you? Is that really what you are asking me to do? Sebastian plowed his hands through his hair with a wry snort. I dont believe you, he muttered. I really dont. It doesnt matter what people do or say, you think everyone should be forgiven for everything. I have news for you, sunshine. Thats not the way the world works. Taylor hung her head. It sounded so ridiculous when he put it that way, yet that was exactly what she wanted him to do. Not because she felt sorry for Irene, but because it was what was right. As horrible as the womans actions were, she couldnt accept that a death sentence was what was deserved. If for no other reason than to preserve her own sanity. Another part of her whispered the bitch deserved it, and she hated that part more than anything. It was a poison that needed purged. She didnt know if it was jealousy, hurt, or SKALS talking, but it wasnt how shed been raised. The conflict she felt was sickening. She opened her mouth, but came up short when Sebastian jabbed a forefinger at the tip of her nose. No, he said, silencing her with the stern point. That is enough. This conversation is done. Take off your clothes. Sebby, its not my fault! Dont do this His hands locked around her arms, dragging her off the mattress until she stood nose-to nose with him. Oh Im not going to beat you, darling. I am going to take my anger out in a much more productive way, he said, tracing the slender column of her neck. You had better pray I find every last one of your efforts pleasing, too. A mere taste of what your friend is suffering will have you begging for my belt instead. Terror paralyzed her. She couldnt move, couldnt speak, couldnt breathe. She wasnt too sure the belt wouldnt be the safer alternative. A tense ache spread through her muscles and dinner threatened to reemerge as she wondered what he had planned. With shaking hands, she slowly peeled out of her dress. Sebastians hard stare burned into her and brimmed with impatience as she shimmied out of the matching lace undergarments. His face darkened on a frown. The gentle glide of his fingers over her bared hip was startling. Confused, she searched his eyes. They lent no insight to where his mood or thoughts lie. The emotions brewing there were ones she couldnt place, but the sight brought a new lump to her throat. He looked so uncertain and torn that her heart ached and she couldnt help being scared. Not for herself, but of whatever had him feeling so out of sorts. Before we start, tell me one thingwere you sick again today? She barely managed a mute nod. Sebastians shoulders slumped and he hung his head. His curse took her by surprise as he took a step back and scrubbed a hand across his nape. When he lifted his head, his eyes swung up to hers. The fearful anguish there was almost more than she could take.

His jaw clenched as he studied her, his gaze trailing over every exposed inch of her from head to toe then back again. He closed his eyes for a long moment, as if silently pleading for something, and when they opened again, he cupped the side of her face. Talk to me, he said softly. Is there something else going on with you? Something you arent telling me? No. Its just nerves. No, Taylor. Its not. This has been going on for far too long. How have you been feeling otherwise? She shrugged. Tired. Nodding, he let his hand fall from her face. Taylors breath caught as he trailed a finger across her abdomen, his expression pensive. I think its time we consider the possibility that you may be pregnant. What? You heard me, he stated quietly. No. That cant be right. I was on the shot. A wistful smile carved his face. You were supposed to go back in January. Every time we went to make an appointment, things came up. The blowback from Todd, Laychee, and then the break in. As good as our intentions were we just havent had the time. Sebno she said, her stomach doing a rapid flip. It could still take six to nine months before I could get pregnant. It has to be something else. It has to be. Something fleeting flickered through his eyes. Hurt or relief. The emotion was so rapid it was hard to say. His lips pursed and he straightened. She took a step back, uncertain how to take the curious tilt of his head. No matter how small the chance, we cant be sure. Its not a risk I am willing to take. She stared at him in confusion as he backed away. What did that mean? Was he planning on making her get rid of it? Her heart hammered, her chest filling with a tormented ache. Sebastian, what are you doing? What does that mean? He prowled the length of the room before scrubbing his hands through his hair until the long, unruly curls stood on end. It means I need to think and weigh things carefully before I act. Take a shower and get in bed. I damn well suggest you take those orders to heart. Ill be back. Before she could answer, he was gone.

Sebastian tossed the bags on the seat beside him in the Benz, thankful someone had the presence of mind to equip 24-hour convenience stores with the necessities of a sin-fueled life like pregnancy tests, condoms, and booze. He started the car and froze, his eyes narrowing. One of the bastards hed been seeing everywhere was leaning against the ice bin, his pinched features and painfully gaunt frame too familiar not to recognize. Clenching his teeth, he gripped the steering wheel and squeezed until the hard leather creaked. Hed been so careful going in, making sure to scan the parking lot and outlying area, as well as checking the aisles and angled mirrors inside the store before taking his purchases to the counter. The clerk had looked at him funny when hed dumped the array of pregnancy tests on the flyer-lined counter and requested the purchase be triple bagged, but he didnt care. It paid to take every precaution he could. Every precaution, and it still wasnt enough. He had no idea who these men were, but he had no doubt they carried the kind of clearance needed to check the security tapes and see what

he had purchased if that was their desire. What if they took that information to Marx? What then? A dull throb rose behind his temples. That sort of conflict was the last thing he needed. Lifting his phone, he snapped off a few pictures until he was certain facial recognition would give him a hit. Whatever game these men thought they were going to play, he could play twice as well. Everyone had something they were afraid of, and this man was begging to meet his worst nightmare. Throwing him a heated glare, Sebastian threw the car into gear. He drove until he lost the distant sweep of headlights in his mirror before heading home. Some of his annoyance had abated by the time he pushed open the bedroom doors. Taylor remained huddled in the center of their bed. Shed tried to distract herself by reading, but judging from the terrified look on her face, shed failed miserably. Her beautiful grey eyes were haunted and uncertain as they swung up to his and she laid her book aside. His chest tightened as he wondered if that fear stemmed from him or the fact that she could be pregnant with his child. Her reaction earlier had been anything but elated. Not that he could blame her. Hed given her very little reason to rejoice over any aspect of their life tonight, and the thought of what Marx might do if he found out threatened to rip whatever hopeful joy he might have felt away. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, he placed the bags between them. I need answers, Taylor, he stated quietly. I need to know if you are carrying my child. No matter how pissed off I am I could never live with myself if I did something to endanger our baby. Even I have my limits. What if Im not? she asked, her voice a timid whisper. Somehow, that thought frightened him even more. Fighting to keep his emotions at bay, he stilled a tremble and captured her hands in his. Then there is something very wrong with your health. Either way, we need to find out. Its time. SebbyIm scared. He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. I know, baby, but we will get through this. I will take good care of you either way. I promise. Her small hands twisted in his shirt and clung to it for dear life. He winced as the hot scald of her tears seeped through the thin fabric to sear his skin. Tipping her face back, he brushed salty streaks away with the pad of his thumb and offered a weak smile. Come into the bathroom. Im going to take a quick shower. Take the tests. When I come out, we will look at them together and decide where to go from there. His thoughts were a whirlwind as he switched the shower on and stepped beneath the jetted spray. As angry as he had been, seeing the jut of her hips and the hint of ribs stretched beneath her skin had lent him serious pause. Then, hed remembered Monique. Shed suffered much the same way the first few months shed been pregnant with Mia. Dane had often joked that she had a parasite in the oven instead of the proverbial bun. The moment he remembered that, he knew he was done. Furious or not, he couldnt go through with things. Not until hed had time to cool down and think. Despite Marxs orders to get his family and affairs in order, he wouldnt risk doing serious harm to Taylor or their unborn child for the son-of-a-bitch. His mind had spun to just how sick shed been, and the way she kept nodding off whenever she was comfortable and time allowed. What if something else was wrong? Horrible things had raced through his head. Things like cancer or leukemia, and his heart had threatened to shatter. No matter how angry he was, he loved Taylor with everything he had. He couldnt live without her. He would rather die a thousand deaths in her stead. There was no way to justify anything cruel when she was already so weak and down.

Casting an uncertain glance through the frosted glass, he cursed beneath his breath. The woman was turning his entire world upside down. He didnt even know who the hell he was anymore or where he stood from one minute to the next. Closing his eyes Sebastian let his head fall forward to rest against the shower wall. One thing was for certain, he barely recognized the man he was when theyd met. That man would have beaten her senseless without a second thought. Unfortunately, that man was also the one who kept them alive. This one, this entire situation, was likely to get them both killed. Was that really worth the risk? Steam rose around him as he stepped out and scrubbed the excess water from his hair. His eyes locked with Taylors while he wound the thick burgundy towel around his waist. Huddled on the lid of the toilet with her knees tucked beneath her chin, shed never looked more pitiful or scared. It reminded him of the day he found her sitting on the concrete divider after the drive-by shooting. Even then, after just a few months of dating, he would have done anything to keep her safe. He tried not to think how that challenge grew more and more difficult by the day. Offering a sympathetic frown, Sebastian opened his arms. Relief and gratitude washed over Taylors face. Pushing to her feet, she surged against his chest in search of comfort and reassurance. Did you peek? he asked, burying his nose into the fragrant silk of her hair. No, but it was killing me, she admitted. I didnt think you were ever going to come out. Tamping down an amused smile, he lifted her chin. I had some things to process. Since you are feeling so impatient, go ahead and tell me what they say. She glanced at the sink before burrowing deeper against his chest. Im scared, Sebastian. At least tell me what you are thinking here. What you want. Brushing his thumb over the swell of her lower lip, he winked. It doesnt matter what either of us are hoping for here, darling. Whats done is done either way. She forced a weary smile. The uneasy chime of her laughter rang through the bathroom as she nodded and raked an unsteady hand through her damp hair. I guess youre right. Of course I am, he scolded, grabbing her hips and tugging them against his. Dont make me reiterate that point. I can be very creative when the need arises. Her cheeks flushed, and this time her smile was a little more genuine. Releasing her, he pointed her in the direction of the sink and gave her ass a scolding smack. Stop procrastinating. Tell me what they say. His breath caught as he watched her lift one of the sticks. The blood drained from her face, leaving her even more pale and ashen than before. Crossing the room, Sebastian pulled her against him to steady her shaking form. He propped his chin on her shoulder and scanned the pink lines. It didnt take a rocket scientist to decipher the bright plus sign. IIm sorry, Sebastian she stammered. I For a moment, it felt like all of the oxygen had been sucked out of the room. He grew dizzy and lightheaded, and the bathroom seemed to spin. Then relief washed over him, its wake almost euphoric. She was going to be okay. Unable to help it, he laughed. Mmm. You should be, darling, he murmured against her neck, his voice low and husky as he rubbed his hands across her belly. You may be the only woman on the planet capable of knocking yourself up. Gasping, she whirled in his arms. He laughed even harder seeing the shock and astonishment on her face. Thats not funny! No, baby, its not, he agreed, pulling her against him. I dont know if I should be offended that you seem to have forgotten the part I played in all of this, or worried that you think it could have

