EEET321 Circuit Analysis 2 Rev0 Aol

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College of Engineering, Architechture, and Technology Engineering Department COURS E S YLLABUS Circuit Analysi s 2 (lecture) EEET 321 3 units lecture EEET 311 EEET 321L

Course Title Course Code Unit Earned Pre-requisite Co-requi site Profe ssor e-mail address Consul tation Period



Guided by the values of faith, zeal for service, and communion in mission, this cours e will enable you to acquire the essenti al knowledge of complex algebra and phasors; simple AC circuits, impedance and admittanc e; mesh and node analysis for AC circuits, AC network theorems; power in AC circuits; resona nce; three phase circuits; transformers; two port net work parameters and transfer function. A deep understanding of s uch theories is needed as you practice your chos en field of specialization. It will make you aware on the benefits and advantages of alternating current systems over direct current systems which will make you understand the reason why alternati ng current systems are the predominant system utilized not only in our country but in other countries as well. This course will mak e explicit connections bet ween theories and industry practices which will make you understand and appreci ate the career that you have chosen. II. DESIRED LEARNING RESULTS Expected Lasallian Graduate Attribute s At the end of the course, the following are to be expected to be realized: (ELGA5) Has pa ssion for excellence Explain the behavior of circuit parameters like resistors, capacitors and inductors under time/frequency domain sinusoidal current and voltages. Evaluate A C and DC systems by comparing their advantages and disadvantages. Analyze the theories and applications related to alternating current circuits by solving problems on the topics pres ented in the course outline. God-loving Exhibit the spirit of Faith by interpreting, judging, and evaluating industry realities in light of the Gospel. Demonstrate the spirit of Zeal by translating their knowledge into actual engineering practice. Manifest the spirit of Communion by participating in interactive classroom activities and when engaged in actual engineering practice, by responding to the needs of the industry. Patriotic Discuss matters that will manifest patriotism by using local industries as examples. Evaluate solutions and strategies that will help our local industry partners. 2/7

EEET 321 Circuit Analysis 2

Ill. FINAL PRODUCT The goal is to design and evaluate an actual electric circuit. . You shall act as young Lasallian professional who is globally -competitive that continually updates oneself on the current and state -of-the-art technologies to make sound decisions in solving not only local but global engineering problems. (Has passion for excellence and pat riotic). . You shall show respect for instituted authority and foster obedience to the laws of the land.(God loving and morally-upright). ELGA based rubric for the final output. A. Ha s passion for excellence and patriotic Criterion Excellent (100%) Engineering Accurately and proficiently identify Procedures and and analyze all relevant data (given Reasoning and required parameters, schematic diagrams). Identification of relevant data (given and required parameters) Drawings/illustrations! Diagrams Strategies Used a sophisticated strategy and revis ed strategy to establish Relationship of given relationship between the given data and required data! and the required parameters paramaters Employed refined and complex reasoning and demonstrated understanding of cause and effect of the principle/ theory discussed.

Average Needs Improvement (60%) (40%) Effectively identify and analyze data, Attempted to identify and analyze with only minor errors. data but some information was inaccurat e or incomplete.

Poor (10%) Did not identify and analyze dat a.


Used a strategy that led to the basic Used a strategy that was somewhat No evidence of a strategy or relationship of the given dat a and useful, leading to partial completion procedure, or us ed a strategy that required parameters. of the task. did not bring about successful completion of task. Some evidence of reasoning used. No evidence of scientific reasoning Attempted but could not completely used. established the relationship bet ween the given and the unknown There were so many errors in the parameters. process of establishing the relationship between the given and unknown parameters that the task could not be complet ed.

EEET 321 Circuit Analysis 2


Criterion Engineering Communication/Using Data Analysi s/ solution process Logical sequencing of solution (orderliness)

Excellent (100%) Provided clear, effective analysis detailing how the solution was carried out. The reader does not need to infer how and why analysis were made. Precisely and appropriately used multiple engineering representations and not ations to organize and display information. Interpretation of data supported conclusions, and raised new questions or was applied to new contexts. Precisely and appropriately used engineering terminology.

Average Needs Improvement (60%) (40%) A clear analysis leadi ng to a correct An incomplet e analysis or solution solution was presented. not clearly presented (e. g., out of sequence, missing step). Effectively used engineering representations and not ations to Attempted to use appropriate organize and display information. Engineering representations and notations, but were incomplete (e.g., Appropriately used engineering no labels on chart). terminology. Used some relevant engineering terminology,

Poor (10%) No solution, or the solution could not be understood, or was unrelated to the task Did not use, or inappropriately used engineering representations and notation (e.g. symbols, diagrams, graphs, tables, etc.). No use, or mostly inappropriate us e, of engineering terminology.


Minimal reference to relevant No mention or inappropriate engineering concepts, principles, or references to relevant engineering theories (big ideas). concepts, principles, or theories (big ideas).

