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Bautista-Dizon 1 Emmanuel Bautista-Dizon Mr. Valencich AP Lang/Comp Period 1 April 29, 2013 East of Eden Quote Analysis 1.

. "Samuel was an old man. It was as startling a discovery as the sudden seeing of a ghost. Somehow they had not believed it could happen" (284). Here every child's nightmare comes true when they realize their father has gotten old. Having a father, this quote especially touches me because is highlights how the Hamilton children are realizing that their father has aged tremendously since Una's death, and how my father will age one day, and how I will try and help him when he is old, as did the Hamilton children. This quote is significant because it brings out the character of Tom and the level of care he has for his father, not wanting his father to think his life is essentially over, taking it to another level with his siblings and arguing with them. 2."Adam, Cathy is in Salinas. She owns a whorehouse, the most vicious and depraved in this whole end of the country" (306). This quote represents Cathy's nature as a monster, as she changes her name and manipulates more men. After discovering truth, Adam scurries away, and climbs over the hill. This discovery will change the course of Adam's life, since his confrontation with her sets him free from Cathy's hold. 3."He turned slowly. He smiled at her as a man might smile at a memory. Then he went out and closed the door gently behind him. Kate sat staring at the door. Her eyes were desolate" (326).

Bautista-Dizon 2 Here Adam is finally triumphant over Cathy, demonstrating his ability to leave Cathy in desolation. This triumphant, happy spirited Adam brings a new light in his life, allowing him to have a new beginning to his life and better himself and his relationship with other (his sons). 4. "'I want you to help me get acquainted with my boys. I want to put this place in shape, or maybe sell it or rent it. I'll want to know how much money I have left and what I can do with it'" (333). This new Adam is now taking control of his life and is trying to look at options to make his life better. In context, however, he is asking Lee to stay and help with these subjects, which tells the reader that Adam needs Lee in order to survive essentially, since the topics at hand were all important and life related. 5. "Cal felt pleasantly excited. He has found another implement, another secret tool, to use for any purpose he needed" (338). Cal realizes that Aaron's feelings for his mother give him power over Aaron. This reveals that Cal is much like his mother in that he is manipulative and has the ability to control his subjects, which plays an effect in other chapters. 6. "It's the lie I'm thinking of. It might infect everything. If they ever found out you'd lied to them about this, the true things would suffer" (355). Lee is telling Adam that Adam shouldn't keep the secret of the boys' mother from them any longer. He suggests that Adam tell them the truth in order to avoid future conflict. This the leads to Lee's devastating yet eye opening story. This gives Adam more depth to his thinking and how he should go about his lies with his sons. 7. "'Say velly smaht fella,' he observed quietly.Mebbe go college. Velly wise'" (366).

Bautista-Dizon 3 Lee goes on with the Asian accent so the mechanic can "understand" him. This adds to Lee's character, in that he is very wise and knows when to speak. Basically demonstrates that he is able to manipulate the world around, and knows how to handle certain situations. 8. "By its terms it leaves all money, property, and securities to be divided equally between you and your wife" (372). Here all of Charles' belongings were split between Adam and his wife. This raises questions as to why it is split, but anyhow it causes Adam to visit Kate and give her fair share. 9. "'Yes you're playing a close game with fifty thousand dollars', she said, 'and you're not going to get away with it'" (383). Here Adam brings Kate the letter. To her astonishment, the fifty thousand dollars she will receive isn't a lie. However she believes there is a catch, and thinks Adam is trying to manipulate her, though he's just living up to his morals and being an honest man, causing more pain to Kate. 10. "The house was clean, scrubbed and immaculate, curtains washed, windows polished, but all as a man does it" (397). Tom rejuvenates his house when Dessie decides to live with him. His curtains didn't hang quite straight and there were streaks on his window. This however illuminates Tom's love for his sister. However falls sick but attempts to keep it hidden from Tom. She later dies, which causes Tom into committing suicide due to guilt. 11. "'For Mother's sake-please. I was killed by a horse-thrown and kicked in the head-please! Your brother Tom'" (410). Tom asks his brother to go along with the story that he was killed by a horse in order to not hurt his mother as much from the news that he committed suicide. This leaves everything up in the air as to what is going to come in the later chapters in the story.

Bautista-Dizon 4 12. "Humans are caught in of good and evil" (413). No matter what we do, we humans are measured by other humans. We can be measured, as Steinbeck claims, by the world's reaction to our death. This will be used further in the novel as we have already witnessed Tom and Dessie's death, as well as Charles'. For example, someone humble will be missed more than someone arrogant and manipulative.

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