happened without me. She stifled a laugh. Hope and a million questions illuminated the silvery pools of her eyes. Youre happy? Of course I am. Why wouldnt I be? This isnt exactly what we had planned. He shrugged and kissed the tip of her nose. It is exactly what we had planned. Just not when. The best things in life tend to happen when we least expect them. That was certainly the case when I met you. Blushing, she wound her arms around his neck and squeezed. I honestly thought you might be mad. Especially after everything that happened tonight. Searching her eyes, he gave a slow shake of his head. Im not going to lie to you. This is not something Marx is going to want to hear. He was far from thrilled with the prospect of us getting married. A child might very well push him over the edge. For your sake as well as the babys, it would be best if we kept this situation under wraps. Now more than ever, I need you to trust me to do whats right for us. The timings not perfect, but I will handle this. I have a plan for everything. We just need to bide our time. His chest ached as worry dimmed the joy lighting her beautiful face. Taylors brow furrowed as she bit the side of her cheek. Does that mean I cant tell Monique? He dropped his chin to his chest as the hurt and concern she felt washed over him. Taking her hand, he led her back into the bedroom and pulled her onto their bed. The black and silver micro suede comforter rumpled beneath them. Once they got situated, he massaged her temple while she rested her head on his chest. Right now we cant tell anyone, baby, he said, twining his fingers through hers. When push really comes to shove, there is no way of knowing where Josh stands when it comes to keeping Marx happy. He has his own family and his own wellbeing to think about, and Monique is very much a part of that. You cant expect her to keep a secret from him. No. I know. It just would have been nice to have someone to talk to whos been through this before. She traced the well-defined bulges of his abs with absentminded affection. Her shoulders rose and fell with a quiet sigh. What about doctor appointments? They sell prenatals over the counter. I will grab some on my way home tomorrow. Getting you into a doctor will be a little more tricky. SKALS tends to monitor our comings and goings. Trips to an OB would raise some definite flags, but I will think of something. I promise you, Taylor. I will do everything in my power to see that you and our child are happy, healthy, and well-cared for. A terse smirk curved his lips. Even if that means nabbing some unwitting doctor and dragging them in here at gunpoint. Her hands splayed against his chest as she snapped into a semi-upright position. Her mouth hung open and her eyes were wide and accusing. Sebby! He bit back a chuckle. Arching a brow, he held her disbelieving stare. Yes, Taylor? Youre awful, she exclaimed, dropping back onto the mattress with a quiet huff. Perhaps, but I am determined to do whats best for you, darling. That should be all that matters. Rolling onto his side, he trailed his hand across the smooth, flat plane of her abdomen. It was a strange and wondrous feeling to know there was a tiny little person growing inside there. Something they had created in a moment of pleasure and love. Despite the odds. The thought drew a quiet laugh

from him. Whats so funny? Taylor asked. I cant help feeling a little proud of myself, he admitted. Lingering side effects of the shot or not, one of my little guys got through. Mission achieved. She burst into laughter at the lecherous waggle of his brows. You have no shame whatsoever, Sebastian. I swear. Mmm. You better not, he warned. Im pretty sure my hand can still warm your butt without it affecting our little one. Besides, what man wouldnt be thrilled to know hes harboring a breed of super sperm? Taylor snickered with a roll of her eyes. Im sure it wasnt any great accomplishment, Seb. They probably just flashed their badge, demanded access, and swam right in. The visual alone got to him. He threw his head back with loud laughter and pulled her on top of him to straddle his hips. An overwhelming sense of love welled inside of him as he peered up at her, growing until he was certain his chest would explode with the sheer intensity and force alone. Dragging her further up his body, he strained forward until he could plant a kiss against her navel. I love you so much, baby, he murmured. Both of you. We love you, too. The four words hung between them, their meaning simple yet so profound. Threading his fingers through the dark gloss of her hair, he pulled Taylor down and claimed her lips. She moaned softly and rubbed against him in a quest for friction. Smiling into their kiss, he realized his previous threats werent forgotten. Nor was the evening entirely forgiven. One way or another, his little minx was going to make things up to him. Snaking his arms around her, he flipped her onto her back. Her playful squeal died as she stared up at him, well aware of the hunger and passion burning in his eyes. Youre still going to punish me, arent you? she whispered. He weighed her words carefully before shaking his head. Yes, darling. Im afraid your friend caused me an immeasurable amount of trouble and suffering, he murmured, snaring the hem of her tshirt in his hands and yanking it out of his way. Fair or not, you are going to be the one to pay that price. Her breath caught as he captured a dusky nipple between his teeth. Slowly, he bit down and tugged until her back arched and he wrung a pleading whimper from her lips. His eyes locked with hers. Snaring her wrists, Sebastian pinned them above her head as he ground his body against hers. No touching, he warned, his voice coming in a low growl. You are going to take what I give you, Taylor. No more. No less. Panic and desperation played across her delicate face. The challenge wasnt one she was sure she could take, and he did not intend to make it easy. A cruel smile threatened. Lowering his head, he sucked her other nipple into a stiff peak and nipped until Taylor writhed beneath him, her keening whimper begging for relief. These will always be mine, he stated, tracing a finger over each perfect mound. The room echoed with her soft pants as he kissed a languid path between her breasts. He could almost feel her overwhelming need to bury her fists in his hair. Fighting a smile, he pressed hot, lingering kisses against her belly. Raw pleading shone in her eyes as he hooked her legs over his shoulders and held her gaze. This too, he whispered, dipping his head. Dragging his tongue over her clit, he held it there, relishing the way the small nub pulsed against him. Her hips jerked in silent demand. Pinning them to the bed, Sebastian sealed his mouth

against her with a low rumble. He felt the vibrations hum through her and play beneath his hands. Her imploring pleas flooded the room as Taylor thrashed her head and fisted the sheets in desperation. The sweet sounds combined with the intoxicating smell of her skin were enough to drive him mad. Groaning, he speared his tongue deep. The honeyed taste she offered was heaven. A low rumble rolled through his chest as he plunged his tongue harder and faster, determined to drive her to the brink. S-Seb He stiffened as one of her warm palms braced against his arm. She realized her mistake, but it was too late. Frowning, Sebastian pried his mouth away and crawled back up the front of her. Was I not clear in my orders, Taylor? You were. He nodded and cocked his head. So you chose to disobey me? No! I justI Shh, he said, laying a forefinger against her lips. I will fix this. Taylor sat up, tracking his movements as he rolled off the side of the bed. Her throat bobbed as he returned from the darkened shadows of their walk-in closet with twin leather straps clutched in his hand. He could almost see the questions and refusal brewing in her eyes. Lay down. Hands above your head, he commanded in a stiff rasp. Confusion stamped Taylors face. A tremble ran through her and gaze remained riveted on the belts in his hand but, somehow, she forced herself to comply. A startled cry escaped her as he sprung, grabbed her hands, and wrapped the belts around them in a forceful flurry. Cinching the straps tight, he secured her wrists and tethered the loose ends to the thick wooden posters of their bed. Fear mingled with the curiosity in her eyes as she tested the restraints. Certain concessions need to be made given your condition, darling, he stated, drawing a light outline over her breast. But you will still obey me. Who knows? You might come to love my belt yet. Running his palms over her body, he reveled in the way she bowed beneath his touch. A groan welled within him watching her delicious body arch in search of more. Rocking back on his heels, Sebastian eased a thick digit inside her. The flames of desire burned hotter as he watched the pleasure play across her face. Thrusting into her heat, he pinned her hips with his other hand and rubbed lazy circles across her clit with his thumb. Sebby Hold it. Sinking her teeth into the delicious swell of her lower lip, Taylor closed her eyes and struggled to comply. Her body tightened and he had to fight not to bury himself inside her as a low shudder wound through her core. Stilling, he gave them both a chance to breathe. Her relief was short lived as he splayed against the mattress and lowered his head between her thighs. The first dart of his tongue caused her to snap off the bed. Gripping her hips with bruising force, he plied her without mercy, licking and sucking until her cries turned to a desperate scream. The frantic pleading in her eyes was more than he could bear. Crawling up her shaking body, he plied her skin with slow kisses along the way. Her chest crashed against his as Sebastian braced his arms on either side of her head. He brushed his lips across hers before claiming them with deliberate hunger. Her legs wound around his waist, trying to urge him down, as his tongue slid across hers in a teasing sweep. His body responded with a forceful throb, heightening his need. It took every ounce of self-control he had to hold back. So eager, he whispered, nuzzling the warm pulse behind her ear. But you seem to have

