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SC Immigrant Victim Network

c,o \\CA o Greenille, 00 Augusta Street, Greenille, SC 29605

Phone: 803.50.1200 ,Lnglish x 188, ,Spanish x 199, 1oll lree: 888.852.1900 lax: 803.50.3003

South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network
! #$%&$'( %) *+, -%.*+ /'$%012' 314*1( !5515*'24, 6,*7%$8



Second Quarterly Meeting o the SCIVN Statewide Coalition
December 4, 2009, 1:00-4:00 pm
USC Consortium or Latino Immigration Studies, Columbia, South Carolina

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1he Second Quarterly Meeting o the SCIVN Statewide Coalition was held at the Uniersity o South Carolina`s
Consortium or Latino Immigration Studies in Columbia, South Carolina on December 4, 2009. 1hirty-ie people
representing oer thirty organizations attended ,list o participants below,. 1he meeting began at 1:00 pm and ended
at 3:45 pm. SCIVN sta began the meeting by reiewing the discussion and consensus items deeloped by the
Coalition during the Inaugural Summit o the Statewide Coalition held on August 28, 2009. Coalition members then
reported on the progress made by Coalition partners in the areas o human traicking and abused immigrant children
since the Inaugural Summit. 1he group elected to breakout into working groups on the ollowing ie topics: 1,
outreach to immigrant communities, 2, abused children, 3, domestic iolence, 4, legal serices and law enorcement
education, and 5, human traicking. ,Detailed minutes rom each breakout group are included below., 1he entire
group then reconened to report on the points o consensus and,or desired action items discussed in the breakout

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1he South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network ,SCIVN, is a program o the SC Victim Assistance Network
launched in 2009 and was ounded in partnership with SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center, the Coalition or New
South Carolinians, SC Legal Serices, Catholic Charities Immigration Serices and the South Carolina Coalition
Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. SCIVN was created to sere as a collaboratie network o partners -
including immigrant communities, ictim serice proiders, healthcare and legal proessionals, and law enorcement
agencies - dedicated to working together to better sere immigrant ictims o crime by inding culturally and
linguistically competent resources and proiding direct legal assistance. In order to acilitate open dialogue among
members, the Coalition will hold quarterly meetings in Columbia and work together to deelop a comprehensie
online resource directory. 1he Coalition currently has oer 150 members representing a wide ariety o law
enorcement, goernmental, educational and ictim serice partners, who are listed in a partner directory that will be
aailable to all members and be used as a tool to connect with other serice proiders.

SCIVN is in the process o collecting more comprehensie inormation rom eery agency or serice proider
interested in being listed as a resource on the SCVAN website. 1his is a ree resource accessible and open to
eeryone ,goernmental and non-goernmental organizations, interpreters, counselors, etc.,. All interested proiders
and agencies are asked to submit inormation related to their mission, serices and contact inormation in Lnglish and
any other aailable language. A copy o the general questionnaire and the interpreter questionnaire are included at the
end o this report. Please submit your completed orms in Lnglish and,or Spanish to or

SC Immigrant Victim Network
c,o \\CA o Greenille, 00 Augusta Street, Greenille, SC 29605
Phone: 803.50.1200 ,Lnglish x 188, ,Spanish x 199, 1oll lree: 888.852.1900 lax: 803.50.3003

South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network
! #$%&$'( %) *+, -%.*+ /'$%012' 314*1( !5515*'24, 6,*7%$8


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1he members o the planning committee or this Second Meeting o the Coalition were Patricia Raenhorst, Director
o SCIVN, Adela Mendoza, Program Manager o SCIVN, Michael Gillman, Intern or SCIVN, Laura Armstrong,
Intern or SCIVN, and Myriam 1orres, Director o the Consortium or Latino Immigration Studies, which was the
host or the meeting.

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1he SCIVN Coalition meetings are conducted using the Appreciatie Inquiry ,AI, model o dialogue, which has
proen highly eectie or Coalition members to ind common goals and build isions upon each other`s dreams. AI
is based on the principle o equality o oice - eeryone is asked to speak about their ision o that which is true,
good, and possible. 1o read more about AI, please isit the ollowing website: http:,,,

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Patricia Raenhorst, Director o SCIVN, opened the meeting by welcoming all participants, and asking each person in
the group to introduce themseles. She reinorced the program`s commitment to connect people with aailable
resources, acilitate collaboratie eorts, proide direct legal assistance to immigrant crime ictims and sere as the
oice o immigrant ictims throughout South Carolina.

