7 Lwbk405-Pathophysiology-Index

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Subject: Medical Sciences Book Index: Pathophysiology-Index Style: Chicago Manual of Style, Indented

A Abdo inal ao!tic aneu!ys , "#$, "#%&"#' Abdo inal obesity, $(( Abdo inal pain, )#) Abno! al ute!ine bleeding, $'"&$') AB* inco patibility, +#" Absence sei,u!es, )($ Abso!ption atelectasis, #(Accesso!y o!gans, functions of, )"' Accesso!y !ep!oducti.e glands, $%$ Acco odation, alte!ations in, $+) Achalasia, )#( Acid-base balance, -$ changes in, $"% diso!de!s of, %$&'" Acid-base i balance, pathophysiologic changes, %+ Acide ia, %+ Acidosis, %+ a!te!ial blood gas .alues, %$t diabetic, %-, '(, )$/ etabolic, %$, %%, %', '", #+$ !espi!ato!y, %/, "'(, #(', #"", ##', #)% signs of, %Acne, $$'&$/# diagnosis and t!eat ent of, $/" lesions de.elop ent, $/(i Ac0ui!ed i unity, +)) Ac0ui!ed i unodeficiency synd!o e, "), +)'&++# diagnosis and t!eat ent of, ++" infections and neoplas s in, +)' pathophysiology of, ++( patient ca!e, ++" t!ans ission, p!e.ention of, ++# Ac!o egaly, +%)&+%+ Acute ad!enal insufficiency1 See Ad!enal c!isis Acute angle-closu!e glauco a, $$( Acute cholecystitis, )#+

Acute co!ona!y synd!o es causes of, "#' diagnosis of, ")# ultisyste effects of, ")" pathophysiology of, "#', ")(, ")# signs and sy pto s of, ")# t!eat ent of, ")#&")), ")+&")$i, ")/ Acute glo e!uloneph!itis, $#$ Acute hypopa!athy!oidis , +'+ Acute idiopathic polyneu!itis1 See 2uillain-Ba!!3 synd!o e Acute infectious diseases, $)" Acute infecti.e tubulointe!stitial neph!itis1 See Acute pyeloneph!itis Acute leuke ia, )/t Acute panc!eatitis, )$$&)$% Acute pe!ica!ditis, "%# Acute postst!eptococcal glo e!uloneph!itis1 See Acute glo e!uloneph!itis Acute pyeloneph!itis, $('&$"( p!e.ention of, $"" Acute !enal failu!e, $"(&$"/ diagnosis and t!eat ent of, $"+&$"$ ultisyste effects of, $"#, $") pathophysiology of, $""&$"+ patient ca!e, $"$&$"/ Acute !espi!ato!y dist!ess synd!o e, #('&#") causes of, #(' diagnosis of, #(', #"" effect on body, #"#, #") patient ca!e, #"", #"# p!ocess and p!og!ess of, #"(i t!eat ent of, #"" Acute !espi!ato!y failu!e, #")&#"/ causes of, #") diagnosis and t!eat ent of, #"$ effect on body, #"+ signs and sy pto s of, #"), #"$ Acute tubula! nec!osis, $"/&$"% diagnosis of, $"/ patient ca!e, $"-&$"% t!eat ent of, $"/&$"Acute tubulointe!stitial neph!itis1 See Acute tubula! nec!osis Acyanotic defect, "#$ Addisonian c!isis1 See Ad!enal c!isis Addison4s disease, +//&+/' Adenoid hype!plasia, /"%t Adeno atous polyps, )/# Ad!enal ca!cino as, +-"