forgotten this isnt about your pleasure. Its about mine. Please, Sebastian. I wantI need you she begged. Mmm. I know, he murmured, prying her legs away. That is the point. Suffer, sweetheart. She sobbed as he slid a hand between them and ground his fingers against her swollen clit. I c-cant hold it. You can and you will or I am going to leave my calling card on your ass and start all over again. Taylor trembled. A fine sheen of sweat erupted across her skin. Whimpering, she strained against the thick straps as he worked her body with slow, sensual strokes. Pushing a finger inside her again, he thrust hard and deep. Her gaze snapped to his and he stilled. The needful ache branching through his own flesh was well past the point of unbearable. Snarling, he leaned over her and crushed his mouth against hers. On second thought, youve already warranted that much, he rasped, untying the straps from the bed with a rough yank. He flipped her over and hauled her hips back, jerking her up on her hands and knees. Dont move and dont you dare come, he growled. Driving two fingers deep inside her, he brought his other hand down on one of the pale upturned globes. Taylor yelped as the sharp, openhanded crack echoed through the room. Groaning low in his throat, he alternated blows, keeping them hard but steady, as he continued to pump his fingers inside her. It was a beautiful sight watching her border between pleasure and pain. Feeling her tighten, he stilled and withdrew. A slight smile curved his lips as Sebastian admired the bright pink lines of his handiwork on her butt. Rubbing his hands over the raised lattice, he reignited the dull flames and wrung a hoarse plea from his lover. Unable to hold back anymore, he rolled onto his back and used the loose end of the belt strap to pull Taylor up over him. Her eyes searched his uncertainly. Frustrated, he snared her hips and impaled her in one hard, fluid plunge. Her mouth parted in a breathless gasp that mirrored his own ragged exhale. The bliss of finally sinking into her heat was beyond exquisite. Sebastian fought to maintain his composure as he slowly pumped up into the trembling beauty. Nothing else came close to the joy of being inside her. His breath came in ragged spurts as he felt Taylors body quicken. A rosy flush settled across her cheeks and the perfect swells of her breasts as they bounced above him. Lifting her up just a bit, he speared faster, driving himself all the way home with each thrust. Her short broken cries filled his ears. Gritting his teeth, he struggled for self-control, reminding himself that she was carrying his child. That, combined with the sight of his body pumping in and out of her, sent him tumbling over the edge. His roar bounced unchecked off the walls. Grinding her down, Sebastian arched his hips off the mattress and rocked her against him until she screamed her release. The powerful contractions shuddered around him, massaging his over sensitized shaft. It was too much. The intensity robbed him of anything but a breathless cry. Fighting to keep her seated, he made Taylor keep coming as she bucked and writhed helplessly in his grasp. She eventually stilled, unable to give any more. The sight was one he didnt think hed ever forget. Drained, Sebastian collapsed and hauled her down beside him. His hands shook as he freed Taylors and tossed the thick leather straps aside. Pulling her close, he brushed the damp hair away from her face and kissed her glistening brow. Are you okay? he asked. He could feel her smile long before it shone through the crisp moonlight bathing the room.

What if I said no? His shoulders jerked with silent laughter. I might call you a liar and start all over again, he warned. A violent yawn stretched her jaw as she snuggled closer and stroked an appreciative hand over the hard swell of his chest. Im fine, Sebby. Just tired. Good, he murmured, tipping her face up to his to steal a lingering kiss. Get some rest, sweetheart. I love you. I love you too, she whispered. A heavy pause hung between them as she lifted her head and peered down at him, her expression tense and concerned. Will you be home tomorrow? Confused, his forehead furrowed. Then it dawned on him. Dinner. Marx. There was a very good chance after the fiasco Irene had pulled he would be facing another lengthy stay in a cell. The thought filled him with unspeakable sorrow and dread. Doing his best to offer a reassuring smile, he smoothed the back of her head. There are no guarantees, Taylor, but I promise I will always do my best to come home to you. Either way, I think Ive given you something to remember me byat least for a little while. I could never forget you, Sebastian. Drained, he dragged her leg over his and wrapped her in his arms. I will always be with you, baby. Just remember that. Now close your eyes and get some sleep. Taylor yawned and burrowed deeper under the comforter with a drowsy mumble. He massaged the small of her back as he waited for sleep to claim him, his spirit calm despite its previous turmoil. Kissing the top of her head, he kept watch as she dreamed. She truly was his anchor. No matter how lost or adrift he might be, Taylor always found a way to bring him back home. Hed spent an entire lifetime riding out the relentless wave of storms. It was nice to finally feel some small measure of contentment and peace and realize that home was exactly where he wanted to be.


Tears rolled down the blondes sculpted cheeks the moment she came out of sedation. Seated across from her, Sebastian kept his cool and waited while she glanced around with wide, fearful eyes. A terse smile crossed his lips upon noting the terror in those cerulean depths the second they darted back to him. The shackles binding her wrists and ankles rattled as she licked her lips and struggled to find her voice. Hello, Mrs. James, he stated in a soft voice. Its nice of you to finally join us. Her throat bobbed and a keening whine echoed off the cold, concrete walls. Where am I? Outside the modified oil silo, a massive storm brewed. Thunder rocked the buildings foundation, making the ground shake beneath his feet. Finding the weather a suitable accompaniment to his mood, Sebastian stood and regarded the woman with a condescending smirk. Im afraid that isnt important, Colleen. Her watery gaze darted to Josh and Vince before widening and flickering back to him. How how do you know me? How do you know who I am? We know everything, honey, Vince said. Everything about everyone. The response unnerved her more. The divorcee bucked in her chair, her sinewy muscles straining with her efforts. After a few moments, she tired herself and gave up. What do you want? I dont have much, but you can have whatever money is in my account. Just dont hurt me, she rambled, shaking hard enough to jangle her restraints. Please. Im not interested in your finances, Mrs. James. Sebastian strolled closer, not missing the way the woman flattened against the back of the sturdy metal chair. What I am interested in is locating your ex-husband. A few days ago, two of my men paid you a visit. You gave them a list of names and promised these people would help us get in touch with Patrick. We took you at your word. Now, Im sure you can only imagine how disappointing it was when those efforts failed to pan out, but I assure you, my displeasure is something I plan on making perfectly clear. She paled and a brief look of shock registered on her elegant features. I told you everything I know. No, Sebastian stated. His expression hardened, making her wince. Folding his hands behind his back, he came to a stop in front of her. You sent us to a string of abandoned houses. The names you gave us dont even register in our system. Im not sure what game you are trying to play here, Colleen, but I have had enough. I am only going to ask you one more time. Where is Patrick? She glanced up as the overhead lights flickered, momentarily robbing the room of its dim phosphorous glow. The thought of being plunged into sudden darkness with three men she didnt know only served to heighten the womans horror. A broken sob burst from her throat as she gave a desperate shake of her head. I swear to you, I dont know. I havent had any contact with him in three months. Sebastians shoulders jerked with his quiet huff. I had a feeling you might say that. While we failed to locate your husband, we did manage to find another one of your family members. A man named. He paused and looked to Josh. Walter Radcliff. Ring any bells, cupcake? Colleen blanched. Her thin body quaked as she tried to squash another sob. Panicked, her eyes widened.

