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Bibliography: Primary: 3, United States Congress House Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee No.

Criminal Justice Act Amendments: Hearings, Ninety-first Congress, Second Session ... June 18 and 25, 1970. U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1970. Original, base document to address the general purpose of the Criminal Justice Act. Congress thoughts behind amending the law into the government. 3, United States Congress House Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee No. Criminal Justice Act: Hearing. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1963. Review of the Criminal Justice Act and assures indigent defendants right to counsel through the public defender set into place during the time period. Britain, Great, Frederick Mead, and Archibald Henry Bodkin. The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1885: With Introduction, Notes, and Index ... Shaw & Sons, 1885. On of the centerpiece laws that affected and shaped the time period. Provided the essentials for grasping a basic understanding of the Act and an in depth overview of the Act from 1885 to the next Act that would be dominant and most prominent. Good explanation for time period. Buggery. Accessed October 12, 2013. Primary source from Princeton used once in my paper to understand what Buggery was. Showed how it was introduced to the United Kingdom and its affects on the people. Christopher Bennett, and Philip Nicholas Furbank. Will of Alan Turing. The Turing Digital Archive. Accessed September 10, 2013. Alan Turings will covering his last words after death. Addresses the order in which individuals are to receive possessions and outlines the entire procedure which are to be followed when executing the will. Cooper, S. B. Alan Turing: I Am Building a Brain. Half a Century Later, Its Successor Beat Kasparov. The Guardian, May 14, 2012. Discusses the overall importance and impact that Turing had in the world of technology. Shows insight to Turings thoughts on artificial intelligence and how these thoughts shaped the world around him. Copeland, B. Jack. Turing: Pioneer of the Information Age. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Overview of Turings works and includes his notes and calculations made during his research. Shows the type of work and effort that Turing put forth to make an impact in the field of technology during his life. Davis, Martin. The Undecidable: Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2004. Shows the work that Turing conducted during when working on computable functions. Computational calculations would eventually lead to the Turing machine and this work illustrates, in some way through calculations, how he invented such a revolutionary and innovative piece of technology. Ethel Sara Turing. Additional Notes on Alan M. Turing and Papers Relative to Him and His Work. The Turing Digital Archive. Accessed September 10, 2013. Collection of notes and documents accumulated to display Turings life from youth to college work to post-college work and research. Provides hardcopy evidence of the life Turing had lived. Ethel Sara Turing. Sketch of Alan Turing as a Boy. Accessed September 10, 2013. Image of Alan Turing as a boy, inscribed by Ethel Turing . Background information of Turing as a child via the inclusion of notes on the date and event. Guy, Laurie. Worlds in Collision: The Gay Debate in New Zealand, 1960-1986. Victoria University Press, 2002. Study of gay history and review of the Law Reform Bill in 1986. Twenty-two interviews carried out to gain an extensive understanding of the personal views on homosexuals in New Zealand during this time. Hooper, Philip Kuehne. The Undecidability of the Turing Machine Immortality Problem. Harvard University, 1965. Provides quotes, which represent Turings concerns and how he addressed these concerns. Documented work also shows the work Turing repetitively conducted Janis, Mark W., Richard S. Kay, and Anthony Wilfred Bradley. European Human Rights Law: Text and Materials. Oxford University Press, 2008. Provided legal documents, which documented the changes and provisions made to the European Human Rights Law over time in addition to quotes directly from the European government. LLC, General Books. 1980 in Scotland: Glasgow Central By-Election, 1980, Criminal Justice Act 1980. General Books LLC, 2010.

Documents the effects of the criminal justice act in 1980 and documents individuals reactions and responses to the Criminal Justice Act. Shows the change in Scotlands social and political classes. McManus, Michael. Tory Pride and Prejudice: The Conservative Party and Homosexual Law Reform. Biteback Publishing, 2011. Print article containing well documented interviews and perspectives derived from questioning about homosexuality and the policies toward homosexuality in Britain. Miller, Frederic P., Agnes F. Vandome, and John McBrewster. Turing Machine: Turing Machine. Turing Machine Gallery, Turing Machine Equivalents, Register Machine, PostTuring Machine, Universal Turing Machine, Computational Complexity Theory, Algorithm, Church-Turing Thesis. Alphascript Publishing, 2010. Contains details about hall of the machines Alan Turing had worked on throughout his life with images to display the things mentioned in the text. Turings thesis and theories are also included. Newman, M.H. Kings Report. Accessed September 5, 2013.\ Scanned report from King commenting on Turings work and dedication to his passion. Provides an outside perspective on Alan Turing from someone with a more personal relationship than a historian would have. Newman, M.H. Manchester Guardian, June 11, 1957. 7. Primary documents provided in the form of scanned hard copies provide conclusions made by doctors on Turings death. The cause of death is also discussed and a conclusion is made which provides evidence of doctors decisions on Turings death. Offences Against the Person Act 1861. Accessed September 9, 2013. Legal document from 1861 showing the law that was introduced to the United Kingdom. Provides the effects of the law and the restriction it had set on homosexual individuals. Office, Great Britain Home. Violence: Reforming the Offences Against the Person Act 1861!: Consultation Document. Home Office, 1998. Provisions made to the Offences Against the Person Act, which shows the change in legislator perspective over time and shows the additional regulations they had set in place. Prostitution, Great Britain Committee on Homosexual Offences and. The Wolfenden Report: Report of the Committee on Homosexual Offenses and Prostitution. Stein and Day, 1963.

