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BEC1624 Macroeconomics

Trimester 2, Academic Year 2013/2014

Coordinator: Ms Koong Seow-Shin FOM BR2020 Email: Phone: 03 8312 5654

Lecturer: Dr. C. A. Malarvizhi FOM BR3012 Email: Phone: 03 8312 5679

Teaching Plan Week 1 21/10 27-10 2 28/10 3/11 3 4/11 10/11 4 11/11 17/11 5 18/11 24/11 6 25/11 1/12 7 2/12 8/12 8 9/12 15/12 9 16/12 22/12 10 23/12 29/12 11 30/12 5/1 12 6/1 12/1 13 13/1 19/1 14 20/1 26/1

Topics 1: Measurement of macroeconomics 2: Measurement of macroeconomics 3: The real economy in the long run 4: The real economy in the long run 5: The real economy in the long run 6: Money and prices in the long run 7: Money and prices in the long run 8: The macroeconomics of open economies 9: The macroeconomics of open economies 10: Short-run economic fluctuations 11: Short-run economic fluctuations 12: Short-run economic fluctuations Replacement class for Topic 12 Revision Lecture

Tutorial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -

References Mankiw et al. Chapter 10 Mankiw et al. Chapter 11 Mankiw et al. Chapter 12 Mankiw et al. Chapter 13 Mankiw et al. Chapter 15 Mankiw et al. Chapter 16 Mankiw et al. Chapter 17 Mankiw et al. Chapter 18 Mankiw et al. Chapter 19 Mankiw et al. Chapter 20 Mankiw et al. Chapter 21 Mankiw et al. Chapter 22 -


5/11 Awal Muharam (Tue)

11/12 Sultan Selangors Birthday (Wed)

25/12 Christmas (Wed) 1/1 New Year (Wed)

14/1 Prophet Muhammads Birthday (Tue)

* The teaching plan is subject to change prior notice.

Coursework components Coursework Mid-term Test Assignment Essay Percentage 20 15 Length/ Duration 1 hour Maximum of 1500 words Exam date/ Due date Week 7 Week 10 27 Dec 2013 (Friday)


Mid-term Test (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Exact date, time and venue will be confirmed soon and announced in MMLS. Coverage: Lectures from Week 1 5 (measurement of macroeconomic; the real economy in the long run) Exam format: 2 structured questions; each question carries 10% Absent during exam time: ONLY students with valid reason(s) and supporting document (e.g. medical certificate) are eligible for a replacement test.


Assignment Essay (i) (ii) Form a group with a maximum of 5 (FIVE) students Choose a topic from the list below: - National income - Standard of living - Economic growth - Financial system - Unemployment - Inflation Write a report pertaining to the chosen topic with the supporting evidences from the textbook, journal/article, newspapers, magazines or online resources. References must be listed at the end of the report using APA referencing style. Minimum expectations in the report: - Introduction - Body content (e.g. theory, real life example relevant to the chosen topic) - Conclusion - Coherency - Focus in a single country or compare among a group of countries Format: - Margin: top, bottom, left and right 1cm - Spacing: 1.5 - Font: Times News Roman - Font size: 12




BEC1624 Macroeconomics Trimester 2 Academic Year 2013/2014 Assignment Essay Assessment Form
Name(s): ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Category Introduction - background, issue, basic concept Marks awarded Remarks Group: ______________ Tutor: _______________

Sub-total: 2 marks Body content - theory, real life example

Sub-total: 6 marks Conclusion - summary of the report, policies implemented for the chosen topic Sub-total: 2 marks Coherency of the report

Sub-total: 3 marks Format of the report

Sub-total: 2 marks

Grand total:


15 marks

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