Engineering Concepts and Related Content Final answer/ conclusion

Disagreements with data resolved when appropriate, Provided evidence of in depth, sophisticated understanding of relevant engineering concepts, principles or theories. Related the theories to actual problems in the industry

Appropriately used data to support answer/conclusions,

Answer/conclusions not supported or No answer/conclusion stated. were only partly supported by data. No mention or inappropriate Provided evidence of understanding Minimal reference to relevant references to relevant engineering engineering concepts, principles, or concepts, principles, or theories. of relevant engineering concepts, theories. principles or theories,

B. God-loving, morally-upright Criterion Per s o nal trait/S hows character (behaviour inside the classroom) Excellent Average Needs Improvement Poor Score (100%) (60%) (40%) (10%) respect for instituted authority Shows respect for instituted aut hority Shows respect for instituted aut hority Do not shows respect for instituted and foster obedience to the policies of and foster obedience to the policies of and foster obedience to the policies of authority and do not foster obedience to the university, the university, the policies of the university. the university, Submit all requirements on scheduled date and time. All requirements are done by the student, properly citing sources Submit most requirements on scheduled date and time Most of the work is done by the student, properly citing sources Submit some requirements on scheduled date and time The student copied the solution but properly cited the sources Not submitted at all. The student copied the solution citing it as his own 3/7


PrelimiMidterm Quiz (at least 2) Assignment Attendance Seatwork/Short Quiz Major Exams TOTAL Criteria in % 45 10 5 10 30 100 Quiz (at least 2) Assignment Attendance Seatwork/Short Quiz Final Exam (Design Problem/Final Product) TOTAL Final Criteria in % 45 10 5 10 30 100

Semestral grade = (average of Prelim, Midterm and Final Grades)x0.75 + (Comprehensive Exam)x0.25

EEET 321 C ircuit An alysis 2



Preliminary/Introductory (18 hours lec) Introduction to AC System a.)The Sinusoidal waveform of Current and Voltage b.)Voltage and Current Relationship mAC system c.) RMS and A verage Value of Current and Voltage in AC system Time Response of basic circuit elements to sinusoidal signals Frequency Response of basic circuit elements to sinusoidal signals A verage Power and Power Factor Review of Complex Numbers Phasors Series AC Circuits Parallel AC Circ uits Series-P arallel AC Circuits Midterm (18 hours lec) Source Trans formation Mesh Analysis Nodal Analysis Superposition Theorem Thevenin's and Norton's Theorems Maximum Power Trans fer Theorem Complex Power Final Term (18 hours lec)


Teaching Strategies

Class Activities


explain the theories and principles of AC Gospel reading Circuits, and Network Theorems Class discussions give examples of AC Circuits, Network Seat work Theorems, and AC Transients Boardwork pplying A C circuit analysis to real life situations Quizzes Homework Research


1.5 1.5 9

3 3 3 3 3


Gospel reading Class discussions Seat work Boardwork Quizzes Homework Research

EEET 321 C ircuit An alysis 2


Introduction to Polyphas e System Voltage and Current Relationship in Delta Connection ( balanced/ unbalanced load) Voltage and Current Relationship in Wye Connection (balanced/ unbalanc ed) Power in Three Phase system Vi. COURS E POLI CIES

3 6 6 3 EGA

Teaching Strategies
Gospel reading Class discussions Seat work Boardwork Quizzes Homework

Class Activities

A.Students are allowed 20% of the total hours for the term for absences inclusive of tardiness. All absences or tardiness aft er that shall mean excessive absences, which merits a grade of 0.00. B.Students who want to be excused for a class, an activity, an exam, etc. or would like to seek for an extension to any class requirement, should provi de the necessary documents prior to being absent or immediately after the missed date which is in accordance to the student handbook. C.Assignments will be due at the beginning of class. Assignments turned in after the due time will NOT be accept ed. No special assignment is given to mak e up for any missed assignment. D.Make-up quizzes may be given at anytime during the period (prelim, midterm, and final) in accordance to what is written on the student's handbook (or in relation to policy letter B.) E.Special major exams may be given and are scheduled one week after the administration of the major exams in accordanc e to what is written on the student's handbook (or in relation to policy letter B.) A special examination permit should be secured and proc essed. F.Students should be honest at all times; cheating and plagiarism in any form could merit a 0.0 grade. Cheating during quizze s will merit a grade of 0.00 for the term, and cheating during major examinations will merit a grade of 0.00 for the semester. G.Cellular phones should always be in silent mode or turned-off during class hours. Any disturbance caus ed by not following the said p olicy will be rais ed to the D.O. H.The use of any e-gadgets is strictly prohibited unless otherwise relevant to the class discussion. Not following this policy will result to the confiscation of the e-gadget. l.Any complaints (way and mode of teaching, grading, etc.) against the teacher or against any classmates (relative to the class) should be immediately and properly addresse d to the faculty concerned for resolution. J.Students may seek the help of their adviser in resolving the issue with regards to the subject-teacher. K. Comprehensive Exam will cover all topics from Prelim to Final Term.

EEET 321 C ircuit An alysis 2


VII. TEXTBOOK HAYTW., KEMMERLYJ., DURBIN S. (2006), Engineering CircuitAnalysis 7th Edition McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. VIII.REFERENCES DORF, R.C. and SVOBODA, J.A. (2006), Introduction to Electric Circuits 7th ed, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. EDMINIS TER J., NAHV I M. (2003), Electric Circuits (Schaum's Outline Series). 4th ed. McGraw-Hill Companies Inc . IRWIN, D. J. and CHWAN H. W. (2001), Basic engineering circuit analysis. 7th ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. RIZZONI, Giorgio (2003), Principles and applications of electrical engineerinq. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. THERAJA, S. B. L. g (2002), Electrical technolo y. 23 ed. Ram Nagar, New Delhi: Nirja Construction and Development Co. (P) Ltd.

EEET 321 C ircuit An alysis 2


EEET 321 C ircuit An alysis 2


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