Wally is my brother. Where is he? Is he okay? Sebastian leveled her with a stern glare before shifting his attention to his partner. Hes been here for what? Three days now? Something like that, Josh agreed. He pushed himself off the wall. The movement drew their captives full attention. Your baby brother is a tough guy, princess, but hes already starting to crack. Our team has been coming down on him and coming down hard. I really dont think he cares for the accommodations. She shook her head. Desperation crawled across her face. Please. Whatever youre doing to him, please stop. Sensing her heartbreak, Sebastian fought a cruel smile. They had hit a nerve. Leaning over her, he braced his hands on either side of her head. Not until you give us Patrick, he murmured, brushing a flaxen curl from her face. Trapped between his unyielding body and the chair, Colleen slammed her eyes shut. Several tense seconds ticked by before her shoulders slumped. Okay. IIll ask around. Ill find him. Just leave my brother alone. He has nothing to do with this. Sebastian straightened. She shrank back and cowered beneath his hard glare. We will release you under your own recognizance, but Walter will remain in our custody. I suggest you uphold your end of the deal and do so quickly. Every day that passes is another day your brother will suffer at our hands. Colleen flinched as Josh stepped forward to wrap a hand around her chin. She whimpered as he forced her teary gaze to his. We will be watching you every step of the way, princess. You talk, he dies. You lie to us again, he dies. No second chances. An unintelligible response escaped the woman. The words were buried beneath her anguished snuffles. After a few minutes, she managed to pull herself together enough to speak. I understand. I sincerely hope that is true, Sebastian retorted. Eager to escape, he spun on his heel and strode toward the door. Like all SKALS holding cells, the steel contraption lacked any windows or interior handles and was painted the same flat, dismal grey as the walls. He issued the coded knock the guards had given him before entering and waited. A few seconds later, the heavy metal door grated open. The air inside the metal silo was stifling despite the cooling desert rain. Even in the basin. Sweat already beaded along his skin and traced a languid path down his back. Sucking in a breath of fresh air, he nodded at the guards and stepped past. He stopped short upon seeing their directors hulking form reclined against the far wall. A cruel smirk dangled from Marxs lips as he lifted his chin. A fresh coat of blood glistened ominously across the battered scape of his knuckles, and his dark eyes harbored a malicious gleam of pleasure. Good work in there, gentleman, he said, pushing off the wall. But you arent finished. Sir? Josh asked, his voice holding a note of confusion. Mrs. James needs to understand the full gravity of her brothers situation. With all due respect, sir, I am confident she does. Shes already agreed to get us the information we need, Vince replied, glancing between Sebastian and their commander in uncertainty. He tried to warn his teammate off with a guarded shake of his head, but it was too late. Marx prowled forward, all but backing Vince against the wall. Sebastian tensed as Josh stiffened beside him. I dont give a damn what your opinion is, Agent Pellagreeni, the director snarled. His thick forefinger stabbed the other mans chest hard enough to draw a wince. Get your ass back in there and dont come out again until that womans body is as broken as her spirit. Are we clear?

Yes, sir. Biting the inside of his cheeks, Sebastian watched his teammate peel himself off the cinderblocks and attempt to squeeze past Marxs substantial bulk without further riling the man. His brow furrowed. Beating the woman and sending her on her way was a risky maneuver. It was a poor tactical move. Almost as poor as letting Laychee slip through the cracks when they had him in plain sight. His eyes narrowed at the memory and a fury rippled through his lean frame. A quick glance assured his partner was equally as baffled. Casting him a frustrated look, Josh shook his head and slid past. Marx folded his arms. The sleeves of his uniform tightened across his massive biceps and strained at the seams. Why do I get the impression your team doesnt agree with me on this matter? Careful to keep his expression neutral, Sebastian shrugged. Does it matter what they think? Their agreement isnt necessary. Just compliance. Marx studied him. His square chin jutted in thought. After a long moment, he nodded. Keep your men in line, Baas. Compliance or not, I wont tolerate them questioning my decisions. I fail to see why your team cant perform to capacity without receiving directions on how to handle the matter, Sebastian. This is a very serious problem in my eyes. Im starting to think you are being as lax with them as you are in your personal life. Neither of which I find pleasing. I fail to see what torturing a woman we plan to release accomplishes, other than leaving evidence and complications this team doesnt need. We have ample leverage to use against her and shes well aware what the repercussions will be. Marxs chest shook with his dour laugh. One of his stern brows inched higher. You are not the one in charge here, Sebastian. I am. I am painfully aware of that fact. I dont care for your tone or the implications behind it. Squeezing his temples, Sebastian drew a deep breath, praying for some small measure of patience. I am trying to watch out for my men and protect this organization. Thats what youve trained me to do. SKALS doesnt need your protection. As you pointed out, all that is required is your compliance. Do I have it or am I going to have to find a way to bring you crawling back to heel? He ground his teeth, his gaze narrowing into hate-fueled slits. You have it. Im happy to hear that, Baas. Come. Take a walk with me. There is something I would like you to see. He frowned in confusion. A cold twinge of curiosity danced along his nape as Marx led the way across the circular basin and keyed in the access code for the other holding cell. The harsh grate of metal scraping against concrete screeched in his ears as the director pushed the door open then gestured him inside. A flurry of movement drew his attention and threatened to kick his already heightened instincts into overdrive. His hand twitched, jumping toward his gun. He almost sprung toward the scuttling form, but Marxs hand settled on his forearm, giving him pause. Blood and grime speckled her pale flesh, but there was no mistaking the bright copper of Irenes hair as she scrambled to the far side of the room. If it werent for the fiery shade, he wouldnt have recognized the pathetic mess. The commanders ham-sized fists had done a brutal number on her face. Dark bruising and swelling forced her once saucy features into an unrecognizable pulp. Shaking, the waitress huddled deeper against the wall, a bleak look of terror flooding her eyes as she regarded the two of them. Youll have to excuse her appearance, Marx said with thinly veiled humor. It took us a

while to reach a point of understanding. A firm snap of his fingers had Irene crawling across the room. Keeping her head lowered, she crouched in submission before Marxs feet. Sebastian watched with detached interest as she planted a kiss on top of the directors polished boot. It never ceases to amaze me, he said, folding his arms with a pointed look. Given proper motivation, even the most feral creatures will eventually come crawling back to heel. Sebastian stared at him in silence. The muscles in his cheek twitched with irritation as he weighed the meaning behind those words. Giving a brief nod, he cast his attention back to the door. The temperature inside the abandoned silo continued to climb, reaching almost unbearable heights. His lungs ached, burning with the need for a breath of cool air and his hair lay plastered against his scalp. Swinging his pale stare back to Marx, he clenched his jaw. It figured the smug bastard would feel the need to draw things out and gloat. Is there a reason for this visit? he asked. I was just making a point, Baas. This is what we do. This is what Ive trained you to be. These are the results I expect when I lock you and your men in a room with another human being. Understood. Are we finished? For now. Make sure your team stays focused where they should be. He bristled. If you have something to say to me, just fucking say it. All of your implications are starting to piss me off. A taut silence hung between. Pale green warred with brown until the corners of the directors mouth twitched. When I have something worth saying Sebastian, youll be the first to know. But I wouldnt expect words. I prefer my statements be much more bold, Marx stated with a colorful flourish of his hand. The gesture sent Irene scuttling for the unsubstantial safety of a corner. Ignoring her, Sebastian squared his shoulders and looked the commander in the eye. Just what the hell is that supposed to mean? You are full of anger, determination, and fire. As much as I admire those qualities, they also make you a very difficult man to tame. I suspect they will force us to opposite sides of the battlefield one day, Agent Baas. But today is not that day. It sounds as if its something you look forward to, he said, cocking his head. Marx offered a wan smile. Should that day come, I will mourn the loss of my protge, but I will welcome the challenge the turn of events brings. Anything to keep life interesting huh, Marx? The big man chortled, though the sound lacked genuine humor. Exactly. You know that better than most. Sebastian gave a wry snort and nodded. Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. With that, he shot the battered waitress and her captor a look of disgust before knocking on the door. Nothing Taylor did or said about that woman would ever change his mind. Irene was exactly where she deserved to bethough he doubted this was the kind of kept woman shed envisioned being. Either way, it was living proof that some dreams did come true. At least to an extent. His lips quirked with a dark bid of humor, then straightened as he analyzed his conversation with Marx. The topic was nothing new. That made it hard to tell if it was just the usual prodding the bastard liked to give, or if he was on to something. Blowing out a forceful breath, Sebastian shook his head. One way or another, it was time to step up his game. The last thing he wanted was for his family to get caught in the crosshairs of the assholes plans. He glanced up as the door across from him swung open. Josh stepped out first. The harsh

angles of his face were still set with anger as he brushed past the guards. Vince half-helped, halfdragged a groggy Colleen James out behind him. Wiping his bloody hands on his uniform, Sebastians partner gave a cold nod of affirmation. Shes done. Lets get the hell out of here. Taylor blinked against the soft, golden glow flooding the room. Squinting at the fireplace, she stretched and fingered the buttery cashmere throw draped over her in confusion. She wasnt sure how long shed dozed for, but night had already started encroaching outside the bay windows and the solar lights decorating the yard flickered against the threat of darkness. The leather couch creaked beneath her as she shifted and lifted her head to scan her surroundings. A faint smile curled her lips as she spied Sebastian sitting on the other end of the cushions. Clad in nothing but a pair of airy white pajama pants, he looked both relaxed and regal as he studied the paperback in his hands. She scanned the cover, her forehead creasing. The Art of War hardly seemed like a leisurely read, even for him. Apprehension closed around her heart in a merciless fist. Did this have something to do with Marx, or was it something more? Try as she might, she couldnt shake the conversation hed had with Josh about someone following him. She couldnt go through another incident like the one with Laychee again. She just couldnt. Sleep still didnt come easy, and more nights than not, she woke up drenched in sweat, a strangled scream locked in her throat. No matter how adept she was at blocking the horrifying memories during the day, there was no way to escape them in her dreams, where the power of fear and subconscious still reigned. Sensing her attention, Sebastian glanced up and cast the paperback aside. She searched his face, hoping to gauge his mood. Last night had been anything but a precursor to a good day. Offering a tentative smile, she peeled back the blanket and sat up with a yawn. Much to her surprise, he appeared amicable enough as he returned her scrutiny. Hi, handsome. How long have you been home? Not too long, baby. Pouting, she leaned over to kiss his cheek. Why didnt you wake me? You need the rest, he said with a shrug. His pale stare locked with hers and he lifted a questioning brow. Is there a reason why all Im getting is a quick peck on the cheek? Blushing, she shook her head with an embarrassed laugh. Other than the fact that I might have morning breath? No. His smile was reluctant and strained. Its a chance Im willing to take. Come here. Sebastian grabbed her and pulled her up the front of him. She shuddered as his big hands molded her ass, pushing her down against the cradle of his hips. Palming the back of her head, he claimed her mouth in a long, smoldering kiss. The crisp taste of spearmint clung to his lips. Thats more like it, he murmured, settling his forehead against hers. Mmm. Yes it is. I kept a plate warming for you in the oven. Would you like me to grab it? No, sweetheart. I already found it and ate. Now Im ready for my dessert. Her face flushed at the implication. Still, she enjoyed their banter far too much to give in so easily. Is that so? she asked, pressing the tip of her nose against his. Oh its so, he growled. What if Im still full? Youre not full, baby. Not yetbut you will be. Taylor gasped, biting back a cry as he flipped her onto her back with a surprising amount of

