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1. Config Tool:
Navigate to the path provided in the below screen to access Config tool. Click configtool.bat ( ./ in UNIX)

Click Yes.

Config tool screen view


Navigate to Instance I!XXXX and click "dd #erver (Co$p%ter with a + s&$bol) or &o% can navigate to the $en% and select #erver '("dd #erver

Click Yes

Click O). *he newl& added server is shown in the below screen

How to delete Ser er Pro!e""? Open the Config tool and select the server that &o% want to delete and then click the icon Co$p%ter with a + s&$bol or &o% can select #erver '(,e$ove #erver fro$ the #erver $en%.

Click Yes.

Click O).

-or a standalone s&ste$. the User /anage$ent needs to be config%red %sing Configtool. Open the Configtool and navigate to U/01!"2 data and select the respective Config%ration file and provide the respective entries. 0g.3 If &o% select dataso%rceConfig%ration abap.4$l fro$ the Config%ration file. the %ser $anage$ent is handled b& the "5"2 s&ste$. -or $ore info on the 1!"2 so%rces please refer #"2 note3678989.

#ec%re #tore handles store %sers and passwords.


*o config%re /e$or& 2ara$eters in Config *ool3

1og into Configtool. navigate to Instance

Click #ervers :eneral tab.

'X$s denotes #erver heap $e$or&. 'XX3New#i;e denotes Yo%ng :eneration /e$or&. 'XX3/a4New#i;e denotes Initial si;e. 'XX32er$#i;e denotes 2er$anent :eneration /e$or&. 'XX3/a42er$#i;e denotes $a4i$%$ 2er$anent :eneration /e$or&. NOTE: New :eneration /e$or& will alwa&s be 7/<th of =eap /e$or& or >/9rd of the 2er$anent :eneration /e$or&. 2er$anent :eneration /e$or& is 7/?th of the =eap /e$or&. !o not change the 2ara$eters on trial and error $ethod. *o change val%e for the )eep "live ti$eo%t. navigate to services %nder :lobal !ispatcher Config%ration @ http service '( )eep "live *i$eo%t. !efa%lt val%e is 7A. &o% can change this val%e and click #et and click -lopp& b%tton to save B appl& the changes.

#i$ilarl& to increase the cache si;e. open Config tool and navigate to Instance'(#ervices'(http'(Cache #i;e. Yo% can change this val%e and click #et and then click "ppl& changes (-lopp& b%tton on the top row of the screen below $en%).

#. Vi"$%l Ad&in Tool

Navigate to the path show in the below screen and click go.bat (./go in UNIX)

Click Connect and provide the password for the Userna$e ( C>00 "d$in or "d$inistrator).

#o$e of the services in D" tool3

7. CCO ,-C 2rovider service

>. 9. ?. A. <. 6. 8. E.

=**2 2rovider service on dispatcher =**2 2rovider service on #erver 1icensing "dapter #ervice 1ocking "dapter #ervice 1og Config%rator #ervice + tracing 1og viewer #ervice #ec%rit& 2rovider #ervice 2erfor$ance *racing #ervice

CCO ,-C 2,ODI!0, #0,DIC03 It is %sed to co$$%nicate with the backend s&ste$s (0g.3 C>00 to 5I)

In the above a connection is established between C>00 and 277 s&ste$. 2rovided the 277 s&ste$ details in the ,epositor& col%$n and the C>00 details in ,-C destination col%$n and click #et and Click #tart. #i$ilarl& for the backend #&ste$ 277 to co$$%nicate with C>00 s&ste$. establish an ,-C connection in #/AE transaction as follows3

Click Create b%tton to create a new ,-C Connection. #elect it as a *C2/I2 connection and specif& the details as follows3

Click #ave.

#pecif& the 2rogra$ I! that &o% have specified in the CCO ,-C 2rovider service of D" *ool and scroll down to specif& the .

Click on #ave b%tton. Yo% can check in #/:F transaction for the connectivit& between the > s&ste$s is r%nning fine.

=**2 2,ODI!0, #0,DIC0 ON !I#2"*C=0,3

)eep"live*i$eo%t defa%lt val%e is 7A. &o% can change it to <G and click Update. #i$ilarl& &o% can change the other para$eters.

=**2 2,ODI!0, #0,DIC0 ON #0,D0,

Click 2roperties tab to change the val%es for the respective para$eters like Cache #i;e etc.

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '

1IC0N#IN: "!"2*0, #0,DIC0

Click Install 1icense fro$ file. 5rowse to the location of the 1icense file that the #"2 has sent to &o%r $ail and appl& it.

1OC)IN: "!"2*0, #0,DIC03 It is si$ilar to #/7>. Used to displa& the locked obHects.