Ad!enal c!isis, +/-i Ad!enal hypofunction, +//&+/' diagnosis of, +/%&+/' patient ca!e, +/' p!i a!y5seconda!y, +// signs and sy pto s of, +/% t!eat ent of, +/' Adult cho!ea1 See 6untington7s disease Age-!elated acula! degene!ation1 See Macula! degene!ation Aging biological theo!ies of, ' and scle!otic changes, ")Agnosia, #$) Ai!-fluid lock synd!o e, )+Ai! pollution, ") Ai!8ays function of, #(+ hype!!esponsi.eness of, #"% Akinesia, #$in Pa!kinson4s disease, #'' Albinis , /"%t Alcoholic ci!!hosis1 See 9a:nnec7s ci!!hosis Aldoste!one deficiency, +/% hype!sec!etion of, +%$ sec!etion of, +/$ Ali enta!y canal, functions of, )"' Alkale ia, %+ Alkaline phosphatase and bone calcification, )/Alkalosis, %+ a!te!ial blood gas .alues in, %$t etaboli, '(&'", )/# !espi!ato!y, %$t, %-, %%, "'(, #(', #++ Alle!gens, ext!insic and int!insic, #"-&#"% Alle!gic diso!de!s, +)%1 See also Alle!gic !eactions Alle!gic g!anulo atosis angiitis, +/(t Alle!gic pu!pu!a, +"-&+"% Alle!gic !eactions angioede a1 See Angioede a u!tica!ia1 See ;!tica!ia Alle!gic !hinitis, ++#&++) Alloi une !eactions, +)' Aloset!on, )$" Al.eola! capilla!y e b!ane, #($ Al.eola! collapse, #++ Al.eola! .entilation and .entilation-pe!fusion !atio, #++

Al,hei e!4s disease, #/)&#/$ abno! al cellula! st!uctu!es in, #//&#/-i cause of, #/)&#/+ diagnosis and t!eat ent of, #/+ A blyopia, /"%t A eno!!hea, $')&$'+ A e!ican Cance! Society guidelines, "/, #), #+&#$t A nestic de entia, #$+ A yloidosis, /"%&/"'t A yloid pla0ues, #//i A yot!ophic late!al scle!osis, #/$&#/% causes of, #/$ t!eat ent of, #/% Anaphylactic shock, "%%, "%' Anaphylactoid pu!pu!a, +"Anaphylaxis, ++)&++$, ++/&++-i Anaplasia, "%i And!ogen deficiency, +/%, $%% Ane ia aplastic, +('&+"( cance! and, #" folic acid and, ""% folic acid deficiency, +""&+"# i!on deficiency, +"#&+") pe!nicious, )/#, +")&+"/ sickle cell, ""', "## side!oblastic, +"/&+"Aneu!ys causes of, "#+ int!ac!anial, #%%&#'" locations of, co on, "#$ types of, "#+ Angina, ")# in co!ona!y a!te!y disease, "/) types of, "// Anginal e0ui.alent, "/) Angioede a, +$%&+$' Angiotensin, "-( Angiotensin-con.e!ting en,y e inhibito!, ")/ doses fo! elde!ly patient, "-# Ankle-b!anchial index, ")Ankylosing spondylitis, /"'t Ano!exia, )"' Ante!io! pituita!y ho! one, sec!etion of, +'$ Antibody-dependent cytotoxicity, +)% Anticholine!gic b!onchodilato!, ##"

Antidiu!etic ho! one, +/), +/$ blood p!essu!e !egulation by, "-$ insufficiency of, +-) Antigenicity, +)+ Antigens binding to Ig< antibodies, +++ dest!uction of, ++/ i une !esponses of, +)+ Antihista ines, ++) Anti ic!obial d!ugs, $-t Antithy!oid the!apy, +'" Antybody in glo e!ula! capilla!y 8all, $#/ Anulus fib!osus, !uptu!e of, )%" Ao!ta, "#+ bifu!cation of, ")%t coa!ctation of, "/(&"/# insufficiency of, "'%, "'', #(( stenosis of, "'%, "'', #(( Ao!tic a!ch synd!o e1 See =akayasu7s a!te!itis Apathetic thy!otoxicosis, +'" Aphasia, #$) Aplastic ane ias, +('&+"( Apneustic cente!s, sti ulation of, #($ Apolipop!otein <, utation in, "/# Apoptosis, "( Appendicitis, )#) A0ueous hu o!, no! al flo8 of, $$(i A!achnoiditis, $)" A!ousal definition of, #+' diso!de!, $%'&$'( stages of alte!ed, #$#, #$)t A!!hyth ias, "+#&"+) causes of, "+#, "$" types of, "++&"$(t A!te!ial blood gas analysis, %$t in acute !espi!ato!y dist!ess synd!o e, #(' in acute !espi!ato!y failu!e, #"$ in asth a, ##( in ch!onic b!onchitis, ##$ in co! pul onale, ##in e physe a, #)# in 2uillain-Ba!!3 synd!o e, #-/&#-in lung cance!, #"in pul ona!y ede a, #)% in pul ona!y e bolis , #+(