Documentation of Wolfendens report, which aimed to decriminalize the consensual homosexual acts. Discusses the work behind this and the members who discussed the issue with Wolfenden. Roy Jenkins: Biography. Accessed October 12, 2013. Primary web source discussing Roy Jenkins life. Used to understand who Roy Jenkins was and why he was a supported of gay rights in the United Kingdom. RYSSDAL, R. HUDOC Search Page. Accessed October 12, 2013.{%22itemid%22:[%22001-57473%22]}. Legal document transcript from the European Court of Human Rights. Used to analyze the pivotal court case in reversing the decision in Northern Ireland from making homosexual acts illegal to decriminalizing them. S. Dolle, and J.P. Costa. HUDOC Search Page (2000). Sexual Offences Act 1967. Text. Accessed September 9, 2013. Legal document from Sexual Offences Act 1967 classifying what would be allowed within the law in regards to consensual homosexual acts such as locations, and acts allowed to be commited.

Second: BUCHI, J. RICHARD. TURING-MACHINES AND THE ENTSCHEIDUNGSPROBLEM, 1961. This book provided information on Alan Turings machines, which he worked on for an extensive period of time. This showed me intellectual contributions Turing had made to society. Bullough, Vern L. Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context. Psychology Press, 2002. This book is about the effects of gay laws and violations of rights and the way in which activists responded to these laws and right violations. Provided social point of view during the time period. Carter, David. Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution. Macmillan, 2010. This book covers the events that caused individuals to riot and attempt to reform the government because of the peoples disapproval of implemented laws. Insight to social aspect of society and societies views on laws. Cooper, S. Barry, and J. van Leeuwen. Alan Turing: His Work and Impact: His Work and Impact. Elsevier, 2013.

This book covers Turings life with primary focus on his intellectual contributions. This provided me with reasons that Turing is considered the father of computer science. Copeland, B. Jack. The Essential Turing. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. This book summarizes the later half of Turings life and research after college. This provided me with information about his military service, contributions to the allies, and his work on theoretical and computation mathematics. Copeland, B. Jack. Turing: Pioneer of the Information Age. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2012. This book talks about Turings improvements in regards to computers. Provided information on his focus to algorithms and how he related them to mathematical functions. Davis, Howard. Human Rights and Civil Liberties. Taylor & Francis US, 2003. This book broadly covers humans and our interactions in a larger social sense and our politics responsibilities to uphold our rights. Provided unique approach to the idea of human rights and the peoples responsibilities to strive for their own satisfaction. Dyson, George. Turings Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe. Random House LLC, 2012. This book describes how Turing thought of striving toward a digital revolution. Provides Turings thought process and steps taken to make the inventions and revelations he did. Edsall, Nicholas C. Toward Stonewall: Homosexuality and Society in the Modern Western World. University of Virginia Press, 2006. This book talks about homosexuality and its effects in todays current society. Provides a view to compare the difference between todays society and the society that Turing lived in. Emmerson, Ben, Andrew Ashworth, and Alison Macdonald. Human Rights and Criminal Justice. Sweet & Maxwell, 2012. This book discusses the rights we have as humans and the system in which we deem what is not right. Provides a unique approach to what should be considered right and what should be considered wrong. Encyclopedia. Alan Mathison Turing Facts, Information, Pictures | Articles About Alan Mathison Turing. Turing, Alan Mathison. Accessed August 30, 2013.

This website provided a general broad summary of Turings life and accomplishments. Provided a basic understanding of who Alan Turing was and what he did for society as a whole. Engel, Stephen M. The Unfinished Revolution: Social Movement Theory and the Gay and Lesbian Movement. Cambridge University Press, 2001. This book talks about the strives homosexuals have made as they improve their status in society however, it also discusses how homosexuals still have a long way to go before being viewed in the same way as heterosexuals. This provided a unique view on equal rights and whether or not that is even fully possible. Fritscher, Jack. Stonewall: Stories of Gay Liberation. Palm Drive Publishing, 2008. This book provides efforts made by Stonewall to improve the life of homosexuals. Provides many different perspectives to this issue and its social impacts. Herken, Rolf. The Universal Turing Machine: A Half-Century Survey. Springer, 1995. This book addresses research done by Turing. Provides evidence for Turings intellectual impact on society. Herman, Didi, and Carl Franklin Stychin. Legal Inversions: Lesbians, Gay Men, and the Politics of Law. Temple University Press, 1995. This book looks at the governments effects on homosexuals with regards to the laws created effecting homosexuals. Provided a view as to how laws restrict homosexuals from some of the basic rights heterosexuals have. Hodges, Andrew. Alan Turing: A Short Biography. Accessed August 30, 2013. This website talks about Turings entire life from birth to his unfortunate death. Provided childhood motivations for future passions and his service to the country, contributions to intellectual improvements in society and his approach to the laws against gays. Hom, Elaine. Alan Turing Biography: Computer Pioneer, Gay Icon. Accessed August 30, 2013. This website describes Turings accomplishments and speaks of him as a gay icon. This provided me with another individuals perspective on Turing and what he stood for/ stands for today. It Isnt Alan Turing Who Needs a Pardon. The Guardian, July 22, 2013. This website provides several individuals thoughts on the UKs pardon to Alan Turing. Provided me with very unique and insightful perspectives on the situation of Turings pardon.

