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Hear, now, ye spirits of the fire, of water, earth, and air! MHK CH 1

This is a step by step that came From Allah to me to put this in the format it is in, so hopefully this can give some of the Adepts and Divine Ministers, some insight on the spiritual sciences that our Holy and Divine Prophet brought to us from a Moorish Perspective!

Power The power meditations, done long enough are more than effective in one s ability to influence one s environment and others! "hen one s field is strong enough, it is easy to put thoughts, feelings and other pro#ections into the minds of others! $ome people are stronger than others and pro#ecting can be met with some resistance, of course depending upon how strong you are! The stronger ones, though, have their defenses lowered considerable when asleep! "ea% people are easy to deal with anywhere and everywhere! &ust going into a mild trance of focus and concentration and you will notice if they are where you can observe these people, the obvious effects of your pro#ections! Always remember, it is very important to learn to control anger! "hen one reaches a certain level, offenders whether they are outsiders or loved ones will meet with misfortune! This can be very upsetting when a loved one gets into an accident or comes down ill as a result of your anger! This comes with power and should be controlled! "hen one s energy field is powerful enough, it does not ta%e much! ' cannot over emphasi(e the power behind these meditations, when done long enough and with consistency) every day! * Establis !"to t #sel$ %ri"&i%les o$ a&tio"' a"( see t at t o! e)er a&t a&&or(i"* to t e++!

Most of the time, #ust dwelling on something with will, focus and desire will ma%e anything manifest!

Please forgive us Moors for all our sins Allah, All Praises due to you Allah, and High Honors to all your Holy and Divine Prophets and $aints! Honors to the spirits of earth, air, water and fire, winds! Than% you for all the blessings you have sent us, please send blessings to all the Moors, please bless the foes that see% to do us harm, and forgive us if we harmed anyone through our thoughts, words, and deeds-- .$o mote it be!/

'0m calling on the spirits of fire, to purify my prayer! '0m calling on the spirits of water, to ma%e my prayer purity! '0m calling on the spirits of earth, to ma%e my prayer solid! '0m calling on the spirits of air, to send my prayer to the Triune Allah! .$o mote it be!/

' will e1plain the elements and how they are connect to different things, we as Moorish adepts need to get an understanding of what the 2 elemental forces are and how they apply to us and everything around us! To become an adept of the Moorish science temple one must master the 2 elements! ' will get into the four different elements and how to use them and apply them in this pamphlet! 31ample4 Powers 5Hear, now, ye winds that blow! The element air would go with wind 5Hear, now, ye thunders of the s%y! The element water would go with thunder 5Hear, now, ye lightings of the s%y! The element $ire would go with lighting 6Hear, now, ye spirit of earth! The element eart is to move things

Tra"&e A deep trance makes it possible to access the subconscious mind and to program it as we see fit. The active left side of the brain blocks out an attempts to access the passive right side where the seat of the unconscious is. This is analogous to turning off the electricit to a room or a building in order to fi! the wiring. The right side of the brain is where we can program our minds to manifest what we want in realit . To get into a trance state takes practice. Remember" each of us is individual and some ma find this easier than others. The important thing is to be persistent and patient with our self. #ersistence and consistenc are ever thing here. #erforming breathing e!ercises before trance is highl recommended" as this will naturall calm the nervous s stem. $. %it comfortabl . Do not lie down because ou might fall asleep. 2. &reathe in for a count of si!" hold for a count of si! and then e!hale for a count of si!. Do this breathing until ou are completel rela!ed. 'deall " ou should no longer be able to feel our bod . 3. 'magine ou are climbing down a ladder in the dark. Don(t visuali)e a ladder* +ust imagine ou can feel ourself doing it. ,n the e!hale" feel our self climbing a step or two down the ladder. ,n the inhale" feel our self holding still on the ladder. 4. -ow" let go of the ladder and free fall backwards. 'f ou get di)) or disoriented" +ust bring our attention to the front of our bod and this will stop. This mental falling effect" when combined with deep rela!ation and mental calmness" will cause ou to enter the trance state. .hat is needed is a mental falling effect inside our mind. This changes the level of brain wave activit from the awake level /&eta0 to the asleep level /Alpha0 or the deep sleep level /Theta0. ,nce our level of brain wave activit reaches Alpha ou will enter a trance. ,nce ou get the heav feeling" stop the mental falling e!ercise. 'f ou don(t like the ladder" imagine ou are in a lift 1elevator2" feel ourself falling on the e!hale and holding on the inhale. ,r" imagine ou are a feather" feel ourself floating down on the e!hale and holding still on the inhale. 3ou need a mental falling effect to lower our level of brain wave activit .