in !espi!ato!y dist!ess synd!o e of ne8bo!n, #+$ in shock, "'( A!te!ial e boli, "#/ A!te!ial occlusi.e disease diagnosis of, ")signs and sy pto s of, ")t!eat ent of, ")-, ")' types of, ")%t A!te!ial 8all, dilation of, "#+ A!te!iog!aphy of pe!iphe!al a!te!y disease, ")A!te!io.enous alfo! ations, #/%&#/' A!th!itic joint ca!e, )'( A!ticula! ca!tilage dest!uction of, )%(, )%% loss of, )%% Asbestosis, #"/&#"Ascites, t!eat ent of, )$) Aseptic eningitis, #'"&#'# Aspe!gillosis, /"'t Asth a, #"-&### b!onchiole in, ##(i causes of, #"-&#"% diagnosis of, ##(&##" pathophysiology of, #"%, #"'i p!e.ention of, ##"i, ##) signs and sy pto s of, #"%, #"', ##( t!eat ent of, ##"&### Astig atis , $+$ Asystole, "$(t, "$"t Ataxic CP, #-#t Atelectasis, #(Athe!oscle!osis co!ona!y a!te!y disease p!og!ession in, "/#, "/+&"/$i definition of, )"" and hype!tension, "-+ pla0ue in, "#' Athetoid CP, #-#t Atonic sei,u!es, )($ Atopic de! atitis, ++$, ++% At!ial balloon septosto y, "'At!ial fib!illation, "+/&"+-t At!ial flutte!, "++&"+$t At!ial nat!iu!etic facto!, "-" At!ial septal defect, ")'&"+" t!eat ent of, "+(&"+" types of, "+(

At!ophy, /, )/'&)-(1 See also Macula! degene!ation Auscultation, )+of chest, #"), #)) in pul ona!y e bolis , #+( in .al.ula! hea!t disease, "'%t Autoantibodies, +)+ Autoi une disease, )#$ Autoi une hepatitis, ))Autoi une !eactions, +)%&+)' Auto aticity, alte!ed, "$" Autono ic dys!eflexia, )(% Autono ic ne!.ous syste , #+', #$" Auto!egulation of blood p!essu!e, "-$ Autoso al diso!de!s, '/ Autoso al do inant inhe!itance, '%i Autoso al inhe!itance, '+ Autoso al !ecessi.e inhe!itance, '%i Autoso al !ecessi.e polycystic kidney disease1 See Polycystic kidney disease Autoso es, '# A> block fi!st-deg!ee, "+/&"+-t second-deg!ee, "+/&"+%t thi!d-deg!ee, "+%&"+'t Axon de yelination, spo!adic patches of, #'+ B Bacte!e ia, #'" Bacte!ia, +' da aging tissue, $"i g!a -positi.e and g!a -negati.e, $# shapes, $(i Bacte!ia flo8 cha!t, $# Bacte!ial endoca!ditis1 See <ndoca!ditis Ba!d <ndoCinch syste , ))$ Basal cell ca!cino a, )/t p!e.ention of, "$ Basal ganglia, sti ulation of, #'' Basila! a!te!y ig!aine, #-'t Basophils, +(', +)Bedso!es1 See P!essu!e ulce!s Beh?et4s synd!o e, +/(t, /"'t Bell4s palsy, #/'&#-( Benign polycythe ia1 See Spu!ious polycythe ia Benign p!ostatic hype!plasia, $'", $'+&$'clinical featu!es of, $'+ diagnosis of, $'$

patient ca!e, $'/&$'p!ostatic enla!ge ent in, $'$i t!eat ent of, $'/ Bilate!al c!ypto!chidis , $'Bladde! congenital ano alies of, $## dysfunction, $")&$)+ function of, $($ p!oble s, anage ent of, #'/ Bladde! cance!, "+, )/t Blasto ycosis, /"'t Blood ci!culating .essels, "#+ functions of, +(Blood flo8 and ca!diac shunt, "#$&"#/ !est!icted, th!ough ao!ta, "/( Blood p!essu!e a8a!eness, )"!eadings, classifying, "-% !egulation in hype!tension, "-$ Blood studies in ch!onic !enal failu!e, $#( in glo e!uloneph!itis, $#in idiopathic th!o bocytopenic pu!pu!a, +#+ in th!o bocytopenia, +#' Blood .essel of a!te!io.enous alfo! ations, #/% da age in hype!tension, "-$, "-$i Blunt t!au a1 See Closed t!au a Bone f!actu!e causes of, )-( classification of, )-# diagnosis of, )-" patient ca!e, )-#&)-) t!eat ent of, )-", )-# Bone a!!o8 cells, physiologic changes in, +(Bone a!!o8 studies in idiopathic th!o bocytopenic pu!pu!a, +#+ in th!o bocytopenia, +#' Bones alte!ations in, )/' de ine!ali,ation of, $"' density of, )/' g!o8th of, )//&)/-, )/' shape and st!uctu!e of, )//