Kuhn, Betsy. Gay Power!: The Stonewall Riots and the Gay Rights Movement, 1969. TwentyFirst Century Books, 2011. This book explains the Stonewall Riots and provides information about the actions taken by gay rights activists to improve the treatment of homosexual people. Provided me with social effects of laws and societies ability to change and influence politics. Leavitt, David. The Man Who Knew Too Much: Alan Turing and the Invention of the Computer (Great Discoveries). Reprint edition. W. W. Norton & Company, 2006. This book provides a deeper biography of Alan Turing and covers his interests, which eventually lead to him inventing one of the first sophisticated computer systems. This provided me with reasons for Turings research choices and his future discovery. Linder, Douglas O. An Account of the Three Trials of Oscar Wilde. Accessed October 12, 2013. Secondary analysis of Wildes court cases. Provided an analysis of the cases and Wildes treatment before and after the cases completion. Llc, Books. Theory of Computation: Turing Completeness, Entscheidungsproblem, Recursion, Church-Turing Thesis, Recursively Enumerable Language, -recursive Function, Primitive Recursive Function, Rices Theorem, Chaitins Constant, Ackermann Function, Self-reference. General Books, 2010. This book is a study of the different concepts that Turing covered throughout his research. This provided me with a basic understanding of the works f Alan Turing and his intellectual contributions to society. McGhee, Derek. Homosexuality, Law and Resistance. Routledge, 2002. Provided social theory and developments in the study of sexuality in addition to providing an analysis of the laws affecting the homosexuals and homosexuals reactions to these laws. Millican, Peter, and Andy Clark. Machines and Thought: The Legacy of Alan Turing. Clarendon Press, 1999. Prominent summary of Turings work and provides analysis to the work that Alan had conducted while also documenting Turings work for to display what Turing had been doing. Misra, J. C. Computational Mathematics, Modelling and Algorithms. Alpha Science Intl Ltd., 2003. Publication covering Turings concepts and visual evidence of the work that Turing was doing to prove statements in addition to provide a reference as to what is being described.

Pickett, Brent L. Historical Dictionary of Homosexuality. Scarecrow Press, 2009. This book covers the broad topic of homosexuality throughout the years. Provided an understanding of others views on homosexuality and its impact on social interactions. Randell, Brian. On Alan Turing and the Origins of Digital Computers. The Turing Digital Archive. Accessed September 10, 2013. This website provides a summary of Turings work with computers. Provided additional knowledge of Turings work on revolutionary ideas involving computers and his approach to algorithms. Rotman, Brian. Taking God Out of Mathematics and Putting the Body Back in: An Essay in Corporeal Semiotics. Stanford University Press, 1993. This book addresses mathematical improvements made by Alan Turing. Additional analysis of urings contribution to the math field was provided. Stonewall. Text. Stonewall. Accessed September 9, 2013. 2647.asp. This website provides an overview for the changes in views and laws concerning homosexuals. Should contrast and change in ideas starting in 1895 and continuing till 1999 mentioning the social and political reactions to a previous event. Teuscher, Christof. Alan Turing: Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker. Springer, 2004. This book explores the intricacies of Turings life focusing on intellectually revolutionary ideas. Provided me with a different perspective of a modern individuals view on Turing. The Turing Machine. Accessed October 12, 2013. This secondary source granted insight on Alan Turings competitor while working on the Turing Machine. This allowed me to see what the Americans had done to beat Turing to the completely discovery however it also allowed me to see what was different between the two machines. Watt, Nicholas. Enigma Codebreaker Alan Turing to Be Given Posthumous Pardon. The Guardian, July 19, 2013. This website covers the UK parliaments consideration for pardoning Alan Turing for his conviction. This shows the UKs expressed desire to announce and admit that what they did was wrong and they want to honor an innovator of technology.

Wintemute, Robert, and Mads Tnnesson Andens. Legal Recognition of Same-sex Partnerships: A Study of National, European and International Law. Hart Publishing, 2001. This book is a study of the laws regarding same sex marriage around the world and comparing the societies of each international region. This provided me with an understanding of the different views on homosexuality around the world.

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