4. 5eep doing this for as long as it takes. The time it takes to enter trance will var " depending on our e!perience with deep rela!ation and mental calmness. A trance feels like6 7ver thing gets 8uieter and ou feel like ou are in a much bigger place. There is a ver slight humming feeling in our bod . 7ver thing feels different. 't feels a bit like putting a cardboard bo! over our head in the dark" ou can feel the atmosphere change. 't(s like ever thing goes fu)) or slightl blurred. An sharp noises" while in trance are painful. 9. To bring ou(re self out of the trance6 :oncentrate on moving our fingers or toes. ,nce ou can move a finger or toe" fle! our hands" move our arms" shake our head" i.e." reanimate our bod * and get up and walk around for a few minutes. .hat this e!ercise does6 'n order to advance in ps chic power" we must train our minds. .hen we are in a trance state" our brain waves slow down considerabl . There are two sides to the brain; the left logical<intellectual masculine side and the right creative<intuitive feminine side. The right side is the seat of the subconscious. This is the area of the mind that is open to suggestion and programming and the seat of our astral power. .hen the left side of our brain is active in thinking" the right side cannot be accessed. Trance states shut off the left side so we can access and program the right side /subconscious0. 't takes training to be able to induce a deep trance state. Deep trance states are not alwa s necessar " but for specific workings" the are ver important. ,nce we train our minds to go deeper and deeper into a trance" this becomes easier and easier and takes less and less time as we become adept. The mind is like a muscle and for most people* this e!ercise will be an introduction to a part of the mind that has never even been accessed before. 't is =ver = important to never be startled out of a trance state" especiall a deep one" so make sure ou are in a room or area where ou are left alone and the phone is turned off. &eing startled and pulled out of a trance the wrong wa can be e!tremel painful and the pain can last for da s" especiall if ou are doing energ work in this state. 't is normal when in a trance state for an sounds to be ver painful. This is because in this state" our senses are e!tremel heightened. An adept can place themselves in a deep trance within seconds at will. 'n closing" it is not necessar to alwa s go into a deep trance to work with our mind. The trance state is used to train our mind. .ith ver important or difficult workings" a deep trance is often necessar . The end 9

I")o,i"* t e Ele+e"ts
'nvo%ing the elements is very advanced and can be very dangerous4 78T TH3$3 M3D'TAT'9:$ ;A<3; H'=H>? 3FF3@T'A3, P9"3<F8> A:D DA:=3<98$ 'F :9T 8$3D @9<<3@T>? "'TH98T A T<A':3D AD3PT! I$ #o!-

Are not ph sicall and<or mentall health 'f ou take =an = ps chiatric medications or medications that affect our brain<nervous s stem 'f ou suffer from >igh &lood #ressure 'f ou have heat flashes from menopause 'f ou suffer bouts of depression 'f ou do not know th self $??@ 'f ou are pregnant ' strongl encourage ou to turn back and work other meditations that are safer. ,nce ou have overcome an problems mentioned above using safer meditations" ou can proceed at a ver slow pace if ou think ou are read .
Let +e e.%lai"-

.ith invoking the elements" here are some e!amples of what can happen6 'nvoking fire will make ou hot. Depending on how man hol breaths ou do /onl seven and under are recommended for those who have not had e!perience with this element0. 7ven with adepts" 2? hol breaths can be e!treme. .hile ou are doing the fire meditation for the first time" more than likel while ou are doing it" ou will feel little or nothing. DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF DOING ANY MORE BREATHS BECAUSE YOU MIGHT FEEL NOTHING! 3ou will feel the effects hours later. The effects of invoking fire include a fever" feeling &AR-'-B >,T after a warm glow<aura manifests" insomnia and since water is the opposite of fire" ou can get a backlash of water and this can manifest in depression. These effects can last several hours to several da s. 7ach one of us has imbalances of certain elements and invoking the elements can cause even more imbalance so it is also important to know our strengths and weaknesses in certain elements. 'nvoking air can over stimulate the nervous s stem. Air can make ou ver irritable and oversensitive for a few hours to several da s" depending on how much ou take in.

