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SECTION 15510.....................................................................................1

SECTION 15510.....................................................................................3

PART 3 1.1 3 1.2 3 1.3 3 1.$ 3 PART 4 2.1 $

1 Related Descri tion Re!erence o!

GENERAL Documents "or# Standards Su%mittals

2 &aterials !or



C(illed "ater..................................................................................................$ 2.2 &aterials !or Pi e )ittings

Ser'ice.....................................................................................................$ Si*e..........................................................................................................$

)C+ Run outs.................................................................................................$ ,ents Relie! $ PART 5 3.1 5 3.2 Pi e /oint Construction 3 EXECUTION .eneral

Salin Wate C!n"e #i!n C! $! ati!n Pro osed 1ousing Com ound 234051O63R

15510 0 1

Pi es and Pi e )ittings

5 3.3 7 3.$ 9 3d8usting and Testing Installation

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15510 0 2

Pi es and Pi e )ittings

SECTION 15510 PIPES AND PIPE FITTINGS PART 1 1%1 GENERAL RELATED DOCU&ENTS Dra:ings and general ro'isions o! t(e Contract including .eneral Conditions; Conditions o! Particular 3 lication and Di'ision01 S eci!ication Sections s(all a l< to t(e :or# o! t(is section. 1%2 DESCRIPTION OF WOR' )urnis( and install i ing s<stems as indicated on Dra:ings and as s eci!ied (erein; com lete :it( all a urtenances re=uired !or a com lete and o erating s<stem. E>tent o! i es and i e!ittings is s(o:n on Dra:ings. 1%3 REFERENCE STANDARDS 3ll i ing :or# s(all %e er!ormed in strict accordance :it( t(e sti ulations o! t(e local codes; t(e latest 3S3 code !or ressure i ing; or ot(er e=ui'alent International Standards and Sound Practice. 1%4 SU(&ITTALS Su%mit t(e !ollo:ing in accordance :it( t(e conditions o! t(e contract and Di'ision01 s eci!ication sections? 1.$.1 P !)*+t Data, &anu!acturer@s roduct data; including lace o! origin; rinted tec(nical literature; installation instructions and catalog cuts !or eac( t< e o! i e and i e !itting. S+-e)*le, Su%mit a i ing sc(edule s(o:ing; i e or tu%e :eig(t; !itting t< e and 8oint t< e !or eac( i ing s<stem. Wel)e .# Ce ti/i+ate, Signed %< Contractor certi!<ing t(at :elders com l< :it( re=uirements o! ES No. A17 B"elder Cuali!icationB. Ce ti/i+ati!n !/ C!0$lian+e, T(e Contractor s(all ro'ide all certi!icates re=uired !or demonstrating roo! o! com liance t(e materials :it( s eci!ied re=uirements outlined (erein.

1.$.2 1.$.3 1.$.$

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Pi es and Pi e )ittings


In case o! using t(e mec(anical groo'ed met(od !or 8ointing i es; a list o! groo'ing e=ui ment must %e su%mitted. Tools must %e manu!actured %< t(e same manu!acturer o! t(e cou lings and !ittings. PRODUCTS 3ll i es and !ittings s(all %e seamless t< e; cast stam or roll manu!acturer@s name on eac( i e lengt( and cast stam or roll manu!acturer@s s<m%ol and ressure rating on eac( !itting. In case o! using t(e groo'ed 8oints; !ittings and cou lings s(all %e cast o! ductile or mallea%le iron. 1ousings and !ittings s(all %e (ot di gal'ani*ed.


2%1 2.1.1

&ATERIALS FOR PIPES Ser'ice s(all %e !a%ricated !rom t(e !ollo:ing? &ate ial Steel Co er Co er Steel Steel T1$e 6lac# So!t 1ard .al'ani*ed 6lac# Weig-t Sc(edule $0 T< e 4 T< e 5 Sc(edule $0 Sc(edule $0

C(illed "ater )an Coil "ater Run outs Re!rigerant Drains ,ents - Relie!s 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.$

.al'ani*ed steel i e s(all %e (ot di ed gal'ani*ed. 3ll co er tu%ing s(all %e not less t(an AA.AD ure co con!orm to 3ST& 6 99. er and s(all