speed. His hips pinned hers. The taut muscles in his arms stood out in ridges as he braced them on either side of her head. The hunger and intensity blazing in his eyes was humbling. Her breath came in shallow spurts as he peeled her shirt up with one hand, his fingers trailing reverently across her abdomen. Has our little one taken it easy on you today? he asked. For the most part. Mmm. Good to know, Sebastian whispered dropping a light kiss below her navel. She dug her nails into his shoulders when he crawled up her body and bowed his head to flick his tongue across each of her nipples, licking them into stiff peaks. He took his time lavishing them with zealous suckles and the sharp tug of his teeth until the sensation drove her mad. She plowed her hands through his hair, urging him on, loving the way his lean body shuddered with a combination of restraint and need. He rolled off her with an impatient growl and shucked his pants where they fell to the floor in a forgotten heap. His gaze roamed over her, tracing her bare skin, the desire to do more burning in his eyes. She bit her lip as he tugged her cotton shorts down her legs. The lacy hip huggers she wore trailed with them. Sebastian ran his hands up her thighs, his stare branding her skin. You are so damn beautiful, he murmured. He climbed over her, the gentle scrape of his stubble as he kissed the spot behind her ear making her shiver. His mouth claimed hers slowly and gently as Sebastian dipped an experimental finger between her legs. Her hips jerked when his aim proved true and a jolt of raw pleasure shot through her. Finding her more than ready, his deep, guttural moan vibrated against her lips. She peered back at him with dazed, glassy eyes as he wound his arms around her and sat up, dragging her with him. Her head fell back as he filled her. The warm fullness was beyond incredible and the bliss playing on his chiseled face stole her breath away. Bracing her palms on his shoulders, she posted, savoring every inch of him, as Sebastians firm hands guided her movements. Together, they found a deep, steady rhythm, their bodies falling into tandem. Sebastians eyes locked on her, watching each nuance as the firelight danced across their skin. A heavy fist tangled in her hair. Determination stamped his face as he arched into her downward plunges. Picking up the pace, Taylor felt her body quicken. Her breathless cries filled the room as she came down harder and faster, relishing the deep, hard stabs of his thrusts. Twisting above him, she gave into the sweet promise of release. Her nails sank into the corded strength of his shoulders as her body burst into pleasure and shuddered around him. Sebastian snared her hips, his fingers biting down in ownership. Lean, powerful muscles strained beneath his skin as he rocked up a final time and came with a hoarse roar of completion. Winded, she panted for breath and rested her forehead against his. A lazy smile dangled on his lips as he ran his hands over her ass and gave the cheeks a languid squeeze. Did that cure your sweet tooth? she asked. Mmm. Not exactly. I may have to come back for seconds later. Taylor laughed. You still have an insatiable appetite, I see. I wouldnt expect that to change, baby. I doubt youll feel the same when my belly is stretched from here to kingdom come. He caught her chin and forced her gaze to his. Stop it, he warned. Nothing will ever change the way I feel about you, he said, tracing the soft swell of her lower lip, Im looking forward to seeing you wobble around. I think you are going to be absolutely adorable. Monique certainly was, and

she doesnt have a quarter of the appeal you do in my eyes. Please, Taylor scoffed. Your sister could have been a supermodel. In fact, both of you are entirely too good looking. I hope our baby inherits your genes. Sebastian shook under her, filling the great room with his husky laugh. Look whos full of it now. Stop flattering me. She batted his chest. Im serious! Just thinking about a baby with your gorgeous dimples and curls makes my heart melt. He swatted her bare ass, though his gaze sparkled with amusement. What is wrong with you? Dont wish that on our kid. Why not? Because as cute as you may find them, these curls are a curse, darling. They are hard as hell to tame and someone always feels the need to tug them, he said, giving her a pointed look. Her smile was wicked and unrepentant. Do they? Hmm. Maybe you should tell them to knock it off. He laughed and shifted into a more comfortable position beneath her. I have. The sassy little minx refuses to listen. She sounds like a handful, Taylor said, resting her forehead against his. Mmm. That she is, he murmured. But she makes up for it in other ways. How so? Well, she is honest, gentle, and kind. She has a huge heart, but its also the heart of a fighter, because no matter how rough things get, she refuses to give up on me. She makes me want to give her my best. Her smile alone is enough to brighten anyones day. Oh, and she is unbelievably great in bed, he said, with a lecherous waggle of his brow. She laughed with a playful roll of her eyes. If you say so. It sounds like you are making this woman up to me. Oh I assure you, she is very real. Not to mention the most beautiful woman in the world. Youre crazy. He smirked and tapped her lips. I didnt ask for your opinion, darling. And in this case, it doesnt even matter. I am always right. Taylor rolled her eyes again and slid from his lap with an indignant sniff. That may be true, but there is no accounting for your lack of taste, Agent Baas, she said, bending to retrieve her clothes. Is that so? She faltered, glancing over her shoulder at the silken rasp of his voice, no longer certain that he was teasing. Im not sure what part of our life together makes you believe it is okay to insult me, but I know many ways to correct that kind of behavior, he mused. Standing, he trailed a finger down the curve of her cheek. Is that what you want, Taylor? Do you want me to punish you? No, Sebastian, she whispered, lowering her eyes with a nervous tremor. He nodded. I should fill that pretty little mouth of yours with this taste you think I lack. She couldnt help but lick her lips with the prospect. She yelped when he stepped back and the pirouetting end of his pants snapped against the back of her thigh, leaving a vivid sting in its wake. If you beg me for correction, Taylor, you will get it. I thought you would have learned that by now. Do I have your attention, or would you like more? Pouting, she rubbed the burn out of the back of her leg. No thank you. He halted her attempts to dress by snaring her chin. Stop sulking. Playful or not, I wont

tolerate you putting yourself down. You are the woman I want. You are the woman I chose to spend the rest of my life with. Maybe that doesnt count for much in your eyes but it means everything to me. I wont let you belittle that. She lifted her gaze to his. The intensity lurking in those pale shamrock pools was almost too much to bear. Ashamed, she squirmed and lowered her head. Im sorry, Sebastian. I didnt think of it that way. He forced her chin back up with a firm tilt from his finger. I know, baby. I forgive you, but I dont ever want to have this conversation again. I take great pride in knowing you are mine. You need to accept that. I expect you to be proud of yourself and who you are. Yes, sir. Good girl, he murmured, kissing the top of her head. Your vitamins are on the counter. Take one and clean yourself up. I want to take you out and grab some real dessert. That sounds wonderful, she said, grinning. He winked in agreement. Slinging her shirt over her shoulder, Taylor blew a kiss in his direction and sauntered into the kitchen. There was no mistaking the weight of Sebastians stare as it tracked her every step, making sure she complied. Despite his gentleness and play, there was a veiled tension seething below the surface, a reluctance that she couldnt quite place. She twisted the cap off a bottle of water and downed one of the horse-sized pills with a wince. Satisfied, Sebastian finished tying off his pants and headed for the stairs. Taylor set her drink aside and followed behind with a mute shake of her head. Did he really think she wouldnt take care of their baby? Or was he just searching for a way to feel more in control. She couldnt help but wonder how his day had gone or what had been said, but it wasnt likely that was information he was going to share. Combing her fingers through her bedraggled hair, she sighed. In the end, it didnt matter. He hadnt taken his frustrations out at home, and for him, that was a huge step. It gave her hope. Not just for today, but for the future as well. Maybe, despite it all, things really were going to be okay. Traffic lights shimmered off the damp asphalt, casting the downtown sector into colorful prisms. Pulling Taylor closer to his side, Sebastian scanned their surroundings. Golden streetlights glowed overhead, lending the historic brick buildings lining the streets extra warmth and charm. It was a beautiful spring evening despite the previous storm. The rich smell of damp earth and blacktop rose around them as they wandered the sidewalks hand in hand. Returning his attention to Taylor, he smiled. Even clad in a simple light blue halter dress, she was stunning. The cool, fresh air had helped bring some much needed color back to her cheeks, and an innocent joy radiated from her as she peered up at him. Penny for your thoughts, she teased. Laughing quietly, he shook his head. I was thinking it would be safer to dress you in a potato sack from now on. Taylor rolled her eyes. You are impossibly jealous, Agent Baas. Im not jealous, sweetheart. I am just protective of what is mine. So youre greedy? He paused outside the diner and turned to face her. Is there a reason why I shouldnt have you all to myself, Taylor? She swung her big grey eyes up to his with an adamant shake of her head. No, Sebastian. Not at all.