1O: CON-I:U,"*O, #0,DIC0 + *,"CIN:3 *he severit& of the logs that are being displa&ed d%ring the r%nti$e can be set here in this service.

#everit& of logs can be set here b& selecting the respective co$ponent.

!estination of the trace files are provided here as shown in the above screen.

1O: DI0F0, #0,DIC0 3 It is a service to displa& the logs generated d%ring the r%nti$e. Navigate to #erver'(#ervices'(1ogviewer service

Navigate to the reI%ired logs to be displa&ed.

#0CU,I*Y 2,ODI!0, #0,DIC03 Yo% can create %sers. gro%ps. roles and assign the roles to the %sers as and when reI%ired. *he %ser $anage$ent is $anaged here in this service. *o create %sers in the #tandalone s&ste$. to assign roles to %sers we can %se this #ec%rit& 2rovider #ervice.

#elect the respective co$ponents and Click on #ec%rit& roles tab and assign the respective roles to a %ser.

Click User /anage$ent tab and click #earch to find the %sers. Click Create %ser to create a new %ser (Onl& if &o%r s&ste$ is a standalone C"D" engine).

*his is si$ilar to #/G? where &o% can select the respective %ser and ter$inate the session.

20,-O,/"NC0 *,"CIN: #0,DIC0

*his is %sed b& Cava developers to trace the r%nti$e of the applications. classes. $ethods. ,/I (,e$ote /ethod Invocation). It is si$ilar to #09G. #*GA. and #*G7 trace of "5"2 0ngine.

'AR( )'% % A**li!%tion Re"*on"e Ti&e (%n%ge&ent+ T%,: It is si$ilar to #*G9. It is %sed to provide the reI%est s%$$ar&

of the entire s&ste$. based on the dispatcher and server. It displa&s the avg. response ti$e of a %ser reI%est. avg. C2U ti$e. It does not displa& the database ti$e as the database resides on the backend engine.
Re-$e"t S$&&%r.3 It is an overview of the entire s&ste$.

Re-$e"t O er iew3 It is %sed to displa& the n%$ber of reI%ested obHects along with the response ti$e. C2U ti$e. It is also

%sed to identif& the e4pensive reI%ests to fine t%ne.

Co&*onent O er iew: It is %sed to identif& the e4pensive co$ponents based on the C2U ti$e. gross ti$e B net ti$e. It is %sed to identif& $ost e4pensive co$ponents which can be reco$$ended to trace and fine't%ne the$.

/"er O er iew: It is %sed to displa& the %ser na$e. along with the avg. ti$e. total ti$e. no. of reI%ests s%b$itted to the

s&ste$. 5ased on this. we can identif& the response ti$e@ we can red%ce a%thori;ations. c%sto$i;ation. roles etc.

T0re%d O er iew3 *hreads are %sed to process the %ser reI%ests which are allocated to the %ser b& the server process. Fe can identif& the threads. co$ponents. the %ser and reI%ested ti$e. 0ach #erver can handle 7GGGG threads and each server is allocated with >GG %sers based on the reso%rces.

Tr%!e Config t%, Dario%s traces s%ch as3 7. #ingle "ctivit& *race (#"*) >. #J1 *race (#i$ilar to #*G7. #*GA) 9. C/# (Cava /essaging #ervice) ?. ,/I Connector A. Feb <. =ttp 6. 0C5I 8. ,-C

1. Telnet Tool #tart'(,%n'(c$d. Click O).

#&nta43 telnet Khostna$e( Kportn%$ber (AGGGL(7GGMinstance n%$ber)LG8)(

/"N displa&s the help of co$$ands. Yo% can tr& the above co$$ands. 0g.3 JUI* is %sed to logo%t of *elnet *ool.

2. 'C(ON )'% % Control (onitor+ In 1in%43 1ogin as K#I!("!/ *&pe cdpro Hc$on pfNK#I!( !D05/:#GG Khostna$e( ( *his is for a "5"2LC"D" 0ngine) Hc$on pfNK#I!( CCGG Khostna$e( (*his is for a standalone C"D" engine) In Findows3 1ogin as K#I!("!/ #tart'(,%n'(c$d Navigate to the profiles location (O%srOsapOK#I!(O#Y#Oprofile) Hc$on pfNK#I!( !D05/:#GG Khostna$e( ( *his is for a "5"2LC"D" 0ngine) Hc$on pfNK#I!( CCGG Khostna$e( (*his is for a standalone C"D" engine)

2rovide the inp%t as 7G. It will displa& the Cl%ster "d$inistration /en% as shown below

#elect >G for 1ocal "d$inistration /en%

#elect 9G for #hared /e$or& /en%

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