st!ength of, )/' Bo8el changes in C!ohn7s disease, ))"i distu!bances, #'+ t!aining, )$" B!adykinesia, #$B!ain abscess, #'" B!ain attack1 See St!oke B!ain ste , #$( B!onchiectasis, #(-, /#(t B!onchioles, #(+ B!onchiolitis, /#(t B!onchitis ch!onic1 See Ch!onic b!onchitis classification of, ### B!ucellosis, /#(t Bue!ge!4s disease, "+"&"+# Buffe! syste , %+ Bulbou!eth!al glands, $%$ Bu!ns, $/#&$// classifications of, $/#&$/), $/)i 9und-B!o8de! cha!t fo! esti ating, $/-i ultisyse effects of, $/+ @ule of Aines fo! esti ating, $//i Bypass g!aft, ")% C Cachexia, #" Calciu calculi, $)/ Cancellous bone, )// Cance! A e!ican Cance! Society guidelines fo! ea!ly detection, #+ !eco endations fo! cance! p!e.ention, "/ causes of, ""&"# cells7 nuclei, "% cha!acte!istics, "co on, )/&+$ e e!gencies, )(&)"t genetics, "# i unosu!.eillance failu!e in, "#&") initiation, "" p!og!ession of, "" !isk facto!s, ") sc!eening tests biopsy, #$

C= scanning, #+ endoscopy, #+ M@I, #+&#$ P<= scanning, #$ !adioacti.e isotope scanning, #)&#+ tu o! cell a!ke!s, #/&#-t ult!asonog!aphy, #+ B-!ays, #) signs and sy pto s, #"&#) sp!ead of, "', #( t!eat ents, #'&)$ che othe!apy, )#&)+ ho! onal, )$ i unothe!apy, )$ !adiation the!apy, )"&)# su!ge!y, #'&)( .i!al p!oto-oncogenes, "# 8a!ning signs, #) Candidiasis, $-# Capilla!y inju!y, #)Capilla!y p!essu!e, $($&$(/ Ca!bon dioxide, diffusion of, #($ Ca!buncles, $/%&$/' Ca!cinoe b!yonic antigen Ctu o! a!ke!sD, #/&#-t Ca!cinogens, "$ Ca!diac a!!hyth ias1 See A!!hyth ias Ca!diac cathete!i,ation in at!ial septal defect, "+( in ca!dio yopathy, "$%t in coa!ctation, "/" in patent ductus a!te!iosus, "%"&"%# in pul ona!y hype!tension, #+) in tet!alogy of Eallot, "') in t!ansposition of g!eat a!te!ies, "'Ca!diac conduction abno! al, "$" no! al, "$(i Ca!diac en,y es and p!oteins, !elease of, "#/, "#-t Ca!diac uscle cells, / Ca!diac uscles, )/% Ca!diac output, "'" Ca!diac !ehabilitation p!og!a , ")/ Ca!diac shunt left-to-!ight, "#$ !ight-to-left, "#$&"#/ Ca!diac ta ponade, "$#i

causes of, "+) diagnosis of, "$) pathophysiology of, "+) signs and sy pto s of, "+), "$) t!eat ent of, "$) Ca!diogenic shock, "%' causes of, "%%, "%' t!eat ent of, "'"&"'# Ca!dio yopathy causes of, "$+ diagnostic tests in, "$%&"$'t dilated, "$+&"$$ hype!t!ophic, "$$ hype!t!ophic obst!ucti.e, "$$ pathophysiology of, "$+, "$/&"$-i !est!icti.e, "$$ t!eat ent of, "$$, "$/, "$-, "$% Ca!dio.ascula! syste and acute co!ona!y synd!o es, ")" b!anches of, "#+ diso!de!s of, "#-&#() pathophysiologic changes in, "#+&"#Ca!otid a!te!ial syste , ")% Ca!pal tunnel synd!o e, )-)&)-$ c!oss section of 8!ist 8ith, )-+i p!e.ention of, )-$ Ca!tilaginous joints, )/% Caseous nec!osis, "( Cata!act, $+-&$$( congenital, $+% !e o.al techni0ues, $+'i Causalgia1 See Co plex !egional pain synd!o e CF+G =-cell count in 6I>5AIFS, +)' Celiac disease, /#(t Cell aging, % biological theo!ies of, 't facto!s that affect, % Cell cycle cance! and, "/, "', )"&)# che othe!apy4s action in, )+i 8ithin so atic cells, '+ Cell- ediated i une !esponse, "# cytokines, +)ac!ophages, +)$, +)/ natu!al kille! cells, +)/&+)= ly phocytes, +)/