Good to know, he said, fighting to keep his amusement hidden. Leaning down, he issued a husky whisper against her ear. I will never share you with another man. You would do well to remember that, darling. I would hate to have to prove that point to you again. You have nothing to worry about, Seb. No one else could ever measure up to you. You have completely ruined me for other men. Winking, he kissed the pouty swell of her lips. That was my plan. Releasing his hold on her, he opened the glass door and ushered Taylor inside. A musty aroma with an undercurrent of grease replaced the fresh air from outside. Sebastian squelched a grimace, his studious gaze raking over the small cluster of rounded tables and padded booths, doing a quick assessment of their occupants. The staff was already starting to wipe things down for the evening, and not many customers remained. An elderly couple sat sharing a plate of crumb cake. Withered and bent with milky irises, neither one of them posed any threat. A pudgy, middle-aged man glanced up from the evening paper, his beady brown eyes barely flickering their way before he took another sip of his coffee and resumed skimming the headlines. On the far side of the diner, a young mother struggled to keep her chattering toddler in his seat. Confident in their safety, Sebastian steered Taylor toward an intimate booth in the back where he could continue to monitor the diners comings and goings. She pressed close to his side, content to share in the space and the warmth radiating between them. A pained wince crossed his face as he plucked the lacquered menu from its holder only to find it stuck to his fingers with grime. Taylor snickered quietly beside him and pulled a bottle of hand sanitizer from her purse. Thank you, he said, squeezing a liberal amount onto his palm. You would think they would clean these things once in a while. Not everyone lives by your impeccable standards, Sebastian. He snorted in agreement. I really dont think its asking too much. They made their selections, and he drummed his fingers on the scarred tabletop as they waited for a server. His patience was all but gone by the time a harried looking blonde finally made her rounds. Sorry about the wait. What can I get you? she asked, swiping her bangs out of her eyes with the back of her arm. Ill take a cup of coffee and a slice of your peach pie. Make sure thats decaf, Sebastian corrected. And I will have the same. You want the pie, too? the waitress asked. Yes, please. He waited until the woman left before blinking at Taylor in exasperation. Smothering another giggle, she shrugged. We cant all be as smart or insightful as you either, Sebby, she razzed. Some of us are human, and therefore prone to bouts of stupidity. I have my fair share of flaws, sweetheart. We both know that. At least one of them has been dormant lately. Laughing quietly, he lifted a brow. Are you referring to my belt? Oh no, Sebastian. I wouldnt dare. Last night was visit enough for me. Mmm. So you claim. Her expression grew more serious as she toyed with her napkin. Why did you change my order? For one, we dont need you bouncing off the walls all night. For two, I dont think caffeine is

good for the baby, he said, running a tender finger over her abdomen. I could be wrong, but I seem to remember Monique cutting it out altogether when she was carrying Mia. I didnt think about that. I dont have the slightest idea what Im doing here, Seb. I dont know anything about having a kid. I mean other than how they are made His shoulders shook with his quiet laugh. I think we have that aspect cornered quite well. Taking her hand, he pressed a gentle kiss against the top. We will get through this, Taylor. Everything is going to be okay. Im going to dig around and see what I can do about getting you into a doctor next week. Well figure everything out. I promise. Just sit tight, baby. The love and adoration in her eyes was humbling. Okay. Her face took on an impish gleam. But I should probably warn you nowI am going to have a ridiculously long list of questions when I go. Smiling, he caressed the high slope of her cheek. I would expect nothing less, darling. Dont think I wont. He glanced up when the waitress approached with their pie and topped off their mugs. Sebastian watched Taylors eyes drift shut as she slipped the first bite past her lips, her face a simple declaration of bliss. Everything about her was such a startling contrast to the world he knew. She wasnt fueled by ulterior motives. All she longed for was acceptance and love. Spearing a piece of pie off his plate, he tried to remember if there was ever a time hed felt the same. Hed wanted those things from his father, and tried like hell to get them, but part of him had known it was an unattainable dream. In the beginning, he loved the man, but in the end, hed feared and respected him more. That disconnect laid the groundwork in many ways. It helped build the foundation of who he was today. He pondered that for a moment, his appetite waning. What would his own children grow up to be? Closing his eyes, he prayed they would take a different path. One that wouldnt leave them as conflicted and broken. One that didnt put their lives and families in danger every goddamn day. If he had one hope, one dream, it would be for them to grow up happy, safe, and free to experience the life they chose. His thoughts came to a screeching halt when the bell over the door chimed. A gust of fresh air swept through the restaurant and, looking up, Sebastian froze. Instant tension snapped through his muscles, making them ache. His fists clenched and locked in time with his jaw. The sharp, pinched face staring back at him was one he knew all too well. Hed been seeing it everywhere for the past few weeks. The man bowed his head and tried to slip into a booth near the door, but it was too late. Sebastian tossed his fork on his plate and sprung to his feet. Hed had all he was going to take. Taylor scrambled across the padded booth and reached for his arm, pleading twisting her beautiful face. Seb? He wrenched away and halted her with a stern point. Stay here. Dont you dare move, he warned, his voice breaking with fury. Not waiting for a response, he stalked across the restaurant in long, purposeful strides. The man glanced up as he approached, a brief show of apprehension flickering in his eyes. Sebastian wrenched him up out of his seat, his lips twisting on a snarl. His hands wrenched the other mans shirt tight, cutting off his air supply as he slammed him against the wall. Somewhere behind them, a woman let out a frightened cry. A callous glint fueled the pale green of his eyes as he tightened his grip. I dont know what you are after or why you are following me, but if you come near me or my family again, you are dead, Sebastian growled. He released the man with a brutal shove and leveled a finger at his face. Consider yourself warned. I wont repeat myself again.

Clearing his throat, the man smoothed the front of his shirt and caught his breath. I admire your tenacity, Special Agent Baas, but you are in no position to be making threats. A cold smile crawled across his face. You have no idea what I am capable of or what lengths I will go through. If I see you in my town again, Im going to gouge out your eyes and put a bullet in your skull. The man weighed his warning with a light nod. That may be true, but it wont end your problems. Im merely the beginning. Stop sticking your nose where it doesnt belong. Patrick James is dead. If you value your family as much as you claim, you will leave it that way. Cocking his head, his eyes narrowed to scrutinizing slits. Who the hell do you think you are? Consider me an ambassador. What I consider you is a man with a death wish. Call off the search and get your organization under control. Quit trying to bite the hand that feeds you. SKALS may be powerful, but this is one fight they wont win. Stunned, he pulled back. The fact that this man knew who they were lent him serious pause. This is the only warning you and your team will get. Fury jerked him out of his baffled daze. His eyes snapped to the other mans and his cheeks jumped with a dangerous twitch. Leaning in close, a sinister smile curved his lips. I'd think long and hard about who and what I am before you step in something you can't wipe off. Don't come near my family again. No war is without casualties, the wiry man replied. He straightened his expensive silk suit and backed away. Have a good night, Agent Baas. Sebastian glared after him. Who the hell did the Ichabod Crane looking fuck think he was? His fingers curled around the pistol holstered at his hip. He didnt like tamping down his aggression. He was trained to eliminate problemsand this manwhoever he was, was a very definite problem. It took effort not to blow the weasely little prick to smithereens. Plowing a hand through his hair, he glanced over his shoulder at Taylor. Her grey eyes were haunted and flooded with fear. His chest tightened. The bastard was damn lucky they were in a public place. Scrubbing a hand over his face, he cursed beneath his breath and made his way back to the booth, ignoring the curious stares he garnered from the other patrons along the way. Taylor shank back when he slid onto the seat beside her. A fact that didnt sit well with him at all. Finish your dessert, he ordered stiffly. Who was that guy? I dont know, Taylor. If you dont know, why did you go after him like that? Letting his eyes drift shut, he squeezed his temples and struggled to keep his burgeoning temper under control. It has to do with work, and Im not getting into it right now. Eat. The look she gave him was equal parts desperation and pleading. Sebby Her voice was raw and questioning. Realizing she was only going to make herself sick if he forced the issue, he lowered his chin to his chest with a sigh. It wasnt worth it. After pulling the wallet from his back pocket, he dropped a twenty on the table and offered her his hand. Her relief was palpable as he helped her stand. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed the top of her head. Dont do this. Dont get yourself all worked up. Everything is going to be okay. I just want to go home, she whispered, burying her face into his chest. Okay, he soothed, rubbing slow circles against her back. Whatever you want, baby.