-ow" with invoking these elements over a period of time" we become resistant to e!tremes of temperature" we can warm or cool our bodies at will and we can be adept at p rokinesis" cr okinesis and other astral disciplines.

'f ou are planning to do the elemental meditations" ' strongl encourage ou to keep written entries in a black book or +ournal regarding how these e!ercises affect ou. Dastering the elements is one of the highest forms of spiritual science" while others pla around with props. The elements are based upon the four corners and directions. The are the foundation of the universe when working spiritual science. 'nvoking and directing the elements is used to empower talismans. 7ach ritual or working normall has an elemental theme. & making use of the elements the power of an working is drasticall amplified. 7lemental spiritual science is e!tremel advanced and powerful science. There are two ways of !"o# !$ the e%e&e!ts' One way is total invocation (no breathing them back out and the most dangerous) a!( the other way s eas er s to )reathe the e%e&e!t )a*# o+t !to the ether' 3ou can work up from this. 7ach one of us has strengths and weaknesses with certain elements. -earl all of us have imbalances of the elements in our souls. The following meditations will correct these. %everal hours or a da after invoking an element" sit 8uietl and meditate on how ou feel. >ow did ou feel during the past 24 hoursE 't is important to be able to =feel= the elements in order to direct and control them. To properl invoke" direct" and control the elements" ou must be balanced in all of the elements. Dost of us have imbalances. Those of us who progress and continue on will be working. 3ou must be honest with ourself and #!ow thyse%f. The e!amples below in the advanced section reveal the elements in their pure form. Fer few of us are imbalanced with +ust one element* usuall there are two that are dominant. Gook to the elements where most of the characteristics describe ou. & balancing our elements" ou will find healing ph sicall " ps chologicall " at the soul level and mentall . Fire is opposite .ater and Air is opposite 7arth. The opposite element is what is needed to fi! the imbalance. 't is important to be aware that invoking the lacking element can create a temporar backlash in the over;dominant element. The end of this

TO IN,OKE FIRE" go into a light to medium trance and contemplate our self in the middle of a large sphere of fire. -ow" do the energ breathing. &reathe in the fire from all sides of our bod " front" back" top of our head and bottom of our feet. 'magine and feel ourself getting burning hot. Do this for seven breaths AND ONLY SE,EN BREATHS! DO NOT DO ANY MORE! YOU CAN E,EN DO AS LITTLE AS -./ BREATHS0 BUT NO MORE THAN SE,EN! 3ou have two options for this e!ercise6 $. 3ou can breathe the fire back out into the ether after each inhalation and even breath it out some more when ou are finished with the seven breaths /This is the safest wa 0 2. 3ou can retain the fire. .ith retention of the elements" ou will progress faster" understand how each element feels and affects ou and increase our abilit to handle each element" but remember; this is not for ever one. 't is better to take things slower and use caution. Remember to alwa s use common sense. To be adept" one must master blowing /directing the e!hale0 the element out. For e!ample" blowing out the element of fire after ou have invoked enough of it and our bod can withstand high amounts of this element* ou can raise the temperature of ob+ects and even set them on fire" using onl our mind with the above" ou can even be miles from our ob+ect. 'nvoking fire will make ou hot. Depending on how man breaths ou do /onl seven and under are recommended for those who have not had e!perience with this element0. 7ven with adepts" 2? breaths can be e!treme. .hile ou are doing the fire meditation for the first time" more than likel while ou are doing it" ou will feel little or nothing. DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF DOING ANY MORE BREATHS BECAUSE YOU MIGHT FEEL NOTHING! Dore than likel " ou will feel the effects hours later. The effects of invoking fire include a fever" feeling &AR-'-B >,T after a warm glow<aura manifests" insomnia and since water is the opposite of fire" ou can get a backlash of water and this can manifest in depression. These effects can last several hours to several da s. The end of this

