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Cat Anatomy Skeletal System

Axial Skeleton Skull Anterior View

1. The premaxillary, nasal and incisors. 2. The maxillary 3. Nasal 4. Frontal Bone 5. Parietal Bone 6. Jugal Bone, zygomatic 7. Temporal Bone

Lateral View

Red-sagittal crest Blue-interparietal bone Green-occipital condyle

Posterior View 1. Premaxillary 2. Maxillary 3. Palatine 4. Vomer 5. Presphenoid 6. Basisphenoid & Alisphenoid 7. Supraoccipital 8. Exoccipital 9. Temporal 10. Right Jugal (Malar) Bone

Lower Jaw-Mandible(Dentary)

condyloid process, molar, premolars, incisors

Vertebral Column

typical vertebra

Prezygapophyses, Postzygapophyses, transverse processes

Cervical Vertebrae

1. Atlas 2. Axis 3-4.Cervical Vertebra

5-7. Transitional Cervical and First Thoracic Vertebrae

Thoracic Vertebrae

1. First Thoracic Vertebra 2. Second Thoracic Vertebra 3. Last Thoracic & First Lumbar Vertebrae

First Thoracic Vertebra

Postzygapophyses, costal facets, demifacets

Second Thoracic Vertebra


Last Thoracic & First Lumbar Vertebrae (Ventral view)

Thoracic Vertebrae and Ribs (Lateral view) Head, Tubercle

First Thoracic Vertebra (Anterior view)

Lumbar Vertebrae

Prezygapophyses, postzygapophyses

Sacrum (Lateral view)

innominate bone Prezygapophyses postzygapophyses

Sacrum (Dorsal view)

Sacrum and Caudal Vertebrae (Dorsal view)

Appendicular Skeleton - Forelimb and girdle 1. Scapula 2. Humerus 3-4. Radius and Ulna

Scapula (left & right) (Lateral view)

acromion, metacromion

Scapula (left & right) (Dorsal view)

acromion, glenoid fossa

Humerus (Anterior view)

(Posterior view)

Pectoral ridge, deltoid ridge, supracondylar foramen

Radius and Ulna (Lateral view)

Left Wrist (Anterior view)

Left Hind limb & Girdle

1. Left & Right Innominate Bones 2. Femur 3. Tibia 4. Fibula

Left & Right Innominate Bones

1. Ileum 2. Pubis 3. ischium

ishial tuberosities Acetabulum pubic symphysis iliac crests

Right Femur (Anterior view) Left Femur (Posterior view)

Left Tibia (Anterior view) Right Tibia (Posterior view)

Left & Right Fibula (Lateral view)

Left Paw & Ankle

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