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!(-,(? 9: !(G91+U.*1-(2 :19/ #1,91 K((+,47D Adela Mendoza and Michael Gillman summarized the report
rom the Inaugural Summit and the online surey distributed to Coalition members, which requested eedback on
the desired meeting schedule and scope o work o the Coalition. ,A copy o the ull report rom the Inaugural
Summit is aailable online at ,
.;<=> V,8+8(1-(D Laura Armstrong spoke briely about SCIVN`s \ahoo! Group Listsere to acilitate continued
collaboration and communication. ,Instructions or signing up or this Listsere are attached.,
.+0+*8 9: <4+(1G1(+(1 P,1()+912D Laura Armstrong and Adela Mendoza reported on the progress o eorts to
identiy qualiied interpreters throughout the state and the deelopment o the questionnaire or interpreters
willing to be listed in the Statewide Directory. 1he group was asked to help identiy additional interpreters and to
contact SCIVN sta i they know o interpreters interested in pursuing urther training or certiication.
S*/04 %10::,)O,47D Kelly O`Neill-Bagwell, President o the Lastern Carolina Coalition Against luman
1raicking ,LCCAl1, in Myrtle Beach, SC, reported on the successes made by Coalition partners in the eort to
combat human traicking ,l1,. 1his included a report on LCCAl1`s partnership with the Myrtle Beach
Airport to raise public awareness, Not or Sale SC`s decision to deelop a luman 1raicking Victim Serice`s
Compensation lund, and the outcome o the ollowing networking meetings and training held to increase
awareness and interagency coordination: September 3, 2009 l1 Networking Meeting at Coastal Carolina
Uniersity in Conway, SC, Noember 2009 l1 trainings in llorence, SC, and the Noember 30, 2009 l1
meeting hosted by \alt \ilkins, SC US Attorney, to encourage actie dialogue between ederal, state and local
law enorcement.
RA*8(@ <//,7104+ ;3,6@1(4D Dorothy Killian, Assistant General Counsel or the SC Department o Social
Serices ,DSS,, reported on the progress made by Coalition partners in the eort to improe serices to abused
immigrant children receiing serices rom DSS. 1his included a report on the October 13, 2009 meeting
SC Immigrant Victim Network
c,o \\CA o Greenille, 00 Augusta Street, Greenille, SC 29605
Phone: 803.50.1200 ,Lnglish x 188, ,Spanish x 199, 1oll lree: 888.852.1900 lax: 803.50.3003

South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network
! #$%&$'( %) *+, -%.*+ /'$%012' 314*1( !5515*'24, 6,*7%$8


between DSS, SCIVN, Children`s Law Center, SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center, and the SC Guardian ad Litem
Program and the Noember 16, 2009 meeting between DSS, SCIVN and the Mexican Consulate in Raleigh. An
outcome o these meetings is a commitment by these partners to assist DSS in its eorts to integrate best
practices and protocols or working with immigrant children into its new legal case management system and
training programs. In this eort, these Coalition partners hope to ensure that eery immigrant child that requires
serices rom DSS has meaningul access to competent immigrant legal serices, and that the unique linguistic and
cultural needs o immigrant children be identiied, accounted or and met in a systematic way.

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Participants elected to breakout into ie working groups to discuss the ollowing topics in more depth: 1,
Outreach to Immigrant Communities, 2, Abused Children, 3, Domestic Violence, 4, Law Lnorcement and Legal
Serices Lducation, and 5, luman 1raicking.
Using the Appreciatie Inquiry model o dialogue, group participants urther diided into and pairs and instructed
to select a partner that they did not know. Lach pair spent approximately 20 minutes interiewing each other
using the ollowing two questions:

1. 1ell me about a time when you were ery proud o yoursel or your organization and what were your
skills, knowledge and experiences that made this moment possible
2. 1ell me about one thing that you would like to see achieed relating to the issue being discussed in this
breakout group and what are the resources, skills or knowledge that can help make this possible.