1yro# !es s # rokinesis is the abilit to control" ignite and e!tinguish fire" using the powers of oneJs mind. This is dangerous. ,ne should be adept and ver e!perienced in handling and directing energ " as ine!perience can cause dangerous burns to ourself" even though ou ma have a powerful aura. An e!ceptionall powerful aura is necessar for p rokinesis abilit . &egin b lighting a candle6 'n order to do this safel " ou should be adept at putting fires out before igniting them. #osition both of our hands" palms facing inward about half an inch from each side of the candle flame and direct our energ into the flame" willing it to die out. This is e!tremel advanced and ou must have a powerful aura. Tr concentrating on black energ between our palms where the flame should be. To ignite a flame6 perform the >eat Deditation" and direct the energ our palm chakras. ou produce to

&low out the candle. #osition both of our hands" palms facing inward about half an inch from each side of the candle wick" which should be an ember. Direct energ from our palm chakras and concentrate intense heat on the ember and will it to ignite. Tr concentrating on white hot energ " between our palms. The ember" with practice will begin to glow brighter and eventuall " will ignite. #ut out the flame" concentrate the energ between our palms on the ember of the wick and direct it to ignite the flame again. .ith enough palm chakra energ and concentration" it will relight. As ou advance" move our palms farther and farther apart. .hen ou are proficient with our palms 2;3 feet apart" concentrate on lighting the wick of the candle without the ember. 'gnite the cold wick.


'n addition to using the energ from our palm chakras" ou are using the powers from our third e e. The third e e has a direct line of energ to the ph sical e es where the energ pro+ects. ,nce ou are adept at the above e!ercise" tr using less and less of our hands. Again" it is important to put fires out before learning to ignite them.

7!pand our aura to connect with the candle flame. The candle should be a foot or less in front of ou. :onnect our aura and put out the flame. ,nce ou are adept" do the same and ignite the ember. .hen ou are able to use onl our aura to light the candle flame" e!pand our aura to connect with an ob+ect a foot or less in front of ou and pro+ect the heat as ou did with our palms. As ou progress" keep moving the ob+ect farther and farther awa . 'nstead of +ust doing void meditation" the above e!ercises can be substituted as the re8uire intense" unwavering concentration. The end of this


IN,OKING 2ATER3 To invoke water" go into a light to medium trance and imagine that ou are completel under water in a large pool or lake. The water should be still. Kust rela!. &reath in the water from all sides of our bod " front" back" top of our head and bottom of our feet. 'magine ourself getting ice cold. Do this for seven breaths AND ONLY SE,EN BREATHS! DO NOT DO ANY MORE! YOU CAN E,EN DO AS LITTLE AS -./ BREATHS0 BUT NO MORE THAN SE,EN! 3ou have two options for this e!ercise6 $. 3ou can breathe the water back out into the ether after each inhalation and even breath it out some more when ou are finished with the seven breaths /This is the safest wa 0 2. 3ou can retain the water. .ith retention of the elements" ou will progress faster" understand how each element feels and affects ou and increase our abilit to handle each element" but remember; this is not for ever one. 't is better to take things slower and use caution. Remember to alwa s use common sense. After some $2;24 hours" sit 8uietl and meditate a few minutes on how ou feel after invoking water. The more advanced ou become" the more ou will feel the coldness of the water element. 3ou should feel like a block of ice. Adepts are able to keep the bod cold as ice even in the hottest of summer weather. The water element can incite depression" so it is important to go slowl . .ater is used in rituals involving attraction. The end of this


IN,OKING EARTH6 To invoke the earth element" go into a light to medium trance and visuali)e ourself in the middle of a large sphere of heav dense gravit . -ow" do the energ breathing. &reathe in the earth from all sides of our bod " front" back" top of our head and bottom of our feet. 'magine ourself getting heavier to where ou are like lead and can no longer move; like ou are buried under several feet of dirt. Feel the gravit of the earth pulling ou. Do this for seven )reaths AND ONLY SE,EN BREATHS! DO NOT DO ANY MORE! YOU CAN E,EN DO AS LITTLE AS -./ BREATHS0 BUT NO MORE THAN SE,EN! 3ou have two options for this e!ercise6 $. 3ou can breathe the earth element back out into the ether after each inhalation and even breath it out some more when ou are finished with the seven breaths /This is the safest wa 0 2. 3ou can retain the earth. .ith retention of the elements" ou will progress faster" understand how each element feels and affects ou and increase our abilit to handle each element" but remember; this is not for ever one. 't is better to take things slower and use caution. Remember to alwa s use common sense. After some $2;24 hours" sit 8uietl and meditate a few minutes on how ou feel after invoking earth. The end of this