3ll steel i e 50 mm to E00 mm inside s(all con!orm to t(e re=uirements o! 3ST& 3 53. &ATERIALS FOR PIPE FITTINGS )ittings s(all con!orm to t(e 3NSI S eci!ications and to t(e !ollo:ing? &ate ial &allea%le Iron "roug(t Steel &allea%le Iron "roug(t Co er Steel .al'ani*ed T1$e Scre:ed "elded .roo'ed S:eat "elding Scre:ed Weig-t Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard


C(illed :ater C(illed :ater 3lternati'e C(illed "ater )C+ Run outs ,ents - Relie! Drains 2.2.1

+ to 50 mm O'er 50 mm O'er 50 mm 3ll 3ll 3ll

)ittings !or co er tu%ing s(all %e integral solder ring !ittings as manu!actured %< I&I For#s(ire or a ro'ed e=ual. 3ll solder !or co er
15510 0 $ Pi es and Pi e )ittings

Salin Wate C!n"e #i!n C! $! ati!n Pro osed 1ousing Com ound 234051O63R

tu%ing s(all (a'e a melting oint o! not less t(an 115GC com osed o! A$D tin and $D antimon<. 3ll standard :eig(t !ittings s(all %e rated !or continuous ser'ice at 1035 #Pa at 110GC. 3ll co er !ittings s(all %e rated !or continuous ser'ice at 1035 #Pa at 110GC. 2.2.2 )langes s(all %e cast iron eit(er com anion t< e or :elding nec# t< e; rated continuous ser'ice at 1035 #Pa at 110GC. )or groo'ed i e end s<stem; !langed ada ters s(all %e cast o! ductile Iron 3NSI 125; 150 or 300 according to a lication. Pi$e Si2e + to 90 mm 100 mm to 200 mm 250 mm to 350 mm $00 mm to E00 mm 2.2.3 N!% !/ (!lt# $ 9 12 2$ Flange Dia0ete 1E mm diameter 1A mm diameter 2$ mm diameter 30 mm diameter

.as#ets s(all %e non0as%estos 1.5 mm t(ic#ness as er 3NSI 6 1E.21. )or groo'ed s<stem gas#ets s(all %e as er manu!acturer recommendations; t(e< must %e su lied %< t(e same manu!acturer o! cou lings and !ittings. 6olts s(all %e c(rome0mol<%denum %olt stud; 3ST& 3 1A3 .rade 6 7. T(readed !ull lengt( t(reads; 3NSI 6 1.1. 4engt( s(all %e su!!icient to ro8ect %e<ond nuts t(ree com lete t(reads :(en 8oint is made. )or groo'ed i e s<stems %olts s(all %e *inc lated; (eat0treated; car%on steel trac# (ead :it( a minimum tensile strengt( o! 7E0;000 5 a. Nuts s(all %e car%on steel; 3ST& 3 1A$ .rade 21; (e>agon; (ea'< series. T(reads s(all %e same as !or %olts. Ring s acers and test %lan#s s(all %e ro'ided %et:een !langes :(ere necessar< to isolate e=ui ment !rom t(e i ing s<stem in accordance :it( 6 31.1; C(a ter ,I; Section 137.2.$. Ring s acer to %e re laced :it( %lan#s during (<drostatic testing andHor during c(emical cleaning !or e=ui ment isolation. Si*e and rating to matc( com anion !lange.


2.2.5 2.2.E

PART 3 3%1

EXECUTION GENERAL T(e dra:ings indicated sc(ematicall< t(e si*e and location o! i ing. Pi ing s(all %e set u and do:n and o!!set to meet !ield conditions and coordination %et:een trades :it(out additional cost. PIPE 3OINT CONSTRUCTION S+ e4 3!int#, +se !ull cut t(readed as s(o:n %elo:?