1he pairs then reported back to their breakout group to summarize their discussions and deelop a short
presentation to share in the large group.
Ms. Raenhorst then inited the breakout groups to share points o consensus, action items and needed resources
with the large group. Lach group selected a member to present a summary report o the ideas, experiences, issues
and dreams discussed in their groups. ,A complete list o the ideas presented in the summary reports is included


1he aternoon closed with Ms. Raenhorst discussing possible next steps and encouraging the small groups to select a
person to sere as a taskmaster, networker and,or secretary to acilitate ongoing progress and ocus.
1his report was written by SCIVN sta, Patricia Raenhorst, Adela Mendoza, Laura Armstrong and Michael Gillman,
based on the notes taken during the meeting and the summary reports written by the participants.

SC Immigrant Victim Network
c,o \\CA o Greenille, 00 Augusta Street, Greenille, SC 29605
Phone: 803.50.1200 ,Lnglish x 188, ,Spanish x 199, 1oll lree: 888.852.1900 lax: 803.50.3003

South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network
! #$%&$'( %) *+, -%.*+ /'$%012' 314*1( !5515*'24, 6,*7%$8


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1he notes below are a summary o the paired conersations and the group dialogues centered on the questions
mentioned aboe. Lach idea was expressed on a post-it` note, organized by topic within the breakout groups, and
presented to the entire group.

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lope Blackley, SC Goernor`s Oice, Crime Victim`s Ombudsman, Columbia, SC
Lmily llores, Sexual 1rauma Serices, Columbia, SC
Annette Gloer, Nueo Pacto, Iglesia de Dios, N. Charleston, SC
\ayne Gloer, Nueo Pacto, Iglesia de Dios, N. Charleston, SC
DeAnne K. Messias, SC lispanic,Latino lealth Coalition, Columbia, SC
L. Michael Pinilla, SC Legal Serices, llorence, SC
Josephine Stacey, 1he Dee Norton Low Country Children`s Center, Charleston, SC
Myriam L. 1orres, Consortium or Latino Immigration Studies, USC

Lstablish personal connections to immigrant communities in order to build relationships based on trust and to
educate immigrants about their legal rights,
Sere as ambassadors between law enorcement and immigrants,
Create a lispanic Academy - a air that will oer dierent serice proiders a ehicle to share inormation
releant to the immigrant community and gain a better understanding o its needs. 1his will also be an
opportunity to inole law enorcement and to establish connections and training or actie olunteers and

lighlight programs that work well in communities in order to replicate them in others,
Organizations need to educate one another on what they are doing well and what they oer to help them
locus on one agency at a time,
Lducate the general public about resources and the immigrant population to personally make connections,
LSL classes or immigrants to learn basic skills to interact with law enorcement

Immigrants` ear o law enorcement, institutions and systems,
General disconnect between constituents and immigrant population.

SC Immigrant Victim Network
c,o \\CA o Greenille, 00 Augusta Street, Greenille, SC 29605
Phone: 803.50.1200 ,Lnglish x 188, ,Spanish x 199, 1oll lree: 888.852.1900 lax: 803.50.3003

South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network
! #$%&$'( %) *+, -%.*+ /'$%012' 314*1( !5515*'24, 6,*7%$8


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Connie Anderson, SC Department o Social Serices, Columbia, SC
Dorothy Killian, SC Department o Social Serices, Rock lill, SC
1om LeClair, Children`s Law Center, Columbia, SC
Joy Mandanas, McNair Law lirm, Columbia, SC
Kathleen McLean-1itus, SC Department o Social Serices, Columbia, SC
Sally S. Mintz, SC Guardian ad Litem Program, Columbia, SC
Maite Naraez-Abad, Mexican Consulate, Raleigh, NC
Virginia, Raenel, SC Guardian ad Litem Program, Columbia, SC

Lstablish protocols in conjunction with oreign consulates to systematize competent serices to immigrant
amilies and children that come in contact with DSS.

lost statewide training or all DSS workers and attorneys and open training to other partners,
Be creatie with unding, so as to not be limited by grant speciications,
Gather inormation and establish database regarding how many children rom Latin America come into care by
the DSS and make contacts with respectie country consulates to establish protocols,
Use Mexican consulate as a model or other consulates,
Continue strengthening network among members.

Need urther preparation and inormation or sering immigrant amilies and children.