IN,OKING AIR3 %it 8uietl and go into a light to medium trance. -ow" imagine ourself in the air. Feel the lightness and breathe in the air element. 't is important to imagine ourself feeling lighter and lighter and air . 'magine that our bod is becoming lighter" as light as air itself to where ou can no longer feel our bod . Feel as if ou are floating. Do this for seven breaths AND ONLY SE,EN BREATHS! DO NOT DO ANY MORE! YOU CAN E,EN DO AS LITTLE AS -./ BREATHS0 BUT NO MORE THAN SE,EN! 3ou have two options for this e!ercise6 $. 3ou can breathe the air back out into the ether after each inhalation and even breath it out some more when ou are finished with the seven breaths /This is the safest wa 0 2. 3ou can retain the air. .ith retention of the elements" ou will progress faster" understand how each element feels and affects ou and increase our abilit to handle each element" but remember; this is not for ever one. 't is better to take things slower and use caution. Remember to alwa s use common sense. After some $2;24 hours" sit 8uietl and meditate a few minutes on how ou feel after invoking air. The air element is used in rituals to incite chaos. Air can over;stimulate the nervous s stem until ou get used to it so it is important to go slowl . 'nvoking air is used for levitation. The end of this


1re% & !ary Me( tat o!s for I!"o# !$ the E%e&e!ts 4 Breath the !a&e of the e%e&e!t w th !3 th s s where yo+ $et !to the wor( 5SENSING 5 the !!er se!ses MHK CH 6 " -7 'n order to reall become adept" one must master the four elements. 3ou must be health to invoke the elements. For those of ou who wish to go slowl " these preliminar meditations can help6 For Fire6 $. %it 8uietl and rela!. 2. :ontemplate a large bonfire. =>ear= the crackling and =feel= the heat" then =smell= the heat. LDo th s for f "e & !+tesM For .ater6 $. %it 8uietl and rela!. 2. :ontemplate ourself wading in water. This can be a lake" the river or the ocean. =Feel= the water" =hear= the water and =smell= the water" like ou are actuall there. LDo th s for f "e & !+tesM For 7arth6 $. %it 8uietl and rela!. 2. :ontemplate ourself walking barefoot on the earth. This is best if ou can contemplate ourself walking on soil in a farm field as this is ver close to the element of earth. =Feel= the soil under our bare feet and =hear= and =feel= the light bree)e through the air and =smell= the earth. LDo th s for f "e & !+tesM


For Air6 $. %it 8uietl and rela!. 2. :ontemplate ourself walking against the wind. =Feel= the wind blow against our skin and the roar of the wind in our ears. =%mell= the fresh air as it blows against ou. Feel each step walking into the wind. LDo th s for f "e & !+tes8 -e!t %tep for Fire6 $. %it 8uietl and rela!. :ontemplate ourself walking through the desert. =Feel= the searing heat and the dr hot wind in the scorching environment. Feel the sand beneath our feet and our bod growing hotter. 9Do these e:er* se for three to fo+r & !+tes a!( !o %o!$erM -e!t %tep for .ater6 $. %it 8uietl and rela!. :ontemplate ourself in a cold environment. Feel ourself getting cold. Feel the cold wind blow on our skin. For those of ou who know snow /some brothers and sisters live in tropical environments" so not ever one has e!perienced snow0" contemplate ourself in snow and ice. >ear the crunching of the snow beneath our feet. For those of ou who have never e!perienced snow; +ust contemplate ourself in a cold environment and use all of our astral senses. 9Do these e:er* se for three to fo+r & !+tes a!( !o %o!$erM .hat the above e!ercises do6 'n addition to strengthening our astral senses" these e!ercises will introduce ou to working with the four elements of earth" air" fire and water. & invoking these elements" we can strengthen ourselves to where we will be able to withstand incredible amounts of


heat" cold and other e!tremes. 'nvoking and directing fire is a ver important aspect of p rokinesis. .ith invoking the fire element" we can keep warm or with the water element" cool if circumstances call for this. 'nvocation of fire is how the Tibetan monks spent the nights of their initiation in the ice cold mountains" naked under in a wet sheet in a snow storm. 'n the morning" if the initiate passed" the sheet was warm and dr and the snow and ice were melted in the surrounding area. The end of this