3%2 3.2.1

Salin Wate C!n"e #i!n C! $! ati!n Pro osed 1ousing Com ound 234051O63R

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Pi es and Pi e )ittings

N!0inal Pi$e Si2e 00 20 25 32 40 50

T- ea) $e +0 00 5.5 $.5 $.5 $.5 $.5

(! e Si2e 00 23.02 29.A7 39.10 $3.EE 55.5E

T- ea) Lengt00 1$ 17 19 19.50 1A.50

T- ea) De$t00 1$.2A 17.$E 17.$E 17.$E 23.91

Seal 8oints :it( a ro'ed com ound; a lied to t(e male t(reads onl<; t(e use o! cotton :ic#ing; lam :ic# or caul#ing is ro(i%ited. 3.2.2 Wel)ing 3!int#, "elding i ing in accordance :it( local codes; standard acce ted ractice and t(e 3S&E 6oiler and Pressure ,essel Code. +se onl< :elders =uali!ied in accordance :it( t(ese codes. Re air or re lace an< :or# !ound to %e not in con!ormance :it( t(ese codes. &a#e all :elded 8oints Ie>ce t i e :elded ca s; no**les; long radius el%o:s; eccentric reducers; %ranc( outlets and tees o! a ro'ed ma#e; e>ce t as s eci!ied to t(e contrar< (erein. +se all suc( !ittings o! a t< e; :(ic( maintains !ull :all t(ic#ness at all oints; am le radius and !illets and ro er %e'els at ends o! 37.5J and (as t(e same allo:a%le :or#ing ressure as i e o! t(e same si*e and sc(edule. B"eld0o0letsB ma< %e used :(ere standard !ittings or re=uired si*es are not a'aila%le. .rind cut ie to a 37.5J %e'el. De%urr all ground and cut i e. 3.2.3 C!$$e T*5ing S!l)e 3!int#, Cut end o! tu%ing s=uare and remo'e all %urrs. Clean inside o! !itting and outside o! tu%ing :it( seal :all or emer< clot(. &a#e 8oint :it( non0corrosi'e aste !lu> and A505 antimon< solder. Cored solder s(all not %e ermitted. Ta#e care to re'ent annealing o! !itting and tu%ing. +se sil'er solder :it( a melting oint e>ceeding 5A5oC :(ere noted under t(e s eci!ic i ing s<stems. 3!ter 8oint is soldered; clean o!! e>cess !lu>. Diele+t i+ Fitting#, Install union t(readed or soldered end connection !or t(e i e materials in :(ic( it is installed. Construct union to isolate dissimilar metals; re'ent gal'anic action and corrosion. 3.2.5 &e+-ani+al Pi$e C!*$ling, &ec(anical i e cou lings ma< %e used in lieu o! t(readed; !langed or :elded connections in :ater circulating s<stems not e>ceeding A3GC and 1750 #Pa :or#ing ressure and must meet t(e ressure; tem erature and !le>i%ilit< re=uirements in t(e s<stem in :(ic( t(e< are used. O%tain :ritten aut(ori*ation !rom t(e Engineer !or t(e s eci!ic s<stemIsK a lication. )a%ricate cou ling (ousing o! eit(er mallea%le iron con!orming to 3ST& 30
Salin Wate C!n"e #i!n C! $! ati!n Pro osed 1ousing Com ound 234051O63R