Wrapping her fists in the front of his shirt, she peered up at him. I didnt mean to ruin our night. You didnt, baby. Its okay. I understand. Im sorry work encroached on our personal time. She gave a rueful shake of her head. I have a bad feeling, Seb. I dont know what its about or why I have it, but it scares the hell out of me. Frowning, he resisted the urge to agree. Peeling her hands free, he led her outside. An apprehensive feeling gripped him the moment they stepped through the doors. Another round of lightning flickered in the distance, and despite the empty streets, an uneasy prickle still crawled along his skin. His eyes narrowed as he pulled Taylor closer to his side. For a moment, he considered the wisdom in doing so. Any sudden shots meant for him would go through her as well. The thought struck him like a physical blow and he found himself hurrying to get her into the car. Taylor sat in silence for most of the way home. Her attention remained riveted on the passenger side window. She blinked against the onset of tears several times, her hands forming a protective cradle over her stomach. His forehead creased as a crushing wave of guilt slammed into him. She didnt feel safe, and after the bullshit with Laychee, who could blame her? That fucker had destroyed them both in more ways than one. A dark scowl etched Sebastians face. Gripping the steering wheel with enough force to make the stiff leather creak, he resisted the urge to scream and pummel it until his hands bled. Laychee was just the beginning where his problems were concerned. Marx was riding his ass and chomping at the bit, just waiting for a chance to get Taylor out of the wayand God only knew what these other men were after. Hed promised her things would get better, not worse, but that was exactly where he feared things were heading. He steered the car up to the gate. After scanning his finger, he punched in the code and kept a close eye on the mirrors to make sure nothing slipped in behind them. Within seconds, Rupert had made his way out front and offered a polite nod as Sebastian steered the Benz past. Hed barely pulled the car to a stop within the darkened confines of the garage before Taylor popped the door open and bolted for the house. He stared after her for a moment, then everything hit. Unable to take anymore, he cursed, slamming his fist into the steering wheel and triggering the horn. Shaking the throb from his battered knuckles, he prowled through the shadows and came to a stop outside of the half bath. The ache in his chest surpassed the one in his hand as he spied Taylor hunched over the toilet, her slender body straining with her efforts not to heave. Shouldering his way inside, he crouched down behind her. She muttered something unintelligible into the bowl as he tucked her loose braid behind her and rubbed the small of her back. Im sorry I ran, she said, sagging against him and turning to search his face. I really thought I was going to get sick and I didnt want to get sick in your car. I know, he murmured, brushing her bangs out of the way. Its okay. Im just glad you kept something down this time. Standing, he pulled her with him and smoothed his palms over the outside of her arms. Her gaze flickered to his hand and widened. Jesus, Seb, youre bleeding Shh. Its nothing, baby. Lets get you into bed. He helped her wash up and tucked her between the sheets with a promise to join her soon before making his way back downstairs. The darkness in his study seemed pressing despite the glow from his monitor as he uploaded the photos hed taken the night before. Leaning back in his chair, he tented his fingers beneath his chin and waited for the facial recognition hardware to finish its scan. A

rapid gamut of faces and names flashed across the screen before settling on the one he was coming to know and hate. Sitting up, he tilted his head, his eyes narrowing into hooded slits. Frank Burrel had quite an impressive set of credentials to his name, including brief stints with the FBI and CIA. That much made sense, given the mans demeanor. What didnt was the dates. Burrel was inactive. His last term of service dated well over twenty years ago. Running a forefinger over his lips, Sebastian frowned. SKALS was founded after he left. How would a man with no apparent ties to the government know about them, much less have the balls to confront them? Furthermore, what was his interest in protecting Patrick James? By all accounts, his target didnt start working for the FBI until well after Burrels departure and had only recently fallen off the grid. It just didnt make sense. Biting the inside of his cheek, he studied the numbers and jotted down Burrels stats. Dread coiled in his gut as he typed in Marxs information. It was a dangerous line to cross, but his instincts didnt lie. Curiosity outweighed his reluctance and, holding his breath, Sebastian hit send. He sat up straighter, his brow furrowing in interest as his suspicions proved true. The quiet rustle of paper filled his study as he flipped through his notes. Marx and Burrel hadnt just attended the academy together; they had also worked at the same field office and branched off at the same time. His lips pursed in frustration. So they knew each other. Was this an old rivalry coming back to life, or was there something more? Pinching the bridge of his nose, Sebastian squeezed. It did nothing to diffuse the dull ache budding behind his sinuses. Not when every answer he uncovered only led to more questions. Not when he still couldnt find any connection linking the men to his current target. Scrubbing his scalp, he cast his attention to the ceiling. Only one person could help him now, and unfortunately for them both, that person happened to be Colleen James.


Squinting against the early May sun, Taylor fumbled with her keys and fought to keep her purse strap from slipping any lower down her shoulder. Rupert glanced over, his amusement obvious despite the wide shield of his colorful shades. She had to give it to the man, he handled shopping trips like a champ, even when she forgot the items she needed and ended up backtracking through half the aisles. He never complained, and there was something comforting in his affable, but often silent, presence. Hitting the button for the trunk release, she watched him roll the cart to a stop behind her car. Go ahead and get in the car, Miss Taylor. Ill load these. Folding her arms, she regarded the big Cajun with a lopsided grin. Are you married, Rupert? Laughing, he shook his head. No Maam. I dont have time for relationships. Maybe someday. She lifted a questioning brow at him as he hefted a case of water out of the cart. Well, somebodys got you trained. He laughed again. That would be my mama. God rest her soul. She tried her best to raise a proper Southern gentleman. I dont reckon shed be too happy with me if I didnt do my best to abide by that upbringing. I think shed be proud. You seem like a good man, Rupert. He tipped his shades with a thick finger. Thank you, Maam. He glanced over as she lowered a bag of boxed goods into the trunk. You dont listen very well do you? he asked with a chiding smirk. Only to Mr. Baas, she countered. And even that is subject to debate. His broad body shook with a chortle. Rupert slung the rest of the bags in the car and shut the Chryslers trunk. What about you? he asked, resting his forearms on the cart. Are you close to your parents? Her smile faltered as the all too familiar ache swelled inside her once again. Frowning, she offered an apologetic wince. No. My dad bailed when I was six. Its funny. I dont remember much about him other than his eyes. They were incredible, so bright and blue, like the summer sky. Oh and his smellhe always smelled like licorice and Old Spice. Rupert hung his head. Im sorry, Miss Taylor. I didnt mean to pry. No worries. Your mom then shes? Missing, she admitted with a sad laugh. The last time I saw her was two years after my dad split. She dropped me off at my Uncle Roys and hasnt been around since. An occasional phone call or letter around the holidays was all I got. Mustve been tough. You get used to things, I suppose, she said with a shrug. We either adapt to our circumstances or we shatter. Life is messy. Messy and short. Why waste precious time picking up the pieces? Its easier to bend than it is to break. Thats a good point, Miss Taylor. I have my moments, she teased. Put the cart away and lets get going. Im hungry. Cant have that.

He rolled the cart toward the corral while she turned to unlock the doors. Catching a dark flash of movement out of the corner of her eye, she froze and watched a man with wavy silver hair rush across the parking lot in hurried strides. The boxy briefcase dangling from his hand caught her attention, as did his lack of groceries. He moved quickly. The sun glinted off his head, giving it an almost metallic sheen, before he slid into the drivers seat of a sleek SUV. Something about him made her feel tense and uneasy. Turning, she looked at the store uncertainly, half expecting the building to blow. It wasnt until the vehicle rolled out of the parking lot and the early afternoon calm remained that Taylor finally started to relax. Chiding herself for being so on edge, she got into her car with an embarrassed shake of her head. Rupert dropped into the seat beside her and aimed a curious glance her way. Is everything okay Miss Taylor? Yeah, fine. Ive just been watching one too many movies lately, I guess. The air-conditioning kicked in by the time she steered the 300 onto the road and the cool breeze from the vents washed over her in a refreshing wave. Relaxing, she turned up the radio. The bluesy chords of Lynyrd Skynyrds Tuesdays Gone drifted through the speakers, drawing an appreciative bob of the guards head as he grooved to the music. Grinning, she cranked it up and veered past the gas station. They dont make them like this anymore, he said. Nope. I love it. I kind of stole the CD from Seb. We were listening to it one night and he said it brought back good memories of his parents drinking, laughing, and dancing when he was growing up. Ruperts crooked smile reflected in the passenger side window. Same here. Lots of whacky tobaccy floating around back then. I think most of our generation grew up in a fumigated haze. She burst into unexpected laughter. That certainly explains a lot. The head of security grunted in good-humored dismissal. They caught the green light and she accelerated after turning onto the main stretch of road leading back home. A sense of happiness and relief settled over her and she let her mind drift. She had so many hopes and dreams for the future. Long, relaxing nights in front of the fire with Sebastian, and passion filled nights in bed. Their days would be busy, but full as they raised their family. A wistful smile threatened. Shed only just found out and already, she couldnt wait to hold their baby in her arms. If Sebastians increased hovering was any indication, he felt much the same way. Despite his flaws, the way hed interacted with his niece and nephew in the past proved he would be an amazing father. He was always so doting and patient when it came to kids. Still firm in his guidance, but a much more gentle and laidback man. A smile played on her face as she remembered the sound of Mias delighted squeals or the way Christian always regarded his uncle with adoration and wonder. That was the Sebastian she loved the most. The one untouched and untainted by the pressures Marx exuded. The one who could be happy and just let himself go. The car shimmied and shuddered, snapping her out of her fantasies with a worried frown. Ruperts forehead lined as he sat up straighter, his attention roaming over the gauges. Nothing looked amiss. Biting the corner of her lip, Taylor decided to err on the side of caution and calculated the best place to pull into to pop the hood. It was a busy street and traffic was too heavy in both directions to risk stopping on the side of the road. Just past the light, a small shopping plaza beckoned. Keeping her