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Susan Chang, SC Legal Serices, Orangeburg, SC
Karla lischbach, PASOS Program, Columbia, SC
Julie Smithwick-Leone, PASOS Program, Columbia, SC
Nancy \hiteside, Zonta Club o Columbia, Columbia, SC

Lqual access to domestic iolence shelter programs or immigrant women, remoal o linguistic and cultural
barriers to intake and serices

More collaboration between agencies and awareness o agencies,
Creatie solutions to help immigrant ictims get into shelters,
Research to ind best practices to help immigrant ictims,
More awareness o domestic iolence in general,
SC Immigrant Victim Network
c,o \\CA o Greenille, 00 Augusta Street, Greenille, SC 29605
Phone: 803.50.1200 ,Lnglish x 188, ,Spanish x 199, 1oll lree: 888.852.1900 lax: 803.50.3003

South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network
! #$%&$'( %) *+, -%.*+ /'$%012' 314*1( !5515*'24, 6,*7%$8


Obtain inormation rom the Mexican Consulate in Raleigh regarding aailability o unds and serices or
Mexican domestic iolence ictims, i.e. inancial assistance or lights back to Mexico, documentation, etc.
,Contacts at Mexican Consulate are Maite Naraez and Abril 1orres, numbers are 919-54-0524 & 919-54-0046.
Contact SCIVN or emergency numbers.,

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1ammy Besherse, SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center, Columbia, SC
Jada Charley, SC Legal Serices, Greenille, SC
Susan Dunn. ACLU o South Carolina, Charleston, SC
Michael Gillman , SCVAN, SC Immigrant Victim Network, Greenille, SC
Veronica Swain Kunz, SC Victim Assistance Network, Columbia, SC

Lliminate ear that ictims hae o reporting crimes or cooperating with law enorcement
\idespread education o law enorcement on the rights o and beneits aailable to immigrant crime ictims

Gather impact o local law enorcement`s partnership with Immigration and Customs Lnorcement in the
enorcement o immigration laws under the 28,g, program in Beauort and \ork County,
Better general education regarding 28,g, programs and impact they may hae on ictims` willingness to contact
or cooperate with local law enorcement,
Proide more training on human traicking or ront-line law enorcement oicers, especially in Greenille,
Spread awareness about SC Legal Serices in immigrant communities,
Increase culturally,linguistically competent serices,
\ork with courts to implement pro bono requirements or interpreters.

Jada Charley will train sta with legal proceedings,
Use counselors, lawyers, etc., who may be licensed in other countries, as skilled interpreters,
ARC ,Abuse Recoery Serices or Children, has bilingual child therapist.

SC Immigrant Victim Network
c,o \\CA o Greenille, 00 Augusta Street, Greenille, SC 29605
Phone: 803.50.1200 ,Lnglish x 188, ,Spanish x 199, 1oll lree: 888.852.1900 lax: 803.50.3003

South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network
! #$%&$'( %) *+, -%.*+ /'$%012' 314*1( !5515*'24, 6,*7%$8

JX S*/04 %10::,)O,47

Judy A. Barnes, Zonta Club o Columbia, Columbia, SC
Doris Cheek, Zonta Club o Columbia, Columbia, SC
Bonnie Cirrincione, Lastern Carolina Coalition Against luman, Myrtle Beach, SC
Lrnest Dyer, Auxiliary o the Zonta Club o lilton lead Island, lilton lead, SC
Janice Dyer, Zonta Club o lilton lead Island, lilton lead, SC
Ina S. Ldens, Zonta Club o Columbia, Columbia, SC
M.J. lassell, Zonta Club o Columbia, Columbia, SC
Kelly O`Neill-Bagwell, Lastern Carolina Coalition Against luman, Myrtle Beach, SC

1he deelopment o an inter-agency statewide human traicking taskorce that actiely works to educate the
public, inestigate human traicking cases and support identiied ictims o human traicking

Strengthen existing legislation, include stier penalties,
Increase awareness,education o general population, medical people, and law enorcement.

General public does not know how to recognize human traicking nor know o its prealence in SC,
Many human traicking organizations oerlap

SC Immigrant Victim Network
c,o \\CA o Greenille, 00 Augusta Street, Greenille, SC 29605
Phone: 803.50.1200 ,Lnglish x 188, ,Spanish x 199, 1oll lree: 888.852.1900 lax: 803.50.3003

South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network
! #$%&$'( %) *+, -%.*+ /'$%012' 314*1( !5515*'24, 6,*7%$8


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I you would like to be listed as a resource in the South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network`s online Statewide
Resource Directory, please ill out this orm with the appropriate inormation and e-mail the completed orm to Only one orm per organization is necessary, but we do ask that you ill out the orm in
Lnglish, Spanish or any other language in which you can proide interpretation. 1hank you or your support!

