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OpenXava: Rapid Development for Business Applications

Javier Paniza

What is OpenXava?

OpenXava is a Frame or! for Rapid Development of "nterprise Applications #n OpenXava $ou only have to rite the domain classes in plain Java or %roov$ to &et an AJAX application ready for production

Features ' Open source ()%P)* ' +ore than 170,000 downloads ,o -./// do nloads0 ee!1 ' ' ' ' ' +ore than 50 code contributors Focused in High Productivity 2hort learnin& curve A A! 3ser #nterface "#haustive documentation in "n&lish. French. Russian. 4hinese and 2panish ' Based in Java standars


OpenXava simplifies Java "nterprise


6o create a re&ular Java "nterprise app $our team need to

$% J2F. 5+6). Java2cript. %W6. etc &ontroller 2truts. 2prin&+74 'ervices 2prin&. "JB (omain Plain Java0 %roov$ ()

DAO. JDB4. 5i8ernate

With OpenXava $ou


'ervices (omain Plain Java0 %roov$ ()





OpenXava en %esti9n ://

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Re&istro "ntrada 0 2alida ";pedientes ,9minas %esti9n de Personal +ultas de 6r<fico Padr9n de 5a8itantes #nventario $ Patrimonio 4onciliaciones Bancarias Autoli=uidaciones 4onsultas a terceros "lecciones Bolsa de empleo 4ementerios


4it$ of )ausanne (2 itzerland*: OpenXava applications

5ealth #nsurance control mana&ement1 Waste centers access cards mana&ement1

' Financial participations mana&ement1 ' 4it$ ta; mana&ement1 ' Water =uantit$ > =ualit$ reportin& for 8i& customers (administration interface*1 ' Fuel tan!s control mana&ement1 ' )and Re&istr$ mana&a&ement ' Do& o ners ta; mana&ement ' 2ocial financial help le&ac$ data8ase ' 2ocial #nsurances mana&ement ' 2ociet$ ta; mana&ement ' Private persons ta; mana&ement

Demo from Oracle ith Amazon "4? uses OpenXava


1slideshare1net0zain-:?@0cloudAoo Afinal

Bno 7ie : Academic 4olla8oration 2uite


1!no vie 1com0

2icFle;: An "RP ith OpenXava

%rails vs OpenXava

OpenXava follo s Java standards:

J2RA-CD0?DC: Portlets J2RAE/E: Bean 7alidation J2RAEE/: Dependenc$ #nFection J2RAE-G: JPA ? J2RA-H: 6he classic "JB? (optional*

6he code is interchan&ea8le Java frame or!s

ith other

%rails vs OpenXava

,o code &eneration:
Iou have fe code for all application lifec$cle Iou onl$ touch the codes $ou rite1 ,o %2P. controllers or other &enerated code in $our hands

#nitial application is richer ith OpenXava

2prin& Roo vs OpenXava

,o code &eneration:
Iou have fe code for all application lifec$cle Iou onl$ touch the codes $ou rite1 ,o J2P. controllers or other &enerated code in $our hands

#nitial application is richer ith OpenXava


do $ou customize $our app?

7ie annotations 4ustom controllers 4ustom editors 4ustom vie s 2t$les

7ie annotations

6ips for the render en&ine 5i&h a8straction level OpenXava annotations are for 3# the same that JPA annotations are for DB J7ie . J6a8. JDescriptions)ist. J)istProperties. etc (there are D/* An$ possi8le case for a 8usiness application

7ie annotations D"+O


4ustom controllers

A controller is a &roup of actions An action contains the lo&ic to e;ecute hen a user clic! on a 8utton or lin! 6here are &eneric controllers for 4R3D and Printin& We can refine these &eneric controllers We can create our o n controllers

4ustom controllers D"+O


4ustom editors
"ditors are the user interface elements used to vie mem8ers of $our entities and edit the

6here are 8uiltAin editors for all the 8asic t$pes. references and collections1 Iou can create $our custom editors usin& J2P. 56+). Java2cript. etc1
BuiltAin editors

4ustom editor

4ustom vie s

#nstead of usin& the automaticall$ &enerated 3# $ou can create $our custom user interface for an$ entit$ usin& J2P. 56+). Java2cript. etc1 Rarel$ needed. 8ut useful
An OpenXava module

4ustom vie (not automatic*


When deplo$ed in a portal OpenXava portlets &et the loo! > feel of the container portal Iou can create $our o n st$le usin& 422 From an iPad &et the native iPad loo! > feel

OpenXava in )ifera$ C

OpenXava in We82phere Portal

OpenXava in an iPad

K Business model K

We are startin& no : G $ears as an open source proFect supported 8$ the pro&rammers that use it Business models cover important needs of the current OpenXava communit$ First ideas: Boo!. 2ervices. AddAons

)earn OpenXava developin& a complete application from scratch #n "n&lish. 2panish and 4hinese (soon* Availa8le in open#ava*org+boo, (PDF*. amazon1com (printed and !indle* and iBoo!s iPad store1

Professional services
2upport 6rainin& #n 2panish. "n&lish and French ,ot a sin&le compan$. 8ut a net or! of companies around the orld or&anized to &ive professional OpenXava services open#ava*org+services

4ommercial addAons

,aviOX: 2ecurit$ and navi&ation for OpenXava (8eta alread$ availa8le* XavaPhone: 3# &enerator for mo8ile devices (8eta availa8le ne;t ee!* #dea: 4reatin& an addAons mar!etplace open;ava1or&0addons

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%o to

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