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Name: E.Alexander Surname: Betancur Years of experience: 15 Address: Cra. 111C No. 88-05, Interior 1 Apartamento 302, Ciudadela Colsubsidio City: Bogota, Colombia Phone: +57 311 871 2996 Email:

Academic Formation and Certifications

Formation/Certification (Year)
Master Executive in Business Administration. Escuela de Organizacin Industrial EOI, Madrid, Espaa (2008-2009). Final Masters dissertation: Strategic Plan for the Company Seguridad Orin Ltda. In Colombia. Electronic Engineering. Pontificia Bolivariana University, Medelln, Colombia (1987-1992) Scholarship holder at Korean Government Scholarship Program KGSP: Korean Language Course, Catholic University of Korea & Business Start-Up course, Seoul Global Center SGC Mayor of Seoul (2010-2012). Scholarship holder at CITEL/OAS: Submarine Networks of Optical Fibers, ITU & Diego Portales University, Santiago, Chile (2005). Scholarship holder at Japain International Cooperation Agengy JICA: Transmission Systems for Telecommunications, NTT Neomit, Osaka, Japan (2004). Scholarship holder SRE Mexico/OAS: International Course of Telecommunications, UNAM, DF, Mexico (2000). Scholarship holder at Japain International Cooperation Agengy JICA: CBT courseware development technology for telecommunications, Fujitsu & KDD, Tokyo, Japan (1997). Project Management at Technical (50Hr), Administrative (60Hr), Managerial (60Hr) and

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Operative (50Hr). Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA (2007). Organizational Planification of Projects, and Project Management. Educational Platform A+ from Telefonica Telecom (2009).

Professional Synopsis
Areas / Sectors (Experience)
Telecommunications / Project Manager for Engineering, for deployment of infrastructure and implementation. (6 years) Government / Planification and Public Policies. (2 years) Telecommunications / Planing, Engineering, Operation and Maintenance of Infrastructure. (5 years) Academic / Lecture Professor at institution for higher education; and teaching lectures in introduction to computers, programming languages and Operative systems. Instructor and virtual tutor at institution of non formal education. (2 years) Telecommunications / Network Engineering for differents technologies. (3 years) Oil and Gas / Auxiliary engineering. (2 months)

Competence Areas (Experience)

Project Management in telecommunications (5 years) Budgeting for Telecommunications Network (4 years) Engineering, Implementation, Operation and Maintenance of Telecommunications Infrastructure (10 years)

Technologies (Experience)
Optical Fibers (6 years) SDH/PDH, DWDM (2 years) Satellite systems TDMA (2 years) Microwaves (2 years) Copper Networks for broadband (1 year)

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Mobile networks 2G, Switch y Cell sites (4 years) MPLS (3 months) NGN (3 months) MVNO (1 month) VoIP (1 month) Switch, routers (3 months) Microsoft office Excel, Word, Power Point (10 years)

From 2004 until 2010

Projects in Telefonica Telecom, Colombia

Deployment of National Network of Optical Fibers, Transmission systems SDH/DWDM and BroadBand National Project Manager at technical and operational level for network access into the 3rd Biannual Plan from Communications Fund of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Government, monitoring and auditing as a resident of infrastructure and implementation telecommunications solutions proposed in the plan. Project Manager at technical level for Banking: Bancolombia (Colombian Bank) National Project Manager at technical level for the backbone network deployment of all mobiles operators in Colombia Tigo, MoviStar and Comcel, them like wholesale clients for carrier service. National Coordinator for the Vertical Solutions Project with DTH (TV Direct to Home). Area coordinator for Radio and Television systems RTV. Goals: To expand the network services to nationwide and to provide redundancy to the backbone. Achievements: Formulation and approval of engineering plans by public and private clients, and appropriation of CAPEX investment.

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Reduced CAPEX investment by leveraging between infrastructure projects. Extending Renegotiation and hiring suppliers of products and services. Completion of all preliminary testing of access networks and existing ports to provide capabilities according to plan.

Development of detailed engineering for DTH vertical solutions and equivalent unit prices for contracting with suppliers.

Improvement of the performance indicators of the Radio and Television Network in the Archipelago of San Andrs, Providencia and St. Catherine.

Several projects related to the world of fiber optic networks and copper, using technologies SDH, DWDM, + DSL for government sector clients (Army, National Service for Training SENA, Attorney General's Office, National Police Directorate, Tax and Customs DIAN, Aerocivil, etc ...) and private sector (Banco Davivienda, Citibank, Empresa Colombiana de Petroleos ECOPETROL, Carbones de Colombia CARBOCOL, Drummond, etc ...)

Spanish Mother tongue English Spoken Portuguese Basic Korean Basic (TOPIK nivel 2)

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