focus trained, she cursed and eased off the gas as the light started to change. Her foot jumped to the brake, but nothing happened. Panic closed around her heart in a savage fist as she pumped the pedal and stomped it clear down to the floor. Her breath caught as the world around them shifted into a horrifying version of slow motion. She was only vaguely aware of Rupert shouting, one of his large hands locking around the side bar in an attempt to brace himself for the inevitable. Her own gripped the steering wheel, a ferverant prayer dying on her lips as her eyes flared and she stared at the oncoming glint of metal and chrome. The crunch was deafening. She cried out, all too aware of the violent impact. Her body jerked against the seatbelt. Pain exploded along the side of her face with a flash of blinding light, rocking her head to the side. Everything dimmed as the car spun and the windows shattered. The shrill sound of screeching tires rang in her ears, overriding her cries. Another thunderous bang sent the car veering into a rapid tailspin and tossed her against the airbags. Then the world became mercifully still. Taylor fought to catch her breath. A slow sinister warmth trickled into her eye, drenching the left side of her vision red. Fumbling blindly beside her, she felt along the passenger seat for Rupert. Her heartbeat thudded in her ears, the rhythm hypnotic and soothing. She tried to unbuckle her seatbelt, but the struggle was exhausting. It was much easier to close her eyes. Even if just for a minute. Afraid of where that might lead, Taylor tried to stay awake and concentrate on something besides the fear and pain. Muffled voices stirred around her and, somewhere in the distance, Lynyrd Skynyrd still played. Over and over, the CD skipped, until the pull of her lids became too much and she drifted to sleep, lulled by the sound of bluesy guitar strings. Sebastian traced a finger over the ridge of his bottom lip, his gaze piercing and intent as he studied the woman across from him. She was just over forty and took good care of herself, judging from her lean physique. Probably the result of aerobics or Pilates. Everything in her house was organized and neat, the furniture all centered on the same linen and lace theme. She was obviously a woman who liked to be in control of things. Unfortunately for Colleen James, SKALS had wrested any semblance of that away. Her hands shook as she cradled her cup of tea. Some fruity herbal blend that smelled like peppermint. Are you sure you wouldnt like anything? Sebastian leaned back and rested his arms on the sides of the floral wing chair with a tilt of his head. Hospitality isnt why I am here. I can get that at home, Mrs. James, and I am sure that is a place we would both much rather I be. Her painted lips tightened in unspoken agreement, though she tried to keep her face passive. I told your men I would do what I could. You just have to give me a little more time. I wasntwell last night. Im sorry about what happened. Believe me, that was not how I wanted things to play out. Im not a sentimental man, but I like to believe there are still some people who can be trusted to do the

right thing when it comes to saving their family. His soft, coaxing tone did nothing to put the womans mind at ease. Dread and reluctance still darkened her eyes. What can I do for you? Im glad you asked, he said, standing. I need some answers and you are the only one who can give them to me, Colleen. Why did your husband disappear? I dont know. His expression hardened. Faltering, she stiffened under the smoldering weight of his stare, her own dropping with Sebastians humorless smile. I am disappointed you would lie to me after the conversation we just had. I was hoping to keep this visit pleasant. Im sorryI just Never lie to me again, he interrupted, cutting her short. You wont like the consequences if you do. Now, do we have an understanding or do I need to emphasize my point? Her shaky exhale filled the silence. Tea sloshed over the side of her mug despite her efforts to steady her hands. We have an understanding. Sebastians expression remained cold and expectant. Lifting his chin, he waited. The blonde set her cup down on the lace doily spread across the table and wrung her hands, refusing to make eye contact. Patrick was working on a project before he disappeared. He spent years pouring his heart and soul into it, day and night. Id never seen him more excited. He said it was going to change the world, not to mention our lives. Contractors were all trying to outbid each other, offering him top dollar. Its funny really. We thought this program was going to make all of our dreams come true when, in reality, all it did was end them. Ignoring her sentimental outpouring, he focused on the facts. What did this program do? I dont know. Science and technology were never my strong suits. The concepts are difficult for me to grasp. From my understanding, it was some sort of interchangeable computer virus. But it was sleek, super stealthy, and capable of eradicating entire systems in the blink of an eye. Sebastian frowned, his stare narrowing with disapproval. What was your husband planning on doing with this thing? Essentially? Ending war. Patrick created something that would allow us to infiltrate any system, undetected, and shut their systems down. The program is its own firewall. Once in place, any attempts to hack it would have devastating consequences. It would send out return signal that would fry the source, rendering it useless. All those attempts by other countries to hack our bank systems all the threats of nuclear weaponry aimed our wayPatricks program would have wiped them all clean. It could have blanketed our entire country under its shield. Dropping back into the wing-backed armchair, he scrubbed a hand across his chin, his mind spinning as he pieced together the facts.

That is quite an amazing feat, he mused, his brow furrowing. But if things were going so good, I fail to see why your husband would leave. It seems to me, he could have easily been one of the richest, most powerful men in the world. Project Blue was not without its flaws, Colleen said, a deep sorrow creeping into her voice. Patrick was afraid something like this would happen. As I said, the program was only fully impenetrable once it was in place. He signed a contract with our Department of Defense when Blue was in its final stages, but before he could activate it, the information was stolen from his system, and its codes wiped clean. When did this happen? A few months ago. Biting his cheeks, he nodded. The shrill chirp of his phone interrupted them. Pulling it from his pocket, Sebastian glanced at his partners name and silenced the ringer. Part of him clung to denial, hoping and praying with everything he had, his instincts were wrong. Lifting his troubled gaze to hers, Sebastian forced himself to ask the one question still burning between them. What other agencies knew about this project, Mrs. James? All of them. Including yours. Sadly, SKALS is not an unfamiliar notion to me. Your boss is the one who originally outlined this idea. That bit of information hit him like a cold smack. The bear claw and coffee hed grabbed for breakfast pitched in his stomach. So that was what the son-of-a-bitch was up to. Unable to stop it, a crazed laugh bubbled past his lips. Still, he had appearances and a reputation to maintain. Did he now? he asked, raising a brow. Pray tell, Colleen, if your husband knew Marx and SKALS so well, why did he decide to cross them? For the first time since hed met her, the woman showed a hint of dignity and pride. Her spine straightened, and her eyes met his without fear or shame. Her expression was both eloquent and pointed. With all due respect, Agent Baas, you work for the man. You know exactly why. Nodding he stood, and straightened his uniform. I thank you for your time. This conversation has been very enlightening. For what its worth, I am sorry your husband left you to deal with the blowback from the choices he has made. A sad smile plied her face. Me too. He paused at the front door. Squaring his shoulders, he kept his hand curled around the knob and spoke without facing her. I will see that your brother receives a ration of food and water every day. In exchange, I expect you to remain silent about this visit. I was only here following up on your husbands whereabouts. Nothing more. He didnt wait for a response. Once outside, he scanned the street, all too aware of the reluctant prickle stirring on the back of his neck. Only this time, the accompanying chill sank clear down to the depths of his soul. There was no justifying what Marx had done. No way to explain why their commander would steal that kind of information. They had always worked in tandem with the other agencies. Their mission, no matter how warped the means, had always been to serve the greater good

and protect their country. No wonder people were starting to crawl out of the woodwork. Marx was on the verge of starting a war. His stomach clenched as he unlocked the Benz. It made sense now. Burrels agitation. Their power hungry commander was kicking a virtual hornets nest. He was becoming a rabid dog in the governments eyes, and they were gearing to put him down. By proxy alone, the rest of SKALS would go down with him. Nerves and the unfamiliar potency of fear made Sebastian start to shake. What the hell had they gotten themselves into? Without Blue, they were all as good as dead. With it, God only knew what Marx would do. He slid behind the wheel and dragged a trembling hand down his face. His mind churned in time with his stomach, both making him sick. If Marx so much as suspected he was going to turn, he would take his entire family down before he had a chance to stop him. If he marched into headquarters now and shot the fucker, he was as good as dead, and his family would still meet the same fate. The men who served Marx faithfully would take him down in a heartbeat. They had been conditioned and tortured to the point of breaking to follow orders. To serve the bastard faithfully and without question. No mercy. No compassion. Just loyalty and compliance. His eyes drifted shut as he wondered if this hadnt been a part of Marxs plan all along. Had he been priming them to do their jobs or merely cultivating his own brutal army? No doubt, some of the men would be thrilled by the prospect of unlimited power. They were already in a position to do and say as they pleased. Blue just opened the door to allow them to do it on an epic scale. SKALS would no longer be a secret underground sector, but a true super power that ruled the world. The ruthless enforcers of Marxs marshal law. Some of them would never turn that kind of potential down. They would jump at the chance to indulge in an unlimited violence spree. Even if he could reason with some of his team, SKALS would be divided within its own ranks. Getting to the bastard wouldnt be easy. Nothing about the situation wasand no matter how Sebastian looked at it, no matter where he landed, he was headed for war.

Look for the final installment of Sebastian & Taylors story (SKALS #4) soon!

Author Info~ Adriana hails from a small town where unpredictable weather and inspiring locals abound. When she's not busy writing, she enjoys interacting with her readers, spending time with her family, catching waves and rays, or sharpening her culinary skills. You can find out more about her, her hijinks, and any upcoming projects or releases at For teasers, first looks, contests, and giveaways please join her official page on Facebook. Shes also on Twitter and Goodreads.

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