Cell e b!ane, "% Cells adaptation of, / co ponents of, )&+, +i death of, '&"( degene!ation of, % diffe!entiation of, "di.ision of, +&$ functions of, $ g!o8th of, "/ inju!y of, -&% physiology of, ) types of, $&/ Cellulitis, $//&$/% Cent!al cyanosis, #(% Cent!al ne!.ous syste , ", #+' b!ain and spinal co!d of, #$( functions of, #+' ic!oo!ganis ent!y into, #'" Cent!al .enous p!essu!e, "+), "'" Ce!ebellu , #$( Ce!eb!al aneu!ys , "#$ Ce!eb!al a!te!y, )"# Ce!eb!al ede a, #$' Ce!eb!al palsy, #-(&#-) assessing signs of, #-#t patient ca!e, #-#&#-) signs and sy pto s of, #-" t!eat ent of, #-" Ce!eb!ospinal fluid elect!opho!esis, #'$ excessi.e accu ulation of, #%and inc!eased int!ac!anial p!essu!e, #$% Ce!eb!ospinal fluid analysis in 2uillain-Ba!!3 synd!o e, #-/ in @eye4s synd!o e, )(# Ce!eb!o.ascula! accident1 See St!oke Ce!eb!u , #$( Ce!.ical cance!, "+t Ce!.ical cance!, p!e.ention, "+ Ce!.ix, $%/ Che ical sensiti.ity de! atitis, ++' Che o!ecepto!s !esponse to hyd!ogen ion concent!ation, #($, #(Che othe!apy action in cell cycle, )+i ad.e!se effects of, )#, ))

Chest 8all co pliance, diso!de!s affecting, #($ Chla ydiae, $+ Chlo!ide function of, -+, -i balance, -$, -/ Cholecystitis, )#)&)#$ diagnosis and t!eat ent of, )#+ gallstone fo! ation in, )#/&)#-i patient ca!e fo!, )#+&)#$ Chole!a, /#"t Cholestatic diseases, )#$ Ch!o oso al disjunction, "((, "()i Ch!o oso al nondisjunction, "((, "()i Ch!o oso e defects, "(( Ch!onic alcoholis , Ch!onic b!onchitis, ###&##$ changes in, ##+i diagnosis of, ##+&##$ pathophysiology of, ##) t!eat ent of, ##$ Ch!onic const!icti.e pe!ica!ditis, "%#, "%) Ch!onic fatigue, /#"t Ch!onic glo e!uloneph!itis, $#$ Ch!onic hypopa!athy!oidis , +') Ch!onic obst!ucti.e pul ona!y disease, ###&##) AB2 .alues in, #") co! pul onale and, ##$ e physe a1 See < physe a Ch!onic open-angle glauco a optic disk changes in, $$" pathophysiology of, $$( signs and sy pto s of, $$" Ch!onic panc!eatitis, )$/ Ch!onic p!og!essi.e cho!ea1 See 6untington7s disease Ch!onic pyeloneph!itis, $"( Ch!onic !enal failu!e, $"%&$## causes of, $"% diagnosis of, $#( pathophysiology of, $"%&$#( patient ca!e, $#"&$## t!eat ent of, $#(&$#" Ciga!ette s oking, ") Ci!cadian !hyth , +/$ Ci!cle of Hillis, a!te!ial bifu!cation in, #%' Ci!culato!y syste 1 See Ca!dio.ascula! syste Ci!!hosis, )#$&)#'