15510 0 E

Pi es and Pi e )ittings

$7 or ductile iron con!orming to 3ST& 3053E. 3ll cou lings s(all %e cast o! ductile iron con!orming to 3ST& 3053E; grade E50$5012 or 3ST& 303A5 or mallea%le iron con!orming to 3ST& 30$7. )or rigid 8oint connection use ,ictaulic groo'ed cou ling st<le 07 *ero !le> :it( angle ad design or a ro'ed e=ual. ,ictaulic st<le 77 or 75 or a ro'ed e=ual s(all %e used :(ere s<stem !le>i%ilit< is re=uired; at um s and mec(anical e=ui ment to reduce 'i%ration; noise and to accommodate !or t(ermal e> ansion and contraction. Construct cou ling gas#et o! s<nt(etic ru%%er. .as#ets must %e manu!actured %< t(e same source !or cou lings and !ittings. .roo'ed cou lings are to (old in lace t(e gas#et :(ic( %ridges t(e i e ends. T(e gas#et is designed to %e ressure res onsi'e; so t(at internal ressure ser'es to increase t(e seal@s :ater tig(tness. T(e cou ling assem%lies are (eld toget(er :it( (eat treated; car%on steel %olts and nuts con!orming :it( a minimum tensile strengt( o! 7E0;000 #Pa. 3ll i e !ittings are to (a'e groo'ed ends; designed to acce t t(e groo'e end mec(anical cou lings and !a%ricated o! mallea%le iron; ductile iron con!orming to 3ST& 3053E grade E50$5012 :it( groo'ed ends; mallea%le iron con!orming to 3ST& 30$7; !orged steel to 3ST& 3023$. 6ranc( outlets 0 1ole cut i e s(all %e ,ictaulic st<le A20; A21; A27 or A2A Ior a ro'ed e=ualK &ec(anical T %ranc( connections :it( locating collar emerging into t(e (ole. .as#ets s(all %e .rade E standard ressure res onsi'e gas#et. Entire cou ling installation s(all %e done in accordance :it( manu!acturer@s u%lis(ed literature. 3!ter com letion o! i e cou ling installation; contractor s(all !urnis( to t(e O:ner@s re resentati'e a signed certi!icate o! com liance :it( manu!acturer@s installation instructions. Cou lings s(all %e standard :eig(t as a minimum re=uirement. 3.2.E 3%3 Flange) 3!int# s(all %e ro'ided :it( a ro'ed t< e gas#et. INSTALLATION Install all i e and i e grou s in straig(t; arallel lines and on common i e rac#s :(ere ossi%le. &a#e all c(anges in direction o! i ing :it( !ittings. &itered !ittings; !ace or !lus( %us(ings; close ni les or street el%o:s are not acce ta%le. Pitc( all :ater lines u :ard in t(e direction o! !lo:; 25 mm in 30 m. Install all circulating :ater s<stems to allo: air to 'ent at (ig( oints and to drain at lo: oints.

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Pi es and Pi e )ittings

Install !loat o erated automatic air 'ents; :it( 'al'es at all (ig( oints. Run disc(arge i e !rom air 'ent to nearest !loor drain or slo e sin#. Install drains; at all lo: oints :it( (ose connection and ca c(ained to 'al'e %od<. +se eccentric reducing !ittings in i ing :(ere re=uired !or ro er o eration o! t(e s<stem. &a#e all i ing connections to coils and e=ui ment :it( o!!0 sets ro'ided :it( a ro'ed scre:ed or :elded; %olted and gas#eted !langes or scre:ed unions; so arranged t(at t(e e=ui ment can %e ser'iced or remo'ed :it(out dismantling t(e i ing. Install i ing to coils; um s and ot(er e=ui ment at !ull line si*e; including 'al'es and strainers. Reduction in line si*e ma< %e made onl< at t(e connection to e=ui ment control 'al'es. Run miscellaneous drains; 'ents; relie!s and o'er!lo:s !rom tan#s; e=ui ment; i ing; relie! 'al'es; um s; etc.; to t(e nearest o en sig(t drain. Pro'ide drain 'al'es :(ene'er re=uired !or com lete drainage o! i ing; including t(e s<stem side o! all um s. Drainage i ing is not to %e run across !loors; :al#:a<s; :or# areas; etc. Coordinate t< e o! drain re=uired and location :it( a ro riate trade. Su ort; anc(or and guide all i ing to com ensate !or e> ansion and contraction and to re'ent undue strains on i ing or a aratus. Pro'ide 30 el%o: s:ings at all %ranc( riser ta#eo!!s to ta#e u e> ansion. 3rrange %ranc(es to ta#e u motion o! riser. Pro'ide domestic :ater connections !rom 'al'ed outlets to an< e=ui ment re=uiring t(e same. Coordinate location and routings :it( ot(er trades. )urnis( and install i e :ells and ressure and !lo: ta ings as directed %< t(e s<stems re=uirements. 3%4 AD3USTING AND TESTING I!; a!ter t(e lant is in o eration; an< coils or ot(er a aratus are strati!ied or air %ound I%< 'acuum or ressureK re0 i e :it( ne:; a ro'ed and necessar< !ittings; air 'ents or 'acuum %rea#ers; at no e>tra cost to Em lo<er. I! connections are concealed in !urring; !loors or ceilings; contractor :ill %ear all e> enses o! remo'ing and restoring construction to its original condition. END OF SECTION 15510

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15510 0 9

Pi es and Pi e )ittings

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