Are you a ree-lance interpreter, employee o an interpretation,translation company, or both

Name o Organization or Indiidual:
Address, i applicable:
1elephone Number,s,:
Natie language:

Please list language,s, or interpretation and years o experience interpreting or each language.

Please list all the certiications and training you hae completed ,or are currently pursuing, and date or expected
date o completion. I you are currently pursuing training, please indicate at which stage o the process you are.

Are you interested in receiing inormation about additional certiications

Because SCIVN deals with sensitie and conidential cases, cultural awareness is ery important. \hat
experiences hae you had that would enhance cultural competence while interpreting ,Please limit your response
to 4 sentences.,

In which areas are you most comortable working ,e.g., medical, court, education, etc.,

\hat are your ees or interpretation and translation

\e encourage our partner agencies to adequately compensate competent interpreters, howeer, pro bono serices
are oten needed. Are you willing to proide pro bono serices occasionally

SC Immigrant Victim Network
c,o \\CA o Greenille, 00 Augusta Street, Greenille, SC 29605
Phone: 803.50.1200 ,Lnglish x 188, ,Spanish x 199, 1oll lree: 888.852.1900 lax: 803.50.3003

South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network
! #$%&$'( %) *+, -%.*+ /'$%012' 314*1( !5515*'24, 6,*7%$8


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I you would like to be listed as a resource in the South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network`s online Statewide Resource Directory,
please ill out this orm with the appropriate inormation and email the completed orm to Only one orm per
organization is necessary, but we do ask that you ill out the orm in Lnglish, Spanish or any other language in which you can proide
inormation or serices. loweer, i you are unable to submit your inormation in Spanish, we will be happy to translate the
inormation. <: 29* G19-,@( ,4+(1G1(+0+,94 91 +104860+,94 8(1-,)(8H G6(08( :,66 9*+ +3( <4+(1G1(+(1 Z*(8+,9440,1(M 1hank you or
your support!

Name o Organization or Indiidual Serice Proider:

Category o Serices Proided ,legal, health serices, counseling, shelter, etc.,:

Address, i applicable:
1elephone Number,s,:

Inormation or Key Sta Contact,s,, please include the ollowing inormation
Languages spoken:

Inormation or bilingual sta, please include the ollowing inormation:
Languages spoken:

I you do not hae bilingual sta, please proide inormation about the procedures and resources your organization uses
to proide serices to persons with limited Lnglish proiciency.

Mission Statement - Please include a brie description explaining the purpose o your organization

Serices - Please indicate any serices this organization oers to the immigrant community and a brie description o
those serices i necessary.
SC Immigrant Victim Network
c,o \\CA o Greenille, 00 Augusta Street, Greenille, SC 29605
Phone: 803.50.1200 ,Lnglish x 188, ,Spanish x 199, 1oll lree: 888.852.1900 lax: 803.50.3003

South Carolina Immigrant Victim Network
! #$%&$'( %) *+, -%.*+ /'$%012' 314*1( !5515*'24, 6,*7%$8


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Si desea aparecer en el directorio bilinge de recursos estatales de Carolina del Sur, por aor, complete este ormulario
con toda la inormacin pertinente, y enelo por e-mail Cada organizacin debera llenar slo un
cuestionario. Si es posible, por aor conteste este cuestionario en ingls y espanol o cualquier otro idioma en el que su
organizacin pueda brindar inormacin y,o sericios. Si slo puede contestar en un idioma ya sea ingls o espanol,
nosotros haremos la traduccin con todo gusto. ., (8 *8+(@ 9:1()( 8(1-,),98 @( ,4+(1G1(+0),[4 9 +10@*)),[4H G91
:0-91 66(4( (6 )*(8+,9401,9 @( ,4+\1G1(+(8M Gracias por su colaboracin!

Nombre de la organizacin:

Categora ,legal, salud, consejera, asilos, etc.,:

Correos electrnicos:

Nombres de contactos releantes en su organizacin. Por aor incluya la siguiente inormacin:
Correo electrnico:

Personal bilinge. Por aor incluya la siguiente inormacin:
Correo electrnico:

Si su organizacin no tiene personal bilinge, por aor describa el proceso que utiliza para proeer sericios a personas
con conocimiento limitado del ingls.

Declaracin de misin - Por aor, explique breemente la misin de la organizacin

Sericios - Por aor, indique los sericios que orece la organizacin a la comunidad inmigrante y descrbalos
breemente si desea.

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