diagnosis and t!eat ent of, )#% pathophysiology of, )#$, )#/ patient ca!e, )#%&)#' signs and sy pto s of, )#/, )#-&)#% types of, )#$ Ci!!hosis of li.e!, "+ Clea!ance echanis s, #(+ Cleft defo! ities, "(+ Cleft lip, "(#&"(+ Cleft palate, "(#&"(+ Clito!is, $%$ Clonic sei,u!es, )($ Closed head inju!y1 See Concussion Closed pneu otho!ax, #)+&#)$ Closed t!au a, #%( Close-looped obst!uction, )+Clotting in ic!oci!culation, +"% Clubfoot, )-$&)-Coagulati.e nec!osis, "( Coa!ctation of ao!ta, "/(&"/# ICobblestone,J ))"i Coccidioido ycosis, /#"t Cognition alte!ed, #$) definition of, #$# Cogniti.e de entia, #$+ Colonoscopy in ulce!ati.e colitis, )/+ Colo!ado tick fe.e!, /#"t Colo! blindness, $+$&$+/ Co a, #$) Co unicating hyd!ocephalus, #%Co pa!t ent synd!o e, !ecogni,ing, )-) Co pensato!y hype!t!ophy, / Co pensato!y echanis s, ++Co ple ent deficiencies, /#"t Co ple ent syste , +)Co plex !egional pain synd!o e, #-)&#-+ Co p!ession atelectasis, #(Co p!ession neu!opathy, )-) Co puted to og!aphy scan in acute pyeloneph!itis, $"( in eningitis, #') Concussion, #%#&#%)t Conduction, $ deficits, #'+ distu!bances, "$"

Conducti.e loss, $$) Confusion, #$) Congenital ad!enal hype!plasia, +-(&+-", /##t Congenital aganglionic egacolon1 See 6i!schsp!ung7s disease Congenital ano alies of u!ete!, bladde!, and u!eth!a, $##&$#$ Congenital bladde! di.e!ticulu , $#+t Congenital cata!act, $+% Congenital glauco a, $$" Congenital hea!t defect acyanotic defect, "#$ t!ansposition of g!eat a!te!ies1 See =!ansposition of g!eat a!te!ies .ent!icula! septal defect1 See >ent!icula! septal defect Congenital egacolon1 See 6i!schsp!ung7s disease Congenital u!ologic ano alies, $#)&$#$t Conn4s synd!o e1 See P!i a!y hype!aldoste!onis Constipation, )"'&)#(, )$" Consu ption coagulopathy1 See Fisse inated int!a.ascula! coagulation Contact de! atitis, $-(&$-"t Contusion, #%#&#%)t Co!ona!y a!te!y disease causes of, "/# pathophysiology of, "/#&"/) p!e.ention of, "/p!og!ession in athe!oscle!osis, "/+&"/$i signs and sy pto s of, "/) t!eat ent of, "/), "// Co!ona.i!uses, #+/ Co! pul onale, ##$&##% causes of, ##$, ##/i diagnosis of, ##/&##ea!ly stages and p!og!essi.e, ##/ patient ca!e, ##-, ##% t!eat ent of, ##Co!tical bone, )// Co!ticot!opin deficiency, +'$ sec!etion, +/sti ulation test, +/' Co!tisol deficiency, +/% sec!etion, +/$ Costochond!itis, /##t Coxa plana1 See 9egg-Cal.3-Pe!thes disease C!anial ne!.es, #$" C@<S= synd!o e, $%" C!eut,feldt-Kakob disease, #-+&#-$

diagnosis of, #-+&#-$ ne8 .a!iant of, #-$ C!ohn4s disease, )#'&))# bo8el changes in, ))"i diagnosis and t!eat ent of, ))( patient ca!e, ))"&))# C!o olyn, ++) C!oup, ##%&#)( C!yptococcosis, /##t C!ypto eno!!hea, $%' C!ypto!chidis , $'(&$'", $'-&$'% Cushing4s synd!o e, +-"&+-) Cyanosis, "+(, "%$, #(% Cyanotic defect, "#$ Cystathionine B&synthase, utations in, "/# Cystic fib!osis, "($&"(% affecting body, "(/ causes, "($ co plications, "(diagnosis, "(pathophysiology, "($ signs and sy pto s, "(/&"(special conside!ations, "(% t!eat ent, "(-&"(% Cystinu!ia, $)Cystitis, $(' Cysts1 See also Cystic fib!osis follicula!, /($i g!ossly enla!ged kidneys by, $)+ o.a!ian, /(+&/($ Cytokines, +)Cytoskeleton, "% Cytotoxic d!ugs, ")

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