Deta& +e"t B this comes with meditation! "hat happens with consistent meditation, one is not affected by one s environment li%e others who do not meditateC For e1ample, in emergency situations, the mediator is able to remain detached and %eep a cool head! 9ne does not get rattledD upset! Gate/s B @ha%ras Go(' Go(s B The =ods are code)words for the @ha%ras! 5=od5 is a code word for the self Hea)e" B the crown cha%ra MHK CH 0 ) 14 Hell B the 7ase4 The base cha%ra is the seat of the serpent Eundalini and is hot when activated! MHK CH 0 ) 14 Pra#/Pra#er B either telepathic communication with Allah or reciting a mantraDwords of power to accomplish a goal P!ri$i&atio" B @leaning one s auraDhalo before a ritual or wor%ing! This helps in having a freer flow of energy to accomplish the goal! The aura is cleansed of any conflicting energies that act to impede the new energy! S!rre"(er B this means during meditation, one needs to totally rela1 and let go to access the feminine partDwisdom of the soul and brain! Also) this is important after doing a wor%ing) #ust let go and do not dwell on the outcome, as worry, etc!, hampers the energy! 2ors i% B Meditation, total focus upon an ob#ect, mantra, attribute, etc!, to achieve a goal!


Hol# Breat 2ill 3 focus

B prana

How to Clea" 4o!r A!ra @leaning your aura is essential for spiritual hygiene! 7y cleaning your aura on a daily basis, you protect yourself against psychic attac%s and illnesses! A clean aura is charismatic and will encourage better relations with others! People will naturally be more considerate and grant favors to one whose aura is clean and radiating with energy! Here is where we influence people and get them to do as we wish! @leaning the aura only ta%es a few minutes a day and is well worth it! "hen one is ill, depressed the aura is dirty and can ta%e many meditations to clean! "hat is within reflects in one0s aura! The light is in the aura! The soul needs light in order to have power, that0s where people tal%s about they see a halo on top of someone head! MHK CH 56 ) 7 'deally, one should clean the aura twice a day) upon awa%ing and before falling asleep at night! @leaning your aura before you go to sleep is essential! The more people you come into contact with throughout the day, the more thought forms and energy will attach to your astral body and result in problems! People0s astral bodies intermingle on a daily basis! >i%e viruses and physical germs, the astral body pic%s up energy! To &lea" #o!r a!raF! Aisuali(e a bright light all over yourself! Hold this for one or more minutes! 't doesn0t ta%e very long! G! :ow, contemplate the light even brighter and more intensified on each of your cha%ras, li%e a miniature sun! That0s all there is to it! 'f you notice your aura or cha%ras are dirty, repeat the process! This e1ercise can alert you to any negative energy or psychic attac%s and prevent them from manifesting!
The end of this


Bl!e Li* t Me(itatio"/Et er 7lue is also the color of rela1ation! @lose your eyes and rela1 until you can no longer feel your body .trance state/! 7reathe in the color blue and surround yourself with a blue light, then tune into a floating sensation! The blue light helps to achieve this! &ust let go! T is +e(itatio" &a" also ta,e #o! to i* er le)els a"( ot er (i+e"sio"s or &ross t e bor(er li"e at will8

Rea(i"* t e T o!* ts o$ Ot ers a"( Getti"* i"to T eir Hea(s F! =o into a trance G! 'nvo%e the element of etherDA%asha H! @oncentrate on the ;spirit; of the person you wish to read! &ust tune in and the spirit should appear to you The spirit is the light body of the soul and it is #ust the shape of the individual, li%e the auric energy field filled with light! This is different from the astral body that mirrors the physical body, with the distinct head, eyes, features, and so forth! The spirit is only a body of light and in some individuals, it is dar%er! This techniIue should only be used as a guide!



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