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SOFT SKILLS TRAINING SERVICES presents One day training programme on


Date: Friday, N !e"#er $%, $&'& ('&&&)'*&& +r,Ve./e: H te0 Har,+a Ra"ada, S+i!a1i.a2ar, Ba.2a0 re 3%&&&'(Te0:$$4%3333O#1e5ti!e,: If one wants to be a better manage the first task is to analyse oneself and work out those areas where one thinks improvement is required. This programme deals individually with some of the management functions and with all the techniques and skills required of the manager. It enhances/strengthens the foundation on which to build successful managerial knowledge and skills. 6r 2ra""e C .te.t,: > iming to achieve better results ! how one can be very effective in uncertain situations" > #ow to develop and motivate your teams ! strengthening relationships" > rt of assertiveness ! how to influence others to take responsibility for their actions" > #ow positive energy$ enthusiastic teams$ good decision making and e%ecution e%cellence skills ensure good performance" > #ow to manage crisis situations" #ow things go wrong and how to put them right$ and how to make best use of the situation" > &ee yourself as a successful and better manager. > 'ase study on planning and achieving results. I.7/t,: &uccess and how to achieve it ! 'ompany case study and individual case study. Be.e8it,: (earning on crucial management functions to be an effective and better manager. )ocussed approach* &harpening the management skills$ and reshaping and enhancing the managerial confidence.

Met+ d 0 2y: +resentation$ questionnaire instrument$ case study$ interactions$ individual and group e%ercise. Tar2et a/die.5e: ,%ecutives in #-$ finance$ marketing$ technical$ budding and grooming e%ecutives$ &hop floor line managers$ technical persons aspiring to become managers$ accountants$ administration$ managers of all discipline$ supervisors. The number of participants will be limited to about ./ only to make it highly interactive and learning e%perience. Fa5i0itat r: Mr9 Ra" K Na!arat.a, a +ost 0raduate in &ocial 1ork with additional qualifications in +2I-$ (aw$ 3ip. in Training and 3evelopment. Over two decades industry e%perience in different segments. uthor of five books in #- and (abour laws in ,nglish and 4annada. &erved in the capacity of 0eneral 2anager 5#-3 6 Trng7. 'onducted innumerable training programmes covering more than 8./// participants of various levels. 'onducts open house and In house training programmes in ,nglish and 4annada. #is programmes are well received by one and all. Ad"i.i,trati!e detai0,:) 6arti5i7ati . 8ee* -s.89///: per participant. 8/; rebate in case of three or more nominations from same organisation. The fee for &&I participants -s.8<///: nett. The fee would cover training$ course materials$ lunch and refreshments. The fee is payable on or before the programme. Date: )riday$ =ovember >?$>/8/ 58///:8@// hrs7 -egn* /A./ hrs. Ve./e* #otel #arsha -amada$ &hivaBinagar$ Cangalore <?///8 5Tel*>>9?<<<<7. F r Re2i,trati .* +lease forward names of participants with the following information*=ame$3esignation$Organisation$ ddress$ Telephone no. and ,mail id$ to *$$ or on telephone number*/9/:><>8?E@E/2:AA/8AEA..8/A9EE..@@@/. The nominations will be confirmed on first:nominated:first confirmed basis. )or more information and registration please contact*

+rogramme 'oordinator SOFT SKILLS TRAINING SERVICES +roBect Office*8/>$ 8@:C 2ain$ # ( II &tage$ Cangalore <?///9. Tel* /9/:><>8?E@E/ 2:AA/8AEA..8/A9EE..@@@/

Re2i,trati . F r"

&unita =.2. +rogramme 'oordinator$

&oft &kills Training &ervices

F8/>$ 8@:C 2ain$ # ( II &tage$ Indiranagar$ Cangalore <?///9 Tel* ><>8?E@E /2:AA/8AEA..8 email*,

One day training programme on #O1 TO C, = ,)),'TIG, 6 C,TT,- 2 = 0,-H 3ate* )riday$ =ovember >?$>/8/ 58///:8@// hrs7 Genue* #otel #arsha -amada$ &hivaBinagar$ Cangalore <?///85Tel*>>9?<<<<7

1e are nominating the following persons to attend the above programme*: &l =ame 8 > . E 3esig Tel. =o.

'heque noIIIIIII. datedIIIIIIIIII. )or -sIIIIIIII... towards participation fee is enclosed/will be sent separately.

=ame of the &ponsoring uthority*

3esignation* Organisation* ddress* Telephone no* )a% no* email id*

5+l email this form in advance if convenient7

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