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glorious as some would have us to believe. There are some days in our lives that we would just as soon skip. If we had our choice, there would be some days in our lives that we would not choose to live. As Christians, even when we have one of those days, we still have a peace concerning the spiritual dimensions of lives. Even in the not so pleasant times we have the assurance in our hearts that no matter what happens, our salvation is settled. !ut many times, if we are honest, we feel as if life just does not play fair with us. "ife throws us curves from time to time that we don#t know how to handle. There are many words that must be in the vocabulary of the child of $od. %e are going to begin tonight to look at three key words in the life of the Christian. All three of these words are important words because we all have, or will, encounter them in the e&pectations of our lives. 'ftentimes we like to try to handle things ourselves. (nderstand that there are some things that we face that are beyond our ability to handle or control. There are even some issues of life that we cannot even begin to handle on our own. Those are the issues we just have to leave to $od. Actually everything in our life should be handled with $od. %hen difficult time come, we do have a choice in how we handle those times. %e can choose whether we will be) *iscouraged in our Christian walk. Encouraged in our Christian walk. or Courageous in our Christian walk. Tonight we will consider the first of these three key words. %e must choose whether we will be *iscouraged in our Christian walk. I. WE CAN BECOME DISCOURAGED IN OUR CHRISTIAN WALK BECAUSE THE WAY WE ARE GOING GETS DIFFICULT. (Nu !"#$ 21:4% A. I$#&"' B"(& " D)$(*u#&+", B"(&u$" O- T." W&/. It says here in our te&t) +And they journeyed from mount ,or by the way of the -ed sea, to compass the land of Edom) and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way.. /. The path they took was not an easy path. 0. 3. 4. 5. According to historians, the journey from 1ount ,or was probably begun around the time that would correspond to our August 2eptember. That would be the hottest and driest part of the year. The route lay along a rocky, barren plain hemmed in on either side by mountains, and was subject to sandstorms. This wasn#t any 6walk in the park6 so they became discouraged.

0 B. W" C&0 A'$* B"(* " D)$(*u#&+", I0 T." C.#)$1)&0 W&'2 B"(&u$" O- T." W&/. /. Contrary to the 6pie in the sky6 preachers on T7, our walk for the "ord can be difficult at times. 0. 8esus told ,is *isciples in 8ohn /9)33, +These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation) but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.. ;aul encouraged Timothy to endure hardness as good soldiers of 8esus Christ in 0 Timothy 0)3. The e&amples of the early <ew Testament believers reveal that 8esus6 words were certainly true. The !ook of ,ebrews was written to some discouraged 8ewish believers. ,ebrews /=)39>+?or ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of $od, ye might receive the promise.. The same is true for the book of / ;eter. @/ ;eter /)5 A, 0)/B 0/, 3)/4 /5: 4)/, 4)/0 /9, /B, 5)C BD

3. 4. 5.

9. III.

WE CAN BECOME DISCOURAGED IN OUR CHRISTIAN WALK BECAUSE OF THINGS THAT HAPPEN THAT WE DON3T UNDERSTAND. A. T."#" A#" M&0/ E4& 5'"$ I0 S(#)51u#" O- T.*$" W.* B"(& " D)$(*u#&+", B"(&u$" T.)0+$ H&55"0", T.&1 T."/ D),031 U0,"#$1&0,. /. 8ob. 0. 3. B. The *isciples after the death of 8esus. ;aul#s many hardships. 0 Corinthians 4)C B: /0)A /=.

W" C&0 A'$* B"(* " D)$(*u#&+", W."0 T.)0+$ H&55"0 T.&1 W" D*031 U0,"#$1&0,. 1. T.)$ (&0 1&2" &0/ $.&5"$ &0, -*# $: An une&pected illness. An untimely death of a loved one. The loss of a job. A financial setback. A spouse goes bad. 1any other things we might could mention tonight. 2. S* " 1.)0+$ 1* 2""5 )0 )0, &!*u1 1.)$: &. W.&1"6"# I$ H&55"0)0+ T* U$ I$ C* )0+ T* U$ G*, F)'1"#",. / Corinthians /=)/3>+There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man) but $od is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able: but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it..

3 !. (. ,. II. G*, K0*7$ W.&1 W" A#" F&()0+. G*, C&#"$ A!*u1 U$. 1 P"1"# 8:9 A''*7 G*, T* G"1 T." G'*#/ I0 Y*u# T#)&'$.

WE CAN BECOME DISCOURAGED IN OUR CHRISTIAN WALK BECAUSE OF OTHERS WHO DISCOURAGE US IN FOLLOWING GOD. (Nu !"#$ :2:9% A. I$#&"' B"(& " D)$(*u#&+", B"(&u$" O- O1."#$ W.* D)$(*u#&+", T." . In <umbers 30)A it says, +And wherefore discourage ye the heart of the children of Israel from going over into the land which the "'-* hath given themE. /. 0. 3. 4. 5. 9. The tribes of -euben and $ad determined not to go into the promised land. They chose to settle on East of the 8ordan river. As a result 1oses was concerned that their action would bring discouragement to the rest of the tribes. ,e said, +And wherefore discourage ye the heart of the children of Israel from entering into the land.. <ow, 1oses had good reason for his concern. ,e reminds them of what had taken place earlier with the spies. @7s BF +?or when they went up unto the valley of Eshcol, and saw the land, they discouraged the heart of the children of Israel, that they should not go into the land which the "'-* had given them.. *e /)0C>+%hither shall we go upE our brethren have discouraged our heart, saying, The people is greater and taller than we: the cities are great and walled up to heaven: and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakims there.. B. W" C&0 A'$* B"(* " D)$(*u#&+", I0 T." C.#)$1)&0 W&'2 B"(&u$" O- O1."#$ W.* D)$(*u#&+" U$. /. 'ther believers can and sometimes will discourage us in our walk for $od. 0. 3. The !ible makes it clear that usually when someone turns back from following the "ord, it causes others to turn back. ;eter determined to return to the fishing business after denying the "ord, and he took others with him. 8ohn 0/)0 3 There were together 2imon ;eter, and Thomas called *idymus, and <athanael of Cana in $alilee, and the sons of Gebedee, and two other of his disciples. 2imon ;eter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, %e also go with thee. 4. %hat we do can and will have an impact on others around us.

5. 9.

4 'ften we can become discouraged because of other believers, and if we are not careful, our walk for $od is hindered. $od hates Church dissension. Hou want to know whyE a. !ecause it is wicked and goes against the idea of the Church. b. !ecause people get caught up in it and get discouraged and sometimes Iuit because of other believers.

1ay $od help us not to be discouraging to others. C*0('u$)*0 %e Can !ecome *iscouraged In 'ur Christian %alk) !ecause The %ay %e Are $oing $ets *ifficult. !ecause Things ,appen That %e *on#t (nderstand. !ecause 'thers *iscourage (s In ?ollowing $od. $od in ,is infinite wisdom created each of us with the power to make choices. That means that although there are many situations and circumstances that we cannot control, we get to decide how we will react to the circumstances of life. %e decide whether or not we will become discouraged. Tonight I want to challenge you to choose to trust in $od and find the strength that only comes from ,im to be able to continue in the wayJregardless of the obstacles that are placed in our path. %e don6t have to be discouragedK Along with that challenge, may we also realiLe that we cannot help but have an impact upon those around us. 1ay the "ord empower us to live for ,im in such a way that we would not be a discouragement to othersK

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